im buy the chimken frorm teh the storr
tolet cor
What does top diff even mean
this song goes so hard
i mean if ur naming top diff to connection might as well change it to link cuz yk url haha :)
the old bg was better
Best show ever! Let me know if need GD
it's funny how a lot of the people complaining abt said pp abuse maps getting ranked are ones who end up still playing them
next rework comes, new farm method, people complain again, cycle continues :))
yeh sure that's fine by me, rip symmetrical numbers tho
sure, i added it and del 00:27:637 -
i agree with the 1st one, fixed!
For the 2nd one, the note on 02:10:322 - i want to put emphasis on the 5 chimes, and compared to 02:11:351 - it's a weaker sound so i will keep it.
i believe the percussion isn't too significant here + the vocals take a break here so i'd like it to be a break.
hmm i think removing the note is even better lul
intention is to follow percussion so will keep as is
i dont think it's that weird considering the percussion covers here.