i think it's the same as what app was saying for other diffs 2274395#4877416/12914734 just that it occurs in different places in my diff
ok this first section was kinda weird when i first went to map it but the snapping felt ambiguous enough at those points to where I felt that mixing 1/3 alongside 1/4 was representative enough of whatever flute (or w/e instrument it is) shit is going on
for 00:04:863 (1) - 1/8 wouldn't reflect that vocal there and instead highlight the xylophone in the background or idfk instead which isn't what I'm aiming for there, especially with other objects in the same section similarly isolating only vocals (00:01:863 (2) - 00:05:738 (2) - ), so it shouldn't be too unfamiliar when it comes to recognizing what's being followed i think
more opinions would be nice but I think it's acceptable enough when it comes to actual gameplay but IDK
always thought precedents were set for a reason guess not
all it takes is one month after this map gets ranked and the community will be calling for farm mappers to be beheaded and for sotarks to be dunked in oil and lit on fire for some reason
even though this is apparently what they wanted, i don't think this is a healthy way of maintaining this game but im not sure
really don't know why the card of "this is what players want" continues to be played especially after the great inflection point of the worst actors in this game's history actively abusing the ranked section by only pandering to the lowest common denominator of users alongside the absolute lack of moderation for almost a decade straight that only signaled to users that they could abuse the ranked section in the same way if they opened the editor and learned how to put 5<=x patterns in their "map"
and now a new stopgap measure to make a justification against the same bullshit that's been essentially green lighted by management&moderation groups "song representation" which ends up being an utterly nebulous counterpoint to any of these maps in the modern ranked landscape which now has an infinitesimally low barrier to entry
at this point one can only wonder why don't maps get ranked upon upload if management wants to come to an eventual erasure of any minimal standards with the obsoletion of real quality control that's not "saw this map that uses like 2 patterns over the entirety of the map's -2 second playtime so im vetoing and then the same map on a different mp3 will pop up 3 days later ranked "
it's just disappointing to see this issue continue to go unaddressed what does the outcome of the pika girl veto matter if you have the most irksome of the vocal minority of this community expressing nothing but fickleness over time in their opinions towards maps like this. do we really want to continue ask the question of what players want when that opinion has only been driven by what's being outputted and what's being allowed in the ranked section (the same ranked section that management has refused to have a real presence in when it comes to quality control all due to community fickleness resulting in the dissolvement of quality control because one bad actor was loud and annoying ? )
the cheering emerged from a consistent lack of consequence in pushing maps that continuously subvert any inter-subjective notions of a standard that the ranked section was said to uphold
why is anything else expected when a new dopamine agonist in the form of a -725865435 second pattern library is introduced every week
kind of a crude joke to most conscientious users that it's gotten this out of hand but there's nothing else to expect than for this to continue because no one cares enough or some bald guy said the NAT cant NAT anymore and then the 700000th beatmap management group restructure is pushed with only a redistribution of letters in group names or some dumb shit which ends up solving absolutely no part of the original issue(s) that sparked a restructure in the first place qat nat whatever it's the same shit anyways no matter how its named