Same issues as your other map 2286719#4762956
BPM should be 143 and offset ~122 on every diff
I saw you asking for hypes in #lobby, so here I am looking at your map:
BPM should be 86 and offset ~67 for every difficulty
NOT 310 with offset of 161, NOT 167 with offset of 377 and NOT 158 with an offset of 361 as I've seen in the diffs.
The BPM and offset must generally be the same across every difficulty of a beatmap set
Additionally, all objects must be snapped to a division that makes sense.
01:39:732 (698,699,700,701,702) - This really trips me up... probably just skill issue, but it's worth pointing out, I think
03:01:404 (1206,1207,1208,1209,1210) - dddkd completely unique in the map, consider ddkkd, maybe? I personally find it to fit better with what's around it anyway
As I said, I'm not questioning playability and I didn't mention loved. None of that is the issue. The intent that it's meant to be played just doesn't show, either in the map or the comments under the map. Most of the comments by BN's and NAT's here seem like they're actively trolling, patronizing or simply going along the map because they find the art interesting. I don't know what you guys are doing and I've been lost for a while any time a new map sparked its small reddit outrage, either because people hate the map or mapper or people hate that BN's don't like the map or mapper. While I don't get the overwhelming hate and stupidity of people with their pitchforks, I'm nearly as equally lost about the people sending maps to ranked.
I was very much aware of the notification thing.
EDIT(it's just one edit, not three):