Woa so much stuff already. Good to see people discussing and giving feedback. I gonna reply to some. Not to all because.. it's really a lot. But i try to reply to much as possible as soon as possible!
Mentholzzz wrote:
Note that Easy difficulties MUST be present in a mapset for it to be rankable. "you start to know how to read and press simple patterns" is the mindset this difficulty follows.
The current raking criteria said that " Single-mode mapsets must include a reasonable spread of at least two difficulties. The lowest difficulty cannot be harder than a Normal and it must comply with its respective mode’s difficulty-specific Ranking Criteria. " Wouldn't it cause a conflict ?
Also if this ranking criteria become real, the 2.00* diffculty rule will be gone , rite ?
Okay so, the sense behind this was because o!m has a really really really harsh learning curve.. Easy diffs give a nice starting for o!m, sadly these get skipped way to often and we don't have
that many proper easy diffs which also have pattern like a easy diff should have. With the difficult specific criteria we kinda show how a easy should look so new people get a proper start into the Mode.
I mean, it was a risky step of us but we thought we try it and see what the community say's to it. Ofc it causes a problem with the General Ranking Criteria and should be majority be fine with this step, it has to be re-written to fit to the Mania criteria.
But two weeks are long and we are open for any polite discussion and feedback regarding this step!
Rivals_7 wrote:
Different key amounts within a mapset must be treated as different gamemodes and require a respective independent difficulty spread. Therefore each key amount must have an independent difficulty spread. For example if you want to add a 7K difficulty to your set, you must design a whole 7K spread. If you want to add an additional 4K difficulty to your set, you must also design a whole 4K spread.
You can't use uninherited timing sections when there is no actual BPM changes. In other words, you can't use uninherited timing sections slowly to change the scrolling speed. Use inherited timing sections and SV changes instead.
This seems to be missing completely, and its actually pretty important. is it intentional or the whole draft was meant as an additional to the current one we have?
Only use breaks when they are necessary, for example an absolute silent period within the song.
You should use at least two different key amounts for your set. It is suggested to make your set more accessible to a wider audience.
Different key amounts within a mapset should have a similiar difficulty spread. This is to keep parity between different key amounts and satisfy different key amount players.
I think these should also be mentioned as well
>I actually thought the stuff with different o!m keymodes are treated as different modes is already somewhere written. Here or in the general criteria.. If not we will def. add this because it's indeed an important point.
>About using uninherited timing points.. this is pretty much covered in the General Criteria.
>The Break stuff is kinda redundant. People know how to set Break Times and stuff like this almost never happend in the past.
>Two Keymodes. So, Guidelines will work like "Guidelines may be violated under exceptional circumstances". If we add this, every mapper must explain why he didn't add another keymode to his set. This guideline seem also redundant for us.
>Same spread for different keymodes is indeed something that we should add into the draft. Not only as Guideline but as Rule. It is kinda an "unwritten rule" already. It actually wonder me that no one abused this in the past already :v But yes, will be added!
@Sinnoh. Thanks for the feedback and correcting the woring a little bit! Uhh.. quoting you would make this thread so incredibly long. We will def. re-work the term definition to make it a little bit more clear.
About 10K. It is not supported in the osu! client. 10K get's automatically converted into 5+5K (Dual Stage). You can't even set your o!m editor to 10K without editing the .osu. That's not how it should work. Lazer will maybe support 10K, should be this the case i see no reason why 10K should not be rankable. But for now it can't be.
Virtue- wrote:
i dont think we need beginner difficulty for some reasons :
1. whats the different between beginner and easy difficulty? i think the gap between isnt too much and what we need in a rankable mapset is an easy difficulty that has been stated before. I know its not a must to put beginner difficulty in our mapset, but its kinda trigged me if anyone put beginner difficulty and easy on his/her map. like, its completely useless because they're both almost the same.
3. And if its a MUST to put beginner difficulty on the mapset, i think you need to reconsider this again. Lets say that we make an easy and simple song (eg. R3 Music Box) how can you make a beginner difficulty for that song? i mean, easy and normal difficulty is quite enough (you can make it harder tho)
thats all i want to say, please correct me if my argue or the way i thought about it is wrong. thank you!
Let me reply to point 1 and 3 only. So first of all. Beginner difficulties are not required for a rankable spread. I think it's also stated pretty big in the draft. We simply thought it could be a cool idea because even a lot of current ranked Easy difficulties are simply too hard for a low of newbies.
Guess that answers both points at once
Okay that were some of them. I will reply another time to the other and, hopefully new posts.
But i hope i could explain some stuff!