
Virtual Riot feat. Varia - Edge

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 15 September 2017 at 13:41:01

Artist: Virtual Riot feat. Varia
Title: Edge
Tags: drumstep neurofunk dubstep dnb cool
BPM: 140
Filesize: 9385kb
Play Time: 04:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. Boundary (5.13 stars, 1250 notes)
Download: Virtual Riot feat. Varia - Edge
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
I ... Was Wrong ... To Say

by Strategas
by Voli


I hope you enjoy this mapset!
More information regarding the set below!

Background and a couple of hitsound files took from -Tochi's Set

HI thsi mAOP Si brogiun af cuze zth copay aptess L O Lol

00:17:071 (1,2,3) - fi x ds
00:41:387 (3,1,2) - gya drums u r s just makeing ru own mxusix here w hsotusdjn
kiai - baD coyPY PA STee mTPAa pre i k its not e xactly copt alapste but they lo kt o o msimelar dat tsej amep nbevcome boring
01:39:120 (3) - tsh is sjjoudl ne eiterh a lot fastesae or a lto9 slower tbeh90 cuz r n lacks empahsze
01:39:817 (3) - sam
01:48:189 (1) - tis on 1/√36 snap d0od lamfo
02:33:887 - can u map thsis w oob wogb thieng if u lazy just use speinner
02:38:422 - fix ths ei bleu bnreak samw ith enxt one
02:54:468 (1) - u can make this reberse on 1/[(-4)(-4)] snap so it retains the feeling of slowing down with next upcoming slidesr
03:17:492 (1,2,1,2,3) - sam a botu wrong stnaeopiong
03:43:306 - is this suppsoed to be kia or wait acutaly mabye not
04:31:646 (1,2,3,4,1) - col i see this exact flow like 500 times after this one deja wououou
05:11:075 - end ur slider here or u wont have 5 min drain cuz ur breaks in the middle
Topic Starter

Deppyforce wrote:

HI thsi mAOP Si brogiun af cuze zth copay aptess L O Lol

00:17:071 (1,2,3) - fi x ds I wanted to keep things close to each other because of how calm the section is, besides this provides no difficulty in reading what so ever
00:41:387 (3,1,2) - gya drums u r s just makeing ru own mxusix here w hsotusdjn understandable
kiai - baD coyPY PA STee mTPAa pre i k its not e xactly copt alapste but they lo kt o o msimelar dat tsej amep nbevcome boring understandable
01:39:120 (3) - tsh is sjjoudl ne eiterh a lot fastesae or a lto9 slower tbeh90 cuz r n lacks empahsze I believe the current sv is sufficient enough tbf
01:39:817 (3) - sam ^
01:48:189 (1) - tis on 1/√36 snap d0od lamfo changed
02:33:887 - can u map thsis w oob wogb thieng if u lazy just use speinner Nah, the reason i didnt map it is because its too calm imo, the section where i started mapping it here 02:39:120 (1) - starts being very noticable
02:38:422 - fix ths ei bleu bnreak samw ith enxt one understandable
02:54:468 (1) - u can make this reberse on 1/[(-4)(-4)] snap so it retains the feeling of slowing down with next upcoming slidesr no because the sounds only start decreasing in speed at 02:55:166 (1) - before that its just 1/8
03:17:492 (1,2,1,2,3) - sam a botu wrong stnaeopiong fxd
03:43:306 - is this suppsoed to be kia or wait acutaly mabye notunderstandable
04:31:646 (1,2,3,4,1) - col i see this exact flow like 500 times after this one deja wououou zz
05:11:075 - end ur slider here or u wont have 5 min drain cuz ur breaks in the middlethe drain time is exatcly 5:04 and I don't want to extend the sldier that long since the sounds become barely hearable after the point i ended it at

thansKS Fo rNMOd
[ ure mum gey]
  1. I think you should remove 00:19:642 (2) - and extend 00:18:785 (1) - cause there isn't any new syllabus to ask for something clickable. Yes, the background sound is still there, but it is apparent that on this section you're following the vocals whenever they are.
  2. 00:26:714 (1,2,3) - idk the triple feels kind of vague cause there isn't anything clear in the vocals to compensate for its use. I'd just remove 00:26:714 (1,2) - completely.
  3. 00:39:817 (1,2) - Like I've told you before, these two sliders feel out of place in contrast to the others. I would rotate them by around -15 degrees.
  4. Your use of NCs, generally in all the wub section, is pretty questionable. Example: 00:42:259 (1) - This is NCed, but then 00:42:259 (1,2,3,4) - all these are on the same combo, and then 00:43:306 (1,1) - followed by two consecutive NCs. And that while there's an SV change in every single slider. Feels needlessly inconsistent, I would suggest to go around the wub sections again and make them more consistent, except if you have a specific reasoning to leave them as they are.
  5. 00:42:521 (2) - 00:53:684 (3) - Why are those two different :thinking:
    00:45:311 (2) - 00:56:474 (2) - ^
    00:48:102 (2) - 00:59:265 (2) - ^
    01:29:963 (3) - 01:38:335 (3) - ^
    And then, out of sudden 01:38:335 (3) - 01:41:125 (2) - are the same. consistencyvro,,,,,,,
    Etc. I think I made my point clear; be consistent with your rhythms when they're literally the same sounds!
  6. 01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really like how you suddenly change to following vocals here. It's the only spot where you focus on vocals and it feels pretty disorientating in contrast to everything else.
  7. 04:10:503 (1) - Feels pretty empty. I'd replace it with a circle at the front, and followed with a slider so it transitions better to 04:10:932 (1) - .
  8. 04:24:218 (1) - ^

Not really much to point out since the song's repetitive and your style is smooth already

Good luck!
Topic Starter

LowComboFC wrote:

[ ure mum gey]
  1. I think you should remove 00:19:642 (2) - and extend 00:18:785 (1) - cause there isn't any new syllabus to ask for something clickable. Yes, the background sound is still there, but it is apparent that on this section you're following the vocals whenever they are. there is a slight vocal pause on 00:19:428 - acting like a bump on it, that's why i didnt extend it, plus it gives a good feeback if left clickable
  2. 00:26:714 (1,2,3) - idk the triple feels kind of vague cause there isn't anything clear in the vocals to compensate for its use. I'd just remove 00:26:714 (1,2) - completely. they follow the vocals, plus I had the sldier on its own once but the transition felt very bad (according to the testplayers) so i added a triple which fixed the transition issue apparantly
  3. 00:39:817 (1,2) - Like I've told you before, these two sliders feel out of place in contrast to the others. I would rotate them by around -15 degrees. ur mom
  4. Your use of NCs, generally in all the wub section, is pretty questionable. Example: 00:42:259 (1) - This is NCed, but then 00:42:259 (1,2,3,4) - all these are on the same combo, and then 00:43:306 (1,1) - followed by two consecutive NCs. And that while there's an SV change in every single slider. Feels needlessly inconsistent, I would suggest to go around the wub sections again and make them more consistent, except if you have a specific reasoning to leave them as they are. OKakAK
  5. 00:42:521 (2) - 00:53:684 (3) - Why are those two different :thinking:
    00:45:311 (2) - 00:56:474 (2) - ^
    00:48:102 (2) - 00:59:265 (2) - ^
    01:29:963 (3) - 01:38:335 (3) - ^
    And then, out of sudden 01:38:335 (3) - 01:41:125 (2) - are the same. consistencyvro,,,,,,,
    Etc. I think I made my point clear; be consistent with your rhythms when they're literally the same sounds! ure mum gey, firstly it is consistent first section has 1/2 sliders second has 1/4 repeats, reason for that is to make it less boring plus on the second seciton i.e. 00:53:684 (2) - plus there is no difference in pressing, you still press once regardless of which one it is. What i mean by that is you don't press twice for the 1/4 repeat sldier neither do you press twice for the 1/2 slider the feedback is the same just different section, slightly different rhythm
  6. 01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I don't really like how you suddenly change to following vocals here. It's the only spot where you focus on vocals and it feels pretty disorientating in contrast to everything else. i actually followed vocals not only there but here too 01:06:329 (1) - and 01:06:852 (1,2,3) - and 01:09:120 (1) - and so on, plus that part really stood out on the vocals so i merged the 1/4 sounds with the vocals. It felt weird for me not to map those vocals since otherwise the feedback would feel pretty wrong
  7. 04:10:503 (1) - Feels pretty empty. I'd replace it with a circle at the front, and followed with a slider so it transitions better to 04:10:932 (1) - .
  8. 04:24:218 (1) - ^ if i do that the slider would end on 04:10:789 - which has no sound on it, plus i wanted it to feel empty because rest is really full of sounds like whooshes and wubs and flutes, yet that one part isnt.

Not really much to point out since the song's repetitive and your style is smooth already dabdabdabda

Good luck!
Mru, mod4lod :D

ure mum gey
  1. 03:59:265 (1) - Osobiście sądzę że lepiej by się czytało to kółko jakby postawić je na pozycji [X=407 | Y=101], czyli na tej samej co jest głowica tego sladjera: 03:58:654 (3) -
  2. 04:07:932 (2) - Wydaje mi się że to kółko powinno być trochę dalej, mniej więcej w takiej odległości jak tutaj 04:08:075 (3,4) - .
  3. 04:09:360 (1,1,2) - W sumie kocyki/blankety mogą być ładniejsze. xD
  4. 04:32:360 (1,2) - Zamieniłbym ten pattern o 180 stopni bo obecnie dystans między jedynką a poprzednim kółkiem jest mylący i niektórzy mogą pomyśleć że to wszystko idzie cięgiem jednym i będą źle klikać, a tak będzie lepsza różnica moim zdaniem i lepszy wydźwięk. Mam na myśli takie coś: *KLIK* :3 Podobnie w tych miejscach: 04:35:789 (1,2) - 04:39:218 (1,2) - 04:42:646 (1,2) -
  5. 04:47:503 (2) - CTRL + G dla lepszego przejścia między następnymi obiektami?
  6. 05:07:218 - W sumie nie wiem czy chcesz ale zawsze można wyciszyć koniec slajdera pustym hitsoundem bo tam chyba nie ma dźwięku żadnego już, tak dla dopełnienia efektu.
No to tyle znalazłem. Powodzenia! o/
Topic Starter

Krfawy wrote:

Mru, mod4lod :D

ure mum gey
  1. 03:59:265 (1) - Osobiście sądzę że lepiej by się czytało to kółko jakby postawić je na pozycji [X=407 | Y=101], czyli na tej samej co jest głowica tego sladjera: 03:58:654 (3) - nie zgodze sie poniewaz nigdzie indziej nie zmapowalem takiego 1/4 spacing, czyli biarac pod uwage strukture mapy to by sie czytalo jako 1/2. Plus takie 1/4 stacki byly juz uzyte w trakcie mapy to wisz
  2. 04:07:932 (2) - Wydaje mi się że to kółko powinno być trochę dalej, mniej więcej w takiej odległości jak tutaj 04:08:075 (3,4) - . zrobione
  3. 04:09:360 (1,1,2) - W sumie kocyki/blankety mogą być ładniejsze. xD xdd
  4. 04:32:360 (1,2) - Zamieniłbym ten pattern o 180 stopni bo obecnie dystans między jedynką a poprzednim kółkiem jest mylący i niektórzy mogą pomyśleć że to wszystko idzie cięgiem jednym i będą źle klikać, a tak będzie lepsza różnica moim zdaniem i lepszy wydźwięk. Mam na myśli takie coś: *KLIK* :3 Podobnie w tych miejscach: 04:35:789 (1,2) - 04:39:218 (1,2) - 04:42:646 (1,2) - no problemu z czytaniem nie bylo poniewaz AR jest taki jaki jest a gapa pomiedzy jest bardzo duza wiec jest bardzo mala szansa zeby ktos to kliknal wczesniej, ale i tak sie zgodze i zrobie xd
  5. 04:47:503 (2) - CTRL + G dla lepszego przejścia między następnymi obiektami? wtedy emphasis na (3) bylby za maly
  6. 05:07:218 - W sumie nie wiem czy chcesz ale zawsze można wyciszyć koniec slajdera pustym hitsoundem bo tam chyba nie ma dźwięku żadnego już, tak dla dopełnienia efektu. pewnie to zrobie, ale pozniej xd
No to tyle znalazłem. Powodzenia! o/
dzienki krfawy <3
Hi :D
even if theres a t2 waiting for this, i think ill hold off iconning bcuz i would like to see more input on the map, but virtual riot rocks xd

• 00:17:071 (1,2,3) - would look niver with consistent spacing tbh

• 00:25:428 (2) - dont rly hear a note here in the song, prolly overmap

• 00:43:306 (1) - this slidertail is pretty strong, this would feel more appropriate if the red tick were clickable. same for 00:46:096 (1) -

• 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:02:317 (1,2,3,4,5) - I dont hear much in the music that calls for a stream here, nothing stands out on the blue ticks and that really faint synth is too subtle. same for 00:51:939 (2,3) -

• 00:54:468 (1) - same as 00:43:306 (1) but ill try not to point it out anymore if this is consistent

• 01:04:061 (3,4) - would be a lot better as a 1/4 slider??? i dont hear anything notable on 4

preview pnt on 1/16 nICE :) :) :)

• 01:04:585 (1,2,3,4,5) - same with overmapping streams at 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - a lot of the streams from here on actually have this same problem. I would suggest turning these into some kickslider patterns or repeat slider patterns or SOMEthINg because it doesnt feel like it represents the music accurately atm

• 01:28:306 (1,2,3,4) - maybe you should space these less because the bass your mapping to isnt exaggerated, so it feels weird how this pattern spans the entire playfeild lol

• 01:29:003 (5) - would recommend nc for the change in flow, song and aesthetics

• 01:42:782 (3,4) - realllly low spacing here, like you barely move between these two. which isnt good because the music here is exaggerated with that thing that ascends in pitch. also think 01:43:131 (5,1) - should be increased

• 02:02:666 (4) - it irks me how 4 touches that slidertail, might just be me tho lol

02:11:213 - see thIS is a better time to stream map because its obvious WHY the player is streaming in the music

• 02:19:934 (3,4) - would feel better if these two were switched in place, otherwise you just interrupt counter clockwise flow at 02:20:282 (1) - . might be better with an angle this way idk

• 02:26:910 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe rotate this or move it down sto get better flow from 02:26:736 (6) -

• 02:42:521 (2,3) - looks like it would be hard to tell this is a 1/2 gap because its spaced the same as 02:42:259 (1,2) -

• 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think it would look bettter if you kept rotating 02:50:980 (5,6) - (rn its parallel to 02:50:631 (3,4) - ) because the player is kinda expecting this to rotate from the way you set up 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4) - . That, or you can try to make this symmetry more intentional

• 02:52:375 - assuming you're mapping to bass in this part because of the way you used slider rhythm??? if so then this bass is a lot stronger than elsewhere so make clickable if true

• 03:02:841 - i know that youre mapping to bass here, but maybe consider making this clickable because it is a slider after a downbeat overall, plus there's a noticeable pluck sound here or smth

• 04:10:503 (1) - 04:24:218 (1) - its easy to say that thiss sliderend is stronger because of the kick, i would say not only a clickable thing but a slider would work well starting here because the note here is very held out

• 04:11:789 (4) - 04:25:503 (4) - dont hear much underneath this circle either

• 04:23:075 (1,1,2) - would recommend making this blanket even on both sides xd

besides for overmap on streams, not bad aesthetically or gameplay wise!
good luck :)
Topic Starter

squirrelpascals wrote:

Hi :D
even if theres a t2 waiting for this, i think ill hold off iconning bcuz i would like to see more input on the map, but virtual riot rocks xd agreed

URE MUM GEY0 (awww the memories)
• 00:17:071 (1,2,3) - would look niver with consistent spacing tbh fxf

• 00:25:428 (2) - dont rly hear a note here in the song, prolly overmap pitch of the song, plus the vocals kinda bend towards the blue tick and on top of that this feels like the best transition

• 00:43:306 (1) - this slidertail is pretty strong, this would feel more appropriate if the red tick were clickable. same for 00:46:096 (1) - reason why it's not clickable is because that's not one of the things i wanted to emphasise whilst mapping this. The thing i emphasised were the music pitches/wubs over similar sounds that were heard on that slider end

• 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - 01:02:317 (1,2,3,4,5) - I dont hear much in the music that calls for a stream here, nothing stands out on the blue ticks and that really faint synth is too subtle. same for 00:51:939 (2,3) - I don't think "too subtle" is a reason tbf, the reason why this is a stream is because of the vocal bends and background sounds that happen furing those points in the music.

• 00:54:468 (1) - same as 00:43:306 (1) but ill try not to point it out anymore if this is consistent same as above

• 01:04:061 (3,4) - would be a lot better as a 1/4 slider??? i dont hear anything notable on 4 there are sounds on the 4, faint clicks/ticks,

preview pnt on 1/16 nICE :) :) :) :/ :/ :/

• 01:04:585 (1,2,3,4,5) - same with overmapping streams at 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - a lot of the streams from here on actually have this same problem. I would suggest turning these into some kickslider patterns or repeat slider patterns or SOMEthINg because it doesnt feel like it represents the music accurately atm Well i mean i disagree with you, people interpret stuff differently, they see music representation in their own way, that's why there's so many different maps out there with a big variety of rhythms and rhythm choices. I repsect your opinion about these streams, but they're not overmapped,
overmapping is something that has a object placed on it even though it contains no sound what so ever. There are clear audible sounds on all of those notes and streams that i mapped in this map, that provide great feedback (imo) whilst using unique rhythms. You suggested using kicksliders but then the usage of them in underlined vocals 01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this being a example, would just fade and not feel as unique as it does. Overusing kicksliders isn't a good way to represent the music imo... just as you feel like representing them with streams isn't

• 01:28:306 (1,2,3,4) - maybe you should space these less because the bass your mapping to isnt exaggerated, so it feels weird how this pattern spans the entire playfeild lol it adds some really clear emphasis that I was trying to put across, those bass sounds are really really strong imo alongside of the pitches that i mapped to throughout the whole map this underlines it perfectly. Plus it's a good lead in pattern to the upcoming kiai

• 01:29:003 (5) - would recommend nc for the change in flow, song and aesthetics flow is the same up until 01:29:352 (1) - down, up.
Plus i don't feel like a NC would be necessary here, woudn't really provide any additional feedback imo

• 01:42:782 (3,4) - realllly low spacing here, like you barely move between these two. which isnt good because the music here is exaggerated with that thing that ascends in pitch. also think 01:43:131 (5,1) - should be increased density plays a more important role than spacing here, the fact that before that note there were 1/4 sliders which raised the density considerably 01:41:823 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - plus alongside that the drastic change of flow on 01:42:957 (4) - makes it a better emphasis underliner that spacing it out would, it makes the player move their cursor in a direction that the other 1/4 kicksliders didn't follow which makes it harder to play.

• 02:02:666 (4) - it irks me how 4 touches that slidertail, might just be me tho lol lol sorry i don't map on old-school skin xddd

02:11:213 - see thIS is a better time to stream map because its obvious WHY the player is streaming in the music zzz

• 02:19:934 (3,4) - would feel better if these two were switched in place, otherwise you just interrupt counter clockwise flow at 02:20:282 (1) - . might be better with an angle this way idk that would play really badly since currently there is circular and anti-circular flow going on

• 02:26:910 (1,2,3,4,5) - maybe rotate this or move it down sto get better flow from 02:26:736 (6) - makes no difference, plus already flows good

• 02:42:521 (2,3) - looks like it would be hard to tell this is a 1/2 gap because its spaced the same as 02:42:259 (1,2) - 00:42:259 (1,2,3,4) -
00:53:073 (1,1) - 01:32:492 (1,2) - 01:33:887 (2,3) - etc. plus no-one misread on that, which means that I represented it well

• 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i think it would look bettter if you kept rotating 02:50:980 (5,6) - (rn its parallel to 02:50:631 (3,4) - ) because the player is kinda expecting this to rotate from the way you set up 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4) - . That, or you can try to make this symmetry more intentional but the symmetry is intentional xd 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4) - then it mirrors, plus I mean the player should really expect everything, after all maps are read not guessed

• 02:52:375 - assuming you're mapping to bass in this part because of the way you used slider rhythm??? if so then this bass is a lot stronger than elsewhere so make clickable if true actually this repeat follows the electronic sounds only the 02:51:852 (2) - follows the "bass" cuz of how noticable it is, rest is kinda negligable imo, so after that (2) i followed the other sounds 02:52:724 (4,5) - hearable here more clearly

• 03:02:841 - i know that youre mapping to bass here, but maybe consider making this clickable because it is a slider after a downbeat overall, plus there's a noticeable pluck sound here or smth would break the consistency that i went for through out the map, again pitches and wubs

• 04:10:503 (1) - 04:24:218 (1) - its easy to say that thiss sliderend is stronger because of the kick, i would say not only a clickable thing but a slider would work well starting here because the note here is very held out i mapped to the trumpet sound 04:10:503 - plus the way the sound on the slider end is the sound that it starts with, which is a hold sound, making a slight break there really underlines that and adds some emphasis making it feel less emptier. Cuz if i mapped the slider on the kick it means it would have ended just before the circle which is inbetween the next note, something i do not want.
Main reason for this was to add a sort of emphasis break before the start of next kiai/section

• 04:11:789 (4) - 04:25:503 (4) - dont hear much underneath this circle either i guess

• 04:23:075 (1,1,2) - would recommend making this blanket even on both sides xd done

besides for overmap on streams:aNgeRY:, not bad aesthetically or gameplay wise!
good luck :)
Thanks ^^ I hope you understand my reasoning up there, sorry for so much red just mapping this with some thought behind it
  1. 00:20:071 (3) - could you move it either down to blanket with 00:18:785 (1) - or more up so it doesn't look like a failed blanket :p
  2. 00:21:785 (3) - I don't like how the sliderend covers the start of a new vocal section. Can you do note>slider instead?
  3. 00:23:071 (5,6) - y not just blanket them xd
  4. 00:25:428 (2) - sounds overmapped to me, maybe just follow vocals. There's no filler note here either 00:26:499 -
  5. 00:33:538 (1,3) - failstack
  6. 00:42:521 (2) - 00:45:311 (2) -, 00:48:102 (2) - etc. these sounds are way stronger than parts that are similarly spaced to this. I really recommend you use more spacing/harsher angles/sv for these sounds, feel super underwhelming atm. Just make them stand out in a way. This is more what i'm lookin for: 00:52:724 (6) - 01:44:352 (4) - 03:03:451 (2) -. Applies to every kiai where this happens.
  7. 00:55:515 (6) - 2 notes or 2 shorter sliders would be more apt here so both of these drum sounds can be clicked.
  8. 00:59:527 (3) - position of the note looks rather forced. how about this?
  9. 01:13:829 (3) - 2 notes would be better again, slidertail is stronger than head. same for
  10. 01:28:306 (1,2,3,4) - how about silencing the sliderends? there's nothing on them, that'd be a nice effect imo.
  11. 01:39:032 (1,2,3) - definitely don't hear this kidn of rhythm in the music. The double seems overmapped, silence ends? Same for 01:39:730 (1,2,3) - 01:41:823 (1,2,3) - etc. I feel these patterns would represent the music way better if you followed the prominent wub sounds in the music.
  12. 01:48:887 - the sliderend is way lower in volume when there's a finish in the music lol]
  13. 02:01:968 (2,4) - overlap it in the middle? dont make the sliderend barely touch, it kinda messes up the visuals :/ same for 02:04:759 (2,4) -
  14. 02:14:003 (1) - i don't rly understand why sometimes this is a 1/4 slider and sometimes it's a note like 02:15:399 (1) -. imo the pattern with the note is way more accurate since the ticking thing stops for a moment on the new measure everytime. Consider applying this to all these patterns?
  15. 03:07:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - rly good, i like how you mapped these parts
  16. 03:27:782 (3) - slider>note or 2 notes? end is stronger than start
  17. 04:10:503 (1) - Consider this rhythm? You may like it better:
  18. 04:12:789 (1) - Feels like it needs a bit more emphasis like 04:11:932 (1) -
  19. 04:23:932 (4,1) - same as what i said for 04:10:503 (1) - (rhythm consideration)

btw dont forget to look over other spots that might have the same issues as the ones i mentioned

pretty c00l man, call me back for a recheck
Topic Starter

Voli wrote:

  1. 00:20:071 (3) - could you move it either down to blanket with 00:18:785 (1) - or more up so it doesn't look like a failed blanket :p sur
  2. 00:21:785 (3) - I don't like how the sliderend covers the start of a new vocal section. Can you do note>slider instead? I prefer this since the density matches the calmes of the song plus the slider follows the sounds these follow 00:20:928 (1,2) - so the slider end acts as a filler for the vocals and stuff like that
  3. 00:23:071 (5,6) - y not just blanket them xd a
  4. 00:25:428 (2) - sounds overmapped to me, maybe just follow vocals. There's no filler note here either 00:26:499 - changed rhythm,
    more suitable now

  5. 00:33:538 (1,3) - failstack fffff
  6. 00:42:521 (2) - 00:45:311 (2) -, 00:48:102 (2) - etc. these sounds are way stronger than parts that are similarly spaced to this. I really recommend you use more spacing/harsher angles/sv for these sounds, feel super underwhelming atm. Just make them stand out in a way. This is more what i'm lookin for: 00:52:724 (6) - 01:44:352 (4) - 03:03:451 (2) -. Applies to every kiai where this happens. ye okay, i've raised the kiai but the spacing is the foundation to reading that 1/4 gap so i won't change that, but the underwhelming part i agree with
  7. 00:55:515 (6) - 2 notes or 2 shorter sliders would be more apt here so both of these drum sounds can be clicked. The sound on the slider end isn't strong enough for a note on it's own, the thing i mapped to was the "wub pitches" and anything that kinda came inbetween was just emphasised on opportunity, the slilder end is it's dying sort of moment of the pitch, there's no kick on the slider end as well it's only on the slider start
  8. 00:59:527 (3) - position of the note looks rather forced. how about this? this spacing follows the structure i went for though, 00:53:684 (2,3) - 00:56:474 (2,3) - 01:41:125 (2,3) - 01:43:916 (2,3) -
  9. 01:13:829 (3) - 2 notes would be better again, slidertail is stronger than head. same for again it's mapped to the pitch at it's peak rather than to the kick plus the vocals go alongside the slider as well
  10. 01:28:306 (1,2,3,4) - how about silencing the sliderends? there's nothing on them, that'd be a nice effect imo. Not a fan of silencig 1/4 sliders they add a very missleading sounding effect imo, plus the sliders go with the sort of whooshes that go alongside the 1/4's so it feels more fitting to keep it as it is right now than to make it sound like 1/2 clicks, because of the bending sounds after the slider.
  11. 01:39:032 (1,2,3) - definitely don't hear this kidn of rhythm in the music. The double seems overmapped, silence ends? Same for 01:39:730 (1,2,3) - 01:41:823 (1,2,3) - etc. I feel these patterns would represent the music way better if you followed the prominent wub sounds in the music. The thing about these patterns is 1. they are a nice unique pattern to that section and 2. they underline the kicks and the pitch bends in a very nice way imo. I disagree with you when you say it's overmapped because it's not, the note here 01:39:032 (1) - emphasises the clear kick sounds making some sort of impact when clicked giving good feedback to the player and the 01:39:120 (2) - is a continuation of the (1) circles pitch sound which actually raises a little on that beat. I had many different rhythms in mind but i settled for this one because I believe it gives the best player feedback and judging from the majority of the testplays i received that does seem to be the case. It's easy to hit and follow plus it makes the map stand out a bit more. I also don't want to silence slider ends because the pitches extend into each other, silencing them would just make it seem very odd imo.
  12. 01:48:887 - the sliderend is way lower in volume when there's a finish in the music lol] fixd
  13. 02:01:968 (2,4) - overlap it in the middle? dont make the sliderend barely touch, it kinda messes up the visuals :/ same for 02:04:759 (2,4) - I really don't like the flow this creates, makes it seem kinda right angled, plus I map on a latest version skin so I don't see the slider ends so it looks clean to me haha
  14. 02:14:003 (1) - i don't rly understand why sometimes this is a 1/4 slider and sometimes it's a note like 02:15:399 (1) -. imo the pattern with the note is way more accurate since the ticking thing stops for a moment on the new measure everytime. Consider applying this to all these patterns? The reason why sometimes they're a note and sometimes they aren't is because of 1. to give some variety to this boring section of the song and 2. to go along the pitches the sounds provide, so 02:11:213 (1,2,3,4) - have a less intense pitch therefore they are spaced a bit close together and are one continuos pattern whilst 02:12:608 (1,2,3,4) - has a higher pitch on them and the higher pitches start on the (2) so the (1) is a note to give some sort of preparation for the upcoming higher spaced 1/4 sliders which gives greater feedback and makes the higher pitches more unique.
  15. 03:07:027 (1,2,3,4,5) - rly good, i like how you mapped these parts :)
  16. 03:27:782 (3) - slider>note or 2 notes? end is stronger than start again as previously about this ^
  17. 04:10:503 (1) - Consider this rhythm? You may like it better: Ye many people don't seem to like my rhythm choice here, or well "not like" maybe more like "not suitable" sort of thing. But ye Squirel above suggested to me some rhythm as well similar to yours but the reason I didn't is:

    "i mapped to the trumpet sound 04:10:503 - plus the way the sound on the slider end is the sound that it starts with, which is a hold sound, making a slight break there really underlines that and adds some emphasis making it feel less emptier. Cuz if i mapped the slider on the kick it means it would have ended just before the circle which is inbetween the next note, something i do not want.
    Main reason for this was to add a sort of emphasis break before the start of next kiai/section"

    I felt like quoting it cuz i coudnt be bothered writing it out again soz :/

  18. 04:12:789 (1) - Feels like it needs a bit more emphasis like 04:11:932 (1) - i guess, spaced it out a bit more
  19. 04:23:932 (4,1) - same as what i said for 04:10:503 (1) - (rhythm consideration) same as above^

btw dont forget to look over other spots that might have the same issues as the ones i mentioned yep did'd'str'd

pretty c00l man, call me back for a recheckayy
hello stalkers
hello there!
ure mum gey
00:10:642 (1) - Nothing in the music changed, why are you switching to repeat sliders?
00:14:071 (1) - This is where the change in music occurs (in its pitch), and these are represented exactly the same way as the beats before them. Don't you think that the stronger notes that come with this change deserve the hit circle patterns, rather than repeat sliders?
00:17:714 (2) - why overmap this? this is a slow, calm part of the music anyway - there's absolutely no reason you should need to contrive beats that do not exist.
00:18:785 (1) - sliderend shouldn't be hitsounded, as it's emphasizing nothing
00:21:785 (3) - vocals are on 00:22:107 - not on 00:22:214 -
00:23:071 (2) - vocals are on 00:22:964 - not 00:23:071 -
basically the rest of this section is all fairly unsnapped or oddly snapped, i'm tempted to recommend you ignore them entirely or find some playable rhythm that isn't obviously skipping over beats, one beat late, or one beat early
00:30:748 - "filler rhythm" doesn't necessarily mean totally ignoring the song. I'm not even kidding. The drum beats follow:

The synth follows:

your rhythm follows:

As is fairly obvious, several beats, 00:30:922 - 00:32:317 - are just randomly tacked on, and several beats 00:32:841 - 00:31:445 - are completely ignored. Either pick a track and follow it accurately, or mix the two in a way that actually makes a lick of sense.
00:33:364 (5) - Gets a disproportionate amount of spacing emphasis compared to 00:33:189 (4) - which has synth of the exact same intensity, but also has a drum beat.
00:39:120 (1,2) - 00:39:817 (1,2) - Now would be a good time to use the way you heavily overweight the synth to your advantage, and make this more than just 3/4 sliderspam by using sliderends to emphasize the synth beats on 00:39:643 - 00:39:992 -
00:42:782 (3) - This beat does not exist in the music, and it interrupts 00:42:521 (2) - which follows a wub which continues all the way to 00:42:870 -
00:43:306 (1) - The kick on the end of this slider is REALLY strong, are you sure you want to relegate it to a 1/2 sliderend with 0 movement stress?
00:45:573 (3) - More overmap interrupting longer wubs
00:46:096 (1) - I strongly suggest making this 2 kicksliders, considering that a slider should start on a strong beat and end on a beat of equal or lesser strength - they both have the same synth sound, but the sliderend is a kick.
00:46:707 (3,4) - This is a great opportunity to make these sliders work together with a blanket or something
00:48:102 (2,3) - same point about overmapped circle
00:49:759 (4) - this is a totally different sound from 00:49:934 (5,6) - why are they mapped the same way?
00:50:544 (2,3) - 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:50:806 (4) - Save the 1/4 rhythms for when there's 1/4 in the song. This is entirely overmapped.
00:51:939 (2,3) - ^
00:53:684 (2,3) - There's a huge slow wub here, why did you map it with a bunch of 1/4?
00:56:910 (1,2,3,4,5) - I am fairly confident that these sorts of zig zag streams just don't visually fit with the rest of the map.
01:04:236 (5) - nc
01:04:236 - I have pretty big problems with this section in general. Its density and stress levels are far higher than everything in the map before it - despite it being one of the calmest parts of the entire song. Also, why does it all ignore the kick-snare patterns and just map sliders and 5 note bursts over it?
01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Where did this come from? The rhythm hasn't changed at all, what's with this totally new, uncalled for pattern?/
01:31:794 (4,5,1) - These kicksliders are utterly unrelated to 01:32:143 (1) - why is that? There are plenty of ways to make them work together very well.
01:37:375 (6) - balance this slider!
01:39:120 (2,3) - In the music, this isn't a 2-kickslider pattern, it's a 1/2-slider - 1/4-slider pattern. 01:39:032 (1,2) - This double is overmapped.
01:48:713 (3) - Slider ends on an extremely important beat
02:11:213 (1,2,3,4) - This is really messy. I fail to see how these kicksliders relate at all to each other or to the song.
02:14:003 (1) - This is an extremely different beat from 02:14:178 (2,3,4) - as it is just a kick, with nothing else there. It shouldn't be pigeonholed into this pattern.
02:15:748 (3,4) - If you're going to put hit circles only on the kicks, only put hit circles on the kicks. This uses a kickslider on a kick compared to 02:15:399 (1) - and then uses 02:15:922 (4) - a circle on the same 1/4 track as 02:15:573 (2) -
02:22:898 (7) - The ascending scale resets here, why does it have 0 emphasis while 02:23:073 (1) - this snare has more?
02:25:515 (5) - Why is this beat emphasized? I don't hear anything here.
02:42:259 (1) - there's literally nothing here
02:42:521 (2) - Slider should be held to 02:42:870 -
02:43:306 (1,2) - These probably shouldn't be separated, there's only one wub there
02:44:003 (3) - This is a held wub all the way up to 02:44:614 - why is it a 1/2 repeating slider?
02:46:620 (3) - starts on nothing, ends on nothing, and goes over a beat at 02:46:794 -
02:47:317 (5) - nothing here, overmapped
02:47:492 (1,2) - You use this exact same pattern to represent very different sounds, I suggest you switch it up a bit.
02:52:201 (3,4,5) - Highly unrepresentative of the rhythm here, there's so much more going on than a 1/2 clap track. I get that you looked at my map and probably got a bit of this from that, but my map is bad don't use it as a reference lol
02:57:172 (1) - ignores an important beat
02:59:265 (2) - the 2 important parts are 02:59:265 - 02:59:352 - , there's nothing on 02:59:439 -
03:01:096 (5,6) - Rhythm is different from 03:00:748 (3,4,5,6) - don't use the same rhythm
03:41:038 (1,2,3) - space these out way more, they're really strong, especially compared to 03:39:817 (1,2,3) - which is spaced in a way that hardly plays any differently
03:43:916 (2,3) - ctrl+g rhythm and extend slider
03:46:620 (1,2,3) - don't make triples using different sounds like this, maybe a kickslider and a hit circle would be acceptable
04:10:932 (1) - this does not exist
04:10:503 (1) - the sliderend here is much stronger than the sliderhead
Topic Starter

Mun wrote:

hello there!
ure mum gey
00:10:642 (1) - Nothing in the music changed, why are you switching to repeat sliders? To add variety, to make the map seem less boring. Think of maps as a player as well you woudn't constantly want to press circles only for 16 straight seconds, it would get boring. That's why i change up the map a bit to add some variety and make it more fun to play whilst keeping the density very similar through out the section
00:14:071 (1) - This is where the change in music occurs (in its pitch), and these are represented exactly the same way as the beats before them. Don't you think that the stronger notes that come with this change deserve the hit circle patterns, rather than repeat sliders? not at all same happens here actually in the part of the song 00:07:214 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - , plus your contridicting yourself a bit, the first point you're complaining about the lack of consistency and the second your asking to break it xd
00:17:714 (2) - why overmap this? this is a slow, calm part of the music anyway - there's absolutely no reason you should need to contrive beats that do not exist. it's not overmapped there is a vocal part in the song, a hearable dip in the vocal is heard which I thought is a cool addition to map to, although the section is calm doesn't mean that I can't make it more funner in some way
00:18:785 (1) - sliderend shouldn't be hitsounded, as it's emphasizing nothing apart from the vocals a
00:21:785 (3) - vocals are on 00:22:107 - not on 00:22:214 -
00:23:071 (2) - vocals are on 00:22:964 - not 00:23:071 - these are not mapped to the vocals, they are mapped to the 00:08:928 (1,2,3) - sounds, to keep consistency and relevance through out this section, the vocals just happen to be in the middle
basically the rest of this section is all fairly unsnapped or oddly snapped, i'm tempted to recommend you ignore them entirely or find some playable rhythm that isn't obviously skipping over beats, one beat late, or one beat early I mean that's your opinion, everyone interprets songs differently that's why there's so many different maps out there, so far I'm getting the impression that you're trying to force your own rhythm choice to this map :/
00:30:748 - "filler rhythm" doesn't necessarily mean totally ignoring the song. I'm not even kidding. The drum beats follow:

The synth follows:

your rhythm follows:

As is fairly obvious, several beats, 00:30:922 - 00:32:317 - are just randomly tacked on, and several beats 00:32:841 - 00:31:445 - are completely ignored. Either pick a track and follow it accurately, or mix the two in a way that actually makes a lick of sense. Well again I do interpret my stuff as I do and feel the most suiting and you do you. Picking a track that follows it accurately would make this thing boring and too repetetive. You're saying that sounds are completely ignored but I mapped to the "piano sounds" hearable on the sliders, sounds like these 00:33:189 (4,5,1) - you're saying that they are randomly tacked on but that's not true. The reason why 00:32:492 (2) - is clickable and 00:31:096 - isn't is to raise density for the upcoming 00:33:189 (4,5) - that way the part feels way stronger and more prepared for those jumps, ofc following that 00:30:748 (1) - doesn't have that note 00:31:968 - therefore I made it less dense to account for that. Doing this makes the map somewhat less boring and more fun to play even the most repetetive sections
00:33:364 (5) - Gets a disproportionate amount of spacing emphasis compared to 00:33:189 (4) - which has synth of the exact same intensity, but also has a drum beat. slider leniency makes (4) emphasised and strong as well, and again I didn't follow the drums i followed the piano
00:39:120 (1,2) - 00:39:817 (1,2) - Now would be a good time to use the way you heavily overweight the synth to your advantage, and make this more than just 3/4 sliderspam by using sliderends to emphasize the synth beats on 00:39:643 - 00:39:992 - I did use it to my advantage, making these 3/4 sliders adds something not seen so far in the map which automatically underlines "this is important" and introduces 1/4 rhythms found here as well 00:42:259 (1,2) -, mapping it like 1/2 sliders woudn't really stand out would it
00:42:782 (3) - This beat does not exist in the music, and it interrupts 00:42:521 (2) - which follows a wub which continues all the way to 00:42:870 - Doesn't exist? What about the dip in the electronic sound, that's what that note emphasises, plus making it clickable allows 00:42:957 (4) - this to be more emphasised because you have to move sharply to get to (4) because (3) creates a stoppage momentum, therefore making it more emphasised which it should
00:43:306 (1) - The kick on the end of this slider is REALLY strong, are you sure you want to relegate it to a 1/2 sliderend with 0 movement stress? yes because all the kiai's emphasis priority were the pitches, this slider is a perfect example of what I'm emphasising those sort of sounds,
the peak gets hit. Although the kick is really strong it's not something I mapped to

00:45:573 (3) - More overmap interrupting longer wubs again same as above
00:46:096 (1) - I strongly suggest making this 2 kicksliders, considering that a slider should start on a strong beat and end on a beat of equal or lesser strength - they both have the same synth sound, but the sliderend is a kick. It's again mapped to the pitches of the slider, the slider end indeed does have the same "synth" as you're saying that's why it's what it is, the priority were the pitches in the wubs the kick on the slider end is similar to what happend above ^
00:46:707 (3,4) - This is a great opportunity to make these sliders work together with a blanket or something It makes no difference and it would affect the straight slider aesthetics i went for on those sounds 00:58:306 (3,4) -
00:48:102 (2,3) - same point about overmapped circle ^
00:49:759 (4) - this is a totally different sound from 00:49:934 (5,6) - why are they mapped the same way? All 3 follow the same sounds which is that "piano" sound which was what i emphasised, the wub sounds you're talking about is not what I was mapping to
00:50:544 (2,3) - 00:51:154 (1,2,3,4,5) - 00:50:806 (4) - Save the 1/4 rhythms for when there's 1/4 in the song. This is entirely overmapped. not really, there are vocal bends, pitch dips and background sounds going with them at all times, overmapping is when there is no sounds what so ever on a given moment, something that can't be said here
00:51:939 (2,3) - ^
00:53:684 (2,3) - There's a huge slow wub here, why did you map it with a bunch of 1/4? There is a pitch bend on the white tick which i wanted to underline, and this was a perfect time to do it since 1. A new section so I could use some new rhythms and 2. It adds some variety to this sound which makes it emphasised in 2 different ways with the same amount of clicks.
00:56:910 (1,2,3,4,5) - I am fairly confident that these sorts of zig zag streams just don't visually fit with the rest of the map. Well that's your opinion i guess, it follows the sounds on it that pitch bend so it matches the song perfectly, doesn't happen often so maybe that's why it doesn't match the rest
01:04:236 (5) - nc fixd
01:04:236 - I have pretty big problems with this section in general. Its density and stress levels are far higher than everything in the map before it - despite it being one of the calmest parts of the entire song. Also, why does it all ignore the kick-snare patterns and just map sliders and 5 note bursts over it? calmest? it's really intense with all the sounds going on behind it, vocals etc. The stress levels aren't actually that high since there is not stream higher than 5 notes making it easily recoverable, that and the bpm isn't anything special nor big so it isn't that much harder. Plus no kicks or snares are ignored in this section, everything is mapped to them. Ofc there are streams like 01:06:329 (1,2,3,4,5) - which have the snare on the (3) and the reason for that is because of the vocal beginning around (1) which I felt like done a better job than starting the stream on the snare would.
01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Where did this come from? The rhythm hasn't changed at all, what's with this totally new, uncalled for pattern?/ 01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - vocals are emphasised here, vocals that weren't heard in the same way that they are now, same thign applies for 01:13:480 (1,2,4,5) -
01:31:794 (4,5,1) - These kicksliders are utterly unrelated to 01:32:143 (1) - why is that? There are plenty of ways to make them work together very well. What do you mean unrelated, if you're talking about them being parallel or something then there's no need for it since 1. It doesn't make that big of a difference visually and 2. I wanted strong sharp ciruclar movement to go into the (1) which is what's happening right now
01:37:375 (6) - balance this slider! what does that mean? xd
01:39:120 (2,3) - In the music, this isn't a 2-kickslider pattern, it's a 1/2-slider - 1/4-slider pattern. 01:39:032 (1,2) - This double is overmapped. sigh, there is a pitch bend happening on 01:39:120 (2) - and a strong kick on (1) emphasising them individually gives greater feedback than just doing a 1/2 slider and 1/4 slider would, doing what you're suggesting would decrease the density as well which is something I don't want to do on sounds that never came up across. Doing what is done now underlines that they are unique and harder to play therefore creating feedback more appropriate to the situation
01:48:713 (3) - Slider ends on an extremely important beat the "important" beat doesn't really affect anything since the next section is really calm and low spaced, therefore that's why the slider is a 1/4 repeat slider to ease the movement momentum and create a calming effect before the next section
02:11:213 (1,2,3,4) - This is really messy. I fail to see how these kicksliders relate at all to each other or to the song. circular movements my dude, plus it's a new section so new possibilities ofc.
02:14:003 (1) - This is an extremely different beat from 02:14:178 (2,3,4) - as it is just a kick, with nothing else there. It shouldn't be pigeonholed into this pattern. I'll just quote what i said to voli:
"The reason why sometimes they're a note and sometimes they aren't is because of 1. to give some variety to this boring section of the song and 2. to go along the pitches the sounds provide, so 02:11:213 (1,2,3,4) - have a less intense pitch therefore they are spaced a bit close together and are one continuos pattern whilst 02:12:608 (1,2,3,4) - has a higher pitch on them and the higher pitches start on the (2) so the (1) is a note to give some sort of preparation for the upcoming higher spaced 1/4 sliders which gives greater feedback and makes the higher pitches more unique."

02:15:748 (3,4) - If you're going to put hit circles only on the kicks, only put hit circles on the kicks. This uses a kickslider on a kick compared to 02:15:399 (1) - and then uses 02:15:922 (4) - a circle on the same 1/4 track as 02:15:573 (2) - the snares are on circles the kicks are on sliders 02:20:980 (1) - with the exception of this because of the reason above
02:22:898 (7) - The ascending scale resets here, why does it have 0 emphasis while 02:23:073 (1) - this snare has more? what? i have no idea what you're trying to suggest here tbf
02:25:515 (5) - Why is this beat emphasized? I don't hear anything here. emphasised? lol what it's the same sounds as the whole 1/4 stream,
if you're talking about the slight direction change that's hardly any emphasis lol, it does the same thing that 02:22:375 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - does xd

02:42:259 (1) - there's literally nothing here vocals xd
02:42:521 (2) - Slider should be held to 02:42:870 - 02:56:213 (1,2) - it goes back logically to all the other patterns, extending this slider would break the structure
02:43:306 (1,2) - These probably shouldn't be separated, there's only one wub there pitch bends z
02:44:003 (3) - This is a held wub all the way up to 02:44:614 - why is it a 1/2 repeating slider? to account for the vocal pitch bends on every 1/2 beat
02:46:620 (3) - starts on nothing, ends on nothing, and goes over a beat at 02:46:794 - 00:32:143 (1,2,3,4,5) - sigh
02:47:317 (5) - nothing here, overmapped 00:33:189 (4,5) - same sounds zzzz
02:47:492 (1,2) - You use this exact same pattern to represent very different sounds, I suggest you switch it up a bit. to keep it consistent my dude with all the rest of the sections that have the "piano" sounds i mapped to aaa
02:52:201 (3,4,5) - Highly unrepresentative of the rhythm here, there's so much more going on than a 1/2 clap track. I get that you looked at my map and probably got a bit of this from that, but my map is bad don't use it as a reference lol I'm ampping to the sounds that 02:48:887 (1,2,3,4,5) - these follow, the reason why 02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - is a 1/2 click spam is because of the really tough electronic sounds going alongside with them after that on 02:51:852 (2) - they calm down so i mapped to the previous sounds again, Also I never took a look at your map XD
02:57:172 (1) - ignores an important beat follows the same sounds as previous similar patterns a
02:59:265 (2) - the 2 important parts are 02:59:265 - 02:59:352 - , there's nothing on 02:59:439 - yes that's why it acts like a filler rhythm type of note, plus it ends on almost nothing so it's fine. On top of that it keeps the density and intensity of that part high, since if there were no repeat the part would feel bland and weak, which is something the song doesn't provide
03:01:096 (5,6) - Rhythm is different from 03:00:748 (3,4,5,6) - don't use the same rhythm ugggh, hence why they are different flow and sv

03:41:038 (1,2,3) - space these out way more, they're really strong, especially compared to 03:39:817 (1,2,3) - which is spaced in a way that hardly plays any differently the spacing is already enough imo and the comparising you made was something i was going to do as well since the difference is clear and visible comparing those 2 parts
03:43:916 (2,3) - ctrl+g rhythm and extend slider no that would just ruin the entire structure of the map 02:56:910 (4,1,2) - 00:47:841 (1,2,3) - etc
03:46:620 (1,2,3) - don't make triples using different sounds like this, maybe a kickslider and a hit circle would be acceptable I mean it's not like this isn't acceptable, again it's down to interpretation
04:10:932 (1) - this does not exist well it does, might wanna repeat it a couple of times, it's a pitch bend
04:10:503 (1) - the sliderend here is much stronger than the sliderhead I'll quote what i said to squirel again:
"i mapped to the trumpet sound 04:10:503 - plus the way the sound on the slider end is the sound that it starts with, which is a hold sound, making a slight break there really underlines that and adds some emphasis making it feel less emptier. Cuz if i mapped the slider on the kick it means it would have ended just before the circle which is inbetween the next note, something i do not want.
Main reason for this was to add a sort of emphasis break before the start of next kiai/section"

Thanks for your opinion, although keep in mind that modding isn't about enforcing your own way of mapping something, it's to improve what you think could make the map better, not what you would have felt like would be better, always try to look over the mappers creation first and try to understand what they themselves went for. My guess for most of your suggestions would be that you had rhythms stuck in your mind that you used for your own edge map, hence why maybe you didn't deem most of my rhythm choices worthy. That's actually why I don't mod maps I myself mapped since I believe that I will be too confident about my own rhythm choices and if i see something else being mapped differently in a song that I mapped, I would find it really really hard to come to acceptance with it. It's a sort of feeling I hate having and I'm guessing you had something similar on your mind without even realising it. Some of the points were what many other modders made above the posts, might have saved you effort to read back and find stuff you deemed wrong, but regardless I do appreciate your time that you spent on this, any opinion is good feedback for me to improve at a later stage.

Edit: Kudosu goes for some NC changes that i missed, wasn't just one that I changed
Hey babe, just wanna let u know, the more you self-satisfy and the more you self-reinforce, the more stuck in your ways and inflexible you become.

There's a thin balance between "expressing yourself" and "making a map that makes sense", don't treat this game or the hobby of mapping as a means of pure self-expression.

I'll actually take a look at this later and give my own thoughts, but do be aware that as someone who heavily, heavily sits influenced by more abstract themes and ideas, I'm not going to tell you to remap or fix things based on my own preferences or mapping style, but by looking at how you have mapped and seeing whether you contradict yourself.

Because contradicting your own vision is bad.
EDIT: nevermind, looking at how you respond to mods it's clear you don't really care about conceptual issues, you work from a "changes are changing my style" mindset and i can't be assed to invest my time in someone who will default to assuming i'm trying to change them as a mapper
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Hey shiirn, I'm sad to hear that you think I don't care about "conceptual" issues, just because i deny a lot of stuff doesn't mean I don't care... means that the point on a mod wasn't of any use to me and would have just contridicted my way of mapping it. I am also not afraid to change my style at all, actually I take all mods to heart and consider each and every point, mapping style, no mapping stlye, it doesn't play a role here... if something isn't considered useful to me why would i apply it, if something that is a "conceptual issue" and will ruin the maps idea and strucutre, why would i apply it. It's common sense and if you can't tell the difference between me denying points because they would hurt the map in general and would go against the whole maps idea and me denying points because I have a "changed changing my style" mindset who thinks every mod point is trying to change their style, then ye...I'm kinda glad that you turned down your mod. Thanks doe i guess
the spacing of 01:40:864 (1,2,3,4) - feels a too big relative to the rest of the map imo

edit: ignore me. My editor moved some of the objects and I thought that was the original

we already talked a bit, but I thought I'd want to adress the stream section in the middle of the map (02:11:213 - to 02:33:538 - ) in more detail and why I think it doesn't work. I know it's like REALLY frustrating to read essentially a long A** Paragraph deconstructing why a section of your map is not good at great length, but hear me out.

  • 1. First off I want to put the stream in relation with other sections of the same song. I personally think the section is about on par in terms of intensity with a section like 04:31:646 - and you seem to sort of represent both with similar SV too, the section should also be less intense than for example 01:04:236 - and maybe a bit more intense than 00:30:748 -

    right now I think it's the most dense and most intense section compared to any other part with the exception of 04:28:218 - maybe.

    2. to sort of prove it's intensity compared to the rest I've found some software which creates a SR Graph for maps, here's the result:

    it seems ok at fist glance, but the point I'm trying to make is rather that the middle section is about as, if not more intense in terms of SR then all other parts besides then climax and the parts which I suggested to be similar in intensity or lower are mostly more than twice as low in SR.

    I know SR isn't really that reliable in terms of difficulty, but it's measured by the intensity of spacing and rhythm density in intervals... which besides movement is one of the only parts we as mappers use to gauge intensity.

    3. I still thought it might be unclear if the stream is really the most intense part or just on par with the rest, so I created 7 difficulties of your map and removed a few sections to see how they affect Star Rating, the results were:

    [list:1337]No Stream section = 5,09*
    -1 kiai = 5,29*
    -2 kiais = 5,29*
    -3 kiais = 5,29*
    -4 kiais = 5,28*
    -5 kiais = 5,28*
    -all kiais = 5,24*
I think at this point it should be clear that the section is the most intense part of the map in terms of SR, now there's one last thing which I wanna talk about...

4. As unreliable as SR is it's still I think the results are clear enough to say that this is the most intense part of the map, most sections before the stream have barely as much slider leniency abuse or big jumps some of the biggest and also most straining I saw would be stuff like 00:59:701 (4,1) - you even have bigger spacing after sliders in parts like this 01:17:841 (1,2) - or this 02:20:108 (4,1) -

Point being the drops aren't straining enough compared to the stream section, there isn't even a lot of uncomfortable movement through out which isn't bad overall, but only makes it harder to justify the part in the middle.

5. I for comparison did similar test on maps like or both also with long stream sections in really calm parts yet when removing those in both cases SR didn't change at all, while removing some other maybe even smaller sections did.

I know comparisons to other maps aren't really the best, but what I want to say here is that those maps both have hard enough other sections to justify the streams in their calm parts as not the hardest part of them. The only example I could find below 6* that might even be hard to talk about would be this is both surprisingly the same song, but also with CS7 and movement in the kiais that theoretically makes the stream not as hard in comparison... it's still very questionable in that case, but in a different way.

I would highly suggest to only map the main melody here 02:01:445 - or simplify the rhythm and spacing otherwise right now I think your map is not justifying this on both a SR and movement level.
siema siema kurwa witam po tak dlugiej przerwie.
Szirn ty no nie wiem jak tam twoja szmaciura jebana zrogowaciala niedzwiedzica co sie kurwi pod mostem za wojaka i siada kurwa na butle od vanisha i kurwe w taczce pijana wozili po osiedlu wiesz o co chodzi mnie nie przegadasz bo mi sperme z paly zjadasz frajerze zrogowacialy frajerska chmuro chuj ci na matule i jebac ci starego !!!!
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Me and Celektus both feel that replying to the post he made is no longer neccessary since we discussed all points in a private conversation. All points made were addressed
00:17:714 (2,1) - is this for rhythm variety? it really throws me off, better to stick with following the 1/1 stuff
01:34:410 (4,5,6) - uneven spacing here triggers me
01:48:887- slider end on such strong beat is meh
02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - can clean this pattern up, looks unstructured
03:00:050 (1,2,3) - stack looks weird with autostacking
04:10:218 (4,1,1) - can improve rhythm here imo, something like then you don't have gaps in rhythm and 04:10:646 - becomes clickable, same for 04:24:218 (1) - if you apply this

since you manually popped, get a rebbuble first
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Strategas wrote:

00:17:714 (2,1) - is this for rhythm variety? it really throws me off, better to stick with following the 1/1 stuff Ye it is, plus the vocals pick up some nice pitch bends which i wanted to emphasise like here for example 00:17:714 (2) - or 00:19:642 (2) -
01:34:410 (4,5,6) - uneven spacing here triggers me same
01:48:887- slider end on such strong beat is meh I done this to kill the movement to lead into the next section better, besides the sound on it isn't as strong, it's just a bent sound from the slider there isn't really a major beat on that white tick
02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - can clean this pattern up, looks unstructured fixed
03:00:050 (1,2,3) - stack looks weird with autostacking moved a bit, although idk doesn't really make a difference for me lel
04:10:218 (4,1,1) - can improve rhythm here imo, something like then you don't have gaps in rhythm and 04:10:646 - becomes clickable, same for 04:24:218 (1) - if you apply this I'll quote from squirell why I didn't want to do this:

"i mapped to the trumpet sound 04:10:503 - plus the way the sound on the slider end is the sound that it starts with, which is a hold sound, making a slight break there really underlines that and adds some emphasis making it feel less emptier. Cuz if i mapped the slider on the kick it means it would have ended just before the circle which is inbetween the next note, something i do not want.
Main reason for this was to add a sort of emphasis break before the start of next kiai/section"

since you manually popped, get a rebbuble first

Thanks, soon tm
Alright, so after back and forth discussion we decided to nerf the part at 02:11:213 - rather significantly since it was the most intense part in the map on a calmer part of the song. C00L wanted to keep the percussion rhythms which I understand. Spacing and density is significantly lower now.

We changed some minor patterns too.

Let's try again
:roll: I told you from the start lmao
seems like after stream remap you don't use soft-sliderslide3.wav anymore
have some few things i'd like to point out, sorry if its been mentioned before

01:13:829 (3) - this slider seems pretty inconsistent with the rest of the section for little to no reason. You could probably make 01:14:003 - clickable for consistencies sake

spacing here seems a bit underwhelming compared to the others 01:25:166 (1,2) - , you could probably correct this by moving 01:24:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - more to the up and or right

02:39:992 (3,4) - 02:42:259 (1,2) - almost identical spacing while being rhythmically different seems like sth you dont want imo

02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think these jumps would be better with lower spacing, as the higher rhythm density should be enough to convey build up

03:29:701 (4,5) - spacing inconsistent with your previous ones like 03:24:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 03:27:434 (1,2) -

04:04:218 - maybe you could use color hexing to indicate the 1/3 section? Would give a nice visual indication for a different section

05:07:218 - mute
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Kaitjuh wrote:

have some few things i'd like to point out, sorry if its been mentioned before no problem

01:13:829 (3) - this slider seems pretty inconsistent with the rest of the section for little to no reason. You could probably make 01:14:003 - clickable for consistencies sake The slider here is placed differently to go corresponsdingly with 01:10:689 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - these vocals that didn't appear until this point, so this pattern 01:13:480 (1,2,3,4,5) - follows the same logic whilst the (3) slider starts on the highest pitch note bend sort of thing, to follow the logic of the other last patterns

spacing here seems a bit underwhelming compared to the others 01:25:166 (1,2) - , you could probably correct this by moving 01:24:468 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1) - more to the up and or right yea okay changed

02:39:992 (3,4) - 02:42:259 (1,2) - almost identical spacing while being rhythmically different seems like sth you dont want imo yea okay,
I mapped it like that since the section felt so soft in the wubs that i wanted to dense up the spacing a lot thats why 02:42:957 (3) - used to be a lot closer than it is now, but changed

02:50:282 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - I think these jumps would be better with lower spacing, as the higher rhythm density should be enough to convey build up Imo keeping them the spacing they are makes a good intensity build up to the next section, it especially gets your cursor movement get more intenser which goes well with the spacing of the stream

03:29:701 (4,5) - spacing inconsistent with your previous ones like 03:24:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 03:27:434 (1,2) - what do you mean inconsistent, they're both different patterns following different stuff, 01:18:189 (1,2,3) - like look at this for example the spacing is almost identical to how these 2 exact same sections were mapped

04:04:218 - maybe you could use color hexing to indicate the 1/3 section? Would give a nice visual indication for a different section Not a big fan of colour haxing tbh, sorry ;w

05:07:218 - mute was going to do that actually aaaa thank Actually after some consideration and talk with strat we came to a conclusion that even if its so quiet there is feedback after all whilst if you finish the slider and the note is silent then as strategas put it "did my headphones brok"
Thank you ^^

C00L wrote:

03:29:701 (4,5) - spacing inconsistent with your previous ones like 03:24:643 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - and 03:27:434 (1,2) - what do you mean inconsistent, they're both different patterns following different stuff, 01:18:189 (1,2,3) - like look at this for example the spacing is almost identical to how these 2 exact same sections were mapped
Whoops I meant 03:29:701 (4,5) - still has higher spacing compared to these 03:32:492 (2,3) - bc these tend to be spaced around 1.6 - 1.7 so the 2.0 spacing on 03:29:701 (4,5) - stood out to me xd. If it's fine to you and the others then nevermind xd

Congrats in advance~
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I don't really tend to be that accurate in the DS aspect, i just kinda judge things by eye whilst still doing throwbacks to previous patterns. so like a ~0.3 DS difference usually makes no difference emphasis wise imo just depends on the visual spacing, this time imo it's not that bad so woudn't really make a difference.

Also thanks :D
Random opinion passing through. Don't you feel like the map doesn't have much variety. It lasts for 5 minutes, and chorus section at first look feels like it is the same, like very simillar/identical slidershapes and pattern connecting. And other than that the gameplay also seems kinda monotone, there's a lack of some flow or structural types like overlapping or back and forth, making it a bit stale with the movement, without anything to give special notice to. Just random opinions, those aren't really issues, but just discussing my personal thoughts and that you could in the future if you partially at least agree bring out some more of the elements I shortly talked upon.

00:43:654 (2,3,4,5) - if the map unfortunately goes down on its smooth path to rank, I would really appreciate if this pattern were to be redid, unless you really intended chaotic placement for specifically those sounds.

good luck.
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I mean i did variety where i felt it was appropriate, there are people saying there is too much, there are people saying not enough... like not possible to suit everyone so ye. Also the pattern I have no idea why you want it redid, it plays smoothly in a circular flow fashion and emphasises the sounds well. Plus chaotic movement? xd

I meant in its aesthetic design, not gameplay elements, it doesn't look appealing to me, but w/e.
C00L congrats!
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thank ^^
maaaan congratz on first qualify!
just for future reference, the first time-signature is off by one beat, i.e. actual downbeats should be at 00:03:357 - 00:06:785 - etc. Easily noticable when you look at how the timing section at 00:30:748 - "resets" the signature back exactly one beat, or how the exact same musical pattern occurs at 01:48:887 - ;)

anyways, gz!
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sorry for the late reply kept forgetting, but ye you're right :/ my bad on that mistake. I usually look for those downbeats since that's how timing should be done but I got bamboozled by the metronome at some point and i just thought where i placed it was ok, yet it seems that it isn't D:

I'll not make that mistake again ! thanks papa
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