I'm not even questioning playability. I just don't understand the purpose of a leaderboard on maps like this. They are not meant to be played in the first place, they are art projects, so why?
+1, this map is REALLY cool to watch and a piece of art, but this is absolutely not what the ranked section is supposed to represent. If many people agree this is a pretty cool map this can get loved at most, but as OP said this is more of a thing you look at than something you play.
As I said, I'm not questioning playability and I didn't mention loved. None of that is the issue. The intent that it's meant to be played just doesn't show, either in the map or the comments under the map. Most of the comments by BN's and NAT's here seem like they're actively trolling, patronizing or simply going along the map because they find the art interesting. I don't know what you guys are doing and I've been lost for a while any time a new map sparked its small reddit outrage, either because people hate the map or mapper or people hate that BN's don't like the map or mapper. While I don't get the overwhelming hate and stupidity of people with their pitchforks, I'm nearly as equally lost about the people sending maps to ranked.
I was very much aware of the notification thing.
EDIT(it's just one edit, not three):
all of this comes from a wrong premise that mapping is art and that mapper's expression has more value than gameplay. it's just that nobody ever had good arguments against this, neither is it prohibited anywhere (and it shouldn't be, honestly) so it became an established viewpoint, to the point where even people butthurting over it on twitter compare it to modern art, knowing nothing about modern art either, which makes that twice as funny to read
can art be unappealing, ugly or outright disgusting? absolutely, but it is not relevant at all when talking about osu maps
Offset seems off at places :/ e.g. 00:12:181 (6) - 01:42:181 (1,2) - 02:16:272 (1) - 02:27:181 (1) - 03:50:362 (3) -
edit: I think needs multiple red lines to be accurate, would keep it 1 red line for simplicity
00:12:181 yeah this section in general would benefit from extra timing points since the acoustics aren't actually to a metronome here -- it works fine at a single bpm but fixing this won't really hurt or impact anything
01:42:181 this is fine, snare hits on both of these notes which is why there's a double
02:16:272 slightly early but barely noticeable all things considered
02:27:181 this one is fine
03:50:362 same deal with the acoustics section, this probably also needs multiple timing points -- the one you listed isn't really off-time, though, 03:48:316 (7) - this is much more noticeable
related, but not..
isn't this entire song in 2/4, you don't exactly need the 6/4 timing point.. oh well..
tbh i think 1/12 would be way better there cuz this is just too jarring for an improvisation 04:54:282 (26,27,28,29) - (here)
guys, i think you're being really strange and irrational, yooou should be taking your time to be thinking in this situation or else you're going to make rash generalisations, ok
04:54:282 (26,27,28,29,30) - 1/12 wouldnt land on anythign and i've been using 1/16 pretty consistently for this guitar Thing
04:53:430 (20,21,22,23) - this is the same rhythm as everything else in this section idk wy this one is an issue for u
this is fucking insane holy shit dude this map made me feel some weird shit good job wafer
04:43:032 - You're missing "that" in the storyboard lyrics, should be "you don't have a world that you're up against" : https://imgur.com/a/U9n8RWN
anyways, for apollo mod, the vocal sun (as i call it) is manually hand placed to be a bit more authentic.. so suggestive no change
I'll mention it again but this is a really nice map, I really wish mappers would try and convey the feelings and experience of a song through their mapping more often. It's a shame some players and mappers aren't able to process the fact this map is well made simply because the visual style isn't what they are used to and the different avenues you explored to create emphasis and translate the song such as the breaks and rhythm choices.
I have to agree with Sh3rg_ on that one , the song is clearly dropping in entisity
that additive doesnt really fit ?
Maybe a reversed slider at the end and lower spacing would be more fitting..?
Cuz it's clearly way overspaced to the previous part to it
explained with wafer on this one, but i'll condense it here..
(yes, it does look like a "subjective no change".. but here me out)
I didn't really have any plans at first to split up each of the longer words but wanted to bring attention to said longer words. so i essentially did one to heavens
and didn't think much of it..
after looking back, i started to realise that it kind of plays nicely into the theme of noticing something is wrong, knowing that it can't be fixed at the time but having to live with the fact it's there. only then for it to become worse every time you look at it.
I essentially attempted to convey gender dysphoria in some way or another throughout the Afterlife section (what i call the underwater section), not one that is truly accurate to anyone experiencing it. but more on a artistic level.
I essentially made all of my assets with 1920x1080 in mind and prefer to state that.
Also, nice idea to blur, will do.
bro your white is literally white, might suggest simply removing kiai so we arent breaking any guidelines or make it darker
with not feat as discussed on bn server
we could add some extra tags in there.. just in case..
leroy secretariat s*nny mara inlaws Kinko's field trip
- previous alias of Jane Remover, also creator of the dariacore genre
- a demo that was showcased in a production livestream underscores (note, pronouns for both main artist and jane are she/her) worked on.
kinko's field trip
(ommited 2006 as that might confuse tag searchers) - some lyrics used from this song
Below are spoilers for the Wallsocket album / ARG
Please checkout their album and check around the websites.
- fictional medical company from Wallsocket which provides arm reduction surgery
- one of the main girls of this story, trans-girl with a father who committed fraud at a bank
- main character of this song, actively stalked s*nny
and attempted to be like her, also had beef with old money bitch
(the other main girl in this story who's father works at secretariat
). She also is the person who grew "uncanny long arms" and attempted to get them shortened through secretariat