Used to plan to return to this game in last year January, but lots of stuff happened IRL later on that year, so I had to shift my course. I will continue to try to go back to this game in the foreseeing future tho.
Hello!~Here's Dragon! A Chinese osu! player. You can call me Dragon, String or SE. I am not good at English but I am still able to read English and I often will know what you are saying. Good at osu!-standard mode and not good at Taiko/Mania mode.
This page can show you Dragon's preferences, strengths and weaknesses. It may help you to understand how Dragon plays osu! and decide how to surpass his score. 这个项目会告诉你这个蠢比的偏好、长项以及短处,这些会帮助你了解这蠢比是怎么调戏osu的,帮助你肛掉他的榜。
※ Main finger : Middlefinger (Z) . Sub finger: Forefinger (X) 主指:中指(z)。副指:食指(x)
※ Mapping for fun, not for ranking. 做图只为好玩,不为rank。
※ No modding. Because he doesn't know how to modding. 因为不会摸图所以从不摸图。
※ Novice SB maker. Storyboard制作初心者。
※ Never care about Rank at all. 从来不在乎Rank。
※ Care Accuracy very much. 非常在意Acc。
※ If he is first time to play a difficulty, he may not use any mod. You can see this behavor in multiplayer. 如果这是他第一次玩这个难度,他绝对不会开任何MOD,MP的时候很常见。
※ Mods in Hard and above is very difficult for him. He may only use mods in Normal and Easy difficulties, but Hard and above always is None (Expect he is very like this song/beatmap or want to surpass somebody's score, rare to see). Hard以上的难度开mod对他来说非常困难,他只会在Normal和Easy下开mod,但是Hard以上就经常是none了(除了一些他喜欢的歌曲或者故意要肛某人的榜的图以外,这现象非常少见)。
※ In his opinion, to PASS a beatmap must have the following conditions : 在他看来,Pass一张图要有以下条件 :
○ Accuracy must higher than 97% at least for all difficulty map (Except some beatmaps that he feels very hard). Some beatmaps may require above 99%. If he think that this beatmap are easier that other for him, he may require SS (Frequently see in Normal and Easy difficulties). 所有难度下,Acc至少大于97%(除了一些对他来说很难的图),一些图可能要求超过99%的Acc。如果他觉得这图还算简单,他会要求到达SS(常见于肛Normal或者Easy难度)。
○ Full Combo. Any combo that miss from sliders also will count as non-fullcombo. 全连。任何滑条断尾也算作非FC。
If any of the conditions is not met, he will retry again and again until he PASS the beatmap. 如果任何一个条件没有满足,他会一次又一次地疯狂Retry打图直到满足所有条件。
※ NightCore replaced DoubleTime。 打图的时候NC代替了DT。
※ Usually use Easy/Nofail mod in Multiplayer to reduce his score and sell a moe. 经常在MP里开EZ或者NF来降低自己的成绩然后卖个萌.
[How to defeat him]
That's too easy! 这太简单了!
※ In multiplayer, you can choose some beatmaps that: 在多人游戏中,你可以选带有以下特点的图 :
○BPM above 160, it's better if the beatmaps have long streams. BPM大于160,如果还带有长连打那就更好了。
○ Extremely long jumping notes. 大跳图。
○ have high OA. (Low Acc may cause him suicide at end of the song.) 高OA的图(Acc太低会让他在歌曲末尾自杀)
※In multiplayer, Force use Flashlight or Hidden when he first time to plays this beatmap. 在多人游戏中,如果他是第一次玩这图,你可以强制使用FL或者HD。
※ In Solo, play Hard and above with mods. 单人游戏的时候,开Mod玩Hard以及更高的难度。