OK了解 更新了
Hollow Wings wrote:
Starfy's Normal
- 00:19:978 (3) - don't do that complex slider style with too much self-overlapped part in lower diff, which will confuse noobs very much. same to 00:27:478 (4) - , 00:44:353 (5) - , 01:22:478 (3) - , 02:44:196 (4) - Hmmm I think I need to consider about it
這是我第一張試著RK的圖所以你所有的建議我都會記住的 很謝謝你的MODHollow Wings wrote:
- give same settings for letterbox to every diffs.FIXED
- 03:07:764 (1) and 03:12:764 (2) unsnapped in Insane diff.FIXED
- why normal-hitclap2.wav has only right audio track?FIXED
- 我先看了一遍,觉得只能做一些general的mod,因为觉得这图的梗大同小异,就不一一赘述了。
- 很多梗的想法是好的,只是欠缺了表现的手段:此图大多以奇数连打,短滑条和随机跳组成,所以这些也是需要在做图中重点把握的。
- 关于节奏:
- 虽然主要跟vocal来下节奏了,然而大多数情况下无视鼓点的mapping几乎是不太可能做到的,比如01:14:665 (3,1) - 的undermap其实并没有什么必要,不如说那个地方的电音很容易做出一些比较有意思的梗。在下节奏的时候可以不只是盯着一条轨下,在不同轨之间来回切换更能更好地表现曲子(这也是std模式局限性能尽力发挥出优势的途径之一),类似的还有01:25:603 (11,1) - 等。不太懂呢@@
- 关于排版:
- 00:24:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 以这个随机跳为例,我不知道你为什么要那么摆,看上去更像是只是为了大跳而大跳。对我来说此处的ds应该是渐小而不是渐大,无论从电音的pitch还是vocal的emotion角度来说都是这样。另外,比如01:10:603 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这里其实更适合大跳,而不是在副歌中途并不太激昂的地方。——因为排列随机,所以更要注意ds的控制是否合曲。 - 已修正
- 00:15:603 (2,3,4,5,6) - 这个跳你摆了五角星,然而00:16:071 (5,6) - 处强烈的anti-flow并没有非常明显的曲子里的音来支持,由于这五个音是连在一起的所以此处用fluent的flow来说能更好的表现曲子才对。类似的地方还有00:37:165 (6,7) - 之类的,具体可以由曲子本身旋律的变化来决定。——在摆随机排列的时候,flow也是十分重要的表现曲子的要素。不知這樣行不行
- 01:09:196 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - 1/2大跳后衔接1/1跳的时候更要格外注意ds的控制,此处由于1/2跳和1/1跳的间距几乎差不多,如果不是特意做某些特殊的梗的话还是避免这样的排版存在。不知這樣行不行呢
- 另外,排列完全随机是会影响到一定的读图,所以建议还是多看一些rank了的图来积累一些梗,了解常规的做法之后再去探索自己所希望的图的样子。
- 看了下insane,light insane和hard也是差不多一样的问题,可以自己对照着摸索一下。
idk if you can keep on your works to ranking section, maybe just asking more opinions on it.
good luck.
Hollow Wings wrote:
m4mChu's Easy
- 00:33:415 (3,1) - that heavy anti-flow's really not recommended to be set in the lowest diff. OK
- 01:33:728 (3,4) - better not stack here. 02:02:478 (6,7) - , 03:28:259 (3,4) - , 03:40:290 (1,2) - as well.
01:33:728 (3,4) NO ,other fixed
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:53:097 - snap to 00:53:103
02:03:730 - snap to 02:03:728
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
03:12:764 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:53:097 - snap to 00:53:103
02:03:730 - snap to 02:03:728
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:53:097 - snap to 00:53:103
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
Spinner Length
02:29:353 (1) - This spinner is 625 ms long, which is shorter than 750 ms; check that it gets at least 1000 on auto. I'm too lazy to check lol
Tks for modxChangJo wrote:
- 00:12:478 (3) - Make the blanket with 00:11:853 (2) a little better. Can you tell me how?
- 00:29:978 (3) - Fix the stack with 00:28:415 (5). Stacked already
- 00:41:540 (4) - This slider sound a little weird for me (I think is better to replace for a circle + slider or another pattern). I can't see any reason that is weird
- 00:52:478 (5,6,7,1,2,3,1) - I really like this pattern but maybe is a little hard for a normal. I think not really that hard lol
(well I don't know I think is better if you ask to another person or change for the pattern that you use in the second chorus).
- 01:04:509 (3) - Try to move this note a little down. I think no need, the distance is enough
- 01:41:228 (4) - Make the blanket with 01:40:290 (2) a little better and fick stack with 01:38:728 (5). How to blanket it already lol And stack is quite weird
- 01:51:228 (3) - Move this note a little down. [/color]
- 01:59:978 (3) - Eliminated the reverse arrow and add a circle. Nope I'm deliberate to do this
- 02:23:728 (1) - Fix the blanket with 02:24:665 (2). I think the blanket is really enough http://puu.sh/hO9vS/23e115b87e.jpg
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
03:12:764 (2) - Unsnapped circle. - fixed
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:53:097 - snap to 00:53:103 - fixed
02:03:730 - snap to 02:03:728 - fixed
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:53:097 - snap to 00:53:103 - fixed
AIBat v3.1 wrote:
Spinner Length
02:29:353 (1) - This spinner is 625 ms long, which is shorter than 750 ms; check that it gets at least 1000 on auto. I'm too lazy to check lol - fixed
xChangJo wrote:
Hi from my modding Queue, nice mapset and too cute songModHard:
- 00:26:696 (3) - Stack with 00:25:915 (9). - FIXED
- 00:30:212 (5,7) - This notes are too hide in this pattern for a hard, maybe separated a little (?). - maybe not
- 00:53:103 (1) - I think this slider sound a little weird with the voice.hit sound is GX's work @@
- 01:11:228 (6) - New Combo. - FIXED
- 01:45:603 (3,4) - Move this notes a little down for don't hide with 01:44:978 (1) - FIXED, and I don't think the jump with 01:46:071 (1) go to kill the players >.< - this is a slider OWO
- 02:21:071 (5) - Stack with 02:19:821 (1). - FIXED
- 02:55:603 (3,4,5) - this pattern is too unexpected when I play, and the rest of the map don't use similar pattern. - FIXED
Light Insane:
- 00:09:978 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I think you need to make this a bit easy, because that part is more hard than the intro in the insane.
(is too unexpected for a player who only play the hard difficult too) - FIXED
- 01:27:321 (1) - Stack the end with 01:26:853 (3). - FIXED
- 00:48:728 (2,4) - Why not make a blanket with 00:49:196 (3).why need to blanket @@?
- 02:16:696 (10,11,12,13) - this pattern break the flow too hard.other modder mod this part like this so what can i change do you got a collapse text?
- 03:01:384 (2) - Why not blanket with 03:00:837 (4) - FIXED, the same for 03:01:540 (3).maybe not this note
- 03:32:321 (1) - Make this slider more beatifull (?) - FIXED
謝謝MOD 有很多很不錯的IDEA呢Xinchii wrote:
嗨你好 From queue ~
好大致上的改進方向HW跟LK說了 , 所以我就不說廢話了
- Starfy's Normal的LetterboxInBreaks忘記關惹
- 喔還有 , custom colour也不一樣 , 統一一下ㄅ
- 00:19:978 - 因為這段空白比較短 , 我覺得不太需要Break time @@ (其他Diff同樣建議)我都加上NOTE跟SLIDER了
- 00:37:790 (3) - 太靠近(1)的尾巴了 , 不太整齊 , 可以往旁邊移一些已修改
- 00:39:353 (5) - 這個音跟(3)是同樣強度的 , 但是(3)有個反跳的梗這邊沒有會覺得不太平衡
還是建議改放個大一點的跳已修改- 00:40:290 (3,4) - 這邊之後的雙擊跟Ex難度不一樣 , 沒有跳梗來配合 , 所以玩的時候挺拘束的 , 而且紅線上的鼓拍也讓人很想敲
00:40:290 (3,4) - , 00:40:915 (4,5) - , 00:41:540 (4,5) -
00:45:290 (3,4) - , 00:45:915 (4,5) - , 00:45:540 (4,5) -
這幾個點分別做成1/4的短滑條 , 配合這個間距這樣的手感我個人覺得比較好 , 也跟Ex的節奏做個分別
同時也配合這幾個點的Vocal有一點拉長的感覺 (我猜你是跟Vocalㄏㄏ)已修改(對啊我跟VOCAL @@- 00:59:821 (1) - Slider到長白線就可以停了 , 那邊有一個比較重的鑼聲 , 反而藍線上沒任何聲音
- 01:01:696 (3,4,5,6,7) - 為啥特地排的這ㄇ擠 ? 音樂好像也沒什ㄇ變已修改
覺得擠- 01:11:228 (1,3) - 前面的梗還滿對稱中線的 , 這邊就放中線上吧 , 繼續對稱感覺比較整齊不會有歪一邊的感覺
可以的話(2)也一起移動ㄅ已修改- 01:14:978 - 跟00:19:978 - 一樣 , 消Break time?已修改
- 01:22:790 (3,4) - 這2個調換位置如何loool ?已修改(很不錯
- 01:36:228 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - 這邊的話 , 迴轉之後的(1,2,3,4)我個人會喜歡跟欠面慢慢錯開的擺放已修改
一方面好讀 , 另一方面玩的時候感覺比較活潑些
可以參考看看- 01:40:603 (5) - 放個NC配合你的梗ㄅ已修改
- 01:41:228 (1) - 可以的話這顆也擺跳吧 , 跟01:40:603 (5) - 的跳還有背景音樂作呼應會有4拍一跳的段落感很嗨
不過倒不如說後面都Jump了這個點反而不跳很奇怪已修改- 02:59:040 (2,3,4) - 我還是不太鳥解為啥這邊要縮間距@__@已修改
- 03:15:915 (4) - 這顆Slider是在1/6拍的地方結束喔 ---> 03:16:123 - <---這邊:3
同時節拍換了 , 請使用NC作為提醒已修改- 03:17:478 - ㄜ這邊應該加個Note就可以回到1/4了03:17:634 (1) - 我刪掉了
---03:17:790 - 這邊的白線有個鼓聲NOTE刪掉了
---03:17:946 - 就我聽起來 , Vocal是從這邊開始的已修改
Good luck ~!
我還是需要別人MOD才知道要怎麼作圖質量比較高Snow Note wrote:
Re-Mod light insane
[Light Insane]
音量方面不要超過75%,不然很吵 (例如 00:53:571 開始的段落
平常段落的音量不要低於50% (像是 02:37:478 開始的段落
音量統一一下,不要一時30%,一時90%... (差太遠了
00:17:478 (7,8) - 換成4個圓圈會比較好,因為這裡全都是重音已修改
00:23:728 (1) - 形狀怪怪的..一直線就好了已修改
00:36:384 (2) - 形狀怪怪的..一直線就好了已修改
00:36:853 (3,4) - 弧度太低了,不如弄成直線吧已修改
00:49:978 (1,2,3,4,5) - 這個排列不順手已修改
00:57:321 - 這個位置應該是圓圈已修改
01:04:978 (1,2,3,4) - 這個節奏和歌曲不合已修改
01:08:571 (1,2,3) - 把(1)的尾和(2)(3)弄成直線已修改
01:20:290 (3) - 上移一格已修改
01:56:228 - 這個段落的節奏和上一個相似的段落不同節奏也不一樣@@?
02:00:603 (5) - 形狀怪怪的..一直線就好了已修改
02:09:821 (2) - (滑條頭)不用突然增加音量這要改變滑條速度
02:28:415 (2,3,4) - 距離上一個物件太近已修改
02:29:392 - 把這個Break的開始點位到02:29:978已修改
02:42:165 (4) - 右移一格,上移一格已修改
02:58:571 (5,7) - 把它弄成平行已修改
03:00:603 (9) - 右移一格已修改
03:01:228 (1,2,3) - 距離上一個物件太近已修改
03:17:373 - 加個note已修改
03:26:071 (1,2,3,4) - (flow)不順手的排列已修改
Tks for modRandomEffect wrote:
[Starfy's Normal]
- 00:41:540 (4,1) - u~m, not good flow But I can't think better solution
- 01:05:603 (2) - why not start at 01:05:446? i prefer to follow vocal at this part Feeling is a bit of strange if I follow the vocal
- 01:34:509 (4) - in this part, keeping 1/1 rhythm is better, imo That's ok, imo
- 01:51:228 (3) - touched life-bar! It doesn't matter
- 02:57:478 (1,4) - blanket correctly~ Fixed
- 03:05:290 (2,3) - combine into 1 slider. in this part, relax mapping is suitable I'll consider about it
- 03:10:290 (2,3,4) - suggetion I'll consider about it
- 03:12:478~03:17:478- in this part, i recommend 1/1 mapping (don't avoid white line) humm too strange
- 03:24:040 (3) - NC Fixed
cute song <3
~Good Luck~
Thanks 4 ur helpful mod >w<RandomEffect wrote:
[Chu's Easy]
- 00:39:353 (6,7,1) - for easy, stack x3 is so confusing fixed
- 00:41:228- clap? Oh I missed this one lollll fixed
- 00:37:478 (3) - NC ok
- 00:56:540 (5,1,2,3,4) - too difficult for beginner. for easy, circle rush on red line is hard to find rhythm Change to sliders
- 01:03:728 (4) - NC ok
- 01:27:165 (5,6) - avoid overlapping. for easy, confusing layout should be avoided as much as possible deleted that circle
- 01:32:478 (1,2,3,4) - this stack pattern is so confusing for beginner fixed
- 01:55:290 (4,1) - swap NC ok
- 01:58:103 (5,6,1) - avoid overlapping fixed
- 02:01:228 (4) - NC ok
- 02:06:696 (2) - start at white line 02:06:540 fixed
- 02:52:321 (3) - u~m, i prefer slider fixed
- 03:11:853 (1) - in this part, i highly recommend to keep 1/1 rhythm (white line's rhythm) . please end at 03:12:478 ok
- 03:19:509 (1) - start at 03:19:978- it is better to follow drum sound than vocal ok
- 03:40:603 (2,3) - why not blanket correctly fixed
- 03:43:103 (6) - end at 03:43:571- in the same way as 03:41:853 (4) - ok
thanks for modCptSqBany wrote:
Hello! :3
00:12:478 (1,4) - the touch, ugh..fixed
00:13:806 (3,4) - put 4 lower, because its ugly that wayfixed
00:56:228 (1,2,3) - it's ugly, because its not straightmaybe not
01:05:134 (1,2) - Ctrl+Gok...
01:05:603 (1,2) - ^ok...
01:09:353 (4) - NC?of course
01:25:524 (7) - curve it more to the right, to match the stream patternok...
02:17:321 (1,2,3) - It doesn't fit here. Like.. It hurts in the ears when you hear something like this. Make 1,2 a long slider or somethingmatch with vocal
02:34:899 (8,9) - slider here?just 02:34:977 (9) one
03:03:103 (2) - NC?of course
03:07:399 (1) - remove NC, (2) - NCof course
03:12:321 (1) - ^fixed
00:11:123 (8,1) - wut? Stack it..dont get it =w=
00:11:853 (3,4,5,6) - What is that shape?00:11:854 (3,4) - ctrl + H, ctrl + J and DS
also 00:11:853 (4) - remove this touch with (2) sliderfixed
00:13:337 - something wrong is with (10) here...fixed
00:17:478 (7) - NCfixed
01:00:212 (2,3) - that stack doesnt fit here imofixed
03:05:134 (1,2,3) - Not straightwut, is straight LOL
03:04:821 - Man, decide if you are using 1/4 or 1/6.. like.. 03:05:134 (1,2,3) - wtf is this?...
03:05:603 (4,5,6) - DSfixed
I would remap that part ^
Hope you liked it! GL!
Man your mod is awesomemonstrata wrote:
00:09:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - these streams are barely audible... mapping them is kinda odd. i'd just do like 1/4 repeat sliders or something more passive ok them, fixed.
00:52:478 (1,2,3) - I'm kinda surprised you didnt make these jumps bigger xD. sure lets make it bigger XD
00:56:540 (4,5,6) - I think the DS from 5>6 should be bigger than 4>5 for better emphasis.yap, ur right![]()
01:06:540 (4,5,6,7) - Spacing here too. Try and map larger jumps to white ticks instead of red ticks if you want to follow the emphasis of the song.fixed
01:22:478 (5) - NC here would be cool.cool
01:33:103 (5,6,7,8) - Not really getting why these are so spaced compared to 01:33:728 (1,2,3) - . I feel like spacing concept here is a bit weird and just done for difficulty.this part im want to make this DS bigger than smaller, so i make 01:33:728 (1,2,3,4) bigger
00:16:853 (2) - NC for clarity.sure
00:24:196 (1,2) - Swap NC's. NC'ing on white ticks are better like 00:24:353 - sure
01:09:509 (2,3,4) - This angle felt kinda awkward for the jump.fixed
03:00:603 (9) - Hmm, I would NC here tbh.yap NC here
03:06:228 (6) - And NC here for downbeat. 03:11:228 (6) - Here too, applies to other parts too. NC pattern isn't very consistent here.fixed
03:28:571 (5,2) - Maybe dont overlap xd.of course XD
03:38:728 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - NC spam~ Since you did that for 01:07:478 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - yap, fixed it
00:13:963 (2,3,4,5) - This didn't flow too well for me. Try 00:14:197 (4) - 443||188 since it makes the transition smoother.fixed
00:22:790 (6,7) - Here would be a good place for a jump. You could also add an NC here on 7. fixed
00:28:415 (2,3,4,5) - Sounds really overmapped for me xP. You ahve harder diffs, you don't have to map 1/4's that are barely audible on Insane imo xDdelete 00:28:493 (3,4,5) notes and change 00:28:415 (2) - spot
00:37:165 (1) - I would split this into a 1/2 slider and a Circle on 00:37:478 - for the downbeat (and NC there instead).fixed
00:40:290 (3,4,1,2) - I think stacking these doubles will be easier for people playing this difficulty. Space them on higher diffs instead xD. Having to play doubles + move (because they are spaced) makes these patterns extra difficult. make every 00:40:290 (3,4,1,2) DS bigger
02:47:790 (2,4) - Better to not overlap imo, it doesn't look that nice ;Csure
02:54:743 (6,8) - These sound overmapped. I think it's better if you delete them and rearrange this rhythm since this is Insane and not one of your Extrasfixed
00:15:915 (3,1,2) - This spacing is going to confuse people because 3>1 is 1/2, but 1>2 is 1/1.sure, fixed the DS
00:30:603 (7,8) - Jump instead of stack? for emphasis.fixed
00:50:915 (4) - This slider doesn't really fit the pattern like the other 3 sliders. It's too close to slider 3.change 4 to 2 notes
00:52:478 (5) - I would NC here/sure
01:40:290 (2,3,4) - The jump from 2>3 felt kinda random. But 3>4 could definitely have a jump for emphasis.fixed
01:41:071 (6,1) - Don't overlap? xdi fixed this part , so no overlap :3
01:45:915 - Not going to map this?nope, i play this diff with DT it's fine for no note here :\
02:09:821 (4) - I would NC here since the Kiai begins here.
02:17:321 (1,2,3,4,5) - Rhythm felt a bit weird.fixed it
checked a few diffs. good luck!
馬拉松的話看時間唷XDmoonlightleaf wrote:
3min 8diff , 真多....☆
thanks for mod :3Aeril wrote:
Well since you accepted the M4M on your queue I can now start your mod ;3 Don't think I'm going to find much though after monstrata modded this a bit
BTW the Pochiko diff is so much fun to play![Pochiko][Expert]
- 00:12:946 (4,5) - increase the spacing here maybe? maybe not
- 00:13:571 (3,4,5) - this looks better imo as a straight triple + slider but doesnt really matter https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/4249971 nope
- 01:48:415 (11,12) - I feel like it would do better if these were switched or atleast the spacing from 10 to 11 was increased switch it
- 03:19:561 (1) - shouldnt the spinner end at 03:21:853 - ? yap, fixed
- 03:26:071 (1,2,3) - it feels really awkward to curve upwards like that after the jump, maybe CTRL+J and move the blanket to the other side? do something similar
- 01:42:634 (2) - i feel this would flow better curved the other way fixed
- 02:39:665 (3,1) - increase spacing? yap
- 03:19:457 (1) - shouldnt the spinner end at 03:21:853 - ? fixed
- 00:40:290 (3,4) - why are these doubles not stacked like in Expert and Pochiko? ty different style on every diff XD
- 02:48:415 (7) - maybe stack this on the slider after? i think is fine
- 03:19:457 (1) - shouldnt the spinner end at 03:21:853 - ? (Master at copy paste >:3) all spinner fixed LOL
- 03:34:821 (8) - maybe stack on slider after? nope
Welp that's it, other than it looking a bit messy I didn't find many playability problemsSince there wasn't really that many things I had to find you only have to mod 4 diffs on my mapset if you want at most. I had a lot of fun playing this map and hope it goes far. Bye bye~ !
我是第一次做rank圖所以做得不怎麼樣moonlightleaf wrote:
M4M here
00:12:790 (3,4) - 降星可以改滑条,4-5 1.3x 也不是不可以的 5有高音或者就1.0x fixed
00:14:821 (5,1) - 这个是要叠还是不叠,很难看,而且和前面4挨着了 這已經是疊在一起的了...
00:26:540 (3,4) - 建议3删 4放前面9上 参考00:36:228 (1,2,3,4) - do something similar
00:33:571 (8,1) - 这要包不包的 挺难受,试试别的排版 fixed
00:36:384 (2) - 太远了fixed
00:57:946 (2,3) - 对于hard 这俩个单点挺不友好的 换2滑条?fixed
01:12:478 (4,5,6,7) - 目前这个排版不是很顺,试试↓ (会升0.01星 我自己在DT我這HARD的時後覺得這樣擺打得很順 所以我不打算改
01:14:821 (1) - 转盘很不合适 前面那个也是 那要改甚麼= =
01:17:790 (6,7) - 1.9x... 试试换单点+滑条折返 fixed
01:20:368 (2) - 不好看 我会摆这样 fixed
01:29:978 (1) - 位置不好,按照曲线的话 大概这里会非常好 改了之後比較難打 還是原來的打起來比較順
01:34:353 (3,4) - 旋转30度 放这里试试 不錯!
01:36:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - try fixed
01:37:790 (2,3,4,5,1) - 虽然5边型,单flow不好 那要怎改 我打起來蠻順的
01:40:290 (2,3) - 我觉得叠都比那样放好 fixed
01:53:103 (3,4,5,6) - 这位置? 我盡量不擺一直線, 因為一直線的NOTE不好打
02:18:103 (3,4) - stack why = =?
02:22:165 (3) - 叠4上 fixed
02:49:040 (4) - 1.9太远了 有修了
03:16:123 (3) - 突然就1/6 有点坑 的確 修了
03:42:790 (2,3,5) - 这种overlap 很不好看 FIXED
5.3+ > 5.25 Ex标了
00:12:166 (5,6,1,2,3,4) - 56ctrl+g 其他滑条也一并ctrl+g fixed
00:17:478 (1,2) - ^ fixed
00:23:103 (1,2) - 12没必要这么远 然而00:23:571 (4,1) - 才是要加DS的地方 改了
00:24:353 (3,4) - 不錯![]()
00:26:228 (1) - ctrl+g+h 那个样子才顺,参考00:26:540 (2,3,4) - 不錯![]()
00:28:415 (2) - 放后面1上? 這別人MOD的我也覺得這樣就可
00:32:009 (4) - 放 (56,144) ,然后45ctrl+g fixed
00:34:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - 这边好乱七八糟,弄整洁点,参考下, 原來的打起來很順了 而且你那樣打起來會變得很不順 你的4 5 DS太小還有3 4 應該變大
00:38:415 (7,1,2,3,4,5) - 这flow你打的习惯吗(卡手吗 這邊的確會卡 已修改
00:55:759 (5) - 钝角跳有点不好,试试叠前面5上00:55:603 (4) - 你可以放(228,104)这样版面好看多 fixed
01:00:446 (3,4,5,6,1) - do something similar
01:04:353 (1,1,2,3,4,1) - 这连打藏的略坑
01:19:509 (8,9,10) - fixed
01:21:228 (1) - fixed
01:24:665 (5,1) - stack fixed
01:29:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - 不好看 fixed
01:41:228 (1,2) - 突然就反向断flow了orz 之前俩4边形flow多好啊 fixed
01:54:040 (9,1) - 这俩直滑条好一些, 1->2 flow不好 fixed
01:56:384 (2) - 试试(52,164) 可
02:06:228 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 正5边然后6放中心 fixed 但6換位子擺
02:49:665 (5) - 缩小点DS fixed
03:01:540 (3) - 叠 要不就放右下点(怎么有种非常随意的就放在那里的感觉 有疊了 這邊我本來就打算放來回跳
03:24:353 (4) - 钝角好难受 (25,76)? fixed
03:29:196 (4) - (96,168)folw会好很多 fixed
PS: 给你一个控星的方法: 连续的单点越多星级越高, 跳的距离越大,星级越高
謝謝補充 tymoonlightleaf wrote:
补充 :
00:14:821 (5,1) - 这个是要叠还是不叠,很难看,而且和前面4挨着了 這已經是疊在一起的了... ---那可能我这边bug了,确实我这里没叠,差了几px 并不是1px
01:14:821 (1) - 转盘很不合适 前面那个也是 那要改甚麼= = 比如↓已修改
02:18:103 (3,4) - stack why = =? ---我个人有点卡手啊 照原先这个flow 滑条应该往↙才对, 已修改 疊在一起
01:37:790 (2,3,4,5,1) - 虽然5边型,单flow不好 那要怎改 我打起來蠻順的 已修改
還有我自己做的普面都是以打得順為優先 決不是隨便擺 --嘛,不要在意细节,我不太会打insane,所以自己的图也比较水,而且我个人比较讨厌overlap的,强迫症真可怕 ;w;; LOL
thanks for modCheonshi wrote:
Coming from the M4M Q:
my opinion
i actually think should be changedInsane• 00:09:978 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - increase the spacing in the with every new combo by a little would do great feels so compressed
i think this is fine
• 00:47:478 (1) - i think that slider could have a more outstanding shape because of that moan/scream in the music it should have a curve or it should be more highlighted especially when the velocity is lower here it becomes really nice
i wan thinking of this before, and you mod it, so im just going to shange this part to a note
• 01:53:493 - well while playing i didnt notice it but in editor it upsets me that on that sound is nothing probably its fine i just write everything that comes to my mind
so...no change here
• here should be a slider like here 00:47:478 (1) - and not just a circle weird
other modder said that you dont need to match the note/slider to the music vocal everytime so i would just put a note here
• i want a bit more spacing here 02:07:478 (1,2,3,4) - so they at least not overlap i think you had more spacing before like here e.g 00:51:228 (1,2,3,4) -
this should be in red words LOL, fixed it
• i dont know why they are so stacked 02:21:853 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - e.g 03:23:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - here is it way better cause is different part of the music, one is going to kiai mode, other is not
• 03:33:571 (1) - that slider stands really out but why? the sliders after and before were normal shaped too and there is no weird sound at that spot at least i dont see it
• for my taste the final jumps could be a little harder for a diff of that star range not much harder but a little 03:43:884 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - also i dont think the jumps have to get necessarly harder from combo to combo.
Chorus was fun to play =)Extra• 00:47:478 (1) - i really dont get it... i just think a specially shaped slider would fit so perfect... ^
• 00:58:571 (5) - i would start NC here
• 01:04:353 (1,2) - i really would use same spacing as before 01:03:728 (1,2) - not a smaller one
why = =?
• 02:03:728 (1) - same as 00:47:478 (1) -
• not really fitting that stream imo 02:04:665 (1,2,3,4) - but fine for a map of that diff
• 02:20:603 (1,2) - same as 01:04:353 (1,2) -
• 03:23:103 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - i think even a bigger spacing in that stream would be even more fitting and more fun but more difficult though
yap, fixed
• 03:38:728 (1,2,1,2,1,2) - looks pretty boring compared to other parts where u mapped liked this 02:33:728 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this looks like a lot more fun like it has more variety
but is different to the music LOL
thanks for modBreezy wrote:
M4M from your queue! Expert
00:09:978 (1) - With this stream in particular, you could possibly increase the spacing since it gets louder towards the end. to difficult in the begining
00:11:696 (5) - Move this a little closer so that the pattern looks more square-ish. It looks too tightly spaced where it is right now. fixed
00:21:228 (1) - You could try to map out the lyrics more with circles instead of a long slider, such as how you did a few notes afterwards. but long slider fit here :\
00:24:196 (4) - Center this more to form a better star. just random jump here
00:25:524 (2,3) - Straighten this triple out to match the previous double more. fixed
00:25:759 (4) - Stack this with 00:24:509 (2) fixed
00:26:384 (2) - As a personal preference, you could replace this long slider with a few single notes to match the beat more if you know what I mean. but long slider fit here ....
00:29:665 (5) - Stack this with (1)'s tail, and then slightly adjust the 3 to form a triangle pattern? it would be weird when you play it
00:32:165 (3) - This looks better stacked. fixed
00:32:321 (4,5) - I personally feel that these sliders don't fit in with the song for this difficulty. I would focus more on the fast beat here. fixed
00:35:524 (4,5) - You could angle this triple downwards towards the next note for flow. fixed
00:35:759 (6,7,8,1) - This applies to a few jumps, but you should try to evenly space out the jumps more instead of the random spacing. It doesn't have to be exactly equal, just as long as it isn't too dramatic. Take note of this for any other jump patterns. fixed
00:39:040 (3,4,5) - You should also try not to have notes overlap each other in an awkward way. I would stack a few things (not all) for a neater look, unless it's your own personal preference to do so. I would go back over your map more for any overlapping or stacking issues, it would take too long to point each overlap if it's your own preference. so.... what do you mean here...
00:48:103 - It might be me, but I feel as if you could start a stream around here possibly. fixed
00:52:478 (1) - This note is too far, making the triangle pattern you have uneven. I would move it closer. fixed
01:04:978 (1,2) - Instead of the long sliders, you could focus on the beat that consists of doubles more. so what do i need to change, i think this is fine here
01:12:946 (4) - This last slider ends awkwardly off-beat, I would just make this a single circle note. fixed
01:17:321 (1) - This slider shape doesn't appeal to me, but it's fine if you like the current shape. ok
01:34:665 (7,1) - Blanket this evenly. fixed
02:03:103 (1,2,3,4) - This looks too closely spaced and doesn't look that good. I would spread them out more. fixed
02:04:353 -Start a stream here? You did it before on the previous section of the song similar to this one. nope
02:24:040 (5,6,7,8,9) - This part of the stream doesn't look very nice, I would curve it more. why?
02:26:384 (1) - Try a triple? nope
02:36:228 (1) - The beat gets louder here, it's strange to have the DS lower here. i think is fine cause beat get lower after
02:38:962 (4) - Try a kick slider for this, it would make the spaced stream easier to hit, and it would match the upcoming stream. nope
02:39:353 (1,2,3) - These are angled uncomfortably, I would position these to flow better. change 2 3
02:40:759 (5,1) - Blanket? unnecessery
02:51:384 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - If you listen closely at a slower speed, you can hear that this is a bigger stream and not just triples. but i still hear is triple here...
02:54:040 (9,1) - The beat in the song doesn't go with what you have here, making it awkward to play. Try to do doubles here instead. match vocal here
02:54:509 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - This stream doesn't go with the song. Just replace these instead with kick sliders or notes according to the beat. there are a sound match this stream
03:27:321 (1,2,3,4,5) - Instead of these sliders simply connecting, you could do more complex turns to make this part more funner. fixedPochiko
00:15:134 (1) - A triplet could go here, since it's the hardest difficulty. nope
00:23:103 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - A stream instead of triples would fit in better in my opinion. triple is fine
00:39:978 (1) - For this whole section of the song, a long stream would fit in better than these doubles. It's the hardest difficulty after all. streams doesnt match the vocal at all
00:48:103 - Start the stream here? fixed
00:52:478 (1,3) - Stack these? I think it looks/plays nicer. fixed
00:56:306 (2,3) - This triple should start on a red tick, not a white tick. white tick is a single tab = =
01:05:837 (1) - Start a stream here instead of the doubles. nope
01:10:134 (1) - A triplet fits in better here. fixed
01:18:103 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Triplets should generally start on red ticks, it sounds and plays awkwardly on a white tick, unless the song allows it. Take this into consideration for any other triplets. triple start on white tick is really weird here, and when you play it
01:38:571 (1) - This long slider doesn't match the beat, and it ends up skipping one of the main beats of the song (the large white tick). fixed
01:49:978 - Focus more on the triplets/stream here instead of jumps? It would fit in better with the song. jumps fit here
02:04:353 - Start stream here? not here
02:12:556 (2,3) - Same issue with triplets here. nope
02:24:347 (9,10,11,12) - Curve this more? It looks awkward having it just straightened out like this. this is not a curve LOL
02:25:212 (2,3) - Angle these towards the next note more. fixed
02:26:384 (1) - Triplet? nope
02:38:728 (1) - I would use kick sliders for these spaced streams for better play. nope
02:51:384 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - Stream instead of triplets. nope
02:39:821 - Not sure why, but I can't hear the notes anymore at this point. It could be an inherited timing point issue.
03:26:306 (2,3) - Triplet issue with the ticks again. nope
03:36:228 (1) - In a previous section of the song, you mapped this with streams of 5 notes. I'm not sure why you switched to triplets here. cause i dont want every diff is all same thispartThis mapset has a lot of potential. Some things you could work on at your own time are overlapping notes and uneven patterns.
Overall, good job!
只是因現在的人做的譜爾以...JauiPlaY wrote:
00:57:009 (5,1) - 没遮好 fixed
00:57:321 (1,2,3,4,5) - 每次比原曲多一个音听起来挺怪的,考虑降低点音量?fixed
01:02:165 (6,7,1) - 换成一个长slider加个circle会比较好 因為是EXPERT所以不打算換
02:13:571 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^^ fixed
03:21:853 - 音量低点
03:27:321 (1,2,3,4,5) - ^^^^ fixed
加个break好不好啊 家哪邊QWQ?
加个break好不好啊 家哪邊QWQ?
01:39:040 (3,5) - 稍微有点没遮好 fixed
03:16:228 (1,2,3,4,1) - 可以考虑加点独特的音效 fixed
03:19:561 (1) - 为啥放这?往前点吧 不知道 沒放好吧ww
thanks for mod XDAvishay wrote:
[Pukuchiku] why is PukuchikuGood luck!
- 00:13:259 (6,1) - I don't get this drastic DS change, moreover why is 00:13:415 (1,2,3) - static? You had such great movement with the previous pattern but you decided to halt it and with such low DS, it makes it awkward to play. make 00:13:259 (6,1) - DS bigger
- 00:14:040 (5) - Seems a bit too curvy, kinda inappropriate with the previous slider. just follow the smooth here, to make it better to play
- 00:16:228 (1,2) - Since the current hitsounds are not too loud the sliderend is audible even with 5%, you should probably just use a muted hitsound, here's a download link for one http://puu.sh/mquSU/48845e9c9e.wav ty
- 00:18:728 (1) - This is waaaay too low, perhaps around 35~45% is better. fix to 40%
- 00:19:978 (1,2) - Why not make them identical? It fits, just copy 2 and place it instead of 1 at the same position. it would be really weird LOL, or i make it wrong :\
- 00:30:603 (7) - The emphasization needs to be on the sliderend here, not on the sliderhead, either change it to a 1/4 slider or use 2 circles and emphasize the second one, it feels completely wrong now. fixed
- 00:30:915 (8) - If you do the previous thingy then you should probably remove it and map the triplet fixed
- 00:53:103 (1,2) - This overlap is irriating, either overlap them properly or don't overlap at all, it gives a bad vibe. dont overlap :p
- 00:56:071 (1,2,3) - Awkward.. Doesn't follow vocals properly and the slider that starts on the red tick isn't any good either. Regardless, the triplet is overmapped and personally I don't feel like it contributes much. change to 1/1 slider
- 00:56:540 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - I'm sure you could make this pattern look better. make it to a star shape
- 00:57:321 (1,2,3) - I would say that you should either stack them all or have that small different movement, both are cool but you shouldn't mix. small movement is fine
- 00:59:040 (5) - NC is appropriate here. yap
- 01:02:478 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Why? This pattern doesn't fit at all, the music doesn't ask for it at all, there are no repeating doubles in the music, you are pushing the wrong pattern onto the music. fixed
- 01:08:259 (11,12,13,1) - I got a few things to say on this one, first of all, I feel like the object rhythm should be different, either all circles or at the very least have the slider as 2 circles, since it has the most strength, and having the strong note as the sliderend is kinda meh.. Second thing, the movement from the slider 13 to the slider 1 is kinda weird, it doesn't look that good, the curve is just wrong, it's a bit hard to explain, this for example will look better: http://puu.sh/mqvUz/af9e57248a.jpg but since I said that the slider there is not anything good, so consider: http://puu.sh/mqvWJ/60e513820b.jpg, or even http://puu.sh/mqvYi/6e5724639f.jpg. oh and you really need a NC there, perhaps on 9. fixed, but no NC on 9 cause is weird
- 01:12:321 (5,8) - Avoid this kind of overlap please
of course
- 01:14:978 (1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3) - An other inappropriate pattern in terms of music, it doesn't follow it very well, actually here those are doubles, or pairs, whatever you might call them, and not groups of three. sure, fixed
- 01:42:478 (1,2) - That's not really good in my opinion, usually this would be backed up by vocals just like at 01:21:228 (1,2) - 00:36:228 (1,2) - and such, but now it's just not right. Although there's that repeating ringing sound, it repeats midslider so you shouldn't really used a long slider there. fixed
- 02:09:353 (1,1,2,3) - Why is the spacing is drastically bigger from 00:53:103 (1,2,3,4) - although it is the same pattern? Also, the NC is incosistent here. fixed
- 02:12:321 (1,2,3) - Just like before, I don't feel like this overmap helps and the slider is no good either. fixed like before
- 02:13:259 (7,8,1) - The movement from 8 into the slider is just horrible in my opinion, it feels way too forced and the slider placement is awkward, try something like this: http://puu.sh/mqwyC/8f1325eef7.jpg, don't forget to move the other notes as well. fixed
- 01:04:353 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - and 02:20:603 (1,2,1,2,3,4,5,6) - those seems drastically different, now when I look, 01:04:665 (3,4,5,6,7) - doesn't seem like the best overmap, but overall I feel like the first pattern is much better and interesting. Should they really be that different when you are pretty consistent most of the time? cause i just dont like that every part is the same, as you can see 01:04:353 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - is a really special part, and i dont want it to be the same at 02:20:603 (1,2,1,2) -
- 02:24:665 (13,1) - The movement is great compared to before, but I think the rhythm should be changed here too. i think is fine here OWO?
- 02:26:384 (1,2) - Why not a triple like 01:10:134 (1,2,3) - fixed
- 02:31:071 (7) - Why is the drum completely ignored here? You could make some transition into the next pattern. if i consider 02:31:071 (7) - that mean i should consider 02:32:009 (6) - 02:32:321 (8) - 02:32:478 (1) - 02:33:571 (7) - and so on ...? i think they are just random beats, if you make these beats to a kickslider or something like that, this part will be really hard to play
- Egh I dislike the next section, just one streamy section which makes the map unplayable for most players, could put some more thought there in my opinion. make some fixed
- Should probably increase the hitsound volume from here 02:29:978 (1) - even though it is not kiai, it deserves something much higher. 30% > 50%
- 02:41:696 (9) - Even though there are vocals, the music dosen't emphasize the long held one here, so missing the strong instruments inside is awkward, 02:42:321 (1) - is fine because the music supports it. fixed
- 02:42:165 (10,1) - You should probably change the movement a bit, the circle doesn't go along with the current slider curve and placement. fixed
- 02:51:618 - I highly suggest mapping this as well. but the music is triplet here
- 02:53:728 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1) - Drums are quite significant here, follow them properly. i dont know how to map if i follow the drums here QWQ
- 03:22:321 (1) - Long slider is inappropriate, strong instrument in the middle and the you are better putting something to press for the vocals. other modder have told me this before, but it's really weird to just put a note on 03:22:478 - , or 03:22:321 (1) - change to 1/2 slider and add a note 03:22:478 - , so i just think to match the vocal here, not the beat
- 03:26:071 (1,2,3) - Did you copy paste the kiais and just change everything slightly? lol ::P nope i just think this beat would fit the music but it seems im wrong :\, fix to 1/1 slider
Thanks for modJauiPlaY wrote:
[Starfy's Normal]
00:26:540 (2,4) - 有点遮到了不好看 I think it is not that ugly LOL
00:55:603 (4) - 我倾向于放到00:55:759 - I think the current one is more appropriate since it follows the strong beat and vocal
00:57:009 - 总觉得这里没东西听起来比较怪 I will consider about it
00:59:665 (2) - 缩短到00:59:821 - Fixed
02:16:540 (4) - 移到02:16:696 - I will consider about it
03:14:040 (6) - 和^上面类似的建议 Same
03:16:071 (5,6,7,8) - 不跟歌词?The vocal is not allow the music orz
没有spinner吗 I think spinner is not that necessary lol
Is it really necessary to usr a better mp3 owo?bbj0920 wrote:
↑ probably get better mp3 here
Yes. tasuke's mp3 is cleaner, louder. Sounds much better to me.SnowNiNo_ wrote:
Is it really necessary to usr a better mp3 owo?
If it is, I will change it
Working on it.SnowNiNo_ wrote:
btw, is your collab finished?
ok, change itbbj0920 wrote:
Yes. tasuke's mp3 is cleaner, louder. Sounds much better to me.SnowNiNo_ wrote:
Is it really necessary to usr a better mp3 owo?
If it is, I will change itWorking on it.SnowNiNo_ wrote:
btw, is your collab finished?
really useful mod-Tochi wrote:
fixed all
- Unused hitsounds: soft-hitfinish.wav mute sound has used in expert and pochiko diff
- Useless green line(s) over red (no SV changes): 00:09:878 - (All Diffs except Starfy's Normal and Chu's Easy)
- Volumes on the green and red line should be there same: 00:09:878 - (All Diffs except Starfy's Normal, Chu's Easy, Insane and Light Insane)
- Inherit (green) timing line is unsnapped in Light Insane diff: 00:52:997
- Same as above, but in Insane diff: 00:52:997 - 02:03:630
- Same as above in Hard diff.
- Check AiMod for the unsnapped objects. fixed all
- 00:10:970 (8,1) - Kinda too long distance, it plays better when the circle is closer to the kickslider. fixed
- 00:20:345 (2,1) - Avoid this tiny overlap, kinda annoys the reading/beautiful placement lol. fixed
- 00:23:002 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I guess this is fine since it's the hardest diff, but i recommend you to consider making it smaller spacing since it's a bit too sudden. fixed
- 00:48:627 (9) - NC here. 00:49:565 - Remove NC, 00:49:878 - Add NC, fits more, the NCs looked kinda random tbh.yea you are right
- 00:52:689 (3) - Consider making this more visible so it's not hard to read by not stacking it: http://puu.sh/mMYhs/13545c2a3f.jpg other modder just told me to overlap this part, i will consider about it
- 00:55:346 (6,7) - Convert to a slider so it fits more with the vocal since you follow it here 00:54:720 (4,5) - Feels a bit out of place to have circles here when you just followed the vocal. The sentence in the song isn't done yet, and if you change to instrument, it would be sudden and random to play. Try this if you don't know how to change it: http://puu.sh/mMYye/80f1583b46.jpg
- 01:05:033 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Consider making the spacing between the 2/4's bigger to avoid confusing, or make the spacing on the 2/4 smaller, so it's more clear that it's 2/4. i dont get it =w=
- 01:11:439 (2,2) - Stacking these is kinda confusing to read imo, try to move 01:11:908 (2) - to x:66 y:183 like: 02:27:377 (1,2,1,2) - fixed
- 01:23:158 (1,2) - Ctrl+G? keep
- 01:32:064 (5,1) - Awkward spacing here since this part is jumpy, i suggest to make it bigger. fixed
- 03:15:814 (5,2) - Make it symmetrical by copying one of the sliders? keep
- 03:22:220 (1,2,3) - Way to unexpected due to the spacing, i highly recommend you to make it smaller. fixed
- 00:16:128 (1,1,2) - Looks cool, but be aware that it's confusing, consider making it more readable. keep
- 00:20:971 - Why not add a circle? fixed
- 00:24:878 (1,2,1) - Way to unexpected due to the spacing, i highly recommend you to make it smaller. At least make it visible like 00:34:878 (1,2,3) - fixed
- 01:11:128 (1,1,1) - Same as before, make the sliders faster like the first one if you decide to keep it.
- 02:42:221 (1,2) - Spacing is way too small for this part.fixed
- 03:28:471 (5,2) - Avoid this tiny overlap, looks more clean like that. fixed
Good luck!
- 00:12:378 (1,2,3,4) - Leads to a sldierbreak, try making it smaller. fixed
- 00:53:940 (3,4,5) - Awkward spacing, make it more consistent for a better flow. fixed
- 01:23:628 (1,3) - Avoid this tiny overlap so it looks more clean. fixed
- 01:29:721 (6,1) - Really awkward spacing, please make it more consistent. fixed
- 02:48:315 (7,1) - Same as above. just a small move here
- 03:19:253 - Add a circle here instead with the clap, and start the spinner here? 03:19:331 - fixed
this part im match the vocal, and i cant find a better way to map this part =w=DropPopCandy wrote:
Heyo! I've already modded this map (and amazing progress btw) but I was playing the Insane diff and I found a something that confused me, that being the doubles from 00:39:878 (1) to 00:46:674 (6) being really confusing and even now looking at it in the editor I don't understand what rhythm it's going off of. I really love the progress this map has made since last year and I can't wait to see it ranked!
thanks for modUnLock- wrote:
Hello! I'm come from your queue (Sorry about Late Modding ;_;)
M4M : https://osu.ppy.sh/forum/p/4823758/General
fixed all
- Offset -20. check with playback rate 25%
- Off Widescreen Support
- How about add circle in 00:37:612 here? its not overmapping and it make funny rhythm jumps here, a triplet will be weird
- 00:52:689 (3) - Move to 16 256. it will be make intro's impact strongly fixed
- 01:05:033 (1,2) - Ctrl G? Idk why you make this flow other modder just fixed here, so keep it
- I think your map is follow drum sound. so I wonder why you don't insert note in 01:45:815 - here. how about make 1/2 slider in 01:45:658 (6) - here? add a note
- Its just my suggestion, How about Ctrl G 03:44:252 (1,2) - and 03:45:189 (1,2) - ? if you follow this, this jump pattern will be highlighted but is weird when you play it..
Uhh.... very long song @~@
- 00:33:315 (7,8) - Ctrl G and move 7 to 344 60. It will be make better flow with 1 slider keep
- How about add circle in 01:06:284 here? I think current beat is little boring for higher players. keep
- 01:06:128 - Idk why this part's sv is x2.00 little mistake, fixed it
- Its just my suggestion. Delete 02:20:190 (3,4) - ,02:20:815 (6,7) - them and Swap NC 02:19:721 (4,1) - here. I know this part has vocal sound but drum is stopped in here. my suggestion will make better sence keep
Done! sorry for short modding... but your map is very good so I can't found other problem
thanks for modRyoKazuka wrote:
so many 5 stars
; w ;
so many peeps modding Insane and above, Hard and Light Insane is left out![]()
Hard's spacing consistency needs more fixing
comparing spaces like this 00:12:358 (1,2) - and 00:14:545 (4,5) - makes Hard very inconsistent while the other parts are normally mapped whit its ' default spacing '
I highly recommend using Distance Snap for this case
i had fixed all the DS before, and i know there is some place that have different DS, but i dont want to change it, if this is unrankable, i will fixed it
In Light Insane
00:09:858 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - this is too intense for a slow part like that and also for a ' Light Insane '
consider making these into 2 repeat 1/4 sliders so that it matches with rhythm's intensity
fixed this part
also, in cases like these 00:24:858 (1,2,3) -
I highly recommend you copy the 1st slider and paste it, then rotate it so that it flows and the shape matches, it makes the map tidy as well
fixed this part
In any cases, I see Light Insane is more to Insane because of the intense triplets and quintet
same goes to jumps
but the triplet are fit to music to it wont be a problem when you are playing
I wish you good luck on this set and put my tips into consideration !
PM me if you have anything to ask
SnowNiNo_ wrote:
thanks for modRyoKazuka wrote:
so many 5 stars
; w ;
so many peeps modding Insane and above, Hard and Light Insane is left out![]()
Hard's spacing consistency needs more fixing
comparing spaces like this 00:12:358 (1,2) - and 00:14:545 (4,5) - makes Hard very inconsistent while the other parts are normally mapped whit its ' default spacing '
I highly recommend using Distance Snap for this case
i had fixed all the DS before, and i know there is some place that have different DS, but i dont want to change it, if this is unrankable, i will fixed it
It is not unrankable its just that, I dont really see any reason to do such spacings in Hard
Thanks for modRyoKazuka wrote:
]00:19:858 (3) - I like the idea of blanketing here but 00:21:733 (2) - this slider's tail could be blanket I believe it is blanketed
00:24:233 (2) - this overlaps in-game, Im sorry, im out of suggestionsI think it would not affect a lot
00:26:420 (2,4) - also, avoid overlaps like this as well, it makes the map untidy Fixed
00:27:358 (4,5) - In Normal diffs usually, I dont recommend putting a note under a slider, its very unfriendly for new players Readable absolutely
00:38:295 (4,3) - overlaps in game, maybe use this http://sta.sh/012v10o3w4a3 ? if you do so, ctrl g 00:38:608 (1,2) - Fixed some
01:22:358 (3,4) - same reason as above, I appreciate that you made it consistent As well as before, it is readable, even for newbie players
thanks for modMokouSmoke wrote:
from my queue~
[Hard][Light Insane]
- 00:11:108 (1) - I would decrease the hitsound volume in this section by at least 10%, it's way too loud decrease to 50%
- Actually, in general, I wouldn't use such drastic hitsound volume changes. Example:Use a 10% change at 00:19:389 (2,1) - since there's only 10% change at 00:20:951 (4,1) - . Same thing at 00:22:670 (6,7) - The finishes already make it sound louder than the previous section, no need to go over the top with a 20% volume increase 00:18:608 (1,2) - follow the vocal and 00:19:858 - follow the music, and you can heard 00:19:858 - has a lower rhythm then other parts, so i decrease from 50 to 20, 00:22:983 - you can heard the down beat at the music here, and its the same with all the rhythm after, so i use 60 here since i use 60 in this pattern
- 00:36:576 (3) - NC here, otherwise your 1/2 spacing at 00:36:108 (1,2) - looks exactly like your 1/1 spacing at 00:36:264 (2,3) - fixed
- 00:58:451 (1) - I wish you would use a different slider here since it represents your vocal as well and the start of the chorus again. for example, something like this http://puu.sh/noLbG/a06b33ea9f.jpg the flow will be kinda bad
- 01:09:389 (3,4) - 01:16:733 (3,4) - be careful with spacing, these are basically touching fixed
- 03:06:733 (4) - I think a 1/4 repeat slider would be nice to represent drum and make rhythm more interesting maybe a 1/3
- 03:27:201 (1,2,3) - pretty intense part of the song, so I wish you would represent this with bigger spacing unnecessary since it's a hard diff
- Lol, there's nothing light about it. this should really just be called insane why...? it would be weird with 2 insane
- 00:13:373 - add a note here for what = =? the music doesnt sound like a triplet here...
- 00:25:951 (5,1) - bigger spacing pls, your hard diff even has a larger spacing here there is no 00:26:264 (2) - slider in hard diff..., and this part of the hard diff doesnt really got a large spacing
- 00:49:076 (2,3) - fix stack the stack is purposely
- 00:57:201 (1,2,3,4,5) - even if you're following the instrument, the vocal intensity changes so much here that it feels weird to play. Maybe you could try successively increasing DS between each note http://puu.sh/noMGc/b444ec804c.jpg fixed, alose fix 02:13:451 -
- 01:15:326 (2) - break this into a note+slider so you don't miss drum beat at 01:15:483 - fixed
- 01:29:858 (1) - why not continue pattern and place this at [72, 320]? cant move to 72 320 so i move all the pattern here
- 03:06:733 (1,2,3) - hard to tell this is 1/3 rhythm, so it might be better to make this a 1/3 repeat slider i would like to use notes instead of slider since this isnt a hard diff
Sorry, I can't really mod the higher diffs, but as a general comment, I'm wondering why you made so many 5.5+ star diffs. Generally, this is done to express a variety of different styles for the same song, but from my perspective, the top 3 diffs use basically the same style with just some slight differences in the spacing. It feels redundant to have so many.
- and this should really be extra, but since you already have an extra...idk same above
- 00:25:326 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - the song intensity feels pretty constant here, so I don't think the jump spacing should keep increasing. fixed
- since 01:03:608 (1) - and 01:04:233 (3,4) - sound identical, you should use the pattern to represent both fixed
- 01:13:608 (1,2) - avoid overlap. same at 01:32:358 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - fixed
- 02:23:295 (4) - this should be closer to [~270, ~209] for your pattern fixed
you know there isnt a expert diff and a pochiko diff at first, and something happens with me and the map, so i make more diffs on it, At first expert diff and an remap Extra, and most people likes my remap extra diff, but there is still people like the extra diff, so i change the Remap Extra diff to expert, and why im making a pochiko diff? not much to say, just want to express my mapping.
Although the style is mostly the same, but i want to make the player that have a higher rank to have fun on this map, cause i think it would be really bored to the high rank player if there is only a few diff on a mapset, and the player that have low rank, they are still able to play this map, and even with pp, isnt it good ?
Well anyways, good luck!
all fix except for that one ><Monstrata wrote:
00:12:826 (4,5) - How about a larger jump here for emphasis?
00:32:045 (5) - Is this supposed to be stacked with slide r2?
01:41:108 (1,2,3,4,5) - Pitch is going down here. I would have the largest jump on 1, and have the spacing go down from there instead of up.
01:53:139 (4,5) - Larger jump from 4>5 would fit the music nicely here.
02:12:202 (1) - Can you make this look nicer? xD it's too curved imo.
02:36:108 (8,1) - NC's should be swapped.
02:35:484 (7,1) - Here too. Have NC's begin on white ticks.
02:36:733 (8,1) - ^
02:59:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Imo this stream is overmapped. I don't hear a lot of 1/4's that support this stream... what do you think. (you can disagree, but just give me a reason, i think other BN's might also mention this later) if you delete the note and hear the music you can hear is the same with 02:07:358 - and 00:51:108 - but is just got a lower volume then others, so im fixing the stream spacing smaller
00:09:858 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Can you have the first stream like lower in spacing? So like the stream gets more spaced as the drums get louder? I think it would be a really cool effect.
00:34:858 (1,2) - This jump is a bit big for me... can you make it a bit smaller? Like move slider 1 a bit more to the left of the screen?
00:52:358 (1,2) - Ctrl+G. Flows a lot better imo. Right now 11>12>1 creates a really linear flow, and linear flow is lame xD
00:24:858 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1) - Ahh I really dislike this pattern xP I think it's just too over the top with those sliderjumps ;v
00:28:295 (2,3,4,5) - Sounds really overmapped to me
01:00:483 (3,4,5) - 4>5 feels like a better place to put a jump imo. 3>4 isn't emphasizing much.
01:55:170 (2,3) - This flowbreak isn't really necessary imo
02:17:045 (9,1) - I really dislike this break too x___x The kink really makes thks pattern annoying to play lol.
Actually, looking through this diff, there are quite a few things I don't really like lol... I think it still needs a few more mods.
00:09:858 (1,2) - Space them out a bit more? too close together imo xD.
00:10:170 (2,3,4,5) - This is actually really hard to read at first because of the slider-end overlaps. Can you make them easier to read? Because imo the rhythm you pick is quite nice here.
01:01:889 (5,6) - I would avoid the flowbreak here and do something more simple. Make this flow nicely instead?
02:11:889 (5,1) - Can you blanket this better.
02:25:092 (2,3) - This is really hard to see because its all covered by the slider. Can you manual stack on the left of the slider instead?
02:52:201 (1,2) - Make this flow better too? D: Actually i think 02:52:670 (2) - can be a 1/2 slider and a circle instead. I think that rhhythm fits better. I wanna click on the slider-end xD.
02:58:139 (6,7,1) - Hmm I don't really like how this flows either... I would do something like this: but you might have to move some more stuff around.
03:09:858 (1,2) - Why are these so close together ;c. Spacing :C This 1/3 section, some spacings just look weird because you space the 1/1's lower than you space 1/3's lol Compare 03:11:733 (4,5,1,2) - . Please space this section out better.
03:33:451 (1) - Remake this slider, its like a 2010 slider lol.
[Light Insane]
01:17:045 (4,5) - The spacing is fine, but make this flow nicely?
02:44:233 (3,4,5) - Make them even in spacing? Visually i mean.
03:16:003 (3,4) - I would snap these onto white ticks instead since you don't really map to the vocals during this section. The rhythm you use earlier really follows instruments instead of vocals. You can maybe add a 1/3 or two here if you really want. But I would snap the sliders to white ticks.
00:52:358 (1,2,3) - I would move them up a bit so they don't touch slider 4.
01:24:858 (1) - Can you make this circles/sliders? :C the spinner was really random imo loool. It's also really short, i don't think players will be that prepared for it.
02:03:608 (1) - How about two circles instead? Since that's how you map it with all your other diffs xD. I think the spinner is unnecessary here too.
02:20:483 (3,1) - Space them out a bit more? Theyre too close together imo, (maybe its just me)
02:39:233 (1,2,3,1) - This arrangement looks quite confusing for new players. I would just either stack them, or make them easier to read.
02:48:608 (1,2,3,4) - the triplet should be on 02:48:854 - .
03:01:108 (5) - NC
03:27:201 (1,2,3,4) - Space them out more, they are 1/1 not 1/2, but their spacing looks similar to 1/2 spacing you use.
Normal and Easy are good. Nothing I want to point out. Find me in game, we should talk about the Extra.
discuss in irc ><Kibbleru wrote:
if i mod this i wont garuntee that ill give my icon because it's kinda out of my range. do u still want me to mod or do u want to give me a different map (since i don't want to make u pop the bubble)
ill try to find you in game to have some more information ><Sonnyc wrote:
Made a quick skim for Pochiko difficulty only for now.
- 00:09:858 - Let's remove this useless greenline above the redline.
- The timeline around 02:03:608 - 02:04:545 doesn't function properly. Remove these, or snap properly as other diffs if you have an intention.
Popping the bubble for your hitsound usages. Sections of 00:18:608 ~ 00:22:826 - 01:13:608 ~ 01:17:826 - 03:02:983 ~ 03:19:233 - were containing no hitsounds, and the song could be expressed enough by using hitsounds.
- 00:09:858 (1,2,3,4,5) - Hitsound felt quite loud here. I personally feel a noticable volume change happens at 00:10:639 in the song, and you may try an adjust from that point. Before there, I believe having a lower hitsound would work better.
- 00:22:202 (4,1) - 01:17:202 (1,3) - Arrange a consistent combo usage please.
- 01:05:014 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - Imo the pattern this is arranged could be potentially confusing. Even the placements being in a rotaion pattern, twisting the placement made the organization weaker, and less intuitive to read. ctrl+G for 01:05:248 (1,2) - 01:05:717 (1,2) individually is recommended.
- 01:21:029 - This feels like missing a note according to the song imo. there isnt a obvious beat here, and a triplet is not necessary imo, nothing need to emphasize here
- 01:50:170 (3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Remap with a rhythm that follows the music better? I mean, the simple 1/2 note expressions doesn't properly reflected this part of the song enough. Due to the simplified rhythm, 01:51:733 (5,6,7,8) - which is actually a 1/2 felt less emphasized. well i want to make this part jumpy since is the most difficult diff, and 01:51:733 (5,6,7,8) - since the pitch is getting lower and lower so i make the spacing smaller and smaller, although this part feel like need to emphasized but is according to the beat, but the music doesnt sound like
- 02:09:545 - The volume change felt weird here. Why not from 02:09:701 ?
- 02:43:139 (5,6,7) - The spacing of (6) felt abnormally large compared with the previous spacing.
- 03:00:170 (5,1,5) - Instead a combo usage of 8 note cycle, what about adding NC at 03:00:170 - 03:00:795 instead the current spot to indicate the 1/4 stream of different spacing better? how about other part like 02:07:358 - and 00:51:108 - ?
- 03:02:670 (1,1) - Combo usage felt inconsistent with 02:04:545 (1,2). Although there is a 1/3 rhythm transition, using a similar feeling of combo for 1/1 stack would be more organized.
- 03:16:003 - 03:16:316 - 03:16:628 - 03:16:941 - 03:17:253 - Well I was personally disappointed the way the strong sounds are less expressed, but anyways you could at least consider for a hitsound here. Wait. This section actually has no hitsounds?
- 03:22:358 - This rhythm being completely ignored felt weird. I know you are focusing on the vocal here, but I think you can find a way to express the vocal along this rhythm.
Also soft-hitfinish.wav was a blank hitsound, and I'm not sure the point of having such empty sound. Usages were spotted at 00:16:342 - 00:16:654 - from "Expert", and it doesn't actually needs a hitsound nor functions nicely. remove soft-hitfinish.wav
Besides from sections without hitsounds, the basic settings of your hitsound failed to express a certain element of the song. Since the Finish sound is more like a consistent electronic drum, expressions for cymbol sounds in the music was highly weak. 00:13:451 - 00:15:483 - 00:32:514 - for some examples. This is a strong cymbol sound, but there is actually no way to express these in your current hitsound setting. Then should this leave as it is? No, I think you'll need to think of a way to express those elements properly as a hitsound. well i need some help here :c
Not a bad quality for your first ranked map. Let me know if the general issue has got resolved in all difficulties for a further check.
Sonnyc wrote:
[Hard]fix the problem, idk hoe does this happen lol
- What happened
[Insane]I guess I'm just gonna stop modding here. Even considering this is your first attempt for ranked, I feel it's insufficient in my standards. Restructure your patterns by taking more advantage of distance snapping, and maybe gathering more opinions from the community. Perhaps you can try pushing this set further by contacting the original nominator, but anyways I'm stepping back from here.
- 00:26:108 - 00:27:358 (5) - 01:49:545 (4) - 02:21:108 - Whistle.
- 00:44:233 (6) - NC for consistency.
- 00:49:076 (2,3) - Is this placement intended? in order to emphasize the vocal 00:49:233 (3) -
- 00:55:014 (8,9) - 01:00:170 (2) - 01:17:201 (5,6) - 02:05:326 (3) - 02:05:951 (5) - 02:10:483 (5) - 02:16:420 (2) - 02:41:576 (2) - 02:42:670 (2) - 02:44:076 (2) - Spacing.
- 02:00:483 (5,1) - I think these are too close. Keep some more spacing please.
- 02:01:108 (1,2) - 02:01:733 (1,2) - Why are these not 1.00x like other patterns? well is 1.00x here..., idk what you mean
- This difficulty has too many spacing issues. Especially, you don't use a consistent distance snapping for 1/2 rhythms. Some are 1.00x, some are 0.8x, and some are 1.2x and there are even different spacings. If you are not using a jump, please maintain a consistent spacing for a better organization. well 0.8x s mean that part is more clam, so using smaller DS then other part make sense, and same as 1.2x, idk if this is what you mean XDl
Sorry for the bad news, but I'll wish best luck for you.
thanks for your modAtsuro wrote:
Mod from my queue requested by Sonnyc
The slider velocity is too slow for the jumps you make here D:
00:39:858 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2) - It feels like you only made these doubles to annoy people with bad acc xd. I disagree with this rhythm choice since it skips some beats but eh it can pass for ranked since you already have some bn's. I'd do something like what you did here 01:56:108 - i want to follow with the vocal at this part, if you want to see more go look at Snow Note's mod, he told me to fix the rhythm like this, link : p/4097637
01:05:014 (1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2) - The first two doubles feel alright but the last two are skipping stuff and just don't play well enough, i suggest to change them into a stream to map the sound thing that starts from here 01:05:639 - (what do you call that?) this part was change by monstrata, so lets keep this first
01:07:592 (4,6,8) - Why them overmaps? D: what, here is a stream idk why you think is overmap
01:21:108 (1,2) - I'd move this a bit farther from the previous slider, just a bit. Around (4, 80) to emphasize the downbeat more ok for this one
01:27:045 (7,1) - The jump that flows to slider 1 feels weird, the jump would feel better and more emphasized if you place the slider around 124,77 ok, fine for me
01:50:170 (3,4,5) - You should really map these small bursts like you did here 01:49:545 (3,4,5,6,1) - instead of filling it with jumps, it will give more rhythm diversity and stuff. Same here 01:50:795 (7,8,1) - yea there are really a small bursts sound that could make a stream but since this is a most diffcult diff i would like to map this as a jumpy map, and in order to consist the jumpy part 01:51:108 - this seems fine
02:23:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Same overmap, a stream is not necessary here then what should i map here ;w;? the stream fit pretty perfect imo
02:37:279 (8,1) - Don't make stream jumps so late into the map, it's really confusing and bad map design. If you want to make split streams/stream jumps on a map you should try to introduce them early on that map. And i'm pretty sure no one likes having this sort of combo-breaker so late into the map :^)you are right but i want to separate the section and emphasized more on 02:37:358 (1) - , so ill make the spacing smaller
02:38:842 (4,1,4,1) - 2unpredictable, please really consider changing this you know ill always do a test play on my map before upload it , and this part seems/sound pretty good, not like the stream previous, imo this should be separate more to emphasized the strong beat at each stream head
02:53:920 (2,3) - You should map a triple here since you do it for other similar sounds, for consistency and because triples are fun yea triplet are fun XD, but lets keep it first, not necessary
02:55:483 (3,5) - It plays better (at least for me) when you ctrl+g these sure, plays good
03:38:608 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) -![]()
The jumps are fun, but it lacks some structure.
00:13:139 (2) - Try changing this into a circle since the sound you followed with the sliders stops here. it will be inconsistent with this part if i change to note
00:16:108 (1,1,2) - This is confusing as hell, at least move the circle to other place like... here? https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/4958552 Way less confusing :^). 01:11:108 (1,1,1) - This one too, i broke combo on both xd. Oh and silence the slider ends because it sounds better like that. will move both notes to other place and silence the sliderend on second part
00:48:608 (9) - Add NC yea
00:51:733 (9) - NC? sure
01:08:139 (2) - Same thing as the other one same above
02:20:170 (3,4,7) - Delete these to make it similar to the highest diff? It's better like that since it emphasizes the stronger beats i dont want all the diff got the same style tho (although the style is mostly the same XD, and im following the vocal here so its fine
02:54:076 (1) - This slider is overextended and doesn't make much sense in the music, make it end on the previous white tick and add a circle on the blue one. Alternatively you can do this https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/4958629 seems fine, fixed
03:27:201 (1,2,3,4) - Silence them slider ends yea, also silence the same previous kiai part
03:39:389 (2) - :v :p
Some things on pochiko also apply here if is the stream part then no fix either
02:38:608 (3) - NC to mark the difference in repeat number. ohhhh sure, i missed it
02:45:795 (4,2) - Tiny nazi overlap that bothered me. lol, fixed it
02:47:670 (2,4) - ^ fixed
03:34:545 (6,1) - This should be a way bigger jump emphasizing the downbeat, https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/4958697 try this placing fixed
Apart from a few overlaps (fix them plz they look out of place) this one is fine imo well i cant find a big problem of overlap....
I'll leave it here since i have to go :V
Thanks for modpkhg wrote:
[Starfy's Normal]
- 00:13:451 (1) - the slidertick isnt visible, might be a problem I discussed this concern with Chaoslitz and we think that this might not be a problem
- 00:19:858 (3) - ^ Same as before
- 00:31:733 (2,3) - this is like "i tried to blanket but ran out of screen space" looks a bit ugly idk if u can do something else I'm not going to blanket them deliberately since the curve of 00:31:733 (2) - is not appropriate to make a blanket here so imo the current pattern is already the best solution to transit the flow in a proper way
- 00:41:733 - its better if u make this clickable, its a stronger beat than the ones on its tail and head keep this first since it is really hard for me to find a good position to place notes because of the embarrassing patterm constructed after the note
- 00:51:108 - ^ I think a clickable object is not that essential here since after the rhythm simplification, the note here becomes relatively less strong. After the 00:50:326 (1) - , I still think slider here will be more playable so I will keep the pattern
- 01:02:045 (4,5) - ctrl+g does it better rhythm wise. you can even extend this one 01:02:983 (6) - so it ends like http://puu.sh/p7JS3/29db008a7d.jpg Fixed
- 01:03:451 (1,2,3) - this plays weird. its like youre following vocals but switched to drums randomly. try this http://puu.sh/p7JVP/3765210dbc.jpg I think the vocal is really weak here so I'm not gonna emphasize it according to my principle of rhythm simplification
- 01:28:295 (5,1) - ctrl+g for better rhythm. Fixed
- 01:30:795 (2) - you have many sliders ending on downbeats which are pretty dominant also its the easiest note to hit so its better if you go through the map and change them (so i dont have to point out everyone of them) some of them are skippable tho, like 01:45:951 (3) - where the downbeat isnt strong as the beats that you mapped I explained before, the note is relatively less strong for me and that's why I would like to use these kind of pattern
- 02:16:420 (4) - this feels weird, youre switching from vocals to drums. try this http://puu.sh/p7KmU/f4d68bb930.jpg so the rhythm keeps being constant and easier for the player But the rhythm will be too tight for newbie players...Hmmm Keep this first
- 02:19:701 (1,2,3) - same as 02:19:701 (1,2,3) - I know (?
- 03:12:358 - 03:17:045 - this section plays weird because the random 3/2 gaps. its better if u map this section like the previous one, keeping the constant 1/1 rhythm with some 1/2 variations so it becames more confortable to play I see your point but the rhythm is huge different compared with before, especially the vocal. In the previous section, the vocal is the target that I'm following to map. But in this section, the vocal here becomes more random and unstable. To due with it, I just try to rearrange the rhythm pattern in this section to divide two section in order to make the rhythm here can be emphasized more naturally
- 03:40:951 (1) - the tick isnt visible, thats part of the readablility Just like I explained before, the readability of the slider tick will not affect the rankability of the map so no change here
thanks for mod, update normalpkhg wrote:
- the map in general looks very unpolished, maybe u didnt used distance snap. some spacing like 00:12:358 (1,2,3,4) - and then having a random increase 00:13:295 (5,1) - i know everybody map the same DS in hard, but seriously i wanna do sth different ><, like different DS, so it's more playable
- also making too curved slider like 02:40:795 (5) - makes it look unpolished too although curve is fine tho, adjust a bit
- idk if you really want to use the x1.2sv sections on kiais. that makes the normal>hard spread kinda hugethe flow is pretty good tho
- 00:22:201 (5,6) - could flow better.blanket maybe? http://puu.sh/p7KNx/b44a6398db.jpg cool, fixed
- 00:23:295 (9) - more flowy http://puu.sh/p7KOv/6b561231d7.jpgnah i like mine more :\
- 00:29:701 (4,5,6,7) - thats too cluttered making it hard to read. try a simplier rhythm actually it wont, ive played it with HDDT and i can read it perfectly
- 00:52:045 (4,1) - they are so spaced, its just a hard diff adjust a little, since i dont want it to overlap
- 01:09:389 (3,4) - ctrl+g will make the rhythm better cuz this beat 01:09:780 - deserves more emphasis i think it would be a bit difficult for hard? spacing is quite big
- 01:24:701 (3,4,5,6) - same as 00:29:701 (4,5,6,7) - same
- 02:27:358 (1,2,3) - having different spacing for the same 1/2 rhythm is a no. it makes (2,3) looks more like a 1/2 gap instead making it confusing for players (considering that this is just hard diff) oh ur right, make the spacing 2>3 and 1>2 the same
- 02:29:858 - move the break here like you did on insane oki, fixed
- 03:12:279 (2) - move it to the next blue tick. the players will always missclick it cuz how the music is here oh actually the rhythm here was 2 at 03:12:253 - , it's a 1/3, so i make 2 stack with 3
higher diffs are a bit better. you can do some self modding to polish them a bit ture i made higher diff more late then lower diff
- 00:15:014 (1) - i never liked using reverse slider on insane/insane+ diffs, it breaks the flow imo well flow is pretty good imo ><
- 00:44:154 (5,1) - what you did here 00:41:654 (5,1,2) - does it better i wanna make these part different so it wont be bored
- 00:49:076 (2,3) - stack oops O.o
- 01:04:545 (3,4,5,6) - overmapped nah wanna emhpasized the vocal 01:04:858 (1) - m i know there wasnt music to support the stream, but i want to use the stream to express the vocal 01:04:858 (1) -
- 01:23:139 (1) - 2 circles makes a better emphasis yap, fixed
- 01:44:389 - you dont want a strong beat like this being obscured by a slidertail, you did it well on hard change to 4 notes
- 03:12:279 - ignoring this feels weird cuz how strong that beat is yap fixed
also you have many ignored 1/4 in a lot places (some overmapped ones too) the ignored ones are ok maybe because youre folowing vocals its just that i dont like to do that. you can take a deep look through the diffs to check them or just ask me if you want
good luck!