
Permission to delete locked threads / Deleting locked threads?

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Man I didn't think that OT is actually getting more serious holy flakes, butttt here's something that kind of must be changed.

At first you may be wondering why, because with locked threads you can't post anything.

However you CAN see locked threads when you're clicking on a link of that thread and there also might be a good chance that you just to delete that thread permanently or make it only accessible to administrators or so..

A) Because of you finding threads thaat embarrassing.

B) It's actually damaging yourself. (Contains very dark topics, like sex or abuse or suicide)

To me though, unfortunately getting the ladder result.

FEBRUARY 6TH, 2024 5:20 P.M.

I tried to see a random thread that I made, that Corne locked and it literally contained an image about me pointing a gun at my face just like watching this pic right in front of my literal eyeballs.

And then I suddenly get horrid flashback of just looking at this like as if it's Akira not being able to remove this memory, just because it was THAT BAD!

I feel like sometimes when threads like this go so horribly wrong, it MUST BE DELETED ENTIRELY!!!

Seeing that past of me was like Leafy seeing Evil Leafy.

My past self makes me now feel so wrong on so many different levels.

So I'd suggest that the ot users can delete their own threads, when they want to request the admins to delete it.

And also if some threads can suddenly just go get absolutely derailed, to the point where it is literally hurting the ot users feelings, that it must be deleted!

I may sound serious right now, but I really do not like my locked threads, especially that one that I had just witnessed watching that dreadful image for 3 seconds. ;_;
his everything
most of the disturbing threads that get locks are also wastelanded which means that only moderators can see them

it's kind of weird that the locked thread remain still even though nobody is posting on them lol

Anaxii wrote:

most of the disturbing threads that get locks are also wastelanded which means that only moderators can see them

it's kind of weird that the locked thread remain still even though nobody is posting on them lol
it's for preservation purposes I think
his everything

B0ii wrote:

Anaxii wrote:

most of the disturbing threads that get locks are also wastelanded which means that only moderators can see them

it's kind of weird that the locked thread remain still even though nobody is posting on them lol
it's for preservation purposes I think
what does it mean?
his everything

Serraionga wrote:

this thread has unlocked a memory
7 years ago... i was so young before
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Hmmmm... I wonder what the others will have to say about this change.

I could see potential for that one, in order to most likely wipe off the past, in case if it's something that shouldn't normally be talked about ot or other sub-forums, especially with unsettling topics.

It could also be useful, if the user has an active fan-base with at least a few fans or more and if the users constantly remind them about their horrifying past, although this may have a bad side effect of the bad users getting away by purposefully breaking the rules and then requesting GMT's to delete it, but I don't think that the GMT's will just let that bad guy slide away with anything...
You can request your post(s) to be removed or altered. You can do this by reporting or by contacting a member of the GMT. Just because it wasnt changed then doesnt mean it cant be altered, if not removed.

Edit 1: Some locked threads can be used to teach people about the rules. I.e. when someone asks for a beatmap request it can sway some to not post because they can see it and thus know not to do so.

Edit 2: If your post contains information that an be used to identify you then you have a privacy right to have it removed. It may not be wastelanded but it will be edited to no have that information anymore.
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Blushing wrote:

You can request your post(s) to be removed or altered. You can do this by reporting or by contacting a member of the GMT. Just because it wasnt changed then doesnt mean it cant be altered, if not removed.

Edit 1: Some locked threads can be used to teach people about the rules. I.e. when someone asks for a beatmap request it can sway some to not post because they can see it and thus know not to do so.

Edit 2: If your post contains information that an be used to identify you then you have a privacy right to have it removed. It may not be wastelanded but it will be edited to no have that information anymore.
I didn't really know about that, thanks for the information!

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

Blushing wrote:

I said somethings. I popped off. Slay, queen.
I didn't really know about that, thanks for the information!
At some point in my osu! career I will write a compendium of things that the average osu! user probably doesnt know about because everything is locked behind either superfluous walls or an obscure wiki.
hmm, so you're saying you want threads that are not supposed to be here gone instead?
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Stefan wrote:

hmm, so you're saying you want threads that are not supposed to be here gone instead?
well in order for a thread to be gone, the thread would have obviously took a huge nosedive.

In fact when I'd try to talk about the locked threads that might aswell be deleted, I'd say that 99% of the locked threads wouldn't get deleted.

But rather that 1% of deleted threads that has like gone so wrong and so bad and sooooo disgusting!

And not really the ones that are like shitpost threads that get locked.

But there might be some threads of OT and also other forums that probably should get deleted, because of really dark stuff...

Because it's like so abhorrendly dark.


I think I might have just wasted that thread. ;_;

Also idk about that whole delting locked threads thing yet...

I'd probably not get into the idea of admins deleting locked threads any further if it's actually causing harm for the community, because idk propaganda or something.. .-.

Buuuuuuuuttt hmmmmm... I would kind of like to talk about the permission thing of deleting their own threads...

I'm sorry for just turning OT into a weird mess. ;;;___;;;

It's just that I sometimes outright hate my locked threads, because of my off-putting behaviour. ;_;

Stefan wrote:

hmm, so you're saying you want threads that are not supposed to be here gone instead?
No way you're GMT again? Welcome back big guy.
please dont make the rules in OT more strict, I think not being to delete locked threads is totally fine

also i'm sorry but I fucking cant

I mean, all actually bad threads go to wasteland, if it doesn't, either go complain to a gmt in their DMS or just try to accept it and move on, there is no good way to say this, but honestly in some situations you have to consider growing up lmao

I have really yet to see a damaging thread that was locked and not wastelanded and it should have been wastelanded with no shadow of a doubt

Patatitta wrote:

please dont make the rules in OT more strict, I think not being to delete locked threads is totally fine

also i'm sorry but I fucking cant

I mean, all actually bad threads go to wasteland, if it doesn't, either go complain to a gmt in their DMS or just try to accept it and move on, there is no good way to say this, but honestly in some situations you have to consider growing up lmao

I have really yet to see a damaging thread that was locked and not wastelanded and it should have been wastelanded with no shadow of a doubt
One of the few times I agree with Patatitta! :o
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Ymir wrote:

Stefan wrote:

hmm, so you're saying you want threads that are not supposed to be here gone instead?
No way you're GMT again? Welcome back big guy.
Wait Stefan's a GMT?

I didn't know about that. ._.

I mostly know him for his 10/10 maps. -w-

im saving this image
Post-removal is already a thing in well… everywhere, at least most places

I would be surprised if there aint one here at all.

Its just that i never requested one cause im fine with my older posts, even if it may be cringe or i regret posting about it or whatever, im just fine with it, cause not much people will probably go through my entirety of my older posts and at the end of the day, this is just a forum in a rhythm game, like most people arent gonna judge you that harshly by a single post, even in your eyes it may be bad or cringe
I just learn for my mistakes and move on from it, not mourn and think about it…
But i can see why it maybe is not fine for some… so yeah…


Anyways, i dont think all locked threads should be nuked as like what boii and blushing said, its good for preserving and people learning about it, other stuff i could add is that not all locked threads are that bad, like what if there was a “good thread” and later on a bunch of necroposters kept spamming the thread and such and made it locked, like its not a thread worthy of a nuke just because a bunch of people necro it.
There are of course still threads that do deserve a nuke instead of a lock in my eyes

such as

spammed posts containing nothing.
age restricted stuff.
attacks on other peeps.

but those kinds of thing are pretty rare, while normal locked posts imo tend to be just posts of people making mistakes and not reading the rules or shiposts going awry etc, etc

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

And also if some threads can suddenly just go get absolutely derailed, to the point where it is literally hurting the ot users feelings, that it must be deleted!
Imma be real, you guys havent derailed much threads at all, at least some newer denizens here are more so dedicated on sticking to the thread compared to older gens, where they will at least make one post dedicated to the topic…

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

But there might be some threads of OT and also other forums that probably should get deleted, because of really dark stuff...

Because it's like so abhorrendly dark.
Define ”dark”

Osu follows this sorta PG-13 rating, where stuff are allowed, as long as it aint too explicit
Most of the posts that you probably see that you consider ”dark” most likely followed the rating and are fine with the mods of here of it staying…
If you cant handle that kind of content, then i dont know what to say…

also owh, where did abraker post here go
You could have reported the thread and if it was really disturbing it would be wastelanded
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I think I was mostly just talking about most of my locked OT threads during the 2022-23 era, because yeah I don't wanna talk about what actually happened during that time period in real life. I really don't. ;_;

But oh well, I wanna request a few of my ot threads to get wastelanded. There was that time where I felt sad and depressed. ;_;

Goshdang it the fact that I'm already an old teenager just getting jumpscared at my old locked threads.

Why do I sometimes act like a pussy? ;_;
yeah I wanted to say, osu! is a PG13 game, as it's any other game. Topics like sex, abuse, or suicide, ARE pg13 in the most part, it's only the graphical depiction of things which gets the 18+ rating

everything in this subforum is tame, it's very, very tame, the moment someone makes a slightly out of place joke it gets instanuked, we musn't go lower than that
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I think I might have to end the discussion of the locked threads thing.

But wait how do threads like these get continued, when the main theme around it tends to end?

MrMcMikey22 wrote:

I think I might have to end the discussion of the locked threads thing.

But wait how do threads like these get continued, when the main theme around it tends to end?
no need to "end" the discussion, just leave it die like every other thread in OT, there is no need to get a single final message to the discussion, as long as people have stuff to say, people will do so, when people run out stuff to say, the thread will die and the conversation will be over
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okay :D
This thread being locked and not deleted would be slightly cruel.

Kobold84 wrote:

This thread being locked and not deleted would be slightly cruel.
Do it
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