
Alisa Takigawa - Sayonara no Yukue ~TV size~

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  1. 00:04:660 (3,4) - I think these would look better facing away from each other maybe?
  2. 01:28:130 (1,2,3) - why didn't you keep the pattern from before?
  1. 00:20:895 (3,1) - Probably better style to have less curvature on these
  2. 00:27:248 (1,2,3) - You should try to maintain visual distance on all three here
  3. 01:05:366 (1,2,3,4) - I know I mention it often but yeah less curvature. It's not really good for structure to curve them so much
  4. 01:23:189 (2) - Same thing
  1. 00:22:130 (4,5) - I wouldn't stack these as the emphasis becomes lost on 5:
  2. 00:41:366 (1) - Curvature
  3. 00:43:307 (2,3) - honestly... I would just press ctrl+J. Staggering the sliders is perhaps better than keeping them in line.
  4. 00:46:660 (3) - Maybe similar thing here
  5. 01:03:954 (3,4,5) - looks a bit weird. I was thinking maybe you could map it like this , but perhaps that doesn't really fit the style. Maybe a bigger change like this might work . For the second suggestion the overlap with the next notes shouldn't be a big issue
  6. 01:13:130 (3,4,5) - You should space these out because they're a bit weak. Stacking on 01:12:072 (6) - isn't as important as the emphasis gained.
Do you still have the histound file? Seems like you're missing some hitsounds
Topic Starter
fixed all + readded hitsounds, thank you frostingS :D
Hey! For M4M. Great map, and I can tell you've put in a lot of thoughts into it :'D
Overall, the main things that can improve are volume, hitsound, and spacing changes (DS). I think you need to find a custom hitclap and hitwhistle. The standard ones you use give not enough feedback. So..steal from someone!! /me runs

  • [Hitsound]
    This applies to all difficulties.
  1. 00:01:483 - From this point, the vocals get louder...try adding green lines with gradual volume increase:
    30% at 00:01:483 -
    35% at 00:02:189 -
    40% at 00:02:895 -
  2. 00:03:248 - From here, I could barely hear anything. Try 45%. You could also add more whistles wherever the piano is strong, like 00:05:189 (3) - 00:05:719 -
  3. 00:03:248 - hitfinish?
  4. 00:15:601 - hitclap? (with a good custom hitsounding)
  5. 00:27:248 - 00:38:366 - weak volume here too. Anything below 40% sounds weak

    Base SV of 1.4 is too fast. 1.1 or 1.2 is better
    SV change is not recommended in Easy/Normal, as newbies are not used to these yet. They think same gap in rhythm = same DS. Try using 1.00x religiously

    00:08:807 - to 00:12:866 - flow seems weird and could get some improvement
  6. 00:04:660 (3,4) - arrange like this?
  7. 00:08:895 (1,2,3) - arrange like this?
  8. 00:11:366 (4,1) - arrange like this?
  9. 00:29:542 (4) - Change to straight slider? It doesn't look good.
  10. 00:38:366 (1) - 00:55:307 (1) - unstack to be consistent with other 1/2 parts you mapped to
  11. 00:41:189 (6,1) - feels cramped, so I would spread these out a bit more
  12. 00:42:777 (2,1) - might be confusing to the newbies, as these are the same exact sliders but longer
  13. 01:06:777 (1,2,3) - doesn't look good
  14. 01:21:954 (6,1) - make it evenly spaced out! I think it's because of the SV change you use haha. Using 1.00x would fix it

  15. 00:07:483 (1,2,1,2) - Same sound, but DS change is inconsistent. Swap positions of 00:07:483 (1,2) -, and Ctrl+G 00:08:895 (1) -
  16. 00:44:189 (1,2) - vs. 00:45:601 (1,2) - Same problem as above
  17. 00:49:836 (1) - There is a good tone change here, so a good place to add jump
  18. 01:16:836 - add note? Vocal is very strong here o.o

    SV 1.4 again?? o.o I would look into other ranked maps of similar BPM and make changes to SV, OD, CS, HP drain rate and such accordingly.
  19. 00:05:189 (3,4) - The sound is pretty strong at (3). I would move (3) to somewhere like 220,184
  20. 00:20:366 (2,3,4,5) - I like c:
  21. 00:49:836 (3) - Increase DS, there's a huge sound here o.o
  22. 00:50:542 (2) - here too...
  23. 00:51:424 (2,3) - change positions, as 00:51:424 (2) - needs more emphasis
  24. 00:57:248 (2) - you get the idea by now--DS needs emphasis
  25. 01:15:072 (1,2,3) - 01:15:072 (1,2,3) - 01:15:866 - 01:17:277 - add triplet, as there is a prominent drum sound here. 00:54:601 (3,4,5) - you did so here
  26. 01:26:542 (1,2,3,4) - I would remap this part similar to 01:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
  27. 01:28:307 (1,1,1) - the music gets intense, but SV change contradicts it. I would reverse the SV change

    If you want and Easy GD, poke me--I can whip it up quick XD
Topic Starter

aigoh wrote:

Hey! For M4M. Great map, and I can tell you've put in a lot of thoughts into it :'D thank you ;w;
Overall, the main things that can improve are volume, hitsound, and spacing changes (DS). I think you need to find a custom hitclap and hitwhistle. The standard ones you use give not enough feedback. So..steal from someone!! /me runs maybe next time, ill stick with defaults for now (:

  • [Hitsound]
    This applies to all difficulties
  1. 00:01:483 - From this point, the vocals get louder...try adding green lines with gradual volume increase:
    30% at 00:01:483 -
    35% at 00:02:189 -
    40% at 00:02:895 - spinner volume increase doesnt really affect things that much
  2. 00:03:248 - From here, I could barely hear anything. Try 45%. You could also add more whistles wherever the piano is strong, like 00:05:189 (3) - 00:05:719 -
  3. 00:03:248 - hitfinish?
  4. 00:15:601 - hitclap? (with a good custom hitsounding) will add drumb clap
  5. 00:27:248 - 00:38:366 - weak volume here too. Anything below 40% sounds weak

    Base SV of 1.4 is too fast. 1.1 or 1.2 is better changed to 1.3
    SV change is not recommended in Easy/Normal, as newbies are not used to these yet. They think same gap in rhythm = same DS. Try using 1.00x religiously

    00:08:807 - to 00:12:866 - flow seems weird and could get some improvement intended since vocals have little pauses
  6. 00:04:660 (3,4) - arrange like this?
  7. 00:08:895 (1,2,3) - arrange like this? made changes
  8. 00:11:366 (4,1) - arrange like this? trying to not blanket anything, sorry ><
  9. 00:29:542 (4) - Change to straight slider? It doesn't look good. sure
  10. 00:38:366 (1) - 00:55:307 (1) - unstack to be consistent with other 1/2 parts you mapped to 00:38:366 (1) - was stacked for readability, i'll change 00:55:307 (1) - if it gets mentioned again
  11. 00:41:189 (6,1) - feels cramped, so I would spread these out a bit more because of ds i cant really get creative with this, after changing base sv its even harder for me to; i just removed the note in between
  12. 00:42:777 (2,1) - might be confusing to the newbies, as these are the same exact sliders but longer made changes
  13. 01:06:777 (1,2,3) - doesn't look good
  14. 01:21:954 (6,1) - make it evenly spaced out! I think it's because of the SV change you use haha. Using 1.00x would fix it fixed

  15. 00:07:483 (1,2,1,2) - Same sound, but DS change is inconsistent. Swap positions of 00:07:483 (1,2) -, and Ctrl+G 00:08:895 (1) - okay !
  16. 00:44:189 (1,2) - vs. 00:45:601 (1,2) - Same problem as above i think this is fine here
  17. 00:49:836 (1) - There is a good tone change here, so a good place to add jump ^
  18. 01:16:836 - add note? Vocal is very strong here o.o pause for intensity control

    SV 1.4 again?? o.o I would look into other ranked maps of similar BPM and make changes to SV, OD, CS, HP drain rate and such accordingly. i think this is fine for an insane
  19. 00:05:189 (3,4) - The sound is pretty strong at (3). I would move (3) to somewhere like 220,184 sure
  20. 00:20:366 (2,3,4,5) - I like c: >-<
  21. 00:49:836 (3) - Increase DS, there's a huge sound here o.o the patterns and things around it should already give emphasizes
  22. 00:50:542 (2) - here too... ^
  23. 00:51:424 (2,3) - change positions, as 00:51:424 (2) - needs more emphasis
  24. 00:57:248 (2) - you get the idea by now--DS needs emphasis will be kept in mind, might change later but for now it'll stay the same
  25. 01:15:072 (1,2,3) - 01:15:072 (1,2,3) - 01:15:866 - 01:17:277 - add triplet, as there is a prominent drum sound here. 00:54:601 (3,4,5) - you did so here doing so would destroy the pattern
  26. 01:26:542 (1,2,3,4) - I would remap this part similar to 01:23:719 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - slowly coming to a calm end
  27. 01:28:307 (1,1,1) - the music gets intense, but SV change contradicts it. I would reverse the SV change its a dial out D:

    If you want and Easy GD, poke me--I can whip it up quick XD thank you for the offer, but i'm going to keep this set as it is c:
hitsound updates will be applied later, thank you for the mod!
hi!!!!! q mod


tbh i feel like the red line should go on 00:03:248 - rather than where you have it now. rn it's ok to have a "pickup note" (or an "anacrusis" for those music experts) before the red line (ex: 00:00:446 (1) - on since the spinner isn't really emphasizing anything strong. idk u might wanna ask someone about this i just feel as if it's more appropriate


00:03:248 (1,2) - if ur following vocals on these two notes (assuming since 2 is vocal), u should put a circle on the red line after 2 since it sounds awkward to not click on that sound
00:18:072 (3) - this note should receive more emphasis like you did with 00:16:483 (2) -
00:19:307 (4) - , 00:22:130 (4) - , 00:23:189 (2) - , same as above
00:31:307 (1) - i don't really get what ur trying to follow on this slider. this would emphasize the piano sound on the white tick appropriately
00:50:189 (1,2,1) - ur using the same ds for 1/1 as u do for 1/2, could mess up a player quite a bit
01:28:307 (1,1,1) - why is the sv decreasing? should be increasing since the sound is getting louder


00:03:777 (2) - same issue as insane
00:36:248 (2) - slider should end on 00:36:777 -
01:16:659 (1) - should make this a slider instead since u have been using constant 1/2 for the whole kiai

00:26:542 (3) - you could change these to circles since the sound here is different from the other sliders
00:37:130 (2) - 3/4 gaps would be kinda confusing to new players who have been doing 1/1 - 1/2 for most of the map. making this a slider would make it easier for the player to recognize
00:59:719 (3) - sliderend here should be clickable

Topic Starter

Dashyy- wrote:

hi!!!!! q mod


tbh i feel like the red line should go on 00:03:248 - rather than where you have it now. rn it's ok to have a "pickup note" (or an "anacrusis" for those music experts) before the red line (ex: 00:00:446 (1) - on since the spinner isn't really emphasizing anything strong. idk u might wanna ask someone about this i just feel as if it's more appropriate the timing in the ranked mapset also starts at the same place as well


00:03:248 (1,2) - if ur following vocals on these two notes (assuming since 2 is vocal), u should put a circle on the red line after 2 since it sounds awkward to not click on that sound the pause is fine to me, ill wait for more opinion
00:18:072 (3) - this note should receive more emphasis like you did with 00:16:483 (2) - 00:18:072 (3)'s sound is more decreasing, for 00:18:777 (3,4) -
to build up again; theres no need for a flow break

00:19:307 (4) - , 00:22:130 (4) - , 00:23:189 (2) - , same as above
00:31:307 (1) - i don't really get what ur trying to follow on this slider. this would emphasize the piano sound on the white tick appropriately the vocal drowns out the piano sound and is way louder
00:50:189 (1,2,1) - ur using the same ds for 1/1 as u do for 1/2, could mess up a player quite a bit a player this level should be able to determine differences
01:28:307 (1,1,1) - why is the sv decreasing? should be increasing since the sound is getting louder spacing isnt the only way to emphasize a increase in sound, by dialing sv up its a way of showing the intensity as well


00:03:777 (2) - same issue as insane
00:36:248 (2) - slider should end on 00:36:777 - 00:36:777 - has a different sound, 00:36:248 (2) - is mapped to tete
01:16:659 (1) - should make this a slider instead since u have been using constant 1/2 for the whole kiai answered in many previous mods zzzz

00:26:542 (3) - you could change these to circles since the sound here is different from the other sliders unnecessary, there isnt too much of a different enough to make it different. 1 2 and 3 are all increasing in intensity /b]
00:37:130 (2) - 3/4 gaps would be kinda confusing to new players who have been doing 1/1 - 1/2 for most of the map. making this a slider would make it easier for the player to recognize [b]theres no music to map to, distance snap should be enough for players to realize. 1 and 2 are stacked for readability so its okay

00:59:719 (3) - sliderend here should be clickable no?? theres no sound after that that can be mapped to without being weird

thank you for the mod !
from my queue

  1. some of the hitsound volumes are really low. i don't recommend using hitsound volumes below 35% for a song like this
  2. 00:38:542 - auto finish is fine here since there's a cymbal crash; why is this a drum finish?
  3. 00:48:601 - you can place a clap here for the snare
  4. 00:48:954 - 00:49:042 - hitsound these
  5. 00:51:424 - clap here
  6. 00:53:895 - 00:54:248 - 00:54:601 - 00:54:689 - 00:54:777 - 00:54:954 - you ignore so many drum sounds please don't do this
  7. 01:06:777 - can place a finish here
  8. there are a lot more spots where hitsounding could use more work; this is only a foundation for you to work off of. i really do think hitsounding could use a bit of a overhaul cause it's really scarce
  1. 00:16:660 (3) - feels a bit out of place, and is also inconsistent with what you did at 00:18:777 (1) - which is essentially the same sound. maybe remove this circle?
  2. 00:26:542 (3,1) - technically this isn't properly distance snapped, since the slider velocity change actually changes the values. not really a big deal, but i figured you could space this out a bit more
  3. 00:30:601 (2) - i'd consider shortening this to the white tick at 00:31:130 - since it's a bit more emphasized
  4. 00:37:130 (2) - sound here is incredibly quiet and feels weird to have it as a clickable object, since the instruments cuts here. maybe you can try changing 00:35:719 (1,2) - into something like this?
  5. 01:05:366 (4,5,6,7,1) - can you make this a proper pentagon thanks
  1. 00:04:660 (1,2) - i'd consider making these two parallel and then have 00:05:366 (3) - change direction in order to give it more emphasis
  2. 00:36:248 (2,3,4) - i'd reconsider the rhythm here; you abruptly switch from piano to vocals and it doesn't really mesh that well here. similarly to what i mentioned in Normal, i think 00:37:130 (4) - would work better if it was on a slider end since this is where the instruments die out. why not try placing a 1/1 slider at 00:36:777 - ?
  3. 00:39:248 (3,4,1) - 00:40:660 (2,3,1) - proper equilateral triangles please they're not that hard to make lol
  4. 00:49:660 (5,1) - spacing from 5->1 could be a bit more higher in order to emphasize the cymbals and change in tone
  5. 01:16:659 (1,2) - the spacing for this 1/1 doesn't really feel right, since it's extremely similar in spacing to other previous patterns you used in the kiai, like 01:14:189 (2,3) - . why not try a rhythm like this?
  1. 00:15:601 (3,1) - spacing here is really high for 1/4 snap distance. i'm assuming this was unintentional and that (1) was meant to be Ctrl + G'd
  2. i don't really mind some of the additive triples since they're used to emphasize the downbeats, but 00:22:307 (5) - really doesn't belong. the music doesn't place any emphasis on the blue ticks here
  3. 00:27:248 (1) - i'd consider shortening this to the white tick at 00:27:601 - and adding a circle on the red tick 00:27:777 - . your rhythm choice doesn't really make sense here since it appears that you want to place emphasis on the piano notes
  4. 00:31:307 (1) - i'd also change the rhythm for the slider here for the same reason above
  5. 00:37:130 (1) - if you're going to switch to vocals because the piano gets cut off, i expect you to follow the vocals more closely. otherwise i'd consider what you did for the other two diffs and just cut it off at the downbeat
  6. 00:39:866 - 00:42:689 - 00:44:101 - 01:13:042 - 01:14:454 - 01:15:866 - 01:17:277 - so you're willing to map additive triples but completely ignore these triples that are actually in the music? ok then.
  7. 00:49:836 (3,1) - swap NCs
  8. 00:58:307 (1) - the buildup would work much more smoothly if this was a circle instead of a slider; since there's no sound on the red tick in this one instance, associating it with 00:58:660 (1,1,1) - which do have sounds on the red ticks makes it feel inconsistent and throws off the whole pattern
  9. 01:00:072 (2,3) - i'd space this out more; on first glance it looks extremely similar to 01:00:777 (3,4) - since it appears to be mirrored, even though it really isn't. i'm worried that it'll cause some minor reading issues
  10. 01:07:483 (3,4,5) - triple here doesn't sound right; there's no audible sound on the blue tick and additive triples don't work here because the red tick doesn't need to be emphasized
  11. 01:21:601 (3) - you're really going to ignore the triples in the drum here?
the map has some potential, but too many missing hitsounds and the undermapping/overmapping of certain parts of the song is really holding the mapset back. get some more mods and try calling me back in a few weeks time.
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

from my queue

  1. some of the hitsound volumes are really low. i don't recommend using hitsound volumes below 35% for a song like this
  2. 00:38:542 - auto finish is fine here since there's a cymbal crash; why is this a drum finish?
  3. 00:48:601 - you can place a clap here for the snare
  4. 00:48:954 - 00:49:042 - hitsound these
  5. 00:51:424 - clap here
  6. 00:53:895 - 00:54:248 - 00:54:601 - 00:54:689 - 00:54:777 - 00:54:954 - you ignore so many drum sounds please don't do this
  7. 01:06:777 - can place a finish here
  8. there are a lot more spots where hitsounding could use more work; this is only a foundation for you to work off of. i really do think hitsounding could use a bit of a overhaul cause it's really scarce the hitsounds will be worked on more and maybe reworked
  1. 00:16:660 (3) - feels a bit out of place, and is also inconsistent with what you did at 00:18:777 (1) - which is essentially the same sound. maybe remove this circle? will do
  2. 00:26:542 (3,1) - technically this isn't properly distance snapped, since the slider velocity change actually changes the values. not really a big deal, but i figured you could space this out a bit more yeah
  3. 00:30:601 (2) - i'd consider shortening this to the white tick at 00:31:130 - since it's a bit more emphasized ok
  4. 00:37:130 (2) - sound here is incredibly quiet and feels weird to have it as a clickable object, since the instruments cuts here. maybe you can try changing 00:35:719 (1,2) - into something like this? the object here plays better// more natural then without, but i might change it into something else with more mods
  5. 01:05:366 (4,5,6,7,1) - can you make this a proper pentagon thanks made adjustments
  1. 00:04:660 (1,2) - i'd consider making these two parallel and then have 00:05:366 (3) - change direction in order to give it more emphasis did by a bit, but not as much
  2. 00:36:248 (2,3,4) - i'd reconsider the rhythm here; you abruptly switch from piano to vocals and it doesn't really mesh that well here. similarly to what i mentioned in Normal, i think 00:37:130 (4) - would work better if it was on a slider end since this is where the instruments die out. why not try placing a 1/1 slider at 00:36:777 - ? i think two circles works fine c:
  3. 00:39:248 (3,4,1) - 00:40:660 (2,3,1) - proper equilateral triangles please they're not that hard to make lol
  4. 00:49:660 (5,1) - spacing from 5->1 could be a bit more higher in order to emphasize the cymbals and change in tone made other changes+ a flow break instead of directly increasing the spacing
  5. 01:16:659 (1,2) - the spacing for this 1/1 doesn't really feel right, since it's extremely similar in spacing to other previous patterns you used in the kiai, like 01:14:189 (2,3) - . why not try a rhythm like this? fixed
  1. 00:15:601 (3,1) - spacing here is really high for 1/4 snap distance. i'm assuming this was unintentional and that (1) was meant to be Ctrl + G'd was intentional
  2. i don't really mind some of the additive triples since they're used to emphasize the downbeats, but 00:22:307 (5) - really doesn't belong. the music doesn't place any emphasis on the blue ticks here will look for a solution, but keeping for now
  3. 00:27:248 (1) - i'd consider shortening this to the white tick at 00:27:601 - and adding a circle on the red tick 00:27:777 - . your rhythm choice doesn't really make sense here since it appears that you want to place emphasis on the piano notes doing so would complicate the rhythm, the song just reached a calm section; kind of a transition
  4. 00:31:307 (1) - i'd also change the rhythm for the slider here for the same reason above ^
  5. 00:37:130 (1) - if you're going to switch to vocals because the piano gets cut off, i expect you to follow the vocals more closely. otherwise i'd consider what you did for the other two diffs and just cut it off at the downbeat done
  6. 00:39:866 - 00:42:689 - 00:44:101 - 01:13:042 - 01:14:454 - 01:15:866 - 01:17:277 - so you're willing to map additive triples but completely ignore these triples that are actually in the music? ok then. changing these would be a whole lot more stuff added or removed; will go over this with frostings :c
  7. 00:49:836 (3,1) - swap NCs
  8. 00:58:307 (1) - the buildup would work much more smoothly if this was a circle instead of a slider; since there's no sound on the red tick in this one instance, associating it with 00:58:660 (1,1,1) - which do have sounds on the red ticks makes it feel inconsistent and throws off the whole pattern fixed
  9. 01:00:072 (2,3) - i'd space this out more; on first glance it looks extremely similar to 01:00:777 (3,4) - since it appears to be mirrored, even though it really isn't. i'm worried that it'll cause some minor reading issues it should be fine the way it is,
  10. 01:07:483 (3,4,5) - triple here doesn't sound right; there's no audible sound on the blue tick and additive triples don't work here because the red tick doesn't need to be emphasized
  11. 01:21:601 (3) - you're really going to ignore the triples in the drum here? as stated above for triples
the map has some potential, but too many missing hitsounds and the undermapping/overmapping of certain parts of the song is really holding the mapset back. get some more mods and try calling me back in a few weeks time.
thank you for the mod doormat!
in game :D

2017-07-26 12:15 gary00737: have time @@?
2017-07-26 12:15 gary00737: i want mod it on irc
2017-07-26 12:15 gary00737: ACTION is editing [ Takigawa Alisa - Sayonara no Yukue ~TV Size~ [Insane]]
2017-07-26 12:16 Jennglebells: sure c;
2017-07-26 12:16 gary00737: it is short mod XD
2017-07-26 12:16 Jennglebells: any help is appreciated uwu
2017-07-26 12:17 gary00737: 00:17:719 - i think here miss note
2017-07-26 12:18 gary00737: 00:32:719 (4) - remove will be better
2017-07-26 12:19 gary00737: 01:00:777 (3,4) - ^
2017-07-26 12:19 gary00737: 01:00:072 (2) -
2017-07-26 12:20 gary00737: 01:28:307 (1,1,1) - i think it is long
2017-07-26 12:20 gary00737: um.
2017-07-26 12:21 Jennglebells: long?
2017-07-26 12:21 gary00737: such as
2017-07-26 12:21 Jennglebells: as in increasing length?
2017-07-26 12:22 Jennglebells: ohh i see
2017-07-26 12:22 gary00737: let me see other diff@@
2017-07-26 12:23 Jennglebells: thanks :D
2017-07-26 12:23 gary00737: 01:00:777 (3) - i think problem same
2017-07-26 12:24 gary00737: 01:27:601 (4,1) - ctrl+g will be better
2017-07-26 12:24 gary00737: ^ sorry that 2 is hard diff
2017-07-26 12:25 Jennglebells: okay!
2017-07-26 12:26 gary00737: i think in normal/easy diff 2 4 clap is important
2017-07-26 12:26 Jennglebells: the hitsounds right now is a bit messed up xc
2017-07-26 12:26 gary00737: it is 2 4 clap
2017-07-26 12:27 gary00737: I think it is the source of rhythm
2017-07-26 12:28 gary00737: um . i think that it @_@
2017-07-26 12:28 gary00737: i hope it be helpful;

00:15:954 (1) - An increase in SV would be nice for this section. At the moment it feels lackluster given that it uses the same low SV as the previous calmer section. An SV similar to the kiai would be more fitting imo. About 1.2-1.3 ~

01:28:307 (1,1,1) - This feels slightly lackluster too, the stacking of objects just creates a very anticlimatic ending when it music gets increasingly more emphatic

no kds. If you care for a full mod form me I can if you want
Topic Starter
hitsounds have been updated :D

changes from gary's mod:
removed 00:32:719 (4) - and made changes for 01:00:072 (2) - in hard and insane, (extended them and removed notes)

Kisses wrote:


00:15:954 (1) - An increase in SV would be nice for this section. At the moment it feels lackluster given that it uses the same low SV as the previous calmer section. An SV similar to the kiai would be more fitting imo. About 1.2-1.3 ~ its not as intense as the kiai in my opinion, so 1.2 isnt really needed; the more intense rhythm and spacing even should make up for it

01:28:307 (1,1,1) - This feels slightly lackluster too, the stacking of objects just creates a very anticlimatic ending when it music gets increasingly more emphatic i've gotten so many other mods saying the same and im really considering changing it, but i still like the way its dialing down the song, i'll wait for more opinions from others for it :|

no kds. If you care for a full mod form me I can if you want that would be very nice cx

thank you gary and kisses!

Jennglebells wrote:

Kisses wrote:


00:15:954 (1) - An increase in SV would be nice for this section. At the moment it feels lackluster given that it uses the same low SV as the previous calmer section. An SV similar to the kiai would be more fitting imo. About 1.2-1.3 ~ its not as intense as the kiai in my opinion, so 1.2 isnt really needed; the more intense rhythm and spacing even should make up for it Well to me both the intro and kiai have similar intensity and wouldn't really feel unfitting to play. Anyways the main point is that the speed of which your cursor moves for sliders is the exact same of the earlier section and just increasing spacing and rhythm density doesn't feel suffice imho

01:28:307 (1,1,1) - This feels slightly lackluster too, the stacking of objects just creates a very anticlimatic ending when it music gets increasingly more emphatic i've gotten so many other mods saying the same and im really considering changing it, but i still like the way its dialing down the song, i'll wait for more opinions from others for it :| If you're really adamant on changing the rhythm or pattern would you consider changing the spacing? The pattern overall is easier than your hard diff. Also one thing I would recommend you do to at least is to swap the SVs around; the music get's more climatic from the start to end but your SVs go from fast to slow.

no kds. If you care for a full mod form me I can if you want that would be very nice cx

  1. 00:05:013 (2,3,4,5,6) - to me this kind of sticks out like a sore thumb in this section. The spacing is significantly higher than the rest of the section and I think the increase rhythm density would have been enough. If you don't want to change it then I recommend upping the spacing of 00:06:072 (1,2,3) so it doesn't feel so out of place
  2. 00:15:601 (3) - I got to agree with doormat here tbh. Just to add something he didn't bring up, the spacing is so big that it is easily misread as a single reverse slider, not something you really want
  3. 00:21:424 (1,2) - Listening to this at full speed this did actually sound off to me. After listening to it a few times at 25% I believe the drums to be 1/3 (ignore object placements) these are where the drum sounds land from what I can tell. Because of this I would suggest this rhythm or something similar as the transition from 1/4 to 1/3 wouldn't be intuitive if you mapped the entire thing as circles again ignore object placements)
  4. 00:22:307 (3) - I kind of agree with doormat on this too. I would suggest this rhythm as it would fit in with the rhythm you've been using for the entire section with the way you've had triplets on the downbeat.
  5. 00:24:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I just wanted to point out that this is the hardest part of the map because you didn't add jumps in at 00:58:660 (1,1,1) - or 01:28:307 (1,1,1)
  6. 00:37:130 (1,2,3) - I personally would prefer if you deleted this and had this part empty like the hard diff. Before this part the rhythm naturally follows the piano so when it cuts out it feels natural for you to want to take a break in the map, imo at least. Also it should be pointed out that you even skipped the vocal at 00:36:954 so the transition is awkward too.
  7. 00:49:836 (3,1,2) - Would suggest using same-ish spacing for all of these objects as they are all of similar intensity.
  8. 00:51:072 - This sound here is part of the rhythm 00:51:248 (1,2,3) - within the song so it feels empty to skip over it. Also the spacing 00:50:542 (2,1,2) is a bit weird as 00:50:542 (2,1) have a 1/1 beat apart where as the rest of the pattern 00:51:248 (1,2,3,4,5) uses the same spacing and they are 1/2 a beat apart
  9. 00:58:307 (1) - This would be one of those times where I suggest increasing the spacing a lot for a nice emphasis.

  1. 00:15:601 (1) - This entire section feels a bit like I would map it in a normal tbh :v . The spacing and SVs are so similar to the sections before and after it that when you transition over to them it doesn't feel like you're playing anything different. Also it would be nice to map some of the drum triplets here and there. This kinda goes for the entire map tbh
  2. 00:35:719 (1,2,3,4) - The structure of this pattern make it very easy to misread 00:36:954 (3,4) because the pattern suggests that 3 will be a 1/2 beat.
Well that's all the energy I have for today, I hope this mod was of use to you ~
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

  1. 00:05:013 (2,3,4,5,6) - to me this kind of sticks out like a sore thumb in this section. The spacing is significantly higher than the rest of the section and I think the increase rhythm density would have been enough. If you don't want to change it then I recommend upping the spacing of 00:06:072 (1,2,3) so it doesn't feel so out of place did by a bit
  2. 00:15:601 (3) - I got to agree with doormat here tbh. Just to add something he didn't bring up, the spacing is so big that it is easily misread as a single reverse slider, not something you really want
  3. 00:21:424 (1,2) - Listening to this at full speed this did actually sound off to me. After listening to it a few times at 25% I believe the drums to be 1/3 (ignore object placements) these are where the drum sounds land from what I can tell. Because of this I would suggest this rhythm or something similar as the transition from 1/4 to 1/3 wouldn't be intuitive if you mapped the entire thing as circles again ignore object placements) i dont really hear any 1/3s.. i looked through the ranked version as well, there are no 1/3s
  4. 00:22:307 (3) - I kind of agree with doormat on this too. I would suggest this rhythm as it would fit in with the rhythm you've been using for the entire section with the way you've had triplets on the downbeat. changed; but might have to rework because of 00:15:601 (3) -
  5. 00:24:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I just wanted to point out that this is the hardest part of the map because you didn't add jumps in at 00:58:660 (1,1,1) - or 01:28:307 (1,1,1)
  6. 00:37:130 (1,2,3) - I personally would prefer if you deleted this and had this part empty like the hard diff. Before this part the rhythm naturally follows the piano so when it cuts out it feels natural for you to want to take a break in the map, imo at least. Also it should be pointed out that you even skipped the vocal at 00:36:954 so the transition is awkward too. did something
  7. 00:49:836 (3,1,2) - Would suggest using same-ish spacing for all of these objects as they are all of similar intensity.
  8. 00:51:072 - This sound here is part of the rhythm 00:51:248 (1,2,3) - within the song so it feels empty to skip over it. Also the spacing 00:50:542 (2,1,2) is a bit weird as 00:50:542 (2,1) have a 1/1 beat apart where as the rest of the pattern 00:51:248 (1,2,3,4,5) uses the same spacing and they are 1/2 a beat apart
  9. 00:58:307 (1) - This would be one of those times where I suggest increasing the spacing a lot for a nice emphasis. theres not really a place i can place the circle without it looking weird & unfit D:

  1. 00:15:601 (1) - This entire section feels a bit like I would map it in a normal tbh :v . The spacing and SVs are so similar to the sections before and after it that when you transition over to them it doesn't feel like you're playing anything different. Also it would be nice to map some of the drum triplets here and there. This kinda goes for the entire map tbh it is a bit slow, but i think it fits pretty well; as for the triples it was explained in another mod
  2. 00:35:719 (1,2,3,4) - The structure of this pattern make it very easy to misread 00:36:954 (3,4) because the pattern suggests that 3 will be a 1/2 beat. i moved 3 and 4 up by a bit
Well that's all the energy I have for today, I hope this mod was of use to you ~ thank you uwu
some rhythm was changed & added some triplet from doormat's mod as well as adjusted 00:53:895 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 's positioning
no kids

  1. 00:31:483 (3) - move this back 1/2 so it follows the vocals. Also you should fix the spacing in this section, it suddenly changes from 1.1 to 1.0 (it should remain 1.1)
  2. 00:55:307 (1) - move this back 1/2, I think following the drums is better (make sure you change NC if you do)
  1. 01:19:483 (1,2,1) - spacing is kinda weird
  2. 01:23:719 (1,2,1) - Transition to the third slider is kinda wild
Topic Starter

Frostings wrote:


  1. 00:31:483 (3) - move this back 1/2 so it follows the vocals. Also you should fix the spacing in this section, it suddenly changes from 1.1 to 1.0 (it should remain 1.1)
  2. 00:55:307 (1) - move this back 1/2, I think following the drums is better (make sure you change NC if you do)
  1. 01:19:483 (1,2,1) - spacing is kinda weird upped spacing of symmetrical part
  2. 01:23:719 (1,2,1) - Transition to the third slider is kinda wild ctrl g ?_?
fixed all; thank you again frostings :D
00:21:601 (4,1) - swap these NCs
01:21:424 (2,3,1) - I feel like the increased spacing isn't enough to emphasize the third object. A flow change might be better,. You can space out the sliders and place the note in the middle maybe?
01:25:130 (1) - maybe have it face the other way? personal preference but it could be shorter as well via SV multiplier
Topic Starter

Frostings wrote:

00:21:601 (4,1) - swap these NCs
01:21:424 (2,3,1) - I feel like the increased spacing isn't enough to emphasize the third object. A flow change might be better,. You can space out the sliders and place the note in the middle maybe?
01:25:130 (1) - maybe have it face the other way? personal preference but it could be shorter as well via SV multiplier

thank you for spending your 666 on me xd
Super short mod! Sorry, but maps like this that have already been heavily modded are really hard to find problems with.

Nothing is hit sounded, and everything uses the default soft sample set. I recommend trying to implement hit sounds at certain points in the song to better fit the music.


This is arguably the climax of the song, and a 4 star difficulty but it ends with just this slider 01:00:072 (2) - While it does fit, it feels really easy for a 4 star. I'd recommend some way of making it more difficult.

Really loved the map overall, definitely worthy of a star!
Topic Starter

QuiescentRabbit wrote:

Super short mod! Sorry, but maps like this that have already been heavily modded are really hard to find problems with.

Nothing is hit sounded, and everything uses the default soft sample set. I recommend trying to implement hit sounds at certain points in the song to better fit the music. i checked through all the diffs again, they were all hitsounded


This is arguably the climax of the song, and a 4 star difficulty but it ends with just this slider 01:00:072 (2) - While it does fit, it feels really easy for a 4 star. I'd recommend some way of making it more difficult. it was mapped to the music, theres not a lot of things going on at 01:00:072 (2) - there was even a brief pause before the vocals; the harder part is in kiai of course ;)

Really loved the map overall, definitely worthy of a star! wow >///<; thank you so much!
Lab Mod!
Results given in [x, y] formats

Object at 01:27:777 - should be placed at: [372, 81] currently at: [373, 82] to move in line with slider

Nothing Detected!
Object at 01:29:013 - should be placed at: [282, 215] currently at: [283, 216] to move in line with slider

I hope I didn't malfunction! C:
Topic Starter
fixed above, thank you!

edited: will reply to mods below in a few days when i am free again, thank you guys c:
Hello from my queue!
started: 3:26pm

00:27:072 - Add circle here because you did it at 00:38:366 (1,2)?
00:50:895 - I think the kick drum is too important to not map.
00:56:542 - Same as ^
01:07:307 (2,3) - I would switch these two objects around to vary up the pattern a bit. Compared to this 01:03:954 (1,2,3), which has a vocal hit on the slider-1 end and circle-2, this pattern doesn't have anything on the first slider's end.
01:17:013 (4,5) - The objects prior to these are mapped to the vocal hits, rhythm is changed here. Yeah, you'll have 4 1/1 sliders back to back but I think a 1/1 slider at 01:16:836 feels better. It doesn't flow well musically.

00:15:601 (1,2,3) - I would map this like you mapped 00:21:601 (4,1,2). Expectation of pattern was thrown off because of abrupt rhythm change.
00:25:483 (3,4,5) - SV feels a bit slow for these last 3 sliders.
00:27:072 (6,1) - Personally, I'd stack these two.
00:31:307 (1) - CTRL + J, doesn't feel nice if it's curving upwards.
00:38:366 (1,2) - Personally, I'd stack these two.
01:03:954 (1) - I'd nudge this up a bit to emphasize the vocal hit a bit more.
01:27:248 (3,4,1) - Inconsistent spacing. Make slider closer to circle-4.

01:22:307 - Section here is calmer than 00:15:424 but spacing is higher? Look at all that room between each object.
01:28:307 (1,1,1) - Just my opinion, I think you should reverse this pattern. Start it off small/slow with the end being big/fast. The music starts quiet and ends loudly, makes sense to show the increase in volume and velocity by having the sliders grow instead of shrink.
Nice mapset, very clean. Good luck.
finished: 3:59pm

  • [General]
  1. The offset seems a bit early, 435 sounds more accurate.

    Going to mod top diff since it's the most likely to include mistakes due to the high object density.
  2. 00:05:189 (3,4,5) - Pitch is going down throughout this so it'd make sense if the spacing followed accordingly. Something like this could work, for instance. Nothing wrong with how it is at the moment, but you could always take that extra step to resemble the song more if possible. Alternatively, you could differentiate the instrumental layers by stacking (2) and (3) in some way, for instance like this.
  3. 00:05:189 (3,6,1) - These could probably use consistent visual spacing to look more structured or whatnot. Also adds emphasis to 00:06:072 (1) - which reflects the piano nicely.
  4. 00:06:777 (3) - I feel like spacing these to place emphasis on the strong piano impacts would better follow the song. In order to not make it over the top, you could use contrast to make it seem like it's spaced more than it actually is, in this case by reducing the spacing between 00:06:072 (1,2) - . For example, something like this would be much more impactful on (3) than something like this, even if the spacing to (3) is the same.
  5. Speaking of that part, try keeping the curvature of sliders similar, especially where multiple ones are visible at once like at 00:06:072 (1,3) - . This will generally make things look more intentional and visually pleasing, and less like it's randomly done. Applies throughout the map, for example at 00:17:013 (1,2) - 00:21:601 (3,3) - etc.
  6. 00:06:777 (3,1,2) - The flow seems awfully counter-intuitive here, especially since 00:06:072 (1,2,3) - was already breaking the clockwise motion. Generally you'd want to avoid breaking flow too much in a map, since doing so would make it feel rigid in gameplay, with slider shapes losing their visual implication of where the next object is to be placed. Usually people would expect the next object to appear somewhere within this red circle. You could easily make it more intuitive here by flipping 00:07:483 (1) - vertically.
  7. 00:17:013 (1) - This seems kind of underwhelming compared to 00:15:954 (1,2) - . Song clearly emphasizes these so building some contrast by spacing would reflect that. It does break flow but preferably it would stand out in more aspects than just rotation. You could potentially reduce the spacing between 00:16:483 (2,3) - and then increase it between 00:16:660 (3,1) - , with similar reasoning to that of the third point.
  8. 00:17:542 (2) - Similarly this is also pretty powerful in the song yet the spacing seems to imply that 00:18:248 (4) - is stronger. You could potentially position them like this instead. That way 00:17:542 (2,3) - clearly shows that 00:18:072 (3) - is stronger than 00:18:248 (4) - , and that 00:17:542 (2) - is of similar strength to that of 00:17:013 (1) - .

    Same thought process can be used on 00:18:777 (3,4,5) - 00:19:836 (1,2) - 00:21:601 (3,4,5) - 00:24:424 (1,1,1,1) - etc you get the idea. Basically contrast the sounds more with use of spacing to resemble the song more accurately. The lower the spacing for regular sounds, the more the stronger sounds will stand out in turn.

  9. 00:24:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - This looks quite unstructured and a bit messy, could try placing all the strong beats in the same place 00:24:424 (1,1,1,1) - , sort of like this. Then, make the rest follow some pattern. I tried something here, but it's not the best pattern since the spacing gets a bit ridiculously high at the end, although having increasing spacing in some way would represent the buildup better probably. Up to you how you arrange it, but would still advice making it more structured than it is currently.
  10. 00:27:248 - Personally I would've done this rhythm like this, since currently 00:27:954 - is mapped as a circle despite not having an impact there in the song. So instead I following the piano from 00:27:777 - to cover 00:27:954 - with a tail, as this allows for better filler rhythm, considering what the song has to offer.

    The vocals on 00:28:130 - and 00:28:307 - can be done more clearly by two separate clicks for each impact. The reason why I'm ending a slider on 00:28:483 - is to indicate that we're switching from vocals to piano in the following measure. Instead of drawing out the vocal syncopation at 00:28:483 - , I just end a slider there to show that I'm not going to be following that vocal. Alternatively you can follow the piano instead by swapping the rhythm for these two in my example, might be easier actually.

  11. 00:40:836 (4,5) - Would swap these rhythmically. Reason being that 00:41:013 - is a slider end even though it's on a white tick with drums and vocals and everything happening on it. 00:47:542 (3,4) - are fine since their tails don't have vocals on them, unlike here. Additionally you'd usually want to end sliders on vocal syncopation 00:41:189 - when the following downbeat has an important beat 00:41:366 - , in order to indicate that we're not following the vocal there and are instead going to switch instrumental layer.
  12. 00:50:542 (2,1) - Should probably be spaced further to avoid the player confusing (1) for landing on 00:51:072 - , as there are still sounds here.
  13. 01:03:072 - I expected this to be clickable since it's the main melody of the song and probably what stands out most when listening to it. Would try something like this.
  14. 01:07:483 (3,4,5) - Hmm I can't really hear this triple in the song. Are you sure you want to keep it like this? I was expecting it to follow the guitar, which has an impact on 01:07:660 - as well as 01:09:072 - . So for the second one you'd swap 01:08:719 (2,3) - . This way the vocal also gains some rhythmical emphasis by being drawn out properly like the song suggests.
  15. 01:09:954 - This is also rather strong, and reflecting it solely with a kink in the slider shape usually doesn't work well. Much better to just have it clickable as a circle, making the slider a 1/2 instead. No need to do it on 01:10:483 - since 01:10:130 - is stronger, unlike 01:09:601 - .
  16. 01:13:042 - Potential for a triple here. Could try something like this, like what you did at 00:39:601 (5,6,7) - .
  17. 01:15:072 (1,2) - In comparison to the above, these aren't actually supported by the song and seem to just be overmapped for emphasis. It worked pretty well at 01:01:660 (2,3,4) - 01:03:777 (1,2,3) - since there weren't any triples in the song around there for them to be ambiguous with, but here you've got 01:13:042 - 01:14:454 - 01:15:866 - 01:17:277 - , all of which are currently ignored. Overmapping and undermapping on their own are fine, but combining overmapping and undermapping on same parts is essentially the same as ignoring the song. Anyway I'd suggest removing this triple and instead prioritizing the triples that are here in the song if you want to add notes on blue ticks.
  18. 01:20:895 - There's a buildup in the background here. Might be able to cover some of that or at least reflect it in intensity by making this part more rhythmically dense.
  19. 01:28:307 (1,1,1) - The song is building up right before it ends so I was expecting these to increase in SV, not decrease. Compare it to 00:58:660 (1,1,1) - , for example.

    Overall spacing could probably use some work, especially in terms of what is to be emphasized. At 00:39:248 (4,5) - 00:40:130 (1,2) - , the snare is being heavily emphasized, yet it's completely ignored at 00:41:013 - 00:41:719 - etc, which ends up feeling inconsistent. I'd suggest reducing spacing of anything not important and then having more important things noticeably larger spacing, as to build spatial contrast throughout the map and accentuate specific beats more. This way you also avoid any inconsistency in spacing and can represent the song with confidence.

    In my opinion, flow like 00:06:777 (3,1,2) - is breaking a bit too much. 00:11:719 (1,2) - is alright, but when it happens basically all over 00:31:307 (1,2,3) - 00:40:660 (3,4,5) - 00:43:307 (2,3,3) - , it starts losing it's effect and ends up emphasizing nothing because of it's constant usage. It becomes more of a theme of the map than anything, which may not be the best idea with a counter-intuitive aspect, but maybe that's just me. I just feel like you could cut down on the flow breaks a bit and only use them for specific and reoccurring parts in the song if possible, for instance in the piano part 00:28:660 (1,2) - 00:31:307 (1,2) - 00:34:307 (1,2) - since that seemed to work well. May be difficult to change in the map as it is now, but something to think of for future maps I suppose.
Definitely not bad for a first published map. My advice is to focus more on the feedback to the map than the map itself. If you realize that you need to work on things, then that's a sign that you're improving. Once you've gained enough knowledge you can try applying that to a new map and start the process over again to improve your mapping further.
Hello, just popping by since we both mapped this. You should note the song's drummer had a seizure at 00:49:832 (1) - and requires some timing points.

I had previously timed this for my set and and checked with bonsai. He thought it was fine and the issues he mentioned were fixed. I timed the song using a different offset or mp3, so things might change.
I've adjusted the timings to your offset. To find the slider velocity you will need to set for consistent speed, use this formula: (170/new bpm)*0.75 = new sv. I've already done this for Insane in the code below.


That said, I agree that there's still some fundamental thingies Naxess mentioned that need to be fixed. Good luck (you need it to survive naxess mods :P)

00:06:072 (1,3) - Use the same slidershape. Take slider 3, copy paste it, and Ctrl+J and use that for 1.
00:34:307 (1,2) - This is a calm section, so I would avoid jumps this big. Make this smaller so the section doesn't feel like its as difficult as later parts. Helps the map reflect the intensity of the song at different levels. Actually try stacking 00:34:836 (2) - 's slidertail with 00:35:719 (1) - 's head.
00:38:366 (1,2,3,4) - Your spacing here could be a bit more consistent.
00:41:189 (5,1) - And maybe try blanketting, or making the pattern a bit more even like:
00:50:189 (1,2) - The spacing is a bit dubious because its 1/1 but you make it seem like its a 1/2 spacing with your placement.
00:55:836 (4,5) - here too could be spaced a bit more, see how its a bit similar to 5>6>1 after.
01:26:542 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,1) - This is cute. The spacing doesn't respect time-distance equality, but here it's done really well.

Overall the spacing you use on the map could still use a bit more finetuning, I pointed out a few places, but if you understand my logic, see if you can apply it elsewhere too.


00:03:248 (1,2) - Lets not do jumps like this in the intro.
00:18:424 (4,1) - A bit too close... Looks like a 1/2 jump or something instead of a 1/1 gap.
00:21:601 (4,1) - Swamp NC's
00:35:719 (1,2) - This is way too big for the section. Try an arrangement like this:
00:49:836 - Here you shift to only 1/1 rhythms, so even though your spacing looks like 1/2 objects, theres nothing to confuse them with 1/2 rhythms cuz there aren't any 1/2 rhythms, so this is good!
00:57:248 (2,1) - Here though, could use a bit more spacing.
01:00:072 (2) - For sliders like this, two ways to construct them. Try one of them instead of this.
01:09:248 (4,1) - A bit too big.
01:29:013 (5) - Space this out a bit more so its similar to the jumps earlier.

Generally two points of improvement are: 1) jumps being too big for their section, or just being too big for a Hard difficulty in general. 2) 1/1 and 1/2 spacing being confused sometimes. I think i pointed out most places though, but definitely go through again.


00:56:542 - This felt unnecessarily empty. Add a circle? If this were an Easy i'd be okay, but since this is a Normal you can afford to make the rhythm a bit denser.


I think this set is promising. Made some notes on Insane and Hard for stuff you should go through again. Idk if you are still working with Frostings but if you are, ask him to check for those issues too. You can call me back when you feel confident in the map. If you're still working with Frostings, get his approval too~ (Also don't forget to check my map, i'd appreciate it, thx!)
Topic Starter
sorry for the late reply :o

all timing related things will be held off for now; will be updated later since im still trying to figure certain things out and need the right timestamps

botan's mod: 01:28:307 (1,1,1) - reversed, sv grows instead of slowing in insane; 01:03:954 (1) - was moved up in hard. nothing was applied in normal since some will make the rhythm more difficult & lack of interesting rhythm patterns. i will go over and change something from 00:31:307 (1,2,1,2,3) - as it does look awkward and could use remap. none of the objects in hard were stacked since they look fine to me unstacked and i'd like to have them this way

naxess'mod: thank you for the mod, however most things mentioned such as flow breaks were intended to bring out certain parts of the music i think are worth emphasizing, some of these also didn't really sound right to me (rhythmically). i will go in detail replying to the full mod if you'd like more explanation, but here are some on the things i changed and a bit of explanation

00:05:189 (3,6,1) - is barely noticeable when playing, only in the editor it shows for a bit longer and look unpleasant; lowered spacing for 00:16:483 (2,3) - and increased for 00:16:660 (3,1) -
00:18:072 (3,4) - the reason for this was to prepare for the tiny build up with the triple next measure
00:24:424 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - about these, i will go back and rework them since they are a bit messy and could've been done better.
00:27:248 - have been done before, but received some feedback that went against it multiple times
01:03:072 - agreed, and fixed
01:13:042 - added triple for now, but without the 3 circle jumps it lost a bit of the "feels" to it, gonna ask for more opinion on this
01:15:072 (2) - removed
01:20:895 - climax of kiai, theres not really anything i think would fit other then a calm end

and last but not least, thank you for the timing Sinnoh :)
no Kudosuu

01:20:895 (4,1) - swap NCs here
01:23:719 (3,1,2) - and here

00:21:601 (4,1) - swap NCs
01:28:836 (4,5) - maybe you could use the same distance that you use here 01:27:777 (1,2,3) -

00:32:542 (3) - I think you should make this 1/2 slider to maintain flow
00:50:189 (1) - :X I think you should move this back to where it was before. Movement is too erratic
01:03:954 (3,4,5) - this looks really weird. I don't think you should stack them like that. Also the rotational flow might be a little much combined with the previous slider
01:13:130 (4) - make sure you stack this properly !!
01:28:307 (1,1,1) - I actually did like fast to slow better :(
oh yeah also directed to whoever this concerns

I checked the timing and unless my ears are shot there are offset shifts between the piano and drum parts, and the drums themselves are not perfect (human error probably)

I don't know what the policy is for these kind of things. Ranking criteria says timing must be perfect, but the song could very well have timing changes on every single beat, which we could find eventually, and it would probably still not be perfect. Or we can call it a day and use one or a few timing points to average these out

obviously the song is "supposed" to be exactly 170 bpm with no intentional timing changes so I don't know if it makes sense to use multiple red points. It'll make it harder for the player to predict and deal with them
Topic Starter

Monstrata wrote:


00:06:072 (1,3) - Use the same slidershape. Take slider 3, copy paste it, and Ctrl+J and use that for 1. +
00:34:307 (1,2) - This is a calm section, so I would avoid jumps this big. Make this smaller so the section doesn't feel like its as difficult as later parts. Helps the map reflect the intensity of the song at different levels. Actually try stacking 00:34:836 (2) - 's slidertail with 00:35:719 (1) - 's head. i think the stacking looks a bit odd and the jump is fine, so i'll leave it as it is
00:38:366 (1,2,3,4) - Your spacing here could be a bit more consistent.
00:41:189 (5,1) - And maybe try blanketting, or making the pattern a bit more even like: changed the sliders around to avoid blanket -w-
00:50:189 (1,2) - The spacing is a bit dubious because its 1/1 but you make it seem like its a 1/2 spacing with your placement. adjusted them by a bit
00:55:836 (4,5) - here too could be spaced a bit more, see how its a bit similar to 5>6>1 after. i dont really see how its similar though, it picks up pretty quick after 4 >.<
01:26:542 (1,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,1) - This is cute. The spacing doesn't respect time-distance equality, but here it's done really well.

Overall the spacing you use on the map could still use a bit more finetuning, I pointed out a few places, but if you understand my logic, see if you can apply it elsewhere too. spacings should be fine, none of them are too explicit looking to me uwu


00:03:248 (1,2) - Lets not do jumps like this in the intro. +
00:18:424 (4,1) - A bit too close... Looks like a 1/2 jump or something instead of a 1/1 gap. moved up by a bit
00:21:601 (4,1) - Swamp NC's +
00:35:719 (1,2) - This is way too big for the section. Try an arrangement like this: i think its fine
00:49:836 - Here you shift to only 1/1 rhythms, so even though your spacing looks like 1/2 objects, theres nothing to confuse them with 1/2 rhythms cuz there aren't any 1/2 rhythms, so this is good!
00:57:248 (2,1) - Here though, could use a bit more spacing.
01:00:072 (2) - For sliders like this, two ways to construct them. Try one of them instead of this. +
01:09:248 (4,1) - A bit too big. moved in
01:29:013 (5) - Space this out a bit more so its similar to the jumps earlier. did

Generally two points of improvement are: 1) jumps being too big for their section, or just being too big for a Hard difficulty in general. 2) 1/1 and 1/2 spacing being confused sometimes. I think i pointed out most places though, but definitely go through again.


00:56:542 - This felt unnecessarily empty. Add a circle? If this were an Easy i'd be okay, but since this is a Normal you can afford to make the rhythm a bit denser. +


I think this set is promising. Made some notes on Insane and Hard for stuff you should go through again. Idk if you are still working with Frostings but if you are, ask him to check for those issues too. You can call me back when you feel confident in the map. If you're still working with Frostings, get his approval too~ (Also don't forget to check my map, i'd appreciate it, thx!)

Frostings wrote:

no Kudosuu

01:20:895 (4,1) - swap NCs here
01:23:719 (3,1,2) - and here

00:21:601 (4,1) - swap NCs
01:28:836 (4,5) - maybe you could use the same distance that you use here 01:27:777 (1,2,3) -

00:32:542 (3) - I think you should make this 1/2 slider to maintain flow
00:50:189 (1) - :X I think you should move this back to where it was before. Movement is too erratic
01:03:954 (3,4,5) - this looks really weird. I don't think you should stack them like that. Also the rotational flow might be a little much combined with the previous slider
01:13:130 (4) - make sure you stack this properly !!
01:28:307 (1,1,1) - I actually did like fast to slow better :( me too!! so im bringing it back :)

thanks uwu
Changes look good. Nominated~ Good job :D
Topic Starter
much thanks uwu
oh i thought i told you to call me back after you got a few mods s:

can i qualify this after the timer?
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

oh i thought i told you to call me back after you got a few mods s:

can i qualify this after the timer?
sorry about that doormat :o

that would be great c:
can i get a metadata check?

  1. 01:27:601 (4,1) - spacing here is kind of similar to the 1/1 spacing you used for the previous combo, maybe try moving in the 4->1 in a little more to avoid potential confusion?
  1. 00:15:601 (3,1) - still think you should Ctrl + G the (1) here. i get it's intentional so i'm guessing you wanted high spacing to presumably emphasize the introduction of drums, but this 1/4 spacing is really extreme and out of place with regards to the rest of the mapset. even if you look at your other double repeat sliders, none of them have a crazy distance of 7.6x between notes
  2. 01:27:601 (4,5) - same as the hard tbh; moving the NC from 01:28:130 (1) - to 01:27:777 (5) - might also help with differentiation between 1/1s and 1/2s
rest is okay, no kudosu for this post
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

can i get a metadata check?

  1. 01:27:601 (4,1) - spacing here is kind of similar to the 1/1 spacing you used for the previous combo, maybe try moving in the 4->1 in a little more to avoid potential confusion?
  1. 00:15:601 (3,1) - still think you should Ctrl + G the (1) here. i get it's intentional so i'm guessing you wanted high spacing to presumably emphasize the introduction of drums, but this 1/4 spacing is really extreme and out of place with regards to the rest of the mapset. even if you look at your other double repeat sliders, none of them have a crazy distance of 7.6x between notes i tried working around it but i do agree 7.6 is too high, so I applied it
  2. 01:27:601 (4,5) - same as the hard tbh; moving the NC from 01:28:130 (1) - to 01:27:777 (5) - might also help with differentiation between 1/1s and 1/2s
rest is okay, no kudosu for this post
Web for meta

Fixed the rest

me irl

can't qualify this right away due to some metadata issues, lol.

there's no space in between the ~ and the japanese lettering, so fix that.

Song Title: さよならのゆくえ~TV size~
Romanised Song Title: Sayonara no Yukue~TV size~

also your Title/Unicode in your Insane doesn't match the Title/Unicode in your Normal/Hard
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

me irl

can't qualify this right away due to some metadata issues, lol.

there's no space in between the ~ and the japanese lettering, so fix that.

Song Title: さよならのゆくえ~TV size~
Romanised Song Title: Sayonara no Yukue~TV size~

also your Title/Unicode in your Insane doesn't match the Title/Unicode in your Normal/Hard

I just went over it again and hopefully its fixed this time xd
metadata looks good now, but i'm going to rebubble it just to be safe. you can ask monstrata to qualify it after 24 hours.

grats on your first map!
Topic Starter

Doormat wrote:

metadata looks good now, but i'm going to rebubble it just to be safe. you can ask monstrata to qualify it after 24 hours.

grats on your first map!
thank you doormat! sorry for trouble cx

We made the dark combo color a bit lighter so its more visible.
Topic Starter
thank you !!

Frostings wrote:

the chill mapping fits to the song nicely :)
Congratulations for your first ranked map! :D
need reference for the romanised artist, what i could find is Alisa Takigawa


thanks in advance
disqualified to fix romanised artist
back to qualified
wow didn't know this got qualified congratz!!
Topic Starter
thank you guys !
00:21:072 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - going back to my previous mod I still think these are 1/3 and that when playing its really obvious you're playing a wrong snap

Kisses wrote:

00:21:072 (5,6,7,1,2,3) - going back to my previous mod I still think these are 1/3 and that when playing its really obvious you're playing a wrong snap
00:21:072 (5,6,7) - these are 1/4 drums
00:21:424 (1,2) - this would be 1/3 if it was the drums but pretty sure hes following the like violin thing
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