00:55:480 -> 00:58:780 - Is it just me, or this feels super off to the main melody? The offbeat rhythm feels super confusing for new players to follow. I would try to shift the notes at 00:56:380 - 00:56:980 - 00:57:580 back by 1/1 gap and add a note at 00:57:880.
This suggested structure will follow the main melody more clearly and allow new players to grasp the main rhythm to follow.
01:48:983 - Perhaps changing this note to kat? Would reflect the background instrument pretty nicely along with showing contrast with 01:49:358 (810,811).
I fail to see how this is unfitting. This note is here to support the continuous piano sound which I intentionally followed in the offbeat rhythm as I want to be consistent with my 1/1 and 2/1 rhythm choice.
I do use "and" more than the symbol. (or it might be more intuitive for me and some people to do so). Please add it.