
Nana Mizuki - No Limit [Taiko]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2016년 12월 1일 목요일 at 오후 1:53:27

Artist: Nana Mizuki
Title: No Limit
Source: DOG DAYS"
Tags: opening 3rd season TV Size
BPM: 146
Filesize: 2353kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Futsuu (2.09 stars, 224 notes)
  2. Inner Oni (3.94 stars, 552 notes)
  3. Kantan (1.42 stars, 128 notes)
  4. Muzukashii (2.8 stars, 336 notes)
  5. Oni (3.39 stars, 447 notes)
Download: Nana Mizuki - No Limit
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ranked #14 and Taiko #2

My first Taiko mapset (but remapped)

Metadata: p/5058977
쁘롬 아-이-알-씨

부가설명원하시면 IRC에서 물어보셈

[간단 데스]
  1. 00:01:763 (3,4) - 굳이 완벽하게 똑같은 음에 변형을 줄 필요는 없어요, 특히 간단 난이도에서는. (동 동 ㄱㄱ)
  2. 00:06:695 - 에서 00:11:626 - 그냥 전 처럼 3/2 리듬으로 하는게 더 나음 (1/1 -> 3/1 -> 1/1은 너무나도 지루한 리듬..)
  3. 00:06:695 -
  4. 00:08:339 -
  5. 00:09:983 -
  6. 00:14:503 (24) - 동, 00:14:914 (25) - 이부분을 확실히 강조해주기 위해서는 여기를 동으로 바꾸는게 훨 나음
  7. 00:15:530 (26) - 음이 내려가기는 커녕 더 높아지는데 캇이 더 나을듯?
  8. 00:19:024 (31) - 큰 동보단 큰 캇이 나을 듯 하네요
  9. 00:19:640 (32) - 소리가 딱 끓어지는 느낌이 있어서 큰동 보단 보통 동이 더 나음
  10. 00:21:078 (35,36) - 색깔 스왑
  11. 00:30:530 (49,51) - ^^
  12. 00:32:996 (54) - 동
  13. 00:35:462 (58,59,60) - 동캇동
  14. 00:46:147 (76) - 큰동
  15. 00:50:667 (84) - 제거해도 상관없을 듯
  16. 키아이는 전체적으로 2/1 -> 1/1 1/1 보단 인트로처럼 3/2 리듬으로 가는게 훨 노래에 맞고 느낌이 좋을듯하네요
  17. 00:59:298 (14,15,16,17) -
  18. 후반부는 초반부 반복이니 알아서 ㅇㅅㅇ

좋지 않고 질도 나쁜
(앞부분 생략)
2016-02-16 21:47 Quizmaegi: 00:25:393 ~ 00:25:393 - kkd
2016-02-16 21:47 Quizmaegi: 어 잘못 했당
2016-02-16 21:47 Doyak: 괜찮아요 무슨 말인지 이해했
2016-02-16 21:48 Quizmaegi: 넹 ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 21:48 Quizmaegi: 00:27:037 - 00:27:140 - dk ?
2016-02-16 21:49 Doyak: 네
2016-02-16 21:49 Doyak: 수정했
2016-02-16 21:49 Quizmaegi: 00:31:352 에 캇 하고 00:31:661 동
2016-02-16 21:50 Quizmaegi: 으앙 이상하게 나온당
2016-02-16 21:50 Doyak: 작대기를 지우시면 안 돼요
2016-02-16 21:50 Doyak: 00:31:352 -
2016-02-16 21:50 Doyak: 복붙한 그대로 두셔야
2016-02-16 21:50 Quizmaegi: ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 21:50 Doyak: 이상하게 안 돼요
2016-02-16 21:51 Quizmaegi: 으악 00:31:661 이 아니라
2016-02-16 21:51 Quizmaegi: 1/4로 한칸 옆... ㅇㅅㅇ... 00:31:763
2016-02-16 21:51 Quizmaegi: 00:31:763-
2016-02-16 21:51 Quizmaegi: 00:31:969 (176) -
2016-02-16 21:51 Quizmaegi: 빼액
2016-02-16 21:52 Quizmaegi: 아 763...이네요
2016-02-16 21:52 Doyak: 에...
2016-02-16 21:53 Quizmaegi: 00:32:072 (176) - 00:32:380 - k dd
2016-02-16 21:53 Quizmaegi: ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 21:54 Quizmaegi: 01:13:167 - k
2016-02-16 21:55 Quizmaegi: 01:14:914 - 지우고
2016-02-16 21:55 Quizmaegi: 01:15:530 - 동
2016-02-16 21:56 Doyak: 음 1/6 뒤에는 휴식을 좀 주고 싶고
2016-02-16 21:56 Doyak: 그 다음 키아이 들어가는 걸 강조하려면 직전은 비워주는 게 좋은 듯
2016-02-16 21:57 Quizmaegi: 01:17:174 - 동..?
2016-02-16 21:58 Quizmaegi: 01:17:174- 랑 01:28:373 -랑 맞바꾸기
2016-02-16 21:58 01:28:065 - *
2016-02-16 21:59 Doyak: ㅇㅋ요
2016-02-16 21:59 Quizmaegi: ㅇㅅㅇ... 벌써부터 못 찾으면 안되는뎅...
2016-02-16 22:00 Quizmaegi: 00:13:167 - 동...?
2016-02-16 22:00 Quizmaegi: 00:19:024 - 큰 캇
2016-02-16 22:01 Quizmaegi: ( 00:18:818 - 동...? )
2016-02-16 22:03 Quizmaegi: 00:50:256 - 00:51:078 - 스피너 2~4칸 밀고 d dd d k 으로
2016-02-16 22:04 Doyak: 00:13:167 - 는 뒤에가 큰 노트라서 3연타는 무리고
2016-02-16 22:04 Doyak: 00:19:024 - 는 걍 이대로...
2016-02-16 22:04 Doyak: 00:18:818 - 는 직전에 동 3개 썼으니 여기는 캇 3개
2016-02-16 22:05 Doyak: 스피너 저건 보컬에 맞추시라고 한 건가요
2016-02-16 22:05 Quizmaegi: 넹 ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 22:06 Doyak: 근데 스냅이 조금 명확하지가 않아서 그냥...
2016-02-16 22:06 Quizmaegi: ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 22:07 Quizmaegi: 아 이제 못찾겠...
2016-02-16 22:08 Quizmaegi: 썩은 모딩 죄송합니다 ㅇㅅㅇ...
2016-02-16 22:10 Doyak: 감사합니다~
2016-02-16 22:10 Quizmaegi: (퀴즈메기는 멀리멀리 도망쳤다)
2016-02-16 22:10 Doyak: 스레드에 채팅 내용 올려주세요
2016-02-16 22:10 Quizmaegi: 넹 ㅇㅅㅇ...
D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ General]
  1. 커스텀 컬러 필요없을지도?
  2. 01:07:414 - 초록선 흰틱으로
  3. 01:28:065 - 키아이끝나는 초록선을 01:28:681 - 여기로

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:01:763 (3,4,5) - k가 좀 많아보이는데 동 섞어주는게 좋을듯 00:05:051 (8,9,10) - 여기와는 다르게
  2. 00:06:695 (11,17) - 다른 므즈카시 오니들처럼 d으로 통일 (푸츠도)
  3. 00:34:229 (56) - 노트제거? 00:30:530 (49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60) - 3연타가 연속으로 나와서
  4. 00:54:366 (5) - D?다른 난이도들처럼
  5. 00:32:174 (52) - 지우고 00:31:763 - k추가 저자리 푸츠에는 없음

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:07:106 (14) - k 00:07:311 (15) - d
  2. 01:15:736 (71) - D (Big d) 01:16:147 (72) - k

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 일단 리듬이 푸츠에비해서 별차이가 안난다고 생가각합니다.키아이쪽에 1/4리듬을 추가 하셔도 괜찮을것 같습니다.
  2. 01:22:928 (114) - 비워주시는게 혹은 캇으로
  3. 01:25:599 (123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - 너무 길다고 생각됨... 중간에 2개정도 비워주면 좋을것 같습니다.

어려운건 플레이 하지도 못하니 일단 패스~!
연타구간에서는 단무지 간간히 사용하시는것도 나쁘지 않을듯합니다.
Topic Starter

guineaQ wrote:

쁘롬 아-이-알-씨

부가설명원하시면 IRC에서 물어보셈

[간단 데스]
  1. 00:01:763 (3,4) - 굳이 완벽하게 똑같은 음에 변형을 줄 필요는 없어요, 특히 간단 난이도에서는. (동 동 ㄱㄱ) 아~ 하는 소리의 음높이가 달라져요. 그리고 너무 동만 쓰면 아무리 간단이라도 지루할 거 같음
  2. 00:06:695 - 에서 00:11:626 - 그냥 전 처럼 3/2 리듬으로 하는게 더 나음 (1/1 -> 3/1 -> 1/1은 너무나도 지루한 리듬..) 상위 난이도들에서 좀 더 명확히 드러나듯이 저기서부터는 드럼소리가 추가됨에 따라 리듬에도 변화를 줄 필요가 있다고 생각 그리고 3박이 아니라 2박 쉬는...
  3. 00:06:695 -
  4. 00:08:339 -
  5. 00:09:983 - 따라서 여기 3개 모두 거절하도록 할게요.
  6. 00:14:503 (24) - 동, 00:14:914 (25) - 이부분을 확실히 강조해주기 위해서는 여기를 동으로 바꾸는게 훨 나음
  7. 00:15:530 (26) - 음이 내려가기는 커녕 더 높아지는데 캇이 더 나을듯?
  8. 00:19:024 (31) - 큰 동보단 큰 캇이 나을 듯 하네요
  9. 00:19:640 (32) - 소리가 딱 끓어지는 느낌이 있어서 큰동 보단 보통 동이 더 나음 큰 거 작은 거 번갈아 쓰면 갠적으로 많이 헷갈린다고 생각하고, 다른 난이도들에서도 전부 큰 노트를 쓰고 있기 때문에 일단 패스
  10. 00:21:078 (35,36) - 색깔 스왑
  11. 00:30:530 (49,51) - ^^ 00:28:065 (46,47,48) - 부터 동이 너무 많이 이어져와서 좀 그렇고, 00:30:530 (49,50,51,52,53,54) - 가 서로 역패턴이게 만들었음
  12. 00:32:996 (54) - 동
  13. 00:35:462 (58,59,60) - 동캇동 대신 00:33:818 (55,56) - 는 스왑할게요. 제안 다 받아들이면 동캇동만 3연속으로 나옴...
  14. 00:46:147 (76) - 큰동 00:40:393 (66) - 도 같이 바꾸라고 지적해주시지
  15. 00:50:667 (84) - 제거해도 상관없을 듯 확실히 하위 난이도니까 스피너 대비 시간을 좀 주는 것도 괜찮겠네요.
  16. 키아이는 전체적으로 2/1 -> 1/1 1/1 보단 인트로처럼 3/2 리듬으로 가는게 훨 노래에 맞고 느낌이 좋을듯하네요
  17. 00:59:298 (14,15,16,17) -
  18. 후반부는 초반부 반복이니 알아서 ㅇㅅㅇ

Taeyang wrote:

D (Big d)
K (Big k)

[ General]
  1. 커스텀 컬러 필요없을지도? 지움
  2. 01:07:414 - 초록선 흰틱으로 님 랭맵셋의 아이네스 님 겟난에서 파생시켰더니 ㄷㄷ
  3. 01:28:065 - 키아이끝나는 초록선을 01:28:681 - 여기로 ㅇㅋ

[ Kantan]
  1. 00:01:763 (3,4,5) - k가 좀 많아보이는데 동 섞어주는게 좋을듯 00:05:051 (8,9,10) - 여기와는 다르게 지금 느낌이 괜찮다고 생각. 잔잔하게 시작되는 파트라서 좀 단순하게 해도 ㄱㅊ
  2. 00:06:695 (11,17) - 다른 므즈카시 오니들처럼 d으로 통일 (푸츠도) 고쳤는데 후츠는 이미 동임
  3. 00:34:229 (56) - 노트제거? 00:30:530 (49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60) - 3연타가 연속으로 나와서
  4. 00:54:366 (5) - D?다른 난이도들처럼 에 원래부터 동이었을 텐데 아닌가
  5. 00:32:174 (52) - 지우고 00:31:763 - k추가 저자리 푸츠에는 없음 딱 그 자리에만 없을 뿐이지 리듬은 더 단순해서 괜찮고 드럼도 뒤에 더 몰려있어서 이대로 두겠

[ Futsuu]
  1. 00:07:106 (14) - k 00:07:311 (15) - d
  2. 01:15:736 (71) - D (Big d) 01:16:147 (72) - k

[ Muzukashii]
  1. 일단 리듬이 푸츠에비해서 별차이가 안난다고 생가각합니다.키아이쪽에 1/4리듬을 추가 하셔도 괜찮을것 같습니다. 전반적으로 늘릴 필요까진 없을 거 같고 3연타 2개 추가해 봤어요
  2. 01:22:928 (114) - 비워주시는게 혹은 캇으로 비움
  3. 01:25:599 (123,124,125,126,127,128,129,130,131,132,133,134,135) - 너무 길다고 생각됨... 중간에 2개정도 비워주면 좋을것 같습니다. 마지막은 좀 빡세게 장식하고 싶어서, 하나만 비움

어려운건 플레이 하지도 못하니 일단 패스~!
연타구간에서는 단무지 간간히 사용하시는것도 나쁘지 않을듯합니다.
단무지는 이 노래에선 아직 삘을 받지 못해서, 다른 맵 만들 때 생각나면 해보겠!

노 코멘트 = 수정함

기냨님 턍님 모딩 감사합니다~
Akiyama Mizuki
아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다
millhiore are you going to master taiko to hdhrfl this

00:16:558 ~ 00:19:024 - 앞에 1/1이나 3/2가 있어서인지 이상하게 빈 느낌이 납니다
00:57:243 (10) - 여기에 굳이 00:55:599 (7) - 와 다르게 d를 넣으신 이유가 있나요? 일관성이 떨어져 보여서요
00:59:914 - 여기에도 보컬이 있어서 비워 놓기가 어색한 편입니다. 리듬 간소화를 하시려 한다면 00:59:709 (15) - 를 여기에 옮기면 좋을 것 같습니다
01:06:489 - 여기에만 k를 놓아서 딱 k k k 라인을 완성시키는 게 좋을 것 같음
01:09:983 ~ 01:10:804 - 여기가 01:10:804 ~ 01:11:626 - 여기보단 좀 더 강조할 만한 파트라고 생각합니다. 01:11:215 (35) - 를 01:10:393 - 로 옮기시는 걸 추천 드림
01:19:024 ~ 01:21:489 - 첫 째 줄과 같습니다

00:07:106 (14,15) - 00:08:750 (18,19) - 곡 분위기에 따라 점점 상승하는, 그러니까 k의 빈도가 늘어나는 패턴을 위해서는 이 두 개가 반대가 돼야하지 않을까요?
00:16:147 ~ 00:19:024 - 앞은 1/2가 있어서 패턴이 좀 다채로운데 여긴 1/1밖에 없어서 꽤나 심심합니다.
00:56:010 (11) - 다른 곳과 다르게 여기만 k네요.. 일관성이 떨어지고 솔직히 그리 어울린다 생각하지도 않습니다
01:05:873 (41) - ^
01:18:613 ~ 01:21:489 - 첫째 줄과 같음

별로 집을 데는 없는데 약간 후츠우 느낌나게 1/2이 대부분인 맵에 유일하게 있는 3연타 2개가 무즈카시이에서는 되도록 안 쓰이는 ddk이랑 kkd이라니.. 혼세마왕이 다녀간 맵같습니다

00:15:119 (65,66,67,68) - 형식적인 ddk d를 쓰기에는 좀 블루 틱에 강세가 있는 부분입니다. dk kd는 어떨까요
00:21:695 (95,96,97,98) - ^
00:25:393 (112,113) - 바이올린에 맞춰서 ddd?
00:36:284 (163) - 보컬도 그렇고 전체적으로 분위기가 내려가니까 d 추천드림
00:42:859 (185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193) - 너어어어어무 밋밋합니다. 2/1에만 넣어주면 k가 슬퍼합니다
00:45:941 (200) - k보단 d가 곡에 더더욱 어울린다고 생각합니다
01:24:161 (149,150,151,152) - 첫째 줄과 같습니다

00:00:120 ~ 00:06:695 - 곡의 분위기는 점점 올라가는 형태인데 나오는 패턴은 거의 같습니다. 초반에 dk dd kdkk도 곡의 분위기를 생각하면 무리가 있다고 생각합니다.
d d d k k k /d dk d kd k k /d dk dd dk k k /d dk dd dkdd k d처럼 점점 노트 빈도를 높여가는 패턴을 추천드립니다.
00:15:119 (91,92,93,94) - 오니와 같습니다
00:16:866 (101,102) - 이런 곳에 dk 넣으시다가 갑자기 kd라서 어색합니다.
이걸 신스음이라고 해야하나.. 이런 거 되도록이면 다 매핑하시는 게 좋을 거 같은 게 맵이 뭔가 빠진 느낌입니다.. 우라는 스프레드와 상관없이 어려워도 되니까 그렇게 매핑하시는 것도 좋을 것 같음

bbj0920 wrote:

millhiore are you going to master taiko to hdhrfl this
Maybe the kantan and futsuu ;)

I'm not exactly a good taiko modder but I'll try and find some suggestions. Feel free to deny them.

00:08:750 (15) - k? This sounds the same as 00:07:928 (13), and changing this wouldn't break pattern variety, so I don't know why it would be a different color.
01:14:092 (41,42) - Swap d and k maybe?

01:07:106 (44,45,46,47,48) - ddkdk sounds better to me.

01:23:750 - Seems kinda weird to leave out a note here.

This is getting hard to mod :o
00:13:887 (58,59,60) - ddk maybe?
00:31:147 (139,140) - Swap d and k?

[Inner Oni]
Widescreen storyboard is enabled here but not in any of the other diffs. This isn't unrankable if there's no SB but it's a bit silly anyway.
I really can't mod this at all though, high level taiko is a mystery to me. You could add some 1/8 at 01:22:620 if you feel like being cruel though!
Yeah I dunno, I didn't find much, but I did my best. Good luck on rank!
Topic Starter

bbj0920 wrote:

아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다 아 맞다
millhiore are you going to master taiko to hdhrfl this

00:16:558 ~ 00:19:024 - 앞에 1/1이나 3/2가 있어서인지 이상하게 빈 느낌이 납니다
00:57:243 (10) - 여기에 굳이 00:55:599 (7) - 와 다르게 d를 넣으신 이유가 있나요? 일관성이 떨어져 보여서요
00:59:914 - 여기에도 보컬이 있어서 비워 놓기가 어색한 편입니다. 리듬 간소화를 하시려 한다면 00:59:709 (15) - 를 여기에 옮기면 좋을 것 같습니다
01:06:489 - 여기에만 k를 놓아서 딱 k k k 라인을 완성시키는 게 좋을 것 같음
01:09:983 ~ 01:10:804 - 여기가 01:10:804 ~ 01:11:626 - 여기보단 좀 더 강조할 만한 파트라고 생각합니다. 01:11:215 (35) - 를 01:10:393 - 로 옮기시는 걸 추천 드림
01:19:024 ~ 01:21:489 - 첫 째 줄과 같습니다

00:07:106 (14,15) - 00:08:750 (18,19) - 곡 분위기에 따라 점점 상승하는, 그러니까 k의 빈도가 늘어나는 패턴을 위해서는 이 두 개가 반대가 돼야하지 않을까요?
00:16:147 ~ 00:19:024 - 앞은 1/2가 있어서 패턴이 좀 다채로운데 여긴 1/1밖에 없어서 꽤나 심심합니다.
00:56:010 (11) - 다른 곳과 다르게 여기만 k네요.. 일관성이 떨어지고 솔직히 그리 어울린다 생각하지도 않습니다
01:05:873 (41) - ^
01:18:613 ~ 01:21:489 - 첫째 줄과 같음

별로 집을 데는 없는데 약간 후츠우 느낌나게 1/2이 대부분인 맵에 유일하게 있는 3연타 2개가 무즈카시이에서는 되도록 안 쓰이는 ddk이랑 kkd이라니.. 혼세마왕이 다녀간 맵같습니다

00:15:119 (65,66,67,68) - 형식적인 ddk d를 쓰기에는 좀 블루 틱에 강세가 있는 부분입니다. dk kd는 어떨까요
00:21:695 (95,96,97,98) - ^
00:25:393 (112,113) - 바이올린에 맞춰서 ddd?
00:36:284 (163) - 보컬도 그렇고 전체적으로 분위기가 내려가니까 d 추천드림
00:42:859 (185,186,187,188,189,190,191,192,193) - 너어어어어무 밋밋합니다. 2/1에만 넣어주면 k가 슬퍼합니다
00:45:941 (200) - k보단 d가 곡에 더더욱 어울린다고 생각합니다
01:24:161 (149,150,151,152) - 첫째 줄과 같습니다

00:00:120 ~ 00:06:695 - 곡의 분위기는 점점 올라가는 형태인데 나오는 패턴은 거의 같습니다. 초반에 dk dd kdkk도 곡의 분위기를 생각하면 무리가 있다고 생각합니다.
d d d k k k /d dk d kd k k /d dk dd dk k k /d dk dd dkdd k d처럼 점점 노트 빈도를 높여가는 패턴을 추천드립니다.
00:15:119 (91,92,93,94) - 오니와 같습니다
00:16:866 (101,102) - 이런 곳에 dk 넣으시다가 갑자기 kd라서 어색합니다.
이걸 신스음이라고 해야하나.. 이런 거 되도록이면 다 매핑하시는 게 좋을 거 같은 게 맵이 뭔가 빠진 느낌입니다.. 우라는 스프레드와 상관없이 어려워도 되니까 그렇게 매핑하시는 것도 좋을 것 같음
전부 다 고쳤습니다, 아마도... 우라를 지금보다 더 조밀하게 매핑할 필요가 있으려나요? 사실 이름만 이너 오니지 원래는 그냥 오니 짠다고 생각하고 평범하게 만들었던 건지라... 모딩 감사합니다~!
무즈카시에 3연타들도 같은 색으로만 나오게끔 바꿔봤어요.
하나도 반박할 수가 없는 걸 보니 전 아직 멀었군요 크흑...

MillhioreF wrote:

bbj0920 wrote:

millhiore are you going to master taiko to hdhrfl this
Maybe the kantan and futsuu ;)

I'm not exactly a good taiko modder but I'll try and find some suggestions. Feel free to deny them.

00:08:750 (15) - k? This sounds the same as 00:07:928 (13), and changing this wouldn't break pattern variety, so I don't know why it would be a different color. Alternating d and k is harder than successive d or k, so I wanna keep simplicity here, as it's quiet
01:14:092 (41,42) - Swap d and k maybe? Here too, I think alternating it frequently isn't a good idea, and also I think it kinda fits here :D

01:07:106 (44,45,46,47,48) - ddkdk sounds better to me. The high tone of 01:06:695 - remains there, so I think k still fits with 01:07:106 - and it goes down after so I put d's after that.

01:23:750 - Seems kinda weird to leave out a note here. Added one.

This is getting hard to mod :o
00:13:887 (58,59,60) - ddk maybe? Hmm I like the current state
00:31:147 (139,140) - Swap d and k? Alright~

[Inner Oni]
Widescreen storyboard is enabled here but not in any of the other diffs. This isn't unrankable if there's no SB but it's a bit silly anyway. LOOOOOL idk why it was turned on again, I thought I removed it all from the start...
I really can't mod this at all though, high level taiko is a mystery to me. You could add some 1/8 at 01:22:620 if you feel like being cruel though!

Taiko Ranking Criteria / Guideline wrote:

Avoid using 1/8 streams by any circumstance. For the majority of maps, only 1/1, 1/2 or 1/4 beat note streams should be used. 1/3 and 1/6 should be added only when there's a similiar beat in the music.
Yeah I dunno, I didn't find much, but I did my best. Good luck on rank!
Thanks for your mod!
iControl's Mod
Inner Oni
00:11:626 (67,68,69) - im pertty sure these are 1/3s move 00:11:935 (68) - to 00:12:037 (68) - move 00:12:243 (69) - to 00:12:174 (69) - Sounds more accurate
00:39:880 (218) - 1/3 move to 00:39:846 - ^
00:40:702 (222) - 1/3 move to 00:40:667 - ^
00:41:524 (226) - 1/3^
00:42:517 - 1/6 add k^
00:42:585 - 1/6 add k^
00:36:695 (201) - k sounds higher
01:12:756 (131) - 1/3 move 2 01:12:722 -
01:21:798 (183) - 1/3 move 2 01:21:763 -

Very nice map but make sure you watch out for the 1/3s. I helped you with some but you should double check other diffs
Topic Starter

IControl wrote:

iControl's Mod
Inner Oni
00:11:626 (67,68,69) - im pertty sure these are 1/3s move 00:11:935 (68) - to 00:12:037 (68) - move 00:12:243 (69) - to 00:12:174 (69) - Sounds more accurate
00:39:880 (218) - 1/3 move to 00:39:846 - ^
00:40:702 (222) - 1/3 move to 00:40:667 - ^
00:41:524 (226) - 1/3^
00:42:517 - 1/6 add k^
00:42:585 - 1/6 add k^
00:36:695 (201) - k sounds higher
01:12:756 (131) - 1/3 move 2 01:12:722 -
01:21:798 (183) - 1/3 move 2 01:21:763 -

Very nice map but make sure you watch out for the 1/3s. I helped you with some but you should double check other diffs
Thanks for your mod, but I'm pretty pretty PRETTY sure they're 3/4s, so I'm not moving them. Especially for the vocals, they can't be perfectly snapped, but at least there's what they intended to sing, so in this case we need to follow that, not the actual sound which is errored by a few ms.
Also 00:36:695 (201) - is only a breathing sound so I don't really think k fits better there, so I'll just keep it.
Hei, M4M EDITTT: no limit to mod / no limit to map.
Doyak... You was a Nice mapper =w=) 4give meh..
and.. your mod on my map is nice.. forgib some my red words.. actually is fix ( I bad on mapping.. cuz did like ctrl v part and realise that have differ on some parts lol ;w; )

>Inner Oni
  1. 00:00:120 - until 00:03:818 - here, You should just follow piano pitch.. because Drum pitch is fade and not clearly to hear, I think is over to map
  2. 00:19:846 - it have sounds yes, put don? I think is needed as Inner Oni diff
  3. 00:25:188 - not strong pitch to be kat, change don? or 00:25:291 - fill this note with don? its clearly to hear. so its good to be a pattern and emphasize looks nice ( I forget one this.. 00:24:983 - fill don so not be akward pattern as Inner Oni )
  4. 00:32:277 - I think kat is good to avoid monotone.. and pattern more emphasize with snare drum and vocal
  5. 01:06:798 - have nice emphasize if you change this kat
  6. 01:22:311 - like previous suggestion

    and well.. its nice diff I ever seen for 1st mapping tako ;w; wow...
  1. 00:01:147 - delete, 00:02:791 - delete ( if You accept for suggestion on Inner.. to map just Piano pitch )
  2. 00:12:654 - eh why this kkd? XD change to ddk? so its balance with next pattern * ddk meet kkd, so balance * and consistent with Inner Oni XD
  3. 00:25:393 (141,142) - change kkd? its nice emphasize.. yeah if you accept suggestion Inner oni.. so its good spread and emphasize on Inner and Oni * ddkdkkd and dk kkd *
  4. 00:27:859 - you want more rest for Oni? no its enough ;w;
  5. 00:32:791 (145,147) - chose one to delete.. is long pattern.. but is fine... idk what to say more

    and idk more.. its nice diff ;_; kkd2many i think is balance.. if see next2next part.. wow nice ;w;

  • weh.. I think mostly Muzukashii is Perfect diff if modder check on map taiko.. idk more XD
  1. I think finisher nee- no.. I see you emphasize with strong pitch.. not cymbal XD is looks nice.. and 3plet is balance * have ddd and kkk *
    ahh... huft
>Kantan & Futsuu
  1. I think is fine.. but maybe is about rest
    Futsuu: maybe you can delete 1 note on 1/1 long pattern.. and idk
    Kantan: need more 4/1 rest?? XD
    Idk more.. its your spread, long time no touch low diff for modding.. but yeah thats obvious on SR, maybe some pattern and rest should needed to fix for both of this diff
well.. its nice map, shott bam~ Bam~~ BAM!!~ GLuck!! and I hope my mod is helpful :lol:
Topic Starter

Surono wrote:

Hei, M4M EDITTT: no limit to mod / no limit to map.
Doyak... You was a Nice mapper =w=) 4give meh.. Why are you apologizing xD
and.. your mod on my map is nice.. forgib some my red words.. actually is fix ( I bad on mapping.. cuz did like ctrl v part and realise that have differ on some parts lol ;w; )

>Inner Oni
  1. 00:00:120 - until 00:03:818 - here, You should just follow piano pitch.. because Drum pitch is fade and not clearly to hear, I think is over to map Nah it's pretty audible, also want to make it harder than Oni xD
  2. 00:19:846 - it have sounds yes, put don? I think is needed as Inner Oni diff But I'd like to emphasize those 3 finishes only there. Putting an additional note there would hurt the feeling. Also I 1.7xed the sv there so if I put it inside the 1.7x it would be unexpectedly emphasized, but also would be hard to read when I make it back to 1.0x...
  3. 00:25:188 - not strong pitch to be kat, change don? or 00:25:291 - fill this note with don? its clearly to hear. so its good to be a pattern and emphasize looks nice ( I forget one this.. 00:24:983 - fill don so not be akward pattern as Inner Oni ) Changed it to d, but I like the feeling of leaving 00:24:983 - blank as 00:25:085 - this drum feels fun, so want to emphasize that rhythm.
  4. 00:32:277 - I think kat is good to avoid monotone.. and pattern more emphasize with snare drum and vocal Fixed
  5. 01:06:798 - have nice emphasize if you change this kat Ohhh nice, that looks fun!
  6. 01:22:311 - like previous suggestion Not gonna, like previous xD

    and well.. its nice diff I ever seen for 1st mapping tako ;w; wow... I think mapping standard helped me with rhythms :D
  1. 00:01:147 - delete, 00:02:791 - delete ( if You accept for suggestion on Inner.. to map just Piano pitch ) Too many 3/4 gaps feels too boring imo, it's not really an overmap or anything so I'll leave it as now
  2. 00:12:654 - eh why this kkd? XD change to ddk? so its balance with next pattern * ddk meet kkd, so balance * and consistent with Inner Oni XD
  3. 00:25:393 (141,142) - change kkd? its nice emphasize.. yeah if you accept suggestion Inner oni.. so its good spread and emphasize on Inner and Oni * ddkdkkd and dk kkd * I didn't feel like putting a 7 note stream on Inner. But changed to dd kkd like Inner. This part isn't really that intense so maybe similar intensity for this little part would be okay... I guess.
  4. 00:27:859 - you want more rest for Oni? no its enough ;w;
  5. 00:32:791 (145,147) - chose one to delete.. is long pattern.. but is fine... idk what to say more Disconnected the chain by deleting 00:31:558 - , but not gonna delete any of the ones you suggested xD

    and idk more.. its nice diff ;_; kkd2many i think is balance.. if see next2next part.. wow nice ;w;

  • weh.. I think mostly Muzukashii is Perfect diff if modder check on map taiko.. idk more XD
  1. I think finisher nee- no.. I see you emphasize with strong pitch.. not cymbal XD is looks nice.. and 3plet is balance * have ddd and kkk * xDDD
    ahh... huft
>Kantan & Futsuu
  1. I think is fine.. but maybe is about rest
    Futsuu: maybe you can delete 1 note on 1/1 long pattern.. and idk I'll consider that, but have no idea where to...
    Kantan: need more 4/1 rest?? XD I should have made this diff a lot easier to put some 4/1 rests, but the overall diff is already pretty hard, so I think 4/1 rests doesn't fit with this diff...
    Idk more.. its your spread, long time no touch low diff for modding.. but yeah thats obvious on SR, maybe some pattern and rest should needed to fix for both of this diff The high SR for Kantan isn't lack of 4/1 rests though, it's because those 3/2 beats xD
well.. its nice map, shott bam~ Bam~~ BAM!!~ GLuck!! and I hope my mod is helpful :lol:
Thanks for your mod and the stars!
ups my Bad I forget theres is SV ( about suggestion put a don LOL ) /me run, ples Mizuki Nana bezt. dem low diff crieing ;w;
and sorry about say overmep or blah.. yeah audiable.. better than not have sounds XXXDD wehh mapper have differ taste :^) if me mapping that sound yeah I will follow that /tbh lol *just trying better suggestion but, "do hard get worst" XD*
Hi o/
Source = ドッグデイズ (or DOG DAYS it's up to you)
tags = DOG DAYS (if you change source to japanese name)
[Inner Oni]
00:04:846 - add d ?
00:05:051 (25) - k
00:41:832 (227) - k ?
00:42:140 (230) - k
00:57:654 (32) - k ?
01:00:017 (47) - k
01:16:455 (150) - k
00:48:613 - 00:48:715 - k
00:53:544 (7) - k
fine for me too
Fine for me
Fine for me
im noob modder sry for not helpful (i wanna put reason but rip my english)
Good map
GL for rank
메타데이터는 전반적으로 괜찮다고 생각합니다, 다만 몇몇 출처에서는 도그데이즈를 ドッグデイズ'' 라고 표기한 페이지도 있는데요

이 점만 유의해주시고 검토해 나가신다면 괜찮으실 것 같다고 생각합니다


  • 전반적인 난이도는 후츠으에 가깝지 않나.. 싶네요
  1. 00:06:695 - 00:11:215 - 기본적으로 이 부근은 00:00:120 - 00:05:667 - 여기랑 리듬 구조가 일치한데요,
    물론 비트스냅 상으로는 두 쪽 다 허용됩니다만
    가장 낮은 난이도로써는 리듬에 일관성을 가지는 편이 밸런스 적으로도, 난이도 적으로도 좋지 않을까 생각합니다
    개인적으로는 앞 쪽의 리듬을 선호합니다
  2. 00:14:092 (23) - 00:13:681 - 개인적으로는 이 쪽으로 옮기는게.. 음정도 맞고 리듬도 더 낫지 않을까 생각합니다..
  3. 00:22:106 (38) - k?
  4. 00:31:352 (52) - 보컬 음정이 더 높으니까 k로 수정하시고 차이점을 두기 위해서 00:30:530 (50) - 부터 ddk 나 아니면 지금 이 상태로 kdk로..
  5. 00:35:873 (59,60) - 체인지
  6. 00:49:024 (81) - 이 노트를 지우시면 앞의 보컬 3음정을 더 강조하고 칸탄으로써의 브레이크도 줄 수 있다고 생각합니다
  7. 00:53:955 (4) - 제가 듣기엔 00:53:852 - 이 쪽 사운드가 더 크다보니까 조금 어색하다고 느껴서..
    저라면 이걸 지우고 앞의 00:53:544 (3) - k를 K로 변경해보고 싶습니다 (후츠으와의 개별적인 이유로도 가능합니다)
  8. 01:00:941 (16) - k 혹은 kd k
  9. 01:02:380 (18,19,20) - 갑자기 리듬이 변하는데 의도인가요?
  10. 01:07:106 (27) - d
  11. 01:10:804 (34) - k
  12. 01:11:626 (35,37) - 각각 k?
  13. 01:15:736 - 01:22:311 - 앞 부분과 일치합니다

  1. 00:07:311 (15) - k
  2. 00:13:887 (31) - d
  3. 00:14:503 (33) - k
  4. 00:15:941 - d 추가?
  5. 00:16:969 - 00:19:024 - 움 앞부분 처럼 2박자로 가는것도 좋다고 생각합니다
  6. 00:21:900 (53) - k
  7. 00:22:517 (55) - d
  8. 00:24:366 (61,62) - 체인지
  9. 00:27:448 - 00:29:298 - 그.. 앞부분 2박자의 영향 때문인지 이런 리듬도 급 떠오르게 됬네요 ㄷㄷ;

    참고해두셔도 다른 난이도에 어느정도 도움되시지 않을까 싶어서.. 물론 안 바꾸셔도 괜찮습니다

  10. 00:31:352 (74) - k?
  11. 00:38:544 (90,91) - 체인지
  12. 00:36:284 (85) - k
  13. 00:42:448 - 00:46:147 - 1/1 리듬이 조금 길다고 느껴서.. 00:44:092 - 여기를 지워보시는건 어떨까요
  14. 00:49:024 - ^
  15. 00:59:298 - 01:00:941 -
  16. 01:03:202 (34) - k
  17. 01:05:873 - 01:07:517 -
  18. 01:06:900 - 01:09:161 -
  19. 01:26:010 - 01:27:243 - 앞의 2박자처럼 만드는게... 리듬은 거의 일치하는 것 같아서요
  1. 00:09:777 (27) - 00:11:010 (31,32,33,34) - 이 부분과 구별성을 주기 위해 지우는게 좋다고 생각합니다
  2. 00:14:298 (42,43) - 체인지 00:14:914 (44) - k
  3. 00:20:462 (62) - Ddkkd 같은 패턴은 무즈카시이에 적합하지 않다고 생각합니다. 이 부분을 지우면 D도 강조할 수 있으니 더 좋다고도 생각합니다
  4. 00:26:421 - 00:28:065 - 이 부분과 00:33:407 - 00:34:640 - 이 부분중 하나로 통일 시키는게 일관성에 좋다고 생각합니다
  5. 00:42:859 - 00:45:736 -
  6. 00:48:613 (156) - k
  7. 00:49:435 - 00:50:873 -

    여기는.. 정말 개인적으로 보컬을 따라본거라 박자도 무즙에 맞고 해서.. 3박자를 좋아하시면 무시하셔도됩니당
  8. 00:52:722 - 00:53:339 - 사실 이런 부분이 무즙에서 가장 1/4 3박자가 많이 들어가게 되요 고려해보시는 것도 괜찮다봅니다
  9. 00:58:065 - 00:59:298 - 의도가 아니라면 앞처럼 2,4 박자가 더 어울린다고 생각합니다
  10. 01:00:325 (31) - 뒷부분에 d ddd가 같이 나와서 무즙치곤 너무 어려우니까 이 부분을 지우시고 브레이크를 주는게 좋습니다
  11. 01:01:969 - 01:03:202 - d k d d k d k
  12. 01:06:900 (57) - ^^
  13. 01:09:161 (67) - k
  14. 뒷부분 마무리 키아이는 앞부분 키아이랑 다른데 의도이신가요? 개인적으로는 앞부분이 더 괜찮다 생각합니다

오니랑 이너오니는 내일 할게여ㅠ
Topic Starter
I'll answer to both when I'm done with some standard things. Also will do m4m for Nanatsu soon.
Topic Starter

bank78952 wrote:

Hi o/
Source = ドッグデイズ (or DOG DAYS it's up to you) Oh I'll double check this later. Right now, every metadata is from the ranked standard mapset
tags = DOG DAYS (if you change source to japanese name)
[Inner Oni]
00:04:846 - add d ? Well that one and 00:01:558 - has very tiny piano sounds compared to 00:03:202 - , so imma just leave it. The intro is already really hard, almost as much as the kiai.
00:05:051 (25) - k Oh just for consistency with 00:00:120 - 00:01:763 - 00:03:407 -
00:41:832 (227) - k ? To make the same pattern with 00:40:188 -
00:42:140 (230) - k Idk, but I like d here
00:57:654 (32) - k ? hmm no I want to leave that downbeat a d
01:00:017 (47) - k Ok
01:16:455 (150) - k Changed 01:16:558 - instead
00:48:613 - 00:48:715 - k yea fixed
00:53:544 (7) - k fixed it and 00:53:133 (5) - d instead
fine for me too
Fine for me
Fine for me
im noob modder sry for not helpful (i wanna put reason but rip my english)
Good map
GL for rank
Thanks for your mod~

Nanatsu wrote:

메타데이터는 전반적으로 괜찮다고 생각합니다, 다만 몇몇 출처에서는 도그데이즈를 ドッグデイズ'' 라고 표기한 페이지도 있는데요

이 점만 유의해주시고 검토해 나가신다면 괜찮으실 것 같다고 생각합니다 일단은 나중에 다시 검토해보겠습니다. 랭된 스탠 맵셋에서 그대로 가져온 정보니 괜찮으리라 생각합니다.


  • 전반적인 난이도는 후츠으에 가깝지 않나.. 싶네요 저도 그렇게 느끼기는 하는데, 일단 전체적인 박자 컨셉을 그렇게 잡았다 보니까 이제 와서 전체적으로 너프시키려고 해도 손이 너무 많이 들어갈 거 같네요. 일단 지켜보고 븡이 뭐라고 하면 바꿔야겠습니다.
  1. 00:06:695 - 00:11:215 - 기본적으로 이 부근은 00:00:120 - 00:05:667 - 여기랑 리듬 구조가 일치한데요,
    물론 비트스냅 상으로는 두 쪽 다 허용됩니다만
    가장 낮은 난이도로써는 리듬에 일관성을 가지는 편이 밸런스 적으로도, 난이도 적으로도 좋지 않을까 생각합니다
    개인적으로는 앞 쪽의 리듬을 선호합니다 고려해보겠습니다만, 저 구간에서 드럼 소리가 추가되면서 노래의 분위기가 달라지는 것을 표현하고 싶었기에 앞뒤를 다르게 써본 것이라 일단은 보류하겠습니다.
  2. 00:14:092 (23) - 00:13:681 - 개인적으로는 이 쪽으로 옮기는게.. 음정도 맞고 리듬도 더 낫지 않을까 생각합니다.. 음... 제가 보기엔 둘 다 괜찮지만 고쳐보았습니다.
  3. 00:22:106 (38) - k? 이쪽 구성을 조금 다시 잡아보기는 했는데 거기는 d가 나은 것 같네요. 음이 뚝 떨어지는 지점이라...
  4. 00:31:352 (52) - 보컬 음정이 더 높으니까 k로 수정하시고 차이점을 두기 위해서 00:30:530 (50) - 부터 ddk 나 아니면 지금 이 상태로 kdk로.. kdk로 했습니다.
  5. 00:35:873 (59,60) - 체인지 글쎄요 00:36:284 - 이쪽이 음이 낮기 때문에 지금이 나은 것 같네요.
  6. 00:49:024 (81) - 이 노트를 지우시면 앞의 보컬 3음정을 더 강조하고 칸탄으로써의 브레이크도 줄 수 있다고 생각합니다
  7. 00:53:955 (4) - 제가 듣기엔 00:53:852 - 이 쪽 사운드가 더 크다보니까 조금 어색하다고 느껴서..
    저라면 이걸 지우고 앞의 00:53:544 (3) - k를 K로 변경해보고 싶습니다 (후츠으와의 개별적인 이유로도 가능합니다) 괜찮은 것 같네요. 수정했습니다.
  8. 01:00:941 (16) - k 혹은 kd k kd d로 해보았습니다.
  9. 01:02:380 (18,19,20) - 갑자기 리듬이 변하는데 의도인가요? 저 세 보컬이 매우 강하다고 생각하기 때문에 앞에서 해오던 박자를 유지하는 건 어색한 거 같습니다.
  10. 01:07:106 (27) - d
  11. 01:10:804 (34) - k
  12. 01:11:626 (35,37) - 각각 k?
  13. 01:15:736 - 01:22:311 - 앞 부분과 일치합니다 쭉 다 수정

  1. 00:07:311 (15) - k 앜 앞으로는 노코멘트=fix 할게요.
  2. 00:13:887 (31) - d
  3. 00:14:503 (33) - k
  4. 00:15:941 - d 추가?
  5. 00:16:969 - 00:19:024 - 움 앞부분 처럼 2박자로 가는것도 좋다고 생각합니다 2박자라는 게 무슨 뜻인지 잘 모르겠는데 1/2 2개씩 끊는 거라면 여기는 3개가 낫다고 생각합니다. 전체적으로 조금 다듬었습니다.
  6. 00:21:900 (53) - k
  7. 00:22:517 (55) - d
  8. 00:24:366 (61,62) - 체인지 이건 보류할게요.
  9. 00:27:448 - 00:29:298 - 그.. 앞부분 2박자의 영향 때문인지 이런 리듬도 급 떠오르게 됬네요 ㄷㄷ;

    참고해두셔도 다른 난이도에 어느정도 도움되시지 않을까 싶어서.. 물론 안 바꾸셔도 괜찮습니다 일단 이쪽은 단순하고 쉽게 짜고 싶었기 때문에 후츠우는 놔두겠습니다. 무즈카시와의 차이도 있고요.

  10. 00:31:352 (74) - k? 00:31:763 - 가 상대적으로 더 높아지기 때문에 차이를 두고 싶습니다.
  11. 00:38:544 (90,91) - 체인지 지금이 나은 거 같습니다.
  12. 00:36:284 (85) - k 00:35:873 - 를 대신 바꿨습니다.
  13. 00:42:448 - 00:46:147 - 1/1 리듬이 조금 길다고 느껴서.. 00:44:092 - 여기를 지워보시는건 어떨까요 여기서 더 지우면 너무 간단처럼 될 거 같고 00:43:887 - 를 대신 추가했습니다.
  14. 00:49:024 - ^ 여기도 추가로 바꿨습니다.
  15. 00:59:298 - 01:00:941 -
  16. 01:03:202 (34) - k
  17. 01:05:873 - 01:07:517 - 조금 다르게 수정
  18. 01:06:900 - 01:09:161 - 음 여기는 지금이 나은 것 같아요
  19. 01:26:010 - 01:27:243 - 앞의 2박자처럼 만드는게... 리듬은 거의 일치하는 것 같아서요 2박으로 하면 멜로디가 다 안 잡히지 않나요?
  1. 00:09:777 (27) - 00:11:010 (31,32,33,34) - 이 부분과 구별성을 주기 위해 지우는게 좋다고 생각합니다
  2. 00:14:298 (42,43) - 체인지 00:14:914 (44) - k 체인지는 했고 k는 하지 않겠습니다.
  3. 00:20:462 (62) - Ddkkd 같은 패턴은 무즈카시이에 적합하지 않다고 생각합니다. 이 부분을 지우면 D도 강조할 수 있으니 더 좋다고도 생각합니다
  4. 00:26:421 - 00:28:065 - 이 부분과 00:33:407 - 00:34:640 - 이 부분중 하나로 통일 시키는게 일관성에 좋다고 생각합니다 앞쪽으로 통일했습니다.
  5. 00:42:859 - 00:45:736 - 맨 뒤 3개만 빼고 고쳤습니다.
  6. 00:48:613 (156) - k
  7. 00:49:435 - 00:50:873 -

    여기는.. 정말 개인적으로 보컬을 따라본거라 박자도 무즙에 맞고 해서.. 3박자를 좋아하시면 무시하셔도됩니당 스냅이 조금 이상해 보이는데요? 1/3에 껴넣으신 거 같은데 보컬이 애매해서 그렇지 1/4이라고 생각합니다. 그런데 사실 어떻게 맞춰놔도 보컬이랑 정확하게 맞아떨어지진 않아서 그냥 차라리 드럼 따라 가려고 합니다.
  8. 00:52:722 - 00:53:339 - 사실 이런 부분이 무즙에서 가장 1/4 3박자가 많이 들어가게 되요 고려해보시는 것도 괜찮다봅니다 앞에만 넣었습니다.
  9. 00:58:065 - 00:59:298 - 의도가 아니라면 앞처럼 2,4 박자가 더 어울린다고 생각합니다
  10. 01:00:325 (31) - 뒷부분에 d ddd가 같이 나와서 무즙치곤 너무 어려우니까 이 부분을 지우시고 브레이크를 주는게 좋습니다
  11. 01:01:969 - 01:03:202 - d k d d k d k
  12. 01:06:900 (57) - ^^
  13. 01:09:161 (67) - k
  14. 뒷부분 마무리 키아이는 앞부분 키아이랑 다른데 의도이신가요? 개인적으로는 앞부분이 더 괜찮다 생각합니다 하나 더 지우긴 했는데, 이 부분을 앞쪽 키아이보다는 더 강조를 해주고 싶어서 노트를 많이 채워넣은 겁니다.

오니랑 이너오니는 내일 할게여ㅠ
모딩 감사합니다~
Topic Starter

IamKwaN wrote:

Subject: KwaN's Metadata Checking Queue ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ

Doyak wrote: need a little confirmation, even though the metadata is from the ranked mapset, some people aren't sure about the source.

Source seems fine, but DOG DAYS'' is more common. Both are acceptable for me.

The Romanised Artist should be Nana Mizuki as she prefers that in every of her CD cover (Have a check here.) and biography on the official website.

Some other references: from from

Good luck! o/
Weff Days (M4M)
If the mod post does not contain all the five diffs, do not reply nor KD.

[Inner Oni]
As recommendation: OD6, HP7. The note count and the BPM largely permits that.

00:11:626 (67,68,69) - , 00:19:024 (109,110,111) - , 01:21:489 (182,183,184) - 01:28:065 (219,220,221) - I would not recommend SV changes that fast - they might throw off the player (as they are pretty unexpected, and especially when Oni has no changes). A decent value, if you wish to keep them, can be 1.25, up to 1.4.
00:36:695 (201) - You may need to replace that as kat: When your mapping has vocal parts you go with them; but you go more on the percussion side when there is nothing - there is a hihat at that place.
00:42:140 (230) - I'd feel like this is better to be deleted - porting the note down to 00:42:243 (231) - loses a tiny bit of emphasis on both vocal syllables. The more notes you put, the less emphasis you have.
00:52:722 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe change as ddkkd ? The melody seems to be increasing in pitch until 00:53:441 (8) - .
00:53:852 (10,11,12,13) - Although I personnally like this arrangement in terms of accuracy, it feels heavy to play... 12 would be a good candidate for deletion, but at that point I have no idea. Might be the patterning right after.

Recommendation same as Inner Oni
00:28:270 (125,126) - I'd rather see that as double d, 00:29:092 (129,130) - is the same thing musically. (Also this doublet is implicitly present in Inner Oni)

Recommending HP7, OD5.
00:13:681 (38,39,40,41,42) - This quintuplet does not really feel like it's in its place (due to the final kd) clashing with the rest which has a fairly straightforward mapping. Change to kdddk, or kddkk?
00:53:852 (7,8) - I would recommend against having that doublet - you can have a better focus only with the d.

HP 7.5, OD4
00:06:284 (12) - I don't get why this is don, you go with alternating colors every 3 notes on 00:00:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - . And the pitch's not changing on 12.
00:31:763 (77,78,79) - I would rather see 78 at 00:32:174 - and 79 deleted, to avoid making an odd rhythm (since you don't have any of these)
00:53:955 (5) - This note should be deleted to bring more power to 00:54:366 (6) -
01:00:941 (27) - Since you're focusing on vocal, this note seems too much. However, I'd rather see 01:00:736 (26) - deleted to give some more time (since this part is much more dense than the rest, being almost completely restless.
01:03:613 (35,36,37) - I think any one of these notes can be deleted for a small >1 beat pause.
01:18:407 - No note compared to 00:15:941 (37) - ?
01:28:065 (108,109) - You don't have volume changes on similar parts, perhaps delete it? (Might be the case for all but Inner methinks)

HP 7.5, OD3
00:02:996 (5) - 00:06:284 (10) - I think it's much better if you delete these notes to keep consistency on the intro rhythm.
00:05:051 (8,9) - Also put these at k for consistent alternation.
00:06:695 (11,12) - 00:08:339 (14,15) - 00:09:983 (17,18) - You can safely put 3/2 gaps on these, 1/1 is plain awkward to play. (Most spots where you do put 1/1 in place of 3/2 are awkward to play)
00:09:572 (16) - And delete this if you apply ^ to give some break time.
00:13:681 (23) - Move 1/1 forward to have a 1/1 triplet instead of 2 doublets, as they are less confusing to play.
00:16:147 (27) - Change as k as the rhythm changes?
00:21:489 (36) - ^ d
00:32:585 (53) - Delete to have a consistent rhythm with previously
00:45:736 (74) - And delete that one to bring more power to 00:46:147 (75) - .
00:54:366 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - This rhythm will definitely confuse new players, as it keeps switching back and forth between 3/2 and 1/1. You're much better off making breaks and use primarly 1/1.
01:07:517 (28,29,30,31) - Rather than 1 and 3 notes, it's better if you could do 3 and 1 to map onto the vocal.
01:16:147 (44) - Same as 00:13:681 (23) -
01:28:065 (64,65) - Remove the volume change? (reasoning is same as Futsuu)
Topic Starter

_Gezo_ wrote:

Weff Days (M4M)
If the mod post does not contain all the five diffs, do not reply nor KD.

[Inner Oni]
As recommendation: OD6, HP7. The note count and the BPM largely permits that. Okay

00:11:626 (67,68,69) - , 00:19:024 (109,110,111) - , 01:21:489 (182,183,184) - 01:28:065 (219,220,221) - I would not recommend SV changes that fast - they might throw off the player (as they are pretty unexpected, and especially when Oni has no changes). A decent value, if you wish to keep them, can be 1.25, up to 1.4. I agree. But I tried 1.25x but it feels not much special from other notes, so I'll go with 1.4x
00:36:695 (201) - You may need to replace that as kat: When your mapping has vocal parts you go with them; but you go more on the percussion side when there is nothing - there is a hihat at that place. Sure
00:42:140 (230) - I'd feel like this is better to be deleted - porting the note down to 00:42:243 (231) - loses a tiny bit of emphasis on both vocal syllables. The more notes you put, the less emphasis you have. Hmm but I like current one. The drum supports that rhythm as well.
00:52:722 (1,2,3,4,5) - Maybe change as ddkkd ? The melody seems to be increasing in pitch until 00:53:441 (8) - . Yeah I'll guess I'll make it simple.
00:53:852 (10,11,12,13) - Although I personnally like this arrangement in terms of accuracy, it feels heavy to play... 12 would be a good candidate for deletion, but at that point I have no idea. Might be the patterning right after. Removed that note from all diffs.

Recommendation same as Inner Oni While I agree with the HP (I simply have no idea about which HP would affect this map how much), I want to leave the OD as it is now as this song is pretty hard to accuracy for some reason. I testplayed a lot and OD5 still rarely gives me 99.5+% acc, even though I'm pretty confident with my accuracy. This is meant to be an 'easy' Oni, so yeah.
00:28:270 (125,126) - I'd rather see that as double d, 00:29:092 (129,130) - is the same thing musically. (Also this doublet is implicitly present in Inner Oni) Sure

Recommending HP7, OD5. Same as Oni, I'll leave the OD as it is. Changed HP.
00:13:681 (38,39,40,41,42) - This quintuplet does not really feel like it's in its place (due to the final kd) clashing with the rest which has a fairly straightforward mapping. Change to kdddk, or kddkk?
00:53:852 (7,8) - I would recommend against having that doublet - you can have a better focus only with the d. Hmmmm but I don't want to miss that k sound as well... both sounds so important for me.

HP 7.5, OD4 Changed HP, no change on OD
00:06:284 (12) - I don't get why this is don, you go with alternating colors every 3 notes on 00:00:120 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - . And the pitch's not changing on 12. Uhh yeah alright
00:31:763 (77,78,79) - I would rather see 78 at 00:32:174 - and 79 deleted, to avoid making an odd rhythm (since you don't have any of these) While your suggestion makes sense, I would feel pretty boring by having only 1/1 rhythms all on the whole part, and not emphasizing this 00:31:763 (77,78,79) - 'special' part where the vocal has high pitches and the drum is somewhat different. If you have a better suggestion please tell me, but that 1/1 and stopping feels too simple imo. Btw, that 'weird' rhythm appears on 00:36:900 (88,89) - 00:38:544 (92,93) - as well.
00:53:955 (5) - This note should be deleted to bring more power to 00:54:366 (6) - Yeah did that on Oni as well.
01:00:941 (27) - Since you're focusing on vocal, this note seems too much. However, I'd rather see 01:00:736 (26) - deleted to give some more time (since this part is much more dense than the rest, being almost completely restless. Hmm ok, deleted 01:07:311 - as well.
01:03:613 (35,36,37) - I think any one of these notes can be deleted for a small >1 beat pause. Suddenly having a 3/2 term would be rather confusing, and 2 beat is too boring, so instead I changed 01:03:613 - into a kat to make it easier to read.
01:18:407 - No note compared to 00:15:941 (37) - ? Idk why I didn't do that lol, added
01:28:065 (108,109) - You don't have volume changes on similar parts, perhaps delete it? (Might be the case for all but Inner methinks) Oh it is similar in terms of the notes, but this is the end the song so I feel it more intense than other parts, so imma keep the volume here.

HP 7.5, OD3 Same, changed HP and not OD.
00:02:996 (5) - 00:06:284 (10) - I think it's much better if you delete these notes to keep consistency on the intro rhythm. Fixed because this diff needs to be nerfed if possible. But I wanna explain why I used that rhythm. On 00:01:352 - , that's the only clear piano sound there. But on 00:02:996 - , there's another piano sound on 00:03:202 - , so I consider those two parts as 'different', hense why I used those differently. And for 00:06:284 - , you know why.
00:05:051 (8,9) - Also put these at k for consistent alternation. Disagree with this. It may seem consistent if I just alter them, but those notes are following the melody pitch, which goes up at 00:01:763 - only and 00:03:407 - 00:05:051 - they're all samely low.
00:06:695 (11,12) - 00:08:339 (14,15) - 00:09:983 (17,18) - You can safely put 3/2 gaps on these, 1/1 is plain awkward to play. (Most spots where you do put 1/1 in place of 3/2 are awkward to play) Is it awkward? As the drums appear on this part, 00:07:106 - 00:08:750 - 00:10:393 - all these spots are pretty strong, unlike the first part. The 3/2 gaps you're saying are only about pianos, but the drums aren't really like that.
00:09:572 (16) - And delete this if you apply ^ to give some break time. As I'll keep the 1/1s I'll leave this as it is now as well.
00:13:681 (23) - Move 1/1 forward to have a 1/1 triplet instead of 2 doublets, as they are less confusing to play. yea
00:16:147 (27) - Change as k as the rhythm changes? Ok, changed 00:16:558 - as d too
00:21:489 (36) - ^ d okay
00:32:585 (53) - Delete to have a consistent rhythm with previously While you said a 'consistent' rhythm, I think these two aren't really the same and therefore it shoulnd't necessarily be consistent. Just listen to the drums. They're more special here.
00:45:736 (74) - And delete that one to bring more power to 00:46:147 (75) - . Sure
00:54:366 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28) - This rhythm will definitely confuse new players, as it keeps switching back and forth between 3/2 and 1/1. You're much better off making breaks and use primarly 1/1. I'm not really sure how to map this part in Kantan... but those 3/2 vocals really stand out so I really don't wanna ignore them. I deleted some notes so that newbie players can have more time to 'read' that 'confusing' rhythm, so I would be glad if you could check it again. The SR has gotten down A LOT anyway.
01:07:517 (28,29,30,31) - Rather than 1 and 3 notes, it's better if you could do 3 and 1 to map onto the vocal. Yeah, changed.
01:16:147 (44) - Same as 00:13:681 (23) - Sure
01:28:065 (64,65) - Remove the volume change? (reasoning is same as Futsuu) No and the reason is same as Futsuu
Thanks for a great mod!
Hi for M4M.

[Inner Oni]
00:09:572 (53) - how about k?I heard a high pitch in this place.k may more fit this pitch.
00:16:763 - add d?00:16:866 (95,96) - there's indeed a triple starts from 00:16:763 - ,you need to place this.
00:20:051 - add k,the reason is same as above but considering that 00:20:256 (112) - is a D,so only a k put on there is OK.
00:20:256 (112) - add k,the reason is same as above,to follow the lyrics.
01:19:229 - add d,same as 00:16:763 -
01:22:517 - add k,same as 00:20:051 -

00:16:763 - add d?the reason is same as Inner Oni.
00:31:969 - add k?

I can hardly find a problem for this diff......Well done!

HP7 is really suit for this difficulty?I suggest that HP6 is more suit for this.

Sorry for giving you a so short mod,but you map is so excellent!

I hope my mod can help you.Good luck!
Topic Starter

HimemiyaChikane wrote:

Hi for M4M.

[Inner Oni]
00:09:572 (53) - how about k?I heard a high pitch in this place.k may more fit this pitch. hmm alright
00:16:763 - add d?00:16:866 (95,96) - there's indeed a triple starts from 00:16:763 - ,you need to place this. Yes, but you can see that I'm not representing all the drum sounds. 00:16:763 - this drum sounds much weaker than 00:16:866 (95,96) - these two, so using only 2 notes for that is better for emphasis.
00:20:051 - add k,the reason is same as above but considering that 00:20:256 (112) - is a D,so only a k put on there is OK. You can see that I put an SV change for these three finishers, which is really only for the vocal/violin sound. So it's better not to put any other notes until the music gets fully 'resumed'.
00:20:256 (112) - add k,the reason is same as above,to follow the lyrics. It also has low drum sounds so I think it's fine.
01:19:229 - add d,same as 00:16:763 - same
01:22:517 - add k,same as 00:20:051 - same

00:16:763 - add d?the reason is same as Inner Oni. But I already have one lol
00:31:969 - add k? Nah, 00:32:072 - has both vocal and stronger drum than 00:31:969 - so it's better to not put one there.

I can hardly find a problem for this diff......Well done!

HP7 is really suit for this difficulty?I suggest that HP6 is more suit for this. Tbh I don't exactly know about HP on Taiko diffs, but it's _Gezo_'s suggestion. Seems that short/easy difficulties should have very high HP. I'll just follow it.

Sorry for giving you a so short mod,but you map is so excellent!

I hope my mod can help you.Good luck!
Thanks for your mod!
Hi, M4M, ill tell you my map in PM
Sorry My English is Bad
Its Starred already, so i only can find a little mod

00:26:421 - finisher?
00:53:955 - remove timing? useless because no note there.
00:54:366 - finisher? you do this in all diff.


00:17:791 - make it same like 01:26:832 - ? have a same piano sound, and the flow is better imo.
00:19:024 - Big kat? have a same sound like 01:28:065 - and the vocal is high too.
00:26:421 - finisher?
00:53:955 - kat, you do this in other diff.


00:26:421 - finisher?
00:33:613 - kat? i think it have a same ptich with 00:33:818 -


00:09:058 - kat? feel weird if don, becuse there's snare drum.
00:10:702 - it's fine if for variation.
00:26:421 - finisher?
01:17:277 - add note (don)? i heard a stream there, from piano sound.
Hope it help
Good Luck!
Topic Starter

Yoratama wrote:

Hi, M4M, ill tell you my map in PM
Sorry My English is Bad
Its Starred already, so i only can find a little mod

00:26:421 - finisher? Umm no, as this is a start position of a quiet part, I don't want to make players feel intense for this beat, even though there's a cymbal sound. Applies to all diffs.
00:53:955 - remove timing? useless because no note there. Doesn't really matter, but did it anyway xD
00:54:366 - finisher? you do this in all diff. Sure. It's sad that the editor doesn't have a convenient function to see if it's a finisher or not D:


00:17:791 - make it same like 01:26:832 - ? have a same piano sound, and the flow is better imo. Yeah, sure
00:19:024 - Big kat? have a same sound like 01:28:065 - and the vocal is high too. I don't remember how it was before, but I just took care some of these parts, so it's fixed anyway.
00:26:421 - finisher?
00:53:955 - kat, you do this in other diff. Yup.


00:26:421 - finisher?
00:33:613 - kat? i think it have a same ptich with 00:33:818 - It actually goes up by 1, and the drums are supporting ddk as well.


00:09:058 - kat? feel weird if don, becuse there's snare drum. It's for the sake of simple pattern which is a pair with 00:07:311 (29,30) -
00:10:702 - it's fine if for variation.
00:26:421 - finisher?
01:17:277 - add note (don)? i heard a stream there, from piano sound. I ignored that beat even on Inner Oni because this can emphasize 01:17:585 - 01:17:688 - 01:17:791 - this triplet better.
Hope it help
Good Luck!
Thanks a lot!
Rechecked, onthing more to say.

[Inner Oni]
00:06:284 (33) - kat for piano note, just like 00:01:352 (7) - 00:02:996 (14) -
00:08:647 - missing mappable 1/4
00:10:291 - ^
00:15:428 - ^
00:18:099 - and 00:18:510 - ^
00:19:024 (107,108,109) - I'd say remove the sv changes. The bar line moves slower than the notes and it looks extremely ugly
00:22:003 - missing another 1/4 note
00:23:852 - ^

... actually I think I'll stop right there this is way too undermapped for my tastes
Topic Starter

Raiden wrote:

[Inner Oni]
00:06:284 (33) - kat for piano note, just like 00:01:352 (7) - 00:02:996 (14) -
00:08:647 - missing mappable 1/4
00:10:291 - ^
00:15:428 - ^
00:18:099 - and 00:18:510 - ^
00:19:024 (107,108,109) - I'd say remove the sv changes. The bar line moves slower than the notes and it looks extremely ugly
00:22:003 - missing another 1/4 note
00:23:852 - ^

... actually I think I'll stop right there this is way too undermapped for my tastes
Fixed all, thanks Raiden!

And sorry for _Gezo_, I'm re-adjusting all diffs for better quality. I beg you to recheck when I'm done, please :(
  1. In taiko maps, you'll typically only see the main chorus have kiai for its duration. Not the intro riffs even if they are soemwhat intense. So if you do choose to change it, I also recommend extending the chorus kiai to 01:14:092 as the intense part lasts much longer than you've put it at, and this particular spot also creates a good effect with the quietness of this part.
  2. If you choose not to.. well at least remove the kiai resets in the middle because they're not allowed.
  3. Can you tell me why the " is at the end of DOG DAYS? DOG DAYS maps seem really inconsistent with metadata.
[Inner Oni]
  1. HP 6 is more fitting for an Inner. I'm actually not sure at all why you made everything revolve around 7.
  2. 00:57:243 (33,34,35,36,37) - So as to not repeat patterns, try kddkd or kkddd instead.
  3. 01:07:003 - Maybe consider adding a 'd' to emphasize this part before the melody changes.
  1. Keep this at HP 6 too. The rise can start on Muzukashii.
  2. 00:51:284 (236,237,238) - dkd? Fits better and lessens all the ddk.
  3. 01:07:209 - Add a k, for reasons similar to Inner Oni's (and to help Muzukashii's spread here).
  4. It's no secret that this is Inner Oni with notes removed, but you have way too many 'kkd's in the chorus (yes, I mean 00:56:832 (25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - ). Work on seeing which work with dkd, ddd, kkk etc.
  1. HP 7 here, for reasons likely mentioned.
  2. OD 5 here, Muzukashii doesn't need to be babied so much.
  1. HP can rise to 8 here.
  2. OD should be at 4, because 3 is so easy it's not even fair to make players think they're accurate at all.
  3. 00:32:380 (88,89) - Move these notes somewhere else so that they can create a break. Futsuu has a fair amount of breaks but this section has none despite having note amounts comparable to Muzukashii.
  4. 00:53:955 (5) - Remove this to create a proper break leading into kiai.
  5. 01:06:900 (46,47) - These also need to go in order to create a break. Breaks are a big deal in Futsuu/Kantan if you couldn't tell.
  1. OD 3, because 2 is literally like playing OD 0 on standard or something.
  2. HP should be 9 here. Low note amount + short song = passing with a D.
  3. 00:38:339 (57) - Move this to 00:37:517 and delete 00:38:750 (58) - for a 4/1 break.
  4. 00:53:133 (2,3) - And delete these for a 4/1 into kiai.
  5. 01:06:284 (25) - Move to 01:04:640 and delete 01:06:695 (26) - for yet another 4/1. It's Kantan time.

OzzyOzrock wrote:

Can you tell me why the " is at the end of DOG DAYS? DOG DAYS maps seem really inconsistent with metadata.
DOG DAYS is season 1, DOG DAYS' is season 2, DOG DAYS'' is season 3. It's a bit weird but that's how it is.
Topic Starter
Thanks Ozzy! I'll check your mod soon, along with some more changes.
Topic Starter

OzzyOzrock wrote:

  1. In taiko maps, you'll typically only see the main chorus have kiai for its duration. Not the intro riffs even if they are soemwhat intense. So if you do choose to change it, I also recommend extending the chorus kiai to 01:14:092 as the intense part lasts much longer than you've put it at, and this particular spot also creates a good effect with the quietness of this part. Okay. I originally created this map based on the ranked std version so all those settings are mostly from there, but I guess I need to change them to make it proper as a Taiko map. Extended the kiai to 01:15:736 - btw.
  2. If you choose not to.. well at least remove the kiai resets in the middle because they're not allowed. I'll remove them.
  3. Can you tell me why the " is at the end of DOG DAYS? DOG DAYS maps seem really inconsistent with metadata. What MillhioreF said. Also the full metadata information is on p/5058977
[Inner Oni]
  1. HP 6 is more fitting for an Inner. I'm actually not sure at all why you made everything revolve around 7. Uhh the HP settings are suggested by Gezo, but I'll change it if you think it's better.
  2. 00:57:243 (33,34,35,36,37) - So as to not repeat patterns, try kddkd or kkddd instead. did kddkd
  3. 01:07:003 - Maybe consider adding a 'd' to emphasize this part before the melody changes. fixed
  1. Keep this at HP 6 too. The rise can start on Muzukashii. k
  2. 00:51:284 (236,237,238) - dkd? Fits better and lessens all the ddk. k
  3. 01:07:209 - Add a k, for reasons similar to Inner Oni's (and to help Muzukashii's spread here). k
  4. It's no secret that this is Inner Oni with notes removed, but you have way too many 'kkd's in the chorus (yes, I mean 00:56:832 (25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47) - ). Work on seeing which work with dkd, ddd, kkk etc. I'll rework some parts to put some more difference than Inner Oni. To be honest, I don't like dkd or kdk patterns myself but I guess I need to try some.
  1. HP 7 here, for reasons likely mentioned. It's already 7 though
  2. OD 5 here, Muzukashii doesn't need to be babied so much. okay it's not only you who suggested this
  1. HP can rise to 8 here.
  2. OD should be at 4, because 3 is so easy it's not even fair to make players think they're accurate at all. Actually from what I've heard, Taiko's OD 0~10 is same as Standard's OD 5~10. So the difference is actually really small, since OD3 is ±40.5ms and OD4 is 37.5ms, but well I think most of Futsuu are using OD 4 so I'll change it.
  3. 00:32:380 (88,89) - Move these notes somewhere else so that they can create a break. Futsuu has a fair amount of breaks but this section has none despite having note amounts comparable to Muzukashii.
  4. 00:53:955 (5) - Remove this to create a proper break leading into kiai.
  5. 01:06:900 (46,47) - These also need to go in order to create a break. Breaks are a big deal in Futsuu/Kantan if you couldn't tell. Deleted all of these. Man I should learn how to put breaks.
  1. OD 3, because 2 is literally like playing OD 0 on standard or something. Fact: it's OD6 on standard and OD3 is OD6.5 on standard xD but changed anyway
  2. HP should be 9 here. Low note amount + short song = passing with a D. k
  3. 00:38:339 (57) - Move this to 00:37:517 and delete 00:38:750 (58) - for a 4/1 break. k
  4. 00:53:133 (2,3) - And delete these for a 4/1 into kiai.
  5. 01:06:284 (25) - Move to 01:04:640 and delete 01:06:695 (26) - for yet another 4/1. It's Kantan time. k
Thanks a lot for the mod! I'll get some more mods first.
  1. 00:27:243 - 이 파트내에서 유일하게 패턴이 다른 부분이긴 하네요. 사실 저는 일관성을 위해서는 추가하는게 낫다고 생각하긴 하는데...
  1. 00:09:572 (22) - 무언가에 맞춰서 d을 둔것 같긴 합니다만, 지금까지의 패턴이나 멜로디 같은걸 보자면 사실 여기엔 k이 들어가는게 좀더 자연스러울거라 생각해요. 실제로 Kantan에서도 저부분에는 k으로 처리가 되있고요.
  2. 00:32:585 - 여기엔 왜 노트가 없는거죠? 길게 이어지는것 때문에 끊어줬다고 보기엔 보컬이나 멜로디도 확실하게 있고, 다른 비슷한곳에서도 안끊어줬기에 설명이 좀 안되네요. 그냥 그대로 00:32:380 포함해서 노트 있어도 괜찮아 보이는데...
  1. 00:09:572 (28) - Futsuu에서 설명한 대로입니다. k으로 매핑해두는 편이 더 곡에 맞는것 같네요.
  1. 00:09:572 (39) - 아래 난이도들과 마찬가지입니다. 이너오니처럼 들리는 모든 음에 노트를 뒀을 경우엔 세세하게 매칭시킬수 있어서 어울리긴 한데, 지금처럼 1/2로만 두는 경우에는 그냥 전체적인걸 단순하게 찍은 느낌으로 k 두는게 좋을것 같습니다.
  2. 01:02:174 (61,62,63,64,65,66,67) - 전 이부분 패턴이 몇번 들어봐도 그렇게 잘 어울린다고 보기는 힘드네요. 01:02:380 (62,63,64) - 부분은 사실상 보컬 멜로디만으로 따져보면 62, 63번에 있는 노트가 소리는 더 높은 편이고, 그렇다고 둔탁하게 들리는 드럼음에 k을 뒀다고 보면 01:02:791 (65,66) - 이부분은 d k으로 두는것보단 dkd으로 두는게 나은 상황이 됩니다. 플레이 하는데에는 문제가 없긴 합니다만, 다른 패턴 사용하는거 고려해보는것도 나쁘지 않을수도 있습니다.
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:31:969 (189,190,191,192,193) - 보컬따라서 dkkdk 쓰는것도 괜찮아 보이긴 하네요. 비슷한 이유로 00:38:544 (226,227,228,229,230) - kdkkd도 나쁘진 않다고 봅니다.
뭐 사실 버블 받았던 맵이었으니 그렇기야 하겠지만, 개인적으로는 플레이 하기게 좋다고 봅니다.
일단 모딩은 이게 전부고요, 모딩 내용이 너무 적어서 왠지 엄청 죄송하네요.
Shadowa Pinkman
I'm here for m4m xd
[Inner Oni]
00:02:996 (14) - i think that should be d
00:15:119 (89,90,91,92,93) - dkkdk
00:18:407 (111,112,113,114,115) - kdkkd
00:21:284 (125,126,127) - kdd
00:22:311 - why there is empty?there is sound.add k
00:23:750 (143,144,145,146,147) - kdkkd
00:27:037 (161,162,163) - maybe ddk
00:30:325 (180,181,182) - ^
00:33:613 (199,200,201) - ^
00:55:804 (22,23,24) - maybe kdd,if you want
00:56:729 (29) - d
00:57:448 (35) - k
01:24:469 (215,216) - ctrl g
01:26:216 (227) - k
01:27:037 (233) - ^
00:13:887 (42,43,44) - ddk
00:38:750 (137,138,139) - dkd

Good luck! :)
Topic Starter

Sylphi wrote:

  1. 00:27:243 - 이 파트내에서 유일하게 패턴이 다른 부분이긴 하네요. 사실 저는 일관성을 위해서는 추가하는게 낫다고 생각하긴 하는데... 4/1 쉼 때문에 반강제적으로 넣은 거긴 한데, 그렇다고 여기를 메우기엔 정말 너무 쉼이 없어서 아예 뒤쪽도 노트를 다 빼는 걸로 바꿨습니다.
  1. 00:09:572 (22) - 무언가에 맞춰서 d을 둔것 같긴 합니다만, 지금까지의 패턴이나 멜로디 같은걸 보자면 사실 여기엔 k이 들어가는게 좀더 자연스러울거라 생각해요. 실제로 Kantan에서도 저부분에는 k으로 처리가 되있고요. 저에게는 뒷배경의 좀 독특한(?) 1/4 드럼 소리가 00:09:572 - 에서 낮고 00:09:777 - 에서 높아지는 게 강하게 느껴집니다. 그래서 간단과 달리 1/2 표현이 가능한 후츠에서는 이 차이를 확실하게 표현해 준 거고요.
  2. 00:32:585 - 여기엔 왜 노트가 없는거죠? 길게 이어지는것 때문에 끊어줬다고 보기엔 보컬이나 멜로디도 확실하게 있고, 다른 비슷한곳에서도 안끊어줬기에 설명이 좀 안되네요. 그냥 그대로 00:32:380 포함해서 노트 있어도 괜찮아 보이는데... 이미 디스코드에서 설명을 드렸지만, 반강제적 휴식입니다...만 저도 좀 마음에 안 들어서 주변에 다른 곳을 비우고 여기를 대신 채워넣었습니다.
  1. 00:09:572 (28) - Futsuu에서 설명한 대로입니다. k으로 매핑해두는 편이 더 곡에 맞는것 같네요. 음 저에게는 제가 원하는 것이 있습니다.
  1. 00:09:572 (39) - 아래 난이도들과 마찬가지입니다. 이너오니처럼 들리는 모든 음에 노트를 뒀을 경우엔 세세하게 매칭시킬수 있어서 어울리긴 한데, 지금처럼 1/2로만 두는 경우에는 그냥 전체적인걸 단순하게 찍은 느낌으로 k 두는게 좋을것 같습니다. 역시 마찬가지입니다.
  2. 01:02:174 (61,62,63,64,65,66,67) - 전 이부분 패턴이 몇번 들어봐도 그렇게 잘 어울린다고 보기는 힘드네요. 01:02:380 (62,63,64) - 부분은 사실상 보컬 멜로디만으로 따져보면 62, 63번에 있는 노트가 소리는 더 높은 편이고, 그렇다고 둔탁하게 들리는 드럼음에 k을 뒀다고 보면 01:02:791 (65,66) - 이부분은 d k으로 두는것보단 dkd으로 두는게 나은 상황이 됩니다. 플레이 하는데에는 문제가 없긴 합니다만, 다른 패턴 사용하는거 고려해보는것도 나쁘지 않을수도 있습니다. 살짝 전체를 다시 작업하면서 조금 바뀌었는지는 모르겠는데, 아무튼 지금 상황에서 제 논리는 01:02:174 - 01:02:380 - 01:02:483 - 는 그다지 둔탁하지 않은 소리들로 이루어져서 k가 괜찮고 01:02:585 - 01:02:893 - 는 확실히 d가 어울리는 자리고 01:02:791 - 는 적절한 걸로 골라넣을 수 있기 때문에 지금의 kkd ddk는 괜찮은 것 같습니다.
[Inner Oni]
  1. 00:31:969 (189,190,191,192,193) - 보컬따라서 dkkdk 쓰는것도 괜찮아 보이긴 하네요. 비슷한 이유로 00:38:544 (226,227,228,229,230) - kdkkd도 나쁘진 않다고 봅니다. 00:32:072 - 00:32:277 - 저는 여기에만 강하게 들리는 두 드럼이 인상적이어서 표현을 해주고 싶습니다. 뒤쪽도 마찬가지고요.
뭐 사실 버블 받았던 맵이었으니 그렇기야 하겠지만, 개인적으로는 플레이 하기게 좋다고 봅니다.
일단 모딩은 이게 전부고요, 모딩 내용이 너무 적어서 왠지 엄청 죄송하네요.
모딩 감사합니다. 조만간 m4m 하러 갈게요.

zigizigiefe wrote:

I'm here for m4m xd
[Inner Oni]
00:02:996 (14) - i think that should be d why? It fits the piano sound.
00:15:119 (89,90,91,92,93) - dkkdk k
00:18:407 (111,112,113,114,115) - kdkkd nah starting with d can emphasize later k's better
00:21:284 (125,126,127) - kdd I don't need to be that strict on every sounds, and I hate having kdd in this pattern.
00:22:311 - why there is empty?there is sound.add k no because filling all 1/2s out cannot properly emphasize 00:22:414 - 00:22:517 - these interesting drums.
00:23:750 (143,144,145,146,147) - kdkkd why
00:27:037 (161,162,163) - maybe ddk the vocal goes up there
00:30:325 (180,181,182) - ^ ^
00:33:613 (199,200,201) - ^ ^
00:55:804 (22,23,24) - maybe kdd,if you want I want to calm down since 00:55:804 - already.
00:56:729 (29) - d Why? Nothing sounds hard there
00:57:448 (35) - k k
01:24:469 (215,216) - ctrl g Why?
01:26:216 (227) - k I don't think I need to
01:27:037 (233) - ^ Doesn't feel it's needed
00:13:887 (42,43,44) - ddk I'm avoiding triplets that have both d and k, because they're hard
00:38:750 (137,138,139) - dkd ^

Good luck! :)
Re-bubbling since mods have happened, so Volta can qualify after he's ok with it (who wouldn't be)

Topic Starter
Thanks Ozzy!
just remember that i promised to mod this long time ago..

i think the intro can be made less dense since it is reeaally calm. for kantan intro you can delete 00:00:736 - ,
>then move 00:02:380 - to 00:02:996 -
>00:04:024 - delete
>00:05:667 - move to 00:06:284 -
>00:08:750 - delete

00:19:640 - move to 00:20:256 - and change to K? i think more wise for newbie than on red tick.
> 01:22:106 - same as above, move to 01:22:722 -
> optionally, can delete 00:20:667 - and 01:23:133 -

it would be better if you can make the futsuu easier and more friendly.
for futsuu intro you can try delete 00:01:352 - , 00:03:202 - , 00:04:640 - , 00:04:640 - , 00:06:489 - , 00:09:777 -
> 00:12:859 - this also should be removed to give longer rest

00:16:969 (37,38) - delete too, this session lack of 2/1 break.
> 00:23:544 (54,55) - same as ^
> 01:19:435 (81,82) - same as ^
> 01:26:010 (98,99) - same as ^

00:18:613 - change to d would emphasis next finisher better

00:26:421 ~ 00:39:572 - you can also make this section calmer for better spread, like:
> 00:26:832 - , 00:27:448 - delete
> 00:30:119 - move to 00:29:298 -
> 00:30:736 , 00:33:407 - delete
> 00:34:024 - move to 00:35:051 -
> 00:36:695 - , 00:37:311 - delete

01:00:530 - i think delete is better as a futsuu
> 01:13:065 - delete, and 01:13:270 - change to k, fits drum and diff better

01:11:215 (86,87) - i think it is better to delete this to give longer rest moment, since the kiai have high density and complex rhythm
00:59:503 - consider to delete too to make the sequence shorter, to suit the difficulties better?
01:14:503 - delete? same as inner

00:59:503 - delete? better as oni.
01:14:503 - delete ? same as inner

[Inner Oni]
01:02:791 (72,73,74) - or 01:02:380 (69,70,71) - consider to change to dkd so it's more interesting and variative
01:14:503 - delete to empjasis the next drum triplet better?
Topic Starter

Volta wrote:

just remember that i promised to mod this long time ago..

i think the intro can be made less dense since it is reeaally calm. for kantan intro you can delete 00:00:736 - ,
>then move 00:02:380 - to 00:02:996 -
>00:04:024 - delete
>00:05:667 - move to 00:06:284 -
>00:08:750 - delete Fixed all, except that I deleted 00:07:928 - instead of 00:08:750 -

00:19:640 - move to 00:20:256 - and change to K? i think more wise for newbie than on red tick. Still, I think those are the most important vocal sounds, so using a little bit of tricky beat for the sake of emphasizing these wouldn't hurt that much. This is only a 146bpm anyway. Also I can't avoid this on 01:28:681 - whatsoever, so being consistent here is better I think.
> 01:22:106 - same as above, move to 01:22:722 -
> optionally, can delete 00:20:667 - and 01:23:133 - 5/2 rest is more than enough for a 146bpm song imo, and starting a new note on 4th beat makes a weird rhythm, so I'd stick to the current state.

it would be better if you can make the futsuu easier and more friendly.
for futsuu intro you can try delete 00:01:352 - , 00:03:202 - , 00:04:640 - , 00:04:640 - , 00:06:489 - , 00:09:777 - Fixed all.
> 00:12:859 - this also should be removed to give longer rest Okay~

00:16:969 (37,38) - delete too, this session lack of 2/1 break.
> 00:23:544 (54,55) - same as ^
> 01:19:435 (81,82) - same as ^
> 01:26:010 (98,99) - same as ^ Fixed all here too. I think I've overestimated Futsuu players too much so far... I'll try to put more rests in my future maps.

00:18:613 - change to d would emphasis next finisher better Fixed

00:26:421 ~ 00:39:572 - you can also make this section calmer for better spread, like:
> 00:26:832 - , 00:27:448 - delete
> 00:30:119 - move to 00:29:298 -
> 00:30:736 , 00:33:407 - delete
> 00:34:024 - move to 00:35:051 -
> 00:36:695 - , 00:37:311 - delete Did all of these too.

01:00:530 - i think delete is better as a futsuu
> 01:13:065 - delete, and 01:13:270 - change to k, fits drum and diff better I want to keep this since 01:13:887 (63,64,65,66,67,68) - are all following the vocal pitch so kd is better in this perspective. Also I think this density is already cooled down enough as a Futsuu diff.

01:11:215 (86,87) - i think it is better to delete this to give longer rest moment, since the kiai have high density and complex rhythm Having a sudden 2/1 hole feels weird imo, so I'll just delete 01:11:421 - only.
00:59:503 - consider to delete too to make the sequence shorter, to suit the difficulties better? Sure.
01:14:503 - delete? same as inner I get what you mean but I've really never focused on drum-only that much to ignore important vocal sounds. So I want to keep this, and same for harder diffs too.

00:59:503 - delete? better as oni. Uhh that would be rather weird imo... since it would be the only 1/1 break in the entire section from 00:54:366 - to 01:07:517 - , on a random spot.
01:14:503 - delete ? same as inner

[Inner Oni]
01:02:791 (72,73,74) - or 01:02:380 (69,70,71) - consider to change to dkd so it's more interesting and variative Fixed the former one!
01:14:503 - delete to empjasis the next drum triplet better?
Thanks for the mod!
01:19:435 (80,81) - according to your reply you fixed this but you haven't removed these in futsuu lol
Topic Starter
Dang, I was careless cuz I had some beer yesterday xD
Fixed and updated!
lower diffs got more break

Topic Starter
Yay finally after 10 months! Thanks Volta~
Nice to see this song here again, I remember modding this like 2 years ago in a STD set XD
Topic Starter

MkGuh wrote:

Nice to see this song here again, I remember modding this like 2 years ago in a STD set XD
p/4264791 this one loooooool what an ancient map xD
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