
ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Sunday, 31 October, 2010 at 14:59:12

Artist: ESTi Remixed by NieN
Title: OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style)
Tags: saturio Starrodkirby86 matthewhln DJMax
BPM: 141
Filesize: 2212kb
Play Time: 01:52
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hln's Easy (1.29 stars, 104 notes)
  2. Kirby's Hard (4.56 stars, 235 notes)
  3. Sharon's (4.93 stars, 277 notes)
  4. Taiko (4.94 stars, 623 notes)
Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Ready for modding, please re-download this map if you download this before 18/8/10~
My first uploaded beatmap.
I think OblivioN is really a nice song so I'd create one :D
Thanks for teaching of Alace and kiou^2

12/2/09 slider tick changed to 2, slider in Normal fixed
6/3/09 Edited for spacing and sound, thanks for Starrodkirby86 :D
7/3/09 added background and fixed sound, thanks again and also thx for Saturio
8/3/09 added new difficulty - [KIRBY Mix]~
8/4/09 mod again & add new difficulty [SaT MiX]
15/6/10 rrrrrrrevived and updated for difficulties
20/6/10 Changed hln's diff.
21/6/10 Finished taiko diff.
25/6/10 Saturio remapped her diff.
15/8/10 Fixed ying's mod.
18/8/10 Fixed aabc, Dusty, yongtw123 and NR's mod.
30/8/10 Fixed James's mod~
1/9/10 Renamed kirby's diff.
9/9/10 Fixed offset by yaya.
11/10/10 Fixed mod by abalee.
19/10/10 Fixed 111's mod.
31/10/10 Fixed the BPM problem.

Sharon's -- Saturio
Kirby Mix -- Starookirby86
Taiko -- Wmf
hln's easy -- matthewhln

*Here is the unfinished version by al2e10.
*Here is another diff by EVA03, for practice.

Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [Alarmable].osu

Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [EVA 's easy].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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Thx a lot ^^
I think this is a really nice song
....but I'm not good at adding sound :P
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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this is of course ok and I wonder if I can can mod against your new suggestions today because I have to go out now
thx. :P

In your .osu's, replace your timing points sections with:


Here's the attachment of what it looks like.
Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [Hard].osu

(No need to give my Kudosu for this post, I already have enough. XD Unless you're really nice. :P )

Here's my version:
Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [KIRBY Mix].osu

I made a few...edits on this...Like more timing sections. So sorry if it's strange or something. Also I noticed a few things on this song.

01:52:36 (1) - Move this back to 1:54:067 (The red marker back). The other difficulties are end at this time as well.

01:39:59 (1)~(8) spacing
01:43:00 (1)~(8) ^
because it is easy
01:54:28 sounds bad

01:42:79 (2) more far from (1) plz
01:45:55 (11) new combo (follow your patten)
01:46:19 (1) )more far from (11)

inherit your timing lines
00:45:98 (7)~(12) spacing
01:15:557 (5) hard to read I like 01:30:45 (2)~(7) more

01:06:19 (1)~(4) down a bit
01:28:74 (1) (1) (1) no thanks
Thanks Alace. :3


Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [KIRBY Mix].osu

(Don't give kudosu for this post)
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sorry that I've forgot this one in the past few weeks Orz
I think I will finish it this weekend or maybe Tuesday
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finished :D
Oh the awesomeness :D Lovin' those sliders :P

Mianki wrote:

Oh the awesomeness :D Lovin' those sliders :P
Do you SaT MiX, Mianki?? ;)
+Star~ :P

DJMax wrote:

Mianki wrote:

Oh the awesomeness :D Lovin' those sliders :P
Do you SaT MiX, Mianki?? ;)
+Star~ :P
I think My SaT MiX seems to DaRRi mIX....But no

This got graveyarded. ;-;
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going to get this one revived :D
Easy Finished

Hitsound not very good, still need modding :?

Please notice that source and Tags are still empty

And also adjust the timing

Fixed something
1:14:926 (1,2,3,4,5) make a stright line
01:48:969 - Volume turn down
1:51:309 right 1 gri and soften the voice of slider

Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [Hln's Easy].osu
Blue: suggestions
Green: needs to be looked at, but still considered a suggestion
Red: needs to be fixed


The source is DJMAX, and "OBLIVION" in this song's title is spelled OblivioN (as in, only the first o and n are capitalized). On a side note: I've seen the subtitle shown like this: ~Rockin' Night Style~. I'm not saying you have to change the subtitle though; just fix "OBLIVION". Anyway, do a full submission after you fixed the title.

[Hln's Easy]

00:25:032 (3,4) - This sounds weird... This would probably be better suited for maybe a Normal or harder, but not for an Easy.
00:46:309 (3) - Sounds weird, too. Maybe move it to 00:46:415 and add a note at 00:47:266?
00:48:330 (6) - This note might throw off some people. Change/Move it?
01:52:373 (1) - The finish sounds weird here. I think it sounds better if you remove it and made the spinner silent/close to being silent.


01:52:366 (1) - Same case as [Hln's Easy], except now even the clap hitsound sounds weird...

[SaT MiX]

00:16:728 (5,6) - What is with these claps?
00:46:196 (2) - Make this slider end on a red tick?
01:00:451 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I don't like how the claps are being used in this stream... At least make them land on every other 1/2 beat or something.
01:13:217 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12) - Okay, the claps here sound like a mess.
01:52:366 (1) - Overlapping spinner; please move it at least 1/8 further. Afterwards, fix where it ends.

★ since I love this song~
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year old stuffs ._.
I'll fix it later :D

Blazevoir wrote:

Blue: suggestions
Green: needs to be looked at, but still considered a suggestion
Red: needs to be fixed
[Hln's Easy]

00:25:032 (3,4) - This sounds weird... This would probably be better suited for maybe a Normal or harder, but not for an Easy.
Just want to be sound more better...but you're right, FIXED
00:46:309 (3) - Sounds weird, too. Maybe move it to 00:46:415 and add a note at 00:47:266?
Deleted and added a note at 00:47:266
00:48:330 (6) - This note might throw off some people. Change/Move it?
Changed into slider
01:52:373 (1) - The finish sounds weird here. I think it sounds better if you remove it and made the spinner silent/close to being silent.
True, Volume turned down
Thanks a lot :)

Download: ESTi Remixed by NieN - OBLIVION (Rockin' Night Style) (wmfchris) [Hln's Easy].osu
Finish Taiko so I can mod it :3

Slider Velocity 1.4 pl0x~~~~
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MittenMasterzz wrote:

Finish Taiko so I can mod it :3

Slider Velocity 1.4 pl0x~~~~
I think it's still far from finished... and SV I'll make it under 1.6... 1.4 might be boring.

wmfchris wrote:

year old stuffs ._.
I'll fix it later :D
Even so, I still wanted to help out :P

matthewhln wrote:

Thanks a lot :)
No problem :D

wmfchris wrote:

MittenMasterzz wrote:

Finish Taiko so I can mod it :3

Slider Velocity 1.4 pl0x~~~~
I think it's still far from finished... and SV I'll make it under 1.6... 1.4 might be boring.
1.6 is fine, like i've said it's the Authentic speed, in arcade. (Just osu! is diffrent so 1.4 = 1.6)
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Blazevoir: yeah, I don't know whether the two guests (kirby and saturio) will re-do their diff as this is created one year ago...
MMz: sure lol At least I don't want to see everyone HRDT ;_;
If they won't, you could always fix it yourself anyway. Did you ask them?
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Blazevoir wrote:

If they won't, you could always fix it yourself anyway. Did you ask them?
I mean, make it all over again (all delete and remake)
They're in exam now.
I see... Well personally the diffs are fine (other than what I posted), but either way, I'll just wait for the time being.
Ah, I once made this song into taiko map as a guest diff., though owner of the mapset send the mapset to gravyard XD

Anyways, these days there's several taiko mappers lurking around, they might be helpful to you...
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lepidopodus wrote:

Ah, I once made this song into taiko map as a guest diff., though owner of the mapset send the mapset to gravyard XD

Anyways, these days there's several taiko mappers lurking around, they might be helpful to you...
I made this one 1 year ago and once there was a taiko diff too...
anyway I'll try to make this taiko diff by myeslf :D

Finally, please don't spam anymore about 1.4 or 1.6 ;_;
I DID A EASY DIFF hope you lkie 0.0
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though it's not so suitable to put it here but thanks to make this diff for the song >_<
Well I came here just for star, not request something or modding something like that...

And that SV, I've change my policy about that already, so don't think my visits like that :(
Uhh... I have to ask about one of the difficulties' names... What's up with Sharon's? Is it an Easy, Normal, Hard, etc.? It just seems odd not having something after it :?
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Blazevoir wrote:

Uhh... I have to ask about one of the difficulties' names... What's up with Sharon's? Is it an Easy, Normal, Hard, etc.? It just seems odd not having something after it :?
I think it will be fine...
1)the diff name [Sharon's] has been applied to many of her guest diffs.
2)[Sharon's] just like [lesjuh], it's just ok lol
Fair enough; I'm just too used to seeing something like "<insert username>'s Hard", so I just had to ask :oops:

Anyway, although you don't have to, have you thought about adding the video to this song?
Hi :3

Blue: Suggestions.
Purple: Should be fixed in my opinion.
Red: Must be fixed.


DJMax? Reason is that this song came from DJMax.

Hln's Easy:

00:26:841: (1)-Add finish on end of slider?
01:12:798 (2)-^?
01:48:969 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)- Move all of those one grid down.




01:41:940 (2)-New combo?
01:45:345 (2)-^?


Not modding that, sorry. ._.

Not bad. :P

Good luck getting this ranked.

Chris go go go~ :)
I love this song. :D
OMFG i <3 the taiko diff, star~ :3
Star~ :)
need a Preview Point

Hln's Easy
too many too many too many 1/2 combo >_<
00:27:479(1)- This spinner is too short too short too short for easy diff

00:03:004(1,2,3)-(2,3)1 grid down &(1) 1 grid right
00:17:047(1,2,3)-(1,2)spacing different with (2,3)
01:27:047(2)-1 grid right??
01:27:685(5)-1 grid left??
01:49:813(5)-Maybe 1 grid down??

01:23:217(4)-2 grid left??

Don't mod taiko>_>''
wtfwmfchris fight~

irc modded > <"
Here is my Taiko mod~

Blue~ Critical issues, you must fix this
Purple~ I think you should fix this
Pink~ Suggestions only


00:13:430 (x) Add a note here?

00:28:110 (90~96) I am not sure about the 1/6 here. I think this will not affect much, so it's your choice to change or not~

00:45:983 (15~23) Consider using this pattern?

00:53:855 (61~62) Consider moving these 2 notes a 1/4 backward? (Move to 00:53:962 & 00:54:281 respectively)

01:37:898 (345~346) Delete 346? If so, add a finish on 345~

No errors found, nice map~ :)
KD star and good luck~
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ignorethis wrote:

irc modded > <"
my note: fill in Sharon's break =d

will be fixed tomorrow, thanks :D
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