00:11:651 (2,3,4) - Not sure if it's just me but visually I think these could be moved a bit closer to the other sliders
idk what you mean.
It's a perfect 3way blanket, and if your problem is just the spacing, then no cause of slider end won't break combo here.
Also they're the same from 00:10:239 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - .
00:15:004 (1,2,3,4) - not sure if I'm feeling this turn here since the only thing changing is that the drums sound very slightly damper. A smaller change like reducing the spacing could be cool
subjective though :)
the difference in sound before and after the turn in the stream is veeeery subtle, I think keeping in the same ds in the first stream is more acceptable honestly, it gives more contrast to the slow slider at 00:15:357 (1) -
00:15:710 (1) - you could make this sliderend clickable but i'm okay with having it as a 1/1 slider, just a preference really. same as 00:21:357 (1) -
00:38:298 (1) - disagree with putting a 1/1 slider here, the rhythm at 00:41:122 (1,2) - feels much more suitable
00:53:122 (1,2) - 00:58:769 (4,5) - maybe increase spacing? Intensity drops a little too much here imo