00:15:931 (1) - i have no clue what happened to this slider but it breaks in lazer as discussed in discord
00:18:260 (3,4) - there is no sound on (3) but quite a strong sound on 00:18:431 - , lets remove (3) and put new circle on the timestamp i mentioned to actually follow the song
00:54:453 (2,3) - 1/16 gap plays pretty bad here considering it's cross screen, might be better to nerf to 1/8
not really a huge deal since it is still hittable, just i feel like this is a bit more dumb than you wanted it to be lol
01:10:817 (1) - yo wafer can u slightly nerf this slider? or if u wanna keep the length, maybe consider to rotate it? this is impossible to nomod fc on ctb as exgon and others mentioned in twitter and comment section (screenshot below show catcher right in the middle of that and cant get both object)
i mean from 5.87* goes to 10.96* with just 1 slider feel insanely broken for me
if anyone wanna share their oppinion on this then go ahead and post your comment below!
and also idk if this should be problem stamp or not, but just in case i will put this as suggestion so everyone not get pinged
i noticed that if you rotate the slider by like ~20 anti-clockwise, it's possible to FC, but would give you 300pp straight up.
Also stable and lazer calcs are a bit different, lazer reports the map to 9.81*, it's possible to get it to 8.1*, but the intro and chorus 2 section are kinda broken due to the 1/8 hypers
kind of, unsure when said rule was implemented, but hand smashed with a mallet might have broken said rule (unless it was built around said map) which allowed some CTB players to get 700-1k pp scores
as well, it would be possible to make the slider more vertical, but it would not give as much impact to what's currently used. (rotating by 25 degrees anti-clockwise reduces from 10* to 7*)
Wouldnt it be a rule violation from the get go now? Unplayable or not it doesnt convert right and breaks star rating
i guess my og solution will break sr and/or pp, current pattern broke sr while me and coppertine suggestion broke pp. its really hard to think for good middle case when its not breaking sr and pp
unless wafer goes different approach and make slider vertical instead of horizontal, which its up to wafer to decide. it will make the pattern stand still in ctb just like std with cursor at the middle of the slider, and it wont break sr or pp calculation, plus you can buff sv a lot since it wont give much in ctb
also i did smol research on similar pattern (by smol i mean just 2 map, KeyWee's loli requiem and HW's KAEDE) yea i can agree to your reasoning, but since this map not built around that pattern ig its kinda whatever to me
I feel right now this map is a different case. I get HW's Kaede is a good example of something similar but i think the rule might've not been implemented or forced as strictly as now. Loli requiem(as much of a clusterfuck it was at rank with the tag problem) its still a playable map and fcable without any mods to help. The issue with that one was the hr farm and not anything else. On this one its not a matter of pp and more of the SR being "properly" calculated but at the expense of playability. None would think a jump from 5.6* ish star to almost 11* with just a slider is ok. Suggestion is to either remove the slider altogether maybe replace it with a smaller one , removal or as @frozz suggested just make it vertical instead of horizontal.
"Difficulties must convert to other game modes without breaking star rating/performance points" It is still a rule in the ranking criteria. A medium needs to be found.
might be a bit too late to the party here but do stuff like 02:16:272 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - really work? like I kinda get the absurdly strong snapping trying to be done here but the way it ends up being is that snapping that fast isn't really doable accurately so the way it actually plays out just feels sloppily aiming the 2 circles off beat
I don't have a real solution for this I just wonder if there's another way to do this that won't make it feel really sloppy to play
02:29:908 (9,10) - 1/16 Double without any movement here doesn't feel particularly evocative or effective IMO since the up-and-down vocals have been relegated to the background.
I do have a suggestion here I really like that u should maybe consider tho
From a movement & playing perspective, I think the player will be conditioned to have the cursor return to this sort of position 02:28:544 (5,7) -
So by placing the single circle where the previous was, u are basically guaranteed that the player will make that entire movement without needing to place a circle there in the first place. And I personally feel like this works with bg vocal well
03:04:681 (2) - Is there a specific reason this is 3/4? the vocal lands closer to the red tick
03:15:590 (8) - did this slider turn out wrong by mistake or is there a specific reason why it does not do the same thing the ones at 03:04:681 (2) - 03:10:135 (5) - 03:21:044 (11) - do?
03:32:635 (3,1) - the tiny time gap between these seems extremely strenuous, would consider ending (3) a little earlier (perhaps on the "se" of "seconds"?)
the fact that the movement here is cross screen should be emphasis enough for the vocal change, given that the song is still extremely calm
on a similar note: 03:51:384 (6,1) - is missing a vocal on the (1) so it does feel a little zoom for not much
already discussed this with wafer a bit but #4123519 since this is probably getting DQed later on anyways i wanna point out a concern i have here
04:59:567 (56,57,58,59,60) - 05:10:390 (1,1) - the spacing of these bursts are pretty excessive -- considering the intention here is to be able to doubletap them to hit them (as i doubt anyone is gonna be properly playing a 352 bpm burst, especially the last one), they probably should be nerfed to be more in-line with 04:54:282 (26,27,28,29,30) - 05:05:191 (91,92,93,94,95) - how you space out the other ones, i.e. where they pretty much are barely spaced to begin with
the former isn't as problematic and is still pretty easy to consistently hit, but the latter i think is definitely a problem that should be fixed -- it's easy to hit in isolation but considering the flow aim immediately preceding it i don't see a reason for this not to be stacked in some fashion like the rest of the 1/16 stuff
05:10:134 (5,6,7) - also idk why the DS of this decreases compared to the stream prior that's kinda dumb lol
would much prefer this just being consistent so it's easier to flow through
05:10:390 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - idk this 352 bpm burst feels a bit excessive so you could consider just doing like a bunch of 1/8 or 1/12 sliders or whatever but also its probably fine to keep it because it matches the pattern earlier 04:59:567 (56,57,58,59,60) -