Metadata Source : (18+)!!
Title : お約束→ハッピーエンド!(Game Ver.)
Romanised Title : Oyakusoku -> Happy End! (Game Ver.)
Artist : Rin'ca
Source : てんぷれっ!!
Tags : japanese video game rock jrock j-rock pop jpop j-pop short version eroge op opening 2 female vocal promise tenpure tenpuri template Tenpla!! angel present from CIRCUS 鈴木ぷよ Suzuki Puyo lotta
you can also use this mod given on one of my maps to check rest moments, according to mapset verifier, there's not enough rest moments on kantan, futsuu and muzukashii:
add another timing point on 1132 and move one of them to 1318? there's no rhythm before that part, also omit the bar line on the second one
if you're going to make this change, make sure to re-snap inherited points and kiai moments
genuinely i loved this song, it's pretty catchy and so fun to play, would love seeing this ranked. good luck! (。・ω・。)
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Genre/Searchability: video game opening 2 pop jrock jpop j-pop j-rock short version female vocal
Alt name: Tenpla!!
Developer: CIRCUS
Composer, lyricist: 鈴木ぷよ Suzuki Puyo lotta
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I believe this is not anime
Final tags: japanese video game rock jrock j-rock pop jpop j-pop short version eroge op opening 2 female vocal promise tenpure tenpuri template Tenpla!! angel present from CIRCUS 鈴木ぷよ Suzuki Puyo lotta
According to new RC, the song markers should be added to indicate the difference from the full song.
Unicode title: お約束→ハッピーエンド!(Game Ver.)
Romanised title: Oyakusoku -> Happy End! (Game Ver.)