-Remi wrote:
Patatitta wrote:
-Remi wrote:
Patatitta wrote:
-Remi wrote:
Patatitta wrote:
[ Sebastian ] wrote:
dPeace wrote:
i'd rather have karma farmers and cancel culture than racist and homophobia tbh
Cancel culture can go fuck off.
still best than racism or homophobia, cancel culture at least is sometimes good, these are never good
Racism on 4chan is just words on a screen, sent by and received by people who don't care about it, cancel culture is potentially life ruining.
I don't know how you made the connection that e-racism is worse.
words on a screen that can potentialy harm people emotionally, most people that get canceled already have wayyyyy more than enough money, since they're mainly popular actors or youtubers.
A canceling isn't really going to ruin your life, both can affect your mental health, but racism affects a lot more people, and cancel culture can sometimes be justified
Depends what type of person you are. If there is someone who is affected by words on a screen (no shame by the way, everyone is different), they probably shouldn't be posting on 4chan. But if you're someone who doesn't care, 4chan is a really fun site.
Who knows, maybe I'm just too desensitised and should get checked.
I mean, that's just saying, we dont want this type of person on 4chan beause we want to make fun of you, that's just not cool
also, justifying racism in any sense is extremely dangerous, we cant just go on say oh, racism is good since everyone here is white, we must recognise as a society that racist thoughts are just not good, we shouldn't look for excuses to be racist
I just want to know what racism is in your eyes, just in case I've misunderstood something.
I go to a school here in Australia which is a majority East and South Asian, and a minority of white. We all make jokes about each others race but we're all good friends.
Is that racism?
Relating it to 4chan, you'll either find that kind of "racism", or you'll find real racists. A key thing to note about real racists, is that they're mostly on a few boards, and there's a good chance they aren't racist in real life, or don't go outside at all.
It's quite easy to enjoy 4chan without seeing this racism too.
racism is attacking someone just because of their race, some people are fine with this, your friends in high school might be fine with it, however, that doesn't mean that everyone is fine with it
online racism is probably worse than just making racist jokes with your IRL friends, as anyone can read it, 4chan at the end of the day is a totally public website, this type of racism is still cyber-bullying, and cant really hurt your mental health ahd self-steem, they dont need to be racist IRL too, because being online still causes harm
it's dangerous to really justify racism, because it's like, oh, if this person is fine with it, I can probably post it this place where most people are fine with this, or, oh, this black friend is okay with this, so I can probably do it with this other black friend, which can be awful
"Just dont go to 4chan" is not a valid argument, people will randomly stumble into 4chan and read that, without knowing about the cesspool that is the site, furthermore, what about lurkers?, everyone posting may say to be white or fine with it, but what about them?
those racist jokes are being read by more than the people that are actively fine with it, they're being read by people who might be hurt by it, and the only way to really fix it is to just not make them, which is just easy
do you have another form of comedy that's equally funny or funnier to you than racism?, yes?, good!, just use that instead, it's not that difficult
it's like, you have 2 public roads, a friend on the other side is going to give you 50$ no matter what path you choose, both roads are the same length and have the same characteristics, however, if you go through the right path, you must punch a random bystander in the face
just dont go through the right, in fact, just remove the right one, because you randomly punch a person that is fine with it, doesn't mean the act is still justified, there is no reason why you would ever need to punch a random person