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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, July 21, 2010 at 12:44:14 AM

Artist: B'z
BPM: 78.18
Filesize: 24130kb
Play Time: 03:58
Difficulties Available:
  1. It's My Soul! (4.2 stars, 368 notes)
Download: B'z - LOVE PHANTOM
Download: B'z - LOVE PHANTOM (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 10th map! Yay! I wanted to do an epic song for an epic occasion, so I chose my favorite song from my favorite J-Rock band, B'z! :)

All I can say is it's epic :) I didn't want anyone to miss the cool stunt at the end of the song, so I put I skip at the end. If you don't care about it and just want points, click it. Otherwise you are in for a treat:)

Mods, let me know if there's anything I can fix.

Otherwise, have fun playing playing it!!! :)

EDIT1: Made awp's suggested changes to the first timing section. Thank you for the help! :)
EDITS2-19: Made Starrodkirby86, strager, osuplayer111, Agkaemon's changes, as well as miscellaneous improvements of my own. Thank you everyone for helping me out on this. :)
EDIT20: Made corrections that the AIMod showed me.
I have no much comments at spacing(fine to me) and timing(as you know I suck at that><), the only issue I see is some notes are not snapped on even 1/8 ticks, and need more difficulties to get ranked.

I like both song and map, good job. Starred.
Topic Starter
Thanks Dipsy for the help! I'll go look and snap those notes. :)

And I will be making more difficulties, but I am hoping to get the timing correct beforehand, so I don't have to go and adjust 3 difficulty's timings. :D

Thank you for the star!

Download: Gunther - Enormous Emotion (I Love You) (osuplayer111) [Normal].osu
Your second timing section's fine, first is hard to nail as it is a string waltz, but I THINK it's:

BPM: 78.18
Offset: 23,040

Very pretty first timing section, too. Love it.
Topic Starter
Come on... It's been 5 months since I submitted this map... Surely someone could look at it for me? I'd like to have it ranked... T_T
obligatory revive post because jmaeshawns maps have always been of a certain quality ;D
Go B'z! :3

[It's My Soul!]:
00:24:86 (4) - I really don't like how it kind of overlaps around.
00:27:16 (6) - Same as above.
00:36:40 (12,13) - ...And how cramped these are...
00:43:37 (4) - 1 to the right on Grid Level 3?
00:45:68 (6,7) - ...You know what, I think this sort of crampedness/non-uniform sort of stuff is part of your style...which is more awesome than correctable...So I think you can disregard them. XD I'll still point them out.
00:55:27 (6) - Would it better if this was to the right of (5) instead of left?
01:39:68 (12) - New combo?
02:01:11 (12) - New combo?
02:22:99 (12) - If you New combo'd 1:39, then this should be New Combo'd as well, and vice versa.
02:26:88 (4) - It seems pretty far away from (3)...
03:33:59 (11) - Eheh, seems pretty far away from (10)...

I can't wait for your other difficulties. There's something about this beatmap where it just dislikes being all straight in the timeline and all the notes are in they're own sort of place here...I don't really like that bit.

The whole spacing itself with the map is probably your style on other maps, but I'm not familiar with it at all. :( A lot of the things I said up there are probably related to your style, so feel free to ignore them if you really feel you don't like it. I'm making assumptions though, so no hard feelings. xP

You should get a background for the song. Or at least a thumbnail.

In the meantime, I'm starring this. It's mainly because B'z is the shiznit and I want this to get ranked. :D Go!
Topic Starter
Geez... How long does it take to rank a good map??? :shock:

I made this back in October, for goodness sake. :(

8 months is a completely ridiculous amount of time...
This map is pretty odd because it needs 1/3 or 1/6 snapping at times. Still, 1/3 maps can be more intuitive.

Spacing is unintuitive in some places and it's really annoying. For example:
01:26:60 (1,2,3,4,5)
01:30:96 (3)
01:36:07 (1,2,3)
01:58:18 (4,5,6)
02:21:36 (9)
02:26:88 (4)
02:27:28 (5)
02:47:80 (1,2)
02:48:71 (4,5)
03:42:56 (3,4)

Timing is also unintuitive at times (may be causing some spacing issues):
01:22:09 (9,10,11)
01:26:60 (1,2,3,4,5)
01:36:07 (1,2,3)
01:50:96 (4,5,6)
01:52:77 (11,12)
01:58:18 (4,5,6)
02:20:06 (3,4,5)
02:29:19 (14)
02:31:90 (22)?
02:36:07 (11,12,13)
02:50:51 (10,11,12)
02:55:81 (4,5,6)
03:00:21 (6,7,8,9,1)

So how do you fix these issues? Give similar patterns to similar beat patterns. If you have a triplet, and stack one, stack them all, unless you know the player will know to play a triplet there.

Other opinions (I didn't scrub too much):
01:29:31 (9) - Sounds too long.

You need a background image.
You need another difficulty.
You need hit sounds.
I think this is a very good map and I love the song. Would like to see more from B'z and more maps from you jmae, keep it up
[It's my soul!]

Offset : 23030 <- Remember to resnap all notes

Redo all breaks.

00:22:94 (3) - End this here : 00:24:766 and remove this 00:24:86 (4)
00:58:34 (1) - End it here : 01:03:715
01:22:31 (10) - Move this here.
01:36:30 (2) - Move this here.
01:39:68 (12) - New combo.
01:45:47 (8) - 1/4 back
01:46:68 (11) - New combo.
02:01:11 (12) - ^
02:03:14 (1) - Remove new combo.
02:44:42 (12) - New combo.
02:55:81 (4,5,6) - Sounds bad.
03:02:295 - Too long pause.

Fix gogo :3 Star
-You need MOAR difficulties. One will never be enough.
-Compress more that video. It should lose some quality, else it'll lag quite much.

<only difficulty>
00:22:94 (3) - make this slider a bit shorter since that last slider tick is distracting
00:25:24 (5) - ^
00:31:76 (9) - move this beat 1/6 (just one tho) to the right in the timeline
00:43:37 (4) - move this a bit to the right, feels like it's a stream to 00:43:76 (5).
00:56:04 (7) - this slider must end at 00:57:57
01:22:26 (10) - this beat 1/6 to the left in timeline
01:29:31 (9) - make this slider SOMEHOW end at 01:30:21
01:30:96 (3) - a bit more spacing between 01:30:66 (2) - and 01:31:34 (4) -
01:52:92 (12) - this beat 1/6 to the left in timeline
01:54:12 (2) - 1/8 left in timeline
02:01:11 (12) - new combo
02:22:99 (12) - ^
02:27:28 (5) - check spacing
02:29:98 (15) - new combo
02:56:83 (8) - ^

I'll give a star because this needs more attention.
As the previous post stated,
you need more than one diff.
and you need to compress the video because the maximum size for a map is 20mb

It's My Soul!:
the beginning should snap to more dominant beats
00:22:90 (3) - move 1/6th forward and end on 00:24:56()
00:24:56() - move a sixth forward or backward
00:25:20 (5) - move 1/6th forward and end on 00:26:86()
00:27:12 (6) - move a sixth forward
00:27:50 (7) - " "
00:34:41 (11) - " "
00:36:33 (12) - " "
00:36:71 (13) - " "
02:29:98 (15) - new combo to make this shorter
02:55:92 (5) - new combo to make it more readable?

Nice job. Star.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I think after 9 months you need to
then maybe it can get ranked
hi jmaeshawn

a great map,but without RESNAP ALL THE NOTES and there'are some 1/8 beat notes that didn't match the beat ticks

then,like someone said before, you'd better add another diff so that this map could be RANKed
Nowadays, 1 difficulty can't be ranked :o You know about that.

1:38:33(11)-> 1/8 later
1:38:67(13)-> Extend this beat slightly.
2:29:98(15)-> New combo.
3:58:63(1)-> Finish

Well, I don't know what I have to say......
Your accurate timing makes this map more harder I guess.
Try using 1/4,1/6 beat snap.

First,I'll star this. Let's see what happens on this map.
Such a beatuful song!

00:32:23 (10) - New combo.
01:04:089 - Redo break.
01:32:46 (9) - Right a bit.
01:36:75 (4,5) - Spacing.
01:55:47 (7,8) - Spacing.
02:02:24 (5) - Finish.
02:02:69 (7) - ^
02:29:98 (15) - New combo.
02:33:82 (3) - Finish.

Star+kudosu star. Good luck. ^_^
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
hmm, its a nice map but there is definitely something wrong with the timing.. not really sure what to do about that, but im sure someone around here does :P

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Cyril Scarlet
Oh my God !!

My very x100 favorite rock band.

B'z ! LOVE PHANTOM !!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~ !!!
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S i R i R u wrote:

Oh my God !!

My very x100 favorite rock band.

B'z ! LOVE PHANTOM !!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~~~ !!!
Lol, yep! Glad you like it :) There'll be more B'z maps (GiriGiri Chop and Shoudou) once I can start submitting all my Detective Conan maps too. ;)

This one's been in pending for a year now, though D: (sad)
No bad!
Cyril Scarlet

jmaeshawn wrote:

Lol, yep! Glad you like it :) There'll be more B'z maps (GiriGiri Chop and Shoudou) once I can start submitting all my Detective Conan maps too. ;)

This one's been in pending for a year now, though D: (sad)

I like GiriGiri too ^^

and one more favorite song in B'z is " OCEAN " it's good ~
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1 year, 10 months, 12 days since submission.... This seriously has to be some kind of record for amount of time spent in pending without getting ranked. :lol:

Anyway, can someone who commented that they liked this map (or B'z in general) please push for this map to get ranked?
I think it's been waiting for rankage WAY more than it's fair share, don't you think?
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Still no takers on getting this map modded? I honestly don't know why I even check anymore.
You cannot even download it anymore ...sad :(
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