
Don't look at your screen/keyboard while you type here.

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you gonna loom at the screen/keyboard?

Yes I will.
A little bit.
Only a small peak?
Not at all.
Dude i'm not even gonna type what are you talking about.
Total votes: 89
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I need to type rap god onr day

off topic: this was pretty good for phone keyboard and 2 thumbs
Ph woah woah woah woah woah
aku ganteng kamu jelek kayak monyet wkwkwkwkwkwkwkwkw hayuuuk palpalepalpalepalpalepaleeeleewee

(im typing this at the speed of light)
(also dont translate this)
extremely sleep let's see if this affects how i type or if that fatigue is reflected in the specifics of how i write u-u

i hope i'm even ablr to continue consdreucting coherent sentences... my mind seems impressively blank when i'm actually trying to use it for something like this lmaooo but i suppose it can't be helped, we live and learn and wander and wait, until something hpapens
How. Anu times do you plan to r Y TOURSELF( (You possibly understand what I meant)
Writing notes in class through a laptop instead of pen and paper is a useful way to practice your touch typing.
Lete's see, I gope is doesn't turn out as bad as I would imagine it in my heades
suvarpoweo (i want to type sugar_owo but dammit)
g9 wstuc oc7iyb9y 0prssdr 8ts 09j jewgr97jdd wje 85e e9 t99er
also sorru fot necroing
Hello mz name is wgat
I can do this on mohile too...
So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.
get out
oh really ? na na nah

(yes i used autocorrect)

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.
Or, you know, just become a competent touch typist? Like me!
hopefullt this is readavke
Well, it was readable. YOu did make some errors, but overall, I could read it decently.
Hi non-ukrainens and ukrainians
infer nught in bvirth exe ;aye ;rt

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

infer nught in bvirth exe ;aye ;rt
I cannot read ehat you've just typ3d.
i trued my brst

lostsilver wrote:

i trued my brst
you burnt yiyr tiast?

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

i trued my brst
you burnt yiyr tiast?

Farfocele wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.
Or, you know, just become a competent touch typist? Like me!
that is still a legut wat ti tttoe tgi,
(That [touch typing] is still a legit way to type tho.)
Alsom U tyoed tgus kegitimately.
(Also I typed this legitimately.)

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.
get out
i don't particularly have anything to add, i think i might be kind of okay at "tpich=ty[omh? bit naybe not lol

(ewwwww, gross idk how i lost my place there....)

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

Farfocele wrote:

Nuuskamuikkunen wrote:

So I found a loophole for this thread and it is writing your thoughts in another place like notepad and then copying and pasting what you wrote in the thread since the instructions imply "typing" - which I am not doing since I copied and pasted this text, and "here", which I did not do since I wrote this in notepad. It is also worth noting that the thread does not specify that you HAVE to type anything as well.
Or, you know, just become a competent touch typist? Like me!
that is still a legut wat ti tttoe tgi,
(That [touch typing] is still a legit way to type tho.)
Alsom U tyoed tgus kegitimately.
(Also I typed this legitimately.)
Yeah, I could tell that you typed this legit? There are god knows how mant errors there, which makes me thibk you are not that good at touch type.
bro is mew so haytd
wyoungh w75y 8ihr ywqqhd aqhed aujjasiu we37urh muy eyerd vcu8sedf
typing with one hand and also with my eyes closed
in a numb haze, dazed, lost and entirely clueless

i dont particularly have anything to type, improvizing it will probably be difficult, but i'm bored and need anything to stimulate me because nothing is happening rn and i dont have the energy to start much of anything myself... also typing is kind of satisfying when i can't see, eyes closed and fingers typing and just feeling the tactile sensation of what i want to say being purely conveyed through little clicky noises <3

i think it'd be funny if i wrote this with no typos but it also would be kind of impressive >:3

...what npw, though?

random text
They don't know that we know they know we know.

Achromalia wrote:

in a numb haze, dazed, lost and entirely clueless

i dont particularly have anything to type, improvizing it will probably be difficult, but i'm bored and need anything to stimulate me because nothing is happening rn and i dont have the energy to start much of anything myself... also typing is kind of satisfying when i can't see, eyes closed and fingers typing and just feeling the tactile sensation of what i want to say being purely conveyed through little clicky noises <3

i think it'd be funny if i wrote this with no typos but it also would be kind of impressive >:3

...what npw, though?

tryingouy home row atya[omgh wotj ,u eues c;psef/ ntpbsn;u [truyu nsf atrogjya
- Marco -
ok, i won't look at my screen- i'm not cheating i'm acually not looking at screen. i've just learned how to type without looking at it, but somethimes i make mistakes F

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

tryingouy home row atya[omgh wotj ,u eues c;psef/ ntpbsn;u [truyu nsf atrogjya
Imagine not actually being able to perfectly touch type, what a NOOB! I can touch type to the point that this has probably no mistakes.
Doom Mood
I've memorized the keyboard lol. I know where the keys are because I have built my muscle memory for this.

Doom Mood wrote:

I've memorized the keyboard lol. I know where the keys are because I have built my muscle memory for this.
Oh nice, pretty cool, Touch Typists assemble!

Farfocele wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

tryingouy home row atya[omgh wotj ,u eues c;psef/ ntpbsn;u [truyu nsf atrogjya
Imagine not actually being able to perfectly touch type, what a NOOB! I can touch type to the point that this has probably no mistakes.
Home roe typing

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

Farfocele wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

tryingouy home row atya[omgh wotj ,u eues c;psef/ ntpbsn;u [truyu nsf atrogjya
Imagine not actually being able to perfectly touch type, what a NOOB! I can touch type to the point that this has probably no mistakes.
Home roe typing
At least i could read this.
I took this med now , its sloiwly calming me down, feels good, like I'm in a girasol quiet camp, my body feels leve, and I'm forgetting some words in english. overall great experience.
my momentum is lost and i've done nothing to actually clean the things i planned to... disappointing

Achromalia wrote:

my momentum is lost and i've done nothing to actually clean the things i planned to... disappointing
cant you hype yourself again to do those chores?

Polyspora wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

my momentum is lost and i've done nothing to actually clean the things i planned to... disappointing
cant you hype yourself again to do those chores?
im not sure im even doing anything because of "hype", its much more nebulous to me

by momentum, i mean something thats often spomntaneous and vague and not at all manifested in clear thoughts or fellings

...what ive done so far is clear the floors of obstructions so that i can deal with the floors but i seem to stop the moment i dont know what im doing or doubt my understanding of a task, i tend to want to internalize a complete plan from start to finish that i can imprint onto myself but everything that isnt immediately in my field of bision is a logic-fog obscuring my ability to think clearly

ive been dealing with small tasks just fine where im just checking something and taking note of what we have like perishable foods and their probable spoil dates, but tasks that engage my body in unusual ways are much more difficult somehow. nothing is wrong with my motor skills afaik, but the attention isnt there, the persistence isnt there, the initiative isnt there

the only thing that tends to hold my attention is a monitor screen or silently observing my surroundings from one place without moving

...why is is so hard to think and reason without words in front of me? i cant trace ym thoughts and i dont know if i accurately recall what im replying to...mmn this is distracting from the point

hype? i frogot what i wanted to say about that

its not really conscious motivation, conscious motivation is actually quite draining and acts more like a weight that adds psycho logicalmass to my brain and makes me do less.i rely on conditioning myself to patterns and using my passive mind-numbing intuition with specific familiar tasks where im not really processing what i'm doing-- specifically viable when it does not engage my body, like standing in one place and washing dishes (probably the easiest cohre?_ but anything with more involved visual-motor coordination is challenging because everything is a thick ocean of gelatinous resistance that has me stop once a "step" is done because something else takes my attention and im mentally fatigued from planning and preparing spaces/tools/routines prior to that

i cant follow time-dependent routines for the life of me, i just rely on these intuitive patterns to guide me with minimal resistance, letting inertia carry me through what it can apply for

cleaning is probably the hardest chore for me, never being sure of what exaclty i need for which exact surfaces and circumstances, rarely having the physical energy to sustain my plan when i'm trying to mentally cling onto any amount of momentum i have left

(this took forever to type... thinking about my answer and trying to convey it accurately is awful when i cant see or remember what i'm anchored to, and i'm relying on what my most recent thoughts seemed to be in order to have anything to say, letting myself drift between vague floating points of intuition... i did ok though, i think? fgfhfhgh i regret typing this when i couldve done something else i need to sleep again everything is so stupidly heavy)

(edit: breaking the game rules to describe and simplify what it is thats actually happening when i do manage to do what i want. as suggested before, hype is extremely exhausting and requires too much energy. it is not conscious, and sometimes i'm not sure i even fully realize what im doing. i just drift into a task at a time where there is minimal resistance. that's how i do any kind of task, ironically weaponizing my own inattention to slip into something else without paying attention, which may pause depending on whether there's any ambiguity about what i'm preparing to do. if i dont know what im doing, i stop and return to whatever invisible interest/priority i would otherwise gravitate to)
If you need more time to sleep and you have that time available, I would highly suggest for you to go back to sleep.
I mean what are we even supposed to type lollike


Polyspora wrote:

If you need more time to sleep and you have that time available, I would highly suggest for you to go back to sleep.
the trouble with that lately is that i don't really seem to be able to sleep any longer than four hours at a time. i often find myself conflicted about whether to wake further or sleep more, often relying on whatever my interest at the time is. if it's too hard to wake up and move, i go back to sleep. if theres something i want to check, i have to fight to throw myself into it and i rely on the intensity of that moment of internal violence in order to throw myself into my tasks

but once im awake, i dont want to sleep, i want to start following my interests or check things or catalogue things or plan things, but then i find out my body didn't rest properly so then i'm noticing i shut down somewhere between 1-5 hours later to sleep for anywhere between 25-150 minutes (this has become my usual range for the week for some reason). hopefull those numbers are accurate)



what was i on about i dont remember

sleep. how long do i sleep? idek anymore, i dont even know when i fall asleep or how many times, the entire day is usually just a blur. i need to make up my mind and either do something or do nothing, or otherwise my frustrated mental restlessness will tire me out more than my sleeplessness already has

(edit: !! its starting to happen somehow?? idk i think it helped that i did the small steps of removing things from floors bc now im able to use the momentum of intuitive unobstructed spaces to use simple tools with no ambiguity!! its just rote tasks with minimal complication!! very very tedious but at least im doing ok so far, ive swept the floors already, still working on carpet, its not nothing ^^ now to hope i can cling onto this as long as possible before i really do collapse, i can ignore my body a little bit i dont mind it)

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

If you need more time to sleep and you have that time available, I would highly suggest for you to go back to sleep.
the trouble with that lately is that i don't really seem to be able to sleep any longer than four hours at a time. i often find myself conflicted about whether to wake further or sleep more, often relying on whatever my interest at the time is. if it's too hard to wake up and move, i go back to sleep. if theres something i want to check, i have to fight to throw myself into it and i rely on the intensity of that moment of internal violence in order to throw myself into my tasks

but once im awake, i dont want to sleep, i want to start following my interests or check things or catalogue things or plan things, but then i find out my body didn't rest properly so then i'm noticing i shut down somewhere between 1-5 hours later to sleep for anywhere between 25-150 minutes (this has become my usual range for the week for some reason). hopefull those numbers are accurate)



what was i on about i dont remember

sleep. how long do i sleep? idek anymore, i dont even know when i fall asleep or how many times, the entire day is usually just a blur. i need to make up my mind and either do something or do nothing, or otherwise my frustrated mental restlessness will tire me out more than my sleeplessness already has

(edit: !! its starting to happen somehow?? idk i think it helped that i did the small steps of removing things from floors bc now im able to use the momentum of intuitive unobstructed spaces to use simple tools with no ambiguity!! its just rote tasks with minimal complication!! very very tedious but at least im doing ok so far, ive swept the floors already, still working on carpet, its not nothing ^^ now to hope i can cling onto this as long as possible before i really do collapse, i can ignore my body a little bit i dont mind it)
you should visit a doctor on that sleep thing, its quite important to sleep a full cycle, cleanse the brain.

also cool that you did what you had to do, its easier and less boring with music
I love osu! and the community, it's so fun and wholesome. =) I live a lonely life, but it's fine, you guys make it better.
Wimpy Cursed

SupaSazyCassidy wrote:

I love osu! and the community, it's so fun and wholesome. =) I live a lonely life, but it's fine, you guys make it better.
Thought you had tea friend wtf
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