
Tolvai Reni - Do!

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on lundi 29 août 2016 at 00:15:31

Artist: Tolvai Reni
Title: Do!
Tags: Cun Edit Short Megasztár Hungarian Magyar Gero Irreversible Priti
BPM: 135
Filesize: 3686kb
Play Time: 01:26
Difficulties Available:
  1. Advanced (2,47 stars, 184 notes)
  2. Geroversible's Sassy Extreme (5,62 stars, 335 notes)
  3. Hard (3,6 stars, 251 notes)
  4. Hyper (4,41 stars, 285 notes)
  5. Insane (4,83 stars, 318 notes)
  6. Normal (1,73 stars, 127 notes)
  7. Priti's Extra (5,41 stars, 299 notes)
Download: Tolvai Reni - Do!
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Tolvai Reni - Do!

Priti's Extra - by Priti
Geroversible's Sassy Extreme - by Gero and Irreversible

My difficulties have been hitsounded by Classwork
Storyboard made by Irreversible with Storybrew

Ars Novaa
Delta Leeds
A r M i N
Term Akatsaki
- Frontier -
Term Akatski
DeRandom Otaku

Special thanks to Kazuya
Salut, NM vite fait vu que la map est déjà bien

  1. Rien à dire
  1. 00:17:432 (1) - Pas parallèle à 00:16:544 (3) -
  2. 00:19:210 (1,2,3,4) - Pas de "doubles blankets" ? Comme tu veux c'est pas mal comme ça aussi
  3. 00:32:544 (3,1) - Le blanket pourrait être mieux
  4. 00:57:988 (14,15,16,1) - Un peu confus à lire, ptet réduis le spacing progressivement pour faire une boucle plus petite donc moins dure à lire/aim
  5. 01:04:988 (10,11,12) - Essaye ça ptet
  1. 00:20:988 (1,2,3) - Ce serait mieux si ça faisait pas d'overlap ou alors un truc du genre
  2. 00:29:877 (1,2) - Le blanket pourrait être mieux
  3. 00:30:766 (3,4) - ^
  4. 00:31:655 (1,2) - ^
  5. 00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Très dur à aim/lire enfin c'est ton choix mais ptet réduis le spacing un peu
  6. 00:58:210 (16,17) - Ce jump stream est très dur après cette boucle :(
Jolie map, certains passages un peu trop durs à mon goût par contre haha
Bonne chance !
Topic Starter
00:17:432 (1) - Pas parallèle à 00:16:544 (3) -
00:19:210 (1,2,3,4) - Pas de "doubles blankets" ? Comme tu veux c'est pas mal comme ça aussi Je trouve ça bien comme ça (;
00:32:544 (3,1) - Le blanket pourrait être mieux
00:57:988 (14,15,16,1) - Un peu confus à lire, ptet réduis le spacing progressivement pour faire une boucle plus petite donc moins dure à lire/aim Hmm, je n'ai vu personne avoir de problème ici, je garde en note ceci dit
01:04:988 (10,11,12) - Essaye ça ptet Ca donnera un effet de ralentissement non ? C'est pas ce que je cherche (;

00:20:988 (1,2,3) - Ce serait mieux si ça faisait pas d'overlap ou alors un truc du genre Honnêtement je trouve ça bien comme c'est, désolé
00:29:877 (1,2) - Le blanket pourrait être mieux
00:30:766 (3,4) - ^
00:31:655 (1,2) - ^

00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - Très dur à aim/lire enfin c'est ton choix mais ptet réduis le spacing un peu Ca peut être une bonne idée, je garde de côté
00:58:210 (16,17) - Ce jump stream est très dur après cette boucle :( J'ai mis un slider

Merci !

Ok, I haven't done any 1/3 mapping myself so I can't say much, so I'll just generalize:
  1. These: these overlapping sliders are unrankable
  2. you have a lot of this, which I personally prefer this
  3. Don't need OD 8 for "Dream" it's too high, furioso melodia is a 7.23* and it is still only OD 8.5
  4. In "another" this looks meh, blanket it or don't overlap the sliders
Overall the sliders looks fine, might want to lower SV for some of the maps
Topic Starter
Fixed overlaps and OD
Hello from my queue :)

-> Disable the countdown for all difficulties
You should play around with the audio volumes and adjust them according to the song
Try using " soft " setting

This difficulty feels very strange to me, you are not consistent in what you map to...
00:45:210 (3) - This one for example, you have been mapping to the vocals then you suddenly switch to the musical instruments, caught me off guard. You can try doing this, making it a reverse slider instead
00:46:988 (4,5) - This also, I expected the hitcircles to land on the time the singer sings " things that " but it doesn't
01:01:432 (4,1) - Bad overlap
01:26:766 (1) - Cancel NC
Overall this difficulty is rather weird in terms of flow as you sometimes miss certain notes which you mapped to in other sections of the song

00:31:432 (4,1) - Bad overlap, hitcircles should not land in the middle of the slider's path
00:44:766 (2,3,4) - These feel weird to play as well , this is just my opinion though, I've seen it work on other maps so might work here but i dunno
00:58:321 (5) - NC
01:26:766 (1) - Cancel NC

Ok firstly this isn't a HARD difficulty, its star rating corresponds to a INSANE difficulty, and it feels like an insane diff. I think you had an " INSANE " mindset when you mapped this instead of a " HARD " mindset. Here's some advice to lower to star rating, if you decide to convert this to an actual HARD mode.
00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This caught me completely off guard and my run ended here. ( Could be I'm a noob but this shouldn't be here for a HARD difficulty.
01:04:544 (4,5,6) - This should go too
01:10:766 (1) - Cancel NC
01:11:507 (2) - NC
01:18:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - This also should go
That's all for this difficulty. I'm not confident of modding anything I can't pass sooo...

Well, Good Luck :)
Hello, M4M! :D


  1. Add a spinner for all diffs... I'd advise you start the spinner at 00:08:544, and depending on the difficulty, end it at:
    Normal: 00:14:766.
    Other diffs: 00:15:210


00:15:655 (2): I'd consider blanketing like this
or consider doing this. Whichever suits you more.
In both cases, make sure the second slider is copied, and ctrl j+h'd from the 1st slider. Also, make the sliders symmetrical.

00:22:766 (1,2): Again, make your sliders symmetrical. For (1), put the anchor points to (x|y): Head: 316|156, Mddle: 344|100, Tail: 316|44. Then copy the second slider, ctrl+h and ctrl+j

00:24:544 (1): Symmetrical slider

00:45:210 (3): I'd consider moving this to the previous white tick at 00:44:988 since she says "things" and a note should be here... Then put a note at 00:45:432. So it will become something like this.

00:45:877 (1,2,3,4,5): In normal, make sure the patterns are similiar to 00:44:099 - 00:45:877 or 00:42:321 - 00:43:655 so that beginners won't be caught off-guard with very different patterns.

00:57:210 : These are all melodious beats but no notes are put in it. Consider putting sliders or notes here, or make similiar patterns from the ones pointed above.

01:00:655 (2): Move this note to 01:00:692 instead so that it matches 1/3 instead of 1/12.
01:04:210 (2): Move to 01:04:247
01:07:210 (1,2,3): Make the patterns similiar to the patterns before instead as this will catch even a hard player off-guard.


I'd advise renaming this diff to hard, but yeah you wouldn't know what to rename your hard diff... xP
Distance snap:

00:18:321 (3): Fix the overlap.
00:31:655 (1): This overlap with the previous note makes it sloppy... Consider this.
00:58:321 (5): NC


Wow these patterns are way too hard for hard, this should be insane... Thus, I'd advise renaming this to insane. Then again, you wouldn't know what to rename your insane diff to so... This is up to you.

00:20:988 (1,2): The slider from 2 is symmetrical, so I advise you to copy 2's slider, flip it ctrl+h and j to replace 1's slider.
01:04:544 (4,5,6,7): This part is even tricky for insane players... Consider this
01:12:544 (1,2): Consider this instead.
01:19:655 (1,2): These sliders are too tricky. Consider a clearer flow like this

I can't mod any diffs above harder than hard well...

I hope my mod helped, good luck for your map, looking good so far. ;)

Because you really don't want me to mod your map before you mod mine, I spoilered my mod! If you've modded my map, I'll release the spoiler, or you can read it yourself if you want. Just want to get everything done tonight so I can sleep, so I'm very sorry! :cry:
Topic Starter
00:15:655 (2)I'd consider blanketing like this
or consider doing this. Whichever suits you more.
In both cases, make sure the second slider is copied, and ctrl j+h'd from the 1st slider. Also, make the sliders symmetrical.

00:22:766 (1,2)Again, make your sliders symmetrical. For (1), put the anchor points to (x|y): Head: 316|156, Mddle: 344|100, Tail: 316|44. Then copy the second slider, ctrl+h and ctrl+j

00:24:544 (1)Symmetrical slider It's okay there

00:45:210 (3)I'd consider moving this to the previous white tick at 00:44:988 since she says "things" and a note should be here... Then put a note at 00:45:432. So it will become something like this. Changed

00:57:210 These are all melodious beats but no notes are put in it. Consider putting sliders or notes here, or make similiar patterns from the ones pointed above.

01:00:655 (2)Move this note to 01:00:692 instead so that it matches 1/3 instead of 1/12. It doesn't o:
01:04:210 (2)Move to 01:04:247 why ? I think you made an error
01:07:210 (1,2,3)Make the patterns similiar to the patterns before instead as this will catch even a hard player off-guard.

Distance snap fixed
00:18:321 (3)Fix the overlap. Completely readable imo
00:31:655 (1)This overlap with the previous note makes it sloppy... Consider this. yeah
00:58:321 (5)NC

00:20:988 (1,2)The slider from 2 is symmetrical, so I advise you to copy 2's slider, flip it ctrl+h and j to replace 1's slider.
01:04:544 (4,5,6,7)This part is even tricky for insane players... Consider this Waiting for other opinions, I really think it's fine
01:12:544 (1,2)Consider this instead. ?
01:19:655 (1,2)These sliders are too tricky. Consider a clearer flow like this I think it's fine again (;

Thanks !
Topic Starter

Ars Novaa wrote:

Hello from my queue :)

-> Disable the countdown for all difficulties
Disabled. I'm waiting for someone to hitsound it btw (;

[box=]This difficulty feels very strange to me, you are not consistent in what you map to...
00:45:210 (3) - This one for example, you have been mapping to the vocals then you suddenly switch to the musical instruments, caught me off guard. You can try doing this, making it a reverse slider instead Fixed
00:46:988 (4,5) - This also, I expected the hitcircles to land on the time the singer sings " things that " but it doesn't ^
01:01:432 (4,1) - Bad overlap It is perfectly readable
01:26:766 (1) - Cancel NC
Overall this difficulty is rather weird in terms of flow as you sometimes miss certain notes which you mapped to in other sections of the song

00:31:432 (4,1) - Bad overlap, hitcircles should not land in the middle of the slider's path
00:44:766 (2,3,4) - These feel weird to play as well , this is just my opinion though, I've seen it work on other maps so might work here but i dunno k, waiting for other opinions
00:58:321 (5) - NC
01:26:766 (1) - Cancel NC

00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - This caught me completely off guard and my run ended here. ( Could be I'm a noob but this shouldn't be here for a HARD difficulty. 135 bpm... not that hard (;
01:04:544 (4,5,6) - This should go too hmm
01:10:766 (1) - Cancel NC
01:11:507 (2) - NC

01:18:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - This also should go again, 135 bpm (:
That's all for this difficulty. I'm not confident of modding anything I can't pass sooo...

Well, Good Luck :)

Thank you !
16:35 Blackweb: irc?
16:36 6th: as you wish
16:36 6th: both are fine
16:36 Blackweb: cool
16:36 Blackweb: dream dif
16:37 Blackweb: 00:15:655 (1,2,3,4,1) - same thing over and over, okay for 00:15:655 (1,2,3,4) - but not 00:15:655 (1,2,3,4,1) -
16:37 Blackweb: 00:17:432 (1) - change this one up a bit
16:38 6th: moved
16:38 Blackweb: cool
16:39 Blackweb: 00:19:210 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these have too many blankets, try to make it so the player isnt going back and forth to the same place all the time
16:40 6th: it was intended lol
16:40 Blackweb: :P
16:40 Blackweb: kk
16:41 Blackweb: 00:25:877 (4) - i would change this to a small circle slider on top of the 1
16:42 Blackweb: 00:26:766 (2,3) - i would personally make this a bigger jump
16:43 6th: wow
16:43 6th: I was thinking it was too big xD
16:43 Blackweb: XD
16:43 6th: oh you mean
16:43 6th: the spacing between (2) and (3)
16:43 Blackweb: yea
16:43 Blackweb: 00:33:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i would personally make every other beat one higher and then one lower
16:43 Blackweb: so
16:43 6th: I don't really know, it doesn't really sound as if the singer is pronounciating "the" louder than "all"
16:44 Blackweb: ok
16:44 Blackweb: 2 higher than 1 by one tile and 4 lower than it by one etc etc
16:44 6th: yep I know what you mean
16:44 Blackweb: cool
16:45 Blackweb: 00:36:544 (2) - imo i would do what you did 00:25:877 (4) - there too
16:45 Blackweb: altho thats more stylistic
16:45 Blackweb: 00:39:432 (2,3,4) - spacing between these arent equal
16:46 Blackweb: 00:40:099 (4) - i would put the end of this slider on the top of 1
16:47 6th: 00:39:432 (2,3) - it was intended because "me" is especially louder
16:47 Blackweb: k
16:47 6th: hmm
16:47 6th: yeah why not
16:47 Blackweb: 01:02:914 (5,6,7,8,9) - i would make this different
16:47 Blackweb: as in
16:47 6th: the only thing is
16:47 Blackweb: make sure that there is variation
16:47 6th: it would be inconsistent
16:47 Blackweb: yea
16:47 Blackweb: thats what i was sayin there
16:48 Blackweb: 01:06:470 (5,6,7,8,9) - same here
16:48 6th: yes you're right
16:48 6th: 01:06:321 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - this was intende
16:48 6th: d
16:48 Blackweb: 01:08:099 (4) - is hard to read there, move it
16:48 Blackweb: yea but its inconsistent, as you said b4
16:49 Blackweb: thats it
16:49 Blackweb: cool
16:49 Blackweb: another
16:50 Blackweb: 00:36:766 (3) - overlap
16:50 6th: intended :p
16:50 Blackweb: k
16:50 Blackweb: 00:45:210 - add note here
16:51 Blackweb: basically im saying to make that a stream
16:51 Blackweb: it fits
16:51 Blackweb: nvm,
16:51 6th: I don't really know
16:51 6th: 00:45:210 - this is not really audible and
16:51 6th: doesn't sound like others
16:52 Blackweb: yea i dont think you should do it
16:52 Blackweb: 00:54:321 (4) - get rid of this and increase slider length to where that would hit
16:53 Blackweb: 01:08:099 (1,2,3,4,5) - spacing is wrong here
16:53 Blackweb: 1 2 is fine but 3 4 5 is over spaced
16:54 Blackweb: 01:11:803 (4,5,6,7,8) - more of a stylistic choice but i would make these notes jumps
16:54 Blackweb: 01:15:210 (4,5,1,2,3) - same thing here with 01:08:099 (1,2,3,4,5) -
16:54 Blackweb: 01:24:247 (7,8,1,2,3) - and here
16:54 Blackweb: overspaced
16:54 Blackweb: thats it
16:55 Blackweb: cool diff man
16:55 Blackweb: insane
16:55 Blackweb: 00:16:321 (2) - place more inbetween 1 and 3 so it isnt a huge jump
16:55 Blackweb: 00:17:210 (4) - same here
16:56 Blackweb: 00:41:432 (3) - overspaced
16:56 Blackweb: 00:47:655 (1) - same here
16:56 6th: yeah it is maybe a bit overspaced
16:57 Blackweb: 01:15:655 (6) - underspaced imo
16:57 Blackweb: wait
16:57 Blackweb: nvk
16:57 Blackweb: nvm*
16:58 Blackweb: that is it for that diff
16:58 Blackweb: gj
16:58 Blackweb: hard
16:59 Blackweb: 00:50:099 (3) - blanket with 4 and move the slider end to the side
17:00 Blackweb: 00:57:432 (9) - nc and add curve so the flow is better
17:01 6th: blanket ? I can't lol
17:01 Blackweb: 00:59:210 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - overspaced and 7 is under the 6 and 8 slightly, imo i would move it up so it;s more of a triangle like 3 4 and 5
17:01 6th: a curve would be hard to aim for a hard diff
17:01 Blackweb: yea but the previous stream was slightly curved
17:01 Blackweb: 01:02:618 - triplet should be here
17:02 Blackweb: as in put a note in between 2 and 3 and make it hittable
17:02 6th: triplet would be overmapping imo
17:02 Blackweb: no
17:02 Blackweb: listen its there
17:02 6th: yeah I know but
17:02 6th: it might be too much for a hard doesn't it
17:03 Blackweb: it should actually start 01:02:544 -
17:03 Blackweb: my hard diff has triplets
17:03 Blackweb: :P
17:03 Blackweb: on sacrificial
17:03 Blackweb: 01:06:321 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - too much space between 5 and 6 uneven imo
17:03 Blackweb: 01:11:507 (1) - also you have a triplet right there :|
17:04 Blackweb: 01:13:358 - note should go here
17:04 Blackweb: inbetween 2 and 3
17:04 6th: yeah I know, but 1/4 triplets
17:04 6th: not 1/3 lol
17:04 Blackweb: its 1/6 right?
17:04 6th: 01:11:507 (1) - there is no slider before :p
17:05 6th: 1/6* yes
17:05 6th: there's even a break
17:05 Blackweb: ik
17:05 Blackweb: i still think you should add those triplets
17:05 Blackweb: it sounds and feels a lot better when you play it
17:05 Blackweb: if another modder tells you to throw em out bc its a hard map you can pm me and say haha
17:06 Blackweb: 01:16:914 - add one here
17:06 Blackweb: imo
17:06 Blackweb: 01:20:099 (2,3) - this is fine and doesnt need a triplet
17:06 Blackweb: 01:22:766 (1,2) - hard to read for me
17:06 Blackweb: imo
17:06 Blackweb: i would move 2 somewhere else
17:07 Blackweb: thats it for that diff
17:07 Blackweb: nice
17:07 Blackweb: advanced
17:07 6th: thanks
17:07 Blackweb: np
17:07 Blackweb: 00:18:099 (2) - overlap
17:08 Blackweb: 00:38:766 (1) - no need for nc
17:08 Blackweb: 00:44:766 (2) - imo just make this a repeater and get rid of 3
17:09 Blackweb: 00:46:544 (2) - same here
17:09 Blackweb: 00:48:321 (2) - here too
17:09 Blackweb: 00:50:099 (2) - here too
17:10 Blackweb: thats all
17:10 6th: it doesn't really fit with instruments
17:10 Blackweb: gj
17:10 Blackweb: ill try normal but im bad at modding easier maps btw
17:11 Blackweb: 00:42:988 (2) - overlap
17:12 Blackweb: thats all :p
17:12 Blackweb: needs an easy diff imo
17:12 Blackweb: i could gd if you want
17:14 6th: thanks a lot ^^
17:14 6th: saving our chat
17:15 Blackweb: no prob
A r M i N

CS 3,8 ? eh

00:20:988 (1,2,3) - Space more
00:22:321 (4) - Extend that slider to 00:22:655 -
00:22:655 - Ugly jumps, maybe make some pattern, star idk

Sorry I didnt find more in the other diff, you map looks great
maybe its cause i am tired :^ sorri
Topic Starter
Waiting for hitsounds to update
Topic Starter
Updated !
00:20:099 (5) - NC
00:20:988 (9) - NC
00:40:099 (4) - NC
00:44:988 (3,4,5,6) - Ca me parait dur même pour une 5.7*, un bon space stream de 4 notes à là limite ok mais 2 puis 2 séparées c'est chaud, après je dis ça j'ai pas le niveau pour ce genre de map, faut voir l'avis de quelqu'un meilleur que moi (du coup même remarque pour tous les autres stream du même genre)
00:47:655 (8) - NC
00:49:432 (8) - NC
00:57:432 (9) - NC
00:59:210 (1) - NC ou sur 00:59:655 (4) soit isole les 2 triangles ensemble (les 6 notes) soit isoles les triangles séparément (3 puis 3)
01:02:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - NC
01:06:321 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - de même qu'au dessus pour les triangles, je pense en fait que isoler les 6 ensemble c'est mieux
01:10:025 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Décaler ça pour que le 10 arrive sur le 4, vu que le 4 commence le patern
01:09:877 (4) - Du coup NC ici ^^
01:14:025 (9,10,1) - Faire tourner un peu (genre 20° anti-clockewise du centre de la selection 9,10,1) pour les décaler des précédant et donner plus de flow

Du coup faut arranger un peu la suite pour que ça colle comme avant c'était sympa ça

01:16:988 (1) - NC
01:19:506 (3,4) - petite rotation de ça comme l'autre aussi, pour faire plus joli et aider, c'est super dur à lire quand c'est stack comme ça sur un passage rapide TT
01:20:544 (1) - NC
01:23:062 (3) - C'est joli comme patern mais y'a un cercle du triangle qui est décalé, sans doute un miss clic mais ça gâche le triangle du coup
01:24:099 (5) - NC
01:25:877 (1) - NC, not sure

Anyway la map est cool ! Gl
Hi! M4M here. Hopefully you can find my suggestions of use. Great song by the way!

Generally - Try putting the map to 0.9x DS to bring the consecutive sliders closer as this is a Normal map.

00:33:432 (1,2,3,4) - Try bringing the sliders a bit closer. DS 0.8 or 0.9x does this well.

01:01:432 (4,1) - Not a fan of the stacking for Normal. Try moving (1) above so the sliders are parallel to each other, see here.

01:04:840 (3,4) - Instead of two sliders, try making one three-rev slider at 01:04:988, see here.

01:06:321 (2,3,1) - This looks very cramped. I don't think it'll hurt to give these three sliders a small bit of space. See here.

01:13:284 (2,3,4) - Try bringing the sliders a bit closer.

01:18:470 (2,3,4) - See above.

01:20:395 (2,3,4) - See above.

00:42:321 (1,2) - I personally liked the previous combo you did (00:40:544 (1,2,3)), and there's no harm in repeating it. I made a video on how it would play like here.

00:54:766 (1,2,3) - I also liked the previous combos you did with stacking, and it would be more intuitive if you followed the same pattern. See here.

01:12:544 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:16:099 (1,2,3,4,5) - I also had some trouble with this kind of thing where I mapped the same rhythm multiple ways. I've learned that having the same mapping pattern for the same rhythm makes it much more intuitive to play. You can try replacing one combo with the other, or replacing both with the pattern that you used for the rest of the section: 01:19:655 (1,2,3,4,5).

01:13:432 (3,4,5,6,7) - I can see what kind of flow you want from this pattern, but the fact that it does this whirling flow then suddenly snaps to 01:14:321 (1) threw me off. It might be part of the difficulty, though - but consider remapping such that the flow doesn't snap that abruptly in essentially an about-face.

01:26:766 (1) - Doesn't look like part of the kiai. Is this intentional?

Another and Dream: Last note also isn't part of the kiai - not sure if intentional or not. I can't mod anything else about them as they're way out of my league, sorry!

Thanks for the M4M and best of luck with your map!
Topic Starter

Seynar wrote:

00:20:099 (5) - NC
00:20:988 (9) - NC
00:40:099 (4) - NC
00:44:988 (3,4,5,6) - Ca me parait dur même pour une 5.7*, un bon space stream de 4 notes à là limite ok mais 2 puis 2 séparées c'est chaud, après je dis ça j'ai pas le niveau pour ce genre de map, faut voir l'avis de quelqu'un meilleur que moi (du coup même remarque pour tous les autres stream du même genre)
00:47:655 (8) - NC
00:49:432 (8) - NC
00:57:432 (9) - NC
00:59:210 (1) - NC ou sur 00:59:655 (4) soit isole les 2 triangles ensemble (les 6 notes) soit isoles les triangles séparément (3 puis 3)
01:02:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - NC
01:06:321 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - de même qu'au dessus pour les triangles, je pense en fait que isoler les 6 ensemble c'est mieux
01:10:025 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - Décaler ça pour que le 10 arrive sur le 4, vu que le 4 commence le patern
01:09:877 (4) - Du coup NC ici ^^
01:14:025 (9,10,1) - Faire tourner un peu (genre 20° anti-clockewise du centre de la selection 9,10,1) pour les décaler des précédant et donner plus de flow

Du coup faut arranger un peu la suite pour que ça colle comme avant c'était sympa ça

01:16:988 (1) - NC
01:19:506 (3,4) - petite rotation de ça comme l'autre aussi, pour faire plus joli et aider, c'est super dur à lire quand c'est stack comme ça sur un passage rapide TT
01:20:544 (1) - NC
01:23:062 (3) - C'est joli comme patern mais y'a un cercle du triangle qui est décalé, sans doute un miss clic mais ça gâche le triangle du coup
01:24:099 (5) - NC
01:25:877 (1) - NC, not sure

Anyway la map est cool ! Gl
J'ai quasiment tout validé, merci !
Topic Starter

Erasariel wrote:

Hi! M4M here. Hopefully you can find my suggestions of use. Great song by the way!

Generally - Try putting the map to 0.9x DS to bring the consecutive sliders closer as this is a Normal map.

00:33:432 (1,2,3,4) - Try bringing the sliders a bit closer. DS 0.8 or 0.9x does this well. I think they are okay as they are now

01:01:432 (4,1) - Not a fan of the stacking for Normal. Try moving (1) above so the sliders are parallel to each other, see

01:04:840 (3,4) - Instead of two sliders, try making one three-rev slider at 01:04:988, see Not a bad idea but I wouldn't like missing the 4th sound

01:06:321 (2,3,1) - This looks very cramped. I don't think it'll hurt to give these three sliders a small bit of space.

01:13:284 (2,3,4) - Try bringing the sliders a bit closer. DS needs to be consistent imo

01:18:470 (2,3,4) - See above. ^

01:20:395 (2,3,4) - See above. ^

00:42:321 (1,2) - I personally liked the previous combo you did (00:40:544 (1,2,3)), and there's no harm in repeating it. Nice idea but I think that a slider is needed here 00:43:655 (2) - . I'll use it if I get other opinions about this

00:54:766 (1,2,3) - I also liked the previous combos you did with stacking, and it would be more intuitive if you followed the same pattern.

01:12:544 (1,2,3,4,5) and 01:16:099 (1,2,3,4,5) - I also had some trouble with this kind of thing where I mapped the same rhythm multiple ways. I've learned that having the same mapping pattern for the same rhythm makes it much more intuitive to play. You can try replacing one combo with the other, or replacing both with the pattern that you used for the rest of the section: 01:19:655 (1,2,3,4,5). Good point

01:13:432 (3,4,5,6,7) - I can see what kind of flow you want from this pattern, but the fact that it does this whirling flow then suddenly snaps to 01:14:321 (1) threw me off. It might be part of the difficulty, though - but consider remapping such that the flow doesn't snap that abruptly in essentially an about-face. I liked this pattern ): but I admit it is a little bit tricky. I'll think of a way to remap.

01:26:766 (1) - Doesn't look like part of the kiai. Is this intentional?

Another and Dream: Last note also isn't part of the kiai - not sure if intentional or not. I can't mod anything else about them as they're way out of my league, sorry!

Thanks for the M4M and best of luck with your map!
Thanks a lot
From your modding Queue


00:27:210 (3) - consider moving to X:228 Y:236
01:02:914 (2) - 01:03:655 (1) - stack with start of slider? also consider to not make it symetric with 01:03:951 (2) - and move this slider little bit down so end of it stacks with 01:03:210 (1)
01:06:470 (2) - move to X:196 Y:300
after moving ^ note i guess you shall move this one 01:06:914 (2) - to X:148 Y:348
01:07:210 (1) and 01:08:099 (4) - i think theese shud be stacked but they are not
repositioning 01:09:803 (3) to X:152 Y:100 and 01:09:877 (1) - to X:128 Y:124 fits better with slider
01:19:358 (2) - this seems a little bit confusing to me, but that can be just my personal opinion
01:25:136 (2) - move to X:392 Y:168


00:58:321 (16) - NC?
01:07:210 (10) - ^


00:50:099 (3, 4, 5, 6) - make it straight
01:00:099 (1, 2, 3) - why not make it just simetric? like like it is on 01:07:210 (1, 2, 3)

i guess that's all i found, good luck further
Speed of Snail
Hey, response to the M4M from earlier, srry this took so long, but I assume you don't want my life story, so I'll just apologize for being a week late and leave it at that.

Also, I'm a tablet player that didn't have my tablet out when testing this, so the Extreme and Dream difficulties were beyond my ability to use mouse, hell I was hard pressed to clear Another.


You're lack of tags is concerning, however there's very little to add frankly, this is an un-signed singer with minimal production and a skeleton crew of staff to work with, so technically speaking she's one of the most underground artists I've ever heard of.

Add to Tags: Cun Edit Short Megasztár


From my understanding of the ranking criteria, it is MANDATORY that any set not in the "approved" category requires a difficulty with less than 2 SR, you're current easiest difficulty Normal, is 2.04. it's close enough you could just try to nerf it if you want however note that however you handle it, it has to happen.

The Gap between Advanced and Hard is, pretty damn big when compared to the average jump in all your other difficulties, idk how much this affects it, but the biggest stress of the new criteria is a fair balance in difficulty spread, and right now this doesn't look like it, as it stands I'd recommend just trying to both make advanced harder and hard easier, however you could also opt to add a bridging difficulty to take the name hard, and change your current hard to "Hyper" or something in that category.

Another note as per the new criteria, Insane and Another are very close to each other difficulty wise, and I'm fairly confident that having the double difficulty there completely goes against the new rules, also seems super redundant after having such massive jumps before to have a .1 gap between two mid-tier insane diffs.


01:10:766 (1,1) This confused me when I was playing, so I bet it'll confuse a lot of Normal diff players as well, they're at just the right spot timing wise so that the second one appears right as the first one gets hit, I'd recommend offsetting this slightly since I initially assumed this was the slider.

01:26:321 - (3,4,5,6) I feel like this is a little hard compared to the rest of the map (essentially mashing for the average player playing sub-2 star maps) So I'd advice making the first 3,4 or even 3,4,5 a slider/repeat slider and leaving 5,6 or just 6 as circles to finish the map with a solid hit.

Not much, Normals solid.


Probably the best made difficulty in this set, anything I have to say would be me pointing out differences in our mapping styles, which is pointless, GJ with this one.


00:24:544 - (1) I hate to be that guy, but technically this blanket is off since the tail is closer to the circle than the head is.

00:56:544 - (1-16) This is a perfect example of what I was talking about before, this isn't bad mapping at all, but even at this low BPM a 16 note solid stream that turns, is not a Hard difficulty, this coupled with some of the broken single-tap patterns near the end of the map are why the difficulty rating is so high, again it's not that it's bad mapping, but this is just too much to be a "Hard" difficulty, you might want to rethink how this is handled, or possible make this Light Insane and make a different Hard difficulty.

01:06:321 - (3-8) This is what I meant when I said broken single-tap pattern, Same thing as above.

01:13:432 - (3-7,1) This pattern is much harder than anything from earlier in the map imo, and it appears only a single time, every repeat of this part in the song is done as all 1/3 sliders, while this one has fast-ish tapping involved, plus a fair amount of reading difficulty in jumping from end to end of sliders, mostly it's just an issue to me that this only happens once as I feel like a ton of people would just get some random miss here repeatedly, while being able to do the rest of the map perfectly fine, I've had a couple maps like that myself and it's really irritating, I'd feel better about it if you made it less tap-heavy right here.


Maybe this is just me being paranoid, as I'm no expert in this area, but the OD seems quite low compared to the songs later sections, I'd want to check on things like note-lock with someone whose actually got the specifics on that, since you definitely want to avoid technical issues.

Alright, that's all I can say, there's really not a lot to talk about note placement and the like, as you've pretty well got it down universally, however the more behind the scenes aspects of the map have some holes that need to be patched, so most if not all your problems are from a technical aspect, and the mapping itself is actually quite good, if you put actual work into cleaning up I'm confident this would get ranked, GL with the set, and again, sorry I took so long :(
Topic Starter

TheLeviathan wrote:

From your modding Queue


00:27:210 (3) - consider moving to X:228 Y:236 not really noticeable in game
01:02:914 (2) - 01:03:655 (1) - stack with start of slider? also consider to not make it symetric with 01:03:951 (2) - and move this slider little bit down so end of it stacks with 01:03:210 (1) I want to keep symetric
01:06:470 (2) - move to X:196 Y:300 I can't see why tbh lol
after moving ^ note i guess you shall move this one 01:06:914 (2) - to X:148 Y:348
01:07:210 (1) and 01:08:099 (4) - i think theese shud be stacked but they are not intended. I think (4) is more readable like this
repositioning 01:09:803 (3) to X:152 Y:100 and 01:09:877 (1) - to X:128 Y:124 fits better with slider
01:19:358 (2) - this seems a little bit confusing to me, but that can be just my personal opinion
01:25:136 (2) - move to X:392 Y:168


00:58:321 (16) - NC?
01:07:210 (10) - ^


00:50:099 (3, 4, 5, 6) - make it straight
01:00:099 (1, 2, 3) - why not make it just simetric? like like it is on 01:07:210 (1, 2, 3)

i guess that's all i found, good luck further
Thanks !
Topic Starter

TheOnlyLeon wrote:

Hey, response to the M4M from earlier, srry this took so long, but I assume you don't want my life story, so I'll just apologize for being a week late and leave it at that.

Also, I'm a tablet player that didn't have my tablet out when testing this, so the Extreme and Dream difficulties were beyond my ability to use mouse, hell I was hard pressed to clear Another.


* Added tags


* Nerfing Normal

* Working on another Hard diff, actual Hard diff renamed to Light Insane

* Removed Another


01:10:766 (1,1) This confused me when I was playing, so I bet it'll confuse a lot of Normal diff players as well, they're at just the right spot timing wise so that the second one appears right as the first one gets hit, I'd recommend offsetting this slightly since I initially assumed this was the slider.

01:26:321 - (3,4,5,6) I feel like this is a little hard compared to the rest of the map (essentially mashing for the average player playing sub-2 star maps) So I'd advice making the first 3,4 or even 3,4,5 a slider/repeat slider and leaving 5,6 or just 6 as circles to finish the map with a solid hit. It was intended, waiting for other opinions.

Not much, Normals solid.


Probably the best made difficulty in this set, anything I have to say would be me pointing out differences in our mapping styles, which is pointless, GJ with this one.
Thanks !


00:24:544 - (1) I hate to be that guy, but technically this blanket is off since the tail is closer to the circle than the head is.

00:56:544 - (1-16) This is a perfect example of what I was talking about before, this isn't bad mapping at all, but even at this low BPM a 16 note solid stream that turns, is not a Hard difficulty, this coupled with some of the broken single-tap patterns near the end of the map are why the difficulty rating is so high, again it's not that it's bad mapping, but this is just too much to be a "Hard" difficulty, you might want to rethink how this is handled, or possible make this Light Insane and make a different Hard difficulty.

01:06:321 - (3-8) This is what I meant when I said broken single-tap pattern, Same thing as above.

01:13:432 - (3-7,1) This pattern is much harder than anything from earlier in the map imo, and it appears only a single time, every repeat of this part in the song is done as all 1/3 sliders, while this one has fast-ish tapping involved, plus a fair amount of reading difficulty in jumping from end to end of sliders, mostly it's just an issue to me that this only happens once as I feel like a ton of people would just get some random miss here repeatedly, while being able to do the rest of the map perfectly fine, I've had a couple maps like that myself and it's really irritating, I'd feel better about it if you made it less tap-heavy right here. Changed pattern


* Increased OD

Alright, that's all I can say, there's really not a lot to talk about note placement and the like, as you've pretty well got it down universally, however the more behind the scenes aspects of the map have some holes that need to be patched, so most if not all your problems are from a technical aspect, and the mapping itself is actually quite good, if you put actual work into cleaning up I'm confident this would get ranked, GL with the set, and again, sorry I took so long :(
Thanks ! very useful
Salut, Mod from M4M Queue.

J'espère que tu vas pouvoir afficher les images de types Grandes

Général :

  1. Rajouter des Tags ( Toujours un plus ).
  2. Rajouter une Difficulté Easy ça permettrait à plus de personne de pouvoir jouer.
  3. Les Difficultés sont toutes très bien donc j'espère que tu va pouvoir la Rank.
Normal :

  1. 00:37:432 (2) - Change le pour l'arrondir mieux autour de 00:38:321 (3) et ne pas avoir de problème de DS : Début : x=36 y=212 ; Milieu : x=28 y=180 ; Fin : x=36 y=148 .
  2. 00:56:544 (1,2) - Pas symétrique : 1er Slider Début : x=316 y=272 ; Fin : x=224 y=356 ; Milieu : x=284 y=328 / 2e Slider Début : x=96 y=356 ; Fin : x=8 y=272 ; Milieu : x=36 y=328 .
  3. 01:09:877 (2,3,4) - Je l'aurai plus mis de cette manière pour que le combo soit plus lisible et que 01:10:766 (4) et 01:12:544 (1) commence au même endroit :

    1. 01:09:877 (2) - Début : x=308 y=148 ; Milieu : x=296 y=168 ; Fin : x=272 y=184
    2. 01:10:321 (3) - Début : x=308 y=100 ; Milieu : x=280 y=104 ; Fin : x=256 y=124
    3. 01:10:766 (4) - x=324 y=56
  4. 01:26:321 (3,4,5,6) - Mauvais Spacing ici (Regarde le AiMod). Positionne les plutôt comme ça :

    1. 01:26:321 (3) - x=200 y=300
    2. 01:26:469 (4) - x=152 y=300
    3. 01:26:617 (5) - x=104 y=300
    4. 01:26:766 (6) - x=56 y=300
  5. Pour finir, ton 2e Kiai Time est trop court (Regarde le AiMod). Au lieu de te compliquer la tâche fait juste ça :

    Ça revient exactement au même vu que tu n'as pas de note pendant ta pause de 2 secondes.
Advanced :

  1. Comme pour la Normal ton second Kiai Time est trop court, même solution : joins les 2 Kiai Times.
  2. 00:20:099 (3) - Mal placer ce qui gâche un peu la forme de ton combo 00:19:210 (1,2,3) . Essai comme ça :

    1. 00:20:099 (3) - Début : x=280 y=232 ; Milieu : x=252 y=184 ; Fin : x=252 y=152
    2. 00:20:544 (4) - x=212 y=96
    3. 00:20:766 (5) - x=136 y=64

  3. 01:26:321 (3,4,5) - Quitte à avoir un DS constant : respecte le jusqu'au bout :

    1. 01:26:618 (4) - x=164 y=204
    2. 01:26:766 (5) - x=176 y=272
Hard :

  1. Pareil que précedemment : joins les 2 Kiai Times (Erreur AiMod)
  2. Vu que tu n'as pas définie les Nouveaux Combo je te fait une liste de suggestion :
    • Nouveau Combo à ses temps:
    1. 00:19:210 (8) -
    2. 00:20:988 (16) -
    3. 00:25:432 (26) -
    4. 00:29:877 (36) -
    5. 00:33:432 (43) -
    6. 00:36:099 (52) -
    7. 00:41:432 (63) -
    8. 00:44:099 (67) -
    9. 00:47:210 (76) -
    10. 00:49:877 (84) -
    11. 00:52:988 (92) -
    12. 00:56:544 (102) -
    13. 01:00:692 (10) -
    14. 01:03:655 (22) -
    15. 01:06:173 (30) -
    16. 01:07:803 (37) -
    17. 01:09:729 (43) -
    18. 01:11:507 (49) -
    19. 01:13:284 (56) -
    20. 01:16:840 (69) -
    21. 01:18:766 (77) -
    22. 01:20:395 (83) -
    23. 01:22:321 (91) -
    24. 01:24:988 (102) -
  3. J'ai du mal à le faire mais pourquoi pas enrouler 00:36:099 (52) autour du début de 00:35:210 (51) mais en conservant cette enroulement 00:36:988 (54) autour de la fin de 00:36:099 (52) :
    Quelque chose dans ce style :

    1. 00:36:099 (52) - Début : x=140 y=168 ; Point 1 : x=180 y=136 ; Point 2 : x=248 y=136 ; Fin : x=276 y=172

  4. Petite suggestion pour le combo final 01:26:321 (104,105,106,107) :

    Light Insane :
  5. Même chose que précedemment pour le Kiai Time.
  6. Ici , Essaye d'enrouler 00:51:210 (1) autour du début de 00:51:655 (2) . Puis d'enrouler 00:51:655 (2) autour du début de 00:51:210 (1) et 00:52:099 (3) .

    1. 00:51:655 (2) - Début : x=216 y=52 ; Milieu : x=176 y=52 ; Fin : x=140 y=72

  7. Ce Combo 01:26:321 (5,6,7,8) - est identique à celui là 01:04:544 (4,5,6,7) . Essaye quelque chose dans ce style :

    1. 01:26:321 (5) - Début : x=280 y=216 ; Fin : x=320 y=244 .
    2. 01:26:470 (6) - Début : x=304 y=168 ; Fin : x=352 y=168 .
    3. 01:26:618 (7) - Début : x=296 y=116 ; Fin : x=336 y=92 .
    4. 01:26:766 (8) - x=260 y=84

    Insane :

  8. Tu l'aura sûrement deviner encore une fois, bien sûr il faut régler le Kiai Time .
  9. 00:57:877 (13,14,15,16) - Ce morceau de stream cache complétement le début de 00:58:321 (1) , de plus c'est totalement personnel mais à jouer c'est pas super. Essaye quelque chose comme ça :

    1. 00:57:877 (13) - x=500 y=200
    2. 00:57:988 (14) - x=488 y=256
    3. 00:58:099 (15) - x=440 y=284
    4. 00:58:210 (16) - x=388 y=264
  10. 00:59:655 (8,9,10) - Exactement la même chose que 00:59:210 (5,6,7) ; Essaye de placer 00:59:655 (8,9,10) au même endroit que 00:59:210 (5,6,7) ; quitte à tourner autant le faire bien :P
  11. 01:17:432 (8,9,10) - Même réflexion que précédemment ^

    Extreme :

  12. Tu sais déjà quel est le problème là :D :idea: Le Kiai Time :idea:
  13. 00:57:655 (11,12,13,14) - Quitte à tourner en rond comme avec 00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) . Dans ce cas pourquoi ne pas continuer :

    1. 00:57:655 (11) - x=360 y=232
    2. 00:57:766 (12) - x=394 y=182
    3. 00:57:877 (13) - x=452 y=200
    4. 00:57:989 (14) - x=448 y=264
    5. 00:58:099 (15) - Pas besoin de le déplacer

    Dream :

  14. Comme au dessus devine où est le problème :D :idea: Le Kiai Time :idea:
  15. Désolé mais je vois pas trop où il pourrait y avoir des problèmes pour cette Diff :|


Comme tu me l'as demandé j'ai essayer les Diffs , je te laisse donc mes résultats :
  1. Normal : SS / 100% / Combo Max : Parfait
  2. Advanced : S / 97.98% / Combo Max : Parfait
  3. Hard : S / 97.80% / Combo Max : Parfait
  4. Light Insane : A / 93.02% / Combo Max : 220 (Améliorable avec un peu de pratique).
  5. Insane : C / 80.88% / Combo Max : 225 (Pas encore de mon niveau mais elle est faisable).
  6. Extreme : Pas de mon niveau , désolé.
  7. Dream : Pas de mon niveau , désolé.

En espérant que mon mod te sera utile et , Bonne Chance pour le Rank .
Topic Starter

Exilis wrote:

Salut, Mod from M4M Queue.

J'espère que tu vas pouvoir afficher les images de types Grandes

Général :

* Tags ajoutés depuis le mod de TheOnlyLeon
Je ne pense pas pouvoir mapper de Easy, je vais essayer quand même

* Un kiai time inférieur à 12 secondes n'est pas un réel problème

Normal :

00:37:432 (2) - Change le pour l'arrondir mieux autour de 00:38:321 (3) et ne pas avoir de problème de DS.

00:56:544 (1,2) - : 1er Slider Début : x=316 y=272 ; Fin : x=224 y=356 ; Milieu : x=284 y=328 / 2e Slider Début : x=96 y=356 ; Fin : x=8 y=272 ; Milieu : x=36 y=328 . Pas symétrique

01:09:877 (2,3,4) - Je l'aurai plus mis de cette manière pour que le combo soit plus lisible et que 01:10:766 (4) et 01:12:544 (1) commence au même endroit Changé

01:26:321 (3,4,5,6) - Mauvais Spacing ici J'avais même pas vu !

Advanced :

00:20:099 (3) - Mal placer ce qui gâche un peu la forme de ton combo 00:19:210 (1,2,3) .
01:26:321 (3,4,5) - Quitte à avoir un DS constant : respecte le jusqu'au bout :
Hmm, je préfère laisser comme ça (;

Hard :


Vu que tu n'as pas définie les Nouveaux Combo je te fait une liste de suggestion Placés
J'ai du mal à le faire mais pourquoi pas enrouler 00:36:099 (52) autour du début de 00:35:210 (51) mais en conservant cette enroulement 00:36:988 (54) autour de la fin de 00:36:099 (52) C'est une bonne idée mais j'aimerais laisser celui-ci droit pour souligner le NC

Petite suggestion pour le combo final 01:26:321 (104,105,106,107) Je préfère le carré, désolé (même si ta suggestion marche bien)

Light Insane :

Ici , Essaye d'enrouler 00:51:210 (1) autour du début de 00:51:655 (2) . Puis d'enrouler 00:51:655 (2) autour du début de 00:51:210 (1) et 00:52:099 (3) . Je ne vois pas de réelle différence avec le combo actuel ?

Ce Combo 01:26:321 (5,6,7,8) - est identique à celui là 01:04:544 (4,5,6,7) . Essaye quelque chose dans ce style C'est la fin, j'ai essayé d'emphasize par le spacing (-;

Insane :

00:57:877 (13,14,15,16) - Ce morceau de stream cache complétement le début de 00:58:321 (1) , de plus c'est totalement personnel mais à jouer c'est pas super. Essaye quelque chose comme ça : Complètement ? Pas vraiment, je garde quand même l'idée de côté

00:59:655 (8,9,10) - Exactement la même chose que 00:59:210 (5,6,7) ; Essaye de placer 00:59:655 (8,9,10) au même endroit que 00:59:210 (5,6,7) ; quitte à tourner autant le faire bien :P

[*]01:17:432 (8,9,10) - Même réflexion que précédemment ^
Je trouve ça bien comme ça (-;

Extreme :

00:57:655 (11,12,13,14) - Quitte à tourner en rond comme avec 00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) . Dans ce cas pourquoi ne pas continuer :

En espérant que mon mod te sera utile et , Bonne Chance pour le Rank .

Merci pour le mod, très complet !


Pls make it CS4.

00:20:988 (9) - NC here.
00:25:877 (4,1) - I don't really like this overlap.
00:40:099 (4) - This shape is really weird.
00:58:766 (2,3) - Hard to read, this note is really unexpected there.
01:09:803 (3,1,2,3) - First 2 notes are 1/6 but the spacing in next 2 notes is the same, even if they are 1/3.
01:26:766 (10) - Place a NC here for aesthestics 'n' stuff.

00:22:766 (1) - Maybe a regular shape so it blankets with 00:23:432 (2)?
00:44:988 (4,5) - More distance, I had little problem to read that.
00:57:877 (13,14,15,16,1) - Too much spam in one place.
01:15:951 (3,1) - Blanket.
01:26:766 (10) - NC.

Light Insane:
00:40:544 (1) - I don't like this shape.
01:13:729 (5,6) - Doubles should not end on white beats.
01:19:655 (1,2) - Bad overlap.
01:26:766 (5) - NC.

00:37:877 (3,1) - Blanket?
00:48:544 (4,5) - Bad overlap.
01:26:767 (5) - NC.

00:26:321 (1,2,3) - Flow is not so good imo.
01:04:544 (2,3) - Switching from fast reverser to single tap may be too hard for Advanced.
01:26:321 (2,3,4) - Too far from each other. Distance snap.
01:26:766 (4) - NC.

01:00:692 (1) - Why NC?
01:19:062 (4) - Ctrl+J
01:26:766 (4) - NC.

Good luck! :D
Topic Starter

deadpon3 wrote:



Pls make it CS4. Hmm I like it as it is, even if I admit there is a big gap between Insane and Extreme

00:20:988 (9) - NC here.
00:25:877 (4,1) - I don't really like this overlap. It's readable imo
00:40:099 (4) - This shape is really weird. Changed it a bit
00:58:766 (2,3) - Hard to read, this note is really unexpected there. sorry, I like it like that
01:09:803 (3,1,2,3) - First 2 notes are 1/6 but the spacing in next 2 notes is the same, even if they are 1/3. intended. Waiting for other opinion to see it if it really a problem
01:26:766 (10) - Place a NC here for aesthestics 'n' stuff. Unnecessary

00:22:766 (1) - Maybe a regular shape so it blankets with 00:23:432 (2)? Not really noticeable
00:44:988 (4,5) - More distance, I had little problem to read that.
00:57:877 (13,14,15,16,1) - Too much spam in one place. isn't it readable ? :/
01:15:951 (3,1) - Blanket.
01:26:766 (10) - NC. Unnecessary

Light Insane:
00:40:544 (1) - I don't like this shape. You don't seem to like any slider like this, do you (-;
01:13:729 (5,6) - Doubles should not end on white beats. Why ?
01:19:655 (1,2) - Bad overlap.
01:26:766 (5) - NC.

00:37:877 (3,1) - Blanket?
00:48:544 (4,5) - Bad overlap. Totally playable ?
01:26:767 (5) - NC.

00:26:321 (1,2,3) - Flow is not so good imo. Hmmm
01:04:544 (2,3) - Switching from fast reverser to single tap may be too hard for Advanced. Good point. But I don't really know how to change it. I'm thinking about it
01:26:321 (2,3,4) - Too far from each other. Distance snap. Intended
01:26:766 (4) - NC.

01:00:692 (1) - Why NC?
01:19:062 (4) - Ctrl+J We can hear the same sound each time, so I think it logical to make like sliders be the same each time
01:26:766 (4) - NC.

Good luck! :D

Thanks !
lower hp because if you mess up 1 or 2 slider on intro you fail before getting to the hard part
00:20:988 (9,10,11,12) - those feel wierd. get them on red ticks
00:25:877 (4) - get this to end on red tick
00:59:136 (3) - dont make this overlap
01:09:803 (3) - doesnt look nice if overlaps

sry for small mod
Topic Starter

kricher wrote:

lower hp because if you mess up 1 or 2 slider on intro you fail before getting to the hard part
00:20:988 (9,10,11,12) - those feel wierd. get them on red ticks
00:25:877 (4) - get this to end on red tick
00:59:136 (3) - dont make this overlap
01:09:803 (3) - doesnt look nice if overlaps

sry for small mod
Thanks !
00:45:432 - Hit object for crash
00:45:766 - missing
00:47:544 - ^ etc.
01:18:655 - ^
01:18:710 - ^
use 50% recheck your objects, I am sure you need to fix a lot missing sounds.
patterning is good

normal is ok

00:44:766 (2,3,4) - make no much sense to this diff
00:46:544 (2,3,4) - 00:48:321 (2,3,4) - 00:50:099 (2,3,4) -
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

00:45:432 - Hit object for crash
00:45:766 - missing
00:47:544 - ^ etc.
01:18:655 - ^
01:18:710 - ^
Fixed missing sounds

normal is ok

00:44:766 (2,3,4) - make no much sense to this diff
00:46:544 (2,3,4) - 00:48:321 (2,3,4) - 00:50:099 (2,3,4) -
Not sure. I'll wait for other opinions
m4m time, sorry for the delay!


  1. You should really consider adding a spinner in each diff, maybe at the beginning, because of score differentiation and stuff

  1. 00:29:432 (4) - Turn into 2 circles? Since it breask a bit the previous symmetrical pattern. You could make the 2 circles be symmetrical to the center as well
  2. 00:33:655 (2,4,6,8) - Select all these objects and move to 332|108 to make a nice pattern, check this screenshot to have an idea
  3. 00:57:432 (9) - You may want to add a NC here just to make this more readable since it's all stacked
  4. 01:13:432 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not 100% sure about these, since 1/6 sound seems overmapped :p 1/3 would fit better imo. This also applies on similar patter like this 01:16:988 - et cetera
  5. 01:18:655 - There is 1 1/8 sound here, it's quite clear! My suggestion is making the followgins slider start here and end here 01:18:710 - and then add a note here 01:18:766 - or even better just use a repeat, check this (Just a pattern suggestion, the important thing is the rhythm)
  6. 01:22:544 (5) - Troll spacing, looks really too short, especially because it creates quite a lot of confusion with the following three notes. Moving this note to around 363|369 should fix the problem
  7. 01:26:766 (10) - Well you could try to raise the spacing a bit, in order to create a jump, and also put a NC on this note, to emphasize the final, strong sound

[list=][*]01:26:766 (10) - Uh, NC? Like Extreme (If you put a NC here make sure to do that in every single diff for consistency)[/list]

Light Insane

  1. 00:52:988 (4) - NC here for consistency
  2. 00:59:210 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Uh, this is not good in my opinion. People who play 4* diffs won't be able to notice that this is 1/3, plus, you put that huge jump between 5 and 6. My suggestion is turning these notes into sliders, like you did in the following patterns, so players can read them and get used to the rhythm change, otherwise they will break their combo here and get really confused
  3. 01:18:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 1/6 stream in light insane? Nah, just turn it into sliders

  1. 01:11:507 (9) - NC here or on slider 11? Since 13 combo is too much imo

  1. 00:50:099 (2) - Make this curved in order to overlap with the previous slider?
  2. 01:25:877 (1) - Unnecessary NC

  1. LMAO 2.0 stars
  2. Maybe decrease AR to 4.5 since 5.5 is too hard for newbie players
  3. 00:45:877 - NC for consistency
  4. 00:50:321 (1) - Useless NC

Done. Pretty solid mapset, get more mods and then call a BN, since it looks quite rankable ;)
Topic Starter

RikiH_ wrote:

m4m time, sorry for the delay!


  1. You should really consider adding a spinner in each diff, maybe at the beginning, because of score differentiation and stuff

  1. 00:29:432 (4) - Turn into 2 circles? Since it breask a bit the previous symmetrical pattern. You could make the 2 circles be symmetrical to the center as well
  2. 00:33:655 (2,4,6,8) - Select all these objects and move to 332|108 to make a nice pattern, check this screenshot to have an idea
  3. 00:57:432 (9) - You may want to add a NC here just to make this more readable since it's all stacked
  4. 01:13:432 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - Not 100% sure about these, since 1/6 sound seems overmapped :p 1/3 would fit better imo. This also applies on similar patter like this 01:16:988 - et cetera It fits imo :/ I could maybe silent sliders's ends
  5. 01:18:655 - There is 1 1/8 sound here, it's quite clear! My suggestion is making the followgins slider start here and end here 01:18:710 - and then add a note here 01:18:766 - or even better just use a repeat, check this (Just a pattern suggestion, the important thing is the rhythm) Seems a bit odd to me, I used 1/6 to make it better in terms of gameplay since it isn't really noticeable
  6. 01:22:544 (5) - Troll spacing, looks really too short, especially because it creates quite a lot of confusion with the following three notes. Moving this note to around 363|369 should fix the problem
  7. 01:26:766 (10) - Well you could try to raise the spacing a bit, in order to create a jump, and also put a NC on this note, to emphasize the final, strong sound

[list=][*]01:26:766 (10) - Uh, NC? Like Extreme (If you put a NC here make sure to do that in every single diff for consistency)[/list]

Light Insane

  1. 00:52:988 (4) - NC here for consistency
  2. 00:59:210 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Uh, this is not good in my opinion. People who play 4* diffs won't be able to notice that this is 1/3, plus, you put that huge jump between 5 and 6. My suggestion is turning these notes into sliders, like you did in the following patterns, so players can read them and get used to the rhythm change, otherwise they will break their combo here and get really confused I agree
  3. 01:18:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - 1/6 stream in light insane? Nah, just turn it into sliders It's short but okay

  1. 01:11:507 (9) - NC here or on slider 11? Since 13 combo is too much imo You're right

  1. 00:50:099 (2) - Make this curved in order to overlap with the previous slider? good idea
  2. 01:25:877 (1) - Unnecessary NC

  1. LMAO 2.0 stars 8-)
  2. Maybe decrease AR to 4.5 since 5.5 is too hard for newbie players
  3. 00:45:877 - NC for consistency
  4. 00:50:321 (1) - Useless NC

Done. Pretty solid mapset, get more mods and then call a BN, since it looks quite rankable ;)

Thanks !
Hi. Here from request. This song isn't really my style and neither is the bpm/rhythm, so I can't really give you a mod with an invested perspective. Hope this helps anyway.


00:27:210 (3,4,1) – might be nicer as a perfect triangle: . Try rotating 00:26:321 (1) – and 00:27:210 (3) – by 4 degrees by selection center to give yourself room

00:45:321 (5,6) – Why is this DS different from the DS at 00:45:766 (7,1) - ? I think it'd be nicer if they were the same.


00:20:099 (5) – The pitch of the singer changes here, which makes the repetition of the flow not so effective.

00:20:988 (1,2,3) – This could use more structure. Try using a rotation angle of 120 degrees after copy pasting (1) like:

00:42:321 (1) – Try to repeat your previous flow to keep with your repetition theme of the beginning. If you can't make it work with the flow at 00:40:544 (1,2,3,4) - , then try changing 00:40:544 (1,2,3,4) – so that you can.

01:13:432 (1,2,3,1,2,3) – These 1/3 sliders feel unnecessary to me, and I'd rather they just be circles.

General remarks: Insane is a lot more structured than Extreme, so it makes Extreme look kind of unpolished. Flows like 00:37:655 (2,3,4,1) – in the Extreme are also well intended, but the path of the flow is a little sharp and could be smoother.
Topic Starter

pinataman wrote:

Hi. Here from request. This song isn't really my style and neither is the bpm/rhythm, so I can't really give you a mod with an invested perspective. Hope this helps anyway.


00:27:210 (3,4,1) – might be nicer as a perfect triangle: . Try rotating 00:26:321 (1) – and 00:27:210 (3) – by 4 degrees by selection center to give yourself room

00:45:321 (5,6) – Why is this DS different from the DS at 00:45:766 (7,1) - ? I think it'd be nicer if they were the same.


00:20:099 (5) – The pitch of the singer changes here, which makes the repetition of the flow not so effective. Changed

00:20:988 (1,2,3) – This could use more structure. Try using a rotation angle of 120 degrees after copy pasting (1) like: Good idea

00:42:321 (1) – Try to repeat your previous flow to keep with your repetition theme of the beginning. If you can't make it work with the flow at 00:40:544 (1,2,3,4) - , then try changing 00:40:544 (1,2,3,4) – so that you can.

01:13:432 (1,2,3,1,2,3) – These 1/3 sliders feel unnecessary to me, and I'd rather they just be circles. A lot of people starts to tell me about them... I'll think about changing them :/

General remarks: Insane is a lot more structured than Extreme, so it makes Extreme look kind of unpolished. Flows like 00:37:655 (2,3,4,1) – in the Extreme are also well intended, but the path of the flow is a little sharp and could be smoother.
Thanks a lot for your mod !
We fixed some stuffs in Normal and Advanced. Will continue later.
19:49 *6th is listening to [ Tolvai Reni - Do!]
19:50 Shmiklak: I need to redownload it
19:50 Shmiklak: pls wai
19:50 Shmiklak: t
19:50 Shmiklak: okay
19:50 Shmiklak: download finished
19:51 Shmiklak: let's look to general
19:52 Shmiklak: hm
19:53 Shmiklak: u have unused hitsounds
19:53 Shmiklak: do u know about it?
19:53 6th: yes
19:53 Shmiklak: and u have hs with delay
19:53 6th: I know about hitsounds :P
19:53 Shmiklak: remove soft-hitfinish.wav soft-slidertick2.wav
19:53 Shmiklak: oh lol
19:54 Shmiklak: but why u don't fix it?
19:54 Shmiklak: oops
19:54 Shmiklak: pls don't open this link
19:54 Shmiklak: normal-slidertick.wav
19:54 6th: I will use them in future :P
19:54 Shmiklak: hm
19:54 Shmiklak: okay
19:55 Shmiklak: but
19:55 Shmiklak: u must fix hs with delay
19:55 Shmiklak: soft-hitfinish2.wav
19:55 Shmiklak: this
19:55 Shmiklak: hm now let's go to Normal diff
19:55 Shmiklak: I need to playtest it
19:55 Shmiklak: pls wait
19:57 Shmiklak: oh lol
19:57 Shmiklak: u need easy
19:57 Shmiklak: because your normal harder then 2 starss
19:57 Shmiklak: oh
19:57 Shmiklak: it's 2 stars
19:57 Shmiklak: but
19:57 Shmiklak: u need easy
19:58 Shmiklak: still
19:58 Shmiklak: it's RC
19:58 6th: rc ?
19:58 6th: and I tried to map an Easy
19:58 Shmiklak: Ranking Criterias
19:58 6th: I couldn't
19:58 6th: it's too hard xD
19:58 Shmiklak: lol
19:58 6th: Ranking Criterias says that
19:58 6th: the easiest diff must have SR below 2
19:59 6th: or equal to 2
19:59 Shmiklak: hm
19:59 Shmiklak: i don't sure
19:59 Shmiklak: I recomend u ask some qats or bn about it
19:59 Shmiklak: :3
19:59 Shmiklak: now normal
20:00 6th: okay
20:00 Shmiklak: 00:15:655 (1) - wtf? This slider makes me scare lol. Make it more simmetrical pls
20:02 Shmiklak: just suggest. 00:20:988 (1) - Pls Ctrl+J it
20:02 Shmiklak: and fix ds
20:02 6th: wait
20:02 6th: advanced or normal ?
20:02 Shmiklak: imo it looks better and plays better too
20:02 *Shmiklak is editing [ Tolvai Reni - Do! [Normal]]
20:02 Shmiklak: normal
20:03 6th: the slider looks fine lol
20:03 Shmiklak: not realy
20:03 6th: okay for ctrl+j
20:03 6th: why ?
20:03 Shmiklak: imo it looks better
20:05 Shmiklak: 00:24:544 (6,7) - here can be nice blanket like this
20:05 6th: that's pretty nothing lol
20:05 6th: but, okay
20:05 Shmiklak: Looks better imo
20:06 6th: alright
20:09 Shmiklak: 00:59:210 (2,3) - I don't sure but it's unrankable imo
20:09 6th: I think it's okay
20:09 6th: I have no choice :(
20:09 6th: what would you have done ?
20:09 Shmiklak: hm
20:10 Shmiklak: idk
20:10 Shmiklak: but before someone says me never make like it
20:10 Shmiklak: it plays and looks awful
20:10 Shmiklak: and unrankable
20:10 Shmiklak: kind of
20:10 Shmiklak: 00:59:210 (2,1) - oh and this overlap D:
20:10 6th: ok
20:10 6th: I'll think about it but
20:11 6th: I will wait for other opinions
20:11 Shmiklak: your kiai looks compressed
20:11 6th:
20:11 6th: should I change it like that ?
20:12 Shmiklak: if u changed only overlap yes
20:12 6th: ok
20:13 Shmiklak: 01:01:877 (1) - here u have small DS problem
20:13 Shmiklak: oh no
20:13 Shmiklak: I mistaked
20:13 Shmiklak: I self changed it before lol
20:13 Shmiklak: xD
20:14 Shmiklak: 01:01:877 (1,2) - this flow...
20:14 Shmiklak: imo it can be better
20:14 6th: lol ok
20:14 6th:
20:14 6th: what about this
20:15 Shmiklak: hm
20:15 Shmiklak: it's better
20:15 Shmiklak: 01:10:766 (4) - pls remove finish
20:15 Shmiklak: here sound really low
20:16 Shmiklak: and doesn't need to be noticed by finish
20:16 6th: removed finish
20:17 Shmiklak: okay
20:18 Shmiklak: 01:15:210 (3,4,1) - I hate this partt
20:18 Shmiklak: Idk why
20:18 Shmiklak: but
20:18 Shmiklak: it looks awfull
20:18 Shmiklak: it's only my opinion
20:18 Shmiklak: no more then just opinion
20:19 6th: seems fine to me
20:19 Shmiklak: okay
20:20 Shmiklak: 01:17:432 (4,1) - this overlap plays not good. When I played it I did breakcombo lol
20:21 Shmiklak: 01:21:432 (1,2) - u can make it better
20:21 6th: I prefer keep that 01:22:321 (2,3,1) -
20:21 Shmiklak: okay
20:22 Shmiklak: I haven't more suggests in this diff
20:22 6th: ok
20:23 Shmiklak: generally it looks fine for RC, but u did many overlaps which imo doesn't look nice
20:23 Shmiklak: so let's go to advanced
20:23 6th: I need to afk a bit, like 15 minutes
20:23 6th: continue modding please
20:24 Shmiklak: oh
20:24 Shmiklak: okay
20:25 Shmiklak: 00:15:655 (1) - same as normal
20:26 Shmiklak: 01:10:766 (1) - same as normal
20:26 Shmiklak: 00:18:099 (2,3) - Imo better to fix this overlap
20:28 Shmiklak: 00:20:988 (1) - make it simmetrical pls
20:30 Shmiklak: 00:29:432 (2,3,1) - imo it breaks flow
20:31 Shmiklak: I think should be like this
20:33 Shmiklak: 00:31:655 (1) - move last point a bit right for make better flow
20:34 Shmiklak: 00:40:544 (1,2,3) - pls something like this
20:35 Shmiklak: 00:45:099 (3) - remove
20:35 Shmiklak: 00:46:877 (3) - ^
20:36 Shmiklak: 00:48:655 (3) - same
20:36 Shmiklak: these a bit hard for Advanced
20:36 Shmiklak: and hears ugly
20:36 Shmiklak: 00:50:432 (3) - same again
20:37 Shmiklak: 00:53:877 (3,1) - I suggest do something that
20:38 Shmiklak: 00:56:544 (1,2,3,4) - lol it's advanced. Not hard
20:39 Shmiklak: U can change it to spinner from 00:56:544 - to 00:57:877 -
20:39 Shmiklak: for example
20:39 Shmiklak: or make something like normal
20:40 Shmiklak: 01:04:544 (2) - it's not hard.
20:40 Shmiklak: it's advanced
20:41 Shmiklak: better never use 1/4 or 1/6 or higher in advanced
20:42 Shmiklak: 1/3 is allowing
20:43 Shmiklak: 01:18:766 (4) - same and even if u will keep it sound begins at 01:18:692 -
20:43 Shmiklak: not at 01:18:766 -
20:44 Shmiklak: but I don't sure
20:44 Shmiklak: because maybe u follow to piano sounds
20:44 Shmiklak: idk
20:45 Shmiklak: 01:20:544 (3,4,5) - pls flow
20:45 6th: i'm back
20:45 Shmiklak: okay
20:46 Shmiklak: btw it's all for advanced
20:46 Shmiklak: let's I play hard
20:47 Shmiklak: oh
20:48 Shmiklak: I can't continue mod now
20:48 Shmiklak: sorry
20:48 6th: okay
20:48 6th: np
20:48 Shmiklak: i'll continue tomorrow
20:48 6th: thanks for your help
20:48 Shmiklak: let's I post it
From IG M4M Suggestion

00:51:210 (1,2,3) - This pattern is confusing. It's almost as if it tries to follow the previous pattern (which repeats 4 times) at the same time as building up for the next pattern. Consider using the next combo's pattern instead, to make it less inconsistent, like so:

00:56:544 (1) - Consider replacing this with a repeat, like the previous combo to reduce inconsistency.
01:09:877 (2,3,4) - Refrain from placing later notes closer to the last note in comparison to the next note, even if it may be easy to read for you. It might also be difficult to see if the circle (4) or the slider (3) is first since their spacing is visually the same. (easy and normal maps should generally be playable simply from looking at a still image of circles, sliders and your last position without seeing the numbers on the notes or approach circles. This would be fine in a hard map though, I'm sure)

00:18:321 (3) - Why not continue the symmetry?

00:33:210 (4) - and 00:29:655 (3) - Considering the pattern that you've built up with these circles ( 00:22:321 (2) - and 00:25:877 (4) - and 00:33:210 (4) - ) and the pauses after them, these two notes seem inconsistent. You may be trying to build up tempo, but since basically all of these parts are instrumentally same, it doesn't make sense (it may sound different in game because you've got hitsounds).
00:56:544 (1) - If a player hasn't played the map before they may not know how many times these sliders repeat, and thus they will likely get it wrong unless they pay very close attention to the approach circle of the next slider (approach circles with the default skin are quite hard to see as well at this part in particular).
01:04:544 (2) - They will likely get this wrong as well, especially since 3 repeats are uncommon for a slider (even though the beat divisor originates from 1/3). Also if you listen closely you'll notice that there should actually be another one or two repeats (but of course this might just make it more confusing). I'd recommend perhaps making two stacks here instead, like this for example (this is the example of the last one of these, but you get the gist):

01:18:766 (4) - here and 01:25:877 (2) - here as well

Btw, your beat snap divisor is on 1/3, in contrast to your other difficulties, where you use 1/6. You are also placing notes on ticks that 1/3 can't pick up, so consider changing it.

00:18:321 (3) - This slider is not curved and many sliders on this beat in particular are following the same pattern (of not being curved) except 00:25:432 (3) - . Consider either making it straight or using at least one fixed point in it (red point).
00:50:766 (5) - Again, refrain from having this curved.
00:51:655 (3) - I don't see why this is straight, since it's not on that particular beat like the others. Consider curving it to reduce inconsistency.

00:24:544 (1,3) - Slight overlap, consider perhaps stacking the end of the first and beginning of the other, like you did here 00:17:432 (1,3) - .
00:29:877 (5) - This almost suggests a jump, don't you think? Although it's fine as it is otherwise, just kind of feels like a wasted opportunity.
00:56:544 (1) - So from here you're using a lot of repeats, and like mentioned in the advanced difficulty, this may be unpredictable, but since it's a hard difficulty I'd say it's fine as it is.

Light Insane
I'm not going to look too much into this, since I'm not very experienced with insane maps, but I'll write some things down that I notice.

First of all, this map's beginning is basically temporally the same as the hard map, so anything I've suggested there probably applies here as well.
Since they're actually so similar, it might be possible to simply use the exact same placement as on the hard map so they match. For example, if you followed my advice, the beginning of the hard map would have a symmetrical pattern and every fourth or so slider during some parts will not be curved, which could also be applied to this one.

00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - and 01:04:544 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - etc. I would usually call out on, but I guess it's fine since it's insane.
Found some overlaps, but well... I have no idea how to judge insane difficulties :P
IRC mod
22:19 mamka322: but i remember it
22:20 mamka322: can we do a IRC mod then?
22:21 mamka322: that will be easier to me
22:21 mamka322: Insane diff
22:21 mamka322: well
22:21 mamka322: 00:42:988 (2) -
22:21 mamka322: this should be moved down a little bit
22:22 mamka322: because of the flow
22:23 mamka322: 00:58:210 (16,1) - Stack this two, because thats very hard to hit without 100
22:23 mamka322: 01:08:099 (4,1) - Too far imo
22:24 mamka322: 01:11:544 (1) - I don`t see reverse here
22:24 6th: Dw if I don't reply
22:24 6th: continue your mod and post it
22:24 mamka322: thats what im trying to do lol
22:25 mamka322: 01:25:284 (2) - This note does not feel like being there
22:25 mamka322: i think that im missing something
22:26 mamka322: 01:25:284 (2) - Again not important, but why not to make mirror sliders there?э
22:28 mamka322: 00:25:432 (3,4,1) - Naaah
22:29 mamka322: [Light insane]
22:30 mamka322: 00:25:432 (3,4,1) - Zig-zag movement of cursor feels bad there
22:30 mamka322: 00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - No need for stream on 3* map
22:31 mamka322: And overall this map feels like normal in the beginning and insane at the end
22:32 mamka322: 01:01:432 (1,2) - try this
22:33 mamka322: 01:06:618 (5,6) - make the gap as between 01:06:321 (3,4) -
22:34 mamka322: 01:26:321 (2,3,4) - The moment when everyone will ruin there fc hopes
22:34 mamka322: HARD DIFF
22:34 mamka322: 00:25:432 (3) -
22:35 mamka322: make that as 00:22:766 (1,3,1) -
22:35 mamka322: 00:27:877 (4) - x:236 y:164 will suit better
22:36 mamka322: 00:38:544 (4) - x:388 y:340 will look better
22:37 mamka322: Thats all for hard
22:37 mamka322: And i can`t mod low* diffs as adv normal and hard
22:38 mamka322: So thats it for me i think
Rank that map PLS, I want that ez pp
Topic Starter

Naxess wrote:

From IG M4M Suggestion

00:51:210 (1,2,3) - This pattern is confusing. It's almost as if it tries to follow the previous pattern (which repeats 4 times) at the same time as building up for the next pattern. Consider using the next combo's pattern instead, to make it less inconsistent, like so:

00:56:544 (1) - Consider replacing this with a repeat, like the previous combo to reduce inconsistency.
01:09:877 (2,3,4) - Refrain from placing later notes closer to the last note in comparison to the next note, even if it may be easy to read for you. It might also be difficult to see if the circle (4) or the slider (3) is first since their spacing is visually the same. (easy and normal maps should generally be playable simply from looking at a still image of circles, sliders and your last position without seeing the numbers on the notes or approach circles. This would be fine in a hard map though, I'm sure)

00:18:321 (3) - Why not continue the symmetry? It would feel repetitive imo
00:33:210 (4) - and 00:29:655 (3) - Considering the pattern that you've built up with these circles ( 00:22:321 (2) - and 00:25:877 (4) - and 00:33:210 (4) - ) and the pauses after them, these two notes seem inconsistent. You may be trying to build up tempo, but since basically all of these parts are instrumentally same, it doesn't make sense (it may sound different in game because you've got hitsounds).
00:56:544 (1) - If a player hasn't played the map before they may not know how many times these sliders repeat, and thus they will likely get it wrong unless they pay very close attention to the approach circle of the next slider (approach circles with the default skin are quite hard to see as well at this part in particular). The lack of approach circle lets the player read it correctly. I also think it is predictable with a slider that short
01:04:544 (2) - They will likely get this wrong as well, especially since 3 repeats are uncommon for a slider (even though the beat divisor originates from 1/3). Also if you listen closely you'll notice that there should actually be another one or two repeats (but of course this might just make it more confusing). I'd recommend perhaps making two stacks here instead, like this for example (this is the example of the last one of these, but you get the gist):
01:18:766 (4) - here and 01:25:877 (2) - here as well

Btw, your beat snap divisor is on 1/3, in contrast to your other difficulties, where you use 1/6. You are also placing notes on ticks that 1/3 can't pick up, so consider changing it.

00:18:321 (3) - This slider is not curved and many sliders on this beat in particular are following the same pattern (of not being curved) except 00:25:432 (3) - . Consider either making it straight or using at least one fixed point in it (red point).
00:50:766 (5) - Again, refrain from having this curved. This one is fine
00:51:655 (3) - I don't see why this is straight, since it's not on that particular beat like the others. Consider curving it to reduce inconsistency.

00:24:544 (1,3) - Slight overlap, consider perhaps stacking the end of the first and beginning of the other, like you did here 00:17:432 (1,3) - . Not that important imo
00:29:877 (5) - This almost suggests a jump, don't you think? Although it's fine as it is otherwise, just kind of feels like a wasted opportunity. We talked about this IG
00:56:544 (1) - So from here you're using a lot of repeats, and like mentioned in the advanced difficulty, this may be unpredictable, but since it's a hard difficulty I'd say it's fine as it is.

Light Insane
I'm not going to look too much into this, since I'm not very experienced with insane maps, but I'll write some things down that I notice.

First of all, this map's beginning is basically temporally the same as the hard map, so anything I've suggested there probably applies here as well.
Since they're actually so similar, it might be possible to simply use the exact same placement as on the hard map so they match. What for ? People don't think about other difficulties while playing one ;-)

00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - and 01:04:544 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - etc. I would usually call out on, but I guess it's fine since it's insane.
Found some overlaps, but well... I have no idea how to judge insane difficulties :P
Thanks !
hi there
mod4mod here



  1. Do you forgot to add "Gero Irreversible" in Geroversible's diff tag? (just saying)


  1. 00:22:766 (3) - NC this note? Just my opinion, though.
  2. 00:52:988 (4) - ^
  3. 00:56:544 (3) - ^
  4. 01:26:321 (1,2,3) - I prefer to change it with 1/3 repeat slider or change note 1 and 2 with 1/3 slider.


  1. 00:18:321 (3) - Wanna blanket it?


  1. 00:26:099 (4) - Stack it with 00:26:321 (1) ?
  2. 00:36:099 (2) - My suggestion:

Light Insane

Everything looks fine by me.


  1. 00:45:321 (5) - Stack it with 00:45:432 (6) ? Just my opinion.
  2. 00:45:766 (7) - ^ And the rest if you feel like it.

that's all i can do
i hope it's helpful
Topic Starter
[quote="Nelka714"]hi there
mod4mod here



  • Do you forgot to add "Gero Irreversible" in Geroversible's diff tag? (just saying)


  1. 00:22:766 (3) - NC this note? Just my opinion, though.
  2. 00:52:988 (4) - ^
  3. 00:56:544 (3) - ^
  4. 01:26:321 (1,2,3) - I prefer to change it with 1/3 repeat slider or change note 1 and 2 with 1/3 slider. I wanted to emphasize it


  1. 00:18:321 (3) - Wanna blanket it? Both can work


  1. 00:26:099 (4) - Stack it with 00:26:321 (1) ? I think its shape already emphasizes it
  2. 00:36:099 (2) - My suggestion It's almost the same ;-)

Light Insane

Everything looks fine by me.


  1. 00:45:321 (5) - Stack it with 00:45:432 (6) ? Just my opinion.
  2. 00:45:766 (7) - ^ And the rest if you feel like it I changed them a bit !

Thank you !
Here on request of 6th. No kudosu since this is a continuation.


00:16:988 (4,1) - This overlap is not pretty.

00:20:766 (6,7,1) - I'm not a fan of this overmapping because 00:20:988 (1) - is the emphasized note in the music, but the emphasized note in the map is at 00:20:766 (6) - . I am under the skill level of your target audience, so my opinion might not be relevant, but if you're going to use this technique, which again I don't approve of, then try putting the triple at 00:21:099 - : Additionally, why is this technique not used at similar places like 00:34:989 (2) - and 00:40:099 (4,1) - ? If the argument for this technique is to keep the high-skilled player engaged during a low intensity section, then why do you abandon them here?

00:33:432 (1) - and 00:19:210 (1) - . Shouldn't these have the same NC pattern?

01:17:432 (1,3) - Do +4x, +4y on these since hiding information by perfectly stacking is icky:
finally my mod


00:45:321 (5,6) - tbh this overlap doesn't fit too well and looks better when they're just on top of each other (this goes for the other overlaps too
00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this stream looks and plays a lot better when it's curvy
01:04:247 (3) - move this a bit higher up
01:08:840 (3) - move this down so it makes a perfect triangle
01:11:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - (NAZI) change this pattern?

good luck :D
Topic Starter

[Dashyy] wrote:

finally my mod


00:45:321 (5,6) - tbh this overlap doesn't fit too well and looks better when they're just on top of each other (this goes for the other overlaps too
00:56:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - this stream looks and plays a lot better when it's curvy
01:04:247 (3) - move this a bit higher up
01:08:840 (3) - move this down so it makes a perfect triangle
01:11:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - (NAZI) change this pattern?

good luck :D

Yo, here my M4M
I'm not that great modder ;W;
still, here it goes

00:34:766 (6,1) - could try to blanket these idk :/
00:41:210 (2) - why make those not in the middle of the two slliders
00:42:988 (2) - why not make this note perfectly in the middle of the slider like and then
01:09:432 (2) - this sliderend could/should overlap with this 01:08:692 (2) -
01:19:655 (1,2) - blanket

didn't find much more :)

Light Insane
00:17:210 (4,1) - not the same DS as before (not so noticable tho ;) )
00:31:655 (1,2) - that is not a correct bllanket :/
00:42:321 (1,2) - same
00:52:988 (4,6) - same xD
01:00:692 (3,4) - why not make them parallel
01:14:618 (2,3) - those do not have the sam distance as 01:14:321 (1,2) makes it look a bit off
01:14:321 (1,2) - blanket

sry for going in detaill lol

00:17:432 (1,2) - not a correct blanket or rather not perfect :P
00:21:877 (3,4) - same
00:26:321 (1,3) - same
00:27:210 (3,4) - same
00:27:210 (3,1) - same
00:31:432 (4,1) - same
00:36:766 (3,1) - same
00:40:544 (1,2) - same
00:49:877 (3,4) - same
00:54:766 (1,3) - same

well you said you wanted personal opinions ^^ he he

00:52:988 (1,2) - why are those not the same distance like those 00:51:210 (1,2) -
00:54:766 (1,2) - same
Well found nothing more :)

00:53:432 (2,3) - not perfect blanket bla bla bla
00:55:655 (2) - this could blanket this 00:54:766 (1) (that return thingy)

found nothing more really :)

I hate myself for saying so much about blankets lol
hope it helped a bit and didn't annoy so much (what it probably did :( lol)
Good luck with ranking it :)

Topic Starter
[quote="Yukiyo"]Yo, here my M4M
I'm not that great modder ;W;
still, here it goes

00:34:766 (6,1) - could try to blanket these idk :/ they're fine (:
00:41:210 (2) - why make those not in the middle of the two slliders Jump
00:42:988 (2) - why not make this note perfectly in the middle of the slider like and then Not even noticeable :/
01:09:432 (2) - this sliderend could/should overlap with this 01:08:692 (2) -
01:19:655 (1,2) - blanket
No blanket to improve readability
didn't find much more :)

Light Insane
00:17:210 (4,1) - not the same DS as before (not so noticable tho ;) )
00:31:655 (1,2) - that is not a correct bllanket :/
00:42:321 (1,2) - same
00:52:988 (4,6) - same xD

01:00:692 (3,4) - why not make them parallel
01:14:618 (2,3) - those do not have the sam distance as 01:14:321 (1,2) makes it look a bit off didn't fix
01:14:321 (1,2) - blanket

sry for going in detaill lol

00:17:432 (1,2) - not a correct blanket or rather not perfect :P
00:21:877 (3,4) - same
00:26:321 (1,3) - same
00:27:210 (3,4) - same
00:27:210 (3,1) - same
00:31:432 (4,1) - same
00:36:766 (3,1) - same
00:40:544 (1,2) - same
00:49:877 (3,4) - same
00:54:766 (1,3) - same

Fixed most of them

00:52:988 (1,2) - why are those not the same distance like those 00:51:210 (1,2) -
00:54:766 (1,2) - same

00:53:432 (2,3) - not perfect blanket bla bla bla not even noticeable
00:55:655 (2) - this could blanket this 00:54:766 (1) (that return thingy) it already does, doesn't it ?

found nothing more really :)

Thanks !
Hey~ M4M as I requested~

  1. 00:37:432 (2,3) - Fix blanket.
  2. 00:38:766 (1) - Consider making this straight because 00:37:432 (2,3,1) - this is a straight line.
  3. 01:16:840 (2) - Overlaps with hp bar. I know it's rankable, but try to fix it if you can.
  1. 00:27:210 (3,4,1) - Fix blanket.
  2. 01:12:099 (3) - Overlaps with hp bar. I know it's rankable, but try to fix it if you can.
  1. 00:20:544 (7) - fix stack with 00:20:988 (1) - this.
  2. 00:22:766 (1,2,3) - I know this isn't meant to be a blanket, but it could be mistaken for one, especially 00:24:544 (1,2,3) - here. Either make it a blanket or change it to look less like a blanket.
  3. 00:26:321 (1,2) - Fix blanket.
  4. 00:34:544 (6,7,8) - Fix triangle. The way it is arranged puts less emphasis on 00:35:210 (1) - this.
  5. 00:38:766 (1,2) - Fix blanket.
  6. 00:49:877 (3,4) - ^
  7. 00:59:210 (1,2) - I feel this big a jump is a bit unnecessary because 00:59:507 (2) - this doesn't really need that much emphasis. You probably have a reason for wanting emphasis but if not, make the jump smaller. 00:59:803 (3) - This is what needs more emphasis imo.
Light Insane~
  1. 00:21:877 (2,3,1) - Blanket?
  2. 00:22:766 (1) - Lower the end of this a bit so it goes through the middle of 00:21:877 (2) - this.
  3. 00:31:655 (1,2) - Fix blanket.
  4. 00:44:766 (2) - Move the reverse so the slider points towards the next object.
  5. 00:52:099 (3,4) - Fix stack.
  6. 01:09:432 (2) - Fix stack with 01:10:173 (4) - this.
  7. 01:12:988 (2) - I think this should blanket with the approach circle of (4), not (3).
  8. 01:15:210 (4,1) - Fix blanket.
  9. 01:21:136 (6,1) - ^
I'll stop there. Good Luck with this~!! :D
Hi, m4m
Argh! my headache is killin me

Are the timings correct? I hear a lot of offbeat drums & vocal
You're going to need an Easy diff. Your normal is still to hard for an easy diff. Besides, RC says that lowest diff should be lower than 2 star

00:19:210 (1,2,3,4) - This bothers me a lot more that it should have. Why don't you make all of this symmetrical?
00:52:099 (3,4) - Too close, almost overlapping, place them a little bit further
00:53:432 (6) - I think its prettier if you make this slider sraight instead of curvy
00:57:988 (14,15,16,1) - I would not recommend you to that. Compared with previous 13-notes stream, these last 4 are very sharply angled, which makes it a bit jarring to play.

Light Insane
00:19:210 (1) - Place whistle just on the head lol
00:58:766 (2,3,4) - Ehh, are you sure about doing it? heavily spaced 1/6 like this is not intuitive to play, especially on light insane. Not to mention in your higher diff, you stack this triplets. Imo, you'd better off stacking them on 00:58:766 (2) - tail
01:02:692 (3,4) -, 01:13:358 (3,4) -, 01:16:914 (3,4) -, 01:20:470 (3,4) -, 01:24:025 (3,4) -

AR 7 or 7.5 would be enough for this diff
Overall, tidiness of this diff can be improved such as blanket, overlap, and slider shapes. It's an ez fix 00:22:766 (1,3,1) -, 00:48:544 (4,5) -
00:20:099 (5) - inconsistent spacing
00:49:877 (3) - make this slider straight instead?
01:10:173 (6,7,8) - I think the spacing is a bit too far. 2,00x is enough

AR6 maybe? 7 seems too high
00:44:766 (2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3,4,2,3,4) - Just make them rhythm same with 00:51:877 (2,3,2,3,2,3) - . I don't hear that much of a difference between those two to justify having two different rhythm

Sorry for short & bad mod, have a star instead.
Other diffs seems fine to me
Good luck
Topic Starter
Thanks for your mods
hi m4m

00:17:432 (1) - NC? all your other combos are 1 measure long after this
00:24:544 (1) - NC
00:48:099 (2) - This would flow better if you curved it in the other direction imo.
00:49:877 (2) - same as above
00:51:210 (1,2) - I get that you want variety but missing the last red tick when you had it before just makes it feel empty especially as there is no variation in the music itself. Normally its the latter patterns that are more complex as a sort of a build up effect. I would make 00:51:655 (2) - into a 1/2 slider for the sake of rhythm conistency, I dont think it would get boring either.
00:53:432 (2) - same as above
00:55:432 - adding a circle would play well imo. Also 00:57:210
01:23:210 (1,2) - Blanket these 2? I feel that because the curve is so close already you might as well

00:31:655 (1) - because this is the only slider in the map that has red points like this it looks out of place. I think just going for a different slider and/or pattern would be better. I came up with a quick suggestion I thought you'd like it since you did a similar overlap here 00:18:099 (2,3)
01:00:988 (2) - This should be extend to the 1/3 tick imo. It does flow better
01:26:321 (3,4,1) - Use normal space to avoid confusion pls. Players at this level will second guess the rhythm with spacing like this
01:21:432 (1) - I would move this away from the head of (5) for better flow
01:22:321 (2) - same as 01:00:988 (2)

00:15:655 (1,2,3) - underlap looks a bit weird and is sort of hard to read. I recommend avoiding it
00:22:766 (1,3,1) - small thing but the way how these sliders slightly touch each other kinda bugs me. move the sliders a tiny bit apart.
00:32:544 (3) - I like sliders like these but I think it would look better if you curved the bottom part a bit less. a bit like
00:42:321 (1,2,3) - repeating the pattern 00:40:544 (1,2,3) would be cool
Your kiai time is well mapped.

[Light Insane]
00:57:432 (1) - NC here. It gives players some more hp incase the firetruck up a bit
Overall I think the stream is a bit dull. I think a curve would play better rather than a sudden change in direction 00:57:432

That's all I could find. I hope this mod was useful in anyway. GL!
hi~m4m there
need a Easy diff in this set,i think

00:33:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why not unified the distance?i think that will be more beautiful.

[Light Insane]
01:04:544 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - long stream feel uncomfortable in a under-4stars diff

00:44:988 (4,5) - 00:45:432 (6,7) - hard to distinguish 1/2 from 1/4(for me) because they have the same distance
01:25:432 (3) - I recommend you do not use a long slider here.still 1/3 is better

[Geroversible's Sassy Extreme]
01:25:877 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - the stacking feel a little bit weird

nice map.sorry i can't help more
I've changed some stuff, thanks a lot.

Geroversible's Sassy Extreme
osu file format v14

AudioFilename: audio.mp3
AudioLeadIn: 0
PreviewTime: 71210
Countdown: 0
SampleSet: Soft
StackLeniency: 0.3
Mode: 0
LetterboxInBreaks: 0
WidescreenStoryboard: 1

Bookmarks: 15655,29877,44099,58321,86766
DistanceSpacing: 0.8
BeatDivisor: 6
GridSize: 4
TimelineZoom: 1.9

Artist:Tolvai Reni
ArtistUnicode:Tolvai Reni
Version:Geroversible's Sassy Extreme
Tags:Cun Edit Short Megasztár Gero Irreversible


//Background and Video events
//Break Periods
//Storyboard Layer 0 (Background)
//Storyboard Layer 1 (Fail)
//Storyboard Layer 2 (Pass)
//Storyboard Layer 3 (Foreground)
//Storyboard Sound Samples


Combo1 : 206,141,241
Combo2 : 151,243,251
Combo3 : 196,215,217
Combo4 : 148,148,207

Topic Starter

Kisses wrote:

hi m4m

00:17:432 (1) - NC? all your other combos are 1 measure long after this
00:24:544 (1) - NC
00:48:099 (2) - This would flow better if you curved it in the other direction imo.
00:49:877 (2) - same as above
00:51:210 (1,2) - I get that you want variety but missing the last red tick when you had it before just makes it feel empty especially as there is no variation in the music itself. Normally its the latter patterns that are more complex as a sort of a build up effect. I would make 00:51:655 (2) - into a 1/2 slider for the sake of rhythm conistency, I dont think it would get boring either.
00:53:432 (2) - same as above
00:55:432 - adding a circle would play well imo. Also 00:57:210
01:23:210 (1,2) - Blanket these 2? I feel that because the curve is so close already you might as well

00:31:655 (1) - because this is the only slider in the map that has red points like this it looks out of place. I think just going for a different slider and/or pattern would be better. I came up with a quick suggestion I thought you'd like it since you did a similar overlap here 00:18:099 (2,3)
01:00:988 (2) - This should be extend to the 1/3 tick imo. It does flow better
01:26:321 (3,4,1) - Use normal space to avoid confusion pls. Players at this level will second guess the rhythm with spacing like this
01:21:432 (1) - I would move this away from the head of (5) for better flow
01:22:321 (2) - same as 01:00:988 (2)

00:15:655 (1,2,3) - underlap looks a bit weird and is sort of hard to read. I recommend avoiding it
00:22:766 (1,3,1) - small thing but the way how these sliders slightly touch each other kinda bugs me. move the sliders a tiny bit apart.
00:32:544 (3) - I like sliders like these but I think it would look better if you curved the bottom part a bit less. a bit like
00:42:321 (1,2,3) - repeating the pattern 00:40:544 (1,2,3) would be cool
Your kiai time is well mapped.

[Light Insane]
00:57:432 (1) - NC here. It gives players some more hp incase the firetruck up a bit
Overall I think the stream is a bit dull. I think a curve would play better rather than a sudden change in direction 00:57:432

That's all I could find. I hope this mod was useful in anyway. GL!

Applied most of your suggestions. Thanks !


Chordzi wrote:

hi~m4m there
need a Easy diff in this set,i think

00:33:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - why not unified the distance?i think that will be more beautiful. I need to emphasize 4 last circles

[Light Insane]
01:04:544 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - long stream feel uncomfortable in a under-4stars diff I'm sure it's fine d:

00:44:988 (4,5) - 00:45:432 (6,7) - hard to distinguish 1/2 from 1/4(for me) because they have the same distance
01:25:432 (3) - I recommend you do not use a long slider here.still 1/3 is better
It doesn't follow what I expected but I'll think about it
nice map.sorry i can't help more
Thank you !

[pritis things he does]
01:15:210 (1,3) - stack pls
01:04:840 (5,6) - maybe try to increase the spacing from the beginning and not just at teh last note?
01:18:618 (4,5,1) - at my first playthrough i didnt even notice theres a note LOL

[some sassy diff lo l]

THIS IS 2016 NOT 2010 00:18:321 (3) -
01:25:877 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) - please make this a bit more spaced so its easier to read

00:05:432 (1) - maybe remove the nc here to make teh pattern look better?
00:12:099 (1,2,3) - why dont copy the rhythm from above ^
01:20:988 (1,2,3) - is not a real triangle
01:24:544 (1,2,3) - ^ use this weird inbuild triangle/square maker its kinda helpful sometimes

what i learned from modding this set: apparently monstrata changed his name to 6th,otherwise i cant explain the triangles in literally every diff

Mazziv wrote:

[some sassy diff lo l]

THIS IS 2016 NOT 2010 00:18:321 (3) - I see nothing wrong with this shape, no changes.
Topic Starter

Mazziv wrote:

HI IM 1TH Hi 8-)
00:05:432 (1) - maybe remove the nc here to make teh pattern look better? Hm it isn't that important
00:12:099 (1,2,3) - why dont copy the rhythm from above ^ why should I ? o:
01:20:988 (1,2,3) - is not a real triangle false triangle fixed
01:24:544 (1,2,3) - ^ use this weird inbuild triangle/square maker its kinda helpful sometimes
Thank you !

6th wrote:

Mazziv wrote:

HI IM 1TH Hi 8-)
00:05:432 (1) - maybe remove the nc here to make teh pattern look better? Hm it isn't that important
00:12:099 (1,2,3) - why dont copy the rhythm from above ^ why should I ? o: to have a consistant rhythm?

Thank you !
Topic Starter
Well I think it would be confusing if I use a circle again right after (5)
Good luck! \o

Also: Don't forget to add tags: hungarian, magyar.

Modding upon Request :

Geroversible's Sassy Insane
It's great, but let me explain to you my emotions with 01:25:877 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1) -
You have so many routes you can take with this beatsection, but lets just focus on the sound.
It sounds highly similar to 01:18:692 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - , and was repeated twice throughout the song, no?
01:04:544 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - (the answer is yes)
If that is the case, why not make it a similar pattern? The curvy streams can be fun, but when you unexpectedly throw off a user with sliders stacking on top of sliders.

Another point I'd like to make is the similarity between this and Burai Sliders
A slider that completely overlaps itself without leaving room to notice that it has actually overlapped with the exception of the slider end. This pattern is unrankable due to the confusion it creates in terms of overall readability. On the contrary, if you do a similar pattern but leave it as a slight angle it is rankable.
Although the slider isn't a single slider, I'd still suggest that even if you decide to ignore this wordwall and keep it, you could at least put it on a slight angle so that it's readable.

Priti's (pretty) Insane
00:44:099 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Should be a repeated pattern, mostly because it can throw off a user when he sees that 00:45:877 (1,2,3,4,5) - , 00:47:655 (1,2,3,4,5) - , and 00:49:432 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - aren't the same note pattern. I would suggest using the notes you've already placed when the song repeats the verse "Do all the things that", but put it in a different formation.

Overall, great jop to 6th, Irreversible, Gero, and Priti for mapping new and interesting patterns. It's a fun beatmap to play, so you've always got that! Cheers and good luck.
From in-game chat

00:05:432 (1) - NC out
00:13:432 (1) - ^
00:30:766 (3) - asymmetry slider
01:20:099 (2) - imo ctrl+g is better
01:26:618 (9) - 141|161

[Priti's Extra]
00:16:544 (3) - imo ctrl+h is better

[Geroversible's Sassy Extreme]
01:00:395 (1) - imo ctrl+g
01:03:951 (1) - ^

Sorry if my mod is not helpful. Good map !! Good luck !! :) :) :)
come by and there is a mod

  • General
  1. 01:11:544 - Hey I think we should make this part different for individual diffs! For storyboard!

    Priti's Extra
  2. 00:33:210 - 00:36:766 - 00:42:099 - is there any point that you have to spare those beats? I say this cuz you map it out when 00:22:544 (10) - 00:26:099 (8) - 00:29:655 (8) -
  3. 01:10:914 - remove unnecessary clap
  4. 01:11:507 (1) - wrongly snapped and it's 1/8

    Geroversible's Sassy Extreme
  5. 01:11:506 (2,3) - wrongly snapped and it's 1/8

Good luck
Topic Starter
Hello !

Added. Thanks !


- Frontier - wrote:

00:05:432 (1) - NC out
00:13:432 (1) - ^
00:30:766 (3) - asymmetry slider
01:20:099 (2) - imo ctrl+g is better
01:26:618 (9) - 141|161

Fixed asymmetry slider, thank you !
this map is almost perfect lol
I can't really point out sth tbh

  1. 00:19:877 (2,3) - idk slidertail on 00:20:099 - is kinda strange for me, maybe give a space on 00:20:766 - not on 00:20:321 - ?
  2. 00:33:432 (1,2,3,4) - uhm, maybe too extreme compared to earlier one, you can give some 1/1 spacing how you mapped on 00:19:210 - since there's not really strong part yet.
no kds if no change

Akitoshi wrote:

this map is almost perfect lol
01:26:618 (3) - stack on tail would help jesus more calm.
didn't fix both lolwoops

Some small suggestions because this is already pretty awesome

Geroversible's Sassy Extreme

Would be cool if the SB showed who's mapping what

00:32:544 (3) - maybe move to 180, 320, so it has the same effect with the previous slider as in all other similar patterns

01:19:358 (2) - stack on 01:18:470 (3) - end

Priti's Extra

00:20:988 (7) - NC

00:21:877 (9) - stack end with 00:20:988 (7) - end

00:22:766 (1) - stack on 00:20:988 (7) head

00:42:321 (4) - NC

01:17:432 (1,1) - you could flip horizontally 01:16:840 (3,4,1) - and place these two to form a V


00:07:210 (1,2) - blanket this with 00:06:321 (1) -

00:32:544 (3) - this blanket around 00:33:432 (1) - could be improved on

00:35:877 - maybe add a hitcircle?

01:08:692 (2,2) - stack with 01:06:915 (2,2) -

Light Insane

00:02:322 (3) - blanket

00:03:877 (2) - should be stacked on 00:02:322 (3) - head, IMO ( changing this note, fixes the blanketing with the next slider, leaving you to fix the 00:03:210 (1) - blanket)

00:04:766 (4) - restack

00:05:877 (3) - blanket

00:44:766 (2) - make it be in the same direction as the previous slider

Hope it helped D: pretty solid mapset, GL with ranking :D
hi, following up on the m4m
this map is already godly so the majority of my mods are suggestions

00:57:432 (3) - straighten the slider
00:17:432 (1,2) - step down here instead of up

00:31:432 (4,1) - your blanket here compared to 00:18:099 (2,3) - is slightly different. overlap a tad more

00:50:321 (4,5) - curve into each other

[Light Insane]
00:11:210 (3) - because 00:09:432 (3,1) - aren't symmetrical, this shouldn't be either
01:13:729 (5,6,7,8) - do your own stacking to distinguish between the faster duplets
01:18:766 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - would be cool if you did some wiggle due to the techno nature of the map

00:10:766 (1,2,3) - the follow point of 2,3 isn't parallel to the slider but it almost is which sort of gives the image of untidiness. maybe move it away so it doesn't look like this or make it parallel
00:57:432 (9) - NC
01:10:321 (1,2,3,4) - prob neater if you make a perfect triangle. if you want to keep 01:10:025 (2) - in the centre of 01:10:321 (1,3) - you can just rotate 01:09:877 (1,2,3) - so it works
01:20:988 (1,2,3) - if you make the distance between 1,3 the same as 1,2 and 2,3 this will be perfect
01:24:395 (3) - isn't quite in the centre of the triangle. try fix

[Priti's Extra]
00:19:655 (3,4) - is this stacking done on purpose?
00:33:432 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Irregular hitsounds? match it to vocals or beat but right now it seems random unless im missing something

[something something Extreme]
I think 8 drain is too difficult when the map has a slow start. have you tried doing HR? if you score an 100 you lose. maybe bring it down to 7 or 7.5 at maximum
00:20:988 (1) - did you forget to add drum hitsound on start?
Topic Starter
Fixed 1 triangle in Insane and NC. Thank you
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