mapped by Kingo
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[Muzukashii & Oni]

00:00:521 ~ 00:58:527 - can have more density right now since it is currently just the same as the Futsuu diff which seems a little low. You can consider adding more notes for the guitar without the melody like you did in the top but just with less density overall. This change will benefit the spread progression more so you have a better difference between the diffs.

add - 00:01:737 - 00:02:953 - 00:03:786 - 00:05:376 - 00:08:229 - 00:14:680 - 00:30:110 - 00:32:137 - 00:35:380 - 00:36:596 - 00:39:434 - 00:41:867 - 00:43:083 - 00:49:975 - 00:52:813 - for the guitar and to filler up the structure basically. This should improve the difference between the Kantan and Futsuu diff from the Muzukashii and Oni diff pretty well.


why this is not ranked?


because I am stalling my taiko BNs until Alice finishs modding the set for her BN mentorship :P


Finisher Consistency Taiko diffs:

[Kantan - Oni] make - 00:58:527 - a finisher
(for Kantan move - 00:58:841 -> 00:59:469 - as well )

[Kantan, Muzukashii, Oni] make - 01:08:579 - a finisher

[Kantan - Kayoko's Wish] make - 01:17:218 - a finisher
(for Muzukashii and Oni remove - 01:17:139 - as well )

[Muzukashii, Oni] make - 01:18:631 - a finisher
( for Muzukashii move - 01:18:788 -> 01:19:102 - as well )

[Muzukashii, Oni] make - 01:28:684 - a finisher

[Futsuu] make - 01:33:710 - 01:36:223 - a normal note

[Muzukashii, Oni] make - 01:38:736 - 01:48:788 - a finisher

[Kantan - Oni] make - 01:56:328 - a finisher

Most of my reasons behind the finishers are explained on the top diff mostly. Futsuu being the outstanding diff of have some extra finishers in the first half of the kiai just seems unnessesary and also inconsistent because it wasn't even used in the 2nd half so remove it makes sense.


I am pretty sure that the bpm from - 00:29:705 ~ 00:58:527 - is supposed to be 74 instead of 148

reasoning for this is that the current instruments don't change or not switch which already questions that the bpm should be doubled for whatever reason. The song only adds up a layer of melody in the background and vocals but the overall speed of the song does not change at all.

All current ranked sets just didn't care about it being 74 or 148 but in taiko it's more neccesary to figure it out since it influences barlines.


I would rather argue that the first section should be 148 instead tbh if I wanna keep it only 2 distinct BPMs throughout the map


Taiko red lines:

I am pretty sure that - 00:24:846 - 00:28:093 - should be omitted because the repetition of the white bar lines are too frequent for the actual bpm given.


"The Omit first bar line feature of an uninherited timing point must be used when a BPM change/metronome reset would hinder gameplay experience aesthetically by adding unnecessary bar lines."

Did this intentionally cuz I think it actually looks kinda neat and sort of leads into the doubled BPM section afterwards.

Can change though if anyone else deems it to be breaking any rc

Marked as resolved by Kingo

I think this genre on website should be set to Anime rather than Popsince this was clearly used for an anime and every other songs that aren't anime should be labeled as Pop.

so website gerne Pop -> Anime


Personally I don't see "Anime" as a genre and it's fairly common nowadays to label J-Pop or J-Rock songs featured in anime with their respective real genre instead of anime :3

Marked as resolved by Kingo

Alice literally all my anime maps don't have anime as genre 🤣


Okay sorry didn't know this is such a no-go


Taiko diffs bg position

Current bg position is not good because you cannot even see their face really I suggest you to move it down by 100. Should look like this in the text file:


Your current audio is not the best rn since it is not well encoded as you can see here:

Here is a better audio: (the offset change for this is -73 for everything, make sure to apply this for every diff of the set.)

Here is the new spec for a comparison:


r u sure this does not need tv size tag, even if its different from the regular version if this version was used in the anime it should have that tag


Honestly, makes sense but I also feel like it kind of needs a different (or an additional?) marker to differenciate it from the normal TV size. I'll leave this open for a few days and gather some opinions if that's alright :)


wil prob have to ask bn server about this


(Episode 12 Ver.) ? implies (TV Size) while making it distinct from the regular TV size ver


So Kingo showed me a Source recently where you have 3 Versions of this song mentioned in the disc. (not sure if this source is 100% trustable)

the 1st being the actual full size track with the longest drain time
the 3rd track of the 1st disc which is the actual track we have in this case right now since it has the same length as this version
and the 1st track of the 2nd disc which is the normal anime ed with a short drain time than this version

with this information the conclusion is that this song has to be called 平行線 ED ver.- / Heikousen ED ver.- (for standardization 平行線 ED Ver. / Heikousen ED Ver. can also work I think (?)


I do think ED Ver. is probably most appropritae yessss


Taiko HP:

Kantan: 7 -> 8
Fustuu: 7
Muzukashii: 7 -> 6
Oni: 6.5 -> 5
Kayoko's Wish: 6
Emotions: 6

the ones with the arrows are the changes you should do. Mostly because they are too low or too high so basically make them consistent with the norm value. All other values with nothing don't need a change.


Taiko hitsound volumes:

00:58:527 ~ 01:03:553 - can be 70% instead of 80% because the song build up in volume so making this 70% is better to differenciate the sections while playing
01:08:579 ~ 01:13:605 - should be 65%/70% rather than 80% because the hitsounds are too loud and are overshadowing the bass you are following.
01:17:296 ~ 01:18:631 - can be 50% or something since this is a break and there is no need to make those hitsounds loud. You usually do that for breaks so it doesn't overshadow the song and is similar to the vol of the song still.
01:56:328 ~ 01:58:212 - make this 70% instead of 95%. This is so painfully loud for vocals only.

(also make sure to set some green lines right after the first timestamp I mentioned since the end of the kiai like - 01:56:328 - should not be changed to 70%. Just add a green line a 1/4 after with the value of 70% instead)


whys hp 4 on every diff


I sometimes genuinely forget that HP is a thing
4 > 5 > x > x > 6 for now, waiting on GDers


4 > 4.5 > 5 > 5.5 > 5.5

Marked as resolved by Kingo

4 > 4.5 > 5 > 5 > 5 because streams on expert diffs could be a bit evil


coward @Kingo go 3 4 5 6 7


00:47:948 - could whistle

01:48:709 - 01:38:657 - 01:48:553 - 01:38:500 - missing hs

00:59:783 - 01:01:040 - 01:02:296 - add some kind of stronger kick to these, maybe a drum sample or smth

01:13:605 -> 01:16:118 - would drum sample all of these right now the feedback from the streams is rly weak


added whistle
the missing hitsounds were intentional since I feel like it makes the following finishes pop just that little bit more
added drum-hitwhistle
drummed the buildup

Marked as resolved by Kingo

60% for the very intro seems kinda loud maybe drop it down to 45-50%


45 it is

Marked as resolved by Kingo

sayuri o7


01:26:170 - no hs intentional? feels very off


yeah, you're probably right, also added smth on 01:36:537 cuz similar issue

Marked as resolved by Kingo

great map




The lack of whistles for vocals is really causing a massive lack of feedback from the hitsounding.
If you, for example, go to 00:58:527 in top diff and let the map play, you'll notice there are a bunch of objects that have practically no feedback. Just simply putting a whistle on the vocals make this a lot better


Definitely agree on the section from your timestamp until the buildup. For the chorus itself this is a little more tricky due to the way I did hitsounding there, I''ve got a lot of additions in oither samplesets there already which made it sound a little odd if I tried to add more whistles in there (I think that's fine as is?)

In any case, added whistles on vocals from 00:58:527 - 01:17:218
Freestyled them a little on the held vocals in the stream

Marked as resolved by Kingo







add "ミカヅキの航海 mikazuki no koukai" to tags, album name


would probably say it's whatever since none of the 12 ranked sets have it in tags (including the recent ones) but will add yes


I did the thing

Marked as resolved by Kingo




