瀬川 素公 芹澤優
Dont think its needed to have these in tags because the results still shows up with or without the space
Eurobeat Jpop J-pop pop Japanese Anime Opening 1 Thema Theme OP1 Season 1 S1 オープニング・テーマ MF ghost MFG MFGhost Yū Yuu Segawa Mototaka 瀬川素公 car race racing
Eurobeat Jpop J-pop pop
for musical genreJapanese Anime
for primary tags on the map siteOpening 1 Thema Theme OP1 Season 1 S1
for "オープニング・テーマ" and stating the season芹澤優 瀬川素公
when users search singers with connected surname and given namescar race racing
when users search explicitly for car anime (that also usually goes with eurobeat)-----
overall effect:
Eurobeat Jpop J-pop pop Japanese Anime Opening 1 Thema Theme OP1 Season 1 S1 オープニング・テーマ MF ghost MFG MFGhost Yū Yuu 瀬川 素公 Segawa Mototaka 芹澤優 瀬川素公 car race racing