I translate wiki articles into Spanish, link me any you want to see translated.
If you need a metadata check please DM in osu! with your map and I'll gladly tackle it down (:
Do you need any help regarding anything? Feel free to DM me either here or on Discord! If you'd wish to report inappropriate behavior please use the correct medium, they will be able to help ASAP!
Here is the link for my form, this for will remain open until I decide to close it due the to amount of requests.
I'll take any keymode except 10K+ due to personal matters. 6K has priority in terms of accepting since I love that keymode.
I WILL ONLY ACCEPT MAPS THAT ARE RANK READY. If you want a normal mod instead just dm me. What is rank ready? Your map should be in the final stages of checking and modding.
I will only nominate what I can comfortably judge and at most play, nothing over 7* in 4K or 7K and nothing over 6.5* in 6K.
If you reject a suggestion of mine, please explain the reasoning as I still want to improve as a BN every time I mod a map and that would be very helpful (:
Shoot me a message if I forget, things happen and I become kinda busy at times.
I am currently helping/working out with a LOT of community projects and user groups so, for myself to keep track and not get a headache, I'll organize them here.