Your Timing seems super off to me. I honestly think you only need 1 red line at the beginning but with adjusted BPM since this is definitely not a flat 160
An Offset of 0 sounds best to me but in that case you'll have to add maybe half a second of silence to your audio at the beginning because osu dislikes maps with zero offset. I then used a BPM of 160.18
I am having a few issues with the section from 00:15:710 - 00:27:004
This part feels super dense, maybe break up the constant 1/1s at 00:21:004, having a 2/1 break there?
I feel like the vocal at 00:18:180 deserves some more impact by being mapped actively (like 00:23:828 (4)) since it's arguably more impactful than 00:17:828 which is mapped actively. Maybe adjust your rhythm to something like this?
00:21:357 (1,3) - having these be the only 2/1 sliders in this section feels kinda out of place, especially since there's nothing different happening in the song or the vocals to justify having these longer held sliders here. If you want to simplify (which is often not a bad idea in Easy diffs) then I'd do it a bit more regularly and not so isolated because that feels odd
00:36:886 (3,4,5) - missread potential on this, I'd advise against 1/1 triangle patterns like these where all three circles are the same distance from each other
Just do smth like this instead
00:38:298 (1,3) - similar to 00:21:357 (1,3) it feels a bit weird if these are the only held sliders here.
While 00:38:298 (1) is completely fine with the "scream" held vocal, 00:39:710 (3) seems like a unnecessary simplification when it only happens one more time ( at 00:46:769 (1) with constant 1/1 rhythm inbetween.
Similarly to 00:21:357 (1,3) I would try to incorporate more of these held sliders in other places instead
00:51:004 (1,1,1,1) - those 2/1 repeat sliders honestly feel underwhelming for what should be the peak of the song and they don't really follow the rhythm here either
maybe change your patterns to something like this
00:05:475 (3,3) - those seems wrong to me, doesn't the e-piano play 1/4 earlier? Current way this is simplified feels weird to play. Making the 2 sliders 3/4 should honestly be fine.
00:06:886 (4,1) - firstly, broken blanket 💀
Would maybe rearrange it anyways so 4 is closer to the sliderhead than the sliderend
00:19:945 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe tone down the active 1/2s here, you have a lot of active rhythm there already anyways
00:37:239 (4,5,6) - similar problem to the triangle pattern in the easy diff, this can be missread super easily by beginners, especially since there's already a lot happening. Just move 00:37:945 (6,7,1) - away from the rest of the pattern instead of trying to cramp it in there
Kinda same with 00:43:592 (6) but doesn't feel quite as bad
00:42:357 - could map this, you're in the kiai and leaving this one empty feels a bit boring
00:43:945 (1,2) - maybe add a circle at 00:45:180 to repeat the clicking pattern from 00:38:298 (1,2,3)
00:12:710 (5) - maybe remove this. Since the following double stacks are already quite difficult to hit you could give the player a short moment to "prepare" for those.
00:32:651 (1,2,3,1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3) vs 00:35:475 (1,2,1,2) makes for really bad contrast, I would love to see the vocals being followed passively and instead have the buildup be more bursty instead. Currently the part that should build up the map's intensity the most just falls flat
ctrl+g 00:51:004 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:53:828 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:56:651 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 00:59:475 (1,2,3,4) lol? Currently you put so much emphasis on the "night" when it's arguably the weakest vocal of the three words said.
00:02:651 (2,1) - HUH? Unlike the sliders this circle doesn't fall on the sounds that increase in pitch, hence there is no reason for this massive spacing here. Something like this seems much more sensible to me
What's up with your spacing in 00:04:416 - 00:09:004? Don't really see a reason why you use same distance for 1/4s and 1/2s
Honestly, just make 1/4s overlap like 00:09:710 (4,1)
Also, please fix your (visual) spacing on 00:08:210 (3,4) lol
00:45:357 (1,2) - kinda underwhelming, increase spacing?
Similar thing at 00:46:592 (4,1), the 1 deserves a bit more attention tbh
Last Tour
00:15:004 (1,2,3,4) - not sure if I'm feeling this turn here since the only thing changing is that the drums sound very slightly damper. A smaller change like reducing the spacing could be cool
subjective though :)
Your spacing seems kinda inted in some places, most notably 00:15:710 - 00:25:239 and the first kiai.
for example 00:16:239 (2,3) or 00:20:828 (4,1) have an unreasonably large gap while patterns like 00:19:945 (1,2,3) could be highlighted so much more with how the vocals go up there.
For the kiai examples of emphasis that seems just wrong would be 00:19:945 (1,2,3) (why is the emphasis on the 3, when both 1&2 should arguably be more intense), 00:44:298 (2,3) (could go much crazier on the 3 here, vocals are peaking).
By no means a comprehensive list of the issues but just the most glaring examples that you can find at a glimpse. I'd recommend going over both sections again to check for these odd spacing choices where they don't properly represent what the song is doing
In 00:15:710 - 00:24:180 I feel like there's a lot of missed opportunities to focus on the e-piano a bit more to make the rhythm more interesting for example by mapping the blue tick between 00:16:416 (3,4), 00:17:828 (5,6), 00:19:239 (4,5) etc.
btw, I think it is fine to ignore it in places like 00:17:475 (3,4) in favour of focusing on the clearly thought out patterns follwing the vocals.
00:53:122 (1,2) - 00:58:769 (4,5) - maybe increase spacing? Intensity drops a little too much here imo
In the first section 00:04:796 - 00:13:646 I feel like you could slightly reduce some of the more spaced gaps. Having relatively high density of active rhythms I think is cool here, as well as the rather random spacing variation. It fits with the wonky sound the song starts out with but I do think it's just a little bit too much, when you compare it to other, more intense parts of the song, we're still in the very intro after all.
Following the intro, the section 00:16:796 - 00:40:796 has somewhat inconsistent spacings in the active circle parts.
For example, 00:16:796 (1,2,3,4), 00:16:796 (1,2,3,4) - feels wayyy to spaced. You don't even get to spacing like this in the second half of this section, despite the song arguably being more intense there.
But even with patterns like 00:28:796 (1,2,3,4,5) vs. 00:35:996 (1,2,3,4,5) which represent similar things in the song are so drastically different, one feeling overspaced, the other being underwhelming. 00:32:396 (1,2,3,4,5) - was what I felt like a good middleground.
btw, 00:25:196 (1,2,3,4,5) is fine with the lower spacing to make the slider feel more intense, although you could still at least slightly buff the spacing here as well.
01:53:396 (4) - minor thing but ctrl+g, flow felt nicer to me that way
If you want to you can then also nicely change up the following sliders somewhat like this
to have this direction-changing flow similar to 01:34:196 (4,5,6,7)
01:57:296 (1) - I would honestly try to reduce SV on this slider since the sound is like drowning out here, currently it feels too fast. Maybe go like x1.5 like on 01:55:196 (1) as the sound is similar but in reverse.
If you do that you probably have to adjust slider shape a little. I personally think leaning into the crampedness at towards the end looked really nice
02:35:096 (5,6) - maybe make slider two active circles and remove 6. that 1/8 hitcircle feels like an odd overmap and just having sliders in this climax of the kiai feels underwhelming, hence making the slider more active.
03:32:996 (1) - wouldn't it make more sense to snap this on 03:33:746? It's the last distinct sound (other than percussive elements, but you're clearly not following them here) where it would make sense to end this spinner.
03:07:046 (6) - 03:26:246 (4) - Could use the other barrel sound (drum-hitclap2) on these off-beat barrel sounds instead, current one feels super obnoxious even with the low volume
Somewhat related to the above (I can't link to it before posting the entire review :x Will link to it in replies afterwards):
Few missing barrel hitsounds:
03:34:496 (1) - 03:43:796 (2) (sliderend) - 03:45:446 (5) - 03:46:196 (2) (sliderend)
03:45:446 (5) - should then also be sampleset 2
Also, maybe generally lower the barrel hitsounds even more, could honestly go as low as 10% volume
04:11:996 (1) - I think this big circular bit on this slider looks a little goofy, maybe make the tail a bit longer instead to have some nicer visuals
00:29:278 (5,6,7) felt kind of weird to play for me. While I understand why you decided to make it the way you did I feel like putting more emphasis on the strength of the vocals as such feels much more natural to play imo
Sliders like 00:13:875 (3), 00:17:062 (5), 00:28:875 (3), etc. are a bit weird because the strong drum is mapped to the sliderends here which gives very weak impact. I'd love to see them mapped actively.
00:35:062 (1,2,3) - 01:02:437 (1,2,3) - 02:09:000 (4,5,6) - 02:51:375 (3,4,5) - these look confusing and almost don't seem intentional. If you want some distancing instead of just triplet stacks, maybe do something like this:
02:27:375 (1) - the beats at both the repeat and sliderend are actually more intense here, yet you map those passively while the weaker drum is active at the sliderhead.
I would honestly copy paste 02:26:812 (5) instead of doing 02:27:187 (6,7,1) and then map 02:27:562 & 02:27:750 actively with two circles.
02:31:125 (8,9,1) - this spacing is super missleading, the distance between those objects is nearly the same, yet one has a 1/2 gap while the other is 1/1
I feel like 03:04:500 onwards has way too steep of a dropoff in intensity when the only thing gone is the large amount of drums while the rest of the song stays almost intense, especially the vocals that you primarily seem to be following here, you really should map some supporting beats to properly represent the song alongside the vocals. Just straight up ignoring drums in places 03:05:812 - 03:06:562 - 03:20:062 - 03:20:437 - 03:23:062 makes the contrast with the part before way too much.
02:33:370 - 02:45:815 - please make those bursts less spaced and a bit less wiggly, especially 02:41:815 (7,8,9,10,1) - is quite the offender here
02:33:370 - you do way too many things to make this section crazier and more intense than the rest which makes this a massive diff spike, like way over the top:
That's just too much all at once. I'd suggest you tone down the density and avoid the mix of stacks and chains like 02:35:815 (6,7,1,2,3,1) because that is confusing and it also plays pretty badly.
02:32:037 (2) - feels just plain wrong, if anywhere I feel like 02:32:148 would sound more like it?
Currently it just falls on nothing and could just as well be removed entirely
01:21:593 (4) - huge nitpick but this right angle slider and the way it leads into the next circle feels so out of place stylistically. Looks much nicer with a wider angle imo
00:54:481 (3,4) - would ctrl+g this rhythm since there's not really any change warranting breaking up the established pattern before this point
00:26:926 (2,3) - this stack seems out of place, considering you didn't do stacks before AND song is actually more intense here.
Honestly, I would probably stack rest of the intro and maybe have this one not stacked
01:11:593 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - this entire 3/4 section feels kind of brutal, especially because it already starts off with active mapping. Just maybe if you began this part with 3/4 (reverse) sliders to introduce the rhythm, it could work but the way it currently is, this is too complex to understand for complete beginners.
01:02:704 (5,1) - the flow between these two sliders is a little weird imo
I would expect something more akin to this:
The chorus is currently mapped quite a bit less intensly than more chill parts of the song which is kind of misrepresentative and causes some contrast issues within the map as well. Maybe resort to overall less dense rhythm outside of the chorus and don't use that many long sliders and more active rhythms in the chorus.
Your map suffers a good bit from a lack of consistency when it comes to both your usage of patterning as well as your rhythm choices. Currently it feels like you just kinda mapped rhythms just by how you felt at the time, but unfortunately this makes your map feel just "weird" because there's no real idea behind most of it.
Good examples of this are what I already mentioned in 2219289#4505986 or 2219289#4506014 where you break out of your "established" rhythms for seemingly no reason.
Especially on lower diffs like these, it is not a bad idea to keep the mapping simple and make big changes in your flow and rhythm where the song actually changes as well, for example 00:13:018 (1,2,3,4) and 00:15:571 (1,2,3,4,5,6) should probably way more similar than they currently are, whereas 00:20:677 (1,2,3,4) is a great point to make some changes to the flow.
01:22:912 (1) - this sliderend should be mapped actively instead, makes more sense both in terms of song representation and consistency
New combo (nc) cleanup!
00:12:060 (1) - remove new combo (nc)
00:21:954 (4) - add nc
00:24:188 (1) - maybe remove nc, 00:24:507 (2) add nc here
00:29:294 (1,2) - same thing with these two
00:33:763 (1) - remove nc
00:34:720 (4) - add nc
00:42:060 (1,2) - remove nc on 1, add nc on 2
00:46:848 (1) - remove nc
00:47:486 (3) - add nc
00:48:124 (1) - remove nc
00:50:039 (5) - add nc
00:56:422 (5) - add nc
00:58:337 (1,2) - remove on 1, add on 2
01:02:805 (1) - remove nc
01:03:763 (1,2) - remove on 1, add on 2
01:05:997 (1) - remove
01:06:635 (3) - add
01:07:273 (1) - remove
01:09:188 (6) - add
01:11:103 (1) - remove
01:11:741 (3) - add
01:13:337 (1) - remove
01:14:294 (3) - add
01:16:848 (12) - add
01:17:486 (1) - remove
01:18:124 (3) - add
01:20:358 (1,2) - remove on 1, add on 2
01:22:912 (1) - remove nc and add new combo where there's currently the sliderend (see 2219289#4506014)
01:24:826 (1) - remove
01:25:784 (3) - add
01:27:060 (4,1) - add on 4, remove on 1
fix some distance snap:
00:42:060 (1,2,3,1,2,1) (also, 2219289#4505983)
00:47:486 (3,1) -
00:53:869 (1,1) -
01:10:465 (9,1) (this one is most misleading as this looks like a 1/2 but it's actually 1/1)
00:46:050 (4) - the white tick should be mapped actively here, putting it on a sliderend feels very weak.
Try something like this maybe:
00:44:933 (1,2) - shorten slider to 3/4 or just copy rhythm from 2219289#4505983
00:15:571 (1,2) - This 1/2 slider feels super out of place here, could follow the rhythm you established earlier where you undermap and only map on the white ticks
00:41:103 (5) - the 0.75x SV on this is kind of unintuitive since this is actually a more-than-average intense beat. Also, causes you to have whacky distance snap to the next object.
Honestly, I'd just remove that SV
It would be a good idea to use distance snap (you can enable it with the hotkey Y
) so all your objects are consistently spaced in terms of time and distance.
You should then adjust the general slider velocity in the Timing
as well as your distance snap on the top right corner of your Compose
tab (it appears while holding ALT
until the objects that you place are spaced something like this:
(objects 1/2 apart should overlap, while objects spaced 1/1 apart should have some space between them)
Hi since you asked for Feedback on the Hard and Normal diffs and I want to say more besides just the mods I wanna try out this review feature :P
You voiced your concerns on how this Hard diff could be more considered a "Light Insane" but I actually feel like you're not really that far off! Probably the biggest contributor to the relatively high star rating is the density (and I'll get into this in my actual posts) but conceptually at least it seems fine to me for the most part!
Onto what I'd have to critique!
Especially towards the end (~ the last 30% of the map) you use a lot of pretty long chains which you could probably make a bit less active by using more repeat sliders - also not just within each pattern but also alternating between different ones.
Just as a random example, you could turn 01:30:870 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) from
to something like
(Also don't get me wrong, I personally didn't struggle too much with the density here since I tend to do well on tapping-heavy maps but I think for lots of beginners this might be too straining)
During your Kiai times your note distances can be a little confusing since some 1/4 gaps and 1/2 gaps basically look the same
I think this one's a good example of why this can be a bit confusing :P Maybe you can try to have 1/4 spacings overlap always (or at least me noticably closer to each other than 1/2) even when it's between two sliders which are obviously easier to hit.
On to some more isolated issues that I've noticed
00:04:084 (3,4,5,6) - 00:05:799 (3,4,5,6) - etc. these rhythms are kind of difficult to understand, I initally missclicked a lot here.
Maybe you could simplify them to something like this?
01:08:156 (4,5,1) - Might be a good idea to space the slider away to keep the 1/2 stacks to only doubles
01:20:584 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - I wouldn't hide these circles under the sliders like this, they're kinda easy to miss this way. Probably best to just put them at the end of the slider
01:23:584 (1) - minor thing but even though the sound changes here starting a new combo feels kinda odd in the middle of this extended burst of notes somehow, could probably remove :P
01:37:727 I love what you did with the sliders starting here, such a cool representation of the increased melodic complexity in the song!
That's about what I wanted to say about the Hard diff :)
Now for the normal diff: only slight issue would be that in some places you could probably make this a bit more engaging than it currently is.
For example you could make 00:09:441 (3,4) a triplet leading into a slider instead to follow the intensity of the riser sound here.
You already do a pretty good job at this in other places like 00:34:299 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,1) where you increased object density compared to the first half of the kiai
I hope this was of help to you!
01:18:738 (1,2,3) - maybe make them more similar like 01:13:157 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - since the bigger impact is on the white tick which currently has nothing on it
00:29:668 (2,3) - introducing a 1/3 halfway through the map to follow the vocals here seems a bit evil to me since it's hard to read.
You could either simplify this instance of 1/3 or map the entire map in a swing rhythm since the instrumental actually fits that. I would lean more towards the second option since later in the map you actually already do that (e.g. 00:38:738 (3,4,5,6,1) - 00:51:296 (1,2,3,1,2,3), ...)
02:44:523 (1,1) - should remove the last reverse on both of these since there is not sound at the end
02:15:968 (2) - could remove the reverse on that slider and instead follow the rhythm more after it ends
01:46:691 (1,2) - make the first slider a length of 1/2 so the other one can comfortably begin on the white tick, where there is actually a sound
01:14:884 (2,3,4) - it feels like these were placed just because it's hard to figure out the rhythm of these vocals (and I don't blame you lol). But the way it is now you don't properly follow anything here.
It could be a cool idea to keep this completely empty instead to "highlight" the absence of any form of instrumentals here, like this: