
bbn - Identic Conflict [Osu|Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2012年11月10日 at 12:03:01

Artist: bbn
Title: Identic Conflict
Source: Oblivious Garden
Tags: corypheesoft Evening Primrose
BPM: 178
Filesize: 16829kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Another (4.86 stars, 317 notes)
  2. Hyper (4.83 stars, 191 notes)
  3. Normal (3.03 stars, 112 notes)
  4. Taiko Muzukashii (4.65 stars, 276 notes)
  5. Taiko Oni (4.89 stars, 562 notes)
Download: bbn - Identic Conflict
Download: bbn - Identic Conflict (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
The Background Music from Olivious Garden 1st PV.
Original video made by Shirotsumekusa from CorypheeSoft
Current Status:
Normal - 100%
Hyper (Hard) - 100% (remade)
Another (Insane) - 100% (remade)
Taiko - 100%
Scopiour's guest diff has been claimed as resigned.
The map now becomes, er, a quite easy one?

Download: bbn - Identic Conflict (Short Ver.) (iroseka) [SE's Taiko].osu

Download: bbn - Identic Conflict (Short Ver.) (iroseka) [Taiko].osu

Some minor comments from 2024
  1. Why didn't the map follow the kicks? Were you unable to hear them?
    - Basically, yes. I used a budget Hisense TV for audio output (and any headphone would make me feel extreme uncomfortable), which almost couldn't make any decent low-frequency sound. No most kicks, no bass, no contra keys. A pity that I didn't recognize mods that pointed this out.
  2. Did this game have any sequels? I hear that the plot was incomplete.
    - Sadly no. The society which made this game dissolved in around 2016 and there were no further news about any sequel.
First !

I love it this music >< !
A nice map and music.
Topic Starter

String_Ensemble wrote:

A nice map and music.
好支持顶 已改正 谢谢裂空骑士
fixed. thank you
S. T. A. R ~ ><
Topic Starter

Siesta- wrote:

S. T. A. R ~ ><
well thank you siesta >////<
Topic Starter

String_Ensemble wrote:

star .o.
Athena Tennos
A-tan's mod.....


01:00:329 (1,2,3,4) - 这里分开点~低难度overlap太多会解图不能的。。。
01:09:093 (1,2) - 不要在slider后面完全重叠的接note~。。。unrankable。。。【只有insane以上的难度才可以无视这个这样做貌似。。。某个蠢rule是这么说的- -。。。可以想01:19:880 (1,2) - 一样~
01:10:441 (1,2) - ^
01:11:790 (1,2) - ^
01:13:138 (1,2) - ^
01:23:925 (1,2) - ^
额。。。。后面这类的问题都改下把- -。。。。。不一一列出来了。。。\o/
01:25:273 (1,2) - ^
01:26:621 (1,2) - ^
没看到快结束了- -。。。。。
01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~

00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5) - 太挤了。。。散开点~距离拉大点~
01:27:970 (1,2,3,4) - 与前面保持一致~距离~
01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~

00:44:149 - nc~选红色or蓝色?~
01:07:745 - nc
01:10:104 - remove nc
01:11:453 - ^
01:12:632 - ^
01:13:981 - ^
01:23:588 - ^
01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~

01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~

Nice Mapset~and~
Star~☆♪~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

A-tan's mod.....


00:30:666 (1,2,3,4,5) - 太挤了。。。散开点~距离拉大点~ fixed,不过这里略搞……不得不设了一个跳
01:27:970 (1,2,3,4) - 与前面保持一致~距离~ fixed
01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~ fixed

00:44:149 - nc~选红色or蓝色?~
01:07:745 - nc
01:10:104 - remove nc
01:11:453 - ^
01:12:632 - ^
01:13:981 - ^
01:23:588 - ^
01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~
all fixed

01:29:992 - 结束kiai time~~~~unrankable~
all fixed

Nice Mapset~and~
Star~☆♪~Good Luck~
除了taiko都是我做的……谢谢star > <
  1. delete OSBfile
  1. tips: when u want change bpm offset, try change inherited points too, ctrl + A inherited points and move +10offset
    look neat?
  1. OD = 7, too much short spinner and hard to get 1000 bonus point. it kinda unrankable then
  2. 00:16:846 (3,4) - (3)tooclose from lifebar and (4) tooclose from bottom, better rotate that slider (ctrl+shift+R) by -15% use selection centre
  3. 00:19:543 (1,2,3,4) - ^same
  4. 00:34:206 (1) - unrankable spinner (autoonlyget300 and nobonuspoint),just start spinner at 00:34:121 (1) -
  5. 00:36:734 (1,2) -
  6. 00:52:576 (3,4) - (3)ctrl +H, then stack it to (4), then ctrl+H again
  7. 00:53:250 (7) - move 1 grid to left, not straight with (5)
  8. 00:55:273 (5,6,7) - inconsistent pattern, try copy 00:54:936 (2,3,4) - then paste it there
  9. 01:00:161 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - this jump D:<
  10. 01:02:352 (3) - kinda overlap, yeah this overlap and unrankable thing for now, but it lookplayable
  11. 01:07:071 - i dont know, this unherited point for..
  12. 01:09:093 (3,4,5) - cool, i like this
  13. 01:10:441 (1,2) - try
  14. 01:17:857 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - i prefer stream here > 01:17:857 (1,2) - pattern not good, better follow 01:14:486 (1,2)'s
  15. 01:22:576 (1,2) -
  16. 01:26:790 (1) - this spinner better have same lenght as 01:25:273 (1) - , try change 01:26:453 (2) into a circle then
  17. 01:27:970 (3,4,1,2) - what a hitsound here,try fix clap and whistle here
  1. O D = 6 so moe,nice
  2. 00:12:295 (1,1,1) - triple one
  3. 00:22:408 - remove breaktime
  4. 01:27:295 (1,2,3,4) - yeah i like this hitsound, this what i mean for oblivigator's hitsound before
  1. more OD !!
  2. 00:12:295 (1,2,1) - no triple one,haha
  3. 00:29:655 (3,4) - yeah, inconsistent space, use distance snap
  4. 00:32:857 (6) - move 1 grip up, because not straight with (7)
  5. 00:34:711 (1,2,3) - kinda short yellow combo
  6. 00:36:734 (5,6) - ctrl + H then stack to (2)
  7. 01:02:014 (3) - move 1grip up
  8. 01:09:093 (1) - when u used this slider lenght, slider tick is problem later
  1. OD = ....
  2. 00:12:295 (1,1,2) - double one!
SE's Taiko
  1. 00:28:307 (3) - not snapped? look buggy
ah, what a nice song
Shohei Ohtani
mod4mod >3<~

EI(I)(I)II ok.

Resnap your timing sections. I know it's annoying, but if I don't tell you this, someone else will.

00:21:565 (3,4) - Switch these so it plays better and fits with the previous patterns~
00:22:913 (1) - Unrankable! The spinner needs to get at least a 2000 bonus with auto to be rankable!~
00:46:677 (1) - Remove NC
00:47:014 (2) - Add NC
00:52:071 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:408 (2) - Add NC
01:01:677 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider
01:03:026 (1) - ^
01:04:374 (1) - ^
01:25:273 (1) - Unrankable for previous reason stated above
01:26:790 (1) - ^

00:12:632 (1) - Remove Nc
00:22:239 (3) - Add finish
00:34:711 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider

NOTE: My taiko modding is pretty much a check of AIMod to make sure nothing unrankable exists, so I didn't actually play this.
01:13:138 (3) - Two notes at the same time! Delete one of them

00:28:138 (6) - Not moe! Probably have the curve start later :>

Claps on 2 and 4!
00:37:408 (1) - Seems really random to have a spinner here
00:40:020 - Seems random to have a break here
01:04:374 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider
01:14:486 (1,1) - Random spinners ;~;

Topic Starter

CDFA wrote:

mod4mod >3<~

EI(I)(I)II ok.

Resnap your timing sections. I know it's annoying, but if I don't tell you this, someone else will.

00:21:565 (3,4) - Switch these so it plays better and fits with the previous patterns~
00:22:913 (1) - Unrankable! The spinner needs to get at least a 2000 bonus with auto to be rankable!~
00:46:677 (1) - Remove NC
00:47:014 (2) - Add NC
00:52:071 (1) - Remove NC
00:52:408 (2) - Add NC
01:01:677 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider
01:03:026 (1) - ^
01:04:374 (1) - ^
01:25:273 (1) - Unrankable for previous reason stated above
01:26:790 (1) - ^
All fixed~

00:12:632 (1) - Remove Nc fixed~
00:22:239 (3) - Add finish I don't consider it as a stress... no change~
00:34:711 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider Fixed~

NOTE: My taiko modding is pretty much a check of AIMod to make sure nothing unrankable exists, so I didn't actually play this.
01:13:138 (3) - Two notes at the same time! Delete one of them Fixed (I am baka lolololol)

00:28:138 (6) - Not moe! Probably have the curve start later :> fixed - maybe?

Claps on 2 and 4! made some claps not sure if legit~
00:37:408 (1) - Seems really random to have a spinner here [reason:same as 01:05:722 (1) - ]
00:40:020 - Seems random to have a break here I think the break to be basic... personally. keep~
01:04:374 (1) - Add finish on beginning of slider fixed~
01:14:486 (1,1) - Random spinners ;~; fixed with new notes

TUT thanks a lot for modding. And thank you for stars~

timing check

offest 2027

简单看了下不错 继续努力:3
Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:

  1. 23937再加一根红线,bpm不变。不然后面的重音位置都不对
  2. 各难度中epilepsy warning全部关掉
  3. Taiko的LeadIn去掉?
  4. Kiai必须有结束点,两个Taiko都没有。(另外你自己做的难度Kiai需要一致)
  5. 把String_Ensemble加进Tags里
  6. Kiai需要在线上开始结束。目测前面动过offset又没移绿线,建议统一移一下。方法:进Timing-摁住Shift选中所有绿线,左边会出现移动所选绿线(应该是移+10)
00:52:588 (3,1) - 最好不要overlap
00:56:970 (1,2,3) - 对新手来说难以判断间隔

00:24:779 (4) - 距离最好拉到1.1x
00:46:689 (1) - 01:00:173 (1) - NC的位置不对,向前一个或向后一个


[SE's Taiko]
00:28:319 (3) - unsnapped end.

00:27:982 (1) - 00:34:218 (1) - 这两个转盘前一个auto能转出1000分,后一个auto只能完成而已,建议加长。尤其后一个是unrankable的。
00:54:948 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 可以关grid snap摆齐一些

LKs wrote:

不错 继续努力:3
That's all I can find. GL~
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

Hi ~ Mod request from My Queue.

Just suggestions:
  1. 23937再加一根红线,bpm不变。不然后面的重音位置都不对fixed
  2. 各难度中epilepsy warning全部关掉fixed
  3. Taiko的LeadIn去掉? fixed
  4. Kiai必须有结束点,两个Taiko都没有。(另外你自己做的难度Kiai需要一致)fixed
  5. 把String_Ensemble加进Tags里fixed
  6. Kiai需要在线上开始结束。目测前面动过offset又没移绿线,建议统一移一下。方法:进Timing-摁住Shift选中所有绿线,左边会出现移动所选绿线(应该是移+10)

00:52:588 (3,1) - 最好不要overlapfixed
00:56:970 (1,2,3) - 对新手来说难以判断间隔fixed

00:24:779 (4) - 距离最好拉到1.1xfixed,换了个角度
00:46:689 (1) - 01:00:173 (1) - NC的位置不对,向前一个或向后一个fixed


[SE's Taiko]
00:28:319 (3) - unsnapped end.fixed (貌似裂空骑士已经把图扔给我了)

00:27:982 (1) - 00:34:218 (1) - 这两个转盘前一个auto能转出1000分,后一个auto只能完成而已,建议加长。尤其后一个是unrankable的。fixed
00:54:948 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - 可以关grid snap摆齐一些fixed

LKs wrote:

不错 继续努力:3
That's all I can find. GL~
Thank you for your modding~
My mods are generally suggestions, with red ones being things that you must change and bold ones things that I strongly recommend you to change.

General Comments
Diff spread kind of bad.




Rooms of improvement exists in terms of handling jumps. Very nice overall.

Easy Mods
00:27:981 - Add a slider that extends to 00:28:150.
00:54:948 (1) - I suggest replacing this with notes.
01:26:633 (4) - Center-ize this.
01:27:644 (1) - I suggest not having a spinner here.

Hyper Mods
00:07:420 (1) - Soundless.
01:28:487 (4) - Try to center-ize this.


Another Mods
00:46:689 (1) - Strengthen sound by increasing volume for just this beat (or whistle etc.)
00:49:218 (7,1) - Plays awkward.
01:09:358 (2,3,4) - Boring to me. Try something intuitive here.
01:10:116 (5,6,7) - Remove clapsound maybe?

Obliviater Mods
00:18:543 (2,3) - Very awkward jump.
00:27:897 (1) - Suggest replacing it with slider.
00:42:813 (1) - Change it to deathstream maybe.
00:55:959 (11,12,13) - Combo-breaker. Hides really annoyingly..
01:05:566 (4) - Suggest not stacking below.
01:22:251 (2,3) - Suggest reversing position.
01:27:981 (5,6,1,2,1) - 烂尾。

Good luck with map, and please spend a minute evaluating my mod. Thx.
Athena Tennos
00:02:027 (1) - 加个finish?~不过10%加不加都一样~xD
00:29:667 (2) - 距离~prev和next都改成1.01x把~x:220 y:24
00:32:701 (2,3) - ^ x:20 y:132~虽然可有可无~~~不过看起来会整洁很多把~xD

01:14:498 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这个梗表示很不错~但是。。。好吧。。。MAT说没事。。。无视掉吧~
00:31:858 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这样?~

Good Luck。。。·-·。。。我发现我是混kd的。。。orz
mod 4 mod here

general: hyper 跟 standard之间的难度似乎跨了很大步
而且现今ranking criteria 要求 最低难度3星以下(你的standard事3.04星。。orz) ,这会被吐槽,会被黑

整体上都不错 不过感觉排版太过规矩了 例如01:17:195 (1,2,1,2,1) - 这种地方
00:22:251 (4) - 这里突然没有finish,打图得人会觉得囧了起来,如果想要小声的效果,试试看从1,2,3,4慢慢小声下来
00:34:218 (6,7) - 建议把间距弄成跟 4,5之间一样的
00:43:824 (4) - 2头finish
00:49:554 (1) - 这slider向左移一点会更突出高音 - 如果这个apply了 后面自己调整一下

00:31:689 (1) - 这里因为之前的combo在跳,AR低的情况下不容易看出停了一拍
这里建议是在00:31:521 - 加多一个 重叠 note
00:49:386 (1) - 转圈放在这里感觉不到钢琴部分的灵魂。。建议删了map一些东西
Topic Starter

Athena Tennos wrote:

00:02:027 (1) - 加个finish?~不过10%加不加都一样~xD
00:29:667 (2) - 距离~prev和next都改成1.01x把~x:220 y:24
00:32:701 (2,3) - ^ x:20 y:132~虽然可有可无~~~不过看起来会整洁很多把~xD
fixed 0 0

01:14:498 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - 这个梗表示很不错~但是。。。好吧。。。MAT说没事。。。无视掉吧~
00:31:858 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - 这样?~
fixed 0 0

Good Luck。。。·-·。。。我发现我是混kd的。。。orz
shut up and take my kudosu

L_P wrote:

mod 4 mod here

general: hyper 跟 standard之间的难度似乎跨了很大步
而且现今ranking criteria 要求 最低难度3星以下(你的standard事3.04星。。orz) ,这会被吐槽,会被黑
我试试看0 0

整体上都不错 不过感觉排版太过规矩了 例如01:17:195 (1,2,1,2,1) - 这种地方
00:22:251 (4) - 这里突然没有finish,打图得人会觉得囧了起来,如果想要小声的效果,试试看从1,2,3,4慢慢小声下来
00:34:218 (6,7) - 建议把间距弄成跟 4,5之间一样的
00:43:824 (4) - 2头finish
00:49:554 (1) - 这slider向左移一点会更突出高音 - 如果这个apply了 后面自己调整一下
all fixed

00:31:689 (1) - 这里因为之前的combo在跳,AR低的情况下不容易看出停了一拍
这里建议是在00:31:521 - 加多一个 重叠 note
00:49:386 (1) - 转圈放在这里感觉不到钢琴部分的灵魂。。建议删了map一些东西
applied 0 0
不小心逛到這圖 也不小心看了一下
很不錯的圖了 :3
另外 新規則 已經確定要把(Short Ver.)從Title裡移除...
順手改一下吧~ 這就不用KD了 XD
-Baby Strawberry-
Hi~! M4M~!

00:50:903 (1) - 我觉得这个跟之前的遮挡不太好看,建议换一换



00:23:937 (1) - try this
00:31:521 (6,1) - too hard jump for this map
00:31:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - uncomfortable for me. maybe these return sliders should start at white tick. for example.
00:40:116 (1,2,3,4) - 2 return sliders were easy to misread for the first play.I suggest to rearrange formation.for example
00:49:554 (5) - add NC.same as 00:54:948 (1) -
00:58:319 (4) - please use circles instead of return slider.same as 00:56:296. It will become more pleasant

very good
00:30:678-00:33:038 please try this.
because some red tick is unfit,imo.same as 00:26:633 (1) -
but if this is your mapping style,please ignore this(also Hyper) and sorry

ello! M4M from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestion

lin2.jpg not used

- 00:34:742 : new combo? if you do so remove new combo at 00:35:397
- 00:23:937 : 2 inherit timing which one is red and one is green, consider remove the red one
- 01:04:368 : add finish? also clap at 01:04:732 and remove clap at 01:05:060

- 00:12:813 : distance o v o
- 00:31:015 : consider removing whistle and change into clap to fitting previous rhythm
- 00:31:184 : consider removing clap
- 00:31:689 : consider removing whistle and add clap to fitting previous rhythm
- 00:41:465 : add finish into the slider head
- 01:00:678 : make the slider straight

[Taiko & SE's Taiko]
- 00:23:937 : consider removing the red inherit section with green
- Maybe make a different BG? *super suggestion ok orz*

- 00:22:251 : consider using whistle than finish o v o
- 00:23:937 : consider change the red to green inherit section
- 01:19:217 : consider change the whistle into finish o m o

thats all I can found! good luck <3 cx
Taiko mod as requested

(1 unused BG o3o)

-remove letterbox during breaks
-SV 1.4 as a deafult value will be recommended
00:22:251 - the stream ends in an odd way as there's significant musical note at 00:23:768 - . Maybe you'll want to use spinner upto 00:23:600 - and a single d at 00:23:768 -.
00:23:937 - not suggested to use 4-plets here as you can hear a dense trill at 00:24:274 - so it's odd to break there
00:25:790 - it repeats previous melody so ddk ddk would be more appropiate here
00:31:858 - kkkddd don't fit the song well as the song is 1/4 based. Accord. to the music you can try kdkddd
00:33:038 - ddk
00:36:071 - make use or contrast between kkd and kdd to describe the music. kkd kdd kkd kdd
01:14:498 - break into 2 streams? kkkkk d ddddddkkddddddkkd
01:17:869 - just reapeat the xxxoooxo approach since the music gives a 3/4 beat?
01:21:240 - ddkkddk
01:23:262 - d for a lower tone

May need some improvement in streams to fit the music better...

[SE's Taiko]
-remove letterbox during breaks
00:22:251 - try to add a note here and start spinner 1/2 later? Using spinner starts a random stream right there, but this note should be clearly played as the music indicated.
00:28:319 - sounds odd with the 1 beat empty break after the slider. Adding a note there or extend the slider would be better.
00:33:375 - use kkd to complete the progression here?
some nice idea here.

impressive music and it deserves a star.
Topic Starter

- t e n n y a - wrote:

ello! M4M from n y a -'s queue
Black means suggestion

lin2.jpg not used 【will wait until last GD is done】

- 00:34:742 : new combo? if you do so remove new combo at 00:35:397 【Does not follow the music I think, kept】
- 00:23:937 : 2 inherit timing which one is red and one is green, consider remove the red one 【Taken but removed the green line, as red line is for stress】
- 01:04:368 : add finish? also clap at 01:04:732 and remove clap at 01:05:060 【Taken】

- 00:12:813 : distance o v o 【kept for the 'jump' is necessary in the level】
- 00:31:015 : consider removing whistle and change into clap to fitting previous rhythm 【Taken】
- 00:31:184 : consider removing clap 【Taken】
- 00:31:689 : consider removing whistle and add clap to fitting previous rhythm 【Taken】
- 00:41:465 : add finish into the slider head 【Taken】
- 01:00:678 : make the slider straight 【Taken】

[Taiko & SE's Taiko]
- 00:23:937 : consider removing the red inherit section with green 【^】
- Maybe make a different BG? *super suggestion ok orz* 【c'mon...】

- 00:22:251 : consider using whistle than finish o v o 【kept. Think it to be weird..】
- 00:23:937 : consider change the red to green inherit section 【^】
- 01:19:217 : consider change the whistle into finish o m o 【Taken】

thats all I can found! good luck <3 cx
wmf's modding

wmfchris wrote:

Taiko mod as requested

(1 unused BG o3o)

-remove letterbox during breaks
-SV 1.4 as a deafult value will be recommended
00:22:251 - the stream ends in an odd way as there's significant musical note at 00:23:768 - . Maybe you'll want to use spinner upto 00:23:600 - and a single d at 00:23:768 -.
00:23:937 - not suggested to use 4-plets here as you can hear a dense trill at 00:24:274 - so it's odd to break there
00:25:790 - it repeats previous melody so ddk ddk would be more appropiate here
00:31:858 - kkkddd don't fit the song well as the song is 1/4 based. Accord. to the music you can try kdkddd
00:33:038 - ddk
00:36:071 - make use or contrast between kkd and kdd to describe the music. kkd kdd kkd kdd
01:14:498 - break into 2 streams? kkkkk d ddddddkkddddddkkd
01:17:869 - just reapeat the xxxoooxo approach since the music gives a 3/4 beat?
01:21:240 - ddkkddk
01:23:262 - d for a lower tone

May need some improvement in streams to fit the music better...

[SE's Taiko]
-remove letterbox during breaks
00:22:251 - try to add a note here and start spinner 1/2 later? Using spinner starts a random stream right there, but this note should be clearly played as the music indicated.
00:28:319 - sounds odd with the 1 beat empty break after the slider. Adding a note there or extend the slider would be better.
00:33:375 - use kkd to complete the progression here?
some nice idea here.

impressive music and it deserves a star.
懶得寫feedback了……總之就是那樣 多謝了

Thanks a lot for your modding!
Snowy Dream
Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
[Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:]
- [Another]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

- [Hyper]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:927, BPM of 178.000

- [SE's Taiko]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

- [Standard]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:927, BPM of 178.000

- [Taiko]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

[Inconsistency in Kiai Times:]
- [Another] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

- [Hyper] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:421, ends on 01:29:994

- [SE's Taiko] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

- [Standard] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:421, ends on 01:29:994

- [Taiko] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

[Inconsistency in Tags:]这个自己检查了..或者找个最长的复制然后全部粘贴下..
- [Another] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Hyper] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [SE's Taiko] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Standard] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Taiko] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:490 - snap to 00:45:500
00:56:276 - snap to 00:56:286


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:490 - snap to 00:45:500
00:56:276 - snap to 00:56:286


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:500 - snap to 00:45:510
00:56:286 - snap to 00:56:296

00:12:644 (2) - 没有完全重叠...把这个删了重新放就行了
00:30:004 (7) - 离右边再远点
00:57:476 (1) - 这个slider没描好..感觉..
01:24:948 (4) - 这位置放的有点蛋疼.-.
Wonderful Mapset
挺不错0.0. 要泡去吧..
雪夢指出來的我就不講了 一堆未fix的general stuff

BG糾結 好像被斬了頭似的
I'll suggest HP-1 because the HP draining in the beginning is very harsh.
00:34:376 (7,8,9) - nazi but you should retain 1.1 spacing as shown in previous notes
01:05:724 - If you listen to the piano carefully it goes up -> down -> up -> down -> up, so I'll suggest to whistle on the 1st and 3rd note of each combo only. Otherwise consecutive whistles are a bit loud.

在配合上做得不錯 可惜就是重複大多了...

HP 4 here is too low, and a large gap from insane too.
00:12:813 (1) - right 3 grid so that it's symmetrical to the blue (4). Maybe you'll want to stack red (2) on 00:12:813 (1) - otherwise the spacing is a bit hard and unexpected.
00:22:251 (4) - quite diffferent from previous stuffs, and the music changed as well. A spinner may sound better here.
00:26:455 - sounds like a ntoe can be added here, especially the music here is different from 00:27:129 -
00:45:500 - lack some whistles like insane?
01:00:331 - the intention is nice but custom clap patterns might be too loud in such calm section
01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - a regular shape can be made.

00:33:365 (4) - sounds a bit empty after this note, and the ending point is not really significant. Try to extend by 1 beat?
00:56:960 (1) - add whistle to maintain consistancy
01:04:376 (1) - consecutive clap doesn't sound good...
in the last section you're not really making the same rhythm throughout the section, and the claps are not placed in correct regular beats and turns out odd.

加油 -w-
hi 0.0


  1. 00:12:813 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这一段滑条尾的声音很违和, 加绿线降音量如何
  2. 00:32:606 - 这里还有个音
  3. 00:32:943 - ^
  4. 00:37:410 (1,2,3) - 这样我觉得比较符合这里的意境 (2)没摆好, 看这意思就行0.0
  5. 00:47:859 (5) - 叠到(3)下面如何0.0 (我承认只是蛋疼0.0)
  6. 00:53:252 (5) - ^
  7. 01:04:039 (5) - ^
  8. 01:01:342 (4) - 滑条尾remove whistle
  9. 01:16:511 (3) - 滑条尾remove whistle
  10. 01:24:601 (3,4) - 这两个对称比较好0.0

  1. 00:27:297 (2) - head whistle
  2. 00:44:151 (5) - 放远点0.0
  3. 00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - hitsounds呢
  4. 01:00:331 (1,2,3,4) - 滑条头加whistle, clap全去掉
  5. 01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -

  1. 00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,5) - hitsounds呢._. 小点声也好啊
  2. 01:04:376 (1) - zenmehuishi
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Snowy Dream wrote:

Mod request from Snowy Dream's Queue
[Inconsistency in uninherited (red) timing sections:]
- [Another]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

- [Hyper]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:927, BPM of 178.000

- [SE's Taiko]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

- [Standard]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:927, BPM of 178.000

- [Taiko]
Red timing sections at: 00:02:027, BPM of 178.000 00:23:937, BPM of 178.000

[Inconsistency in Kiai Times:]
- [Another] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

- [Hyper] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:421, ends on 01:29:994

- [SE's Taiko] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

- [Standard] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:421, ends on 01:29:994

- [Taiko] : Kiai #1: Starts on 01:08:431, ends on 01:30:004

[Inconsistency in Tags:]这个自己检查了..或者找个最长的复制然后全部粘贴下..
- [Another] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Hyper] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [SE's Taiko] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Standard] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

- [Taiko] : corypheesoft Evening Primrose String_Ensemble

Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:490 - snap to 00:45:500
00:56:276 - snap to 00:56:286


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:490 - snap to 00:45:500
00:56:276 - snap to 00:56:286


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:12:297 - snap to 00:12:307
00:45:500 - snap to 00:45:510
00:56:286 - snap to 00:56:296

00:12:644 (2) - 没有完全重叠...把这个删了重新放就行了
00:30:004 (7) - 离右边再远点
00:57:476 (1) - 这个slider没描好..感觉..
01:24:948 (4) - 这位置放的有点蛋疼.-.
Wonderful Mapset
挺不错0.0. 要泡去吧..
我认为应该是都fixed了……如果没有的话打我吧 谢谢mod

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

hi 0.0


  1. 00:12:813 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 这一段滑条尾的声音很违和, 加绿线降音量如何已加,改成20
  2. 00:32:606 - 这里还有个音这个貌似没法加了……略吵 keep
  3. 00:32:943 - ^^
  4. 00:37:410 (1,2,3) - 这样我觉得比较符合这里的意境 (2)没摆好, 看这意思就行0.0fixed
  5. 00:47:859 (5) - 叠到(3)下面如何0.0 (我承认只是蛋疼0.0)有点丑……keep
  6. 00:53:252 (5) - ^^
  7. 01:04:039 (5) - ^^
  8. 01:01:342 (4) - 滑条尾remove whistlefixed
  9. 01:16:511 (3) - 滑条尾remove whistle^
  10. 01:24:601 (3,4) - 这两个对称比较好0.0


  1. 00:27:297 (2) - head whistlefixed
  2. 00:44:151 (5) - 放远点0.0fixed
  3. 00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,1,2) - hitsounds呢fixed
  4. 01:00:331 (1,2,3,4) - 滑条头加whistle, clap全去掉fixed
  5. 01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -


  1. 00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,5) - hitsounds呢._. 小点声也好啊似乎再小就not audible了 keep
  2. 01:04:376 (1) - zenmehuishi
fixed? 按照chris的改了

Good luck~fixedO(∩_∩)O谢谢~

wmfchris wrote:

雪夢指出來的我就不講了 一堆未fix的general stuff

BG糾結 好像被斬了頭似的啊哈哈……这个是官图也没办法啦
I'll suggest HP-1 because the HP draining in the beginning is very harsh.fixed
00:34:376 (7,8,9) - nazi but you should retain 1.1 spacing as shown in previous notesfixed
01:05:724 - If you listen to the piano carefully it goes up -> down -> up -> down -> up, so I'll suggest to whistle on the 1st and 3rd note of each combo only. Otherwise consecutive whistles are a bit loud.fixed…?

在配合上做得不錯 可惜就是重複大多了...

HP 4 here is too low, and a large gap from insane too.fixed
00:12:813 (1) - right 3 grid so that it's symmetrical to the blue (4). Maybe you'll want to stack red (2) on 00:12:813 (1) - otherwise the spacing is a bit hard and unexpected.fixed
00:22:251 (4) - quite diffferent from previous stuffs, and the music changed as well. A spinner may sound better here.fixed
00:26:455 - sounds like a ntoe can be added here, especially the music here is different from 00:27:129 - fixed
00:45:500 - lack some whistles like insane?fixed
01:00:331 - the intention is nice but custom clap patterns might be too loud in such calm sectionfixed
01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - a regular shape can be made.fixed?不是很懂

00:33:365 (4) - sounds a bit empty after this note, and the ending point is not really significant. Try to extend by 1 beat?fixed
00:56:960 (1) - add whistle to maintain consistancyfixed
01:04:376 (1) - consecutive clap doesn't sound good...fixed
in the last section you're not really making the same rhythm throughout the section, and the claps are not placed in correct regular beats and turns out odd.fixed…?

加油 -w-谢谢ww
00:29:657 (6,8) - 这两个位置换一下如何?跟着钢琴音高排位置什么的
00:34:544 (8) - 下意识感觉这个也应该叠在7后面,9的位置不用动,这样也挺不错的吧
00:49:544 (1) - 这四个slider没拉好(其实是1个),2特别明显
00:56:286 (1,3) - 在这里3和后面黄色的1有重叠梗,于是蓝色的1和3再重叠总觉得略不舒服,推荐把1再往2的方向靠拢点,不要和3重叠(1的头部对准3的中间啥的)
偏简单,不过很干净w 考虑到SCO还有个ex,那这就算是不错的I难度

00:43:814 (4) - 1和2是背靠背形状,34却不是——话虽如此,这里推荐把4个slider改成同样的形状翻转3次90度,变成一圈 类似这样
00:49:376 (4,5,6,7) - 看节奏和你之前放的方法,应该互换45和67,先slider再circle而不是反过来
00:56:623 (3) - 略空,考虑到h难度不好加circle,推荐这个换成1/2 slider
01:05:387 (4) - 因为这里有两个音……我觉得最后留个circle不好(后面红线听起来空),换成一个和123差不多的slider
01:28:477 (4) - 这个可以删

Settings 默认所有参数都是中间那格,大圈AR4AR6啥的都不行的

[SE's Taiko]
Settings 和taiko一样
01:08:168 (2,3) - 这里为什么没有note,音缺了一块的感觉。
太鼓都没仔细看……/_\没啥特别的 感觉还不错

00:28:983 (1,2) - 我感觉这俩应该换一下,先circle


00:26:623 (1) - 我觉得这个形状还可以抢救一下
00:27:971 (3) - +reverse 并在结尾+clap
00:33:365 (4) - 结尾clap
00:36:735 (3) - ^
01:23:926 (1) - 缩短到白线吧。


00:18:206 (1,2,3) - 我觉得这三个的位置还可以再好看一点 比如2和3往右一点什么的
00:25:612 (2,3) - 我觉得2用折返3用单向比较合适
00:26:455 - +note
00:31:511 - ^
00:49:544 (5,6,7,8) - 其实我觉得两个单点露出来比较好。但是你也没地方可以安排了……考虑下把(5)单拿出来试试吧o.o
01:05:387 (4) - 拿出来
01:05:556 - +note
01:28:477 (4) - delete


00:27:971 (5) - 挪出来
00:28:646 (7) - 串子从这里开始,NC也从这里开始
00:43:814 (4) - 折返去掉改单向滑条+note
01:14:488 (1,2,1,2,1) - 各种对不齐……虽然是nazi但是打起来让人略不爽
01:17:185 (1,2,1,2,1) - ^
01:16:511 (3) - NC
01:19:207 (3) - ^

Hi iroseka >"<

Long time no see ... 0.0


    1. 00:34:713 (9) - I think that To use slider is better. end to 00:35:219
    2. 00:43:814 (4) ~ 00:45:500 (1) - I recommend to input some note 0.0


    1. 00:44:151 (5) ~ 00:45:500 (1) - I recommend to input some note 0.0
    2. 01:03:702 (5) - move to (x:220, y:296)


Topic Starter

eikkaleyd wrote:

00:29:657 (6,8) - 这两个位置换一下如何?跟着钢琴音高排位置什么的(fixed)
00:34:544 (8) - 下意识感觉这个也应该叠在7后面,9的位置不用动,这样也挺不错的吧(fixed)
00:49:544 (1) - 这四个slider没拉好(其实是1个),2特别明显(fixed)
00:56:286 (1,3) - 在这里3和后面黄色的1有重叠梗,于是蓝色的1和3再重叠总觉得略不舒服,推荐把1再往2的方向靠拢点,不要和3重叠(1的头部对准3的中间啥的)(原来还有这中事情……fixed)
偏简单,不过很干净w 考虑到SCO还有个ex,那这就算是不错的I难度

00:43:814 (4) - 1和2是背靠背形状,34却不是——话虽如此,这里推荐把4个slider改成同样的形状翻转3次90度,变成一圈 类似这样 (我改的形状大风车……图没看抱歉)
00:49:376 (4,5,6,7) - 看节奏和你之前放的方法,应该互换45和67,先slider再circle而不是反过来(fixed)
00:56:623 (3) - 略空,考虑到h难度不好加circle,推荐这个换成1/2 slider(fixed)
01:05:387 (4) - 因为这里有两个音……我觉得最后留个circle不好(后面红线听起来空),换成一个和123差不多的slider()
01:28:477 (4) - 这个可以删(fixed)

Settings 默认所有参数都是中间那格,大圈AR4AR6啥的都不行的(fixed)

[SE's Taiko]
Settings 和taiko一样(fixed)
01:08:168 (2,3) - 这里为什么没有note,音缺了一块的感觉。
太鼓都没仔细看……/_\没啥特别的 感觉还不错

(嘛大概准备remap或者撤掉了 觉得两个都有点问题)

00:28:983 (1,2) - 我感觉这俩应该换一下,先circle[/color](按那个1/4拍的连打 滑条比较有连贯性 keep)


sherrie__fay wrote:


00:26:623 (1) - 我觉得这个形状还可以抢救一下
00:27:971 (3) - +reverse 并在结尾+clap
00:33:365 (4) - 结尾clap
00:36:735 (3) - ^
01:23:926 (1) - 缩短到白线吧。

00:18:206 (1,2,3) - 我觉得这三个的位置还可以再好看一点 比如2和3往右一点什么的(把距离加大了)
00:25:612 (2,3) - 我觉得2用折返3用单向比较合适(这里无力……我搞成了两个折返 大概超蠢吧)
00:26:455 - +note
00:31:511 - ^
00:49:544 (5,6,7,8) - 其实我觉得两个单点露出来比较好。但是你也没地方可以安排了……考虑下把(5)单拿出来试试吧o.o
01:05:387 (4) - 拿出来
01:05:556 - +note
01:28:477 (4) - delete

00:27:971 (5) - 挪出来(fixed)
00:28:646 (7) - 串子从这里开始,NC也从这里开始(fixed)
00:43:814 (4) - 折返去掉改单向滑条+note(fixed)
01:14:488 (1,2,1,2,1) - 各种对不齐……虽然是nazi但是打起来让人略不爽(无力……虽然试着对齐了但是别的地方又不齐了)
01:17:185 (1,2,1,2,1) - ^
01:16:511 (3) - NC
01:19:207 (3) - ^(fixed)


Siesta- wrote:

Hi iroseka >"<

Long time no see ... 0.0(me too > <)


    1. 00:34:713 (9) - I think that To use slider is better. end to 00:35:219(weak at making long sliders... so keep)
    2. 00:43:814 (4) ~ 00:45:500 (1) - I recommend to input some note 0.0(as a section end, adding note will make it weird... so I just leave it blank)


    1. 00:44:151 (5) ~ 00:45:500 (1) - I recommend to input some note 0.0(^)
    2. 01:03:702 (5) - move to (x:220, y:296)(both slider moved so can't remember where it was...)


Steph De Chine
From Steph's Queue
看了下,其实整体还不错 其实要有那么多星星的都不错

00:02:027 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) & 00:18:206 (1,2,3,4) - 这个直线不是很好看?改成稍微带点旋转的菱形?
01:14:488 (1) - 可以分成两段,一段到01:14:825,另一段从01:15:162开始
01:17:185 (1,2) - 这段还是听起来有些奇怪呢~



hi~隨機 Taiko mod
Taiko Hard
00:25:285 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - dkdkddk?
00:40:790 (95,102) - k?
00:47:026 (118) - k
00:58:993 (163) - D
01:15:172 (30) - k?

Taiko Oni
00:45:510 (171) - d就可以了,像[01:01:689]這段開始用D才更好

嗯嗯,果然觸到我了 :)
good luck
Topic Starter

forevehappy wrote:

hi~隨機 Taiko mod
Taiko Hard
00:25:285 (26,27,28,29,30,31,32) - dkdkddk? no...? 这里我觉得跟随高低音比较好 kdkkddk
00:40:790 (95,102) - k?这里其实是达人三弦的梗……所以不改
00:47:026 (118) - k这里我觉得跟随高低音比较好
00:58:993 (163) - Dbgm音量很低 用D好怪……
01:15:172 (30) - k?同上。01:14:751 (27) - 改成了k

Taiko Oni
00:45:510 (171) - d就可以了,像[01:01:689]這段開始用D才更好明明这里有大镲D:

嗯嗯,果然觸到我了 :)
good luck

Steph De Chine wrote:

From Steph's Queue
看了下,其实整体还不错 其实要有那么多星星的都不错

00:02:027 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) & 00:18:206 (1,2,3,4) - 这个直线不是很好看?改成稍微带点旋转的菱形?改成方形了
01:14:488 (1) - 可以分成两段,一段到01:14:825,另一段从01:15:162开始 改成了折返滑条 听起来舒服些
01:17:185 (1,2) - 这段还是听起来有些奇怪呢~ ^



Hi mod from #modreqs


00:33:365(1,2) - I think better if you a little stack it~ With circle size 5 it will be very difficult for play~
00:44:320 - add slider 1/4 with NC and put normal sound with volume:

00:44:320 - 20%
00:44:657 - 25%
00:44:994 - 30%
00:45:331 - 35%

It sounds better~

00:49:376 - remove note here~ make rhythm same on 00:48:028 bcz rhytm in music not change
01:14:488(1,2,2) - stack better~
01:17:859(1,2) (1,2) - ^
01:27:297 - add NC here for final pattern


00:44:320 - same on Another
00:49:376 - remove this note
01:28:477 - make so It will be better follow the music~


00:27:971(2,1) - very big spasing for normal diff~ correct it
01:04:376 - remove all repeats and add slider 1/1 on white ticks

Good luck~
唔 这边卡爆了 来支持一下

00:22:251 (4) - 这里为啥没有上finish音呢……
00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 个人感觉这一段可以加入clap来增强一下打击感,例如在2那里开始以固定间隔放。
01:11:792 (1,2) - 前面都有clap这两个slider却没有呢= =


00:52:578 (2) - 个人感觉这个slider可以考虑跟前一个slider互成角度,能更加切合这一段前后的那种排列风格=>如图

Topic Starter

Katty Pie wrote:

Hi mod from #modreqs


00:33:365(1,2) - I think better if you a little stack it~ With circle size 5 it will be very difficult for play~ what does that mean... the distance is okay for Another
00:44:320 - add slider 1/4 with NC and put normal sound with volume:

00:44:320 - 20%
00:44:657 - 25%
00:44:994 - 30%
00:45:331 - 35%

It sounds better~
nope. other mappers points out this problem and I explained, that this section has a blank atmosphere which is not suitable for more notes.

00:49:376 - remove note here~ make rhythm same on 00:48:028 bcz rhytm in music not change Kept. There is a piano hit here, unlike the former one.
01:14:488(1,2,2) - stack better~
01:17:859(1,2) (1,2) - ^ Fixed, trying my best orz
01:27:297 - add NC here for final pattern fixed


00:44:320 - same on Another Kept
00:49:376 - remove this note Same reason as in Another
01:28:477 - make so It will be better follow the music~ Nope. The pattern is like Another.


00:27:971(2,1) - very big spasing for normal diff~ correct it Fixed
01:04:376 - remove all repeats and add slider 1/1 on white ticks Partly taken. I reduced one repeat and add a note after it.

Good luck~

jogfi2002 wrote:


00:22:251 (4) - 这里为啥没有上finish音呢…… fixed
00:45:500 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - 个人感觉这一段可以加入clap来增强一下打击感,例如在2那里开始以固定间隔放。这里和Another是一样的,加clap比较奇怪
01:11:792 (1,2) - 前面都有clap这两个slider却没有呢= = fixed


00:52:578 (2) - 个人感觉这个slider可以考虑跟前一个slider互成角度,能更加切合这一段前后的那种排列风格=> 如图 好主意 fixed


Thank you all for modding ~
Hi~Mod from PM request~


  1. 不得不说最低难度不用CS3好奇葩...(当然现在这个也可以
  2. 01:22:578 (5) - add NC 然后 remove NC at 01:23:926 (1)?

  • 没什么

  1. 00:28:140 (10) - 这个slider感觉往下移一些会更好看
  2. 00:29:320 (9) - NC
  3. 00:49:207 (5,6,1) - spacing
  4. 00:52:915 (3,4,5) - ^,不好看

好吧挑不出什么了orz 感觉这图已经不错了...找个MAT来看吧
Topic Starter

a3272509123 wrote:

Hi~Mod from PM request~


  1. 不得不说最低难度不用CS3好奇葩...(当然现在这个也可以
  2. 01:22:578 (5) - add NC 然后 remove NC at 01:23:926 (1)?

  • 没什么

  1. 00:28:140 (10) - 这个slider感觉往下移一些会更好看 fixed
  2. 00:29:320 (9) - NC ^
  3. 00:49:207 (5,6,1) - spacing ^
  4. 00:52:915 (3,4,5) - ^,不好看 ^

好吧挑不出什么了orz 感觉这图已经不错了...找个MAT来看吧
:) mark and star~
00:28:983 (1) - 前面弯曲后面直的.像3一样 直着的那端对这2
01:01:005 (3,4) - 1,2相同音 同样的间距
吐槽,这开头最简单 比Standard还简单
Hi Flower~


-> Set PreviewTime to PreviewTime: 44067? (it's the most accurate time for me)
-> Remove the space between 'corypheesoft Evening' on tags
-> About Taiko diffs:
  1. Remove countdown from both diffs, they start on the same point as the osu! standard diffs xD
  2. If you want to use Japanese diff names, rename the Taiko Hard to Taiko Muzukashii orz... If you want to use English diff names, rename Taiko Oni to Taiko Insane :3
  3. Also, personally I think you shouldn't disable the video here, the video is beautiful >_<
-> Err, I think you don't need combo colors that much... Using six combo colors are fine, but current colors you're using doesn't look harmonious... Err, you can try this instead: (or rose-related color as well :3)
Combo1 : 152,254,243
Combo2 : 245,159,255
Combo3 : 172,132,255


-> Uhm, are you following BMS/IIDX difficulty naming here? If so, rename to Normal orz (IIDX/BMS songs use Normal :3)

  1. 00:06:071 (4,1) - Although already new combo'ed, this spacing is still tricky for beginners though (especially it's your easiest diff)... I think (1,2,3,4)'s square should start from the bottom-right (current (2)'s position) and moving counterclockwise (:
  2. 00:15:510 (1) - Uhm, just simply move the bezier midpoint to ~x:105 y:304 to make this slider tidier orz, it won't hurt xD
  3. 00:27:971 (2) - Move to ~x:273 y:163? It'll flow better if it's placed in the bottom-left of (1)'s end imo...
  4. 00:38:758 (3) - (optional) Try to put the red waypoint lower, around ~x:96 y:152 perhaps? It'll create a better angle with your previous (2) :
  5. 00:40:106 (1) - Whistle + finish on slider's start? (I can hear a cymbal there)
  6. 00:39:432 (4,1,2,3,4) - Uhm, these five's placement looks quite random for me orz... Actually you can just try to create slider fan by using the rotate function, or you can even create a symmetry actually xD
  7. 00:42:803 (1) - Whistle on spinner's end? It really fits~
  8. 00:45:500 (1) - Err, to be honest, on easiest diff I suggest to avoid placing post-spinner notes in the center, the spinner's comboburst will cover it orz >_< - It's not unrankable though, but you can just simply move this to ~x:320 y:7 (:
  9. 00:50:893 (1) - (optional) Uhm, personally I think this slider shape follows your flow better~
  10. 00:54:264 (2) - Change into two circles? Plays more natural before the spinner imo...
  11. 00:59:657 (3) - (optional) I'd personally remove whistle here to emphasize the next whistle in (4), up to you though :3
  12. 01:04:376 (1) - Uhm, try to use less bezier waypoints here orz >_<
  13. 01:14:488 (1) - Whistle on slider's end, to emphasize the high note?
  14. 01:19:207 (2) - (optional) To build a better angle with (1), regardless of the spacing put this circle in ~x:175 y:122? (it won't be hard to catch, don't worry xD)
  15. 01:26:623 (4) - Here, I really recommend to remove the repeat and add circle on 01:27:297 - it's the downbeat, plus circle will play much better before last spinner compared to slider's end, really~
  16. 01:27:634 (1) - Start spinner 1/2 after last note, instead of 1/1 after, to blend with the music more?

-> Tick Rate 2 sounds better here for me (:

  1. 00:12:307 (1) - (optional) I'd create an arc here by placing this on ~y:160, looks more elegant imo (:
  2. 00:12:813 (1) - Finish on slider's start, to accompany the cymbal sound?
  3. 00:18:206 (1,2,3) - Here, you can try to play with slider speed manipulation (something like 1.0x -> 1.1x -> 1.2x) to create a sequence of sliders which gets gradually longer~
  4. 00:27:297 (2) - ...maybe stack to previous 00:24:769 (4)?
  5. 00:30:668 (1) - (optional) Put in ~x:224 y:227, to continue the previous jump's momentum?
  6. 00:36:398 (4) - Uhm, I think the distance spacing is somewhat too forced here... I'd create a power jump here by using higher spacing, personally xD
  7. 00:47:016 (1,2) - Here also, the pattern will be more interesting to play if arranged diagonally like this:
  8. 00:50:050 (2) - Move to ~y:52, to make (2,4,2)'s spacing more equal?
  9. 00:59:320 (2) - I highly recommend to CTRL+G this slider (Reverse Selection / previously CTRL+R), to make a circular movement~
  10. 01:00:331 (1,2,3,4) - Don't stop the clap sequence here orz... Feels quite weird having the clap stopped and then continued again in the next pattern >_<
  11. 01:04:376 (1,2,3,4) - (optional) Personally I feel a pseudo-star shape like this plays better before the spinner rather than slider fan, but up to you though (:
  12. 01:19:207 (4) - Finish on slider's start? The cymbals are strong enough imo...
  13. 01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Just an advice actually, for patterns like this you can just easily put a circle in the center, arrange the seven circles by using the approachcircle's guide, and then delete the center circle - more or less it's like this in edit mode:
    ...after editing, delete the middle (4) :3 - the result will be like this:
  14. 01:28:477 (1) - Start spinner 1/2 after? (the melody starts in 01:28:646 actually >_<

-> Same as Hyper - use tick rate 2?

  1. 00:12:813 (1) - Don't be afraid to use whistle + finish on slider's start, they really fit (:
  2. 00:18:206 (1,2,3) - I think it'll be MUCH better if you arrange (1,2,3) in a triangle like this:
  3. 00:22:251 (4) - ...and then change this note into spinner, ending in 00:23:600 - the map will be more dramatic this way, really >_<
  4. 00:26:960 (2) - Minor stuff, just put this in ~x:417 y:141 to make it parallel with your next triples orz :3
  5. 00:28:140 (10) - Whistle on slider's start? (same piano melody as (9))
  6. 00:34:039 (3,4,5,6) - Uhm, for me it flows much better (also follows the piano melody better) if arranged in an arc instead of back-and-forth:
  7. 00:42:803 (1,2,3,4,5) - (optional) Perhaps accelerate the spacing to intensify the jump?
  8. 00:44:320 (x) - Again, it's actually a good place to put spinner which ends in 00:45:162~
  9. 00:45:837 (2) - ...missing whistle on slider's start here? o.o
  10. 00:57:466 (1) - Minor stuff, try this code for better slider blanket:
  11. 01:02:859 (1) - Err, why don't you just stack this on previous 01:01:342 (4)'s start to make it tidier orz... It won't hurt :3
  12. 01:02:859 (1) - Also with this slider, actually the big beat is in 01:03:028 - it's much better to remove the repeat and arrange a circular movement like this though, to get the music's feel more xD
  13. 01:07:073 (1) - Again, whistle + finish on slider's start here?
  14. 01:09:769 (5) - Uhm, it won't hurt if you just perfectly stack this below 01:08:337 (15), really (the overlap won't be visible in play mode though~)
  15. 01:13:140 (1) - Missing whistle on slider's start? >_<
  16. 01:22:241 (4) - (optional) Move this to ~x:155 y:295 instead? Personally I think (2,4) looks better with this arrangement...
Really nice song o.o...
Overall I feel this is a potential map, but has some inconsistencies all over... Nice use of copy-paste, however :3

Good luck Flower~
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Hi Flower~


-> Set PreviewTime to PreviewTime: 44067? (it's the most accurate time for me) umm what is it for? if I set preview on this point the preview will start with a blank part.
-> Remove the space between 'corypheesoft Evening' on tags well yes. but it takes me some time to find the error because only Standard is different
-> About Taiko diffs:
  1. Remove countdown from both diffs, they start on the same point as the osu! standard diffs xD I did not find countdown on and diff is enabled...
  2. If you want to use Japanese diff names, rename the Taiko Hard to Taiko Muzukashii orz... If you want to use English diff names, rename Taiko Oni to Taiko Insane :3 heck yes you're right
  3. Also, personally I think you shouldn't disable the video here, the video is beautiful >_<
-> Err, I think you don't need combo colors that much... Using six combo colors are fine, but current colors you're using doesn't look harmonious... Err, you can try this instead: (or rose-related color as well :3)
Combo1 : 152,254,243
Combo2 : 245,159,255
Combo3 : 172,132,255
well I chose the color to represent the 7 princesses. white - Charlotte; light blue - Dyanna; pink - Leira, Intelia and Ereface; deep blue - Lin; yellow - Sherle; and red for the red rose in the oblivious garden... well maybe you are right. but I will not take that cyan combo color cause it does not fit the style.


-> Uhm, are you following BMS/IIDX difficulty naming here? If so, rename to Normal orz (IIDX/BMS songs use Normal :3) yep

  1. 00:06:071 (4,1) - Although already new combo'ed, this spacing is still tricky for beginners though (especially it's your easiest diff)... I think (1,2,3,4)'s square should start from the bottom-right (current (2)'s position) and moving counterclockwise (: oops all right. and I also moved the slider right after it.
  2. 00:15:510 (1) - Uhm, just simply move the bezier midpoint to ~x:105 y:304 to make this slider tidier orz, it won't hurt xD yep
  3. 00:27:971 (2) - Move to ~x:273 y:163? It'll flow better if it's placed in the bottom-left of (1)'s end imo... yup
  4. 00:38:758 (3) - (optional) Try to put the red waypoint lower, around ~x:96 y:152 perhaps? It'll create a better angle with your previous (2) : I moved to 100,152, looks better to me.
  5. 00:40:106 (1) - Whistle + finish on slider's start? (I can hear a cymbal there) yup
  6. 00:39:432 (4,1,2,3,4) - Uhm, these five's placement looks quite random for me orz... Actually you can just try to create slider fan by using the rotate function, or you can even create a symmetry actually xD yup
  7. 00:42:803 (1) - Whistle on spinner's end? It really fits~ yup
  8. 00:45:500 (1) - Err, to be honest, on easiest diff I suggest to avoid placing post-spinner notes in the center, the spinner's comboburst will cover it orz >_< - It's not unrankable though, but you can just simply move this to ~x:320 y:7 (: yup, but I moved to 348,28 in case overlapped by the HP bar.
  9. 00:50:893 (1) - (optional) Uhm, personally I think this slider shape follows your flow better~ yup
  10. 00:54:264 (2) - Change into two circles? Plays more natural before the spinner imo... yep
  11. 00:59:657 (3) - (optional) I'd personally remove whistle here to emphasize the next whistle in (4), up to you though :3
  12. 01:04:376 (1) - Uhm, try to use less bezier waypoints here orz >_<
    like this? I don't think the code above fits the whole style.
  13. 01:14:488 (1) - Whistle on slider's end, to emphasize the high note?yup
  14. 01:19:207 (2) - (optional) To build a better angle with (1), regardless of the spacing put this circle in ~x:175 y:122? (it won't be hard to catch, don't worry xD) basically followed
  15. 01:26:623 (4) - Here, I really recommend to remove the repeat and add circle on 01:27:297 - it's the downbeat, plus circle will play much better before last spinner compared to slider's end, really~ yep
  16. 01:27:634 (1) - Start spinner 1/2 after last note, instead of 1/1 after, to blend with the music more? yep


-> Tick Rate 2 sounds better here for me (: nope. that rate will add maaany weird ticks ;w; I considered this before and gave up(in several remaps before this version).

  1. 00:12:307 (1) - (optional) I'd create an arc here by placing this on ~y:160, looks more elegant imo (: yep
  2. 00:12:813 (1) - Finish on slider's start, to accompany the cymbal sound? yep
  3. 00:18:206 (1,2,3) - Here, you can try to play with slider speed manipulation (something like 1.0x -> 1.1x -> 1.2x) to create a sequence of sliders which gets gradually longer~ nope. according to the music the slider should flow slower corresponding to time. I prefer to leave it constant.
  4. 00:27:297 (2) - ...maybe stack to previous 00:24:769 (4)? yep
  5. 00:30:668 (1) - (optional) Put in ~x:224 y:227, to continue the previous jump's momentum? I moved it to 212,216 to stack with the following note.
  6. 00:36:398 (4) - Uhm, I think the distance spacing is somewhat too forced here... I'd create a power jump here by using higher spacing, personally xD you are on the point. yes.
  7. 00:47:016 (1,2) - Here also, the pattern will be more interesting to play if arranged diagonally like this:
  8. 00:50:050 (2) - Move to ~y:52, to make (2,4,2)'s spacing more equal? yep
  9. 00:59:320 (2) - I highly recommend to CTRL+G this slider (Reverse Selection / previously CTRL+R), to make a circular movement~ yep
  10. 01:00:331 (1,2,3,4) - Don't stop the clap sequence here orz... Feels quite weird having the clap stopped and then continued again in the next pattern >_< ye[
  11. 01:04:376 (1,2,3,4) - (optional) Personally I feel a pseudo-star shape like this plays better before the spinner rather than slider fan, but up to you though (: well I like the slider fan better...
  12. 01:19:207 (4) - Finish on slider's start? The cymbals are strong enough imo...
  13. 01:27:297 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Just an advice actually, for patterns like this you can just easily put a circle in the center, arrange the seven circles by using the approachcircle's guide, and then delete the center circle - more or less it's like this in edit mode:
    ...after editing, delete the middle (4) :3 - the result will be like this:
    yep good idea.
  14. 01:28:477 (1) - Start spinner 1/2 after? (the melody starts in 01:28:646 actually >_< yep

-> Same as Hyper - use tick rate 2? and kept... reason is the same.

  1. 00:12:813 (1) - Don't be afraid to use whistle + finish on slider's start, they really fit (: yep
  2. 00:18:206 (1,2,3) - I think it'll be MUCH better if you arrange (1,2,3) in a triangle like this:
    mmm no. I don't think this to be better in this diff. it is not suitable to demonstrate the diminuendo piano.
  3. 00:22:251 (4) - ...and then change this note into spinner, ending in 00:23:600 - the map will be more dramatic this way, really >_< yep I think good too
  4. 00:26:960 (2) - Minor stuff, just put this in ~x:417 y:141 to make it parallel with your next triples orz :3 yep
  5. 00:28:140 (10) - Whistle on slider's start? (same piano melody as (9)) nope. the piano performs a lower sound at this point.
  6. 00:34:039 (3,4,5,6) - Uhm, for me it flows much better (also follows the piano melody better) if arranged in an arc instead of back-and-forth:
  7. 00:42:803 (1,2,3,4,5) - (optional) Perhaps accelerate the spacing to intensify the jump?
  8. 00:44:320 (x) - Again, it's actually a good place to put spinner which ends in 00:45:162~ yep
  9. 00:45:837 (2) - ...missing whistle on slider's start here? o.o yep
  10. 00:57:466 (1) - Minor stuff, try this code for better slider blanket:
  11. 01:02:859 (1) - Err, why don't you just stack this on previous 01:01:342 (4)'s start to make it tidier orz... It won't hurt :3 ah yes
  12. 01:02:859 (1) - Also with this slider, actually the big beat is in 01:03:028 - it's much better to remove the repeat and arrange a circular movement like this though, to get the music's feel more xD
    Actually I split it into a circle and a slider. not quite the same, but follows the rhythm well.
  13. 01:07:073 (1) - Again, whistle + finish on slider's start here?yep
  14. 01:09:769 (5) - Uhm, it won't hurt if you just perfectly stack this below 01:08:337 (15), really (the overlap won't be visible in play mode though~) yep
  15. 01:13:140 (1) - Missing whistle on slider's start? >_< nope. it is a low beat.
  16. 01:22:241 (4) - (optional) Move this to ~x:155 y:295 instead? Personally I think (2,4) looks better with this arrangement... yep
Really nice song o.o...
Overall I feel this is a potential map, but has some inconsistencies all over... Nice use of copy-paste, however :3

Good luck Flower~
Thanks a lot for your modding! pretty useful ≥w≤

mp3结尾还有声音感觉怪怪的 是不是截的时候没截干净

一看AIMod52个spacing issues就瞎了 而且你这超过3星了
00:12:307 (1,2) - NC对调一下
00:25:949 (2) - 天国的clap君
00:26:623 (1) - 他们说最低难度最好不要用2折返
00:54:938 (1,1) - 距离有点太近
01:05:724 (1,1) - ^
01:27:466 (1) - 提前1/4拍

BG各种不明所以 建议更换福利BG
01:05:724 (1,1) - 第一个在01:06:988结束 第二个在01:07:073开始
01:27:971 (1) - 去NC

00:18:206 (1,2,3) - 这一段就这样摆3个?感觉很空
00:29:994 (3) - 被前面遮住了感觉很挫
00:44:320 (1) - 太短了 把前面00:44:151 (5)然后拉到那去
00:52:915 (3,4,5) - 我觉得Ctrl+G更好 不过改不改随你
01:01:679 (1,2,3,4) - 1324这个顺序多好
01:07:747 (8) - NC
kiai还不错 不过音效有点乱

快发真相 >:(
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