
Old pending beatmaps list(Revived!!)

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Today(Nov 23)
A lot of pending beatmaps get ranked.
They have a point of sameness.
They are younger than 2 months old!

How about these beatmaps?
They are older than today's ranked beatmaps but they are still waiting for ranked.

BATs Mod/Rank these beatmaps first!!!!
Creators are waiting!!!!!

1. Hatsune Miku - Last Night, Good Night(x2652300)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5433 Submitted- Aug 31

2. kors k Vs. L.E.D. - SOLID STATE SQUAD(qudfo9)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=3577 Submitted- Jun 13

3. Abney Park - Airship Pirate(BluePaladin25)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=4297 Submitted- Jul 08

4. Kajmaster Kajet - PYLON BALLS TRAP!!(ReploidArmada)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5943 Submitted- Sep 05

5. NieN: OblivioN (Rockin' Night Style)-wmfchris

Sup 5 month+ later
I improved my modding ability a lot~
I'll mod these beatmaps first~ AFTER MY TEST IS OVER

This thread was rotten for 5 months
So, I don't know what I have to do :(
First, let's report old beatmaps.(+ 2 months)
They need to get attention!!!
The reason why I gave up mapping months ago :|
44. Albatrosicks - Sunfish runs away (Nharox)
viewtopic.php?t=7076 Submitted- Oct 21

We need more newer mods, old mods get tired (which I understand if you really have to mod everyday songs for like years & years) but that's why we need new & fresh modz.
You did a good thing, miny.

And I agree with Gladi, I think a bit of mod cycling would probably do some good.

Also, going through the maps I've looked at in the past:

45. Alexis Erisian - Dead Body Face Down (Hybreed)
viewtopic.php?t=6588 Submitted- Sept 29

^This needs attention.

And, I can't find anything else right now. Thank you Seibei for modding Waga Routashi.
were not paid by being mods, and we have our own lives...

and peppy has an idea on how to clean up pending beatmaps... stay tuned...
unsurprisingly, none of my maps are on that list

nevertheless, you may find them in my signature

46. Caramell - Caramelldansen (Ryu* Remix) (silasw)
viewtopic.php?t=5319 Submitted Aug 15

Also, 43 is no longer submitted.
Being a member of BAT (or Global Mod) is stressful, they cannot be forever to our service. We have to be patient. Our maps will be checked. Now stop bother them.

minyeob wrote:

17. Miranda Cosgrove - iCarly - Leave It All To Me(YoshiKart)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6216 Submitted- Sep 14
Ha, I appreciate your work, minyeob. But don't look at mine. I still need to grab a new mp3 and video, and adjust all my offsets again. ;-;
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xxheroxx wrote:

Being a member of BAT (or Global Mod) is stressful, they cannot be forever to our service. We have to be patient. Our maps will be checked. Now stop bother them.
I guess this thread isn't for annoying the BATs. I believe that it's good that such a thread exists!
There are some BATs that just mod random maps. So, when they want to mod something, they can check out this thread and mod some of the maps which are older and have waited very long. Imagine how the mapper feels when he sees that his map already is around for some months and it's still not ranked! That's demotivating, because he maybe thinks no one looks at it because the map sucks.
(Even though it might be true for some people, )Older beatmaps do deserve attention, and this thread is to show the BATs which maps need checking the most. :<

minyeob wrote:

You have 2 ranked beatmaps already

I have no ranked beatmaps
Why do you think that's the case?

edit: don't reply, it's a rhetorical question
I completely agree with Larto on the case. xxheroxx, this isn't necessarily a topic meant to bug the BATs. More rather, it's a topic to bring attention to the maps that have been very deprived of it. I've seen a few very good maps that have been bumped as often as is within reason and still receive little to no attention. It's a fact: being at the top of the pending beatmaps list doesn't guarantee that anyone will even spare your map a glance. Some people have worked very hard on their maps, but have been unable to get anywhere near the attention they need in order to get it ranked. This topic is a saving grace to those people; it singles them out so that someone may actually take notice.

Here's a perfect example: Since these mappers could use the attention so badly, I'm gonna go take a look at a few of their maps now to see if there's any way I can help them out. :)
Props to minyeob for this, valiant effort.

42. First Class - Beach Baby(Ironsharp)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5890 Submitted- Sep 03

Someone help me out with this guy, cause I can't convince him to snap off 1/8.

Adding another:
47. Seven Mary Three - Cumbersome(erom)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6126 Submitted - Sep 16

If I can ever get around to checking this timing again I'll do so, but in the meantime he deserves some help.
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yeah bats have their other things to do and stuff, and dont have to mod 24/7
but doesnt being a bat mean your expected to mod? other people can mod to help that bats rank a map quicker or something, but that bats still have to mod
and if some people are so super busy, why become a bat?
sure maybe your life became busy after you become bat idk
i dont really mind how things are right now though lol, but i still think its a bit unfair for those maps to make it to the back of the pages and being rarely checked unless bumped
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DawnII wrote:

42. First Class - Beach Baby(Ironsharp)
viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5890 Submitted- Sep 03

Someone help me out with this guy, cause I can't convince him to snap off 1/8.
Fixed his Insane last night, but you already know this since I told you.
Bah, I'm in it.
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jmaeshawn wrote:

Yeah, I wish bats wouldn't let good songs and maps pass by them for so long... I've been trying to get my Ike Ike map ranked since I made it in September, and now it is December and it still is not ranked... :(
Mine is from Juli :D
I win :)
49. IOSYS - Power of dream (Slain087)

I've had to revive this one once already. I don't want to have to keep going back into the editor and bumping it from there.
I made maps that have been on the site since July and they have yet to be ranked. (They were grouped into one topic and were just recently moved into individual threads) Earthbound fans are sure to get a kick out of these.

Keiichi Suzuki & Hirokazu Tanaka - Snow Man: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7695
Jeb Million - The Paradise Line: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7696
Ailsean - Joe Cam Stole My Bike: viewtopic.php?t=7513
Mazedude - Valley Gremlins: viewtopic.php?t=7514

Also, I have a bunch of unranked maps in my archive that deserve more attention than they've gotten.

Wing of Wonderful Journey - Wing of Dreams: viewtopic.php?t=6292
Taiko no Tatsujin - Hyakka Ryouran: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=5355
Taiko no Tatsujin - Seasons of Asia: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=5334
Gradius - Burning Heat: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=5385
Ikimonogakari - Blue Bird: viewtopic.php?f=10&t=7668

How sad that most of these have dropped to the graveyard. They didn't deserve that.

Gladi wrote:

We need more newer mods, old mods get tired (which I understand if you really have to mod everyday songs for like years & years) but that's why we need new & fresh modz.
The biggest problem with most mods is, they're eager for the prestige and responsibility that comes with being a BAT, mod like nuts for a week or two, and then stop entirely because they lose interest in it. When you say "we need more mods" the important thing to note is that we need more permanent mods instead of the ones that do it for a little while and then sit around having <100 mod exp.
I will help if I can. IF I CAN. I like to mod Videogame music, but whatever.

Have someone noticed that, on the 1st Page of Ranked Beatmaps (Most Recent), like 60% of the authors are Mods/BATs?
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Does this count? D:

(B'Z: Love Phantom)

Or this:
(NieN: OblivioN (Rockin' Night Style))
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