
Hanatan - Attakain Dakara [Osu|CatchTheBeat]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sonntag, 11. September 2016 at 19:02:24

Artist: Hanatan
Title: Attakain Dakara
Tags: honeyworks hatsune miku vocaloid because it's warm pati p_i_k_u piku jbhyperion
BPM: 170
Filesize: 3299kb
Play Time: 01:19
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,07 stars, 123 notes)
  2. Hard (3,29 stars, 211 notes)
  3. Hyperion's Platter (3,1 stars, 243 notes)
  4. Insane (4,47 stars, 279 notes)
  5. Normal (1,7 stars, 96 notes)
  6. Pati's Shiawase! (5,32 stars, 357 notes)
  7. Piku's Rain (3,83 stars, 293 notes)
Download: Hanatan - Attakain Dakara
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing

banner by lLinutionHD

Extra by Pati

Rain by P i k u
Platter by JBHyperion
Spork Lover
IRC :3
02:02 Spork Lover: Isn't it a normal you need?
02:02 Spork Lover: :o
02:02 Stjpa: i need a diff that fits well into the spread
02:02 Stjpa: a normal wouldnt be enough :p
02:02 Stjpa: since the beginner diff is 1.6* already
02:02 Spork Lover: Hmm
02:03 Spork Lover: You can still call it normal even if it's like 2,5* tho
02:03 Spork Lover: I see it a lot x)
02:03 Spork Lover: Lemme check the mapset real quick :^)
02:03 Stjpa: the term Advanced still fits better though :p
02:03 Spork Lover: I guess so :3
02:04 Spork Lover: I could try my hand at a normal
02:04 *Spork Lover is listening to [ Shiena Nishizawa - Brand-new World]
02:04 Spork Lover: Here's some work I did once
02:04 Spork Lover: (The hard) :p
02:04 Spork Lover: My styles a little gimmicky
02:05 Spork Lover: style's*
02:05 Spork Lover: normal/advanced*
02:06 Stjpa: idk, do u think that u can make an advanced diff with some quality? :v
02:06 Spork Lover: I can make like 15 seconds
02:06 Spork Lover: And show you what I made
02:06 Spork Lover: And then you can deny it if you want :)
02:07 Stjpa: if u wish
02:07 Stjpa: but map the first kiai then because the beginning is easy to map
02:07 Spork Lover: Aight
02:08 Stjpa: oh, and i hope u read the description of the set
02:09 Spork Lover: Honestly
02:09 Spork Lover: It looks good
02:10 Spork Lover: All three diffs
02:10 Spork Lover: So rankability-wise it should be possible
02:10 Stjpa: im really unsure about the hard diff though
02:10 Stjpa: and looking for BNs annoys me
02:10 Stjpa: kinda
02:10 Spork Lover: I can mod it if you want :)
02:10 Spork Lover: I mod my fair share
02:11 Stjpa: do what u want, im not asking for anything :D
02:12 Stjpa: and somehow that sentence sounds rude
02:12 Spork Lover: Lol dw
02:12 Spork Lover: Doesn't feel rude to me xD
02:12 Spork Lover: Aesthetic wise, there are a few things you need to be aware of (Looking at hard)
02:12 Spork Lover: 01:12:434 (1,4) -
02:12 Spork Lover: This overlap for example
02:13 Spork Lover: Doesn't look all that great imo
02:13 Spork Lover: And could fairly easily be a perfect overlap instead
02:14 Stjpa: well its not an overlap that is extremely visible but easy to fix too
02:14 Stjpa: rip blanket tho
02:15 Spork Lover: Lemme make a pattern for ya that keeps the triangle shape while still making the overlap ;o
02:15 Spork Lover:
02:15 Spork Lover: You can just do a small rotate on 2 and then move 3 and 4 accordingly
02:16 Spork Lover: You can also choose to rotate 3 and 4 a bit if you want
02:16 Stjpa: made something else that actually looks even better
02:16 Stjpa:
02:16 Spork Lover: Sounds good :D
02:17 Spork Lover: ;o I like
02:17 Stjpa: and i realized that the shape of the 1/3 sliders were broken lol
02:18 Spork Lover: 00:02:904 (1) - Random thing, but isn't this the only slider in the song with a red anchor?
02:18 Spork Lover: :o
02:18 Stjpa: except the 1/3 sliders yes
02:18 Spork Lover: Apart from the 1/3's of course
02:18 Stjpa: dunno if its a real problem
02:18 Spork Lover: It's not
02:18 Spork Lover: Just a comment :3
02:19 Spork Lover: But yeah the diff is solid
02:19 Spork Lover: I think my mapping style might be too gimmicky for the song tho
02:19 Spork Lover: BUt yeah
02:19 Spork Lover: but*
02:21 Stjpa: is it even possible to map a normal diff gimmicky
02:21 Spork Lover: Yeah
02:21 Spork Lover: Extended sliders (Which is very possible in this song lol) and weird slider shapes
02:21 *Spork Lover is listening to [ HoneyWorks - Inokori Sensei feat. (CV:Midorikawa Hikaru)]
02:21 Spork Lover: As an example, here's a HoneyWorks Approval diff I'm doing
02:21 Spork Lover: lol
02:23 Spork Lover: I'm a big fan of overlaps and weird blankets
02:24 Stjpa: i wish i had the creativity for gimmicky maps
02:24 Spork Lover: I just lay a small base
02:24 Spork Lover: And work my way from there
02:28 Spork Lover: 00:40:669 (4,3) - Consider overlap on "Happiness!"
02:28 Spork Lover: Just looking through it :3
02:28 Spork Lover: 00:46:316 (6,7,1) - The transition here is a little awkward
02:29 Stjpa: yeah im not satisfied with that overlap too, need to fix it somehow
02:30 Stjpa: and about the transition, i think its fine since its quite a sharp angle
02:30 Spork Lover: 01:12:434 (1,2,3,4,5) - Lemme think of something here with overlaps and stuff
02:32 Spork Lover:
02:33 Spork Lover: The "marked" thing is the 5 slider
02:33 Spork Lover: It's blanketing 1
02:34 Spork Lover: 00:59:375 (4,1) - Shouldn't this have spacing like 00:57:963 (4,1) - does?
02:35 Spork Lover: But apart from that I can't find anything "problematic" if you can even call it that
02:35 Spork Lover: lol
02:35 Stjpa: oh
02:37 Stjpa: fixed that inconsistent spacing
02:37 Spork Lover: Nice
02:37 Spork Lover: :3
02:37 Spork Lover: You can use my suggestion for the ending if you want
02:37 Stjpa: 01:06:787 (1) - gg me
02:37 Spork Lover: What about it xD
02:37 Spork Lover: It's not really a problem there
02:37 Stjpa: also inconsistent
02:38 Stjpa: im using 2.0x ds for every nc
02:38 Spork Lover: Oh
02:38 Spork Lover: Didn't see that
02:38 Spork Lover: Erm
02:38 Stjpa: i suck at consistency
02:39 Spork Lover:
02:39 Spork Lover: Really unpolished but yeah
02:39 Spork Lover: But to show where it could start
02:39 Spork Lover: If you want the consistency thing :^)
02:40 Spork Lover: And honestly, you don't suck at consistency
02:42 Stjpa: idk how to make 01:06:787 (1) - properly now ;___;
02:43 Stjpa: making a blanket with 01:06:081 (3) - is really bad
02:43 Spork Lover: I wouldn't make jumps to the vocals
02:43 Spork Lover: But that's just me
02:43 Spork Lover: I would focus 100% on drums
02:43 Spork Lover: WRONG PERSON
02:44 Spork Lover: I'm helping another guy too
02:44 Spork Lover: lol
02:44 Spork Lover: xD
02:45 Spork Lover:
02:45 Spork Lover: :^)
02:46 Stjpa: god no xD
02:46 Spork Lover: xD
02:46 Spork Lover: I'd consider reworking that bit tbh
02:46 Stjpa: works out fine
02:46 Spork Lover: 'Cause I don't think you can do a nice pattern by just moving the slider
02:46 Spork Lover: Yeah that looks fine too
02:46 Stjpa: and i couldnt look at that 1/3 yet because aia is irc modding too ;___;
02:52 Stjpa: so everything fixed now
02:52 Spork Lover: Sweet :D
02:52 Stjpa: aia says that the hard is fine too
02:52 Spork Lover: Yeah
02:52 Spork Lover: It's really solid
02:52 Stjpa: except the build-up from second kiai
03:04 Spork Lover: Is it okay if I add the savelog :3?
03:04 Stjpa: sure
Ok ok, im bad at this but here we go! (fak)
  1. You can add some variations to the sliders like this.
  2. 00:15:963 (4) and 00:21:610 (4) A reverse slider can do better, because they are good for health (fits better for me)
  3. 00:56:905 (1) That slider can be like this so you can have some cool figure
  4. The rest is purrfect, nice job!
  1. 00:24:787 NC?
nice job, im useless again
ves mod eber
Topic Starter

The21k wrote:

Ok ok, im bad at this but here we go! (fak)
  1. You can add some variations to the sliders like this. Doesn't fit in lower diffs imo.
  2. 00:15:963 (4) and 00:21:610 (4) A reverse slider can do better, because they are good for health (fits better for me) I like it how it is.
  3. 00:56:905 (1) That slider can be like this so you can have some cool figure Was actually supposed to be like that.
  4. The rest is purrfect, nice job!
  1. 00:24:787 NC? Would ruin consistency.
nice job, im useless again
ves mod eber
Hello from #modreq
Maybe rename to Easy, since beginner diff usually are below 1*

00:48:434 (4,5) - Nazi blanket fix
00:56:905 (1,2) - Nazi blanket fix

I didnt bother to check all blankets, but there are some more that needs to be fixed

Thievley's Advanced
00:32:551 (1,2) - Blanket maybe?
00:39:257 (3,1) - Nazi blanket fix
00:46:669 (1,2) - Maybe more like this?
00:49:140 (2) - I'd let it kick only once like the other one

00:05:022 (3,1) - Blanket maybe?
00:06:257 (2,3) - Nazi blanket fix
00:40:669 (4,1,2) - ^
00:45:787 - I'd start slider here because of the "ma" vocal
01:08:905 (3,4) - Nazi blanket fix

00:08:551 (1,2) - Nazi blanket fix
00:12:257 (5,7) - ^
00:15:081 (9) - I'd shorten this kickslider 2 kicks and add 2 more to the burst instead
00:47:198 (2,3) - Nazi blanket fix
DeRandom Otaku
Hi M4M

My map :


  1. 00:08:551 (1,2) - fix blanket
  2. 00:12:610 (7) - decrease volume for slider end
  3. 00:33:963 (1,4) - ugly overlap x-x
  4. 00:34:316 (3,5) - the blanket is slightly off
  5. 00:42:610 (2,4) - blanket
  6. 00:46:669 (1,3) - they are not exactly the same and because of that 00:47:198 (2,3) - this blanket is very nazi


  1. 00:38:198 (1,2) - fix blanket
  2. 00:41:022 (1,2) - ^
    Cant find much here , Nice diff

Thievley's Advanced

  1. 00:12:257 (1) - remove nc
  2. 00:20:904 (4) - Nc
  3. 00:39:257 (3,1) - nazi blanket
  4. 00:49:140 (2) - remove one repeat and add circle at big white tick cuz it needs to be clickable


  1. Rename to easy?
  2. 00:02:904 (3,4) - nazi blanket
  3. 00:25:492 - add circle, its necessary
  4. 00:48:434 (4,5) - the blanket is very very slightly off
  5. 00:56:905 (1,2,3,4) - all these blankets are nazi , need fixing
well thats all from me ~ i really like this song , if u want i could make u an easy (easier than your first diff) or an extra-ish diff

anyways GL!~
Topic Starter
Nothing applied, sorry guys.

@DeRandom Otaku: Forcing a M4M without PMing before is extremely rude. Not gonna mod your map, sorry.
Hi ! M4M cause, I sent you a PM in game bla bla bla.
So here's my mod !

[ General]

  1. Timing seems good, and tags too.
  2. Nothing to say about General. ^^
[ Begginer]

  1. Very very very good diff.
  2. Hitsounds are perfect, nothing to say.
  3. 01:10:669 (4,1) : Here's the only little problem (for me) : Maybe you can put it a bit more on the grid, but it's not critic.

  1. There's no hitsounds right ?
  2. 00:02:904 (3,4) : What a strange overlap, but it's not critic.
  3. 00:10:669 (2,3,4) : Maybe you can put it like this >
  4. 00:21:963 : Don't exagerate please.. It's supposed to be an Advanced diff, not a hard, do a triple slider isn't a good idea.
  5. 00:48:787 : ^ (But here it's not critic)
  6. 01:13:140 : ^
  7. I think that's it for Advanced
[ Hard]

  1. 00:12:610 : You don't need to curve it like this, but it's up to you.
  2. Erm that's all for this diff, rest is good.

[ Happiness!]

  1. 00:20:022 : Maybe you can do a pattern like the others ? Like 00:18:610 or 00:17:198 ?
  2. 00:37:845 : Maybe you can finish the jump by two circles ?
  3. 01:02:199 : ^
  4. I think that's it.
Okay, mod mod is now done, I hope i'll help you and good luck for rank !
~ Imakuri
Topic Starter

Imakuri wrote:

Hi ! M4M cause, I sent you a PM in game bla bla bla.
So here's my mod !

[ General]

  1. Timing seems good, and tags too.
  2. Nothing to say about General. ^^
[ Begginer]

  1. Very very very good diff.
  2. Hitsounds are perfect, nothing to say.
  3. 01:10:669 (4,1) : Here's the only little problem (for me) : Maybe you can put it a bit more on the grid, but it's not critic. If I changed it I'd need to change some more, let alone that isn't a problem at all since it's still in the screen.

[ Hard]

  1. 00:12:610 : You don't need to curve it like this, but it's up to you. Changed it but probably not like you wanted it. :p
  2. Erm that's all for this diff, rest is good.

[ Happiness!]

  1. 00:20:022 : Maybe you can do a pattern like the others ? Like 00:18:610 or 00:17:198 ? There's a special drum I wanna highlight with this kickslider. I asked a lot of players in this skill area and they never had problems reading it.
  2. 00:37:845 : Maybe you can finish the jump by two circles ? Wanted to make it "easier" by placing this slider to make the jump part end smoothly.
  3. 01:02:199 : ^
  4. I think that's it.
Okay, mod mod is now done, I hope i'll help you and good luck for rank !
~ Imakuri
00:32:551 (1,2) - Blanket maybe? sure, made them more parallel
00:39:257 (3,1) - Nazi blanket fix fixed
00:46:669 (1,2) - Maybe more like this? ok
00:49:140 (2) - I'd let it kick only once like the other one but then i'd be leaving out a beat? i'll leave it as it is and if more mods suggest the same i'll change it ya

DeRandom Otaku
  1. 00:12:257 (1) - remove nc asdjaoisdj oopsie fixed
  2. 00:20:904 (4) - Nc no because this note happens before the next measure, Nc'd 5 instead
  3. 00:39:257 (3,1) - nazi blanket fixed that in the last mod lool
  4. 00:49:140 (2) - remove one repeat and add circle at big white tick cuz it needs to be clickable umm ok i'll try that then

  • Imakuri
    1. There's no hitsounds right ? soon™
    2. 00:02:904 (3,4) : What a strange overlap, but it's not critic. critic? you mean critical, right? i think it's fine though
    3. 00:10:669 (2,3,4) : Maybe you can put it like this > i think it's fine as it is
    4. 00:21:963 : Don't exagerate please.. It's supposed to be an Advanced diff, not a hard, do a triple slider isn't a good idea. given the 1/4 patterns in the hard I think it's fine as a transitional thing, but i do admit it's inconsistent so i'll try to find an alternative, but for now I'll leave it as it is
    5. 00:48:787 : ^ (But here it's not critic) it's fine
    6. 01:13:140 : ^ ^
    7. I think that's it for Advanced

    Thanks for the mods!

    I'll send you my updated diff through discord when I get the chance Stjpa :D
Cerulean Veyron
Hello~ !

[- - Beginner - -]
  1. 00:08:022 - & 00:08:375 - I don't really think these two inherited points doing sth for this slider. There aren't any volume or hitsound sliderslide S:C2 change at all. I recommend removing them.
  2. 00:26:904 (1) - IMO This is quite too near, I probably prefer you should make the gap a little more bigger to represent distance spacing and rhythm. Since you did a 1.0x on regular verses of the song, how about 0.8x here at least?
  3. 00:38:198 (1) - Literally the same thing as above.
  4. 01:15:257 (1,1) - Just my personal opinion; I probably don't like some kind of spinners appearing after a note too early by 1/4, especially when it's the easiest diff on the mapset for beginner players. I suggest rather shortening the spinner, or replace the note for a spinner start.

[- - Thievley's Advanced - -]
  1. - Whoa.. no hitsounds at all? WIP or sth?
  2. 00:21:610 (5) - Add an NC here? It looks necessary to me because you've added one in each new track. But this one passed a downbeat on the previous slider end, so yeah...
  3. 00:22:669 (1,2) - The way you skipped a few notes that deserve having it clicked. Which means, it should reeally have a circle for sure. It may be one of the two ticks: 00:23:198 - & 00:23:904 - . Just add a circle on one of these, your call.
  4. 00:39:257 (3,1) - Optional objective: It's pretty small, but the blanket is obviously out of it. You could just move it a little downward with 0.9x but this isn't even major to do ;p
  5. 00:59:022 (2,1,2) - The flowing here doesn't seem to be comfortable enough for a player's cursor movements. Well, it didn't break that much, but there are many ways of fixing this. What I recommend is curving slider (1) a bit more. If that doesn't seem okay to you, you can do it on your way tbh.

[- - Hard - -]
  1. 00:12:610 (7) - Perhaps adding a clap on the sliders head would make more representative hitsound for the continuous drumming on the music.
  2. 00:17:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - There's no problem with the rhythm or so, but the placements are my concerns. I'm wondering how you'd try to make sth that flows a little awkward... and in my honest opinion, it's weirdly shaped. Maybe moving a few circles of it might do it better, by selecting 00:17:551 (3,4,5,6,7) - and moving them on the bottom left by ten grids may suffice. Around x:35|y:266 at least.
  3. - Impressive!

I'm just a passer-by for the 1 kd, hehe ;33
Good luck with this map!
Topic Starter
Oh, welcome back CV!

Cerulean Veyron wrote:

Hello~ !

[- - Beginner - -]
  1. 00:08:022 - & 00:08:375 - I don't really think these two inherited points doing sth for this slider. There aren't any volume or hitsound sliderslide S:C2 change at all. I recommend removing them. Actually all five weren't useful at all. I copied the hitsounding from the last diff to this one so I had less work, and unused green lines are never a real problem but deleting them isn't much work either.
  2. 00:26:904 (1) - IMO This is quite too near, I probably prefer you should make the gap a little more bigger to represent distance spacing and rhythm. Since you did a 1.0x on regular verses of the song, how about 0.8x here at least? Should be fine now, I guess.
  3. 00:38:198 (1) - Literally the same thing as above. ^
  4. 01:15:257 (1,1) - Just my personal opinion; I probably don't like some kind of spinners appearing after a note too early by 1/4, especially when it's the easiest diff on the mapset for beginner players. I suggest rather shortening the spinner, or replace the note for a spinner start. Used the second suggestion.

[- - Hard - -]
  1. 00:12:610 (7) - Perhaps adding a clap on the sliders head would make more representative hitsound for the continuous drumming on the music. True, wondering why it isn't there since I copied the hitsounding...probably deleted it by accident. Thanks for noticing.
  2. 00:17:022 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - There's no problem with the rhythm or so, but the placements are my concerns. I'm wondering how you'd try to make sth that flows a little awkward... and in my honest opinion, it's weirdly shaped. Maybe moving a few circles of it might do it better, by selecting 00:17:551 (3,4,5,6,7) - and moving them on the bottom left by ten grids may suffice. Around x:35|y:266 at least. Honestly I'm unsure what you meant, but I kinda changed the direction the reversed-slider was looking at. Also, the triplet and the circles afterwards are blanketing (1). Personally I think it's not too bad.
  3. - Impressive! Thanks!

I'm just a passer-by for the 1 kd, hehe ;33
Good luck with this map! Thank you. c: I wish you would have modded the Insane too since I have absolutely no idea of how mapping Insanes properly, but since I didn't even ask you to mod it I don't have the right no complain anyway. :D
you should put a link to download w/ anba version tbh

00:15:963 (4,1,2) - Just wondering like, could you make it look neater aesthetically? I mean it's currently fine, but it doesn't feel quite as polished as something like 00:20:551 (2,3,4) - ya know?
00:21:610 (4,1) - Blanket fix t bh
00:59:728 - It kinda feels weird that this is left unmapped since the intensity of the song is getting greater as it nears the chorus, you may want to choose to undermap instead rather than just not mapping it at all

p good diff, kinda feels a bit dull though since the beat is consistent, and you could have added a little bit of variation with things like 00:02:904 (3) - (making it 3/2 repeat slider) but it's fine either way

00:04:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The flow here kinda feels hard, you may want to smooth it out by raising 1 and rotating so the motions seem more fluid
00:08:198 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe find a way to make the pattern move around a bit more, this seems a bit cramped and can be confusing to play for sth like 00:09:081 (5,6) -
00:12:257 (1) - Hmm for this, it kinda feels weird since you hit all the beats, but the strong beats are on the repeat and slider end, you may want to make it into a single tap and a 1/2 slider, so at least one of the strong beats are expressed a bit better (ofc this is really difficult cuz the aesthetic part of this is kinda hard to pull off already)
00:17:375 (2,1) - Overlap could def be avoided here
00:20:904 (4) - Kinda weird that you end off on a downbeat here where 00:17:022 - sounds musically similar, and there was like a pause before it in order for the downbeat to be clickable but w/e
00:21:963 (6,7) - I would suggest to ctrl g the rhythm here, because the 1/4 sounds much more prominent around 00:22:316 - rather than before it
00:24:787 (3) - This may throw people off, as a two repeat slider is quite uncommon
00:36:257 (3) - Maybe remove the repeat and place a note there instead? The beat on 00:36:610 - deserves to be properly expressed imo
00:48:787 (1,2) - Perhaps make them face against each other, rather than side to side, since it looks a bit more aesthetically pleasing and could possibly avoid some confusion
00:51:257 - This is a bit nitpicky, but you could extend the break like so that it lands on this, rather than going straight to break, it's not a bad thing for things to be inconsistent in gds but the consistency is nice if it can be helped
00:59:728 (1,3,1) - Could be moved slightly down to avoid the overlap
01:02:375 - lol it's sounds so awkward that all the other vocals were mapped and this one isn't, maybe try to find a way for it to be mapped?
01:03:963 (1,2) - Did you mess up here?

00:12:610 (7) - I know that slider ends don't need to be properly snapped to something but like, it kinda feels useless to have a slider here since all the more prominent beats besides her like, breathing or w/e stops on 00:12:610 - lol
00:29:375 (4,1) - blanket p lS

00:12:610 (7) - a
00:15:081 (9) - For these, you may want to stick to a maximum of four repeats, since that's usually the amount players expect for 1/4 repeats like this, plus this allows for more movement instead of feeling like you're stuck there forever (4 1/4 ticks are enough to recover t b h)
00:34:140 (2,3,4) - I personally find it kinda awkward how you choose to do the emphasis of it, since for "mama" the two syllables are equally emphasized, but the spacing between 2 -> 3 is pretty lackluster, you may want to add emphasis to dat weeaboo word xd
00:36:434 (4,5,1) - There are times where stacks work for emphasis, but I highly disagree with this one, since the downbeat is really passive in this case, so having more movement for 4 -> 5 would work really well imo

I'm not too fond of the like, ds'd looking style of insanes but this is fine lol
Topic Starter

Battle wrote:

you should put a link to download w/ anba version tbh I know, just too lazy rn.

00:15:963 (4,1,2) - Just wondering like, could you make it look neater aesthetically? I mean it's currently fine, but it doesn't feel quite as polished as something like 00:20:551 (2,3,4) - ya know? I can't really tell if it's better now, moved (2) a bit more to the left so it's not as close to (4) as before.
00:21:610 (4,1) - Blanket fix t bh Ok dad!
00:59:728 - It kinda feels weird that this is left unmapped since the intensity of the song is getting greater as it nears the chorus, you may want to choose to undermap instead rather than just not mapping it at all Mapped it normally.

p good diff, kinda feels a bit dull though since the beat is consistent, and you could have added a little bit of variation with things like 00:02:904 (3) - (making it 3/2 repeat slider) but it's fine either way Then I'd have problems with hitsounding properly without switching too slidertickrate2.

00:12:610 (7) - I know that slider ends don't need to be properly snapped to something but like, it kinda feels useless to have a slider here since all the more prominent beats besides her like, breathing or w/e stops on 00:12:610 - lol But she is still extending it until the downbeat. I silenced the slidertail now so it's clearer what the slider is mapped to.
00:29:375 (4,1) - blanket p lS omg

00:12:610 (7) - a As in Hard.
00:15:081 (9) - For these, you may want to stick to a maximum of four repeats, since that's usually the amount players expect for 1/4 repeats like this, plus this allows for more movement instead of feeling like you're stuck there forever (4 1/4 ticks are enough to recover t b h) I spectated a lot of testplayers for this skilllevel and they never had a problem at this part at all. Sure it looks weird, but I mapped it like this for a bit variation and as I said it plays just fine.
00:34:140 (2,3,4) - I personally find it kinda awkward how you choose to do the emphasis of it, since for "mama" the two syllables are equally emphasized, but the spacing between 2 -> 3 is pretty lackluster, you may want to add emphasis to dat weeaboo word xd Fixed I suppose?
00:36:434 (4,5,1) - There are times where stacks work for emphasis, but I highly disagree with this one, since the downbeat is really passive in this case, so having more movement for 4 -> 5 would work really well imo Made a triangle here.

I'm not too fond of the like, ds'd looking style of insanes but this is fine lol Because I dunno how to map Insanes otherwise as I taught everything myself to this point lol. Let alone that I barely ever mapped Insanes with some more DS variation.
r u redy for quality nazi blanket m4m

From your queue ~


00:12:787 (5) - NC?

00:22:669 (1,2) - Flow's kinda weird, I suggest moving 2 up slightly and then adjusting the notes after accordingly.

00:25:492 - I think map this and NC, because the drums don't slow down until after this note. Feels weird not to have something to click here.

00:36:787 (3) - Unlike above which I think is necessary, this one maybe not so much. I think you map this, but it's probably up to you.

Nice map! One comment overall is that it felt you had a lot of sliders with the same shape (the curve, sliders like 00:17:022 (1) ) and I think you could generally add some variety to your slider shapes. Other than that, looked like a great map.


00:11:375 (4) - NC

00:20:904 (4) - 1/2 slider + hit circle IMO, this felt weird as a 1/1

00:32:551 (1,2) - Maybe make 2 a 180 degree rotation of 1?

00:49:140 (2) - This might be confusing since the second kick slider isn't the same length as the first, maybe make both kick sliders the same length and make 00:49:492 a hit circle

01:00:434 (2) - I'd make this slider straight instead of curved because it looks weird under the straight slider above it

01:04:493 (2) - Move closer to the end of 1 so it's not in the middle of it?


00:12:610 (7) - I think this would probably be better as a regular curve instead of a smushed up curve. Thoughts?

Why skip notes like 00:21:081, 00:22:492, and 00:23:904? It's fine in advanced but I think Hard you can just map it.

Couldn't find many problems with this, looked good. Flow was great, the map itself was fun (I enjoy triplets), and the patterns were all good.


00:16:492 (7) - Not a fan of this kickslider, the others were all either at the end of the stream (preceding a circle on a downbeat), or at the start of the stream, but this one was in the middle and felt weird. Could just be me, I guess.

00:18:434 (1) - Move to x272 y32, I think this is slightly better placement (now I think its too much to the left)

01:04:316 (2,3) - ctrl+g here, improves the flow

Nice map, had fun patterns.

Good luck, I hope my mod helped ~
Cerulean Veyron
  1. - Whoa.. no hitsounds at all? WIP or sth?
  2. 00:21:610 (5) - Add an NC here? It looks necessary to me because you've added one in each new track. But this one passed a downbeat on the previous slider end, so yeah... I had already fixed that
  3. 00:22:669 (1,2) - The way you skipped a few notes that deserve having it clicked. Which means, it should reeally have a circle for sure. It may be one of the two ticks: 00:23:198 - & 00:23:904 - . Just add a circle on one of these, your call. they don't need to be clicked i think it's fine
  4. 00:39:257 (3,1) - Optional objective: It's pretty small, but the blanket is obviously out of it. You could just move it a little downward with 0.9x but this isn't even major to do ;p I had already fixed that ;_;
  5. 00:59:022 (2,1,2) - The flowing here doesn't seem to be comfortable enough for a player's cursor movements. Well, it didn't break that much, but there are many ways of fixing this. What I recommend is curving slider (1) a bit more. If that doesn't seem okay to you, you can do it on your way tbh. okaay

00:04:316 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The flow here kinda feels hard, you may want to smooth it out by raising 1 and rotating so the motions seem more fluid sure
00:08:198 (3,4,5,6) - Maybe find a way to make the pattern move around a bit more, this seems a bit cramped and can be confusing to play for sth like 00:09:081 (5,6) - fair enough, i was a bit iffy about that anyways, i'll try finding an alternative
00:12:257 (1) - Hmm for this, it kinda feels weird since you hit all the beats, but the strong beats are on the repeat and slider end, you may want to make it into a single tap and a 1/2 slider, so at least one of the strong beats are expressed a bit better (ofc this is really difficult cuz the aesthetic part of this is kinda hard to pull off already) Hmm i think i'll leave it as is for now but i'll definitely keep this in mind
00:17:375 (2,1) - Overlap could def be avoided here i agree, fixed
00:20:904 (4) - Kinda weird that you end off on a downbeat here where 00:17:022 - sounds musically similar, and there was like a pause before it in order for the downbeat to be clickable but w/e aa yeah, but i'll leave it as is for now until I can find something better
00:21:963 (6,7) - I would suggest to ctrl g the rhythm here, because the 1/4 sounds much more prominent around 00:22:316 - rather than before it omg so it does :O
00:24:787 (3) - This may throw people off, as a two repeat slider is quite uncommon yeah changed that
00:36:257 (3) - Maybe remove the repeat and place a note there instead? The beat on 00:36:610 - deserves to be properly expressed imo maybe... i think i'll leave it as it is now though,
00:48:787 (1,2) - Perhaps make them face against each other, rather than side to side, since it looks a bit more aesthetically pleasing and could possibly avoid some confusion i added a note after two so if i did tht it would be hidden :L
00:51:257 - This is a bit nitpicky, but you could extend the break like so that it lands on this, rather than going straight to break, it's not a bad thing for things to be inconsistent in gds but the consistency is nice if it can be helped oh shoot lo
00:59:728 (1,3,1) - Could be moved slightly down to avoid the overlap ya
01:02:375 - lol it's sounds so awkward that all the other vocals were mapped and this one isn't, maybe try to find a way for it to be mapped? true, added hit circle there
01:03:963 (1,2) - Did you mess up here? what :( fixed?

00:11:375 (4) - NC done

00:20:904 (4) - 1/2 slider + hit circle IMO, this felt weird as a 1/1 ok i guess aaa

00:32:551 (1,2) - Maybe make 2 a 180 degree rotation of 1? i had already fixed that

00:49:140 (2) - This might be confusing since the second kick slider isn't the same length as the first, maybe make both kick sliders the same length and make 00:49:492 a hit circle i had already fixed that

01:00:434 (2) - I'd make this slider straight instead of curved because it looks weird under the straight slider above it i think it's fine

01:04:493 (2) - Move closer to the end of 1 so it's not in the middle of it? yeeeeah @battle are you happy now

thanks for the mods!

edit: deleted notepad thing because i think it didn't have some changes i applied (something weird happened)
Topic Starter

Hobbes2 wrote:

r u redy for quality nazi blanket m4m

From your queue ~


00:12:787 (5) - NC? Not needed.

00:22:669 (1,2) - Flow's kinda weird, I suggest moving 2 up slightly and then adjusting the notes after accordingly. That's a normal flow used in easier diffs.

00:25:492 - I think map this and NC, because the drums don't slow down until after this note. Feels weird not to have something to click here. Just put a slider there with a silenced sliderend.

00:36:787 (3) - Unlike above which I think is necessary, this one maybe not so much. I think you map this, but it's probably up to you. Nah. Kinda weird and hard to map in such an Easy diff, let alone that some breaks never hurt anyone.

Nice map! One comment overall is that it felt you had a lot of sliders with the same shape (the curve, sliders like 00:17:022 (1) ) and I think you could generally add some variety to your slider shapes. Other than that, looked like a great map.


00:12:610 (7) - I think this would probably be better as a regular curve instead of a smushed up curve. Thoughts? The curve highlights the high-pitched vocal pretty nice.

Why skip notes like 00:21:081, 00:22:492, and 00:23:904? It's fine in advanced but I think Hard you can just map it. Because this part is extremely difficulty for a Hard diff so I put little breaks there because players in this skilllevel aren't used to triplets spam and need a bit of recovery time.

Couldn't find many problems with this, looked good. Flow was great, the map itself was fun (I enjoy triplets), and the patterns were all good.


00:16:492 (7) - Not a fan of this kickslider, the others were all either at the end of the stream (preceding a circle on a downbeat), or at the start of the stream, but this one was in the middle and felt weird. Could just be me, I guess. I like it though and it brings some variation. Can't really remember if it has another purpose tho lol.

00:18:434 (1) - Move to x272 y32, I think this is slightly better placement (now I think its too much to the left) If I'd do that the repeat-slider would be really close to the stream which looks ugly and the look of the blanketing I used there would also suffer.

01:04:316 (2,3) - ctrl+g here, improves the flow I used that flow regularly in this map though, also your suggestions doesn't fit into the scheme I used in this difficulty.

Nice map, had fun patterns.

Good luck, I hope my mod helped ~
Gonna mod your map today or tomorrow, depending on mood.
Hi ~ M4M Request

how about change the diff name to "Easy" *its looks like not a Beginner diff ~

00:07:140 (1) - finish? * i hear cymbal here
00:43:492 (4,1) - blanket?
00:51:258 (1) - whistle


00:06:963 (7) - hmm i think 1/3 repeat slider ~ is not the right choice,how about 1/2 slider? *follow vocal
00:09:610 (6) - delete circle and add slider like 00:09:081 (5) at 00:09:434 instead
00:19:845 (1,2,3,4) - the pattern not suits with the rhythm,maybe you must use pattern like 00:18:434 (1,2,3,4)
00:21:963 (6) - why use this slider? how about 1/2 slider?
00:37:316 - add note around here? *follow vocal
00:48:610 - add circle here *if u follow drum sound
00:59:728 (1) - how about curve slider and blanket it wih the next one?
01:02:375 - add note here *follow vocal
01:04:493 (2) - move to x:116 y:32

00:18:610 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - how about 1/3 repeat slider? like 00:17:198 (2)
00:36:081 (3) - ctrl j and move to x:312 y:252
01:04:669 (2,3) - blanket?
00:51:257 (1) - whistle

00:25:669 - add note around here? *follow biola/piano sound ~
00:51:258 (1) - whistle
01:12:081 (3) - add finish/clap drum hitsound?

GL ~
ans sorry for short mod ;w;
o for the repeats thing on insane or w/e, they may play fine but things w/ 4 repeats usually tend to play the smoothest

also fix ur preview point pls like all the other ranked versions :/\/\/\/
Topic Starter

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

Hi ~ M4M Request

how about change the diff name to "Easy" *its looks like not a Beginner diff ~

00:07:140 (1) - finish? * i hear cymbal here Oops.
00:43:492 (4,1) - blanket? It would ruin everything.
00:51:258 (1) - whistle Ok.

00:18:610 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - how about 1/3 repeat slider? like 00:17:198 (2) It's not 1/3 but 3/2 btw. This whole part follows a scheme if you compare the pattern of the first half with the pattern of the second half.
00:36:081 (3) - ctrl j and move to x:312 y:252 I wanted to map this a bit different since I used your suggested pattern previously already. Since the pitch of the vocal goes up I decided to just copy paste the first slider and make a triangle out of it.
01:04:669 (2,3) - blanket? It was barely visible but ok.
00:51:257 (1) - whistle

00:25:669 - add note around here? *follow biola/piano sound ~ A break fits way better here, especially since the streampart is the hardest part of the map so some rest isn't bad.
00:51:258 (1) - whistle
01:12:081 (3) - add finish/clap drum hitsound? Good catch, forgot it on the previous slider too.

GL ~
ans sorry for short mod ;w;
Will mod your map tonight.

Battle wrote:

o for the repeats thing on insane or w/e, they may play fine but things w/ 4 repeats usually tend to play the smoothest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

also fix ur preview point pls like all the other ranked versions :/\/\/\/ Mine is way better now. B)
00:15:081 (9) - I can see how the player would want to move a lot more through this streamy part - this repeater may be too long, but it seems to be testing reading skill more over playing by the (tapping) rhythm. Nothing particularly wrong, but do consider alternatives such as 1/4 slider jumps which also fit well here. This goes for all the repeaters in this part of the map.
00:28:316 (1,2,3) - 1/2 slider without repeat here isn't a very enjoyable rhythm in most cases IMO. My suggestion - timeline rearrange:, new flow (00:29:375 (4) - is ctrl+g):
00:31:669 (3,4) - Similar to above, but supporting the vocals with the slider feels a lot better.
00:34:669 (5,6) - 1/2 circles would better emphasize the rather strong 00:35:375 (1) - 'wa'. Slider jump isn't strong enough, considering leniency as well.
00:35:904 (2) - Feels out of place relative to the vocal. Consider repeating 00:35:375 (1) - and circle on 00:36:257 - in a possible jump pattern.
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Whistles? (7: on head and tail separately)
00:39:610 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sometimes following the prominent vocal is better:
00:42:257 (2) - Music doesn't call for any tapping here, but suggests a tap-hold or a pause at 00:42:081 (1) - . Maybe you just mapped this for 1/2 rhythm but you can create a pause here as well.
00:51:257 (1) - Personal preference, I'd rather remove this and have a delayed break (goes for all diffs?). Otherwise keeping this might as well map through the whole section (that's just what I think anyway).

00:42:257 (4) - Similar to Insane.
00:42:787 (2,3) - Better if this was swapped to emphasize the vocals.
00:45:787 (2,3) - Maybe try something like this:
01:07:316 (2,3) - Probably better off swapped:
01:09:610 (1) - Multi-syllable vocal, maybe try to match it? The previous 1/1's seemed to match the vocals but they were held vocals. Inconsistent with 00:45:257 (1) - .

00:06:787 (6,7) - Maybe just simplify this to a 1/2 slider to match vocals.
00:08:728 - I suggest having another 1/2 repeat slider here. 00:08:904 (4,5) - is a bit out of place for the song's pace at this point. You don't have to map everything, just keep it simple and stick with the more prominent vocals here. In gameplay I had to actually read this instead of naturally tapping with the rhythm.
00:09:434 - Following the above, you can use another 1/2 repeat slider here.
00:21:963 (6) - Random 1/4 for this section. It should be consistent, so if you will use this please do so at the beginning of the section. Otherwise, remove it and continue with the simple rhythm before.
00:24:787 (3) - Probably better as separate 1/2 sliders.
00:30:434 (2) - What about using a slider instead for consistency with 00:27:610 (2) - ?
00:49:492 - Circle here is better. Doesn't increase difficulty much and also prevents a potential 100 resulting from a missed tick.
00:51:258 - You can delay the break here for added visual effect. Just drag it on the timeline near the beginning of the break.
Decent rhythm overall though.

00:12:787 (5) - Nothing here that calls for a tap. Try repeating 00:12:081 (4) - instead. Or remove it altogether since it's similar to 00:36:081 (2) -
00:15:963 (4) - IMO, these kinds of sliders in this section should be 1/1 repeats to keep up the 1/1 rhythm if giving a tapping break is your intention with these.

Difficulty spread from Advanced to Hard is most likely unrankable, I suggest increasing difficulty in Advanced and adding a Normal diff (or rename current Advanced to Normal and then create an Advanced lol).
Topic Starter
No answer = changed. Too many points to answer every little thing lol.

Nekomata wrote:

00:15:081 (9) - I can see how the player would want to move a lot more through this streamy part - this repeater may be too long, but it seems to be testing reading skill more over playing by the (tapping) rhythm. Nothing particularly wrong, but do consider alternatives such as 1/4 slider jumps which also fit well here. This goes for all the repeaters in this part of the map. I'd have problems with the spread then I suppose because this part isn't nearly as difficult in Hard and I even gotta nerf it there, so making it even harder with kicksliders would be too much I think, let alone that this streampart is already the hardest part in this difficulty so buffing it doesn't make that much sense imo.
00:28:316 (1,2,3) - 1/2 slider without repeat here isn't a very enjoyable rhythm in most cases IMO. My suggestion - timeline rearrange:, new flow (00:29:375 (4) - is ctrl+g):
00:31:669 (3,4) - Similar to above, but supporting the vocals with the slider feels a lot better.
00:34:669 (5,6) - 1/2 circles would better emphasize the rather strong 00:35:375 (1) - 'wa'. Slider jump isn't strong enough, considering leniency as well. Since it's not kiai yet I wanted to keep it calmer and easier so the kiai actually has its meaning.
00:35:904 (2) - Feels out of place relative to the vocal. Consider repeating 00:35:375 (1) - and circle on 00:36:257 - in a possible jump pattern.
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Whistles? (7: on head and tail separately)
00:39:610 (1,2,3,4,5) - Sometimes following the prominent vocal is better:
00:42:257 (2) - Music doesn't call for any tapping here, but suggests a tap-hold or a pause at 00:42:081 (1) - . Maybe you just mapped this for 1/2 rhythm but you can create a pause here as well.
00:51:257 (1) - Personal preference, I'd rather remove this and have a delayed break (goes for all diffs?). Otherwise keeping this might as well map through the whole section (that's just what I think anyway).

00:42:257 (4) - Similar to Insane.
00:42:787 (2,3) - Better if this was swapped to emphasize the vocals.
00:45:787 (2,3) - Maybe try something like this:
01:07:316 (2,3) - Probably better off swapped:
01:09:610 (1) - Multi-syllable vocal, maybe try to match it? The previous 1/1's seemed to match the vocals but they were held vocals. Inconsistent with 00:45:257 (1) - .

00:12:787 (5) - Nothing here that calls for a tap. Try repeating 00:12:081 (4) - instead. Or remove it altogether since it's similar to 00:36:081 (2) - Changed both even tho I'm unsure if the second one is good now.
00:15:963 (4) - IMO, these kinds of sliders in this section should be 1/1 repeats to keep up the 1/1 rhythm if giving a tapping break is your intention with these.

Difficulty spread from Advanced to Hard is most likely unrankable, I suggest increasing difficulty in Advanced and adding a Normal diff (or rename current Advanced to Normal and then create an Advanced lol). Gotta nerf it I guess.
Gonna mod your map tomorrow, I hope I can give a mod with as much quality as yours!

00:06:963 (7) - hmm i think 1/3 repeat slider ~ is not the right choice,how about 1/2 slider? *follow vocal I felt it was worth highlighting that certain rhythm
00:09:610 (6) - delete circle and add slider like 00:09:081 (5) at 00:09:434 instead changed this already and did another rhythm
00:19:845 (1,2,3,4) - the pattern not suits with the rhythm,maybe you must use pattern like 00:18:434 (1,2,3,4) i wanted to highlight the cymbal crash
00:21:963 (6) - why use this slider? how about 1/2 slider? already ctrl +g'd this pattern and now it is a 1/2 slider
00:37:316 - add note around here? *follow vocal not necessary, I want to emphasize the pause in percussion instrumentals
00:48:610 - add circle here *if u follow drum sound already did!
00:59:728 (1) - how about curve slider and blanket it wih the next one? i think i already changed this but ok ill curve more for parallel
01:02:375 - add note here *follow vocal already did!
01:04:493 (2) - move to x:116 y:32 already fixed!

00:06:787 (6,7) - Maybe just simplify this to a 1/2 slider to match vocals. I felt the drums were more prominent there so I followed them
00:08:728 - I suggest having another 1/2 repeat slider here. 00:08:904 (4,5) - is a bit out of place for the song's pace at this point. You don't have to map everything, just keep it simple and stick with the more prominent vocals here. In gameplay I had to actually read this instead of naturally tapping with the rhythm. I changed this by using something watered down that outlines what I originally wanted to map to, which was the drums.
00:09:434 - Following the above, you can use another 1/2 repeat slider here. ooo I actually like this
00:21:963 (6) - Random 1/4 for this section. It should be consistent, so if you will use this please do so at the beginning of the section. Otherwise, remove it and continue with the simple rhythm before. I feel it's very prominent there, so I think it is worth mapping and highlighting (I ctrl + g'd it along with another note so now it's here 00:22:316
00:24:787 (3) - Probably better as separate 1/2 sliders. already changed :D
00:30:434 (2) - What about using a slider instead for consistency with 00:27:610 (2) - ? I felt it was a bit repetitive and I wanted to add some hit circles...I might change this later
00:49:492 - Circle here is better. Doesn't increase difficulty much and also prevents a potential 100 resulting from a missed tick. yeah already did that!
00:51:258 - You can delay the break here for added visual effect. Just drag it on the timeline near the beginning of the break. already changed!
Decent rhythm overall though. :,(
thanks so much for the mods!
stüpfer mappt hanatan o.o
Topic Starter

Feb wrote:

stüpfer mappt hanatan o.o
Hanatan ist toll! Will mehr Songs von ihr mappen. c:
|00:18:434 (3,4) - Although it's fine, it'd be better if this rhythm was swapped so as to be consistent with 00:15:610 (3,4) - .
| 00:40:669 (4,2) - Stack.
| 01:10:316 - Seeing that the music gets somewhat intense here, it'd be nice if the player could tap.
| 01:11:022 (1,4) - Stack
Thievley's Advanced:
| 00:06:963 (7) - Being right after the easy difficulty, a newbie might not have been accustomed to such rhythms. It's fine since it's just a hold, but it'd be nice if the reverse arrow did not hide under the note. Try moving the reverse slider so that the arrow is clearly visible. Just like 00:22:316 (4) -
| 00:08:904 (4,5,6,1) - The pattern gets a bit cramped here and a new player might freak out with all the objects appearing together in one place.
| 00:29:728 (1,1) - This overlap can easily be avoided, it currently reduces the aesthetics of the map, taken that there are already quite a lot of overlaps because of the low DS.
| 00:32:551 (1,1) - Touchy touchy.
| 00:44:551 (2,3,1,2,3) - The sudden stop - go movement here might confuse some players. I suggest spacing 00:45:610 (2,3) - out since the music/ lyrics do get a bit louder here.
| 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - Really unsure about how this pattern will play. You are really taking a risk and trusting the player's readability too much.
| 00:59:022 (2,2) - Another overlap that can easily be avoided.
| 01:02:375 (4,1) - I see no point in reducing movement right before the chorus. It doesn't seem like you are going with a slingshot buildup since no movement is gradually reduced up until now.
| 01:05:022 (3) - The player taps on the big white tick at the start of the chorus but for some reason they don't here...
| 01:06:081 (2,3) - Could've stacked.
| 01:07:846 (3) - Nor do they tap here. It's really weird while playing to not be able to interact with such prominent beats. These are not the only instances this happens as the prominent beats are often being skipped for the sake of reducing the difficulty by using 1/1 or 1/2 repeat sliders.

I think the rhythm choice in this difficulty has a lot of unexploited potential. It's inconsistent throughout the similar sections of the song but most importantly, it might be too much of a jump from the constant 1/1 used in the easy difficulty. What makes this jump even bigger is the low DS, which is unavoidable but significantly reduces readability, as many times there will be more than a few objects on the screen in one place, due to the low AR.
All in all, the settings can be tweaked so that the OD is lower and gives the player a bigger window to react to the many objects that might come up at once.
However this will create an imbalance when it comes to HP drain and OD that might throw some players off.
The best solution here would be the the increase of the overall DS used (which is currently dynamic, so that's that) which will result in the increase of SR but will improve readability. This, of course will require the addition of another NORMAL difficulty to the set.
| 00:11:728 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - While testplaying, the sudden use of constant single-direction flow quickly threw me off. It'd be nice if you could recreate a zig-zag effect with gradually but slowly increasing DS so as to both have a much user-friendly flow and also emphasize the song's increase in intensity. What allows you to gradually increase the DS is the dynamic DS used in the advanced difficulty.
| 00:16:140 (5) - I suggest turning that into another triplet as there currently doesn't seem to be a curtain sequence that you follow when deciding between adding a reverse slider or a triplet. Simply going "Rev.Slider + Rev.Slider --> Triplet + Triplet --> Repeat" would be much more consistent and comfortable to play. This stands for every other instance.
| 00:30:434 (3,2) - It'd be amazing if you could find a way to avoid this overlap. It's very notable while playing and only reduces the aesthetics of this map, given that there has not been a single overlap up until now.
| 00:38:198 (1,2) - Please improve this blanket. A quick check and occasional adjustment to every other blanket in all your difficulties would also be a good idea.
| 00:59:022 (3) - You could move this a bit to the right so that it doesn't overlap with 00:57:963 (4) -
| 01:01:140 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Now that's what I'm talking about!

The rhythm here is also somewhat inconsistent and quite diverse. It's kind of justified by the difficulty of the map as the player is not expected to need to expect what is to come. (what a way to put it). It'd be nice if you could check back to the similar section of the song and try to make the rhythm a bit more consistent, although it's not necessary.
| 00:11:728 (2,3,4,5,6) - Although this is sort of a subjective matter, I don't think that the constant and complete circular flow here does a good enough job emphasizing the snappy beats. Honestly, something with a greater angle/ more snappy would be much more fun to play to!
| 00:16:492 (7) - I highly suggest that you let the player tap on this beat, as it will provide a better sense of rhythm and help them guide themselves with further ease throughout this stream pattern. Thing is, the drum you are following is barely noticeable, so staying true to the actually prominent beats of the song would be the best way to go. Don't skip them like this.
| 00:18:081 (11) - This, for example is an amazing example if how you should do it.
| 00:21:787 (5) - Same goes to this. I could go on with reasons to change it and let the player actually tap on the white tick, but I think what I've said so fat would be more than enough. I am not going to point out every instance this happens as it's very notable, even while playing.
| 00:25:492 (1) - There is no prominent enough beat here, worthy of a tap. If I were in your shoes, I'd leave this blank. Silencing the note does nothing in this case since the player does interact with something that just isn't there.
| 00:41:728 (3,1) - Please make these 2 be of the exact opposite angle, they create a very discomforting flow and look badly oriented.
| 00:46:669 (1,2,3) - Finish what you started, soldier.
| 01:03:610 (5,4) - You could adjust the pattern so that the tails of these sliders stack. The fake overlap that they make is notable as they are not that far apart on the timeline.
| 01:07:316 (2,3) - Ok so you use this kind of flow quite often so I figured I would elaborate on why it's somewhat uncomfortable. As you can see, the flow that (3) proposes is not the same or anywhere near to the flow that you've created before. This is pretty easy to understand, especially with the visualization.
| 01:10:316 (5,1) - If you genuinely try but can't avoid/ get rid of the overlap, at least make it so that the tail of (1) is of equal distance from the head and tail of (5).
Topic Starter
No comment = fixed

Exa wrote:

|00:18:434 (3,4) - Although it's fine, it'd be better if this rhythm was swapped so as to be consistent with 00:15:610 (3,4) - .
| 00:40:669 (4,2) - Stack. It was already stacked.
| 01:10:316 - Seeing that the music gets somewhat intense here, it'd be nice if the player could tap.
| 01:11:022 (1,4) - Stack

| 00:11:728 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - While testplaying, the sudden use of constant single-direction flow quickly threw me off. It'd be nice if you could recreate a zig-zag effect with gradually but slowly increasing DS so as to both have a much user-friendly flow and also emphasize the song's increase in intensity. What allows you to gradually increase the DS is the dynamic DS used in the advanced difficulty.
| 00:16:140 (5) - I suggest turning that into another triplet as there currently doesn't seem to be a curtain sequence that you follow when deciding between adding a reverse slider or a triplet. Simply going "Rev.Slider + Rev.Slider --> Triplet + Triplet --> Repeat" would be much more consistent and comfortable to play. This stands for every other instance. I had more variation until yesterday, but I definitely had to nerf this diff as the difficulty was way too high and the spread was really bad because of that. Gotta keep it like this, sorry. :(
| 00:30:434 (3,2) - It'd be amazing if you could find a way to avoid this overlap. It's very notable while playing and only reduces the aesthetics of this map, given that there has not been a single overlap up until now.
| 00:38:198 (1,2) - Please improve this blanket. A quick check and occasional adjustment to every other blanket in all your difficulties would also be a good idea.
| 00:59:022 (3) - You could move this a bit to the right so that it doesn't overlap with 00:57:963 (4) -
| 01:01:140 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Now that's what I'm talking about!

The rhythm here is also somewhat inconsistent and quite diverse. It's kind of justified by the difficulty of the map as the player is not expected to need to expect what is to come. (what a way to put it). It'd be nice if you could check back to the similar section of the song and try to make the rhythm a bit more consistent, although it's not necessary.

| 00:11:728 (2,3,4,5,6) - Although this is sort of a subjective matter, I don't think that the constant and complete circular flow here does a good enough job emphasizing the snappy beats. Honestly, something with a greater angle/ more snappy would be much more fun to play to! Meh, I like it this way.
| 00:16:492 (7) - I highly suggest that you let the player tap on this beat, as it will provide a better sense of rhythm and help them guide themselves with further ease throughout this stream pattern. Thing is, the drum you are following is barely noticeable, so staying true to the actually prominent beats of the song would be the best way to go. Don't skip them like this.
| 00:18:081 (11) - This, for example is an amazing example if how you should do it.
| 00:21:787 (5) - Same goes to this. I could go on with reasons to change it and let the player actually tap on the white tick, but I think what I've said so fat would be more than enough. I am not going to point out every instance this happens as it's very notable, even while playing.
| 00:25:492 (1) - There is no prominent enough beat here, worthy of a tap. If I were in your shoes, I'd leave this blank. Silencing the note does nothing in this case since the player does interact with something that just isn't there.
| 00:41:728 (3,1) - Please make these 2 be of the exact opposite angle, they create a very discomforting flow and look badly oriented.
| 00:46:669 (1,2,3) - Finish what you started, soldier.
| 01:03:610 (5,4) - You could adjust the pattern so that the tails of these sliders stack. The fake overlap that they make is notable as they are not that far apart on the timeline.
| 01:07:316 (2,3) - Ok so you use this kind of flow quite often so I figured I would elaborate on why it's somewhat uncomfortable. As you can see, the flow that (3) proposes is not the same or anywhere near to the flow that you've created before. This is pretty easy to understand, especially with the visualization.
| 01:10:316 (5,1) - If you genuinely try but can't avoid/ get rid of the overlap, at least make it so that the tail of (1) is of equal distance from the head and tail of (5).

Exa wrote:

Thievley's Advanced:
| 00:06:963 (7) - Being right after the easy difficulty, a newbie might not have been accustomed to such rhythms. It's fine since it's just a hold, but it'd be nice if the reverse arrow did not hide under the note. Try moving the reverse slider so that the arrow is clearly visible. Just like 00:22:316 (4) - fair enough
| 00:08:904 (4,5,6,1) - The pattern gets a bit cramped here and a new player might freak out with all the objects appearing together in one place. I agree and I'll try to find some alternative if I can, but I think I will just leave it as is for now
| 00:29:728 (1,1) - This overlap can easily be avoided, it currently reduces the aesthetics of the map, taken that there are already quite a lot of overlaps because of the low DS. changed (1) to a straight slider.
| 00:32:551 (1,1) - Touchy touchy. moved it a little bit apart?
| 00:44:551 (2,3,1,2,3) - The sudden stop - go movement here might confuse some players. I suggest spacing 00:45:610 (2,3) - out since the music/ lyrics do get a bit louder here. I don't think it needs to be spaced more, I think that is already being highlighted by slider (3)
| 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - Really unsure about how this pattern will play. You are really taking a risk and trusting the player's readability too much. There has to be some kind of transition from easy to hard. But I might consider watering down the current pattern for the sake of readability because I'm also a bit iffy about it.
| 00:59:022 (2,2) - Another overlap that can easily be avoided. it barley overlaps... whatever though, it doesn't hurt to change it. removed an anchor and made it a straight slider.
| 01:02:375 (4,1) - I see no point in reducing movement right before the chorus. It doesn't seem like you are going with a slingshot buildup since no movement is gradually reduced up until now. spaced them apart
| 01:05:022 (3) - The player taps on the big white tick at the start of the chorus but for some reason they don't here...
| 01:06:081 (2,3) - Could've stacked. it's already gone dude.
| 01:07:846 (3) - Nor do they tap here. It's really weird while playing to not be able to interact with such prominent beats. These are not the only instances this happens as the prominent beats are often being skipped for the sake of reducing the difficulty by using 1/1 or 1/2 repeat sliders. yeah, I'm going to end up remapping some stuff because of that dw

I think the rhythm choice in this difficulty has a lot of unexploited potential. It's inconsistent throughout the similar sections of the song but most importantly, it might be too much of a jump from the constant 1/1 used in the easy difficulty. What makes this jump even bigger is the low DS, which is unavoidable but significantly reduces readability, as many times there will be more than a few objects on the screen in one place, due to the low AR.
All in all, the settings can be tweaked so that the OD is lower and gives the player a bigger window to react to the many objects that might come up at once.
However this will create an imbalance when it comes to HP drain and OD that might throw some players off.
The best solution here would be the the increase of the overall DS used (which is currently dynamic, so that's that) which will result in the increase of SR but will improve readability. This, of course will require the addition of another NORMAL difficulty to the set. i'll see what i can do.
thanks dude i appreciate it.
Reminder for me to mod


  1. 00:02:904 (3) - how about a 3/2 reverse slider? Personally I like to put these where they can fit (in this case the match the vocals) as it breaks up the 1/1 beats everywhere. Also ebcause its the beginning which is lot softer the reduced note density feels nicer imo
  2. 00:05:728 (3) - if you do the above
  3. 00:12:081 (4) - The drums end on the red tick so why not finish on the read tick as well?
  4. 00:36:081 (2) - Highly recommend to do this This is very simlar to the above but it just sounds so out of place the extend to the white tick as there isnt a sound there and the music has such an intense hit on the red tick
  5. 00:48:787 (5) - I would remove the clap and lower the volume so the hitsound finish isnt too overbearing to the finish in the music
    Personally I would like to see some more 3/2 reverse and 2/1 sliders to match the vocals but to each their own I guess


  1. 00:04:316 (1) - I think decreasing the angle would be better. Just for the fact it looks nicer
  2. 00:45:257 (1,2) - How about turining these into a 1/1 slider. It seems more fitting, it makes it easier and doesnt create a massive bulk in note density in this measure compared to the rest
  3. 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - This could be a lot easier to read and make it less clustered visually if you made a few tweaks
  4. some inconsistencies in your NC pattern such as 00:08:904 (4) , 00:41:022 (4) , 00:05:728 (4) . In these cases the NC pattern is once every 2 measures instead of every 1. Though imho I think you should change the entire NC pattern to every 2 measures as some combos are very very short. I saw a combo length of 2 a few times


  1. 00:11:904 (3,1,2,1,2) - is the NC spam here neccessary?
  2. 00:51:258 - extend the break time to here like the advanced diff has
Spread between Easy and Advanced - It would be overlook-able if it was just the SR we were looking at but the easy diff is 95% 1/1 patterns and the advanced has blue ticks mapped such as 00:06:787 (6,7) . Imho it doesnt create a suitable spread at all.
Also the note density between the diffs is also an issue to me as some chains in the advanced ( such as 01:00:434 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1) ) are 2 levels above the easy diff.
Another thing that urks me is the SV choice. The SV between the 2 diffs is only a difference of 0.1. Even if these were easy and normal the SV is difference is seriously low (and I checked timing points in the advanced diff use x1 SV); to me it looks like it was done purely to create and pleasant looking SR between the 2. Heck even the spacing in the advanced diff is quite low. The spacing in Easy diff is x1 at 0.95 SV and the advanced uses x.9 at 1.05 SV; if you do the maths you find out the spacing in advanced is actually lower than Easy.
Because of the points mention above I recommend talking to Thievley and ask them to either reduce the object density in some places and slightly increase the SV and spacing and rename the diff to 'Thievley's Normal' or, ask them to Increase the SV and spacing a lot more and adding a normal in between easy and advanced.
^ok so I wrote that before actually looking at the hard diff (which is very hard) and now im not entirely sure anymore. Though I still think and increase SV and spacing is needed regardless.
Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

Reminder for me to mod


  1. 00:02:904 (3) - how about a 3/2 reverse slider? Personally I like to put these where they can fit (in this case the match the vocals) as it breaks up the 1/1 beats everywhere. Also ebcause its the beginning which is lot softer the reduced note density feels nicer imo It would ruin the hitsounding and I wanna keep the diff as simple as possible. If I changed it here I'd need to adjust it in the whole diff which is kinda weird then, imo.
  2. 00:05:728 (3) - if you do the above
  3. 00:12:081 (4) - The drums end on the red tick so why not finish on the read tick as well? Emphasis for vocals.
  4. 00:36:081 (2) - Highly recommend to do this This is very simlar to the above but it just sounds so out of place the extend to the white tick as there isnt a sound there and the music has such an intense hit on the red tick Aye!
  5. 00:48:787 (5) - I would remove the clap and lower the volume so the hitsound finish isnt too overbearing to the finish in the music I don't really find the difference between what I have currently and your suggestion. Maybe I'm just stupid. :v
    Personally I would like to see some more 3/2 reverse and 2/1 sliders to match the vocals but to each their own I guess


  1. 00:11:904 (3,1,2,1,2) - is the NC spam here neccessary? Yes, to make it consistent with the NC spam I have later on. Also, I forgot one NC here. :^)
  2. 00:51:258 - extend the break time to here like the advanced diff has If you tell me how to without placing a circle there, sure. >_>

You know why I'm here, right? :p

  1. 00:07:845 (2) - You should remove that repeat and use the downbeat for another slider or a circle, and I don't say it just because it is a downbeat; the sound there is very important and it should be more emphasized, you know?
  2. 00:25:140 (4) - oh! Design idea! What if you use the same position as the slider that was before the previous slider, like this, it's a nice repetition effect, don't you think? \:D/
  3. 00:29:728 (1,2) - Sorry for telling you this, but I can't resist to tell you that you can still improve this blanket :v
  4. 00:36:434 (3) - I think the pattern would look more neat if you stack this note with 00:35:022 (4) - somehow~

Thievley's Advanced ♥
Hi Thievley! \:D/
  1. 00:51:257 - Your diff is the only with an extended break, you may wanna remove that for consistency~
  2. 00:06:787 (6,7) - This may result confusing to players since that repeat slider is too compressed and with another note stacked on the top ;w; What about using just 1/2 like this, adding NC on the downbeat and removing it from the next note? It's more readable~ Or also you can just unstack so it can be seen easily like at 00:22:316 (4) -
  3. 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - What about placing them like this for easier readability

  1. 00:12:610 (2) - This slider looks too squished compared to the other ones, you may wanna expand it a little, at least like this so the map looks more visually consistent~
  2. 00:41:022 (1,2) - Sorry again.
  3. 01:03:081 (2) - Look at that spacing~

  1. 00:42:081 (1) - Is this NC intentional?

That's all I could find~

I hope this is good enough for you, good luck! ^^
yo o/ m4m from my queue


00:08:904 (2,3,4) - i'd move this a bit more down from 1 considering you increased the spacing on 00:08:198 (5,6,1) -
00:12:610 (7) - you could try and curve it to where 6 was going
00:20:904 (10) - you could curve this a little bit better
00:25:492 - maybe add note here?
00:28:845 (3) - i'd rotate this 14 in the selection center to fit the movement with 2, you could always reapply the blanket to 4 if you're going to do it :p
00:35:375 (1) - spacing kinda wonks here, i'd move this down and then blanket with 2
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - from a design standpoint i think these jumps are kinda counterintuitive, for 1-4 you can hear how the notes are going down the scale so i'd gradually reduce spacing for these, and for 5-7 you hear how it goes up the scale again so i'd gradually increase it
00:42:081 (1) - just me but i'd increase SV here a little bit to emphasize the "yes" sound thingy
00:48:787 (1) - consider ncing these since they're a change to 1/3
01:13:140 (4) - same for these


00:45:787 (2) - would change this into a note and slider to be consistent with 00:34:492 (2,3) -
00:48:787 (5) - again would ncs these personally
01:09:610 (1,2) - same as 00:45:787 (2) - but if you like that pattern then i'd just change 00:34:492 (2,3) - to 2 repeat sliders
01:13:140 (3) - same as 00:48:787 (5) -

Nice diff!

[Thievley's Advanced]

Why is your preview point different than all the other diffs?

00:09:257 (5,6) - not perfectly stacked?
00:35:375 (1) - i'd move this red anchor slightly more down, kind of hard to recognize that curve
00:48:787 (2) - would nc these as you did the same thing with 01:13:140 (1) -


00:17:728 (2) - you could blanket this with 1 a little bit better

Good diff!

good luck with your mapset c:
Topic Starter

ezek wrote:

You know why I'm here, right? :p

  1. 00:07:845 (2) - You should remove that repeat and use the downbeat for another slider or a circle, and I don't say it just because it is a downbeat; the sound there is very important and it should be more emphasized, you know? I actually never realized that the tail is on a downbeat, otherwise I'd have changed it myself lol. Thanks for noticing!
  2. 00:25:140 (4) - oh! Design idea! What if you use the same position as the slider that was before the previous slider, like this, it's a nice repetition effect, don't you think? \:D/ True.
  3. 00:29:728 (1,2) - Sorry for telling you this, but I can't resist to tell you that you can still improve this blanket :v ;_;
  4. 00:36:434 (3) - I think the pattern would look more neat if you stack this note with 00:35:022 (4) - somehow~ Done.

  1. 00:12:610 (2) - This slider looks too squished compared to the other ones, you may wanna expand it a little, at least like this so the map looks more visually consistent~ Yeah but this slider is intended to emphasize the weird sound she makes. I rotated the slider a little to make it look a bit better.
  2. 00:41:022 (1,2) - Sorry again. ;__;
  3. 01:03:081 (2) - Look at that spacing~ Derp.png

  1. 00:42:081 (1) - Is this NC intentional? Yes. The spacing here changes before a new downbeat appeared, so I wanted to highlight it this way.

That's all I could find~

I hope this is good enough for you, good luck! ^^

Xilver wrote:

yo o/ m4m from my queue


00:08:904 (2,3,4) - i'd move this a bit more down from 1 considering you increased the spacing on 00:08:198 (5,6,1) - Yup.
00:12:610 (7) - you could try and curve it to where 6 was going To make it more predictable? True.
00:20:904 (10) - you could curve this a little bit better The shape has the direction from where the stream would keep moving if there actually wasn't this slider, so I'm gonna keep it (also the difference is barely noticable :p)
00:25:492 - maybe add note here? I used to have something there, but since it's not really audible it's more like a bad idea. Same reason why I don't have a circle after the 1/3 sliders at the end.
00:28:845 (3) - i'd rotate this 14 in the selection center to fit the movement with 2, you could always reapply the blanket to 4 if you're going to do it :p Ok dad.
00:35:375 (1) - spacing kinda wonks here, i'd move this down and then blanket with 2 I like the flow how it is atm and also I'm using exactly 2.0x DS for every downbeat so the flow / spacing consistency would be screwed up a little if I don't change it anywhere else too.
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - from a design standpoint i think these jumps are kinda counterintuitive, for 1-4 you can hear how the notes are going down the scale so i'd gradually reduce spacing for these, and for 5-7 you hear how it goes up the scale again so i'd gradually increase it You are right but in the whole diff I'm emphasizing faster vocals with jumps. Using anti-jumps here would be really meh to play. That's why I'm using lower DS for the jumps here, to at least make it not hard as the other faster vocal jumps that have drums on it.
00:42:081 (1) - just me but i'd increase SV here a little bit to emphasize the "yes" sound thingy That would be kinda unpredictable considering that there's no part anymore where I could to the same and the jump here comes out of a sudden anyway, so I dislike buffing it.
00:48:787 (1) - consider ncing these since they're a change to 1/3 Aye.
01:13:140 (4) - same for these


00:45:787 (2) - would change this into a note and slider to be consistent with 00:34:492 (2,3) - The difference there is that both sliders are more oriented to the vocals and actually emphasize them while the other one is simply mapped to the drums (or at least more focused on them).
00:48:787 (5) - again would ncs these personally Changed.
01:09:610 (1,2) - same as 00:45:787 (2) - but if you like that pattern then i'd just change 00:34:492 (2,3) - to 2 repeat sliders
01:13:140 (3) - same as 00:48:787 (5) -

Nice diff!

[Thievley's Advanced]

Why is your preview point different than all the other diffs? She never updates the diff when I change it after using her changes after mods. ;_;


00:17:728 (2) - you could blanket this with 1 a little bit better Ok.

Good diff!

good luck with your mapset c:
Thanks for the mods guys. <3
Topic Starter

Nekomata wrote:

╭( ・ㅂ・)و

drum-hitfinish2 is way louder on the right channel and pretty quiet overall
lots of silence after most hitsound files wating a good amount of space
this should fix everything:
other stuff seems fine

00:11:375 - 00:12:610 - would work well with gradually increasing hitsound volume to match the song volume //same for 01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - where are the hitsounds ;_; at least some soft whistles
01:11:022 (1,2,3,4) - might want some finished or sth for this part
01:19:493 - whistle on spinnerend for piano would fit

00:02:551 (5) - spacing here is too much, the song is just starting to build up. putting the largest jumop of the whole intro here doesnt work.
(yes 00:05:375 (4,1) - is technically bigger, but due to how slider=>circle plays it's actually not)
not even cymbal on 00:08:551 - gets as much spacing
00:06:787 (5,6,7) - angle into triple is kinda awkward, why not sth like or sth
00:10:492 (3,4,5) - spacing like the other two triples here makes more sense (or increase spacing for triples gradually with the buildup, but only havin one stacked and the two right after with the same spacing is weird)
00:16:492 (5) - would rather but a change in the stream on a more musically significant beat like 00:16:316 (3) - 00:16:669 (7) -
00:21:787 (1,2,3) - makes more sense
00:23:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - music pretty much repeats itself, so suddenly having it this compressed makes no sense
00:27:257 (3,4,5,6) - 5 is really awkwardly positioned with the circular movement you build up before. going for either an actual flow break (green) or fitting with before (red) is way nicer
00:32:551 (1) - could be more spaced to emphasize cymbal, right now it's kinda low compared to some jumps you put on less significant beats like 00:33:257 (4) -
00:36:787 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - one musical pattern but you nc it like there was some significant 1-2 pattern. making this a single combo fits better
00:42:081 (1) - could consider extending this to 3/4 since it seems like it's meant to emphasize the vocal, skipping over weak drum should be fine in that case
00:48:787 (1,1,1) - doesnt really fit. they might be snapped correctly, but you get the strongest sound on a slidertail and also but a 1-2 pattern when the song is going in a 1-2-3 pattern emphasis wise or even where the slider helps transition to new snap fit better
same for 01:13:140 (1,1,1) -
01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could be organized way cleaner (similar overlaps, equal visual spacing, ...) while still playing well and feeling less "random"
01:04:669 (5,6,7,8,1) - really awkward fast-slow-fast movement that continues in the same direction even sth like would be less awkward
01:08:022 (7,8) - you also might want to decide whether to space those or not lol // 01:10:140 (4,5,6) - // 01:05:199 (7,8,1) -
01:08:905 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - whole part has pretty high spacing and then suddenly this when the music doesnt change

00:06:434 (4,5,6) - ew pretty linear speedup ; \ some more acute angle here would be nice, like putting 00:06:963 (6) - on 00:06:081 (2) - or sth that keeps the structure
00:08:198 (5) - if this gets a jump 00:07:845 (3) - should too, it's liek the same thing
00:09:434 (5,6,7) - would reduce spacing for the triple so you get a nice increasing thing on 00:09:169 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - which fits the song nicely here. or put equal spacing on all 3
00:09:963 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - why not immediately start with a square? looks much more organized
00:20:022 (2,3) - mapping it like this once is kinda weird since it's just a triple/rep.slider all other times. if you want variation at least do it more often/consistently
00:42:081 (1) - some for of sv change/unique shape or anything to emphasize the vocal (which seems to be your idea here judging from the nc) better would be good here
00:44:904 (5,6,2,4) - generally for overlap patterns like thise actually having them overlap the same amount, maybe even the same angle/mirrored makes for much cleaner visuals
01:07:846 (4,5,6,1) - more acute angle would make this speedup play much better
01:10:669 (6) - no jump for this finish ;_;

so many spots like 00:42:963 (4,5) - where you could actually use the outer parts of the playfield afterwards but it seems to always transition back to the middle which makes feel really center heavy : \

00:10:845 (5) - might actually want to fix spacing here cause it makes 5 get a followpoint unlike the others which looks weird lol
also fixing some other patterns where autostacking throws off your even spacing by a noticeable amount, like for example 00:15:610 (1,2,3,4,5) - would be great like the main reason ds is used is for nice even visuals, nobody is going to misread a pattern cause of a sudden 0.2x change, but if not even the visual thing is given then gg ds
00:11:728 (1) - doesnt need nc spam, you didnt even do that on insane and it doesnt really fit patterning or music // 01:01:140 (1) -
01:10:140 (2) - rip any for of emphasis, suddenly shifting to this which even puts cymbal on a repeat ;c
besides the visuals being killed by distance snapped stacks this seems mostly fine

00:35:022 (4,2) - why not just sth like for bit better readability instead of suddenly having 00:36:434 (3) - pop up under the hitburst
01:09:610 (3,4,1) - really easy to misread for beginners, movement on 3 leads more towards 01:11:022 (1) - which also appears way before you have to hit 01:10:669 (4) - try sth like ?
01:15:257 (1) - i'd start this later to let people actually click that last strong sound


Lasse wrote:

00:02:551 (5) - spacing here is too much, the song is just starting to build up. putting the largest jumop of the whole intro here doesnt work. lowered the distance now
(yes 00:05:375 (4,1) - is technically bigger, but due to how slider=>circle plays it's actually not)
not even cymbal on 00:08:551 - gets as much spacing ok
00:06:787 (5,6,7) - angle into triple is kinda awkward, why not sth like or sth naah i wanna keep this
00:10:492 (3,4,5) - spacing like the other two triples here makes more sense (or increase spacing for triples gradually with the buildup, but only havin one stacked and the two right after with the same spacing is weird) made it same with the others now
00:16:492 (5) - would rather but a change in the stream on a more musically significant beat like 00:16:316 (3) - 00:16:669 (7) - done
00:21:787 (1,2,3) - makes more sense
00:23:551 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - music pretty much repeats itself, so suddenly having it this compressed makes no sense changed
00:27:257 (3,4,5,6) - 5 is really awkwardly positioned with the circular movement you build up before. going for either an actual flow break (green) or fitting with before (red) is way nicer nice drawing skills changed
00:32:551 (1) - could be more spaced to emphasize cymbal, right now it's kinda low compared to some jumps you put on less significant beats like 00:33:257 (4) - sure
00:36:787 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - one musical pattern but you nc it like there was some significant 1-2 pattern. making this a single combo fits better will keep it
00:42:081 (1) - could consider extending this to 3/4 since it seems like it's meant to emphasize the vocal, skipping over weak drum should be fine in that case nice idea
00:48:787 (1,1,1) - doesnt really fit. they might be snapped correctly, but you get the strongest sound on a slidertail and also but a 1-2 pattern when the song is going in a 1-2-3 pattern emphasis wise or even where the slider helps transition to new snap fit better alright changed into something better
same for 01:13:140 (1,1,1) - lol but they're all same except for 01:13:140 (1) -
01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - could be organized way cleaner (similar overlaps, equal visual spacing, ...) while still playing well and feeling less "random" done
01:04:669 (5,6,7,8,1) - really awkward fast-slow-fast movement that continues in the same direction even sth like would be less awkward kinda changed but you might still find it awkward
01:08:022 (7,8) - you also might want to decide whether to space those or not lol // 01:10:140 (4,5,6) - // 01:05:199 (7,8,1) - no change
01:08:905 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3) - whole part has pretty high spacing and then suddenly this when the music doesnt change its weird that you think music doesnt change here
Thanks for the great mod!
Topic Starter
no answer = accepted

Lasse wrote:

drum-hitfinish2 is way louder on the right channel and pretty quiet overall
lots of silence after most hitsound files wating a good amount of space
this should fix everything:
other stuff seems fine ty fam

00:11:375 - 00:12:610 - would work well with gradually increasing hitsound volume to match the song volume //same for 01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - where are the hitsounds ;_; at least some soft whistles
01:11:022 (1,2,3,4) - might want some finished or sth for this part I like it how it is.
01:19:493 - whistle on spinnerend for piano would fit

00:06:434 (4,5,6) - ew pretty linear speedup ; \ some more acute angle here would be nice, like putting 00:06:963 (6) - on 00:06:081 (2) - or sth that keeps the structure
00:08:198 (5) - if this gets a jump 00:07:845 (3) - should too, it's liek the same thing Except that there isn't a drum sound. :p
00:09:434 (5,6,7) - would reduce spacing for the triple so you get a nice increasing thing on 00:09:169 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - which fits the song nicely here. or put equal spacing on all 3
00:09:963 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - why not immediately start with a square? looks much more organized
00:20:022 (2,3) - mapping it like this once is kinda weird since it's just a triple/rep.slider all other times. if you want variation at least do it more often/consistently The drum hit here is way louder than all the others which is why I put a kickslider here.
00:42:081 (1) - some for of sv change/unique shape or anything to emphasize the vocal (which seems to be your idea here judging from the nc) better would be good here
00:44:904 (5,6,2,4) - generally for overlap patterns like thise actually having them overlap the same amount, maybe even the same angle/mirrored makes for much cleaner visuals
01:07:846 (4,5,6,1) - more acute angle would make this speedup play much better
01:10:669 (6) - no jump for this finish ;_; Because I'm still following vocals. The finish hitsounds are just there because there are some in the music.

so many spots like 00:42:963 (4,5) - where you could actually use the outer parts of the playfield afterwards but it seems to always transition back to the middle which makes feel really center heavy : \

00:10:845 (5) - might actually want to fix spacing here cause it makes 5 get a followpoint unlike the others which looks weird lol
also fixing some other patterns where autostacking throws off your even spacing by a noticeable amount, like for example 00:15:610 (1,2,3,4,5) - would be great like the main reason ds is used is for nice even visuals, nobody is going to misread a pattern cause of a sudden 0.2x change, but if not even the visual thing is given then gg ds
00:11:728 (1) - doesnt need nc spam, you didnt even do that on insane and it doesnt really fit patterning or music // 01:01:140 (1) -
01:10:140 (2) - rip any for of emphasis, suddenly shifting to this which even puts cymbal on a repeat ;c As in Insane.
besides the visuals being killed by distance snapped stacks this seems mostly fine

00:35:022 (4,2) - why not just sth like for bit better readability instead of suddenly having 00:36:434 (3) - pop up under the hitburst
01:09:610 (3,4,1) - really easy to misread for beginners, movement on 3 leads more towards 01:11:022 (1) - which also appears way before you have to hit 01:10:669 (4) - try sth like ?
01:15:257 (1) - i'd start this later to let people actually click that last strong sound What? D:

M4M from your queue

Check AiMod please, preview time isnt the same in every diff


00:22:669 (1) - This one is too high and touches the hp bar which is unrankable. Same here 00:24:081 (3) -
00:45:257 (3) - and here 01:08:905 (2,4,1) -
00:59:728 (1) - This needs an NC for consistency since this one has a NC aswell 00:12:787 (5) -


00:06:963 (7) - No 1/4 in Normals please, even as a repeat slider. Its okay when the bpm is like 120, but 170 is too high for that. Sam here 00:22:316 (4) -
00:09:257 (5,6) - If you stack, stack properly.
00:25:492 (1) - As far as I know its not allowed to have 5% volume on Easy and Normal, you should reconsider it.
00:48:787 (2,3,1) - Same here, Normal players cant expect or handle the switch from 1/2 to 1/3. Same here 01:13:140 (1,2) -
01:01:140 (1) - I wouldnt do that since you can barely see the circle if you play standard skin, it a bit confusing for newer players aswell.


00:12:257 (2,2) - I think a blank would make the whole pattern look better
00:59:375 (4,1) - Those are too high and touching the hp bar. Same here 01:05:375 (1) -


00:12:434 (6) - How about moving this one somewhere around 246/216 for a square jump, it fits with the music.
00:34:492 (4) - I would move this one too 339/353, so it will go better with the movements from the circles before.
00:36:610 (4,1) - I think the jump after (1) would be better to play if the spacing between (4,1) would be the same as before.
01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Those jumps look really messy to me, like they were placed randomly without a second thought, may be just me though. I think there are many better patterns to use than this.
01:05:375 (1,2) - Wrong spacing here, should be the same as here 01:05:728 (2,3,4,5) -

Pati's Shiawase!

00:09:875 (3) - I would place this oner here 393/308. It goes better with the stream before
00:12:787 - Unnecessary timing point
00:25:316 (1) - This one does not need a Nc
01:03:610 (5) - Move this one a bit up please, its almost out of the screen

Cool mapset~ Good Luck!
01:15:257 (1) - i'd start this later to let people actually click that last strong sound What? D:
basically means "add a circle here and start spinner some ticks later" lol
applied everything that cbh said (thanks a lot cbh)
click me
Topic Starter

Come[Back]Home wrote:

M4M from your queue

Check AiMod please, preview time isnt the same in every diff


00:22:669 (1) - This one is too high and touches the hp bar which is unrankable. Same here 00:24:081 (3) - Fixed from previous mod already. Also, touching HP bar is not unrankable. :p
00:45:257 (3) - and here 01:08:905 (2,4,1) -
00:59:728 (1) - This needs an NC for consistency since this one has a NC aswell 00:12:787 (5) - Probably fixed in the last mod too? Idk, at least it was correct here.


00:12:257 (2,2) - I think a blank would make the whole pattern look better I wish people would read the previous mods. :<
00:59:375 (4,1) - Those are too high and touching the hp bar. Same here 01:05:375 (1) -


00:12:434 (6) - How about moving this one somewhere around 246/216 for a square jump, it fits with the music. Completely rearranged them because the flow was awkward.
00:34:492 (4) - I would move this one too 339/353, so it will go better with the movements from the circles before. Aye.
00:36:610 (4,1) - I think the jump after (1) would be better to play if the spacing between (4,1) would be the same as before. True.
01:01:140 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Those jumps look really messy to me, like they were placed randomly without a second thought, may be just me though. I think there are many better patterns to use than this. The first for circles are completely for the drums since the vocals are barely audible, which is why I'm just spacing them out little more rather than going a different direction. And after 4 I kinda break the flow with direction changes that are mapped to the vocals.
01:05:375 (1,2) - Wrong spacing here, should be the same as here 01:05:728 (2,3,4,5) - Oops.

Cool mapset~ Good Luck!

Lasse wrote:

01:15:257 (1) - i'd start this later to let people actually click that last strong sound What? D:
basically means "add a circle here and start spinner some ticks later" lol Used to have that, but it's kinda unpredictable imo.


  1. 00:04:316 (1) - I think decreasing the angle would be better. Just for the fact it looks nicer funny, this is how i had it before
  2. 00:45:257 (1,2) - How about turining these into a 1/1 slider. It seems more fitting, it makes it easier and doesnt create a massive bulk in note density in this measure compared to the rest okay!
  3. 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - This could be a lot easier to read and make it less clustered visually if you made a few tweaks I feel like it's better the way I have it now because of the arrows on the repeats. it would be more natural imo for the player to follow where the slider is pointing back to, rather than to have to reach to a hit circle on the side. i mean it could work, but i'll just keep it this way for now.
  4. some inconsistencies in your NC pattern such as 00:08:904 (4) , 00:41:022 (4) , 00:05:728 (4) . In these cases the NC pattern is once every 2 measures instead of every 1. Though imho I think you should change the entire NC pattern to every 2 measures as some combos are very very short. I saw a combo length of 2 a few times oh shoot thanks for pointing those out lol, and i'll stick to the combo length i have now, the only reason some notes reach up to only two is because they are mostly 1/1 sliders that carry 2 beats within in each, equaling up to my nc'ing every 4 beats
Spread between Easy and Advanced - It would be overlook-able if it was just the SR we were looking at but the easy diff is 95% 1/1 patterns and the advanced has blue ticks mapped such as 00:06:787 (6,7) . Imho it doesnt create a suitable spread at all.
Also the note density between the diffs is also an issue to me as some chains in the advanced ( such as 01:00:434 (2,3,1,2,3,4,1) ) are 2 levels above the easy diff.
Another thing that urks me is the SV choice. The SV between the 2 diffs is only a difference of 0.1. Even if these were easy and normal the SV is difference is seriously low (and I checked timing points in the advanced diff use x1 SV); to me it looks like it was done purely to create and pleasant looking SR between the 2. Heck even the spacing in the advanced diff is quite low. The spacing in Easy diff is x1 at 0.95 SV and the advanced uses x.9 at 1.05 SV; if you do the maths you find out the spacing in advanced is actually lower than Easy.
Because of the points mention above I recommend talking to Thievley and ask them to either reduce the object density in some places and slightly increase the SV and spacing and rename the diff to 'Thievley's Normal' or, ask them to Increase the SV and spacing a lot more and adding a normal in between easy and advanced.
^ok so I wrote that before actually looking at the hard diff (which is very hard) and now im not entirely sure anymore. Though I still think and increase SV and spacing is needed regardless. The only reason I placed those settings was to make a suitable transition from easy to hard (pretty big gap to cover imo). But yeah, i agree with most of what you've pointed out, and so i've raised the spacing to 1.0x and i'll change the sv a few ticks higher to 1.20 x.

Thievley's Advanced ♥
Hi Thievley! \:D/ Ayyy ezek :33/
  1. 00:51:257 - Your diff is the only with an extended break, you may wanna remove that for consistency~ the breaks in other diffs used to be extended, dunno what happened o.o but alright
  2. 00:06:787 (6,7) - This may result confusing to players since that repeat slider is too compressed and with another note stacked on the top ;w; What about using just 1/2 like this, adding NC on the downbeat and removing it from the next note? It's more readable~ Or also you can just unstack so it can be seen easily like at 00:22:316 (4) - already unstacked
  3. 00:48:787 (2,3,1) - What about placing them like this for easier readability i fixed this issue by increasing sv and spacing a bit, so it should be a little more readable as it is now!

[Thievley's Advanced]

Why is your preview point different than all the other diffs? asiodjaoisdjioas i don't know it took me a while to update my diff so stjpa probably changed that on me buuuu, fixed now!

00:09:257 (5,6) - not perfectly stacked? something weird happened when i clicked the time link and i couldn't find what you pointed out aaa, may have been because of the changes i made prior to replying to this mod D:
00:35:375 (1) - i'd move this red anchor slightly more down, kind of hard to recognize that curve removed red anchor instead
00:48:787 (2) - would nc these as you did the same thing with 01:13:140 (1) - instead i'll remove nc from 01:13:140 (1) and nc here instead 01:12:434 (1) -, for consistency with my 4 beats per nc :p

thanks for the mods!
[Pati's Shiawase!]
  1. 00:09:787 (2,3,1) - I dont really like the spacing of those. it seems to be the only time where they are spaced like this so maybe go for the same as 00:06:963 (6,7,1) -
  2. 00:42:434 (1) - nc not necessarily because of sv change but more so that the faster sv on 00:42:081 (1) - will be more clear so its easier to sightread
  1. 00:14:904 (7) - shortening this slider by 2 ticks like u did with this one 00:16:316 (5) - so the player has to start to stream at the strong beat again feels alot smoother and consistent (I have seen u already rejected that idea, but I will still mention it because I think it does play weird how you have it right now)
  2. 00:19:140 (5) - ^
  3. 00:48:610 (3,4,1) - this angle looks kinda weird, make it straight so it flows better into the edged slider
  4. 00:49:492 (1) - maybe space it in line and with the same spacing as the other 2 sliders
  5. 01:11:728 (3) - making this into a 1/2 slider + circle for better emphasize on the the vocal?
  1. 00:25:316 (7,8) - 2 circles? would feel better being able to click the last note before the break
  2. 01:10:140 (2) - im not sure with what the second repeat slider is supposed to go here, a circle + slider would play more with the song and wont ignore the strong cymbal sound
Sorry, couldnt find anything in Easy and Advanced.
Topic Starter
No answer = fixed

Vell wrote:

  1. 00:14:904 (7) - shortening this slider by 2 ticks like u did with this one 00:16:316 (5) - so the player has to start to stream at the strong beat again feels alot smoother and consistent (I have seen u already rejected that idea, but I will still mention it because I think it does play weird how you have it right now) I changed the first one but kept the second one due the special melody and to emphasize the kickslider a little bit harder.
  2. 00:48:610 (3,4,1) - this angle looks kinda weird, make it straight so it flows better into the edged slider
  3. 00:49:492 (1) - maybe space it in line and with the same spacing as the other 2 sliders I honestly don't understand this point, you gotta explain it to me ;_;
  4. 01:11:728 (3) - making this into a 1/2 slider + circle for better emphasize on the the vocal? I'm going for the full word rather than that syllable. I want the ending to be smooth.
  1. 00:25:316 (7,8) - 2 circles? would feel better being able to click the last note before the break I'd agree with it if the downbeat here was clickable, but this way the slider is mapped to the drums. I silenced the sliderend for the reason I mentioned.
  2. 01:10:140 (2) - im not sure with what the second repeat slider is supposed to go here, a circle + slider would play more with the song and wont ignore the strong cymbal sound
Sorry, couldnt find anything in Easy and Advanced.
Hi! M4M from your queue.

my map ->

  1. 00:42:434 (2) - NC
  2. 00:52:669 / 00:54:081 / 00:55:493 / 00:55:846 / 00:56:199 / 00:56:375 - note? Just a suggestion only. Ignore if you want
  3. 00:58:669 (2,3,4) - equal spacing? quite weird imo
  4. I think you can delete the last 4 green timing lines since it's the same.

  1. yup. (this is also in Adv and Normal)
  2. 00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - if you're following the music then maybe lesser distance as there's no heavy beat to emphasis
  3. 00:41:551 (2) - ee, don't so close to 00:41:728 (3), futher a bit.
  4. 00:47:375 (3) - ctrl g? so that you can flow downwards to 00:47:904 (4,1)
  5. 00:49:140 (2,1) - suggestion for the orange (1)
  6. 01:02:199 (7,1) - blanket or nay?
  7. 01:13:846 - note? since your previous kiai has it. (Your normal is until here though)

  1. 01:13:846 - note?

  1. 00:22:669 (1,2) - align then like 00:32:551 (1,2) - ? looks much better imo
  2. same as the problem in Hard

  1. Nazi blanket for this, soz! I only catch the obvious ones,
  2. 00:10:669 (2,3,4)
  3. 00:27:610 (2,3)
  4. 00:48:434 (4,5)
  5. 01:03:963 (3,4)

Sorry for the nazi blanket in Normal!!

Hoped the mod helps!

Topic Starter
No answer = fixed

_IxApplePie_ wrote:

Hi! M4M from your queue.

my map ->

  1. 00:36:787 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - if you're following the music then maybe lesser distance as there's no heavy beat to emphasis Vocals are getting stronger.
  2. 00:41:551 (2) - ee, don't so close to 00:41:728 (3), futher a bit. Actually there's no way to solve it properly, but I moved the circle away (and basically broke the DS consistency here, but little inconsistencies like here aren't noticable).
  3. 00:47:375 (3) - ctrl g? so that you can flow downwards to 00:47:904 (4,1) Doesn't fit into my spacing concept.
  4. 00:49:140 (2,1) - suggestion for the orange (1) Wanna keep the triangle.
  5. 01:02:199 (7,1) - blanket or nay?
  6. 01:13:846 - note? since your previous kiai has it. (Your normal is until here though) First kiai has it because there's a sound unlike here. In Easy diff I even silenced the sliderend since there's nothing audible on it.

  1. 01:13:846 - note? As in Insane.

  1. Nazi blanket for this, soz! I only catch the obvious ones,
  2. 00:10:669 (2,3,4)
  3. 00:27:610 (2,3)
  4. 00:48:434 (4,5)
  5. 01:03:963 (3,4)

Sorry for the nazi blanket in Normal!!

Hoped the mod helps!

  1. 00:22:669 (1,2) - align then like 00:32:551 (1,2) - ? looks much better imo aaa but then 2 would make an ugly overlap with the end of 3
  2. same as the problem in Hard it's fine as it is!

nothing changed, thanks for the mod though
lolz saw your queue if you couldnt tell btw *hea vy breathing*

  1. 00:09:257 (5) - yehj a consider to make it flat, knda racist of me but actually against of curves which intended but dont make a perfect circular flow
  2. 00:12:081 (4) - mayb remove the reverse and extend the slider to 00:12:610 - it will be fine tbh since it doesnt really add too much difficulty and it will represent the rhythm more accurately
  3. 00:25:140 (4,1) - so prob here is that the distance-time concept is messed up here, you should increase the distance in between. suggestion
  4. 00:43:845 (1,2) - pro tip ways to lengthen mods include providing tons of suggestions an d URL's sodium hydride its just i cnt stand two sliders with same orientations but not similar appearing at the same time yea
  1. could have named as normal. it does fit the difficulty gap between ez and hard + it is within the sr range
  2. 00:06:963 (4) - it brings the negative effect here since it is the odd one out + emphasizing the vocals is actually complete and precise enough. consider to change the note placement in 00:06:787 (3,4,1,2) - into (view the timeline bar)
  3. 00:41:022 (4) - missed nc
  1. 00:12:610 (7) - circle is ald ok since for the current one slider end doesnt end in any music notes. same case in insane
  2. 00:45:257 (1,2,3) - yah im racist and also the rhythm doesnt quite fit imo since 00:45:963 - shouldnt be emphasized much idk. suggestion
  3. 01:08:199 (1,2,3) - actually just want to fix between 01:07:493 (3) - and 01:08:199 (1) - but yeah
  1. 00:02:728 (6) - consider move to the left side of (5) which is around x:12 since imo it provides a funner flow as of 01:06:787 (1,2,3,4) - . same suggestion goes to 00:43:668 (7) -
  2. 00:42:434 (2) - consider nc since sv change + new bar
  3. 01:13:846 (1,1) - both move to centre seem better
skipped insane bcos it seems fine. mapse t is quite nice tbh
yeh good luck btw
M4M - My mapset:

00:05:022 (3) - Move down and rotate to make a better pattern (something like this:
00:35:375 (1) -
00:36:787 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The pattern itself plays fine, but you should separate 00:36:787 (1,2,1) from the rest to give the vocals more emphasis, and make the spacing on 00:36:963 (2,1) consistent with itself.
00:37:845 (1) - Offscreen note
00:38:198 (1,2) - These should use similar shapes for consistency (similar to previous sliders in the map). Maybe curve 00:39:257 (5) instead?
00:51:258 (1) - I hear what you're emphasizing in the music, but this isn't being emphasizes. You should either remove it or map more of the break section.
01:02:199 (7,8) - Angle felt off in play, move 8 down.
01:02:905 (2,3) - You should make these circles into a slider similar to this: 00:42:081 (1). The impact of the vocals is similar and the player will already expect another one.
01:13:140 (1,1,1,1) - You should probably be consistent with the pattern at 00:48:787 (1,2,1,2,1). Musically they sound similar, and both of them play well (my favorite part of the map too).
00:03:610 (3,4) - Move up for better flow.
00:06:963 (6,7,1) - I think something like this would flow better:
00:10:845 (3,4,5) - Linear flow would work better here.
00:16:140 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Inconsistent with 00:18:963 (3,4,5,6,7,1) and musically similar.
00:27:257 (2,3,4) - Rotate down for better flow, try not to go for linearity between 4 and 5.
00:48:610 (3,4,1) - Try to make it flow better from the jump, similar to 00:06:963 (6,7,1)
01:04:316 (2,3,4) - Less flow here. Intentional?
00:24:257 (2,3,4) - Change to kickslider for pattern consistency.
00:40:492 (3) - Move to right for better flow.
00:42:787 (2) - Down and to the left for better flow (Linear works here).
00:18:434 (1,2) - Match angles for consistency, something like this (also make sure to fix DS):
Couldn't find anything.

Good mapset, I hope I helped.
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