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Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,
I just got 4 pp on 7K. I seriously need to practice more 7K now.
Dear osu! diary,

Last week my left earphone suddenly died without no cause. Fortunately, the earphone is modular and I only need to replace the cord.

Today, I see my cat on my desk chewing my earphone cord. Now I know the reason.
Hoshimegu Mio
This page is weird. The SCP logo is rainbow for some reason.
dear osu! diary,
today i downloaded an old and buggy version of osu!lazer from 2016 that actually uses stable's engine
dear osu! diary,
today i deranked agan because of a play with greater accuracy and combo than the last one.
i guess nothing ever fucking matters when your miss count is higher. fuck you game. seriously.

Akumace wrote:

give me context

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

Akumace wrote:

give me context
Just a sad interaction. I try to play multiplayer with him and we can’t even get through a game without his internet breaking so I just ignore him now :(
Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.


Foxi wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.

Aww, adorable boy!

Dear osu! diary:

Why your favorite map limit is so low? Today I have played a few maps that were just superb, I wanted to fav them but I already surpassed the limit long ago. Unless I get supporter.

Foxi wrote:

cute drawing

eblf2013 wrote:

Why your favorite map limit is so low? Today I have played a few maps that were just superb, I wanted to fav them but I already surpassed the limit long ago. Unless I get supporter.
wait, didn't you already get supp, or does getting supp increases your fave maps limit each time?

Hydreigon wrote:

Foxi wrote:

cute drawing

eblf2013 wrote:

Why your favorite map limit is so low? Today I have played a few maps that were just superb, I wanted to fav them but I already surpassed the limit long ago. Unless I get supporter.
wait, didn't you already get supp, or does getting supp increases your fave maps limit each time?
Well, when you are supp, your fav limit increases from 100 to 250 only when you have supporter, once your supp runs out, the limit reverts to 100 maps, if you have more than 100 maps faved, they will stay there, but you won't be able to add new favs tho.
Hoshimegu Mio

Foxi wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.

Nice wolf! We need more feline creatures (like me) here though.

Foxi wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.

Very nice :)

Foxi wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.

very cute!
d'aw, thanks guys (*ノωノ)

Foxi wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I scribbled a mascot for my custom skin.
He's alright, I guess.

quite good
Dear osu diary,
Just watched abraker lock another innocent useless thread. He’s ruthless.

i make a rhyme everytime
- Marco -

Akumace wrote:

Dear osu diary,
Just watched abraker lock another innocent useless thread. He’s ruthless.

i make a rhyme everytime
Dear osu diary,
abraker locked a thread but it's not mine.
Senpai hasn't noticed me yet.
im more than halfway thru nnn i still havent failed
Ok but did y’all just see that cat girl thread?
My eyes burned...

Note: I PM'd abraker instantly when I seen this, I don't know if he deleted the thread but I don't have any response...

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

My eyes burned...

Note: I PM'd abraker instantly when I seen this, I don't know if he deleted the thread but I don't have any response...
same owo
Someone remember the username of the guy who posted this shit?

Jonarwhal wrote:

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

My eyes burned...

Note: I PM'd abraker instantly when I seen this, I don't know if he deleted the thread but I don't have any response...
same owo
lmao did [REDACTED] just get themselves bopped?
yeah I remember it was [REDACTED]
Wait, he got banned lmao?

Edit: I think it was Akumace

Edit 2: It's not him
it wasnt akumace i just told you it was [REDACTED]

Jonarwhal wrote:

it wasnt akumace i just told you it was [REDACTED]
ok. How many time the ban for [REDACTED]?
i dont know lol
also it doesnt matter i didnt know who they were outside of that one post so I don't really care tbh :/
Nov 16 of 2020
Dear osu! diary,
Today I learned that you can practice mappools
crating a private multiplayer lobby by yourself
using the following commands:

!mp map <mapid>
!mp start
Dear osu! dairy,

Today I became a filthy hidden mod PP Farmer.
Probably not the best idea but, to me its worth it.
I mean, if your only goal in this game is to go up in numbers, go ahead.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary, I started playing Phigros.

Phi on first attempt LOL.
BTW that's my mom's account.

YyottaCat wrote:

Dear osu! diary, I started playing Phigros.

Phi on first attempt LOL.
BTW that's my mom's account.
Zel's hate her. See how this rhythm gamer gets phi on the first attempt LOL.
Hoshimegu Mio

ClevelandsMyBro wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

Dear osu! diary, I started playing Phigros.

Phi on first attempt LOL.
BTW that's my mom's account.
Zel's hate her. See how this rhythm gamer gets phi on the first attempt LOL.
I got phi on first attempt on an IN 12 xD.

Dear osu! diary, I have now filled up my top 5 plays with A's. Most of them were from today and my skills went up dramatically apparently.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,
My first 3* S!
Dear osu! diary,

f you photoshop
Dear osu! diary, Today i learn Kotlin, and its not so bad as i think
Rusty af
dear osu! diary,

today i didnt really set any special plays but i can feel myself improving so thats good
dear osu! diary,

I just haven't played the game. parents are home, and I don't want to bother them with my aMaZiNg osu! skills
Dear osu! diary,

My hand hurts, which means I need to stop playing for a while.

Is this God's way of telling me to stop?
no, it's that the RSI starts to get in.
Dear osu! diary,

Today I pissed off 2 people on the off topic forums. Mainly because I turned a cute anime girl into a cute anime mario girl.

TealStar wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I pissed off 2 people on the off topic forums. Mainly because I turned a cute anime girl into a cute anime mario girl.
the worst offence known to man

TealStar wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I pissed off 2 people on the off topic forums. Mainly because I turned a cute anime girl into a cute anime mario girl.
I'm always watching you


WitherMite wrote:

TealStar wrote:

Dear osu! diary,

Today I pissed off 2 people on the off topic forums. Mainly because I turned a cute anime girl into a cute anime mario girl.
the worst offence known to man
oh come on if you had photoshop and are extremely bored you would do the same thing
one of the rules in OT is to never shit on someone else's waifu, we must respect there waifu's

otherwise your in for some quite punishemnt
Dear osu! diary,

Today I probably played more taiko maps than I have in the rest of my (rather lacking) osu! career but I can feel myself improving. I should probably start taking more breaks though, my right hand hurts and since it's my dominant one I can't afford to get carpal tunnel in it.
Dear osu! diary
Today i managed to fix my grades by submitting my unfinished homeworks
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

Today we had a Math test and a Politics test. I was not prepared at all.
Dear osu! diary,

My hand still hurts, I wasn't able to play osu! today.
Help me
you can do two things:
  1. take a break from the day of about one week
  2. go to a doctor
I recommend the latter

Phantonym wrote:

Dear osu! diary
Today i managed to fix my grades by submitting my unfinished homeworks

CtrlAltDel2 wrote:

What help?
Dear osu! diary

2020 is almost over fuck it
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

2020 is over!
Did nothing.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

Dear osu! diary

Dear osu! diary,

Even though I've been playing osu!taiko for a pretty short period of time, I can already feel myself getting better. Here's to improvements.
dear osu diary,

my fingernail got split and I had to cut it extremely short, now I cant acc anything because it feels mushy. rip the next like week of me getting any good scores.
Dear osu! diary,

I finally cracked into the top 20k on taiko which is pretty neat. Also got 99 pp from a play today, hopefully I'll break the triple digit barrier soon.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

I finally have a 4-digit pp.
Dear osu! diary,

I managed to sleep on time and wake up early
[ KrulYuno ]
Dear osu! Diary,

I was supposed to take my exams, but here I am browsing through the forums.
Dear osu! diary,

*Data Expunged*
Dear osu!diary,

Today i managed to complete FTL without cheating, it was so firetrucking hard for a low iq human like me
Dear osu!diary,

My computer has sudden lag spikes as of recently. Quitting osu until tech support comes. Will farm pp after.
[ KrulYuno ]
Dear osu! Diary,

I finished all my machine problems and played for about an hour. Will start the Long Exam tomorrow and then play. Please wait for me.
Dear osu! diary,

I need to finish omori.
[ KrulYuno ]
Dear osu! diary,

Finally finished type setting someone's work. Now I can rest in peace. Except that family once again scolded me for playing games since AM till PM when what I've been doing since morning till afternoon is take my exams. Why do I have to be always scolded for playing.
Today I finally quit osu
dear osu!diary

today, i finally pass 4-5* map, after several month of training i finally did it
Dear osu! diary,

Today I got my first 100 pp taiko play. Best part is that it wasn't even the map I was trying to get it on, it just sorta happened.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary, today I got my first 3* FC!

Dear osu! diary. Today, I've learned something new.
Dear osu! diary, Today, i didnt learn anything new
Dear osu! diary, I broke into the top 40k in osumania by playing 4key, and my fingers hurt, but it was worth it.
Dear osu! diary,
I'm crying because the OT!skin collab is slowly dying, near of the end ;_;
dear osu! diary,
today i realize how trash my hands are, as if the fact that the texture of my hands are of those of a baby's didn't make it that bad already.
Dear Osu! Diary, today, I ran out of cigarretes.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

I'm now in top 90000 LOL.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear osu! diary,

Today I got my first 5* pass!

5* maps aren't that hard apparently.
Today I didn't get any PP and im fuming right now
Today I am still improving in standard mapping
Dear osu! diary...

Today I actually learned what AR means. Don't judge. I also got a 2M score on the easy galaxy collapse during this full-day class thing, but the internet was offline so it meant nothing. :')

Why am I even writing this lmao.
Dear osu diary

I finally got myself a in game pp counter

I can finally see how many pp I’m getting when playing 7 stars now
Joon Yorigami
Dear Diary...

Shinrun disgusts me more day by day... I may or may not be plotting something
Dear Diary...

Some homosexual might be planning something against me, but worry not for I will make him regret being born in the first place
Hoshimegu Mio
Today the Settings app refused to open.
Dear Diary,

Today I’ve gotten word that some homosexual plans on something involving a man who goes by the name “ShinRun”

I can only assume that said thing would be rather inappropriate but to play things safe I might hide in the bushes and plan on recording the event for my own gains
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear diary...

Yhuan's betrayal of the feline kind has been getting worse. This is UNACCEPTABLE.
Dear diary,

Today a few mania players volunteered to collect data for me for difficulty dev by playing the same map 25 times.
Dear diary,

Today I am still sad that someone decided to stop following me two days ago, and I don't know who. To compensate this loss, I decided to do absolutely nothing.
Dear osu! diary,

Today my laptop has decided that it wants to burn literally anything brighter than #6D6D6D into my screen despite literally never having done this before. I have no choice but to have the screen brightness at literally the lowest possible setting that isn't pitch black. Guess this means I definitely can't get back to playing osu! anytime soon, gotta work on transferring everything to another device.
Hoshimegu Mio
Dear diary,

Today a mail interfered me in the middle of a play.
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