
Don't look at your screen/keyboard while you type here.

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you gonna loom at the screen/keyboard?

Yes I will.
A little bit.
Only a small peak?
Not at all.
Dude i'm not even gonna type what are you talking about.
Total votes: 89
Topic Starter
whyn djd [ i creat thisa\\thred
bruh what?

okay isk how i am going to so thaut
Huh...... I only feel confusion and regret clicking this topic.
uhm... okay sure, but idk how I'm supposed to type smth meaningful in this thread.
Topic Starter
YOUZ CAN B MEENIG ful in this thread
Joon Yorigami
am I doing it rihgt?
ok i wull tru
i'm slow at typing and i suck at on-the-go proofreading
do you think i am any better?
I don't do that anyways. Well, at least the looking at the keyboard part. I just kinda know where everything is already. i swear I'm not cheating lol.
Zelzatter Zero
wgat us tgus tgread

ngl the text now has a heavy Amogus energy thanks to me mistaking H as G and I as U.

Winnyace wrote:

do you think i am any better?
notice how a lot of my posts have "last edited" because i caught a mistake AFTER i finished typing
or i wanted to added more to my post
this is easy, watch8v?& oinf to write oene rickroll lyric ithout steuggling, never gonna gjve yoh up nevet gknan elet tou gosnw

so, how ways it?
honesrlt i jusr rey ro eemembee where rhe keyw are plaxes

(fucj i did bad here)
Tad Fibonacci
jokes on you I don't look at my keyboard while typing.

You don't even have to touch type to do it.

z0z wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

do you think i am any better?
notice how a lot of my posts have "last edited" because i caught a mistake AFTER i finished typing
or i wanted to added more to my post
same here actually.
Topic Starter

Winnyace wrote:

z0z wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

do you think i am any better?
notice how a lot of my posts have "last edited" because i caught a mistake AFTER i finished typing
or i wanted to added more to my post
same here actually.
youz eople
Joon Yorigami
half of the people here didn't even try lul
lmao yah

Yhuan Debeste wrote:

half of the people here didn't even try lul
well what did you expect?

Winnyace wrote:

z0z wrote:

Winnyace wrote:

do you think i am any better?
notice how a lot of my posts have "last edited" because i caught a mistake AFTER i finished typing
or i wanted to added more to my post
same here actually.
i don't really ever notice the "edited" part on your posts
bruh typing without looking at the ketboarf is easy. spelling the qords cirrwxrlkt would be harder thi. well inless tour a puss and ues baxksapce
damn thats quite the dare tou gor there
sinon mobaile riny noq

(bruh, ok that was supposed to mean “I’m on mobile right now”)
ompissivle to di tjat on mobile nrid'''
hmm. not entirely sure what i'll end up with, but let's give it a good fuckin rtry. pme. twpp. three fpir. fove. six. seven. eight. nine. ten. elevrn. twleve. thirteen. fourteen. fifteen. sixteen. seventeen.eighteen nineteen. twenty. twmty pme/ twemty twp/ twenty three. twmty four. twenty five. twenty six. twemty sevem/ twemty eoght./ twemty mome. tthorty/ throty pme/ thorty tp/ thorty three/ thirty four. thirty five. thirdty six. thirdy seven. thity segiht. thirty nine. forty. forthy one. fourthy two. forty three. forty gout. forty give. forty six. fortyu seven. forty eight forty nine. fifty.
this nbeeds ti get moved toi forums games
You fool, you underestimate the power of touch typing. I've been typing since I was 3 years old. Hahahaha. Bask under my brilliance.

(Cool, moved to FG.)
omg moces to sg
wait, just to make sure, am i typing without BOTH looking a the screen and my keyboard? i've been basically closing my eyes and praying as i feel ouut the keyboad by muscle memory. i seem to do okay, although i'd rather not embarrass myself right now if i did happen to fuck something up while typig this, so... uh, we'll see.
Dude that's insane of how did you type that alnost flawlessly, i will probably never woild be able to do the same ad you. You're doing some indane work rigbt here, godojob
typing without my eyes on the keyboard
I can:5 đó it
i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability. i wil repeat this setence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence tothe bst of my ability,. i will repeat this setnence to the best of my ability. i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability . i will repeat this sentence to the best of my ability.
this thread is av eryvery very very very very very very very good idea thank you op

and no i did not just copy paste the word very just for quality of my post i legitimately typed each "very" out while not looking at my screen please do not kill me i am looking outside at some trees right now through my window

asdfjkl; is a pretty good 8k setup if i have to be honest
Problem is, how am I supposed to not glance at it?
This thread is honestly a fun way to practice your touch typing skills. This thread is honestly a good way to practice your touch typing skills. I love fried chicken so much. I looooovvveeee fried chicken. At this point I'm just typing random sentences lol. Fried chicken from KFC is the beeeesssst.
Topic Starter
i just put keyoard because some people still look at the keybaord like what the hell dude.
This thread is a painful way of me practicing blind typing on mobile. It sucks. It's just so hard to do since you have no idea where the keys are.
0 kam trionh yo yupr on mu krunoead without lookinh fown, for the pirposes of this game, i will not backfpace nay miskraes
I'm free with what you're giý say
how do people type while looking at the keyboard? that;skind of inefficient and just super super duper slow in my opinion
anyone who looks at the keyboard while typing please tell me how you do it

keremaru wrote:

how do people type while looking at the keyboard? that;skind of inefficient and just super super duper slow in my opinion
anyone who looks at the keyboard while typing please tell me how you do it
For me, typing blind is more inefficient because of the amount of typos.
idk what to tupe

fycking 1 2 mispells
banana banana banana banana banana nanana banana
Jacques Chirac
I don(g know what to writz tjere so ok
I swear I"m truing not to miss anithing

Bambinex wrote:

I don(g know what to writz tjere so ok
I swear I"m truing not to miss anithing
it's ok, nobody is perfect in the beginning
unless you're cookiezi
Jacques Chirac

keremaru wrote:

Bambinex wrote:

I don(g know what to writz tjere so ok
I swear I"m truing not to miss anithing
it's ok, nobody is perfect in the beginning
unless you're cookiezi
tou looked at your screen xwtf noone can type this voof witrhout llooking and you're not cookiezi
My thumb got hurt so things are even worse.
Jacques Chirac
that's a big F OMF I didn't miss anthinhg I'm cvookiezi lessss gofoooo
ok dude
Jacques Chirac
K think you don't know if difficult it is to write cutout lojjibd on phone 📱
Sophie Twilight
Oharouge!! akai haaro yo~

Haachama chama©bb

- Mahiro - wrote:

Oharouge!! akai haaro yo~

Haachama chama©bb
Jacques Chirac
what('s with the haachale thinh
Sophie Twilight
i thinbk i will just create hololibe difficultyes on my kobaruo maps after all. i mewan, why noyt. im alread fallwon into the rabbit hole and preety much wanrs to fuirthjer the hololibve influence in this game called osu
my hair's getting fairly long, it's been falling in my face a lot and just kind of sheds everywhere? yet the experience itself is surprisingly nice, and i've been feeling pretty comfortable with longer hair, so... yeah. not sure what to make of that.

Sugar_owo wrote:

whyn djd [ i creat thisa\\thred
casual thread

Achromalia wrote:

my hair's getting fairly long, it's been falling in my face a lot and just kind of sheds everywhere? yet the experience itself is surprisingly nice, and i've been feeling pretty comfortable with longer hair, so... yeah. not sure what to make of that.
bruh same but I cut it yesterday and I hate this ugh
as a guy who has had excessively long hair for about 5 years, it's no tthat hard to maintain
just brush it every now and then, and it'll be good
if you want to go the extra mile, you can brush it everyday but i'd rather do other things than brush my hair everyday
which i still have to figure out what i want to do :^(
The thing about it is that you have to make sure to cut the front part every so often.
not really
if you want bangs you can do those, but you could also just part mid-way

keremaru wrote:

not really
if you want bangs you can do those, but you could also just part mid-way
School doesn't allow that.
typing this while my movie review is still not dfinished and so is my math and the deadline is tomorrow but thats okay cuz atleast i typed quite clean.

fuckfuckfcufkcufckufcufukc i messed up the spellingggg I KNEW I DID
Myke Madeline
hello how are you guys?
[ Rynn ]
im noy looking at my keyboard rn im cloing mu eues lmao
okey im tuoing and it dfells like im tupimng rong
Ok. As long as you don't your much this is easy.
damn sugar has been out for a long time
[ Rynn ]
where's sufae?
Asian Warlord
oi sugar its been like a whole week, where are u?
don't worry abouit sugar, she's doing stuff
stuff that's definitely more important than osu!forums
[ Rynn ]

keremaru wrote:

don't worry abouit sugar, she's doing stuff
stuff that's definitely more important than osu!forums
yeah probably, i hope she's fine

i cant believe i just typed that lmao
Jacques Chirac
I hope sugar is doing ok right now.
[ Rynn ]
damn i miss sugar
Jacques Chirac
yeah me too.
[ Rynn ]
i hope she's fine
Joon Yorigami
Oh hey i remember this thread
there are sine tgungs I'd like to say
i am not looking at the keyboard this is just my senses
uwaah i did well
I am now typing using phone
i am dor
vbruh moent
what the helll mate (i typed this wjile looking at my desk)
i cant fype eiyh my eyes closed
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