
DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Ver.) [Taiko|Osu]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 9 กุมภาพันธ์ 2556 at 21:17:31

Artist: DJ Okawari
Title: Canon (Short Ver.)
Tags: Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classical
BPM: 98
Filesize: 7737kb
Play Time: 02:17
Difficulties Available:
  1. Boss Taiko Oni (4.83 stars, 559 notes)
  2. Peaceful (5 stars, 383 notes)
  3. Quiet (0.68 stars, 85 notes)
  4. Restful (3.69 stars, 161 notes)
  5. Spinboxer (4.9 stars, 350 notes)
  6. Tranquil (4.53 stars, 217 notes)
Download: DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Ver.)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 4th beatmap for rank ~
DJ Okawari ~ Canon ♫
Quiet [Easy] >> Done!
Restful [Normal] >> Done!
Tranquil [Hard] >> Done!
Spinboxer [Insane] >> Done by spboxer3
Peaceful [Hyper] >> Done!
Boss Taiko Oni [Taiko oni] >> Done by bossandy
without hitsound~
ok~100% Done~

then please add soft-hitclap2.wav >"<

Download: DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Version) (backstep) [Spinboxer] and hitsound .rar
01:27:277 (4,5) - 他們重疊了

dont give me kd :P
Topic Starter

spboxer3 wrote:

without hitsound~
ok~100% Done~

then please add soft-hitclap2.wav >"<
Kudo for supporter of this map!
Hi Nymph here and request from in game.

nothing I got here.

OD4 is very high for a 1star diff...-2?

00:24:681 (1,2) - why don't you silence the slider here too? (same things on other diffs too so I am not gonna mention it again

Beatmap design/suggestion
01:48:865 (2) - this seems stacked well but when you test played it it still seems weird, so maybe don't stack them?


Beatmap design/suggestion
00:46:569 (6,7) - 这些间距均等下?
01:28:202 (7) - 靠这个note玩起来超难判断的....
哦草后面坑爹不解释 带着comboburst我miss了5个还多

Beatmap design/suggestion
00:48:247 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - too weird... what are they following...
WTF the jumps during the kiai....

Ok, that is all.
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

Finished!! I think this BG is better :D

Thanks a lot Bossandy :)

Kudo for supporter
小三的mod req,我要來mod了...

Before modding,I have to say something:
1.My English is poor so ask me in IRC or PM me if you don't understand anything in this modding.
2.Don't challeng me if my mod is wrong or poor.Just calm it down.Or you can remind me.
3.I just want to improve your map , not destroy it.
4.You can ignore everything if you don't like that suggestion even thought it's a unrankable issue.

Okay,let's begin.

Black=Just suggestion,you can fix it if you like.You may not fix it or ignore it if you don't agree with me.
Blue =I think it's a important thing(IMO,you have better to fix it.(Still the same,ignore it if you don't agree.)
Red=Unrankable issue.(You should fix it,otherwise you can't get a rank or app.)

I think the HP drain is too low for a Insane.

00:29:573 (x) - Start from here to 00:46:722 ,please decrease the volume when the S1 clap appears and fix it be the orginal volume when it 's end.The clap is too loud for me.

00:48:094 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - A bit overmapping,I don't mean it's not good.But fix it if you don't like overmap.
Or add whistle on00:48:247 (2,4,6) will be better :D

00:53:604 (x) - I think the rythm will be better if you add a note here.

01:05:696 (5,6,1) - Put them like this?I think new combo jump is better:

01:49:012 (1,2) - It's not comfortable to hit.I can't expect it has 2 U-turns.

That's all for this diff.


It's the first time that sp3 is so serious for hitsound.You may feel glad backstep.

00:26:518 (5) - Let's see,it's not a stright line :D

00:29:579 (1) - Start from here to 00:46:722 ,please decrease the volume when the S1 clap appears and fix it be the orginal volume when it 's end.The clap is too loud for me.

00:52:845 (5) - Nazi,stack it better.

01:07:538 (4) - Put it like this?

01:09:987 (4) - ^


CZ +1 is the way better.

00:55:906 (3) - Stack it better at the end of 00:54:069 (1) :33

01:47:947 (1,2,3) - These stacking is hard for normal player ._.


02:13:661 (2) - Make it better to stack the begin of 02:11:212 (4) ._.?

Good map ~
Thank's all,hopem y modding is helpful for you ._.~
Topic Starter
I'll fixed it later.

(My PC had some crashed!! and need fixed them.)

Maybe after 27 Feb :?
nice songs :)

Because kanpakyin Denied my kudos so I try to mod this map >~<"


  • Settings
  1. Inconsistency red timing sections~
  2. Inconsistency Kiai Times~


  • mapping
  1. none~


  • Settings
  1. suggest OD,HP-1

  1. 01:47:947 (1,2) - not really stack now~you can use X0.0 DS to fix it
  2. 01:48:865 (2,3) - ^
  3. 02:14:885 (7,4) - suggest stack for slider end!


  • mapping
  1. none~

[Boss Taiko Oni]

  • Settings
  1. AR用5 因為AR在這邊沒有用.
  2. 你既然是Oni的話 現在這樣太簡單了 所以我建議HP,OD用6
  3. 02:17:328 - 變速不要動 會很奇怪的!!
  1. none~

red is unrankable issue. bule is need to discuss. Black is just suggest.
Topic Starter
@ Nymph : Fixed some suggestion.
@ nold_1702 : Fixed some suggestion.
@spboxer3 : Fixed offset & kiai time on Peaceful difficulty.
-s u i r e n-
hello~backstep:) MOD></

00:32:028(3)-It is better to carry out a slider in this way
00:41:212(2)-1grid right
00:43:661(2)-1grid left
00:50:396(1)-1grid left.1grid down
00:53:457(3)-3grid outer
00:55:906(2)-1grid down.1grid left
00:58:355(2)-1grid down
01:00:206(2)-1grid left
01:24:069(2)-1grid down
01:30:192(3)-1grid left
01:31:569(4)-1grid left.1grid down
01:38:763(2)-1grid right.2grid down
01:43:661(1)-1grid down
02:13:049(1)-1grid left.1grid down

00:19:783(1)-1grid left
00:22:214(3)-1grid outer
00:24:069(4)-1grid down
00:41:518(4)-1grid outer.1grid left
00:43:355(2)-1grid right
00:45:498(2)-1grid left
00:55:005(2)-1grid down
01:00:498(3)-1grid left
01:09:987(2)-2grid outer
01:11:212(1)-1grid left
01:25:902(1)-1grid outer
01:46:416(2)-1grid left
01:47:947(1)-1grid down
01:48:865(2)-1grid left.1grid outer
01:50:396(1)-1grid down.1grid right
02:03:865(3)-1grid dow
02:06:620(4)-1grid right.1grid outer
02:07:538(1)-1grid outer
02:09:065(4)-1grid down
02:10:906(2)-1grid left
02:12:436(1)-1grid right
02:10:743(2)-1grid down
02:13:355(3)-1grid right
02:16:722(4)-1grid outer

I am sorry to be poor at Mod TAT
Topic Starter
@suirenn05 : Fixed some.

P.S. If it's possible you shouldn't modded only nazi mod, because this problem is a bit to fixed it.
Why am I here ..............

Of course For star!!! :)
Alright let's see what I can find.

Resize the Spinner BG to 1024x768. i saw a bit of black at the right side

00:27:130(2) - how about flipping it like this because not only that it'll make an easier path for beginners but it'll form a blanket around the next note.
00:29:503 - re-snap this to the big white tick unless you have a reason why it's unsnapped?
00:58:967(1) - remove the clap at the end because if you add it here, then the slider tick of (4) should make a clap hitsound.
01:08:763(1) - i think it'd be easier if you can space this out because beginners might hit this slider too early.
01:21:008(5) - same as above but maybe set and flip it like this. same reason as above. adjust the spacing for (3) if you do so.

01:32:208(2,3) - how about replacing this for a 1/2 slider with 2 repeats like the last few sliders. that way players might get the idea that this part is repeating itself.

00:29:503 - same as 00:29:503 on quiet.
other than that, this map is fun because of the jumps.

00:29:503 - same as 00:29:503 on quiet.
same comment about Hard. i like the jumps on this

This is the best i can do. Star and GL :D
Topic Starter

Byakugan249 wrote:

Alright let's see what I can find.

Resize the Spinner BG to 1024x768. i saw a bit of black at the right side

00:27:130(2) - how about flipping it like this because not only that it'll make an easier path for beginners but it'll form a blanket around the next note.
00:29:503 - re-snap this to the big white tick unless you have a reason why it's unsnapped?
00:58:967(1) - remove the clap at the end because if you add it here, then the slider tick of (4) should make a clap hitsound.
01:08:763(1) - i think it'd be easier if you can space this out because beginners might hit this slider too early.
01:21:008(5) - same as above but maybe set and flip it like this. same reason as above. adjust the spacing for (3) if you do so.

01:32:208(2,3) - how about replacing this for a 1/2 slider with 2 repeats like the last few sliders. that way players might get the idea that this part is repeating itself.

00:29:503 - same as 00:29:503 on quiet.
other than that, this map is fun because of the jumps.

00:29:503 - same as 00:29:503 on quiet.
same comment about Hard. i like the jumps on this

This is the best i can do. Star and GL :D

I think it's okay for your suggestion and I fixed it's all :D


On the request of spboxer3.

In general, I think your skin doesn't really make a good impression. For one, the hitbursts aren't really fit for playing since they tend to do the job of obscuring the next note rather than be a natural-looking aspect of the map itself.

The pause overlay, skp button & spinner background all have different derivations, eg. Miku
I understand the overall trait in this is in the "harmony" so I suppose it is not really a problem.

I just suggest you get plainer and more consistent images if you're going to do such themes, because it's better if you don't have an element that's outstanding/or from a notable copyright eg. Miku and then have various other things mixed in.
To me, the skip button is the more glaring oddity.

I don't quite know how the cogwheel design for the hitcircle came about, though it's probably due to the BG being a train station with tracks.
But in that case, I don't understand why you didn't do the same for the spinner elements.
To be honest, your soft-hitclap is more reminisce of a place near streams/water since it has that "ripple" feeling.
Not to mention the string instrument used here is of oriental origin.

In conclusion, I suggest you re-do the hit0 ~ 300s
It is exasperating when the hit300 is the reason why my anticipation of the next approach circle is impaired.
For a map that emphasizes harmony and peace, it's not doing too well. Do something about this.

I'd suggest you have another combo color as well, maybe yellow-green for a mellow contrast with the blue.
Combo1 : 202,249,155

I don't mod Taiko maps, but Boss Taiko Oni has it's timing section at - 00:00:186 - whereas the rest have theirs at - 00:00:192 -
Please have it the same on all difficulties.

Nothing on Quiet.


- 00:26:212 (2,3) - Bit surprised why you decided to add slider-points since they're already too short to make any difference.


- 01:39:528 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Yes, this is pretty much exactly the thing that plays the worse with the hitbursts you have now.

- 01:44:579 (2,3,4,1) - Gonna tell you to be careful about this.

- 01:46:722 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - If you make sure the hitbursts are done so it's not this obscured, then this passes, but for now. No.

- 01:53:916 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feel that this whole thing is counter-effective, it just looks like a huge mess whether I see in editor or testplay it.

- 01:58:967 (1,2,3,4) - Covered up, again.

- 02:08:763 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - See, this pattern and arrangement isn't really flying because of the 2 sole combo colors and the hitbursts.

- 02:11:212 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This does a worse job than above. Change this into a more intuitive jump section.

- 02:13:814 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - If you want to do something like this, then make sure - 02:13:967 (3,4) - have a new combo for easier identification.


- 00:44:273 (1) - Better if you reversed the position imo

- 00:49:783 (2) - This note is obscured by the previous note's hitbursts

- 01:38:457 (1,2,3) - I think this is a bit much here. I can play it, but I honestly don't think it warrants this kind of spacing.

- 01:39:069 (1,2,3) - ^

That's it.

Not really a fan of this leap in DS, but it's at least consistent.
This entire thing just mostly has needless issues arising from the skin in general, and it is annoying to mod with especially when you know these can be avoided.
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:


On the request of spboxer3.

In general, I think your skin doesn't really make a good impression. For one, the hitbursts aren't really fit for playing since they tend to do the job of obscuring the next note rather than be a natural-looking aspect of the map itself.

The pause overlay, skp button & spinner background all have different derivations, eg. Miku
I understand the overall trait in this is in the "harmony" so I suppose it is not really a problem.
:arrow: Fixed with other picture

I just suggest you get plainer and more consistent images if you're going to do such themes, because it's better if you don't have an element that's outstanding/or from a notable copyright eg. Miku and then have various other things mixed in.
To me, the skip button is the more glaring oddity.

I don't quite know how the cogwheel design for the hitcircle came about, though it's probably due to the BG being a train station with tracks.
But in that case, I don't understand why you didn't do the same for the spinner elements.
To be honest, your soft-hitclap is more reminisce of a place near streams/water since it has that "ripple" feeling.
Not to mention the string instrument used here is of oriental origin.
:arrow: For my diffs I remap for hitsound ._.

In conclusion, I suggest you re-do the hit0 ~ 300s
It is exasperating when the hit300 is the reason why my anticipation of the next approach circle is impaired.
For a map that emphasizes harmony and peace, it's not doing too well. Do something about this.
:arrow: Remove it (I can't to make this for my map concept ._.)

I'd suggest you have another combo color as well, maybe yellow-green for a mellow contrast with the blue.
Combo1 : 202,249,155
:arrow: Okay

I don't mod Taiko maps, but Boss Taiko Oni has it's timing section at - 00:00:186 - whereas the rest have theirs at - 00:00:192 -
Please have it the same on all difficulties.
:arrow: Fixed.

Nothing on Quiet.


- 00:26:212 (2,3) - Bit surprised why you decided to add slider-points since they're already too short to make any difference.
:arrow: Fixed with add 1/1 note instead.


- 01:39:528 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Yes, this is pretty much exactly the thing that plays the worse with the hitbursts you have now.

- 01:44:579 (2,3,4,1) - Gonna tell you to be careful about this.

- 01:46:722 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - If you make sure the hitbursts are done so it's not this obscured, then this passes, but for now. No.

- 01:53:916 (4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Feel that this whole thing is counter-effective, it just looks like a huge mess whether I see in editor or testplay it.

- 01:58:967 (1,2,3,4) - Covered up, again.

- 02:08:763 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - See, this pattern and arrangement isn't really flying because of the 2 sole combo colors and the hitbursts.

- 02:11:212 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - This does a worse job than above. Change this into a more intuitive jump section.

- 02:13:814 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - If you want to do something like this, then make sure - 02:13:967 (3,4) - have a new combo for easier identification.


- 00:44:273 (1) - Better if you reversed the position imo

:arrow: Fixed.

- 00:49:783 (2) - This note is obscured by the previous note's hitbursts
:arrow: Fixed.

- 01:38:457 (1,2,3) - I think this is a bit much here. I can play it, but I honestly don't think it warrants this kind of spacing.

- 01:39:069 (1,2,3) - ^

:arrow: Fixed with reduce DS.

That's it.

Not really a fan of this leap in DS, but it's at least consistent.
This entire thing just mostly has needless issues arising from the skin in general, and it is annoying to mod with especially when you know these can be avoided.
Please remove SB on taiko diff~!!
You have to delete osb files and add SB to all diff except Taiko diff
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

Please remove SB on taiko diff~!!
You have to delete osb files and add SB to all diff except Taiko diff
okay :P

I'll delete it later.

I apologize for not getting to your map sooner.

Well, here's my mod.

  1. Since you have a custom hitcircle, you got to have a SliderBorder included. Insert it under combo2 beneath [Colours].
  2. I checked the map's source which was cohana 2nd~ oriental classics and it turns out that it's an album. The album where the song came from really doesn't belong in the source. However, you can add the album in the tags but you really don't need the album included in the mapset.
  1. The Storyboard that is playing on Boss Taiko Oni is missing up the Taiko's background display. It's like moving the background up and its not displaying properly because of the storyboard and it looks weird that way. Remove the storyboard scripting from Boss Taiko Oni. (Credit goes to OnosakiHito for pointing that out.)
  1. You need a reversearrow.png file to complete the hitcircle skin set.
Timing Points
  1. 00:48:100 (Restful, Spinboxer)-This timing point is useless. I'm not sure if you were really trying to use the slider speed to see if that has any affect on the spinner on the Restful difficulty. Plus on Spinboxer, there is alright a timing point that is already set to Soft custom 2 and the volume is already set to 50%. So, delete it.
  1. It would be best to decrease the HP Drain Rate and Approach Rate by 1.
  1. The Approach Rate is a bit much on a Normal(?) difficulty like this. xD Decrease it by 1. This would be best if you do that.
  2. 01:47:028 (4)-Perhaps add a whistle on the beginning?
Boss Taiko Oni
  1. This difficulty should have been called Boss' Taiko Oni. That is the correct grammar but well, if that's not what this guest mapper follows, then that's fine.
  2. I suggest using a slider velocity of 1.40. But if you want to have the slider velocity set high on your Taiko difficulty, use a slider velocity of 1.60 which is the max you can use.. A slider velocity of 1.80 wouldn't be best used because it's spacing out the notes that are in 1/4 in a middle of a stream. :/ That just looks wrong that way and it would play a bit awkward.
  3. 00:47:947 (4)-How about replacing the big don with just a kat? A big don doesn't sound right here.
  1. I strongly suggest using at least an Approach Rate 7. Assuming that this is a hard, an Approach Rate of 8 doesn't really fit here.
  2. 01:46:722 (1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 , 3, 4)-This pattern looks confusing to read. ): I strongly suggest rearranging a different spacing pattern.
  3. 01:51:620 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is fitting? ):
  4. 01:54:069 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Those notes that are clustered like that... they don't play very well. Please rearrange the pattern something more neat.
  1. Okay, one main issue I would really like to point out is that considering this song is like a calming melody, in my opinion making the hardest difficulty frustrating to play on and having jumps that are a bit over the top on a song like this is really not the best way to go. ): If you have a good explanation on why it's like that, please do so.
  2. Why would you use an Approach Rate of 9? ): It doesn't fit at all in my honest opinion. Have this set to at least an Approach Rate of 8.
  3. The HP Drain Rate is a bit too much. Lower it by one.
  4. 01:46:416(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is fitting?
  5. 01:51:314 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Instead of a pattern like this, why not replace those with sliders after another.
  6. 02:03:559 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is also fitting?
  7. 02:15:957 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)-^ :/
You know, when I first listen to the song, I thought it sounded soothing and well, thought that you made the Peaceful difficulty pretty fun to play on. But nope. It turns out it's not and Peaceful wasn't really that fun to play on because of how the jumping patterns really wasn't fitting and overall, it can be frustrating to play on.

  1. I strongly suggest using at least an Approach Rate 7. Assuming that this is a hard, an Approach Rate of 8 doesn't really fit here.
    Umm... use AR7 is too slow for any player. at least for help me test this diff's player says:AR7 is too slow for me. maybe use AR8 is better?
  2. 01:46:722 (1, 2, 3, 4, 1, 2 , 3, 4)-This pattern looks confusing to read. ): I strongly suggest rearranging a different spacing pattern.
    increase this pattern spacing, and I just use same pattern and scale it :/
  3. 01:51:620 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is fitting? ):
    because increase the pitch. I think it's can use some jump and increase the spacing.
  4. 01:54:069 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Those notes that are clustered like that... they don't play very well. Please rearrange the pattern something more neat. umm... just like HTT - NO, Thank You! (TV Size) 00:54:222 (1,2,3,4) - I used rotate to do this. so... It's neat pattern for me :/ ((also, I used to overlaps for all my diff orz
Download: DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Version) (backstep) [Spinboxer].osu
Topic Starter

Roddie wrote:


I apologize for not getting to your map sooner.

Well, here's my mod.

  1. Since you have a custom hitcircle, you got to have a SliderBorder included. Insert it under combo2 beneath [Colours].
  2. I checked the map's source which was cohana 2nd~ oriental classics and it turns out that it's an album. The album where the song came from really doesn't belong in the source. However, you can add the album in the tags but you really don't need the album included in the mapset.
:arrow: Move to tag & add SliderBorder instead.
  1. The Storyboard that is playing on Boss Taiko Oni is missing up the Taiko's background display. It's like moving the background up and its not displaying properly because of the storyboard and it looks weird that way. Remove the storyboard scripting from Boss Taiko Oni. (Credit goes to OnosakiHito for pointing that out.)
:arrow: Remove it
  1. You need a reversearrow.png file to complete the hitcircle skin set.
:arrow: Add
Timing Points
  1. 00:48:100 (Restful, Spinboxer)-This timing point is useless. I'm not sure if you were really trying to use the slider speed to see if that has any affect on the spinner on the Restful difficulty. Plus on Spinboxer, there is alright a timing point that is already set to Soft custom 2 and the volume is already set to 50%. So, delete it.
:arrow: Remove my timing diff.
  1. It would be best to decrease the HP Drain Rate and Approach Rate by 1.
:arrow: Okay
  1. The Approach Rate is a bit much on a Normal(?) difficulty like this. xD Decrease it by 1. This would be best if you do that.
  2. 01:47:028 (4)-Perhaps add a whistle on the beginning?
:arrow: Fixed them all

  1. Okay, one main issue I would really like to point out is that considering this song is like a calming melody, in my opinion making the hardest difficulty frustrating to play on and having jumps that are a bit over the top on a song like this is really not the best way to go. ): If you have a good explanation on why it's like that, please do so.
  2. Why would you use an Approach Rate of 9? ): It doesn't fit at all in my honest opinion. Have this set to at least an Approach Rate of 8.
    :arrow: AR -1
  3. The HP Drain Rate is a bit too much. Lower it by one.
    :arrow: HP Drain - 1
  4. 01:46:416(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is fitting?
    :arrow: Change it like this pattern.
  5. 01:51:314 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)-Instead of a pattern like this, why not replace those with sliders after another.
    :arrow: Change this pattern too.
  6. 02:03:559 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11)-Care to explain why you think a jumping pattern like this is also fitting?
    :arrow: Change this pattern too. (Again ._.)
  7. 02:15:957 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)-^ :/
:arrow: Change this pattern too. (Again & Again ._.)
You know, when I first listen to the song, I thought it sounded soothing and well, thought that you made the Peaceful difficulty pretty fun to play on. But nope. It turns out it's not and Peaceful wasn't really that fun to play on because of how the jumping patterns really wasn't fitting and overall, it can be frustrating to play on.
Anyway thanks for checking my map Roddie ;)
should make a between [Quiet] and [Restful].

01:38:151 (1,2,3) - don't stack please. it's boring

01:38:151 - this part is hard than Peaceful diff. imo :(

map is very good.
but balance is not good :o

Roddie wrote:


Boss Taiko Oni
  1. This difficulty should have been called Boss' Taiko Oni. That is the correct grammar but well, if that's not what this guest mapper follows, then that's fine. I think it is fine , because of
    And you can rename this "Boss Sweet Taiko" if you want ,because this song is sweet and not noisy :D
  2. I suggest using a slider velocity of 1.40. But if you want to have the slider velocity set high on your Taiko difficulty, use a slider velocity of 1.60 which is the max you can use.. A slider velocity of 1.80 wouldn't be best used because it's spacing out the notes that are in 1/4 in a middle of a stream. :/ That just looks wrong that way and it would play a bit awkward. backstep , help me change to 1.6 >_<
  3. 00:47:947 (4)-How about replacing the big don with just a kat? A big don doesn't sound right here. Same as above xD
Topic Starter

bossandy wrote:

Roddie wrote:


Boss Taiko Oni
  1. This difficulty should have been called Boss' Taiko Oni. That is the correct grammar but well, if that's not what this guest mapper follows, then that's fine. I think it is fine , because of
    And you can rename this "Boss Sweet Taiko" if you want ,because this song is sweet and not noisy :D
  2. I suggest using a slider velocity of 1.40. But if you want to have the slider velocity set high on your Taiko difficulty, use a slider velocity of 1.60 which is the max you can use.. A slider velocity of 1.80 wouldn't be best used because it's spacing out the notes that are in 1/4 in a middle of a stream. :/ That just looks wrong that way and it would play a bit awkward. backstep , help me change to 1.6 >_<
  3. 00:47:947 (4)-How about replacing the big don with just a kat? A big don doesn't sound right here. Same as above xD
Okay, fixed as your request >3
I love you for this !!!
Topic Starter

rullu-- wrote:

I love you for this !!!
Thank you :)
shit I want to make taiko

- I prefer tagging "classical" instead of "classics", or if "classics" has other meaning simply add the tag "classical"
- The pause bg fits the BG image, but it doesn't look "classical" with some trivial "touhou" elements. I'd wonder if there's better selection.

00:20:396 (3) - suggestion: use 1/2 instead to make a progression which I expect it's less dense at the beginning.
00:53:763 (7) - remove clap
01:37:232 - imo you can introduce some drum sounds in this 7-plet
01:58:967 (3,2) - try to stack?
Quite extreme ._.

01:17:334 (4,5,6) - sliders cover too much each other :/
01:26:977 (3,4,5,6) - ^
01:36:467 - break ends here
*目前的break 是在有沙沙聲的地方開始 但我認為遲一點完break 沙沙聲開始=end break arrow出現 更好

*soft whistle sounds like used a bit too frequently and a bit too loud

01:08:763 (1) - I suggest you to curve this to avoid overlapping with (3) since this is diff for newbie
01:19:783 (3,5) - remove whistle in the beginning of (5) and (3)
*the density is easy enough, but the spacing maybe a bit large for newbies.

00:24:987 - d k
00:25:600 - 1/1的節奏你放啥2-2, 還要在red tick開始(slap
00:28:049 - ^
00:28:967 - dkddk
01:00:498 - kkd kdd
01:04:783 - kkd
01:43:967 - 族律向下走 kdkddd...
01:52:538 - kkd kkd
01:53:763 - 與旋律不符
02:17:334 - 照放加速 這段繼續輕快
*1/8放太多 梗就變爛了
*intro部分 鼓聲未出現時1/4通通拿掉

*some nice work are done, but the difficulty spread is really poor, lack something between [quiet] and [restful].
*the drum sound can't fit whistle well...
*nice music >A< and nice map, have a star [right top corner]!

wmfchris wrote:

shit I want to make taiko
Haha!! 爽快~

Download: DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Version) (backstep) [Boss Taiko Oni].osu
Topic Starter

wmfchris wrote:

shit I want to make taiko

- I prefer tagging "classical" instead of "classics", or if "classics" has other meaning simply add the tag "classical"
- The pause bg fits the BG image, but it doesn't look "classical" with some trivial "touhou" elements. I'd wonder if there's better selection.
:arrow: Fixed.
00:20:396 (3) - suggestion: use 1/2 instead to make a progression which I expect it's less dense at the beginning.
00:53:763 (7) - remove clap
01:37:232 - imo you can introduce some drum sounds in this 7-plet
01:58:967 (3,2) - try to stack?
Quite extreme ._.
:arrow: Fixed all
01:17:334 (4,5,6) - sliders cover too much each other :/
01:26:977 (3,4,5,6) - ^
01:36:467 - break ends here
*目前的break 是在有沙沙聲的地方開始 但我認為遲一點完break 沙沙聲開始=end break arrow出現 更好
:arrow: He told me to fixed about break time only.
*soft whistle sounds like used a bit too frequently and a bit too loud
:arrow: Change whistle for 1/1 beat.
01:08:763 (1) - I suggest you to curve this to avoid overlapping with (3) since this is diff for newbie
01:19:783 (3,5) - remove whistle in the beginning of (5) and (3)
*the density is easy enough, but the spacing maybe a bit large for newbies.
:arrow: Fixed all. (I think spacing it's okay)

*some nice work are done, but the difficulty spread is really poor, lack something between [quiet] and [restful].
*the drum sound can't fit whistle well...
*nice music >A< and nice map, have a star [right top corner]!
Thanks for modded and love your right corner star Chris. :oops:
From .:Let those mod those maps:.

Love the storyboard :3
Delete "DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Version) (backstep).osb" and full submit since you're not using that file.

00:27:130 (2) - Space at 1.40x spacing. Try x:476 y:124.

00:49:783 (1) - Consider moving away from the centre, since it may get confused with spinner circle.
01:57:130 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:01:722 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:06:620 (4) - Whistle on tail
02:11:518 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:16:722 (4) - Whistle on tail

00:52:538 (4) - Reverse, since you don't use this stacking pattern anywhere else.

Real nice.

[Boss Taiko Oni]
Set AR to 5, default.
You'd want to use a Normal hitsound set as well.
00:33:865 (1) - k to break up the kdkdkdkd
00:42:130 - add d
01:52:156 - add k or d

Good luck :3
Topic Starter

those wrote:

From .:Let those mod those maps:.

Love the storyboard :3
Delete "DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Version) (backstep).osb" and full submit since you're not using that file.
:arrow: Okay

00:27:130 (2) - Space at 1.40x spacing. Try x:476 y:124.
:arrow: Moved it.
00:49:783 (1) - Consider moving away from the centre, since it may get confused with spinner circle.
:arrow: Moved.
01:57:130 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:01:722 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:06:620 (4) - Whistle on tail
02:11:518 (3) - Whistle on tail
02:16:722 (4) - Whistle on tail
:arrow: All whistle on tail not change.

Real nice.

:arrow: Not change.

Good luck :3
m4m ตามคำขอจ้า


  1. ลบไฟล์ .osb ออก หลังจากนั้นให้อัพโหลดโดยใช้ full submission


  1. 00:24:681 (1,2) - ย้ายขึ้น 1 ช่อง จะทำให้ (1) ทับกับ 00:19:783 (1)
  2. 00:53:457 (3) - ถ้าต้องการให้ทับกับ (1) ให้ย้ายลงไป 2 ช่อง
  3. 00:55:906 (2) - ย้ายไปทางขวา 2 ช่อง น่าจะดูดีขึ้นนะครับ
  4. 01:48:559 (2) - ย้ายขึ้น 1 ช่อง น่าจะดูดีขึ้นนะครับ


  1. 01:57:743 (1,2,3,4) - ผมให้เลือก 2 วิธี คือ
    1. ทำให้ (4) ห่างจาก (1,2,3)
    2. แยก (1,2,3) ห่างกัน แล้วทำให้ (4) ทับกับ (3)


  1. 01:26:518 (2) - Move last point to right 1grid? (Parallel with (3))


  1. 00:20:396 (3) - ย้ายจุดสุดท้ายของ slider ไปทางซ้าย 2 ช่อง
  2. 00:21:314 (4) - ^ ไปทางขวา 2 ช่อง เพื่อให้คล้ายกับ (3)

นี่คือทั้งหมด ที่ผมหามาได้ครับ

และสุดท้าย ขอให้โชคดีครับ ^^
Topic Starter
แก้บางส่วนครับ ขอบคุณครับ

Hello, :)


Inconsistency Tags
Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classics
Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classical
Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classics
Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classical
Johann Pachelbel spboxer3 bossandy cohana 2nd~ oriental classical


00:46:722 (1) - Do not stack with different colors, new players can not adapt, it will lead to a new player confusion.


00:29:579 - Useless inherited point
00:46:263 - ^
00:49:324 - ^
01:57:743 - ^
01:57:896 - There are two same inherited point.
01:58:355 - Useless inherited point
02:14:732 (6) - Are you sure it's suitable for new player? This map BPM is 192 so fast. I think delete it better.
02:15:957 (2) - ^


00:24:528 - Useless inherited point
00:39:222 - ^
00:48:100 - ^
01:26:977 (3,4,5,6,7) - Bug? Delete 01:28:202 (7) and 01:26:977 (3,4,5,6) move to 01:27:130
01:41:824 (1,2,3,4,5) - Make a arc here?
01:47:640 (3) - The number is blocked off, I do not see the order
01:54:528 (4) - Blocked, move away to be able to see 4
02:00:191 (1) - Unsnap, move it to 02:00:192


Fine :)

I am a jump players, in my view, I think Spinboxer is more difficult than Peaceful
Peaceful only big jump , Spinboxer jump will confuse the line of sight
Good luck ~
Topic Starter
@ERT : Fixed tag, delete green timing, delete some note & fixed combo.
Topic Starter
@update spbox diff o.o
M4M I think.


DAT SB. Storyboard Epilepsy Warning could be necessary.
Unsnapped inherited (green) timing point(s) at: 02:14:874 on [SpinBoxer]. I think it doesn't matter, but whatever.

01:53:457 (1) Sorry, but circles/sliders touching the Hp-bar/Score-bar, that's ugly.
01:57:743 (1) In consistency with your Storyboard, I strongly suggest to you put that slider or a circle on the center.

00:30:804 (2) That
00:36:926 (1,2,3) Maybe spaced like this?
01:57:743: (1,2,3) In that -> <- order, 'cuz the storyboard.

01:38:151 (1) Same suggestion as before related to storyboard.
01:39:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) Is that readable?
01:57:743 (1) Same as 01:38:151

01:08:763 (7) NC
01:40:447 (4) Watch out

Nice and Quietful map :)
Hi, backstep~

Random modding this ^^ (I saw this on your profile xD)


-> Set the preview point to 97998 if you want (to let the preview time perfectly hits the chorus' beginning), but this is purely optional~
-> Oh, and I really recommend tick rate 2 for all diffs (however if you think it's too noisy for [Quiet] diff, you can keep tick rate 1 there)


  1. 00:22:232 (1,2,3,4) - Not a really big fan of back-and-forth pattern, to be honest >< - imo, you can place (2,3) further ((2) on x:464 y:368 and (3) on x:504 y:264) to form a square jump here, it will play more natural this way imo
  2. 00:28:355 (3,4) - Err... Because the previous (1) is a 1/1 slider, I think it's better to unify these two into a 1/1 slider as well..
  3. 00:30:498 (2,3,4,5,6) - Same here, back-and-forth doesn't play too natural imo - perhaps try to move (2,4) to form a fan formation here? (one thing to note: do not move (6) as it already belong to its place)
  4. 00:33:865 (6,...) - Hearing from how the song progresses here, using 30% volume for the S:C2 clap sounds very abrupt. Perhaps, add a crescendo here (10% -> 15% -> 20% -> ...) only for the claps?
  5. 00:44:273 (1) - (optional) I'd rather CTRL+R this to make the jump on 00:44:885 (2,1) more readable
  6. 00:48:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Hmm, I don't think you should go put all whistles here 1/2 apart, you can go more creative with the hitsound here imo - try to put whistles only on (2) and (7), the rhythm will be more unique this way~
  7. 00:53:610 (6,7) - Try to put these two more to the bottom-right, so (6) won't be overlapped by (2)'s end?
  8. 00:59:885 (4,5,7,8) - (optional) This is a good place to use accelerated spacing, to be honest (:
  9. 01:06:161 (6,1) - This jump is too wide and sudden - it ruins the part around here's atmosphere. Perhaps you can put it stacked on 01:05:089 (4)'s start? Will be more comfortable to play this way~
  10. 01:23:151 (1) - Err... Perhaps you can break your previous rhythm's consistency for a whistle here? Fits a lot imo :3
  11. 01:31:416 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Don't aim for a triangle in (7,1,3) - aim for a good arc centered in (1) instead :
  12. 01:38:151 (7,3,3,...) - - Should the whistling be consistent every 8/1 here, on the chorus? No. It's best to put the whistles every time the melody hits high notes, such as on these three~
  13. 01:50:855 (2) - Err, is this meant to encircle (7)? I can't get the curve's direction o.o
  14. 02:11:365 (4,5,6,7,8) - Hmm, I think it's best to let these five's distance equal to (1):
  15. 02:17:028 (8) - Really sounds lacking of whistle for the ending here, orz ><

  1. 00:27:130 (1) - I don't really think this should be placed slightly higher compared to your previous slider (placed perfectly beside is better imo) - plays fine though
  2. 00:28:967 (5) - (optional) I think it's best to put this lower so it doesn't touch (4) (I placed this on x:288 y:192) - the jump will be more natural this way imo
  3. 00:33:865 (6) - Add a slight curve downward here, to let it flow better with your next notes? Don't worry, because your approach rate is fast enough, overlap with (4)'s path won't happen~
  4. 00:40:447 (3) - I don't think there's anything significant to follow on the blue tick here... Remove clap? This suggestion applies for next parts like this
  5. 00:42:743 (3) - (optional) For flow, I think you can curve this upward and move (4) downward a bit, will be cute imo~
  6. 00:47:028 (1) - Start this spinner 1/4 after your last note instead of 1/2 - it will blend better to the music this way
  7. 00:52:845 (5) - (optional) Use a manual stacking here with (5) slightly curved plays better compared to stack imo:
  8. 00:58:202 (4,5) - Minor adjustment here, one grid left for these two?
  9. 01:02:028 (2) - Err, is it intentional to use a 3/2 slider here? Judging from your previous rhythms, it would be better to use a 1/2 slider with a note 1/4 after to keep consistent imo
  10. 01:20:243 (5,6,...) - Dunno why, the notes' placement around here just seems... kinda forced. Perhaps jump like this will work better?
  11. 01:41:212 (3,4) - (optional) Your next (1,2,3,4,5) forms a very sharp angle, and it doesn't look really good orz (I suggest to stack these two to get more freedom to place (1,2,3,4,5))
  12. 01:50:089 (4) - Add whistle to both slider's start and end - you've done the same hitsounding on 01:42:743 (6), it's best to use here as well xD
  13. 01:54:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Well, I know what you're up to here, but (1,2,3,4) is quite hard to read - perhaps make these part's spacing more sparse between each other? (yes, this increases readability (: )
  14. 02:01:722 (3) - (optional) CTRL+R this so it will form a symmetrical jump along with (4)?
  15. 02:15:498 (3) - Hmm, I know it's not a must, but I really recommend to add a note 1/4 and 1/2 after this note (and let the spinner start on 02:16:263) as the music still continues there

-> "Tranquil" sounds like a more proper difficulty name for this xD

  1. 00:28:355 (5) - Err, considering your next (1) is a straight short slider, I think slider shape like this fits better here:
  2. 00:33:253 (4) - Same with [Peaceful] about the clap progression. However, because this diff isn't too hectic, this blend isn't really necessary to be honest (but still good if done)
  3. 00:41:824 (1) - (optional) I'd rather curve this encircling (4) to tidy up this part (it even flows good with your next (2)!) but this is purely optional
  4. 00:45:804 (3,4) - Don't force symmetry before the spinner here - I think it's best to place these two horizontally to the right, the angle won't look forced this way
  5. 00:54:987 (2,4) - Here's one fancy thing to do here: Move these two few grids down (I moved both to y:324) so (2,3,4,1) will form a great zig-zag formation ~
  6. 01:02:947 (4) - I personally feel the whistle should be on (4)'s end instead of (1) due to how the melody sounds here, but it's not a must
  7. 01:10:294 (3,1) - Don't force (1) to curve like that - just curve it naturally, and use (1) as a reference to curve (3) as well:
  8. 01:16:110 (1,2) - For sliders like this, would be nice to give more space between the two red waypoints to let it flow more naturally, for example on (1) I put the first red waypoint on x:199 y:312 and the second one on x:162 y:295
  9. 01:18:559 (1) - Rather than a straight slider, I really recommend you to let this encircle (3) instead - this way, you'll get more freedom to put your next (2,3) thus building a better flow
  10. 01:22:538 (2) - Won't be bad imo to start the "double whistle" pattern here by adding a whistle on slider's end (the music fits for it anyway)
  11. 01:38:151 (1,2,3) - These three's pattern doesn't look really solid - why not moving (2) to y:260 instead and adjust (3) afterwards, so (1,2,3,4) will form a solid one-sided diamond?
  12. 01:42:130 (3) - (optional) Make this encircle your next (1) outward instead? It will flow good with both (2) and (1)
  13. 01:57:743 (1,2,3) - Why three notes here? Use a 1/1 slider like you mostly did before sounds more fitting (especially if you used tick rate 2 here)
  14. 02:01:722 (3) - Same as 01:42:130 (3) here, make this encircle (1) outward?
  15. 02:07:845 (2,3) - I like your idea to emphasize the bass sound here, but it doesn't mean you should stop the whistle - add whistle on both slider's start
  16. 02:16:110 (2,3) - (optional) (3)'s arrangement looks quite forced for the ending imo, copy-pasted slider like this flows/plays better for the ending I think:

  1. 00:27:130 (2,1) - idk if a jump here is a good idea... You can simply move (2) lower and rotate it clockwise, though~
  2. 00:46:722 (3) - (optional) Make this encircle (2) instead of stack? (stacking is quite hard to read for beginners, thus encircling this will play more natural imo)
  3. 00:51:620 (2,3,1) - Err... I don't like how (2,3,1) goes too linear, I think it's best to let (1) encircle your next (2) and adjust the previous (2) from it. My main point is, place (3) higher than your two sliders to avoid over-linearity here:
  4. 00:58:967 (1) - Finish on slider's start here? The song alters around here, so it's better to put on a finish to emphasize the new part~
  5. 01:03:865 (1,3) - (optional) In particular order, rotate each 55° clockwise and 55° counter-clockwise selection centre? You still have a lot of playfield above, this placement will look less forced imo :3
  6. 01:21:008 (5) - Add whistle to accompany the background synth?
  7. 01:32:028 (4) - Move the inherit section exactly to the slider's end - this is to prevent the slider-slide sounds not in the right place
  8. 01:38:151 (1,3) - Why stopping the whistles in the chorus? I think, it's better to use a whistle consistently every 2/1 starting from here for the entire chorus
  9. 01:55:906 (1) - There are many more fitting ways to shape a symmetrical slider here... Perhaps try this one instead? It fits with the song's atmosphere more imo:
  10. 02:09:987 (2,3) - (optional) I'd rather move (2) more to the left and (3) to the bottom-left of the screen to let (1,2,3,4) forms an arc, but this is purely optional
Great mapset! (still, please highly consider to use tick rate 2 ~)
Star, good luck backstep (:
Topic Starter
Thanks you both ;)

Most suggestion with underline was fixed.
sorry~no fix
thanks your mod ^^
From the challenge queue~
  1. Boss Taiko Oni has a letter box during break while other diffs don't.Delete it for consistence.
  1. AR+1?
Really relaxing diff,nothing to be pointed out!

  1. 01:39:681(4) - spacing
  2. 02:16:722(3) - spacing
  1. 02:14:874 - This green line is Unsnapped.
  2. 00:46:722(7) - up a grid(nazi)
  3. 01:06:161(5) - add a clap here?
  4. 01:30:804(1) - left a grid(nazi)

  1. AR9 seems better?(since this diff is mapped as BPM 196)
  2. 02:04:477(4) - Ctrl+R?
Insane diff orz

That's all!Really relax song and nice mapset~Good luck~
Hi backstep :D

mod from Challenge Queue, so just suggestion ^^

  • General
    ● change size spinner-background.png - 1023x692
  • Quiet


    ● Good


    ● 01:55:906 (1) - looks a little not symmetric
    ● 02:03:865 (2) - put down on y:340? :3 symmetry to 02:01:416 (3)
    ● 02:06:314 (4) - 2 grid left on x:344 - center
    ● 02:13:661 (2) - grid snap and distance off...and move on x:164 y:188...symmetry to 02:11:212 (4)


    ● Good
    So relax diff 8-)
  • Restful


    ● Good


    ● 00:24:681 (1) - not needed point on slider use this
    ● 00:29:885 (1) - previous distance 1.75...looks strange :3
    ● 01:24:681 (2) - prev distance 0.94 ^


    ● Good
    Not bad ;)
  • Spinboxer


    ● Good


    ● 01:26:824 (x) - ad note...or move end this slider 01:26:518 (2) - on 01:26:824 :3
    ● 01:39:987 (6) - NC
    ● 01:51:620 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - really hard part...maybe make it easier this?
    ● 01:54:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - ^ and's no good = =
    ● 01:56:518 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^
    ● 02:04:630 (6) - NC
    ● 02:08:916 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - too hard again = =
    ● 02:11:212 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - :(
    ● 02:13:814 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - ^ for example 02:14:273 (5) - prev distance 4.79 D:


    ● Good
    Looks good...and nice hitsound, but kiai is really's hard diff or insane? o.o
  • Peaceful


    ● Good


    ● 00:28:049 (2) - grid snap and distance off...and move on x:427 y:128
    ● 00:57:130 (2) - ^ x:257 y:336
    ● 01:06:161 (6) - ^ x:343 y144


    ● 00:10:025 (5) - add clap at start slider?
    ___________________ symmetric...I like this diff :D
Awesome track and map Starrrrr if you revived it :oops:
Good luck for rank
from challenge queue~

2 insane+1 normal+1 easy
where is hard lol

00:30:804 - add whistle here like other slider?
02:11:212 (4,1,2,3,1) - move 1 grid left with all objects?looks better



01:11:212 (7,1,2) - a little confused for me,even though this is an insane diff,the spacing changed so suddenly and large

good luck~
Topic Starter

a3272509123 wrote:

From the challenge queue~
  1. Boss Taiko Oni has a letter box during break while other diffs don't.Delete it for consistence.
:arrow: It's not have break time for Taiko, so it's unnecessary to check it out

  1. AR+1?
:arrow: X
Really relaxing diff,nothing to be pointed out!

  1. 01:39:681(4) - spacing
  2. 02:16:722(3) - spacing
:arrow: Fixed

  1. AR9 seems better?(since this diff is mapped as BPM 196)
  2. 02:04:477(4) - Ctrl+R?
:arrow: Fixed both.
Insane diff orz

That's all!Really relax song and nice mapset~Good luck~
Thx for modded.

IchiGUN wrote:

Hi backstep :D

mod from Challenge Queue, so just suggestion ^^

  • General
    ● change size spinner-background.png - 1023x692
:arrow: Changed picture =[]='
  • Quiet


    ● Good


    ● 01:55:906 (1) - looks a little not symmetric
    :arrow: Yeah, it's a little but not big problem.
    ● 02:03:865 (2) - put down on y:340? :3 symmetry to 02:01:416 (3)
    :arrow: okay
    ● 02:06:314 (4) - 2 grid left on x:344 - center
    :arrow: spacing other way.
    ● 02:13:661 (2) - grid snap and distance off...and move on x:164 y:188...symmetry to 02:11:212 (4)
    :arrow: spacing at center.

    ● Good
    So relax diff 8-)
  • Restful


    ● Good


    ● 00:24:681 (1) - not needed point on slider use this
    ● 00:29:885 (1) - previous distance 1.75...looks strange :3
    ● 01:24:681 (2) - prev distance 0.94 ^
    :arrow: Fixed all (Forgot look this ;w;)

    ● Good
    Not bad ;)
  • Peaceful


    ● Good


    ● 00:28:049 (2) - grid snap and distance off...and move on x:427 y:128
    ● 00:57:130 (2) - ^ x:257 y:336
    ● 01:06:161 (6) - ^ x:343 y144
    :arrow: Don't fix

    ● 00:10:025 (5) - add clap at start slider?
    :arrow: Nope.
    ___________________ symmetric...I like this diff :D
Awesome track and map Starrrrr if you revived it :oops:
Good luck for rank
Thanks you :)

mjw5150 wrote:

from challenge queue~

2 insane+1 normal+1 easy
where is hard lol

00:30:804 - add whistle here like other slider?
02:11:212 (4,1,2,3,1) - move 1 grid left with all objects?looks better
:arrow: Fixed.


01:11:212 (7,1,2) - a little confused for me,even though this is an insane diff,the spacing changed so suddenly and large
:arrow: I think it's fine.
good luck~
Thanks you. :D
Hey, from challange queue. Because you win the challange queue, i will mod this map. :)
See you, later~
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Hey, from challange queue. Because you win the challange queue, i will mod this map. :)
See you, later~
Sure Miya-chan :)
Orz, sorry sorry for late mod. I'm bussy with school stuff etc and causing me didn't have a mood for mod. ;_;

  1. It seems good.
  1. No spinner? Why? I think you can add spinner in this diff by following normal example at 00:46:722- 00:49:171. No spinner will cause player have same score in ranking list, and this will make angry player that got same score but have lower ranking in the ranking list.
  2. 01:16:110 (1) - How about remove a new combo here? I think it's more consistant for your combo consistencies.
  3. 01:53:457 (1) - Remove new combo here too. Doesn't consistant imo.
  4. 01:55:906 (1) - You miss clap at both of this slider start and end. It's breaking your clap consistencies.
  1. Circle size -1? It will make circle size distribution even throught the mapset.
  2. 00:53:151 (2) - You miss a clap here at slider repeat.
  3. 01:18:559 (1) - You miss a clap again at this slider end.
  4. 01:33:253 (3) - How about a new combo here for the ending finish sound?
  5. 01:47:028 (4) - Orz, you miss a clap again at this slider repeat.
  6. 01:55:294 (5,1) - I think you should switch new comboes here for consistencies.
  7. 01:57:743 (1) - You miss a clap again at the slider end.
  8. 02:11:518 (3,1,2,3) - The pattern is a bit crumpled. How about make it like this? >
  1. 00:57:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Orz, this 1/4 spaced stream is surprise me. Really. It's too hard for hard diff it self. You should lower the spacing of this stream to decrease it dificultness and can be more playable. Plus it doesn't consistant with your next rythim at 01:08:151 (5,6,7,8) -
  2. Omg, the jump at the kiai time is really hard to play. It's more appropiate for insane diff. And this is make the gap between normal and hard become large . Really, the jump at kiai time is almost like an insane. And i agree with Roodie about 01:54:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , that pattern is really hard to read for hard diff.
  1. This diff doesn't have a spinner too. ._. . It's better to change this jump into spinner 00:48:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
  2. 00:45:957- Delete this timing point and then 00:46:110 (3) - change the hitsound at this slider start to clap. Hitsound here doesn't consistant. Delete timing point 00:46:263- too if you do this.
  3. 00:57:743 (5) - You miss a clap again here at this slider end.
Good map. But the hard diff is really like insane diff, thus making the diff spread is not balanced. ;_;
I just give you a star for now.
Good luck~
Topic Starter

Miya wrote:

Orz, sorry sorry for late mod. I'm bussy with school stuff etc and causing me didn't have a mood for mod. ;_;

  1. It seems good.
  1. No spinner? Why? I think you can add spinner in this diff by following normal example at 00:46:722- 00:49:171. No spinner will cause player have same score in ranking list, and this will make angry player that got same score but have lower ranking in the ranking list.
  2. 01:16:110 (1) - How about remove a new combo here? I think it's more consistant for your combo consistencies.
  3. 01:53:457 (1) - Remove new combo here too. Doesn't consistant imo.
  4. 01:55:906 (1) - You miss clap at both of this slider start and end. It's breaking your clap consistencies.
  1. Circle size -1? It will make circle size distribution even throught the mapset.
  2. 00:53:151 (2) - You miss a clap here at slider repeat.
  3. 01:18:559 (1) - You miss a clap again at this slider end.
  4. 01:33:253 (3) - How about a new combo here for the ending finish sound?
  5. 01:47:028 (4) - Orz, you miss a clap again at this slider repeat.
  6. 01:55:294 (5,1) - I think you should switch new comboes here for consistencies.
  7. 01:57:743 (1) - You miss a clap again at the slider end.
  8. 02:11:518 (3,1,2,3) - The pattern is a bit crumpled. How about make it like this? >

  1. This diff doesn't have a spinner too. ._. . It's better to change this jump into spinner 00:48:100 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) -
  2. 00:45:957- Delete this timing point and then 00:46:110 (3) - change the hitsound at this slider start to clap. Hitsound here doesn't consistant. Delete timing point 00:46:263- too if you do this.
  3. 00:57:743 (5) - You miss a clap again here at this slider end.
Good map. But the hard diff is really like insane diff, thus making the diff spread is not balanced. ;_;
I just give you a star for now.
Good luck~
Fixed all Miya-chan, thanks for modded. :)

an upload error,please reupload it.

Miya wrote:

Orz, sorry sorry for late mod. I'm bussy with school stuff etc and causing me didn't have a mood for mod. ;_;

  1. 00:57:743 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Orz, this 1/4 spaced stream is surprise me. Really. It's too hard for hard diff it self. You should lower the spacing of this stream to decrease it dificultness and can be more playable. Plus it doesn't consistant with your next rythim at 01:08:151 (5,6,7,8) -
    It's not "Hard" diff orz... It's a Hyper diff. also."Plus it doesn't consistant with your next rythim at 01:08:151 (5,6,7,8) - " :arrow: It's 01:26:977 (3,4,5,6,7,1) -
  2. Omg, the jump at the kiai time is really hard to play. It's more appropiate for insane diff. And this is make the gap between normal and hard become large . Really, the jump at kiai time is almost like an insane. And i agree with Roodie about 01:54:069 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - , that pattern is really hard to read for hard diff. diff spread issue :<
thanks for mod~
Orz, if it's an extra diff you need additional diff to fix the diff spread issue D:
Topic Starter
Sry for delayed.

re-submitted. ;)
Pole SB fix (as you requested) :


Also please revive this as soon as you finish your Hard diff and resize fail-background.png to 1024x768 >_<
Topic Starter

Niva wrote:

Pole SB fix (as you requested) :


Also please revive this as soon as you finish your Hard diff and resize fail-background.png to 1024x768 >_<
Thanks you Niva, updated ~
Oh revived already xD
Here's my mod for your new diff (no need to kudosu I think, because I already got 2kds from previous post...)


-> About the pole SB yesterday, actually I'm not really sure whether the correct position is 10,0 or 11,0 >_<


  1. 00:19:783 (1) - Starting this slider from ~x:86 y:133 (and keeping the endpoint unchanged) gives a better flow imo, but of course it's purely optional~
  2. 00:22:232 (1) - For flow again, perhaps add a very slight curve downward here? Looks cuter with (3,4,5) xD
  3. 00:29:273 (7,1) - Uhm, idk why you placed (1) directly beside (7) here, it kills the arc imo... imo it's better to stack (5) to (3) and readjust the curve with less narrow angle, so it will fully form an arc:
  4. 00:34:477 (1) - (optional) Curving this downward instead will greatly increase the flow imo (instead of curving upward) - also perhaps try to use more space for the straight line:
  5. 00:42:130 (1) - Missing clap on slider's end, is this intentional?
  6. 00:42:743 (2,3) - Ah, I much prefer to fully keep symmetry like this here, it'll look less forced imo:
  7. 00:42:743 (2,3) - Also with this slider, actually you can select both and then CTRL+G for a variative jump, but it could be too tricky... Your choice though (:
  8. 00:45:192 (2,3) - Here, I really recommend to CTRL+G either (2) or (3) (don't both), small jump like that plays fancy before the spinner actually xD
  9. 00:54:069 (1,2,3,4,5) - Err, what happened to the pentagon here (especially (3,4,5)) orz >_<
  10. 01:03:865 (1) - Minor stuff, move to ~x:449 y:197 to avoid overlap?
  11. 01:14:273 (2,3,4) - The jump on (3,4) looks extremely forced here imo, I suggest something like this (with 120° rotation) instead, (3)'s end is stacked to (1) and (4) will also flow much better to your next (1) xD
  12. 01:22:538 (4) - (optional) Uhm, don't really like the sudden linear slider here personally... Slight bezier curve (pointing to (3)'s end) flows better imo >_<
  13. 01:37:538 (1,1) - Placing these two lower to form a triangle avoids clustering imo:
  14. 01:37:538 (1,1) - Also with these two, actually you can also play with manual stacking here, it feels dramatic (:
  15. 01:45:804 (1,2,3,4,5) - (optional) A soft anti-jump arc like this flows much better compared with your current sharp jumps imo: (also the new combo is already intuitive enough on this point)
  16. 01:57:130 (1) - Minor stuff, move to ~x:246 y:207 to make it perfectly in the center of the square
  17. 02:02:334 (3) - Whistle on slider's start, and finish on slider's end here?
  18. 02:15:804 (1,2,3) - Uhm, idk why you're using this rhythm orz... Hearing from the piano's progression this one is much more intuitive imo (maybe you can make a small pentagon jump here with this rhythm) :
Err, of course I can bubble after it's revived, but I don't think it's wise to bubble it now because there's no mod yet for your Tranquil diff orz >_<
(oh, btw, Peaceful is definitely not equivalent to Hyper orz, it's still harder :3)
Topic Starter
I think it must give kudo for you...

because I should fix my diff o.o


02:14:874 - This green line is unsnapped.



00:44:273 (1) - Ctrl+G ,if you use previous slider,the jump is suddenly.
00:59:885 (4,5,6,7,8) - I don't think this queue is a good choice,because this cast is not fit this song.
01:17:181 (3) - This jump is too suddenly.
01:39:069 (1,2,3) - This jump is suddenly.
01:37:691 (4) - clap
01:37:232 - to 01:36:926 (8) - you can add green line to gradual changed volume.
01:42:436 (4) - Ctrl+G, it's more fit in this songs.
01:57:130 (4) - Ctrl+G
01:58:661 (1,2,3) - This jump is suddenly.

other diff find nothing :)
Topic Starter

-[NYAN]- wrote:



02:14:874 - This green line is unsnapped.
:arrow: Fixed.

:arrow: I see other player said about this, so changed.
00:44:273 (1) - Ctrl+G ,if you use previous slider,the jump is suddenly.
:arrow: okay
00:59:885 (4,5,6,7,8) - I don't think this queue is a good choice,because this cast is not fit this song.
:arrow: I think it's okay (make player to some new rhythm pattern)
01:17:181 (3) - This jump is too suddenly.
01:39:069 (1,2,3) - This jump is suddenly.
01:37:691 (4) - clap
01:37:232 - to 01:36:926 (8) - you can add green line to gradual changed volume.
01:42:436 (4) - Ctrl+G, it's more fit in this songs.
01:57:130 (4) - Ctrl+G
01:58:661 (1,2,3) - This jump is suddenly.
:arrow: About jump, I want to keep it >3
other diff find nothing :)

  • • The metadata don't have the TitleUnicode and ArtistUnicode, you have to fix this problem
  • - 01:03:253 (x) - I would like to see a note here to keep your rhythm
  • - 01:58:661 (x) - Add a note here to keep your rhythm too?
  • - 00:27:130 (4) - New combo to follow your combo pattern
  • - 01:28:967 (2) - This sounds a little off in my opinion, I suggest to remove this note and move this slider here 01:28:967, something like this
  • -- Lol'd, patterns <3
Topic Starter

MoodyRPG wrote:


  • • The metadata don't have the TitleUnicode and ArtistUnicode, you have to fix this problem
  • - 01:03:253 (x) - I would like to see a note here to keep your rhythm
:arrow: X
  • - 01:58:661 (x) - Add a note here to keep your rhythm too?
:arrow: okay
  • - 00:27:130 (4) - New combo to follow your combo pattern
:arrow: forgot it, so changed
  • -- Lol'd, patterns <3
:arrow: lol

Thanks for modding >3
' ')/

01:05:702 - ผมว่าตรงนี้สลับด้านให้เริ่มที่ด้านซ้ายดีกว่านะครับ เพราะมันไหลมากกว่า

01:40:140 - เพิ่มโน๊ตตรงนี้ดีมั้ยกว่า เพราะเพลงมันรัว

โชคดีครับ เพลงเพราะ แมพเยี่ยม

+1 star :)
Topic Starter

Wataru wrote:

' ')/

01:05:702 - ผมว่าตรงนี้สลับด้านให้เริ่มที่ด้านซ้ายดีกว่านะครับ เพราะมันไหลมากกว่า

01:40:140 - เพิ่มโน๊ตตรงนี้ดีมั้ยกว่า เพราะเพลงมันรัว

โชคดีครับ เพลงเพราะ แมพเยี่ยม

+1 star :)
อันล่างไม่แก้นะครับ ขอบคุณครับ ;)
สวัสดีครับ :oops:

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. 00:37:845 (2,3,4) - ลองลงไปสัก 1 ช่อง มันจะสวยมากขึ้น
  2. 00:44:885 (1) - จังหวะนี้ ควรจะใส่เสียง clap นะครับ
  3. 00:45:804 (3) - ^ โดยใส่ที่ช่วงเริ่มของ slider และอีกอย่างคือที่นี่กับ (2) ไม่สมมาตรกัน น่าจะย้ายลงไปอยู่ที่ x:360 y:296
  4. 01:12:436 (5) - น่าจะควรใส่ NC ไว้ที่นี่นะครับ
  5. 02:02:334 (3) - ควรใส่ finish ที่ช่วงสิ้นสุดของ slider
  6. 02:04:738 (6,1) - ใส่ finish ที่ช่วงสิ้นสุดของ slider ใน (6) แต่เอา finish ที่อยู่ใน (1) ออก

ไม่ต้องให้ kd นะครับ เพราะผมเคยได้มาแล้ว

ผมจะส่งดาวไปให้ และขอให้โชคดีนะครับ ;)
Topic Starter

Nichiyouki wrote:

สวัสดีครับ :oops:

Red = Unrankable
Biue = You should modified
Black = My suggestion


  1. 00:37:845 (2,3,4) - ลองลงไปสัก 1 ช่อง มันจะสวยมากขึ้น
    :arrow: จัดไป
  2. 00:44:885 (1) - จังหวะนี้ ควรจะใส่เสียง clap นะครับ
    :arrow: ลืม lol
  3. 00:45:804 (3) - ^ โดยใส่ที่ช่วงเริ่มของ slider และอีกอย่างคือที่นี่กับ (2) ไม่สมมาตรกัน น่าจะย้ายลงไปอยู่ที่ x:360 y:296
    :arrow: แก้ละจ้า
  4. 01:12:436 (5) - น่าจะควรใส่ NC ไว้ที่นี่นะครับ
    :arrow: ดูแล้วไม่จำเป็นนะ เพราะยังเห็นโน้ต (6) ชัดเจนอยู่ -...-
  5. 02:02:334 (3) - ควรใส่ finish ที่ช่วงสิ้นสุดของ slider
    :arrow: จัดไปจ้า
  6. 02:04:738 (6,1) - ใส่ finish ที่ช่วงสิ้นสุดของ slider ใน (6) แต่เอา finish ที่อยู่ใน (1) ออก
:arrow: โอเช =w=
ไม่ต้องให้ kd นะครับ เพราะผมเคยได้มาแล้ว

ผมจะส่งดาวไปให้ และขอให้โชคดีนะครับ ;)
ขอบคุณมากครับต้นกล้า >w<
Hmm... I think I would like to did a Full Mod for this awesome song!
[ General]
  1. sliderfollowcircle.png is more thicker than hitcircleoverlay.png , looks strange...
[ Quiet]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:18:559 (1,2,3,4) - Make a great square looks better ( Move circle 4 up 2 grids and left 2 grids to make a square)
    2. 01:23:457 (1,2,3) - I would like to make a change on this pattern , try this? Use slider 3 encircle circle 01:26:518 (4) - looks really great :)
    3. 01:28:967 (1,2,3) - Right angle here is not give the pattern a nice flow , try to make them more radians?
    4. 01:38:304 - Unused Green Timing Section , remove it
    5. 01:43:661 (1,2) - Hmm... This flow ... , I prefer something else like this , The flow is not fit me at all >~<
    6. 01:55:906 (1) - This slider is not symmetrical correctly , I make a symmetrical one for you! here is my code :D
    7. 02:06:314 (1) - Same as above , I make a symmetrical one for you~ :3
    8. 02:16:110 (1) - This New Combo is not needed in my opinion , Remove it?
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:24:681 (1,2) - Hmm... The sliderslide sound is not good for me , silence it sounds better
    2. 01:38:151 (1) - Add a whistle here is not a bad idea , sounds great
[ Restful]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections , leave one and remove one , this is unrankable , because both sections option is different
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:50:702 (3,4) - Bad Flow >~< the flow is very bad between 00:50:396 (2,3) - , Probably try my arrengement?
    2. 01:02:947 (4) - Curve this slider to the other side can get a better flow
    3. 01:07:232 (2) - Same suggestion as above
    4. 01:23:457 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - About these the same slider , I would suggested you make more changes , a bit boring while playing >~<
    5. 01:38:304 - Unused Green Timing Section~
    6. 01:47:947 (1) - Wave slider will make the flow much better ~ :D
    7. 01:57:130 (4,1) - These two objects are a bit orderless in my opinion , Use a circular slider is enough ~
    8. 02:15:804 (1,2,3,4) - Looks very very crowded , try to make them more comfortable ~
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. Nothing to say~
[ Tranquil]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections here , please remove one
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:42:743 (2,3) - Move slider (2) 1 grid right , and (3) 1 grid left looks better :D
    2. 01:29:885 (5) - Curve this slider a bit ?
    3. 01:57:130 (1) - I would like you move this circle to x:418 y:348 , the flow is fitting me very well , I don't know what other players think about though :p
    4. Not much to say , this diff is great :D
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 02:07:232 (4) - Add a finish end?
[ Spinboxer]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. Nothing! Really great difficulty!!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. None!
[ Peaceful]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections here , please remove one
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:53:763 (7,8) - Move these two up 2 grid together , make the same spacing
    2. 01:45:191 (10) - Roteta this slider by 30 ?
    3. Amazing jumps!!
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. Nothing~
Oh , I really like this song and artist!! DJ Okawari
I make another Taiko BG for my Taiko diff ~ help me change it!!
Good Luck :3


  1. Please reply my mod and tell me which you fix which you don't fix , thanks !
    Do not just "quote" my mod and say "Thanks for mod" or something else like this kind of sentence
    If I see you don't do the thing as above , I will add you in my blacklist for 1 month!!
    It means you can't get my mod for 1 month
Topic Starter
[quote="bossandy"]Hmm... I think I would like to did a Full Mod for this awesome song!
[ General]
  1. sliderfollowcircle.png is more thicker than hitcircleoverlay.png , looks strange...
:arrow: Change now... =w=
[ Quiet]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. None!
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 01:18:559 (1,2,3,4) - Make a great square looks better ( Move circle 4 up 2 grids and left 2 grids to make a square)
      :arrow: okay changed.
    2. 01:23:457 (1,2,3) - I would like to make a change on this pattern , try this? Use slider 3 encircle circle 01:26:518 (4) - looks really great :)
      :arrow: okay :)
    3. 01:28:967 (1,2,3) - Right angle here is not give the pattern a nice flow , try to make them more radians?
      :arrow: fixed.
    4. 01:38:304 - Unused Green Timing Section , remove it
      :arrow: oops!! remove it >3
    5. 01:43:661 (1,2) - Hmm... This flow ... , I prefer something else like this , The flow is not fit me at all >~<
      :arrow: fixed.
    6. 01:55:906 (1) - This slider is not symmetrical correctly , I make a symmetrical one for you! here is my code :D
      :arrow: thanks >w<
    7. 02:06:314 (1) - Same as above , I make a symmetrical one for you~ :3
      :arrow: same as above lol
    8. 02:16:110 (1) - This New Combo is not needed in my opinion , Remove it?
    :arrow: removed it.

  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 00:24:681 (1,2) - Hmm... The sliderslide sound is not good for me , silence it sounds better
      :arrow: nope.
    2. 01:38:151 (1) - Add a whistle here is not a bad idea , sounds great
:arrow: okay
[ Restful]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections , leave one and remove one , this is unrankable , because both sections option is different
    :arrow: fixed.
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:50:702 (3,4) - Bad Flow >~< the flow is very bad between 00:50:396 (2,3) - , Probably try my arrengement?
    2. 01:02:947 (4) - Curve this slider to the other side can get a better flow
    3. 01:07:232 (2) - Same suggestion as above
    4. 01:23:457 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - About these the same slider , I would suggested you make more changes , a bit boring while playing >~<
    5. 01:38:304 - Unused Green Timing Section~
    6. 01:47:947 (1) - Wave slider will make the flow much better ~ :D
    7. 01:57:130 (4,1) - These two objects are a bit orderless in my opinion , Use a circular slider is enough ~
    8. 02:15:804 (1,2,3,4) - Looks very very crowded , try to make them more comfortable ~
    :arrow: fixed all restful diff orz ._. (old beatmap = old style)
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. Nothing to say~
[ Tranquil]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections here , please remove one
    :arrow: fixed again ._. 
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:42:743 (2,3) - Move slider (2) 1 grid right , and (3) 1 grid left looks better :D
    2. 01:29:885 (5) - Curve this slider a bit ?
    3. 01:57:130 (1) - I would like you move this circle to x:418 y:348 , the flow is fitting me very well , I don't know what other players think about though :p
      :arrow: disagree about this suggest, I feel weird when change it orz ._.
    4. Not much to say , this diff is great :D
    :arrow: I think this diff is great too... (it's 2012 beatmap style lol)

  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. 02:07:232 (4) - Add a finish end?
:arrow: forgot it lol

[ Peaceful]
  1. Unrankable stuff
    ( You must fix all of these , if I write something is not unrankable , please tell me in the reply )
    1. 01:57:896 - There are two Timing Sections here , please remove one
    :arrow: fixed again and again ._.
  2. Beatmap design/Suggestion
    ( Most of them are my suggestion , you can disagree if you want )
    1. 00:53:763 (7,8) - Move these two up 2 grid together , make the same spacing
      :arrow: okay
    2. 01:45:191 (10) - Roteta this slider by 30 ?
      :arrow: fixed with 30 anti-clockwise
    3. Amazing jumps!!
    :arrow: it's crazy jumps lol
  3. Hitsounds
    ( Almost of them are my ideas , you can ignore them )
    1. Nothing~
Oh , I really like this song and artist!! DJ Okawari
I make another Taiko BG for my Taiko diff ~ help me change it!!
Good Luck :3
:arrow: Thanks for modded again bossandy <3 (and change your taiko bg as your request xD)
Y U Graveyard fckin awesome peaceful map moreover with awesome dj. Well I really like it.
Topic Starter

Tweelon wrote:

Y U Graveyard fckin awesome peaceful map moreover with awesome dj. Well I really like it.
I'm come again after my newyear and a lot of work & exam :(
hi !

inconsistent .osu file version,this can be fixed by editing something in every diffs , just to make some changes
also inconsistent TitleUnicode ArtistUnicode so you have to add them manually in .osu files

01:24:681 (3) - miss clap at repeat point here

AR-1 ? , it feels too fast for this diff
01:06:008 (5) - whistle here as it sounds similar to 01:04:783 (2) - (tik tik)
01:15:498 (3) - ^ tail of this slider , quite similar reason
01:20:702 (4) - ^
01:25:600 (7) - ^
01:29:579 (2) - last point only ^
01:57:743 (1) - miss clap at the tail
02:16:722 (3) - maybe clap with S:C2 is good enough for the very end here

AR-1 ? quite fast imo , like Restful diff
00:35:396 (2) - move left and up both 2 grid (will be x:452 y:252) it will balance spacing better
02:02:334 (3) - head of slider here , normally you use whistle for cymbal sound in the drum but this point , it sounds awkward so it better be drum with S:C2
same idea
02:07:232 (4) - head slider with S:C2 clap again orz...

fine but.. don't forget to update the version , titleunicode and artist unicode after being done this !

00:48:100 (1) - is this intentional? , this spinner is too fast and suddenly followed by a slider so maybe shorten this spinner 1/4 beat ?
01:23:151 (1) - clap ?
01:33:253 (1) - from this note to 01:36:926 (8) - , maybe reduce volume for this section to 30-40% ? and gradually increase its volume to 70 at the end of the part (01:36:926 (8) - ) as the song sounds like a slow part before the chorus so it might be a great idea to gradually increase the volume inside this section (something like 30->35->40->45->50 on the volume)
02:06:773 (6) - add new combo here , will automatically shape a star and easier to read

Taiko diff is fine but you should make an update (maybe move one note > update , and then move back to the old version > update)
Call me in-game when you are done !
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

hi !

inconsistent .osu file version,this can be fixed by editing something in every diffs , just to make some changes
also inconsistent TitleUnicode ArtistUnicode so you have to add them manually in .osu files
:arrow: Tips : U know, It's can make it easy with press F4 on edit mode (it will fill Title & Artist Unicode atomatically) ;) my mistake

01:24:681 (3) - miss clap at repeat point here
:arrow: Oh god, i forgot xD

AR-1 ? , it feels too fast for this diff
01:06:008 (5) - whistle here as it sounds similar to 01:04:783 (2) - (tik tik)
01:15:498 (3) - ^ tail of this slider , quite similar reason
01:20:702 (4) - ^
01:25:600 (7) - ^
01:29:579 (2) - last point only ^
01:57:743 (1) - miss clap at the tail
02:16:722 (3) - maybe clap with S:C2 is good enough for the very end here
:arrow: Agree with your idea, so fixed all.

AR-1 ? quite fast imo , like Restful diff
00:35:396 (2) - move left and up both 2 grid (will be x:452 y:252) it will balance spacing better
02:02:334 (3) - head of slider here , normally you use whistle for cymbal sound in the drum but this point , it sounds awkward so it better be drum with S:C2
same idea
02:07:232 (4) - head slider with S:C2 clap again orz...
:arrow: Nice idea for this diff, fixed.

fine but.. don't forget to update the version , titleunicode and artist unicode after being done this !

00:48:100 (1) - is this intentional? , this spinner is too fast and suddenly followed by a slider so maybe shorten this spinner 1/4 beat ?
:arrow: intentional ?, yes coz it must have at least spinner on this diff. But it shorten spinner, so delete some note to make longer spinner.
01:23:151 (1) - clap ?
:arrow: forgot LOL
01:33:253 (1) - from this note to 01:36:926 (8) - , maybe reduce volume for this section to 30-40% ? and gradually increase its volume to 70 at the end of the part (01:36:926 (8) - ) as the song sounds like a slow part before the chorus so it might be a great idea to gradually increase the volume inside this section (something like 30->35->40->45->50 on the volume)
:arrow: Nice idea, fixed. :D
02:06:773 (6) - add new combo here , will automatically shape a star and easier to read
:arrow: okay :)
Taiko diff is fine but you should make an update (maybe move one note > update , and then move back to the old version > update)
Call me in-game when you are done !
Thanks for modded, Frost
cool SB !
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

cool SB !

Thanks you, Frost :D
Small IRC check, please don't kudosu:

21:19 backstep: Hi, have a great dinner today ? :)
21:19 Niva: yes, I'm redownloading it now
21:19 Niva: (:
21:19 backstep: oopss!! , you see my map :O
21:20 Niva: :D
21:22 backstep: oh... you are beatmap scouter... o.o
21:22 *Niva is listening to [ DJ Okawari - Canon (Short Ver.)]
21:23 Niva: let's see, I hope there's no error :D
21:23 backstep: so fast LOL
21:25 Niva: umm, Quiet :
21:25 Niva: 00:50:396 (1) - move lower to ~y:260? I think beginners will be confused here because this note is covered by spinner's comboburst orz :D
21:25 Niva: 00:50:396 (1) - move lower to ~y:260? I think beginners will be confused here because this note is covered by spinner's comboburst orz :D
21:26 backstep: ok, let's i see and pop my bubble LOL
21:26 Niva: I really want to rank it though, don't be afraid to pop it atm :D
21:27 Niva: oh this also
21:27 Niva: on Quiet
21:27 Niva: 02:15:498 (3,4) - please move a bit upper ~y:198
21:28 backstep: ummm , if i move it will be different distance D:
21:28 Niva: the overlap plays really weird ._. (don't be afraid of the different distance though)
21:28 Niva: umm, it won't be hard at all to catch though
21:29 backstep: ok changed :)
21:30 Niva: (:
21:31 Niva: Restful : 01:47:947 (1) -
21:31 Niva: add clap on slider end :D
21:32 Niva: oh also on Restful
21:32 Niva: 02:14:885 (6) - new combo here, remove new combo on 02:15:804 (1) -
21:33 backstep: okay :D
21:33 backstep: fixed ~
21:33 Niva: okay, checking Tranquil now~
21:34 backstep: i'm very sure about this diff :)
21:36 Niva: yes, awesome diff :F
21:36 Niva: *:D
21:37 backstep: xD
21:39 Niva: wow sp3's diff so fun with mouse o.o
21:39 backstep: LOL
21:40 backstep: he is my fav mapper :)
21:41 backstep: after this, i'll find some dinner orz... (so hungry -...-)
21:41 Niva: umm, maybe you can just update now orz
21:42 Niva: there's a very little chance I find something in boss' taiko / peacful diff
21:42 Niva: (:
21:43 backstep: okay let's updated.
21:43 Niva: yep~
21:46 Niva: oh, backstep
21:46 backstep: huh ?
21:46 Niva: remove the taiko bg please, taiko background is no longer rankable
21:47 backstep: why it no longer rankable D:
21:47 backstep: ?
21:47 Niva: oh
21:47 Niva: check the taiko diff in test mode to see why (:
21:47 backstep: i get it lol
21:48 backstep: it have title when playing
21:48 Niva: yes, set the bg same with other diff and delete the taiko bg (:
21:48 Niva: yes~
21:48 Niva: new osu! feature
21:49 backstep: this feature is nice, but it will not show who mapped it.
21:49 backstep: no credit orz
21:50 Niva: hmm yeah...
21:52 Niva: okay, everything else is fine (:
21:52 backstep: updated ~
21:54 backstep: like new upload this version :)
21:54 Niva: ok2, I have to redownload again though (:
21:54 backstep: sure :D


EDIT : I saw Taiko has already modded by wmfchris/Roddie/other experienced Taiko modders though, plus the osu! standard mapsets are really fun to play - I'm glad I can help with this map's journey since long ago though and finally ranked it (:

Ranked ~
lol what? Ranked!?
congratz ^^
I cannot sightread this at all :/
ยินดีด้วย >w</
ยินดีด้วยนะครับ :3
รอมานานแสนนาน ooooooooo
Kanda Kaname
This map is favorite map from before!!!! ranked congratz!!!! :)
wow you did it D:. sorry that i completely forgot about this map :(

oh well congartz on the rank ;)
ปีนึงแล้วสินะ ww ยินดีด้วย !
Natsuki Nanaka
www รอมานาน >w>)/ ยินดีด้วย
Topic Starter
Oh... thank you all. :)

1 Year and 6 days for this map lol
Lol, naming the hardest difficulty "Peaceful". What a troll. :P

Nice map by the way.
Topic Starter

Royston wrote:

Lol, naming the hardest difficulty "Peaceful". What a troll. :P

Nice map by the way.
I'm not sure "Peaceful" diff it doesn't make other relax when play it...

Peaceful = R.I.P. for player who weak with Jump lol

Anyway thanks for comment
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