
Himeringo - Yonjuunana

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Topic Starter
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Tuesday, July 09, 2019 at 6:33:38 PM

Artist: Himeringo
Title: Yonjuunana
Tags: 47 Forty-seven Vocaloid Utaite Cover Hatsune Miku Rib Mikito-P みきとP sarishinohara
BPM: 172
Filesize: 22890kb
Play Time: 04:39
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.82 stars, 282 notes)
  2. Hard (3.83 stars, 775 notes)
  3. Normal (2.48 stars, 545 notes)
  4. Reunion of Goodbye (4.95 stars, 1078 notes)
Download: Himeringo - Yonjuunana
Download: Himeringo - Yonjuunana (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
From in-between the crowd of euphoria
I see the person that started this unending dream
I’ve never thought I would meet him here
What kind of expression should I show?
I reached out my hand, trembling, touching yours
Is this the end? Please don’t say it! Don’t go! No!

One of those tear jerking song with upbeat rhythm ;-;

Thank you [ Abhor ] for letting me use your video -w-


To mod and not to mod (Guide for modders)

Green : To mod
Red : Not to mod
Blue : For your information

  1. Special request : would be better if you could show me how I should change some part of my map, just like "this pattern looks not neat, change it" is not enough for me, please specify how you would like it to be changed so I could improve my map or give me a picture if you're bad at explaining. Thank you ^^
  2. Help me find better audio.
  3. The preview point position is on purpose, don’t comment.
  4. Hitsound mod is needed, in case I missed some hitsound.
  5. I mainly map drum, not vocal, except for slower part like intro where the vocal is the main sound. So you might find some rhythm that not really fit the vocal but fit the drum well, it's big chance is on purpose.

  1. Help me find (in case there are any) unnecessary green timing points.
  2. Help me reduce the star diff slightly (like between 1.4 – 1.5)
  3. normal-hitwhistle only used for several big parts, unlike Hard and Insane.
  4. Help me reduce the (I think) helpless number of polarity issue without repeating the same pattern again and again.
  5. Do blanket and stack mod since this diff is based on that, just don’t be 1 millimeter off blanket nazi.

    1. Do blanket mod, shouldn’t be as much as Easy tho since some slider are not meant to be blanketed.
    2. normal-hitwhistle only used for several big parts, unlike Hard and Insane.
    3. Help me find (in case there are any) unnecessary green timing points.

    1. Help me make it slightly easier like 3.5 star or something.
    2. Help me find (in case there are any) unnecessary green timing points.
    3. Don’t do blanket mod since most of the sliders are not meant to be blanketed. Except you find slider that you think supposed to be blanketed but is off.
    4. Most overlap might be on purpose. And pay attention to notes that's disappeared before another note appeared, it doesn't count as overlap.

Reunion of Goodbye
    1. Just don’t do blanket or stack mod to be save.
    2. Most overlap might be on purpose. And pay attention to notes that's disappeared before another note appeared, it doesn't count as overlap.

Change logs and Modders list

    1. 22/06/16 Fresh upload~
    2. 23/06/16 Applied mod from -NanoRIPE-
    3. 24/06/16 Applied mod from paydayzcool and Chocox. P.S. Re-NCed the "Reunion of Goodbye"
    4. 27/06/16 Applied mod from SeaRasp, Pyroflayer, Phyloukz, Electoz, and Lefia
    5. 02/07/16 Applied mod from Lilyanna
    6. 08/07/16 Applied mod from N0thingSpecial and Naxess
    7. 13/07/16 Applied mod from Jonawaga
    8. 17/07/16 Did some self-mod in "Reunion of Goodbye" about placing and stuff.
    9. 25/07/16 Applied mod from rs_fadeaway
    10. 28/07/16 Applied mod from Garden and did some self-mod too.
    11. 05/08/16 Applied mod from Lami, jakomo73, and Pentori
    12. 19/08/16 Random update~ damn busy weeks -,-
    13. 28/08/16 Applied mod from O-Moei
    14. 09/12/16 Resurrected and applied mod from -Akuro. Four months hiatus, wow.
    15. 12/12/16 Applied mod from miradzin and TheKingHenry
    16. 18/12/16 Applied mod from Nostalgic and Pyroflayer
    17. 21/12/16 Applied mod from Halfslashed
    18. 22/12/16 Applied mod from YukiZura-
    19. 26/12/16 Applied mod from Yahuri
    20. 30/12/16 Applied mod from lazyboy007, zev, Kami-senpai, and Shiratoi
    21. 01/07/17 Applied mod from ARenaissance and SakuraKaminari
    22. 07/07/17 Applied mod from Faygor
    23. 13/07/17 Applied mod from NACO969
    24. 29/07/17 Applied mod from YukiZura-, Antlia-, and Blizs
    25. 26/08/17 Applied mod from Celektus
Hi ~ kak ~

nggk ada masalah ~

00:00:733 (1) - finish
00:11:896 (1) - ^
00:17:477 (1) - ^
00:35:442 (2,1) - coba circle ke 3 di geser kebawah biar enak dilihat ~ *bagiku ini hampir overlap :3
01:06:314 (2,3) - overlap yg buruk
01:16:779 - ini green timing buat apa? *dengan yg selanjutnya
02:29:686 (3,1) - coba di satukan jadi 1 slider (walaupun ritmenya jadi agak berbeda tapi ini membuatnya lebih mudah)
02:57:070 (1) - saya rasa 1/2 repeat slider bukan hal yg bagus ~ coba pakai cara lain
02:59:338 (3) - finish
04:06:314 (1) - ^

00:00:733 (1) - finish
00:17:477 (1) - ^
00:21:489 (4) - coba di jadikan 1 circle aja di red tick (menurutku ini lebih baik) atau nggk 2 circle
00:34:047 (5) - tambah circle atau repeat slider disini
00:47:826 (6,2) - overlap
00:50:093 (5) - hapus circle
01:00:384 (4) - saya rasa disini harus clickable ~ coba rhythm ini [url][/url] atau 1/2 repeat slider
01:07:710 (1) - finish
01:16:779 - sama dengan easy
01:17:477 - lebih baik nggk perlu tambah hijau-hijau aapalah gitu intinya memotong durasi break
01:51:140 - nih buat apaan?
01:52:361 (1) - finish
02:23:931 (3,4) - coba rhythm ini *prefer ke vocal
03:27:244 (1) - finish
03:28:640 (5) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:48:698 - buat apaan nih green timing? kayak nggk ada apa2 disini -_- (green timing ke 1 sampai ke 5)
03:53:058 (2) - increase curve
04:00:558 (7,2) - overlap
04:25:675 - nih buat apaan?

00:04:047 (2,4) - stacked
00:17:477 (1) - finish
00:24:279 (6) - NC?
00:25:849 (1,4) - stacked?
00:34:221 (1) - coba di increase curvenya biar nggk terlalu rapat dengan slider (9)
01:16:779 - ....
01:26:198 (4,5,6) - patternnya kayak kurang rapi
01:30:035 (1) - finish
01:46:779 (1) - ^
01:50:791 (6) - coba cari tempat lain karena disitu kayak kurang enak ~
01:51:140 - .... hapus
02:03:524 (1) - finish
03:20:268 (6,7) - hampir overlap ~ coba di jauhkan dikit
03:27:244 (1) - finish
03:28:640 (6) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:31:431 (6) - ^
03:32:826 (1) - ^
03:43:291 - ngapain di kasih potong break?
03:56:547 (3) - finish
04:01:605 (4,6) - overlap
04:03:524 (1) - finish
04:06:314 (1) - ^
04:09:105 (1,3) - overlap
04:16:082 (5,7) - imperfect stack
04:25:675 (1) - remove NC

[Reunion of goodbye] wattt....?
00:17:477 (1) - finish
00:27:768 (9) - NC (combonya terlalu banyak :x )
00:32:651 (6) - ^
00:42:244 (11) - NC disini hapus yg selanjutnya
01:13:291 (1) - finish
01:30:035 (1) - ^
03:26:896 (14,3) - overlap
03:28:640 (1) - finish
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:31:431 (1) - ^
04:06:314 (1) - ^
04:32:651 (1) - ^

ehhh untuk diff ini saya rasa banyak sekali combo,sampai2 ada yang 15 combo coba di atur NCnya lagi sehingga combonya berkurang ~ minimal yahh 10 atau 11 lah hehe ~

GL ~ kak maaf nggk bisa mod nazi nazian karena saya nggk bisa mod kayak gituan ;w; ~
Topic Starter

-NanoRIPE- wrote:

Hi ~ kak ~

nggk ada masalah ~

00:00:733 (1) - finish < oiya, lupa xD
00:11:896 (1) - ^
00:17:477 (1) - ^
00:35:442 (2,1) - coba circle ke 3 di geser kebawah biar enak dilihat ~ *bagiku ini hampir overlap :3
01:06:314 (2,3) - overlap yg buruk < ? maksudnya ini yak 01:05:268 (2,1) - Udh sempet nyadar sih, tpi males ngerubah xD okelah
01:16:779 - ini green timing buat apa? *dengan yg selanjutnya < buat Insane :v deleted
02:29:686 (3,1) - coba di satukan jadi 1 slider (walaupun ritmenya jadi agak berbeda tapi ini membuatnya lebih mudah) < gabisa gitu, soalnya suara yang gedenya ada di red tick, jadi kalo slidernya di mulai di white tick, suara yg gedenya malah ke ignore, kalo circlenya diilangin jadi polarity issue :/ sekali kali gapapa lah :v
02:57:070 (1) - saya rasa 1/2 repeat slider bukan hal yg bagus ~ coba pakai cara lain < cara lainnya gimana yak? ada usulan? kalo pake slider biasa ntar polarity lagi :/ tapi gapapa kali yak? .-.
02:59:338 (3) - finish
04:06:314 (1) - ^ < diff lain ga pake finish dan kayaknya lagunya juga ga terlalu support finish jadi ngga dulu yaa~

00:00:733 (1) - finish
00:17:477 (1) - ^
00:21:489 (4) - coba di jadikan 1 circle aja di red tick (menurutku ini lebih baik) atau nggk 2 circle < bunyi di white tick ga bagus kalo di ignore, dan aku menghindari pake 2 circle berturut-turut buat normal.
00:34:047 (5) - tambah circle atau repeat slider disini < disini 00:34:047 ya maksudnya? :v oke, circle then
00:47:826 (6,2) - overlap < itu ngga bakalan keliatan di gameplay soalnya (6) udh ilang duluan sebelom (2) muncul, coba liat deh pake view -> hit animations, no change
00:50:093 (5) - hapus circle < gapapalah, buat nyusah2in :v Normalnya agak terbelakang soalnya, trus suara drum disitu juga lumayan bwt di map
01:00:384 (4) - saya rasa disini harus clickable ~ coba rhythm ini [url][/url] atau 1/2 repeat slider < oke, tpi diganti dikit, jadinya slider duluan baru circle
01:07:710 (1) - finish
01:16:779 - sama dengan easy
01:17:477 - lebih baik nggk perlu tambah hijau-hijau aapalah gitu intinya memotong durasi break < hijau hijau xD green timing point say :v trus tenang aja, green timing point ngga motong durasi break kok :3
01:51:140 - nih buat apaan?
01:52:361 (1) - finish
02:23:931 (3,4) - coba rhythm ini *prefer ke vocal < hmm, bunyi di big white tick agak gede tuh, sayang kalo ga di map.... kalo aku lebih suka ngemap drum sama perkusi sih buat Normal sama Easy...
03:27:244 (1) - finish < memang sudah ngga pake finish dari Insanenya :v *hitsound ngikutin insane wkwkkw* jadi ngga deh, sama bwt bawah vvv
03:28:640 (5) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:48:698 - buat apaan nih green timing? kayak nggk ada apa2 disini -_- (green timing ke 1 sampai ke 5)
03:53:058 (2) - increase curve < looks good enough for me~
04:00:558 (7,2) - overlap < itu overlapnya cuman sebentar, ga bakal terlalu keliatan di gameplay, terus keanya gaada posisi yang lebih bagus buat mindahinnya tanpa ngerusak flow >~< jadi gitu dulu aja
04:25:675 - nih buat apaan?

00:04:047 (2,4) - stacked < unstacked on purpose tho
00:17:477 (1) - finish
00:24:279 (6) - NC? < naah, keanya ga perlu deh
00:25:849 (1,4) - stacked? < sengaja ngga di stack
00:34:221 (1) - coba di increase curvenya biar nggk terlalu rapat dengan slider (9) < nyoba blanket sih, agak susah ;-; tried
01:16:779 - ....
01:26:198 (4,5,6) - patternnya kayak kurang rapi < ada usulan? itu emg sengaja bukan pattern blanket sih....
01:30:035 (1) - finish < ngikutin Insane
01:46:779 (1) - ^
01:50:791 (6) - coba cari tempat lain karena disitu kayak kurang enak ~ < ada usulan? maunya sih sebenernya di taro di tempat sekitar tailnya (2) tapi aku ngga suka pattern kotak .-. diubah sedikit sih
01:51:140 - .... hapus
02:03:524 (1) - finish
03:20:268 (6,7) - hampir overlap ~ coba di jauhkan dikit
03:27:244 (1) - finish < kayaknya ga perlu finish deh buat bagian ini, sama vvv
03:28:640 (6) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:31:431 (6) - ^
03:32:826 (1) - ^ < fix
03:43:291 - ngapain di kasih potong break? < potong break? itu otomatis kayak gitu, kalo lagi gameplay kan breaknya juga abis sebelom note pertama, terus ada muncul panah2 gitu di pinggir buat nunjukkin kalo udh mw mulai lagi. Itu dari osunya kayak gitu, bukan manual.
03:56:547 (3) - finish < kayaknya gaada yang indicate finish deh... ngga dulu ya
04:01:605 (4,6) - overlap < sengaja...
04:03:524 (1) - finish
04:06:314 (1) - ^ < ngikutin insane :v
04:09:105 (1,3) - overlap < on purpose~
04:16:082 (5,7) - imperfect stack < nah kayak gini nih nazi mod :v cuman beda beberapa pixel doang imperfect stacknya xD fixed
04:25:675 (1) - remove NC < gapapa sih, buat bedain sama bagian sebelumnya...

[Reunion of goodbye] wattt....?
00:17:477 (1) - finish < udah finish kok .-.
00:27:768 (9) - NC (combonya terlalu banyak :x ) < comment about NC-ing below vvv
00:32:651 (6) - ^
00:42:244 (11) - NC disini hapus yg selanjutnya < hah? .-. big white tick sama big soundnya disini kok 00:42:593 (1) -
01:13:291 (1) - finish < ngga cocok bwt finish deh...
01:30:035 (1) - ^ < fix
03:26:896 (14,3) - overlap < wkwkwkk gapapa lah :v cuman sebentar kok, ga terlalu keliatan.
03:28:640 (1) - finish < no finish for this part~
03:30:035 (1) - ^
03:31:431 (1) - ^
04:06:314 (1) - ^ < emg maksudnya ga finish sih :/
04:32:651 (1) - ^ < fix

ehhh untuk diff ini saya rasa banyak sekali combo,sampai2 ada yang 15 combo coba di atur NCnya lagi sehingga combonya berkurang ~ minimal yahh 10 atau 11 lah hehe ~ < kalo aku sih ga terlalu masalah yang penting ngga diatas 20 :v cukup normal kok kalo sampe 15 doang soalnya aku nge NC nya setiap 2 big white tick soalnya suara di situ lebih gede daripada setiap big white tick ^^ kalo sampe 18 lebih sih iya harus dipendekkin, tpi klo 15 masih bisa ditoleransi lah :v

GL ~ kak maaf nggk bisa mod nazi nazian karena saya nggk bisa mod kayak gituan ;w; ~ < justru bagus ngga mod nazi xD mod nazi kadang2 nyebelin :v

No reply -> fixed
Mckazee~! ^^
Hi there hanyuu_nanodesu,

This is a modding post.

Wow, I can't see any errors here

01:21:489 - Add a circle here.

00:01:954 - Either put a circle here or move 00:02:128 (5) further away.
01:30:558 - Add a circle here.
01:37:535 (5) - This circle should look like it was n the middle of 01:37:710 (6) and 01:38:058 (7).
02:12:419 (2) - Slight but noticeable blanket error with 02:12:593 (3).

Very well mapped. I can't see any more problems XD.


As your request , m4m return~

First thing I noticed , nice bg :>



  1. I don't like the rhythm in this difficulty, it feels like a normal difficulty map. It doesn't seem 'easy' enough , but judging from the star difficulty I assume it is fine.
  2. 00:39:454 (5) - DS issue brought up by ai-mod.
  3. For normal-hitclap2 , it's better and easier to switch it drum-hitclap so you can play around with the additions at the side and don't waste any time with those green lines. But it's done , let's just leave it there.
  4. 01:28:465 (2,1) - These 2 finish sounds the same , suggest make 01:30:035 (1) - normal-hitclap2.
  5. 01:35:617 (1) - ^
  6. 01:38:407 (1) - ^
  7. 01:41:198 (4) - ^
  8. 01:52:361 (1,1) - They are distinctly different , 01:52:361 (1) - has a dominant 'finish' sound , suggest same as above.
  9. 02:03:524 (1) - ^
  10. 02:11:198 - Perhaps you are missing your slidertick whistle sound here.
  11. 02:25:849 (1) - normal-hitclap2.
  12. 02:29:338 (2,3,1) - Confusing rhythm for new players , can these just be one slider 02:29:338 (2,3) .
  13. 02:31:431 (1) - normal-hitclap2.
  14. 02:31:431 (1) - ^
  15. 02:34:221 (4) - Inconsistent in NC, I suggest to NC this. And the pattern is design in such a way it blankets 02:33:872 (3) and 02:32:826 (2) differently (Gap between 02:33:872 (3,4) - is larger than gap between 02:32:826 (2,4) . , and it seems really weird.
  16. 02:36:663 - If you're focusing so strongly on the vocals in this difficulty , I don't see why you don't add a circle here. I know you added here 01:18:524 (1) - because there is a dominant drum sound , but the vocal there is strong too.
  17. 02:42:593 (1) - - Right now I'm thinking , I think it undoubtedly be better if you switch normal-hitclap2 to normal-hitclap , it sounds better overall.
  18. 03:18:524 (5) - Distance spacing is off , unnoticed by aimod.
  19. 03:37:012 - The timing points here are increasing so slowly to the point that it can be neglected.
  20. 04:23:058 (1) - I doubt this is allowed here. The last time I recalled music start's mapset was taken out of qualified section because of a similar slider in easy difficulties. Reason being is will definitely mislead the players. Can be easily replaced with a slider.
  21. Overall , fix your hitsounds , I suggest just changing normal-hitclap2 to normal-hitclap. And your rhythm has to be improved , else this would no longer be an 'easy' difficulty , as you are using rhythms meant for normal difficulty.

Reunion of Goodbye

  1. Does this name mean anything. Because grammatically speaking , if 'Reunion of Goodbye' is related to a source of the song it is acceptable , but I think if it's an 'invention' , 'Farewell Reunion' will sound better.
  2. 00:00:733 (1) - Remove NC.
  3. Your NC is really messed up here , try NC every 1 big white tick, or else you are gonna get 10-15 combos which are obnoxious.
  4. 00:07:710 (8,10) - Unintentional overlap which makes it really untidy. If it's intentional then it isn't a good idea...
  5. 00:21:663 (1) - With the slow-down , I can safely assume you are mapping to the vocal , and it ends here 00:22:274 .
  6. 01:03:349 (5) - Hearing this part in 25% playback rate , I don't think it is snapped to anything , it is just a regular 1/4.
  7. 01:06:140 (5) - ^ Unless you are not mapping to the drum , it should apply here.
  8. 01:12:942 (4) - Fix this DS. The jump from 01:12:593 (3) - to 01:12:942 (4) - is uncalled for.
  9. 01:16:779 (2) - Remove this note. It is a ghost note , nothing is mapped to this.
  10. 02:15:907 (4,7) - Hearing this part in 25% playback rate , I don't think it is snapped to anything , it is just a regular 1/4. Unless you are not mapping to the drum , it should apply here.
  11. 02:21:489 (6,11,4) - ^
  12. Nothing else from here.
  13. All in all , rework NC and several patterns.

That's all from me , I hope it helps you. I think the map is creative in patterns and rhythms , but it can be further refurbished into a better mapset in time. All the best :D
Topic Starter

paydayzcool wrote:

Hi there hanyuu_nanodesu,

This is a modding post.

Wow, I can't see any errors here

01:21:489 - Add a circle here. < for vocal eh? good point, but I mainly follow drums here and I want to make a little break because the previous rhythm is fully mapped on 1/2 >~< no change for now~

00:01:954 - Either put a circle here or move 00:02:128 (5) further away. < right... moved (4)***
01:30:558 - Add a circle here. < I can't see a reason to :/ I try to make Hard a little easier btw so I don't think adding a note is a good option >.<
01:37:535 (5) - This circle should look like it was n the middle of 01:37:710 (6) and 01:38:058 (7). < hmm... wasn't really meant to be like that tho... I think with (7) blanketing it would looks good enough~
02:12:419 (2) - Slight but noticeable blanket error with 02:12:593 (3). < ha, right

Very well mapped. I can't see any more problems XD.



Thank you for mod ^^


Chocox wrote:

As your request , m4m return~

First thing I noticed , nice bg :> < :D



  1. I don't like the rhythm in this difficulty, it feels like a normal difficulty map. It doesn't seem 'easy' enough , but judging from the star difficulty I assume it is fine. < The way I tried to avoid 1/2 rhythm as much as I can and the way I use a lot of long 3/1 until reverse 4/1 slider make me think it's easy enough... But because of the pretty high BPM, it's indeed pretty hard to make a proper Easy tho ;-;
  2. 00:39:454 (5) - DS issue brought up by ai-mod. < I can't see it from here .-. fixed I guess...
  3. For normal-hitclap2 , it's better and easier to switch it drum-hitclap so you can play around with the additions at the side and don't waste any time with those green lines. But it's done , let's just leave it there. < ha :v
  4. 01:28:465 (2,1) - These 2 finish sounds the same , suggest make 01:30:035 (1) - normal-hitclap2. < actually they sound pretty different, the normal2 is sounded more light than normal1 so I use it for light finish like 01:28:465 (2) - 00:24:279 (2) - and many others, while the finish at big white tick like 01:30:035 (1) - sound bigger and heavier so I use normal1, same below vvv
  5. 01:35:617 (1) - ^
  6. 01:38:407 (1) - ^
  7. 01:41:198 (4) - ^
  8. 01:52:361 (1,1) - They are distinctly different , 01:52:361 (1) - has a dominant 'finish' sound , suggest same as above. < I would like to clear this... normal1 is more dominant than normal2 so I prefer normal1 here
  9. 02:03:524 (1) - ^
  10. 02:11:198 - Perhaps you are missing your slidertick whistle sound here. < I don't really put whistle on Easy and Normal tho, since that might cause everything got hitsounded xD so I decided to add whistle on certain part only. This part is not included so might as well ignore it~
  11. 02:25:849 (1) - normal-hitclap2. < same above ^, same below too I guess
  12. 02:29:338 (2,3,1) - Confusing rhythm for new players , can these just be one slider 02:29:338 (2,3) . < sacrificing variation ;-; but okay then
  13. 02:31:431 (1) - normal-hitclap2.
  14. 02:31:431 (1) - ^
  15. 02:34:221 (4) - Inconsistent in NC, I suggest to NC this. And the pattern is design in such a way it blankets 02:33:872 (3) and 02:32:826 (2) differently (Gap between 02:33:872 (3,4) - is larger than gap between 02:32:826 (2,4) . , and it seems really weird. < NC-ed and I try to blanket (2) and (4) so I have reason to have different gap :v
  16. 02:36:663 - If you're focusing so strongly on the vocals in this difficulty , I don't see why you don't add a circle here. I know you added here 01:18:524 (1) - because there is a dominant drum sound , but the vocal there is strong too. < focusing on drum here, not vocal
  17. 02:42:593 (1) - - Right now I'm thinking , I think it undoubtedly be better if you switch normal-hitclap2 to normal-hitclap , it sounds better overall. < Oh I think you're talking about that normal hitclap :v I get it now xD explanation below v
  18. 03:18:524 (5) - Distance spacing is off , unnoticed by aimod.< fix
  19. 03:37:012 - The timing points here are increasing so slowly to the point that it can be neglected. < right, it was for Insane afterall, I guess I'll just delete it here
  20. 04:23:058 (1) - I doubt this is allowed here. The last time I recalled music start's mapset was taken out of qualified section because of a similar slider in easy difficulties. Reason being is will definitely mislead the players. Can be easily replaced with a slider. < ;-; so sad ;-; gotta keep it for now, gonna change if some other modders mention the same things
  21. Overall , fix your hitsounds , I suggest just changing normal-hitclap2 to normal-hitclap. And your rhythm has to be improved , else this would no longer be an 'easy' difficulty , as you are using rhythms meant for normal difficulty. < take a look at Normal and you'll understand that this is totally Easy xD and about that normal hitclap, yes it's a total mistake xD first of all, I add two normal-hitclaps so I don't have to change sampleset through green timing when the section is playing on normal 2, but some "accident" happened. I was hitsounding another map with normal-hitclap 2 the way you hear it right now. But I think that normal hitclap volume is too low so I decided to edit it with audacity. But when I export it, I accidentally placed it at my Yonjuunana folder and replaced it xD and I only noticed later... but don't worry, it's fixed now :3

Reunion of Goodbye

  1. Does this name mean anything. Because grammatically speaking , if 'Reunion of Goodbye' is related to a source of the song it is acceptable , but I think if it's an 'invention' , 'Farewell Reunion' will sound better. < I like the current better tho xD
  2. 00:00:733 (1) - Remove NC. < nah
  3. Your NC is really messed up here , try NC every 1 big white tick, or else you are gonna get 10-15 combos which are obnoxious. < fine, I'll go NC whenever I think it's too much... below 12 is alright I think
  4. 00:07:710 (8,10) - Unintentional overlap which makes it really untidy. If it's intentional then it isn't a good idea... < intentional and I like it~
  5. 00:21:663 (1) - With the slow-down , I can safely assume you are mapping to the vocal , and it ends here 00:22:274 . < kay
  6. 01:03:349 (5) - Hearing this part in 25% playback rate , I don't think it is snapped to anything , it is just a regular 1/4. < I still feel slightly different... well, just let those 1/8 be xD
  7. 01:06:140 (5) - ^ Unless you are not mapping to the drum , it should apply here. < ^ :3
  8. 01:12:942 (4) - Fix this DS. The jump from 01:12:593 (3) - to 01:12:942 (4) - is uncalled for. < well, pretty common in the current Insanes actually, but since I myself disliked as well then... fixed
  9. 01:16:779 (2) - Remove this note. It is a ghost note , nothing is mapped to this. < Yeah, it make the pattern slightly better tho, from 2/1 pattern to 1/1 pattern... but okay then
  10. 02:15:907 (4,7) - Hearing this part in 25% playback rate , I don't think it is snapped to anything , it is just a regular 1/4. Unless you are not mapping to the drum , it should apply here. ^
  11. 02:21:489 (6,11,4) - ^ ^^^
  12. Nothing else from here.
  13. All in all , rework NC and several patterns. < gotta do this after all....

That's all from me , I hope it helps you. I think the map is creative in patterns and rhythms , but it can be further refurbished into a better mapset in time. All the best :D

Thank you for mod ^^
Return M4M

01:05:268 (2,3) - Make (3) follow (2)'s curve better, like this : .

02:31:431 (1,2) - Bad blanket here, try somthing like this : .
02:32:826 (2,3,1) - And for this one, do this : .

01:24:454 (1,2) - Slider end blanket pls, when you do ctr+g on (2) you can see it's off.

03:50:965 (2) - Slider should start on the white tick cause the vocals start on the blue tick before so i shouldn't be the red. Plus the instruments start on the white one.

04:31:431 (1,2) - Usually in easy diffs we try to avoid overlaps but I think this is fine.

Reunion of Goodbye
00:28:117 (7) - Either move this circle a bit farther from 00:27:419 (2) - Or make them touch more but it doesn't look clean like this.

00:39:977 (2,5) - ^ move appart or closer

01:33:349 (2,5) - ^ and others that are barely touching...

00:47:477 (3,4,5) - A rythm like would be perfect here (ignore the pattern I did). It would make every circle follow the vocals and emphasize the longer note with the slider.

00:52:012 (5,6) - Make this jump a bit bigger to emphasize higher pitched vocals.

00:57:768 (4) - Pretty sure it'd be much better if you did these 1/8 sliders go to the blue tick and follow it up by a circle on the following white tick : like 00:59:163 (6,1) -. I would enjoy it more when I play your map ;) Plus we should be abble to click the downbeat.

01:07:448 (4) - This note isn't present in the music so remove it and maybe make 01:07:361 (7,8,9) - drum sampleset or add claps to emphasize.

01:12:942 (4,5,6,7) - ^ Add claps or make drum sampleset, it would follow the music better. Pls do this to other streams or tripple patterns in which you can already hear the drums in the music.

01:15:907 (4,1) - Increase spacing to emphasize higher pitched vocals ? or you can stack it with 01:17:477 (2) - would be nice.

01:27:942 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Stream should start here 01:28:116 (5) - . Something like seems good.

02:18:349 (4,5,6) - Stack with 02:17:826 (2) - ? cleaner.

02:36:314 (3,4) - Try something like this here: Covers the vocals pretty nicely.

03:03:175 (5) - Make this a 1/2 slider connected to 03:03:524 (1) - by a blue tick circle. Less choppy and won't make me slider break xD

03:38:058 (7) - Try this instead, follows music more: .

03:50:442 (2) - You should cover the red tick, maybe by making a 1/2 slider starting from this red tick.

04:01:256 (2,3,4,5,1) - Can make a nice star pattern out of these but it's your choice ... I would !

04:19:919 (7,8) - Increase spacing to emphasize vocals pls. Has to be bigger than the others at least.

Oh... I really like this diff, the flow is pretty much perfect. However, there are some overlaps that bother me a bit but it's probably your mapping style so I respect that.

That's all , GL !
hi :3
return of goodbye?
  1. Black combo color (the way you have it now) might be unrankable, I think you need to grey out your combo colors if you are going to use black because most people have background dim 100% and won't be able to see it very well.
  2. 00:47:651 (4,1) - make this overlap cleaner looking pls (
  3. 00:49:570 (1) - breaks flow in a bad way, do more like 00:43:291 (4) - or 00:04:221 (3) -
  4. 00:57:768 (4) - 01:03:349 (5) - 01:06:140 (5) - 02:15:907 (4) - 02:18:698 (7) - 02:21:489 (6) - 02:24:279 (4) - I would like to see a note at the white tick because the accent at the white tick is stronger than a normal note due to the snare sound pick up. I think you have enough examples of what I mean xD -- after playing they are ok, but something to think about
  5. 02:36:314 - 02:36:489 - 02:36:838 - idea for this ( something like ( would be really really fun to play/add in AND would make 02:37:012 (1) - a lot more rewarding than it is now. The hype for something like this is asj;ldkfasdfjasdfkl;askjflsaf
    ok I just played it at this point. what I notice is that there isn't a lot of variety in your mapping. and what I mean by this is the sections are not expressed properly. The softer sections feel exactly like the kiai(bad thing) so what I suggest is making slow sections a little closer together and the kiai a lot more snappy, and have a strong lead in into the kiai like in my example above. Mapping with that in mind the stronger beats will be more rewarding to play.
  6. example of softer part needing to feel softer 02:34:919 (3,1) - , these are way to far apart.
    But I will say you have a pretty good sense of flow pattern making and rhythms .
Edit: 04:18:785 (6,1) - I read the gap from 5 to 6 as 1/2 maybe im bad idk
DS should be 1x all the way though unless it is kiai then 1.1x. if you think 1.2 is ok then fix 01:02:128 (121) - 02:13:814 (117,118) -
[*]02:13:117 - bad overlap don't do this
Should be 1x DS all the way through
inconsisten DS - 00:50:965 (54,55) - .... actually there are too many with out DS, go back through and make them all the same.

sorry for short mod, lots of general stuff I guess idk, if you want me to come back and look after I can try but I probably won't see much. Good luck with ranked

also pls don't respond in a bright color it gives me cancer in the bad way
Sakurauchi Riko
Hello, my end of the M4M. Sorry for being a bit late but I had things to do :(
Since you modded my lowest 2 difficulty I'll mod your 2 hardest, deal? Ok, deal. :D (cant mod low diffs anyways as you could see by modding mine, lol)

Reunion of Goodbye
00:13:640 (2) - how about copy 00:13:291 (1) - and ctrl + h and j for better flow into 00:13:989 (3) -
00:28:640 (1) - maybe you should make this slider perfectly symmetrical from the red anchor (yes it may be unreasonable but i see everytime perfect symmetry at this kind of sliders)
00:39:803 (1,2,3) - make this symmetrical triangle
00:41:547 (2,4) - this is the first overlap which I dont find pretty, but up to you just my opinion
00:49:221 (4) - move this slider a bit down to make it more pretty like (its not 100% accurate i think, but i think you know what i tried to do, just a suggestion)
01:12:593 (3) - make this slider being part of the stream (like its part of the shape of stream?), but its ok how it is to me, just flows weirdly
01:25:675 (1,2) - fix blanket
02:34:221 (1,2) - make a blanket maybe? looks cleaner
01:31:431 (1,2,3,4,1) - holy shit i like this part!!
01:37:361 (4) - make this shape like the opposite shape of 01:37:710 (5) - to make a ncie pattern, i hope you get what i mean... >.<
02:25:762 (10) - this combo is pretty long imo, maybe make NC somewhere before (im noob in NCing sorry)
02:31:343 (10) - ^ (NC here maybe? 02:31:082 (7) - )
02:47:128 (2,3) - just a note: you never did stacked singletaps before (maybe reasonable in point of consistency, idk)
03:23:407 (3,6) - its neither a overlap now not a overlap, just looks weird, but i think you can just leave that like it is, just a note
03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - nice jumps though, i like! :D
03:35:617 (1) - make the part before the red anchor symmetrical?
03:35:617 (1,1) - and create a blanket with the slider part after the red anchor
03:57:592 (9) - NC maybe? would fit perfectly imo (yeah i see, or maybe just leave that cuz u have consistency with this stream 04:09:017 (12) - but i dont like that long combos, but your map your rules :^) )

01:21:663 (1) - as i saw later on your map more kind of these sliders which you made symmetrical, i recommend to make this symmetrical too

00:37:012 (1,2,3) - same DS
00:38:233 (4,5,6) - isnt that DS a bit too close? oO
01:07:622 (12) - pretty long combo
01:07:710 (1,2) - same DS like 01:08:233 (2,3,4) - maybe?
00:49:570 (4,5) - make a symmetrical pattern like (make it cleaner obviously)
00:57:070 (3) - symmetry maybe? up to you
01:23:756 (6,7,8,9) - i personally dont like those little jumps, they have like no structure for me (trianglem always a solution, xD), but your map not mine :b
01:29:338 (6,7,8,9) - note: this feels really awkward to play (the double stacking is so sudden, cuz u never did that before)
02:29:686 (4,1) - flows weirdly, maybe shape the slider to the other way
02:45:384 (1,2,3) - check DS
04:24:454 (1) - make red anchor being accurately on the tick in slider (and adjust symmetry)
04:28:640 (1) - make this symmetrical
04:35:791 (7) - NC here? or somewhere else there, cuz without NC hard to read

I dont really know if that overlap mapping is great in Hard diff (i assume not but idk)
And these long combos sometimes are too much imo, but its your map (its just my view, its totally ok i think)

Well thats everything from me, I hope you are satisfied with my mod.
As I modded your map I fell in love with this song, so please get this ranked!!! (i would wonder if this wont get ranked tbh)
Nice song, nice map, thats what osu needs
GL in ranking process and happy mapping! (:


  1. Wave hitsounds with possible delay > 5ms:
    1. drum-hitfinish.wav

  1. 03:49:570 (1,2) - DS
  2. 01:05:268 (2,3) - They aren't completely pararell, idk if this is intentional though.
  3. 01:05:268 (2,3) - Not sure if it's just me who saw this overlap but ok
  4. 02:38:233 (2,2) - A minor overlap here, can be solved by rotating 02:40:151 (2) a few degrees to the right.
  5. 02:58:117 - 04:12:593 - Missing whistle.

  1. 00:25:500 (6,2,3,4) - Too cramp imo, and kinda hard to read as well. It's more like you're running out of space because of 00:25:849 (1) . I would place 00:25:849 (1) vertically so I can place those next objects in the other direction than that bottom-left corner. (Well you have to move quite a stuff there but it's worth it)
  2. 01:09:628 (5) - Is this intentional for having a whistle on a sliderbody? I guess not.
  3. 02:23:756 - Idk seems like you didn't ignore any strong beats earlier so this is kinda bugging me, use the same rhythm from 01:05:442 (2,3) ?
  4. 04:12:593 - 04:12:768 - Missing whistle I guess cuz I saw Hard has them.
  5. 04:24:803 - Just my preference but would be nice if you can hitsound the slidertick here.

  1. 00:45:210 - Remove clap? I don't hear anything on 00:45:210 so it's probably a mistake on this one?
  2. 01:45:384 - Every drum or whatever sound in this section is mapped except this one, do you really want to skip this? The drum is playing consistently so it's quite off to left one out.
  3. 04:35:442 (6,7,8,9) - Very difficult to read the stacks here, you placed them like they have the same beat spacing, so people are gonna interpret 04:35:791 (7,8,9) as 1/1 too.
Nice map, good luck~
Hi hi from my queue


Mod about blanket

how i checked blanket :

00:08:058 (2,1)
00:20:268 (1) move the slider's tail into x:116 y:328
00:23:058 (1,2) do you make it blanket? if yes, please fix it
00:33:524 (3,1) - 00:42:593 (1,3) - 00:56:547 (1,3) - 01:05:268 (2,3) - 01:20:965 (4,2) - 01:34:047 (2,3) - 02:19:221 (3,1) - 02:27:244 (3,1)
02:31:431 (1,2) this part... looks weird
02:48:175 (1,2) - 02:55:151 (3,1) - 03:19:919 (2,3) - 03:24:803 (2,3) - 03:49:570 (1,2) - 04:08:407 (4,1,2) - 04:13:291 (3,1)

don't use 2 circle on 2 white thick, change it into 1/1 slider (i already tested it and the star rating reduce intoi 1,53) and set the CS below 2,5
00:58:465 (3,1) it's a nice flow, but it'll better if you remove the (3) slider's curve
01:49:570 (1,2) it'll be nice if you follow the (1) angle


00:23:756 (3,4,5) how about like this?

00:38:058 add circle at x:164 y:188
00:45:384 (1) i don't like the angle, how about ctrl + h
01:19:570 (2,3,4) like this?

01:24:105 (8) move it into x:256 y:236
01:29:338 (6,7,8,9) how about like this?

01:39:279 (4) not suitable with the song, because there is a strong beat at 01:39:454
02:13:117 (4,5,6,7,8) How about like this

03:57:593 (6,7,8,9) change this stream with the slider

Sorry, only mod 2 diff...

Good luck!
Topic Starter
woah so many mods @_@


SeaRasp wrote:

Return M4M

01:05:268 (2,3) - Make (3) follow (2)'s curve better, like this : .

02:31:431 (1,2) - Bad blanket here, try somthing like this : .< damn what even happened here @-@
02:32:826 (2,3,1) - And for this one, do this : .

01:24:454 (1,2) - Slider end blanket pls, when you do ctr+g on (2) you can see it's off.

03:50:965 (2) - Slider should start on the white tick cause the vocals start on the blue tick before so i shouldn't be the red. Plus the instruments start on the white one. < what? this one 03:53:582 (2) - ? the big drum totally started at red tick so I think starting it at red tick would be fitting.

04:31:431 (1,2) - Usually in easy diffs we try to avoid overlaps but I think this is fine. < this one kind is a good one tho.

Reunion of Goodbye
00:28:117 (7) - Either move this circle a bit farther from 00:27:419 (2) - Or make them touch more but it doesn't look clean like this. < it doesn't really matter since (2) already disappeared when (7) appear (try to look with view -> hit animation) so it wouldn't be visible or just briefly visible (which won't matter) in playfield.

00:39:977 (2,5) - ^ move appart or closer ^

01:33:349 (2,5) - ^ and others that are barely touching... ^

00:47:477 (3,4,5) - A rythm like would be perfect here (ignore the pattern I did). It would make every circle follow the vocals and emphasize the longer note with the slider. < I focus more on the percussion tho and I think it fit well.

00:52:012 (5,6) - Make this jump a bit bigger to emphasize higher pitched vocals. < the current position is too good to move, but tried...

00:57:768 (4) - Pretty sure it'd be much better if you did these 1/8 sliders go to the blue tick and follow it up by a circle on the following white tick : like 00:59:163 (6,1) -. I would enjoy it more when I play your map ;) Plus we should be abble to click the downbeat. < it's pretty much fine imo... the downbeat is covered pretty well this way too...

01:07:448 (4) - This note isn't present in the music so remove it and maybe make 01:07:361 (7,8,9) - drum sampleset or add claps to emphasize. < what :v I think (4) is fine since that part sounds more like stream than circle followed by a triplet so keep, and for (7,8,9) normal sampleset would emphasize better than drum imo, the drum sounds quieter and I don't think clap is necessary...

01:12:942 (4,5,6,7) - ^ Add claps or make drum sampleset, it would follow the music better. Pls do this to other streams or tripple patterns in which you can already hear the drums in the music. < as I said, normal sampleset would emphasize better than drum and too much clap would make it too noisy since I increased the volume gradually. A little hint of emphasize with whistle at white and red tick should be enough...

01:15:907 (4,1) - Increase spacing to emphasize higher pitched vocals ? or you can stack it with 01:17:477 (2) - would be nice. < kay, increased the spacing, no stacking tho...

01:27:942 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - Stream should start here 01:28:116 (5) - . Something like seems good. < there's already a little hint of stream at 01:27:942 (3) - tho.

02:18:349 (4,5,6) - Stack with 02:17:826 (2) - ? cleaner. < on purpose~ like increased jump or something

02:36:314 (3,4) - Try something like this here: Covers the vocals pretty nicely. < nah, I don't really care about vocal.

03:03:175 (5) - Make this a 1/2 slider connected to 03:03:524 (1) - by a blue tick circle. Less choppy and won't make me slider break xD < eh, it's pretty common for insane tho, and since there's no really sound at red tick but there's sound at blue tick, I think this kind of rhythm would fit best.

03:38:058 (7) - Try this instead, follows music more: . < vocal eh? I think no since there's no really percussion that support the vocal there so it feels pretty weak and doing it like that would feel chopped or something... I'm bad at explaining @-@

03:50:442 (2) - You should cover the red tick, maybe by making a 1/2 slider starting from this red tick. < naah, pretty weak vocal, too weak for slider head nor circle... furthermore with circle there, the drum would be emphasized better and the "pound" would feel more.

04:01:256 (2,3,4,5,1) - Can make a nice star pattern out of these but it's your choice ... I would ! < not really a big fans of patterned stuff lately but done anyway -w-

04:19:919 (7,8) - Increase spacing to emphasize vocals pls. Has to be bigger than the others at least. < I'm supporting the drum tho :v but okay, a very bit increase one.

Oh... I really like this diff, the flow is pretty much perfect. However, there are some overlaps that bother me a bit but it's probably your mapping style so I respect that.

That's all , GL !

Thank you ^^


[alt][F4] wrote:

hi :3
return of goodbye?
  1. Black combo color (the way you have it now) might be unrankable, I think you need to grey out your combo colors if you are going to use black because most people have background dim 100% and won't be able to see it very well. < it's dark grey tho... but okay, I'll light them up a bit.
  2. 00:47:651 (4,1) - make this overlap cleaner looking pls ( < do it the other way
  3. 00:49:570 (1) - breaks flow in a bad way, do more like 00:43:291 (4) - or 00:04:221 (3) - < nah, pretty good imo
  4. 00:57:768 (4) - 01:03:349 (5) - 01:06:140 (5) - 02:15:907 (4) - 02:18:698 (7) - 02:21:489 (6) - 02:24:279 (4) - I would like to see a note at the white tick because the accent at the white tick is stronger than a normal note due to the snare sound pick up. I think you have enough examples of what I mean xD -- after playing they are ok, but something to think about < I think it's okay, too much note at white tick would make a antijump that make it harder to hit.
  5. 02:36:314 - 02:36:489 - 02:36:838 - idea for this ( something like ( would be really really fun to play/add in AND would make 02:37:012 (1) - a lot more rewarding than it is now. The hype for something like this is asj;ldkfasdfjasdfkl;askjflsaf < Mapping lonesome vocal like that feels kinda awkward for me xD sorry, but no >~<
    ok I just played it at this point. what I notice is that there isn't a lot of variety in your mapping. and what I mean by this is the sections are not expressed properly. The softer sections feel exactly like the kiai(bad thing) so what I suggest is making slow sections a little closer together and the kiai a lot more snappy, and have a strong lead in into the kiai like in my example above. Mapping with that in mind the stronger beats will be more rewarding to play. < I reduced the SV in the verse and pre-chorus, the jumps at the chorus is totally bigger too so I think it would differ them pretty much.
  6. example of softer part needing to feel softer 02:34:919 (3,1) - , these are way to far apart. < well, it's 1/1 pattern, it won't matter, really.... but well, I reduced the space a bit.
    But I will say you have a pretty good sense of flow pattern making and rhythms .
Edit: 04:18:785 (6,1) - I read the gap from 5 to 6 as 1/2 maybe im bad idk < lol, it is actually, moved them closer
DS should be 1x all the way though unless it is kiai then 1.1x. if you think 1.2 is ok then fix 01:02:128 (121) - 02:13:814 (117,118) - < No, it DON'T have to be 1x, you can use any multiplier you like as long as it is consistent, which mean the same throughout all diffs so I keep the 1/2, fixed the DS problem
[*]02:13:117 - bad overlap don't do this < changed the rhythm, hope this one works fine
Should be 1x DS all the way through < same as Normale ^
inconsisten DS - 00:50:965 (54,55) - .... actually there are too many with out DS, go back through and make them all the same. < fix

sorry for short mod, lots of general stuff I guess idk, if you want me to come back and look after I can try but I probably won't see much. Good luck with ranked

also pls don't respond in a bright color it gives me cancer in the bad way < you have no power here :v and you can always block the responses, it would make it less bright.

Thank you for mod~~


Phyloukz wrote:

Hello, my end of the M4M. Sorry for being a bit late but I had things to do :(
Since you modded my lowest 2 difficulty I'll mod your 2 hardest, deal? Ok, deal. :D (cant mod low diffs anyways as you could see by modding mine, lol)

Reunion of Goodbye
00:13:640 (2) - how about copy 00:13:291 (1) - and ctrl + h and j for better flow into 00:13:989 (3) - < nah, didn't really meant to be like that, just a pretty much "free" flow stuff
00:28:640 (1) - maybe you should make this slider perfectly symmetrical from the red anchor (yes it may be unreasonable but i see everytime perfect symmetry at this kind of sliders) < well, it doesn't really matter imo, I tried to move the red anchor to be perfectly match with the red tick at least.
00:39:803 (1,2,3) - make this symmetrical triangle < naah, doesn't meant to be one~
00:41:547 (2,4) - this is the first overlap which I dont find pretty, but up to you just my opinion < deal with it 8-)
00:49:221 (4) - move this slider a bit down to make it more pretty like (its not 100% accurate i think, but i think you know what i tried to do, just a suggestion) < fix, hope it don't make the jumps too far tho...
01:12:593 (3) - make this slider being part of the stream (like its part of the shape of stream?), but its ok how it is to me, just flows weirdly < ehh, it looked just fine .-.
01:25:675 (1,2) - fix blanket < fix
02:34:221 (1,2) - make a blanket maybe? looks cleaner < sure
01:31:431 (1,2,3,4,1) - holy shit i like this part!! < 8-)
01:37:361 (4) - make this shape like the opposite shape of 01:37:710 (5) - to make a ncie pattern, i hope you get what i mean... >.< < hmm good suggestion but pretty hard to do because they have different length and I think the flow from (1) would be too pointy if I do so (the current is pointy enough) so I think I would keep now.
02:25:762 (10) - this combo is pretty long imo, maybe make NC somewhere before (im noob in NCing sorry) < it's fine tho, the whole jumpy pattern is good with the same color.
02:31:343 (10) - ^ (NC here maybe? 02:31:082 (7) - ) ^
02:47:128 (2,3) - just a note: you never did stacked singletaps before (maybe reasonable in point of consistency, idk) < damn, but I think it pretty much readable on gameplay, the stack is good because it covers the same sound... keep for now.
03:23:407 (3,6) - its neither a overlap now not a overlap, just looks weird, but i think you can just leave that like it is, just a note < moved them away a bit
03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - nice jumps though, i like! :D < :D
03:35:617 (1) - make the part before the red anchor symmetrical? < pretty hard to do ;-; but tried
03:35:617 (1,1) - and create a blanket with the slider part after the red anchor < blanket for 1/4 pattern like this might be a bit tricky so I won't do it.
03:57:592 (9) - NC maybe? would fit perfectly imo (yeah i see, or maybe just leave that cuz u have consistency with this stream 04:09:017 (12) - but i dont like that long combos, but your map your rules :^) ) < NC-ed at 03:57:244 (5) - instead so the whole stream would still be the same combos.

01:21:663 (1) - as i saw later on your map more kind of these sliders which you made symmetrical, i recommend to make this symmetrical too < I guess, wub wub

00:37:012 (1,2,3) - same DS
00:38:233 (4,5,6) - isnt that DS a bit too close? oO
01:07:622 (12) - pretty long combo
01:07:710 (1,2) - same DS like 01:08:233 (2,3,4) - maybe?
00:49:570 (4,5) - make a symmetrical pattern like (make it cleaner obviously) < you mean ctrl+g-ing (4)? I think no.
00:57:070 (3) - symmetry maybe? up to you < it's fine
01:23:756 (6,7,8,9) - i personally dont like those little jumps, they have like no structure for me (trianglem always a solution, xD), but your map not mine :b < should do fine, they indeed have no structure :v
01:29:338 (6,7,8,9) - note: this feels really awkward to play (the double stacking is so sudden, cuz u never did that before) < because of the limited space there, it's pretty hard to move ;-; gotta keep for now unless there's good enough suggestion... the pattern fit the song well too -w-
02:29:686 (4,1) - flows weirdly, maybe shape the slider to the other way < really? o-o
02:45:384 (1,2,3) - check DS
04:24:454 (1) - make red anchor being accurately on the tick in slider (and adjust symmetry) < adjusted, but no really symmetry
04:28:640 (1) - make this symmetrical < adjust a bit, but for blanket
04:35:791 (7) - NC here? or somewhere else there, cuz without NC hard to read < right

I dont really know if that overlap mapping is great in Hard diff (i assume not but idk) < dunno .-.
And these long combos sometimes are too much imo, but its your map (its just my view, its totally ok i think)

Well thats everything from me, I hope you are satisfied with my mod.
As I modded your map I fell in love with this song, so please get this ranked!!! (i would wonder if this wont get ranked tbh)
Nice song, nice map, thats what osu needs
GL in ranking process and happy mapping! (:

Thank you for mod -w-


Electoz wrote:



  1. Wave hitsounds with possible delay > 5ms:
    1. drum-hitfinish.wav < deleted that, what the use of it, I'm not sure myself....

  1. 03:49:570 (1,2) - DS < right, wtf happened here o-o
  2. 01:05:268 (2,3) - They aren't completely pararell, idk if this is intentional though. < fixed by prev mod I think
  3. 01:05:268 (2,3) - Not sure if it's just me who saw this overlap but ok < lol, mistake, fixed from prev mod
  4. 02:38:233 (2,2) - A minor overlap here, can be solved by rotating 02:40:151 (2) a few degrees to the right. < right
  5. 02:58:117 - 04:12:593 - Missing whistle. < fixed 02:58:117 (2) - , not on the other because it wasn't mean too... only for Hard and Insane there's whistle there.

  1. 00:25:500 (6,2,3,4) - Too cramp imo, and kinda hard to read as well. It's more like you're running out of space because of 00:25:849 (1) . I would place 00:25:849 (1) vertically so I can place those next objects in the other direction than that bottom-left corner. (Well you have to move quite a stuff there but it's worth it) < right, it's a total DS hell so I decided to just change the rhythm and well... okay, I guess it at least fixed.
  2. 01:09:628 (5) - Is this intentional for having a whistle on a sliderbody? I guess not. < right
  3. 02:23:756 - Idk seems like you didn't ignore any strong beats earlier so this is kinda bugging me, use the same rhythm from 01:05:442 (2,3) ? < changed (2) into slider
  4. 04:12:593 - 04:12:768 - Missing whistle I guess cuz I saw Hard has them. < yes, I reduced the number of whistle in Normal and Easy to avoid over hitsounding.
  5. 04:24:803 - Just my preference but would be nice if you can hitsound the slidertick here. < with whistle? I guess that's okay.

  1. 00:45:210 - Remove clap? I don't hear anything on 00:45:210 so it's probably a mistake on this one? < right, it's on body too... damn -_-
  2. 01:45:384 - Every drum or whatever sound in this section is mapped except this one, do you really want to skip this? The drum is playing consistently so it's quite off to left one out. < yeah, leave that one out, it's fine enough I guess.
  3. 04:35:442 (6,7,8,9) - Very difficult to read the stacks here, you placed them like they have the same beat spacing, so people are gonna interpret 04:35:791 (7,8,9) as 1/1 too. < I NC-ed them now, I think that's gonna help.
Nice map, good luck~

Thank you for mod^^


Lefia wrote:

Hi hi from my queue


Mod about blanket

how i checked blanket :

00:08:058 (2,1)
00:20:268 (1) move the slider's tail into x:116 y:328
00:23:058 (1,2) do you make it blanket? if yes, please fix it
00:33:524 (3,1) - 00:42:593 (1,3) - 00:56:547 (1,3) - 01:05:268 (2,3) - 01:20:965 (4,2) - 01:34:047 (2,3) - 02:19:221 (3,1) - 02:27:244 (3,1) < not gonna fix all this since in quick glance they looked fine.
02:31:431 (1,2) this part... looks weird < fixed it
02:48:175 (1,2) - 02:55:151 (3,1) - 03:19:919 (2,3) - 03:24:803 (2,3) - 03:49:570 (1,2) - 04:08:407 (4,1,2) - 04:13:291 (3,1) ^^^

don't use 2 circle on 2 white thick, change it into 1/1 slider (i already tested it and the star rating reduce intoi 1,53) and set the CS below 2,5 < Sometimes I used it for variation since there's ain't much variation to do in Easy, and the CS is for perfect diffspread.
00:58:465 (3,1) it's a nice flow, but it'll better if you remove the (3) slider's curve < it would get worse imo .-.
01:49:570 (1,2) it'll be nice if you follow the (1) angle < wat


00:23:756 (3,4,5) how about like this? < the current is good too and would make better flow to (6) so keep

00:38:058 add circle at x:164 y:188 < nah, a little pause here is pretty good since the drum stopped.
00:45:384 (1) i don't like the angle, how about ctrl + h < it would make a bad flow from (9) ;-; a good flow from (9) is more needed so the jump would land better.
01:19:570 (2,3,4) like this? < why?

01:24:105 (8) move it into x:256 y:236 < nah, don't really play good imo.
01:29:338 (6,7,8,9) how about like this? < I don't really like that kind of pattern .-.

01:39:279 (4) not suitable with the song, because there is a strong beat at 01:39:454 < still fit the guitar, so still fit the song imo.
02:13:117 (4,5,6,7,8) How about like this < nope

03:57:593 (6,7,8,9) change this stream with the slider < should flow nicely enough too currently.

Sorry, only mod 2 diff...

Good luck!

Thank you for mod :3 btw, if you're reading this, could you indicate the banner is made by me? thank you~
Hi m4m from my q

i hope this helps ^.^

00:15:384 (2,3) - blanket
00:33:698 (5,6) - maybe change this to this to more emphasize this beat 00:33:872 -
00:36:663 - same here some notes are strong beat they should be emphasized so maybe try this
00:39:279 (5) - ^
00:43:814 (4,5,2,3,5,6) - like you did here is what im trying to say so here is correct
01:52:012 (4) - nc
02:33:698 (7,1) - the placing of this is little wierd imo try this
02:34:570 (2,3) - try this may sound more cool
03:35:791 (1) - i think the spinner should end here
03:44:163 (1) - imo this second spinner doesnt make much sens

00:15:210 (2,3,6) - a little overlapping
00:23:407 (2,3,4,5) - ^
00:24:803 (7) - nc
00:31:779 (2,3,6,7) - spacing here gonna confused people try make these spaced more than these 00:32:128 (3,4,5,6) -
00:33:175 (8) - nc
02:24:803 (7) - nc
03:09:803 (6) - nc
03:17:826 (6) - move to x180 y328 will look more neat imo
03:38:058 (5) - maybe remove this slider and the break starts from there cuz it doesnt make sens
03:53:582 (3) - move to x256 y236
04:04:396 (3) - x160 y 84
04:05:268 (5,6) - blanket the end of slider 5 with 6 and then space this 04:06:314 (1) - more
04:09:105 (1,2,3) - blanket in both sliders maybe something like

04:35:442 (6,1) - i think this spacing can be confusing for players
04:39:890 (1) - i think u can remove this spinner

MY map :

Good luck (◕‿◕✿)
Topic Starter

Lilyanna wrote:

Hi m4m from my q

i hope this helps ^.^

00:15:384 (2,3) - blanket < nah, wasn't meant to be
00:33:698 (5,6) - maybe change this to this to more emphasize this beat 00:33:872 - < actually right .-. fixed
00:36:663 - same here some notes are strong beat they should be emphasized so maybe try this < nah, I don't want to use too much circles in a row. 1/2 slider should do enough for Normal
00:39:279 (5) - ^ ^
00:43:814 (4,5,2,3,5,6) - like you did here is what im trying to say so here is correct < ye
01:52:012 (4) - nc < nah, not really needed imo
02:33:698 (7,1) - the placing of this is little wierd imo try this < that's a different rhythm .-. I want to map the drum sound at red tick too and same thing as I say above about 2 circles.
02:34:570 (2,3) - try this may sound more cool < It's the same thing... And I think 1/1 reverse slider would fit the long vocal better...
03:35:791 (1) - i think the spinner should end here < where .-.
03:44:163 (1) - imo this second spinner doesnt make much sens < it's covering sounds so I think it pretty much make sense.

00:15:210 (2,3,6) - a little overlapping < (2) and (3) is already gone when (6) appeared, so it should be fine. Try to look with view -> hit animation.
00:23:407 (2,3,4,5) - ^ < this one is on purpose
00:24:803 (7) - nc < nah, don't want too much NC in Hard since the combos won't get too long. On Insane alone should be okay, same below
00:31:779 (2,3,6,7) - spacing here gonna confused people try make these spaced more than these 00:32:128 (3,4,5,6) - < Hard players should be able to read that, it's okay.
00:33:175 (8) - nc < same above ^ and below
02:24:803 (7) - nc
03:09:803 (6) - nc
03:17:826 (6) - move to x180 y328 will look more neat imo < okay
03:38:058 (5) - maybe remove this slider and the break starts from there cuz it doesnt make sens < it's to support the last drum sound tho and I prefer to start break at big white tick, pretty much makes sense for me.
03:53:582 (3) - move to x256 y236 < tried
04:04:396 (3) - x160 y 84 < moved 04:04:744 (4) - instead
04:05:268 (5,6) - blanket the end of slider 5 with 6 and then space this 04:06:314 (1) - more < okay
04:09:105 (1,2,3) - blanket in both sliders maybe something like < nah, (1) doesn't mean to blanket.

04:35:442 (6,1) - i think this spacing can be confusing for players < NC-ed and this is Hard, should be fine.
04:39:890 (1) - i think u can remove this spinner < there's still sounds there so it's fine.

MY map :

Good luck (◕‿◕✿)
Thank you for mod ^^
sry, kinda busy for about half month, will mod this some later.
best luck for u )
Topic Starter

rs_fadeaway wrote:

sry, kinda busy for about half month, will mod this some later.
best luck for u )
Sure, thank you ^^
edit : for the star too :3
ok M4M is done, I guess
2sad2mod goodbye
Considering it is still 172 BPM why not OD 7.5-8?

00:03:000 (4) - considering the spacing I feel like the angle is too sharp for an intro, I would say ctrl+g but it plays weirdly into 00:03:349 (5,6,1) -, maybe think of something else

00:05:268 (2,3) - intro is the best place to add stacks and add more (not that you don't have it's just not enough imo) flavor to the spacing, this is one the place you can add them, it work really well if you already have auto stacked triplets around

00:07:011 (5,6) - ^ especially when the vocal is a passive pitch change

00:07:535 (7,1) - not necessarily stack it but I don't understand why is there increased spacing on nothing.

00:14:163 (4) - suggest curving it like 00:13:291 (1,2) - these, to relief the sharp angle you have here

00:39:105 (4,5,6) - you could easily add a flow break here to represent to guitar by crtl+g 00:39:105 (4,5) - and ctrl+g on 00:39:454 (6) -

00:57:768 (4,6,5,5,5) - I highly suggest unifying the timing for these 3 so it would be more intuitive to play, especially when it is 1/8. personally I like 00:59:163 (6,1) - the most

01:34:919 (4,6) - a bit nazi here but do you mind putting 01:34:919 (4) - exactly in between 01:35:268 (6) -

02:00:384 (5) - personally I would ctrl+g this cause the angle is a but too sharp, plus you had anti flow right here 01:59:686 (2) - makes it a but uncomfortable rather than adding flavor, also it adds emphasis on 02:00:733 (1) -

02:15:907 (4,7,6,5,4) - same thing as above

02:56:198 (7,1) - stack these, people rarely follow through the entire slider, considering this is a squashed up slider people would expect the note after it to appear here:

03:38:058 (7) - can it curve to the right so the angle is less sharp going into the rest?

03:46:779 (3,1) - stack these, creates hang effect good for intuitive gameplay

plays really well overall, now rank it so I can FC it and get some pp

00:16:779 (7,8,1) - constant DS, slider leniency make it so that 00:17:477 (1) - would still be emphasized and would still be intuitive to play

00:35:442 (4,5) - reduce DS and make 00:35:093 (3,4,5) - a triangle with their slider end

ok up until here I can start to see why this is relatively high in SR, you need more constant DS, and only put increase DS in places that is actually important enough to emphasized

I'll just point out some of the many unimportant emphasis imo

00:49:570 (4,5) - mainly 00:49:919 (5) - is too spaced out imo

00:58:814 (8,9) -

01:01:082 (6,7) - this could easily be a slider

01:06:663 (3,4,5) - plus it looks a bit untidy atm, could change 01:06:663 (3,4) - into a slider, and put all the important jumps in kiai

01:48:000 (4,5) - constant drum beat would kinda suggest more or less constant DS, considering you're using similar DS as Kiai

after looking through the entire map, I think there are 2 things you can do to reduce SR

  1. use more sliders, your current representation is accurate rather than simple, which if you decide to be accurate your spacing would be shafted, to maintain those high DS emphasis I suggest you to use more sliders to do those emphasis rather than using circles
  2. use more stacks, same explanation as above.

your normal and easy looks good imo, have a star :3
M4M From Queue

Tried modding the earlier difficulties, but it seems it's just blankets and some minor things, so I'll try the harder difficulties.

[ Hard]
00:01:954 - Guitar is here, it's syncopation. Consider mapping it. Something like this could work, for example:

00:03:000 - Consider extending this so it repeats. There's a sound at 00:03:349 - which you could easily cover this way.

00:05:268 - This part is parallel to 00:02:477 - in terms of rhythm.
You placed a note at 00:03:000 - , and this means you should also place one at 00:05:791 - if you want to keep consistent.
Plus I hear a sound there which might be mistaken for the circle.

00:09:803 - The fact that you're skipping some guitar sounds and instead follow vocal better makes me think you might actually want to map vocals.
So I'll point out some strong vocals that I think should be clickable:
00:01:954 -
00:07:535 -
00:10:326 -
If you're not following vocals, feel free to ignore these.
Read your description lol
Well, in which case, 00:09:803 - make this clickable.

00:10:326 - Again, this is syncopation from the guitar, there's actually no strong sound at 00:10:500 - , even if it's a downbeat. You may argue that there's a pitch change, but don't you think the actual impact itself is more important?

00:11:198 - I think you should map this, the guitar changes pitch and has an impact here.

00:10:500 - I'll give an example of how the previous two suggestions could be solved:

Use circle (6) as an anti-jump to (7) to emphasize the guitar sound at 00:11:198 - better.

There's more vocals around here that you seem to be missing, so I'm just going to assume you don't want to map vocals.
00:13:117 -
00:14:512 -
00:15:907 -
But by not following vocals, things like making some of them 1/1 randomly makes no sense, so consider making these clickable.
For example, it doesn't make sense unless you're following vocals that 00:15:210 (2,3,4) - would be circles but 00:16:605 - isn't even mapped even though they both have instruments on them.

00:14:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - tbh this is kind of confusing, it feels like you're trying to follow vocals. Consider doing it something like this:

Where (2) and (3) are stacked in this example.

00:21:140 - Make this clickable if you're following vocals, otherwise ignore it. imo 00:20:791 - should be a 1/2 slider to emphasize it better as well.

00:27:244 - I don't see why there is a repeat here. There's no distinct sound so it makes no sense imo.

00:31:779 (2,3) - I'm sure this can still be indicated better. It's not an insane difficulty so I doubt players at this difficulty level will see this coming.
I'd suggest you NC this anti-jump.
^ 00:32:651 (6,7) -
Like how you did it at 04:35:442 (6,1) -

00:31:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This whole part is also a transition to vers, which usually includes an additional NC.

Speaking of NCs, you may feel that using NCs like I suggested would "give the player too much health", but in that case I'd suggest you increase HP instead of avoiding to NC complex patterns like these.

00:34:919 (2,3) - Same sound, would've stacked them.

00:35:617 - 00:35:791 - These are also similar sounds to 00:34:919 - 00:35:093 - , but they're mapped differently. Consider at least keeping the click rhythm (where both a clickable), for consistency. (or visa versa, up to you)
^ 00:37:710 (3) -
^ 00:36:314 - 00:36:489 -
You may not be following drums, but you're not following anything else, so these parts would make no sense in that case.
Before you go on about "variation", I'm going to quote another mod I did recently: (keep in mind that some things may be out of context)

Well, I think that's enough of rhythm. I'll try pointing some other stuff out instead.

02:13:814 - Wouldn't it be better if the repeat was here? It's sort of the last guitar note, and imo 02:14:338 - is a strong drum so place a circle there.

03:11:896 - In this case it's not actually syncopation, so the downbeat should be clickable... but I'm sure you got the idea at this point, so I'll continue ignoring it.

That's all I guess.
There's a lot of rhythm stuff you should take a look at. Try making strong beats clickable, and consider prioritizing which instrumental layer you're going for (drums, vocal, 1st guitar, 2nd guitar, etc) (you can still map other instruments when it makes sense, note "prioritize").

So in your description you say you want to make it easier, in which case I would recommend you try cutting down on the circles a bit.
Try only mapping what is strongly emphasized in order to reduce the "Speed" (one of the variables determining the SR).
For example this part 01:41:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - :



Note how you can make use of multiple sounds by simply making them a slider. (just keep in mind that you want to end the slider on a slightly weaker beat than what it started on, if possible. Also it cuts down on the difficulty quite a lot by covering multiple sounds with the use of repeats rather than circles.

Another thing you might want to look at is how you've spaced things. The higher spacing, the more your SR will increase, because of "Aim" (another variable determining the SR). This is why stacking can help reduce it. Try stacking when two sounds are similar.

[ Reunion of Goodbye]
I feel it's a bit strange how you, in hard, NCed every OTHER measure, but here you're NCing EVERY measure.
Speaking of NCs, you may feel that using NCs like I suggested would "give the player too much health", but in that case I'd suggest you increase HP instead of avoiding to NC complex patterns like these.
I'd much rather prefer it if hard NCed EVERY measure like this difficulty, because it'll allow you to indicate advanced concepts such as anti-jumps and SV changes without worrying as much about having too much NC compared to the rest of the map.
If you're worried about the NC health boost, consider increasing the HP to counteract it.

Now for the mod on insane:

00:01:954 - So this is basically confirmed that you're not prioritizing vocal, I'm going to assume guitar from here on.

00:09:803 - Oh, and here's it's confirmed you're not prioritizing guitar (I thought you said you'd prioritize percussion?). Switching prioritized layer should only happen when the music suggests it, which hasn't exactly happened yet imo. Consider making this clickable.

00:10:326 (4,1) - Would've switched places with these on the timeline to follow the guitar and vocal better.

00:17:477 - So from here I'm going to assume you're prioritizing drums... didn't notice the description, but yeah you're basically following drums steadily from here, still think the beginning is a bit of a mess though in terms of rhythm, but that's just my opinion. I'd have tried prioritizing the guitar up until this point, since it's a type of percussion instrument.

00:57:942 - I still think players would want to feel a click here, since it's a pretty strong beat. Try shorting down the repeat by a step and placing a circle here.
Or do it like you did at 00:59:163 (6,1) - with two steps instead
^ 01:00:733 -
^ 01:03:524 -
^ 01:06:314 -
^ 02:16:082 - and so on...

01:17:477 (2) - NC; new measure. Plus it's a transition to chorus, so having double NC here is fine imo.

01:48:000 - I'd have NCed and made this a slider to follow the melody like you did at 01:42:419 (1) - , 04:32:651 - , 04:27:070 - and 04:29:861 -

02:31:431 (1,2) - A jump right after a longer stream seems a bit excessive imo, because you'd often want to give the player a brief break to adjust from alternating and get back into the rhythm.
^ 03:21:662 (1,2) - The strong impact is also on the note at the end of the stream, not the following red tick. imo it makes no sense to jump to a weaker beat.

02:36:140 - I'm sure a 1/2 slider could cover the guitar, since it ends at 02:36:314 -

03:12:244 - 03:12:942 - Usually you'd want to map sounds the same way, for example by having both be slider heads (or at the very least having both clickable).
^ 03:13:640 -

Rest looks fine, though I think rhythm can be improved in the beginning by prioritizing an instrument and following it until the drums kick in.

After reading through the description, which I apparently missed, I'll find some blankets for you. (don't worry this is next level blanket modding)
[ Normal]
Basically use the control point positions noted above the pictures for the same results. (always of the blanketing slider)

00:03:175 (5,1) - 2nd point: (511; 110), 3rd and last point: (504; 184). Then copy pasta and flipperino 00:03:524 (1) - so it's symmetrical with 00:04:221 (2) -

00:08:628 - 2nd (317; 198), 3rd (275; 248).

00:15:918 - 2nd (107; 194), 3rd (157; 162).

00:29:163 - 2nd (289; 366), 3rd (213; 345).

00:30:941 - 2nd (75; 180).

00:58:506 - 2nd (347; 315), 3rd (281; 301).

00:59:511 - 2nd (167; 190), 3rd (109; 225).

01:05:704 - 3rd (47; 186).

01:26:638 - 2nd (186; 60), 3rd (125; 51).

02:53:269 - 2nd (94; 163), 3rd (90; 120).

02:54:628 - 2nd (436; 206), 3rd (447; 241).

03:21:149 - 2nd (296; 31), 3rd (373; 57).

Only pointed out blankets you could easily fix without messing up DS.

By the way, you should tend to the distance spacing problems.
Normals should always keep DS so newer players can get used to the time to distance principle.

Small note: Normal is 0.01 SR above the limit for a normal, so right now it has a hard icon in your mapset.
Reducing it by 0.01 or 0.02 will give it it's normal icon.

[ General]
Sound files, background resolution, tags, etc. Everything looks fine, gj.

Spread too, so I don't see why you want to make hard easier...
Take the average SR of Normal and Reunion of Goodbye, for instance:
(2.26 + 4.82) / 2 = 3.54 (which is almost 3.59 anyway)

Good luck!

Topic Starter

N0thingSpecial wrote:

ok M4M is done, I guess
2sad2mod goodbye
Considering it is still 172 BPM why not OD 7.5-8? < 7 would work fine too imo

00:03:000 (4) - considering the spacing I feel like the angle is too sharp for an intro, I would say ctrl+g but it plays weirdly into 00:03:349 (5,6,1) -, maybe think of something else < actually it's true .-. but I disliked the ctrl+g option so I just moved a few things there, fix it a bit I guess...

00:05:268 (2,3) - intro is the best place to add stacks and add more (not that you don't have it's just not enough imo) flavor to the spacing, this is one the place you can add them, it work really well if you already have auto stacked triplets around < are you telling me to stack these? .-. I think it's good enough unstacked, not a big fans of stack and antijumps tho....

00:07:011 (5,6) - ^ especially when the vocal is a passive pitch change < this one form a nice star pattern ;-;

00:07:535 (7,1) - not necessarily stack it but I don't understand why is there increased spacing on nothing. < this one to emphasize big white tick tho .-.

00:14:163 (4) - suggest curving it like 00:13:291 (1,2) - these, to relief the sharp angle you have here < Honestly I want some straight slider in my map since I barely have any, but I originally disliked this one too so fixed~

00:39:105 (4,5,6) - you could easily add a flow break here to represent to guitar by crtl+g 00:39:105 (4,5) - and ctrl+g on 00:39:454 (6) - < hmmm kinda unnecessary imo, gotta keep the flow here...

00:57:768 (4,6,5,5,5) - I highly suggest unifying the timing for these 3 so it would be more intuitive to play, especially when it is 1/8. personally I like 00:59:163 (6,1) - the most < I don't really get what you're telling me to do .-. what is unifying timing? damn my English sucks >~<

01:34:919 (4,6) - a bit nazi here but do you mind putting 01:34:919 (4) - exactly in between 01:35:268 (6) - < fix

02:00:384 (5) - personally I would ctrl+g this cause the angle is a but too sharp, plus you had anti flow right here 01:59:686 (2) - makes it a but uncomfortable rather than adding flavor, also it adds emphasis on 02:00:733 (1) - < not really that sharp imo, look it's kinda like round-about flow and I love those :D ctrl+g-ing would make it even sharper imo, and I think the spacing to (1) would be waayyy too far.

02:15:907 (4,7,6,5,4) - same thing as above < still don't get it

02:56:198 (7,1) - stack these, people rarely follow through the entire slider, considering this is a squashed up slider people would expect the note after it to appear here: < Okay moved it a bit to the left but not as much as the pict since it would do way too much re-spacing and I'm to lazy to do it :p

03:38:058 (7) - can it curve to the right so the angle is less sharp going into the rest? < that seems to be more sharp .-. rotated it a bit so it would be (I guess) less sharp

03:46:779 (3,1) - stack these, creates hang effect good for intuitive gameplay < 'kay

plays really well overall, now rank it so I can FC it and get some pp < lol'd

00:16:779 (7,8,1) - constant DS, slider leniency make it so that 00:17:477 (1) - would still be emphasized and would still be intuitive to play < okay then

00:35:442 (4,5) - reduce DS and make 00:35:093 (3,4,5) - a triangle with their slider end < it would make kinda sharp angle tho but fixed anyway~

ok up until here I can start to see why this is relatively high in SR, you need more constant DS, and only put increase DS in places that is actually important enough to emphasized

I'll just point out some of the many unimportant emphasis imo

00:49:570 (4,5) - mainly 00:49:919 (5) - is too spaced out imo < reduced a bit... I don't know how I should reduce it while maintaining good pattern ;-;

00:58:814 (8,9) - < fix

01:01:082 (6,7) - this could easily be a slider < wanna keep the star pattern here...

01:06:663 (3,4,5) - plus it looks a bit untidy atm, could change 01:06:663 (3,4) - into a slider, and put all the important jumps in kiai < I think they cover too big sound to be slider... and I want circle for a lead-up-for-the-next-verse part

01:48:000 (4,5) - constant drum beat would kinda suggest more or less constant DS, considering you're using similar DS as Kiai < what should I do here .-.

after looking through the entire map, I think there are 2 things you can do to reduce SR

  1. use more sliders, your current representation is accurate rather than simple, which if you decide to be accurate your spacing would be shafted, to maintain those high DS emphasis I suggest you to use more sliders to do those emphasis rather than using circles
  2. use more stacks, same explanation as above.

your normal and easy looks good imo, have a star :3
Yay thank you for mod and star -w-
I guess I have to let the Hard SR for how it is >~<

Naxess wrote:

M4M From Queue

Tried modding the earlier difficulties, but it seems it's just blankets and some minor things, so I'll try the harder difficulties.

[ Hard]
00:01:954 - Guitar is here, it's syncopation. Consider mapping it. Something like this could work, for example: < wtf is syncopation xD btw I think I'll stick at white tick for quieter part, the guitar is minor tho, so it's not really worth mapped with a slider head

00:03:000 - Consider extending this so it repeats. There's a sound at 00:03:349 - which you could easily cover this way. < what o-o

00:05:268 - This part is parallel to 00:02:477 - in terms of rhythm.
You placed a note at 00:03:000 - , and this means you should also place one at 00:05:791 - if you want to keep consistent.
Plus I hear a sound there which might be mistaken for the circle. < well okay, I guess I'm following vocal for this part. There's vocal at 00:03:000 - but nothing at 00:05:791 - so I would make the rhythm different.

00:09:803 - The fact that you're skipping some guitar sounds and instead follow vocal better makes me think you might actually want to map vocals.
So I'll point out some strong vocals that I think should be clickable:
00:01:954 -
00:07:535 -
00:10:326 -
If you're not following vocals, feel free to ignore these.
Read your description lol < okay I'll change it later, the "guitar" you're pointing out is minor since it's a quiet intro and during this part, vocal is the lead, so yeah, I map the lead sound.
Well, in which case, 00:09:803 - make this clickable. < ^ about lead sound part

00:10:326 - Again, this is syncopation from the guitar, there's actually no strong sound at 00:10:500 - , even if it's a downbeat. You may argue that there's a pitch change, but don't you think the actual impact itself is more important? < I think I'll stick at white tick for quieter part, it's easier to hit that way even though the sounds are minor and can be barely hear.

00:11:198 - I think you should map this, the guitar changes pitch and has an impact here. < 1/1 reverse slider fit that part too damn well~!

00:10:500 - I'll give an example of how the previous two suggestions could be solved: < ^

Use circle (6) as an anti-jump to (7) to emphasize the guitar sound at 00:11:198 - better.

There's more vocals around here that you seem to be missing, so I'm just going to assume you don't want to map vocals.
00:13:117 -
00:14:512 -
00:15:907 -
But by not following vocals, things like making some of them 1/1 randomly makes no sense, so consider making these clickable.
For example, it doesn't make sense unless you're following vocals that 00:15:210 (2,3,4) - would be circles but 00:16:605 - isn't even mapped even though they both have instruments on them.

00:14:686 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - tbh this is kind of confusing, it feels like you're trying to follow vocals. Consider doing it something like this:

Where (2) and (3) are stacked in this example. < changed (3) and (4) to 1/2 slider, changed nothing else after that

00:21:140 - Make this clickable if you're following vocals, otherwise ignore it. imo 00:20:791 - should be a 1/2 slider to emphasize it better as well.

00:27:244 - I don't see why there is a repeat here. There's no distinct sound so it makes no sense imo. < yeah right, just assume it as some kind of variation and since I ran out of place there, so.... I silenced the reverse so it should be alright

00:31:779 (2,3) - I'm sure this can still be indicated better. It's not an insane difficulty so I doubt players at this difficulty level will see this coming.
I'd suggest you NC this anti-jump.
^ 00:32:651 (6,7) -
Like how you did it at 04:35:442 (6,1) - < kay

00:31:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - This whole part is also a transition to vers, which usually includes an additional NC. < I don't get your selection .-. seems so random...

Speaking of NCs, you may feel that using NCs like I suggested would "give the player too much health", but in that case I'd suggest you increase HP instead of avoiding to NC complex patterns like these. < HP is high enough and the verse part is not that "complicated"

00:34:919 (2,3) - Same sound, would've stacked them. < unstacked works well too imo, not giving much difference

00:35:617 - 00:35:791 - These are also similar sounds to 00:34:919 - 00:35:093 - , but they're mapped differently. Consider at least keeping the click rhythm (where both a clickable), for consistency. (or visa versa, up to you) < it's called variation, and lol, they are different, if you want to make comparison do it with 00:34:919 (2,3) - and 00:37:710 (3) - or 00:35:617 (5,6) - with 00:38:407 (5,6,7) - but well, it doesn't really matter they are clickable or not, as long as the notes covers the sound perfectly and the big sound emphasized correctly, it'll still fit. Same below
^ 00:37:710 (3) -
^ 00:36:314 - 00:36:489 -
You may not be following drums, but you're not following anything else, so these parts would make no sense in that case.
Before you go on about "variation", I'm going to quote another mod I did recently: (keep in mind that some things may be out of context)

Well, I think that's enough of rhythm. I'll try pointing some other stuff out instead. < but actually in gameplay, people don't really care about how all the beats should be clickable or not, as long as the notes follow significant sound, it should be predictable. It's not like player wouldn't be able to read 00:37:710 (3) - because it's different from 00:34:919 (2,3) - . If you insisted on keeping the same rhythm over and over again, it would just cause repetitive boring pattern that's not fun to play. Map is meant to be played. (sorry to sound harsh but) If you can read different (but fitting) rhythm for same sound, you may go back playing easier diffs. Remember, "consistency" don't mean you have to map the same sound the same way, that would be dammn boring because song basically have 4 different part, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, and bridge. And the sound at the same part tend to sound the same, so if you would like to keep the rhythm the same for the same sound, it's equivalent to mapping the same part with exactly the same rhythm and it's not a good thing. "Consistency" mean keeping the sound that should be mapped, mapped. Which mean if I map the sound like the drum here 01:42:593 before but I don't map it here 01:45:384 - , it's inconsistent (let this part be inconsistent tho), not only about clickable or not.

02:13:814 - Wouldn't it be better if the repeat was here? It's sort of the last guitar note, and imo 02:14:338 - is a strong drum so place a circle there. < I want to keep the sliders at white tick. And I want to keep the guitar mapped with circles and 02:13:989 (9) - solely map the drum so a 1/2 reverse slider is more fit there to differentiate the drum sound with guitar.

03:11:896 - In this case it's not actually syncopation, so the downbeat should be clickable... but I'm sure you got the idea at this point, so I'll continue ignoring it. < the sound at downbeat here 03:11:896 is not as big as the drum sound at the slider's head and tail, so it would be fitting enough to just ignore it, try to delete the slider and listen.

That's all I guess.
There's a lot of rhythm stuff you should take a look at. Try making strong beats clickable, and consider prioritizing which instrumental layer you're going for (drums, vocal, 1st guitar, 2nd guitar, etc) (you can still map other instruments when it makes sense, note "prioritize").

So in your description you say you want to make it easier, in which case I would recommend you try cutting down on the circles a bit.
Try only mapping what is strongly emphasized in order to reduce the "Speed" (one of the variables determining the SR).
For example this part 01:41:198 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - :



Note how you can make use of multiple sounds by simply making them a slider. (just keep in mind that you want to end the slider on a slightly weaker beat than what it started on, if possible. Also it cuts down on the difficulty quite a lot by covering multiple sounds with the use of repeats rather than circles.

Another thing you might want to look at is how you've spaced things. The higher spacing, the more your SR will increase, because of "Aim" (another variable determining the SR). This is why stacking can help reduce it. Try stacking when two sounds are similar. < I given up on reducing it, I guess I'll just strike it...

[ Reunion of Goodbye]
I feel it's a bit strange how you, in hard, NCed every OTHER measure, but here you're NCing EVERY measure.
Speaking of NCs, you may feel that using NCs like I suggested would "give the player too much health", but in that case I'd suggest you increase HP instead of avoiding to NC complex patterns like these.
I'd much rather prefer it if hard NCed EVERY measure like this difficulty, because it'll allow you to indicate advanced concepts such as anti-jumps and SV changes without worrying as much about having too much NC compared to the rest of the map.
If you're worried about the NC health boost, consider increasing the HP to counteract it. < nah

Now for the mod on insane:

00:01:954 - So this is basically confirmed that you're not prioritizing vocal, I'm going to assume guitar from here on. < I'm prioritizing big sound

00:09:803 - Oh, and here's it's confirmed you're not prioritizing guitar (I thought you said you'd prioritize percussion?). Switching prioritized layer should only happen when the music suggests it, which hasn't exactly happened yet imo. Consider making this clickable. < the vocal is bigger here

00:10:326 (4,1) - Would've switched places with these on the timeline to follow the guitar and vocal better. < that just don't feel right

00:17:477 - So from here I'm going to assume you're prioritizing drums... didn't notice the description, but yeah you're basically following drums steadily from here, still think the beginning is a bit of a mess though in terms of rhythm, but that's just my opinion. I'd have tried prioritizing the guitar up until this point, since it's a type of percussion instrument. < I'll remove percussion from description.

00:57:942 - I still think players would want to feel a click here, since it's a pretty strong beat. Try shorting down the repeat by a step and placing a circle here.
Or do it like you did at 00:59:163 (6,1) - with two steps instead
^ 01:00:733 -
^ 01:03:524 -
^ 01:06:314 -
^ 02:16:082 - and so on... < gotta keep these, don't want to much stuff after 1/8

01:17:477 (2) - NC; new measure. Plus it's a transition to chorus, so having double NC here is fine imo. < nah, it's fine

01:48:000 - I'd have NCed and made this a slider to follow the melody like you did at 01:42:419 (1) - , 04:32:651 - , 04:27:070 - and 04:29:861 - < different from 00:24:279 (1) - , the guitar sound at this part is weaker than the drum so I'll just map the drum. This one 01:42:419 (1) - seems unfitting for me honestly, but just let it be for some variation. And about NC, I'll keep it at big white tick.

02:31:431 (1,2) - A jump right after a longer stream seems a bit excessive imo, because you'd often want to give the player a brief break to adjust from alternating and get back into the rhythm. < no jump after stream feels so weird imo kinda feels like anti jump, and I disliked it
^ 03:21:662 (1,2) - The strong impact is also on the note at the end of the stream, not the following red tick. imo it makes no sense to jump to a weaker beat. < ^

02:36:140 - I'm sure a 1/2 slider could cover the guitar, since it ends at 02:36:314 - < the guitar ends here 02:36:140 (2) - , 02:36:314 - is just vocal.

03:12:244 - 03:12:942 - Usually you'd want to map sounds the same way, for example by having both be slider heads (or at the very least having both clickable).
^ 03:13:640 - < I don't see any problem here....

Rest looks fine, though I think rhythm can be improved in the beginning by prioritizing an instrument and following it until the drums kick in.

After reading through the description, which I apparently missed, I'll find some blankets for you. (don't worry this is next level blanket modding) < ugh I hate these @-@
[ Normal]
Basically use the control point positions noted above the pictures for the same results. (always of the blanketing slider)

00:03:175 (5,1) - 2nd point: (511; 110), 3rd and last point: (504; 184). Then copy pasta and flipperino 00:03:524 (1) - so it's symmetrical with 00:04:221 (2) - < this one is nah since it's unblanketed on purpose

00:08:628 - 2nd (317; 198), 3rd (275; 248).

00:15:918 - 2nd (107; 194), 3rd (157; 162). < nah too ^

00:29:163 - 2nd (289; 366), 3rd (213; 345).

00:30:941 - 2nd (75; 180).

00:58:506 - 2nd (347; 315), 3rd (281; 301).

00:59:511 - 2nd (167; 190), 3rd (109; 225).

01:05:704 - 3rd (47; 186).

01:26:638 - 2nd (186; 60), 3rd (125; 51).

02:53:269 - 2nd (94; 163), 3rd (90; 120).

02:54:628 - 2nd (436; 206), 3rd (447; 241).

03:21:149 - 2nd (296; 31), 3rd (373; 57).

Only pointed out blankets you could easily fix without messing up DS. < shit, really too lazy to do this @-@ most of them looked fine enough tho. Fixed some but not totally following your (x,y) since I'm too lazy to do it, lol

By the way, you should tend to the distance spacing problems.
Normals should always keep DS so newer players can get used to the time to distance principle. < I do, I guess the distance problems you said is just missed 0.02 or something, it mostly fine as long as the AiMod don't mention it (AiMod sucks tho)

Small note: Normal is 0.01 SR above the limit for a normal, so right now it has a hard icon in your mapset.
Reducing it by 0.01 or 0.02 will give it it's normal icon. < let that be

[ General]
Sound files, background resolution, tags, etc. Everything looks fine, gj.

Spread too, so I don't see why you want to make hard easier...
Take the average SR of Normal and Reunion of Goodbye, for instance:
(2.26 + 4.82) / 2 = 3.54 (which is almost 3.59 anyway) < yeah, it's tend to Insane more than Normal, but I guess it's fine, gotta just strike it.

Good luck!

Thank you for mod, I'll mod yours later ^^
NM from my queue~
Modding guide mod:
  1. 00:09:367 - timing point is unnecessary
  2. 01:52:012 - timing point is unnecessary
  3. Using a lower CS will lower the star rating down to 5.5. It doesn't completely solve your problem but it's a good start.
  4. 00:23:058 - For solving the polarity problems, either do something quick and sloppy:
    OR, use a better rhythm, such as the rhythm 00:28:640 (1,2,3,4) - here. I recommend you use this rhythm for at least twice in this section. These are your two options for your polarity mistakes. You could also change to following the lyrics in some places, but it looks like you don't want to do that.
  5. I'll mention blankets in my mod.
My mod:
  1. lower the AR idk if beginners can read AR3
  2. 00:04:919 (2) - move the end a bit closer
  3. 00:11:896 (1,2,3) - make the spacing the same
  4. 00:32:651 (2,3) - fix blanket if it is
  5. 00:39:803 (1,2) - Here's an example of how you could fix the polarity
  6. 00:50:965 (1,2) - fix blanket
  7. 00:56:547 (1,3) - ^
  8. 01:18:872 - when you're fixing the rhythm during kiais, try this:
  9. 01:25:151 - ^:
  10. 01:24:454 (1,2) - fix blanket
  11. 01:54:454 (3,1) - ^ if it is
  12. 02:58:989 (3,4) - this should just be a slider for the fadeout
  13. 03:23:058 (2,1) - fix blanket
  14. 03:57:942 - polarity suggestion:
  15. 04:23:058 (1) - this looks nice ^^
Modding Guide Mod:
  1. 01:52:012 - timing point is unnecessary, same as Easy, I'd check every diff
  2. 02:14:338 - ^ check on every diff
My Mod:
  1. 00:00:733 (1) - you use this slider shape a lot, please add a little more variety
  2. 00:50:093 (5) - remove this ad readjust the objects around it. The star rating is just above 2.25, and this diff has too many 1/2 patterns.
  3. 00:52:186 (4) - ^
  4. 00:54:279 (2) - ^
  5. 01:00:210 (3,4) - make this 1 slider, same reasoning, then look at the star rating
  6. keep doing that if you want
timing points are close enough to Normal
My Mod:
  1. 00:03:000 (5) - lower this, it's very close to the hp bar
  2. 00:07:710 - Either make this a slider ending 00:07:884 - here, or make a circle 00:07:884 - here
  3. 00:16:082 (5) - move this so the red tick stacks with (2)
  4. 01:04:919 (1,2) - separate these
  5. some things seem very quiet during the kiai, eg. 01:33:349 (2) - this. It should at least have a louder hitnormal
I hope I helped. Good Luck~!! :)
Topic Starter

Jonawaga wrote:

NM from my queue~
Modding guide mod:
  1. 00:09:367 - timing point is unnecessary < yep
  2. 01:52:012 - timing point is unnecessary < fix
  3. Using a lower CS will lower the star rating down to 5.5. It doesn't completely solve your problem but it's a good start. < The CS spread is way too perfect now o~o I guess I'll keep for now
  4. 00:23:058 - For solving the polarity problems, either do something quick and sloppy: < hmmh pretty good idea but somehow it feels kinda weird if 00:23:756 and 00:23:931 is mapped but 00:24:105 isn't since they are sound of one kind, and I don't think I want to use more 1/2 pattern considering I somehow wanted to reduce the SR... I'll keep for now
    OR, use a better rhythm, such as the rhythm 00:28:640 (1,2,3,4) - here. I recommend you use this rhythm for at least twice in this section. These are your two options for your polarity mistakes. You could also change to following the lyrics in some places, but it looks like you don't want to do that. < ya but I don't want to repeat it too many times, and btw the pattern itself is not too good for emphasizing because the big sound here 00:29:861 lands at reverse :/
  5. I'll mention blankets in my mod.
My mod:
  1. lower the AR idk if beginners can read AR3 < it's 2 tho, not 3 .-.
  2. 00:04:919 (2) - move the end a bit closer
  3. 00:11:896 (1,2,3) - make the spacing the same
  4. 00:32:651 (2,3) - fix blanket if it is
  5. 00:39:803 (1,2) - Here's an example of how you could fix the polarity < I'm pretty sure I did the exactly same thing with the rhythm before xD gotta make some variation...
  6. 00:50:965 (1,2) - fix blanket
  7. 00:56:547 (1,3) - ^
  8. 01:18:872 - when you're fixing the rhythm during kiais, try this: < yeah, it's the same thing as 00:28:640 (1,2,3,4) not gonna use that too much because it's kinda ruin the emphasize
  9. 01:25:151 - ^: ^
  10. 01:24:454 (1,2) - fix blanket < this one seems fine
  11. 01:54:454 (3,1) - ^ if it is < I guess this one isn't
  12. 02:58:989 (3,4) - this should just be a slider for the fadeout < there are two separate sounds and I think using a slider tail here 02:59:338 (4) - would make it less emphasized
  13. 03:23:058 (2,1) - fix blanket
  14. 03:57:942 - polarity suggestion: < yep, same as above
  15. 04:23:058 (1) - this looks nice ^^ < :3
Modding Guide Mod:
  1. 01:52:012 - timing point is unnecessary, same as Easy, I'd check every diff < yep, only useful in Insane
  2. 02:14:338 - ^ check on every diff < lol I think this one supposed to be increase of volume xD but I deleted the one on Easy tho
My Mod:
  1. 00:00:733 (1) - you use this slider shape a lot, please add a little more variety < well, that doesn't really matter imo
  2. 00:50:093 (5) - remove this ad readjust the objects around it. The star rating is just above 2.25, and this diff has too many 1/2 patterns. < well there's pretty big drum sound there, I guess I'll just delete (7)
  3. 00:52:186 (4) - ^ < leave this one I guess, they make a good vocal pattern here 00:50:965 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  4. 00:54:279 (2) - ^ < nah this one seems pretty necessary, I'll just delete the one here 00:53:582 instead
  5. 01:00:210 (3,4) - make this 1 slider, same reasoning, then look at the star rating < the sound at 01:00:384 is way too big to be ignored imo, gotta leave this the way it is. If I don't make many 1/2 pattern, the SR would be too close to Easy yet too far to Hard so I think the SR is just right, just 0.01 difference with actual Normal don't really matter imo.
  6. keep doing that if you want
timing points are close enough to Normal < fix
My Mod:
  1. 00:03:000 (5) - lower this, it's very close to the hp bar < kay
  2. 00:07:710 - Either make this a slider ending 00:07:884 - here, or make a circle 00:07:884 - here < it's a pretty good place to pause imo, I don't really hear sound at 00:07:884
  3. 00:16:082 (5) - move this so the red tick stacks with (2) < kay
  4. 01:04:919 (1,2) - separate these < right
  5. some things seem very quiet during the kiai, eg. 01:33:349 (2) - this. It should at least have a louder hitnormal < there's no really sound at 01:33:349 (2) - and similar so I think using soft sampleset would be good enough so the actually big sound would be emphasized better.
I hope I helped. Good Luck~!! :)

Thank you for mod ^^
edit : no reply = fixed~
I still remind this)
So start now~

  • [General]
    i see ur blanket is good) but don’t do it even if makes pattern crowd.
    don't make singly polyline flow,make pairs or more as they played like a part(hopes you understand what i mean)
    your hitsound seems preety nice:3

    00:00:733 (1) - why not to make the shape more symmetry :3 ?
    00:23:058 (1,2) - maybe the flow is too sharp for ez players?
    00:24:105 - i'd like to add a note here, coz this rhythm is kinda hard to read , or just make a
    2/1 slider and make a corner to stress the sound at 00:24:279 - like this or sth else.
    00:27:942 (4,1,2,3) - improve the flow ,more easier for beginners
    00:29:338 (3,4) - same, flow too sharp
    00:37:361 (2,3) - dont rly sure if it is possible in easy
    00:39:803 (1,2) - i think 3/4 jump is rly confuse to play
    00:50:965 (1,2,3,4,1) - sry to disturb ur pattern,but i think these is kinda crowd.
    00:58:291 - add a note here,and make a 1/1 slider from the next white tick would better for me
    00:59:338 (1) - when u cant map all vocal,why not just use a 1/1 reverse slider?then add some hitsound to improve.
    01:11:721 (1) - confuse rhythm
    01:19:570 (2,3) - ^
    01:28:465 (2,3,4,1,2) - improve the flow,make more curve flow would better
    02:07:710 (3) - better not to put the emphasis at the end off slider
    02:21:663 (2,1) - i think its not allow to stack this in ez, better separated them
    02:30:733 (2,1) - dont overlap them
    03:13:291 (1,2) - ^
    03:31:431 (2,3,1) - confuse to read them , when 1's AR circle comes cout.
    04:23:058 (1) - i think its unrankable, the tail has been covered
    im not a good map in low diffs,you have to ask some experienced map to help u in these rhythm
    problems which i point out, if it not allowed in easy diff,then fix them.same as the overlap and
    flow promblems.

    there's a DS problem in AI mod, fix it
    00:21:489 (4,1) - consider this rhythm pls
    00:23:756 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - try to not looks so crowd
    00:31:431 (1) - how about shorten it as a 1/1 slider,and add a note at 00:32:128 - ?
    00:37:012 (1,2,3,4,5) - its almost a rectangle flow, can u improve it?
    00:43:117 (2,3,4) - better not stack
    00:53:058 (6) - change to 1/2 sliders?
    01:06:140 - add a note?
    01:07:535 (7) - delete this note
    01:19:396 (2,4) - dont stack
    02:18:872 (4,5,6) - make four 1/2 sliders instead seems better
    02:18:872 (4,5,6) - this flow is strange
    02:27:768 (5,6) - try this rhythm?
    02:28:989 (2) - consider make 1/2 slider
    03:11:198 (3,4) - make 2 1/2slider instead
    03:11:896 - the vocal here is more stronger than drum, so i consider add a note
    03:15:907 (7) - maybe delete this note?

    00:07:012 (3,4,5) - how about, seems more playable.
    00:38:058 (4) - personally i'd like to add note here
    01:23:407 (5,6) - how about to put an anti-jump here?
    01:42:942 (6) - if u map the 1/4 like here 01:48:698 (6,7,8) - ,why not map it as well?
    01:48:698 (6,7,8) - cloclwise about 60°,and replace it at the left of 3, does it looks better?
    02:40:500 (3) - put it more left,Separat 3&1 or stack them
    02:51:663 (3) - note here will better
    02:59:338 (1) - to 03:07:361 (6) - this part use little DS will fit music,then 03:07:710 (1,2,3,4,5) - slowly back to normal DS.
    03:10:500 (1,2,3,4) - fix the DS
    03:30:035 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - make some bigger jumps here,i think the peak of musci need it
    03:37:361 (2,3,4,5) - i think this lead to break does sunddenlly.but still not think out how to prove it. maybe end at this 03:38:058 (5) -
    03:44:076 (1) - remove the spinner add notes at 03:45:384 (2) - 03:46:779 (3) - ,then every 1/1 beat add notes 03:48:175 (4) - add 1/1 slider to lead to next part
    04:35:442 (6,1) - stack them seems fine for me

    00:08:756 (3) - slider's tail stack with 00:07:535 (7) - looks more neat
    00:20:791 (2,3,4,1) - dont rly get point of these stack, as the music still raise , why not make jumps?
    00:23:756 (3,1) - the ds may more than others for the emphasis.
    00:33:000 (2,3) - we can just make copy of 00:32:477 (5,1) - for this part's reapt of rhythm
    00:41:198 (1) - copy the 00:40:675 (6) - to make pattern better
    00:43:291 (4) - as the vocal clear here, why not put a note? reverse is boring :3
    00:45:297 (5) - there's no clearly sound here, just end the slider 1/4 before. and we do need some space for next part's coming
    00:45:558 - i hear vocal(word) and some sound here, consider to show them?
    00:57:811 - i feel no sound here,only the the latter half part are 1/8
    01:04:570 (5,6) - too close
    01:54:454 (4,6) - dont overlap will looks better
    01:58:814 (4,1) - too close
    01:58:814 (4,1) - this flow a little Uncomfortable for me
    03:00:384 (4) - move this to the top-right will better,but i suggest to put like this
    03:01:431 (3) - ctrl+ g as the music here is the reapt of 03:00:733 (1) - ,and if u accept, move it about 244;212
    03:09:454 (1,2) - they are too close
    03:09:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - in most maps, i see streams are reverse comes after may be ctrl+g,or just remap 03:09:803 (2) - as 4 notes?
    03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i feel music here is from weak to strong,but your DS peak is in you can show them by increase DS from begin to end.
    03:37:710 (5,6,7) - make the DS same
    03:56:547 (1,2,3,4) - too close,the music here is kinda intense.
    04:03:524 (1) - usurally i dont put 1/1 or more long sliders in kiai,coz it will boring when suddenly when do a long slider after big jumps.
    04:15:733 (5) - this straight looks solo here
    04:35:442 (6,7) - highly suggest to do anti-jump here :3

Ok,i will end here, wish it could help .GL
Topic Starter

rs_fadeaway wrote:

I still remind this)
So start now~

  • [General]
    i see ur blanket is good) but don’t do it even if makes pattern crowd.
    don't make singly polyline flow,make pairs or more as they played like a part(hopes you understand what i mean) < not really sure, honestly xD
    your hitsound seems preety nice:3

    00:00:733 (1) - why not to make the shape more symmetry :3 ? < don't really matter much imo, gotta keep
    00:23:058 (1,2) - maybe the flow is too sharp for ez players? < I don't think so .-. do you have better suggestion btw?
    00:24:105 - i'd like to add a note here, coz this rhythm is kinda hard to read , or just make a
    2/1 slider and make a corner to stress the sound at 00:24:279 - like this or sth else. < I won't add note because it would cause 1/2 pattern and it's pretty hard for Easy considering the pretty high speed BPM... and I don't really get your second suggestion .-. maybe you mean to start the slider at white tick and add a red anchor to support the red tick sound? Nah I won't do that, the emphasize would be all messy that way.
    00:27:942 (4,1,2,3) - improve the flow ,more easier for beginners < any idea how to improve it?
    00:29:338 (3,4) - same, flow too sharp < this one seems fine
    00:37:361 (2,3) - dont rly sure if it is possible in easy < why? I don't see any problem here...
    00:39:803 (1,2) - i think 3/4 jump is rly confuse to play < any suggestion to fix this while keeping the emphasize correctly? and to not spam too much 1/2 pattern?
    00:50:965 (1,2,3,4,1) - sry to disturb ur pattern,but i think these is kinda crowd. < I don't see the problem .-. trying to kinda improve it tho
    00:58:291 - add a note here,and make a 1/1 slider from the next white tick would better for me < vocal eh? I'm following the clap sound 00:58:465 here tho
    00:59:338 (1) - when u cant map all vocal,why not just use a 1/1 reverse slider?then add some hitsound to improve. < I'm following drum, not vocal
    01:11:721 (1) - confuse rhythm < this one actually not a polarity problem... any suggestion btw?
    01:19:570 (2,3) - ^ < same about emphasize and 1/2 pattern here 00:24:105 -
    01:28:465 (2,3,4,1,2) - improve the flow,make more curve flow would better < don't flow that badly imo any suggestion how should it flow?
    02:07:710 (3) - better not to put the emphasis at the end off slider < it's pretty normal for 2/1 reverse slider since the slider also starts at downbeat. Should be fine.
    02:21:663 (2,1) - i think its not allow to stack this in ez, better separated them < I'm pretty sure they are allowed
    02:30:733 (2,1) - dont overlap them < it's fine really
    03:13:291 (1,2) - ^ < ^
    03:31:431 (2,3,1) - confuse to read them , when 1's AR circle comes cout. < it's fine
    04:23:058 (1) - i think its unrankable, the tail has been covered < waiting for more warning
    im not a good map in low diffs,you have to ask some experienced map to help u in these rhythm
    problems which i point out, if it not allowed in easy diff,then fix them.same as the overlap and
    flow promblems. < the polarity problems are rankable, they are just not recommended because it's not comfortable to play. But those polarity problems you pointed out seems helpless to fix without ruining the emphasize, that's why I put it at the description. Overlaps are allowed tho and I think the flows are good enough.

    there's a DS problem in AI mod, fix it < can't, it's like asking to put the note outside playfield. AiMod is asking an impossible.
    00:21:489 (4,1) - consider this rhythm pls < I don't want too much note for Normal. A short break there would be sufficient. I do that rhyhtm in Insane tho.
    00:23:756 (2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,1) - try to not looks so crowd < any suggestion? they looks pretty normal for Normal rhythm imo.
    00:31:431 (1) - how about shorten it as a 1/1 slider,and add a note at 00:32:128 - ? < why tho? I think 1/1 reverse slider fit the guitar pitch well.
    00:37:012 (1,2,3,4,5) - its almost a rectangle flow, can u improve it? < I don't see any problem with rectangle flow...
    00:43:117 (2,3,4) - better not stack < any suggestion where to place it nicely without stacking?
    00:53:058 (6) - change to 1/2 sliders? < not a fans of following vocals. There's no drum here 00:53:582 so no
    01:06:140 - add a note? < nah, same reason ^
    01:07:535 (7) - delete this note < the drum here is big so nah
    01:19:396 (2,4) - dont stack < suggestion plz
    02:18:872 (4,5,6) - make four 1/2 sliders instead seems better < the guitar sound here 02:19:221 (5,6) - indicates and fit better with 1/2 reverse slider imo
    02:18:872 (4,5,6) - this flow is strange < slider leniency allow players to not follow slider shape perfectly so the flow actually simply like this tried to make it less crumpled tho
    02:27:768 (5,6) - try this rhythm?
    02:28:989 (2) - consider make 1/2 slider < nah, there's no certain sound here 02:29:163 tho
    03:11:198 (3,4) - make 2 1/2slider instead < don't really make differences imo...
    03:11:896 - the vocal here is more stronger than drum, so i consider add a note < no it's not
    03:15:907 (7) - maybe delete this note? < kay

    00:07:012 (3,4,5) - how about, seems more playable. < feels weird imo... I want to make a little pause here 00:07:710 (5) - to map the sudden vocal stop and I think it fits nicely.
    00:38:058 (4) - personally i'd like to add note here < there's a note there .-.
    01:23:407 (5,6) - how about to put an anti-jump here? < example? not a fans of antijump btw
    01:42:942 (6) - if u map the 1/4 like here 01:48:698 (6,7,8) - ,why not map it as well? < some variation won't hurt
    01:48:698 (6,7,8) - cloclwise about 60°,and replace it at the left of 3, does it looks better? < I don't really get "replace it at the left of 3" part .-.
    02:40:500 (3) - put it more left,Separat 3&1 or stack them < separated
    02:51:663 (3) - note here will better < wat, 1/2 reverse slider fit well
    02:59:338 (1) - to 03:07:361 (6) - this part use little DS will fit music,then 03:07:710 (1,2,3,4,5) - slowly back to normal DS. < the current play nicely enough. I reduced the SV tho so the DS would be automatically reduced too
    03:10:500 (1,2,3,4) - fix the DS < not much, but okay xD
    03:30:035 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - make some bigger jumps here,i think the peak of musci need it < too much jumps is not healthy for Hard
    03:37:361 (2,3,4,5) - i think this lead to break does sunddenlly.but still not think out how to prove it. maybe end at this 03:38:058 (5) - < 03:38:058 (5) - 's tail is a nice note to support the last vocal note before break without making it too emphasized
    03:44:076 (1) - remove the spinner add notes at 03:45:384 (2) - 03:46:779 (3) - ,then every 1/1 beat add notes 03:48:175 (4) - add 1/1 slider to lead to next part < naahh, hate those
    04:35:442 (6,1) - stack them seems fine for me < unstacked seems fine for me

    00:08:756 (3) - slider's tail stack with 00:07:535 (7) - looks more neat < it's invisible in gameplay so it wouldn't matter
    00:20:791 (2,3,4,1) - dont rly get point of these stack, as the music still raise , why not make jumps? < hmmmhh :/ gotta need some comment on this
    00:23:756 (3,1) - the ds may more than others for the emphasis. < the overlap pattern is too good ~_~
    00:33:000 (2,3) - we can just make copy of 00:32:477 (5,1) - for this part's reapt of rhythm < hmmh :/ I think back and forth flow fits this rhythm very well...
    00:41:198 (1) - copy the 00:40:675 (6) - to make pattern better < nah, 00:41:198 (1) - doesn't meant to blanket tho
    00:43:291 (4) - as the vocal clear here, why not put a note? reverse is boring :3 < I want to make it different from 00:42:942 (2,3) - And reverse did nothing wrong
    00:45:297 (5) - there's no clearly sound here, just end the slider 1/4 before. and we do need some space for next part's coming < yup, that's why I make it soft, 3/4 slider is pretty common and a nice lead up for next verse in Insane so it's fine.
    00:45:558 - i hear vocal(word) and some sound here, consider to show them? < it's weak so nah
    00:57:811 - i feel no sound here,only the the latter half part are 1/8 < even so, it's easier to hit this way, keep
    01:04:570 (5,6) - too close < they are 1/4 triplet pattern, what do you expect?
    01:54:454 (4,6) - dont overlap will looks better < nah
    01:58:814 (4,1) - too close < DS-ed for overlap pattern
    01:58:814 (4,1) - this flow a little Uncomfortable for me < yeah a bit pointy at (1) but mostly fine. Slider leniency rules~
    03:00:384 (4) - move this to the top-right will better,but i suggest to put like this < huh .-. where's (4)?
    03:01:431 (3) - ctrl+ g as the music here is the reapt of 03:00:733 (1) - ,and if u accept, move it about 244;212 < yeah, pretty good. But considering the current is good too and doing that would make the jump to 03:02:128 (1) - waaayyy too far, I think no
    03:09:454 (1,2) - they are too close < 1/4 pattern dude
    03:09:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - in most maps, i see streams are reverse comes after may be ctrl+g,or just remap 03:09:803 (2) - as 4 notes? < it's the same vice versa
    03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - i feel music here is from weak to strong,but your DS peak is in you can show them by increase DS from begin to end. < continuous jumps would emphasize good enough imo.
    03:37:710 (5,6,7) - make the DS same < right
    03:56:547 (1,2,3,4) - too close,the music here is kinda intense. < good enough imo
    04:03:524 (1) - usurally i dont put 1/1 or more long sliders in kiai,coz it will boring when suddenly when do a long slider after big jumps. < Really? it's pretty common even for kiai because 1/1 slider is the best to emphasize big sounds like at downbeat
    04:15:733 (5) - this straight looks solo here < ya, let it be solo
    04:35:442 (6,7) - highly suggest to do anti-jump here :3 < but, but, it's an antijump .-.

Ok,i will end here, wish it could help .GL
Thank you for mod ^^
  1. 01:11:198 (2,1) - can actually avoid the 1/2 gap here with cuz the beat here 01:11:721 - seems stronger and vocal is snapped as well
  2. 02:29:338 (2,1) - similarly ^
  3. 03:31:431 (2,3,1) - this pattern is not that intuitive for beginners to read imo cuz approaching circle stacked at the slider tail might look confusing, actually u can simply make it a blanket pattern like u always did. spacing seems not enough so u can change the curve of 03:30:035 (1) - to leave enough space for the pattern
  4. 03:35:442 - unused inherited point?
  5. 04:23:058 (1) - nice sliderart but it's not quite suggested in easy cuz beginners might misread the slider path, so change to another shape?

    nice, the most fully-hitsounded easy i've ever seen!
  1. 00:25:500 (6) - 1/4 seriously?? most likely it's misplaced cuz the ds is not correct
  2. 01:00:210 (3,4) - try this pattern maybe so that ppl can click less: and it's 2.24* (N icon) with this change!
  3. 02:33:175 (6,7,1) - maybe look neater this way
  4. 02:59:338 - 03:04:919 - would sound better with soft or normal finish imo, same applied to higher diffs
  1. od6 fits better the overall difficulty imo
  2. 02:32:303 (4) - weird ds
[Reunion of Goodbye]
  1. od8 is fairly good for playing at this difficulty level
  2. 00:16:605 (2,3) - the distances with 1 look unbalanced
  3. 02:34:919 (3) - there's no sound at 02:35:093 - , so maybe try this pattern part1 part2, can follow the vocal here 02:35:442 - as well
nice set, good luck~
Topic Starter

Garden wrote:

  1. 01:11:198 (2,1) - can actually avoid the 1/2 gap here with cuz the beat here 01:11:721 - seems stronger and vocal is snapped as well < yeah, but that would make the big sound less emphasized I used that kind of rhythm sometimes too but I don't want to use it to often. I want to emphasize the sound a bit more that part btw so I think it should be fine to use 1/2 pattern twice (with below)
  2. 02:29:338 (2,1) - similarly ^ < ^
  3. 03:31:431 (2,3,1) - this pattern is not that intuitive for beginners to read imo cuz approaching circle stacked at the slider tail might look confusing, actually u can simply make it a blanket pattern like u always did. spacing seems not enough so u can change the curve of 03:30:035 (1) - to leave enough space for the pattern < second mod bout this... okay then.
  4. 03:35:442 - unused inherited point? < well the thing is used to increase the volume to emphasize more, but in Insane. I guess I'll just remove the entire thing
  5. 04:23:058 (1) - nice sliderart but it's not quite suggested in easy cuz beginners might misread the slider path, so change to another shape? < *sigh* 3rd or 4th already.... At first I would like to make heart but I just couldn't figure how to place it. Then now I ended up replacing stuff... I guess heart would indeed works better (?)

    nice, the most fully-hitsounded easy i've ever seen!
  1. 00:25:500 (6) - 1/4 seriously?? most likely it's misplaced cuz the ds is not correct < lol'd
  2. 01:00:210 (3,4) - try this pattern maybe so that ppl can click less: and it's 2.24* (N icon) with this change! < can't really see what you're doing... I guess it's better to screenshot the timeline if you want to fix rhythm. But I'm assuming you merged 01:00:210 (3,4) - into a 1/2 reverse slider... I guess I can't really do that since the sound here 01:00:384 is pretty big to be mapped with reverse only and the sound here 01:00:210 is too weak to be mapped with slider head. Can't merge 01:00:384 (4,5) - either since 01:00:733 is a downbeat that shouldn't be mapped with slider tail. Gotta found some other to reduce the SR
  3. 02:33:175 (6,7,1) - maybe look neater this way < okay, but I keep the curve and make it less 90°-ish to keep the flow nice
  4. 02:59:338 - 03:04:919 - would sound better with soft or normal finish imo, same applied to higher diffs
< oh, it's in drum, right
  1. od6 fits better the overall difficulty imo < yeah, but not really fit the diffspread... 5.5
  2. 02:32:303 (4) - weird ds < haha
[Reunion of Goodbye]
  1. od8 is fairly good for playing at this difficulty level < I don't like high stats for some reason... 7.5
  2. 00:16:605 (2,3) - the distances with 1 look unbalanced < Yeah right, but I guess that wouldn't matter much. Balancing it would make the jump somehow too far.
  3. 02:34:919 (3) - there's no sound at 02:35:093 - , so maybe try this pattern part1 part2, can follow the vocal here 02:35:442 - as well < changed (3) to 1/1 slider. The vocal here 02:35:442 is pretty weak
nice set, good luck~

Thank you for mod ^^
Easy + Normal

recommend to make same end time with other diffs.
pretty strong melody for ampping, i think.


01:22:012 (2,3) - 1/2 gap is so bad in easiest diff.
pls avoid this.
00:49:570 (3,1,2) - DS
02:42:593 (1,3) - little confuse approach on readability.


00:03:175 (5,2) - too close 300 burst, with reverse arrow.
01:19:396 (2,4) - this stacking is so awful for beginner diff.


00:59:163 (6) - 1/8 isn't gerenally beat in here....
play for bad. i think 1/4 is more cool for playing.
plz consider to other notes.

looks so good on high diff.
but low diff can more polish i think. (DS consistent or readability issue or.. etc)
NM/M4M from my queue (and yours lol) :) Thanks for the mod on my map, sorry it took a few days to get to this mod, I was fixing the problems in my map!


00:00:733 (1) - Put the first anchor point to the left by one grid (and vice versa for the last anchor point) so it blankets 1 better
00:04:919 (2) - Make the curve the same as 1 so that as the ball is sliding it looks aesthetically pleasing imo
00:08:058 (2) - Better blanket on 1
00:09:105 (2) - Same as 00:04:919
00:13:291 (3) - Better blanket on 2 (used 1/8 snaps to see if 1 and 3 both had 2 blanketed perfectly at same time)
00:17:477 (1) - Move over middle anchor point to the left by one grid to better blanket 4
00:24:279 (2) - Better blanket over 3
These blanket things apply to other sliders that are like them, but depends on if you are gonna change or not so don't wanna spam you :)
00:44:163 - Missing a note here, sounds empty without it
01:18:175 - Beat starts here
01:19:570 (2) - Should make this a slider imo, sounds empty with nothing on the red and next white tick (and there is singing there, might be best to end it on red tick if you change)
01:48:175 (2) - Change so that the slider tick hits the curve, there is a beat there and it sounds weird having the curve be right beforehand
02:31:431 (1) - ^


00:03:524 (1) - Should blanket 5
00:34:744 - Should add a note here, but idk if it would be too hard for normal
00:34:919 (2) - Shouldn't have it stack with 3 so spacing stays consistent, have been using 1/2 beats without stacking before and after this
00:37:884 (2) - Should make it a slider and end on white tick, as there are vocals on the white tick
01:18:175 - Beat starts here (won't say for other diffs so I don't spam you :P)
01:50:761 (3) - Should add 3 notes (one on each white tick) as there is audio after this that isn't too difficult for normal
02:20:791 (2) - Angle it the other way so that flow is consistent imo
03:11:721 (4, 5) - There is a note between these two, so people would be rushing to get to 5 I think
03:44:163 (1) - Extend to the end of her phrase at 03:48:524
04:20:965 (1,2) - Make these more symmetrical with each other imo


00:07:710 (5, 6) - DS between these imo
00:11:896 (1) - Blanket 2
00:14:686 (1) - Blanket 8
00:31:779 (2, 1) - Should have a greater gap between these imo, confusing to have them right by each other when they are so far apart in beat
00:34:221 (1) - Should make it symmetrical imo, but more importantly, should have the red tick be the elbow of this slider, as there are vocals and would flow better imo
01:16:082 (1) - Get rid of NC here so it's easier to read, and there is a huge gap between 1 and 2 which looks kind of weird when 2 stars
01:21:140 (8) - Blanket 7
02:02:826 (8, 9, 10) - Confusing to read, should swap 9 and 10's positions
02:20:268 (1) - Bad blanket on 10
02:26:547 (3) - Can put up middle a bit so it blankets 4 perfectly
02:41:026 (3, 4) - Make these more symmetrical imo
02:50:617 (7) - Blanket 6 better
03:32: 477 (8) - Blanket 7 better
03:50:791 (3) - Blanket 2 better
03:53:582 (3) - Make more symmetrical with 2 imo

I found nothing wrong with Reunion of Goodbye, it looks like a really fun map!

Good luck in getting it ranked! :)
Also shot a star for how helpful you were :)

00:39:803 (1,2) - gap is kinda awkward here since there is a kick drum on 00:40:500 (2) . just make it something like 00:34:221 (1)
01:07:710 (1,2) - blanket could be slightly improved imo
01:11:721 (1) - combo's seem inconsistent here. i dont see why you have to nc this when you didn't later on. 01:20:093 (3) - 01:22:884 (3) - 01:28:465 (2) - 01:34:047 (2)
01:15:384 (4) - get rid of the manual break after this. beginners will take their hands off their keyboard lol
02:25:849 (1,2,3) - u should try avoid overlaps like this in easy when the overlapped note isn't a nc. beginners suck at reading so its much preferred to have an obvious flow. something like could work where 02:27:244 (3) - is stacked on 02:25:151 (4)
02:29:861 (1) - remove nc
02:31:431 (1,3) - possibly stack 3 on 1's bend?
03:20:617 (3,1,2) - these blankets could be better

00:21:489 (4) - change this to a circle on 00:21:663 - since it you're trying to represent the cymbal and the vocal here in one slider it plays really awkwardly :/ if you just kept it to the cymbal it would play a lot nicer
00:31:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this whole combo is so dense ._. maybe change 00:33:698 (5,6) - to a reverse 1/2 slider
00:43:117 (2,3,4) - really confusing because of low ar, i would avoid this
00:55:151 (1) - why nc? i'd remove this for consistency
01:00:210 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - another combo that kinda drags on for ages. this is the slow transition of the song and should be mapped with that in consideration. even tho you might make some beats unclickable, remember that this is a normal and you do have to give up some beats. from what i can hear, 01:00:907 (6) - is a very audible clap so that should be clickable. 01:00:210 (3,4) - are only kick drums so you could turn that into a 1/2 reverse slider. it also works with vocals as the player is holding while the vocals are held.
01:11:721 (1) - since you didn't nc every finish you should keep this consistent and remove nc. like u didn't nc 00:32:651 (3) - so theres no reason to nc this.
01:16:082 (1) - remove the break here. its much better to let hp drain. u can do this by giving 01:18:524 (1) - a wiggle till the break dissapears.
01:19:570 (3,4) - try avoid this
02:04:919 (4,5,6) - the music here is guitar beat/guitar beat/clap beat. 02:04:919 (4,5) - here u represented it well but then the next guitar beat falls on the slider end of 02:05:268 (5) - and then the clap is on the slider end of 02:05:791 (6) . maybe a rhythm like would work better here. you can mess around with it
02:11:547 (6) - probably not the best idea to have a finish on a slider end. maybe a rhythm like would do the trick. also make sure to nc the finish.
02:13:989 (5) - i think you should keep the reverse slider to represent the guitar. you dont have to make every kick drum audible and it would be better to have the clap as a clickable object. this rhythm achieves this:
02:29:861 (1) - like i said earlier. because you didnt keep this comboing of the finishes consistent you should remove this nc
02:56:547 (1) - i would make this a 1/1 slider as you are missing the clap beat on 02:56:896
03:04:744 (5) - remove this beat. no need to double tap when its a slow section
03:44:163 (1) - i think this spinner ends of big white tick in easy. make sure its consistent across all difficulties :p

full size songs are so draining to look at :o
from a first inspection + testplay hard and insane look very clean
i modded like ~ 9 mins drain time so maybe you could mod 3 diffs from mine?
anyways gl!
Topic Starter
Sorry late reply guys~


Lami wrote:

Easy + Normal

recommend to make same end time with other diffs.
pretty strong melody for ampping, i think. < yeah I'm thinking of doing that too, but I guess it can't be helped... Mapping normally is okay for Insane, and using double spinner is also okay for Hard. But I would like to avoid using double spinner for Normal and Easy since I think it would be pretty surprising (?) for new player and merging the spinner (use the same spinner) for the sound from here 04:37:012 to here 04:42:419 feels pretty weird imo since there's totally sound change here 04:39:803 and I think the spinner would be too long too if I did so.... no change for now


01:22:012 (2,3) - 1/2 gap is so bad in easiest diff.
pls avoid this. < yeah, but it also can't be helped. It's either 1/2 gap or polarity, nothing inbetween. And I guess it's fine tho since I use it very rarely (only 3 times if I remember it correctly) and the sound here 01:22:884 (3) - is slightly bigger than the other red tick sound so I guess emphasizing it more with 1/2 pattern is fitting enough.
00:49:570 (3,1,2) - DS < I'm pretty sure it DS-ed just fine, tried to improve tho.
02:42:593 (1,3) - little confuse approach on readability. < I can't think of a nicer place .-. any suggestion?


00:03:175 (5,2) - too close 300 burst, with reverse arrow. < I'll just stack the head then
01:19:396 (2,4) - this stacking is so awful for beginner diff. < I guess I'll just remove (2)


00:59:163 (6) - 1/8 isn't gerenally beat in here....
play for bad. i think 1/4 is more cool for playing.
plz consider to other notes. < I still hear slightly different and faster sounds than 1/4... I think it don't play that bad tho. Keeping these

looks so good on high diff.
but low diff can more polish i think. (DS consistent or readability issue or.. etc)

Thank you for mod ^^

jakomo73 wrote:

NM/M4M from my queue (and yours lol) :) Thanks for the mod on my map, sorry it took a few days to get to this mod, I was fixing the problems in my map!


00:00:733 (1) - Put the first anchor point to the left by one grid (and vice versa for the last anchor point) so it blankets 1 better < I've said a thing about nazi blanket... I guess fixed
00:04:919 (2) - Make the curve the same as 1 so that as the ball is sliding it looks aesthetically pleasing imo < the ds would be too troublesome imo .-. It not big deal tho, no change for now
00:08:058 (2) - Better blanket on 1
00:09:105 (2) - Same as 00:04:919 < same as above
00:13:291 (3) - Better blanket on 2 (used 1/8 snaps to see if 1 and 3 both had 2 blanketed perfectly at same time)
00:17:477 (1) - Move over middle anchor point to the left by one grid to better blanket 4
00:24:279 (2) - Better blanket over 3
These blanket things apply to other sliders that are like them, but depends on if you are gonna change or not so don't wanna spam you :) < I've said a thing about nazi blanket (2), I'm not checking all of above, I guess they looked just fine. Don't have to be too precise about blankets.
00:44:163 - Missing a note here, sounds empty without it < I'm avoiding 1/2 pattern since it's Easy
01:18:175 - Beat starts here < it's only vocal there, I'm following drum, not vocal.
01:19:570 (2) - Should make this a slider imo, sounds empty with nothing on the red and next white tick (and there is singing there, might be best to end it on red tick if you change) < changing it to slider = 1/2 pattern = bad = nope.
01:48:175 (2) - Change so that the slider tick hits the curve, there is a beat there and it sounds weird having the curve be right beforehand < nah, it's not that important, same below
02:31:431 (1) - ^


00:03:524 (1) - Should blanket 5 < nah
00:34:744 - Should add a note here, but idk if it would be too hard for normal < yes, and there's no really big sound there, just pretty weak vocal.
00:34:919 (2) - Shouldn't have it stack with 3 so spacing stays consistent, have been using 1/2 beats without stacking before and after this < okay, but the pattern would not look that nice...
00:37:884 (2) - Should make it a slider and end on white tick, as there are vocals on the white tick < it would be too crowded and I don't follow vocal.
01:18:175 - Beat starts here (won't say for other diffs so I don't spam you :P) < same thing with easy
01:50:761 (3) - Should add 3 notes (one on each white tick) as there is audio after this that isn't too difficult for normal < I'm assuming it's the three sound here 01:51:140 it's pretty weak, so I think a little break would be nice enough for Normal
02:20:791 (2) - Angle it the other way so that flow is consistent imo < that would look ugly :( I'll just move (2) a bit for better flow.
03:11:721 (4, 5) - There is a note between these two, so people would be rushing to get to 5 I think < the DS snap says about the rhythm enough imo.
03:44:163 (1) - Extend to the end of her phrase at 03:48:524 < nah, the music clearly becomes silent here 03:48:088 so it would be weird to extend the spinner more than that.
04:20:965 (1,2) - Make these more symmetrical with each other imo < why tho, they don't even appear together...


00:07:710 (5, 6) - DS between these imo < nah, I want to make a little pause there.
00:11:896 (1) - Blanket 2 < kay
00:14:686 (1) - Blanket 8 < nah
00:31:779 (2, 1) - Should have a greater gap between these imo, confusing to have them right by each other when they are so far apart in beat < it's fine, that kind of pattern is commonly used for Hard and above and people who can play Hard should be able to read those just fine.
00:34:221 (1) - Should make it symmetrical imo, but more importantly, should have the red tick be the elbow of this slider, as there are vocals and would flow better imo < not big deal imo. Making it symmetrical would make the blanket looks forced.
01:16:082 (1) - Get rid of NC here so it's easier to read, and there is a huge gap between 1 and 2 which looks kind of weird when 2 stars < nah, the gap between 01:15:907 (7,1) - is pretty big and it's big white tick so it would be normal to emphasize with NC
01:21:140 (8) - Blanket 7 < kay
02:02:826 (8, 9, 10) - Confusing to read, should swap 9 and 10's positions < nah, it's not that hard to read imo. 02:02:826 (8,9) - is covering the same sound so it would make sense to stack them
02:20:268 (1) - Bad blanket on 10 < fix
02:26:547 (3) - Can put up middle a bit so it blankets 4 perfectly < fix
02:41:026 (3, 4) - Make these more symmetrical imo < what
02:50:617 (7) - Blanket 6 better
03:32: 477 (8) - Blanket 7 better
03:50:791 (3) - Blanket 2 better
03:53:582 (3) - Make more symmetrical with 2 imo < (3) means to blanket (2) body, not symmetrical tho. I'm not checking all of your blanket mods because I think most of them looked just fine.

I found nothing wrong with Reunion of Goodbye, it looks like a really fun map!

Good luck in getting it ranked! :)
Also shot a star for how helpful you were :)
Thank you for mod and star :3


Pentori wrote:


00:39:803 (1,2) - gap is kinda awkward here since there is a kick drum on 00:40:500 (2) . just make it something like 00:34:221 (1) < yeah, but I just can't map all the things like 00:34:221 (1) ... I'll keep for variation
01:07:710 (1,2) - blanket could be slightly improved imo < lol, rly
01:11:721 (1) - combo's seem inconsistent here. i dont see why you have to nc this when you didn't later on. 01:20:093 (3) - 01:22:884 (3) - 01:28:465 (2) - 01:34:047 (2) < because the sound here seems slightly bigger than the other so, emphasize stuff
01:15:384 (4) - get rid of the manual break after this. beginners will take their hands off their keyboard lol < won't it be too long that it would drain too much HP without break? .-.
02:25:849 (1,2,3) - u should try avoid overlaps like this in easy when the overlapped note isn't a nc. beginners suck at reading so its much preferred to have an obvious flow. something like could work where 02:27:244 (3) - is stacked on 02:25:151 (4) < yeah, but the DS won't... sigh
02:29:861 (1) - remove nc
02:31:431 (1,3) - possibly stack 3 on 1's bend? < yeah
03:20:617 (3,1,2) - these blankets could be better < I tried

00:21:489 (4) - change this to a circle on 00:21:663 - since it you're trying to represent the cymbal and the vocal here in one slider it plays really awkwardly :/ if you just kept it to the cymbal it would play a lot nicer < where's the cymbal? here 00:21:663 ? I don't think the sound is that big to be called cymbal xD and because of not too big sound, I don't want to waste emphasize with circles and I think 2 circles in a row would be a little too much for Normal xD
00:31:431 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this whole combo is so dense ._. maybe change 00:33:698 (5,6) - to a reverse 1/2 slider < can't really do that since the big sound is already at (6)'s head and it would be weird to land it at reverse, and they also cover different sound so it also feel weird to mix them... Do something with (1,2) rhythm.
00:43:117 (2,3,4) - really confusing because of low ar, i would avoid this < fine
00:55:151 (1) - why nc? i'd remove this for consistency < right... why I even do this
01:00:210 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - another combo that kinda drags on for ages. this is the slow transition of the song and should be mapped with that in consideration. even tho you might make some beats unclickable, remember that this is a normal and you do have to give up some beats. from what i can hear, 01:00:907 (6) - is a very audible clap so that should be clickable. 01:00:210 (3,4) - are only kick drums so you could turn that into a 1/2 reverse slider. it also works with vocals as the player is holding while the vocals are held. < okay, I merged (3,4) into one slider... don't really want to do it tho since it would less emphasize the white tick, and (6) (now (5)) is already clickable btw.
01:11:721 (1) - since you didn't nc every finish you should keep this consistent and remove nc. like u didn't nc 00:32:651 (3) - so theres no reason to nc this. < same thing as Easy, and extra explanation, I think the sound is as big (if not bigger) than the sound here 01:10:500 where I usually NC so I think it reasonable enough to also do NC.
01:16:082 (1) - remove the break here. its much better to let hp drain. u can do this by giving 01:18:524 (1) - a wiggle till the break dissapears. < I'm still not sure... need more input about this
01:19:570 (3,4) - try avoid this < avoid what? I see no problem here .-. the seemingly pointy flow? the "bumper" and slider leniency will do the thing.
02:04:919 (4,5,6) - the music here is guitar beat/guitar beat/clap beat. 02:04:919 (4,5) - here u represented it well but then the next guitar beat falls on the slider end of 02:05:268 (5) - and then the clap is on the slider end of 02:05:791 (6) . maybe a rhythm like would work better here. you can mess around with it < I disliked your suggestion, lol xD it's not that big deal imo :3
02:11:547 (6) - probably not the best idea to have a finish on a slider end. maybe a rhythm like would do the trick. also make sure to nc the finish. < the vocal here 02:11:721 is too weak for even slider end imo. And I think it's not that bad to do it once in a while :3 The vocal is also like stopped tho so it feel kinda "something" with rhythm like this :3
02:13:989 (5) - i think you should keep the reverse slider to represent the guitar. you dont have to make every kick drum audible and it would be better to have the clap as a clickable object. this rhythm achieves this: < lol, nope.
02:29:861 (1) - like i said earlier. because you didnt keep this comboing of the finishes consistent you should remove this nc < same above^^^ gonna change if there's more comment about this I guess, but no for now
02:56:547 (1) - i would make this a 1/1 slider as you are missing the clap beat on 02:56:896 < I think the sound here 02:56:721 is more worth mapping because it's drum+guitar while here 02:56:896 is only drum.
03:04:744 (5) - remove this beat. no need to double tap when its a slow section < I want to make it kinda different so it would make the big sound at (1) emphasized better tho... but okay then
03:44:163 (1) - i think this spinner ends of big white tick in easy. make sure its consistent across all difficulties :p < moved the thing on Easy.

full size songs are so draining to look at :o
from a first inspection + testplay hard and insane look very clean
i modded like ~ 9 mins drain time so maybe you could mod 3 diffs from mine?
anyways gl!

Thank you for mod all of you :3
your mod would get a bit late btw since I get pretty busy lately x-x
hope you can wait :3

Hi !, 🌀NM request
Kebanyakan NM request, jadi aku mod 1 diff aja ya :)

✨ = Suggestion
💧 = Uuhhh?
💥 = Warning !!!

Here we go...

General :
- None -

Reunion of Goodbye :
✨00:23:582 (2,3) - Blanket ?
✨00:55:151 (1,2,3) - Kalo ngejaga Triangle flow, baiknya mereka kasih jarak lebih dikit lagi deh
✨01:17:477 (2,3,4,1) - Mereka baiknya tetap stack sama 01:16:082 (1) - . Klo diperatiin, 01:17:477 (2) - Ini gak NC, trus ritme mulai maju lagi setelahnya kan?. Kalo setuju, mngkin nnti 01:18:524 (1) - slidertail ini arahin lagi ke kombo selanjutnya
✨01:25:151 (3) - Coba posisi x108y70. Testplay yang lebik baik nan overlap yang clearly readable :)
✨03:09:105 (6) - Ini juga masih NC, sebab ritme drum belum berubah
✨03:23:407 (3) - Coba posisi x302y86 untuk menjaga flow dari curve slidernya. Atau lengkungin lagi slidernya dikit
✨04:35:442 (6,7) - NC. Ya gapapa sih klo masih mw ikut white tick buat kombo nya, tapi readibility lebih penting kan :roll:
✨04:42:419 (1) - Coba ini ganti jadi slider sampe 04:42:768 -

Ya, sekian. Makasih udah ikut serta :)

Accepted this as NM a bit ago, just tell me if Pentori is going to recheck or not.

Might have to decline though. ;w;
Topic Starter

Ayyri wrote:


Accepted this as NM a bit ago, just tell me if Pentori is going to recheck or not.

Might have to decline though. ;w;
huh, what o-o
Well, he/she don't say anything about recheck :///
Topic Starter
Yayyy finally a mod >.<

O-Moei wrote:

Hi !, 🌀NM request
Kebanyakan NM request, jadi aku mod 1 diff aja ya :)

✨ = Suggestion
💧 = Uuhhh?
💥 = Warning !!!

Here we go...

General :
- None -

Reunion of Goodbye :
✨00:23:582 (2,3) - Blanket ? < Okay
✨00:55:151 (1,2,3) - Kalo ngejaga Triangle flow, baiknya mereka kasih jarak lebih dikit lagi deh < ngga terlalu bermaksud buat bentuk segitiga sih .-.
✨01:17:477 (2,3,4,1) - Mereka baiknya tetap stack sama 01:16:082 (1) - . Klo diperatiin, 01:17:477 (2) - Ini gak NC, trus ritme mulai maju lagi setelahnya kan?. Kalo setuju, mngkin nnti 01:18:524 (1) - slidertail ini arahin lagi ke kombo selanjutnya < emang awalnya kayak gitu sih, tpi gara2 01:16:082 (1) - dipindahin jadi miss xD fix
✨01:25:151 (3) - Coba posisi x108y70. Testplay yang lebik baik nan overlap yang clearly readable :) < fix
✨03:09:105 (6) - Ini juga masih NC, sebab ritme drum belum berubah < .-. maksudnya di NC disini? Ngga deh soalnya suara di sini 03:09:454 (1) - lebih gede jadi lebih cocok NC disitu.
✨03:23:407 (3) - Coba posisi x302y86 untuk menjaga flow dari curve slidernya. Atau lengkungin lagi slidernya dikit < nah, flownya bakalan malah kayak lebih kaku soalnya terlalu ngikutin bentuk slider (?)
✨04:35:442 (6,7) - NC. Ya gapapa sih klo masih mw ikut white tick buat kombo nya, tapi readibility lebih penting kan :roll: < ini masih readable kok buat Insane :) termasuk pattern yang common soalnya
✨04:42:419 (1) - Coba ini ganti jadi slider sampe 04:42:768 - < nah, lebih suka ending yang sudden pake circle. Kalo dijadiin slider rasanya jadi "extra" banget.

Ya, sekian. Makasih udah ikut serta :)

Thank you for mod ^^

I love this song, I really hope to see this ranked one day. \:D/

Reunion of Goodbye

03:57:942 (1) - If I am not mistaken a slider in such a shape has not been used troughout the entire map up to this point and thus I'd say it's quite odd to suddenly emphasize a certain sound with something this different. I would suggest removing this slider and instead replace it with a slider that has a similar shape to what you have already used in this map. In the end this just comes down to a personal oppinion but when I played this map this slider was kinda standing out in an unpleasent way which was kind of weird. Again, just a personal oppinion, but still worth a try to suggest a change.

All in all I didn't find anything else that didn't seem right to me.
I really have to say, great map, it was really fun to play. :)
Topic Starter

-Akuro wrote:


I love this song, I really hope to see this ranked one day. \:D/

Reunion of Goodbye

03:57:942 (1) - If I am not mistaken a slider in such a shape has not been used troughout the entire map up to this point and thus I'd say it's quite odd to suddenly emphasize a certain sound with something this different. I would suggest removing this slider and instead replace it with a slider that has a similar shape to what you have already used in this map. In the end this just comes down to a personal oppinion but when I played this map this slider was kinda standing out in an unpleasent way which was kind of weird. Again, just a personal oppinion, but still worth a try to suggest a change. < I think it's fine tho, since it's not a very weird kind of shape, I mean it's pretty usual. I just scrunched it a bit because of limited space there so yeah, no change~

All in all I didn't find anything else that didn't seem right to me.
I really have to say, great map, it was really fun to play. :)
Thank you for your support~
Hope I don't get too lazy again
Here from my queue. Please mod cause length is almost the same
Reunion of Goodbye
  1. 00:16:082 (1) - It's not because it is a big white tick that you need to make the 1/1 slider here, try making it here 00:15:907 - it's better for the vocal, fits better the music, and there's no clickable sound in the middle of it.
  2. 00:21:663 (1) - I wouldn't stack these
  3. 00:35:617 (1) - Same with the slider, is better at 00:35:442 - also I think 00:35:965 - should be clickable
  4. 00:40:675 (6,7) - Instead of almost muting the sound of the end of the slider and some other circles, I think you can make a 1/1 slider.
  5. 00:57:070 (2) - A little ugly this pattern
  6. 00:57:768 (4) - No, don't end this like that, 00:57:942 - this is totally clickable, make something like this 00:59:163 (9,1) -
  7. 02:15:907 (4) - ^
  8. 03:21:662 (1,2) - Oh, why not a 1/1 slider?
  9. 03:20:617 (6) - NC
  10. 03:37:710 (5,6) - I think you should place them higher, and place 03:38:058 (7) - a little lower.
  11. 03:20:617 (6) - I would place this farther away
  12. 00:07:710 (1) - This should be at 00:07:535 -
  13. 00:09:803 - It should be interesting mapping this sound, so making a 1/2 slider and one circle may be better
  14. 00:22:884 (2) - NC?
  15. 00:38:058 (4) - Yeah, those "mute" sounds are no good, 00:37:710 - from here add a circle and them the slider, also here 00:38:407 - you can use whistle drum hitsound, it fits good with the music
  16. 00:39:803 (1,2,3,4) - Instead of making the same thing with 2 and 4, why not use sliders? They fit the vocal too.
  17. 00:41:024 (7,1) - I think if the slider comes first is better. :lol:
  18. 01:13:814 (2) - Make the same as slider 1, there's a sound at 01:13:989 -
  19. 01:16:082 (1) - I think is ok not having a NC here, but NC here 01:17:477 (2) -
  20. 01:30:907 (3,4) - circle first and then the slider
  21. 01:42:593 - You shouldn't ignore this sound
So... I'll end it here, it's becoming repetitive with the rhythm thing, it's a good map though.
Hope it helped, good luck! :)
Hello mod from my queue~
Oh boy not only are you prob better mapper than me, this mapset has multiple mods already. Oh well, I'll try to scrape something together.
  1. 03:21:663 (1,2) - totally not nazing here, but you could change the shape of the curve of the slider 1 a little to make this blanket better
See here

  1. 04:21:663 (3) - Is this shape intentional, like I know now it's the same as 04:22:361 (4) - but visually the first one doesn't fit as well as the latter
  1. 04:22:361 (4) - if this is supposed to be blanket you should prob fix it
  1. 00:27:942 (7,8,9,1) - I know you said no blanket mods, but you should definitely do something to this pattern visually. Since there a little break after the slider 1, there's a lot of possibilities to do blankets and/or triangles or smth else without disturbing the following patterns.
  2. 00:47:651 (7,8) - This probably falls under your category of sliders not meant to blanket, but I see no reason not to do so. It would look visually better and the spacing would be more even too, leading to more smooth transition while playing. Blanketing it wouldn't even break the triangle pattern you have there atm
  3. 01:16:082 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I don't know if these are supposed to be in straight line or curved, but atm they aren't really either
  1. 01:25:326 (2,3) - No reason not to blanket this slider 2
  2. 01:26:198 (4,5,6) - This might again fall to the category of what you have intended, but personally this is the first place in your mapset I'm not really sure what you are trying to do (visually that is). 01:26:198 (4,5,6) - Blanket is off and other than that, 01:26:721 (5,6) - are not constructing any clean structure, only thing that is constant is the spacing from sliderend 4 to circle 5 to slider 6. They aren't even connected to the structure of 01:24:454 (1) - which was earlier in the area.
Perhaps something like this
Also triangled the beginning of slider 4 here with the objects before it.
  1. Except you of course do it better and more carefully than me here lol
  2. 01:40:326 (6,7) - I wonder why these are intentional as you say not to make blanket mod. What makes them better than simply blanketing them? 01:40:326 (6,7) - Same. If you have blanketing, at least triangle 01:40:326 (6,7,8)
  3. Rest was pretty much the same drill, blankets undone here and there. Because you didn't want blanket mod I'm not gonna mention 'em here. I still think you should definitely blanket at least some of them though.
Reunion of Goodbye
  1. I guess it's part of the business nowadays, but 03:27:244 (1) - forget actual star ratings (didn't check those with anything) this part is like half star harder intensity-wise than almost anything else here while playing, not too big fan when considering it like that. On the other hand it was pretty fun tho :)
  2. Okay I'm just going to cut it short here. Almost everything else that came into my mind here were visual, mostly blankets, so I'm not gonna post anything here. You can see for yourself if there are some ones you would like to change.
  1. The maps played mostly fairly well. I also saw what you mean with intended overlaps, they were mostly constant and all that. I didn't get what you meant with intended non-blanketing at times though, as you prob see from my mod. There were many cases where blanketing would've made it play worse, it's understandable. That wasn't true every time though.
Good luck!
placeholder for m4m! your mod is so awesome that i don't think i can contribute as much as u do lol
Topic Starter

miradzin wrote:

Here from my queue. Please mod cause length is almost the same
Reunion of Goodbye
  1. 00:16:082 (1) - It's not because it is a big white tick that you need to make the 1/1 slider here, try making it here 00:15:907 - it's better for the vocal, fits better the music, and there's no clickable sound in the middle of it. < as I said, I'm not a big fan of following vocal. And I think it still fit because it's following the main rhythm. No change for now, might be considered tho
  2. 00:21:663 (1) - I wouldn't stack these < Why? for my "defense" I stacked this because the circle following similar sound as this 00:20:791 (2) - and I would like to make a little "symmetrical" pattern
  3. 00:35:617 (1) - Same with the slider, is better at 00:35:442 - also I think 00:35:965 - should be clickable < wub nope. I still consider the first one because that part is silent part and the vocal is the most dominant one, but on this part, there's a very big drum sound here 00:35:617 emphasized with big white tick so I hate (sorry for the mean word) to ignore it. And here 00:35:965 I guess it's pretty normal to cover drum-kick sound with slider tail, no?
  4. 00:40:675 (6,7) - Instead of almost muting the sound of the end of the slider and some other circles, I think you can make a 1/1 slider. < Lol good point, I don't really have good excuse for this but somehow I want to keep. Well I guess I can use this excuse... This is the hardest diff so I want to make the pattern more tricky, and I guess using circle here 00:41:024 would emphasize it better and would separate it from the vocal note.
  5. 00:57:070 (2) - A little ugly this pattern < You talk like Yoda, lol. Honestly I don't really see your point... it's a pretty common pattern.. Is it ugly because it looks kinda unbalanced? Well, I tried to fix it I guess.
  6. 00:57:768 (4) - No, don't end this like that, 00:57:942 - this is totally clickable, make something like this 00:59:163 (9,1) - < Yeah, I've been declining this kind of mod and I guess I would do it on this one too. I don't want to make too many tricky pattern like that. I think too much of those would make the map less fun (personal opinion)
  7. 02:15:907 (4) - ^ ^
  8. 03:21:662 (1,2) - Oh, why not a 1/1 slider? < I'm following vocal for this good part.
  9. 03:20:617 (6) - NC < okay
  10. 03:37:710 (5,6) - I think you should place them higher, and place 03:38:058 (7) - a little lower. < Only moved (7) a little lower
  11. 03:20:617 (6) - I would place this farther away < What? from where? I think it's far enough from the previous note to make emphasize
  12. 00:07:710 (1) - This should be at 00:07:535 - < Nah, same reason as the first I guess. And there's bigger guitar sound at this one too.
  13. 00:09:803 - It should be interesting mapping this sound, so making a 1/2 slider and one circle may be better < Good point, fix
  14. 00:22:884 (2) - NC? < nah
  15. 00:38:058 (4) - Yeah, those "mute" sounds are no good, 00:37:710 - from here add a circle and them the slider, also here 00:38:407 - you can use whistle drum hitsound, it fits good with the music < simply talking, swap them right? Okay then
  16. 00:39:803 (1,2,3,4) - Instead of making the same thing with 2 and 4, why not use sliders? They fit the vocal too.< what
  17. 00:41:024 (7,1) - I think if the slider comes first is better. :lol: < nah, drum
  18. 01:13:814 (2) - Make the same as slider 1, there's a sound at 01:13:989 - < okay
  19. 01:16:082 (1) - I think is ok not having a NC here, but NC here 01:17:477 (2) - < Nah I prefer NC at the big stopping sound
  20. 01:30:907 (3,4) - circle first and then the slider < Why? It's following both, vocal and drum nicely this way
  21. 01:42:593 - You shouldn't ignore this sound < Once in a while would be fine I guess... For a little variation ^^
So... I'll end it here, it's becoming repetitive with the rhythm thing, it's a good map though.
Hope it helped, good luck! :)

Thank you for mod ^^ Next~


TheKingHenry wrote:

Hello mod from my queue~
Oh boy not only are you prob better mapper than me, this mapset has multiple mods already. Oh well, I'll try to scrape something together.
  1. 03:21:663 (1,2) - totally not nazing here, but you could change the shape of the curve of the slider 1 a little to make this blanket better < lol, okay
See here

  1. 04:21:663 (3) - Is this shape intentional, like I know now it's the same as 04:22:361 (4) - but visually the first one doesn't fit as well as the latter < I guess I'll just blanket this hellish slider 04:23:058 (1) -
  1. 04:22:361 (4) - if this is supposed to be blanket you should prob fix it < wut, that's a circle. The selection is glitching I guess...
  1. 00:27:942 (7,8,9,1) - I know you said no blanket mods, but you should definitely do something to this pattern visually. Since there a little break after the slider 1, there's a lot of possibilities to do blankets and/or triangles or smth else without disturbing the following patterns. < Nah, if I blanket 00:28:465 (9,1) - it would ruin the jump for emphasize. It's good enough I think
  2. 00:47:651 (7,8) - This probably falls under your category of sliders not meant to blanket, but I see no reason not to do so. It would look visually better and the spacing would be more even too, leading to more smooth transition while playing. Blanketing it wouldn't even break the triangle pattern you have there atm < meant to be another emphasize, but well, I guess this part is not really urgent... fix
  3. 01:16:082 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - I don't know if these are supposed to be in straight line or curved, but atm they aren't really either < lol, screw that part. Fix
  1. 01:25:326 (2,3) - No reason not to blanket this slider 2 < Well the reason is "I'm lazy" I guess. Fix
  2. 01:26:198 (4,5,6) - This might again fall to the category of what you have intended, but personally this is the first place in your mapset I'm not really sure what you are trying to do (visually that is). 01:26:198 (4,5,6) - Blanket is off and other than that, 01:26:721 (5,6) - are not constructing any clean structure, only thing that is constant is the spacing from sliderend 4 to circle 5 to slider 6. They aren't even connected to the structure of 01:24:454 (1) - which was earlier in the area. < Well, this is why I hated Hard... They restrain the jumps which make my patterns less appealing... Well, fix. I don't really triangled them btw.
Perhaps something like this
Also triangled the beginning of slider 4 here with the objects before it.
  1. Except you of course do it better and more carefully than me here lol
  2. 01:40:326 (6,7) - I wonder why these are intentional as you say not to make blanket mod. What makes them better than simply blanketing them? 01:40:326 (6,7) - Same. If you have blanketing, at least triangle 01:40:326 (6,7,8) < This one is alright I guess. Tried to make triangle and blanketed 01:40:326 (6,1) - tho
  3. Rest was pretty much the same drill, blankets undone here and there. Because you didn't want blanket mod I'm not gonna mention 'em here. I still think you should definitely blanket at least some of them though. < Yeah, gonna consider those
Reunion of Goodbye
  1. I guess it's part of the business nowadays, but 03:27:244 (1) - forget actual star ratings (didn't check those with anything) this part is like half star harder intensity-wise than almost anything else here while playing, not too big fan when considering it like that. On the other hand it was pretty fun tho :) < yes indeed lol, I think that part of the bridge is a total climax and should be climaxed as well.
  2. Okay I'm just going to cut it short here. Almost everything else that came into my mind here were visual, mostly blankets, so I'm not gonna post anything here. You can see for yourself if there are some ones you would like to change. < If I'm dedicated enough, lol
  1. The maps played mostly fairly well. I also saw what you mean with intended overlaps, they were mostly constant and all that. I didn't get what you meant with intended non-blanketing at times though, as you prob see from my mod. There were many cases where blanketing would've made it play worse, it's understandable. That wasn't true every time though. < Gonna share my personal experience here, feel free to skip, lol. This is my new mapping style with free styled pattern, no blanket, extra overlapping, as long as the flow feel nice I'll go on. My old mapping style is a total contrary, everything must be in order, there's must be a reason why a note is there, blanket, triangles, everything. But then I realized that my old mapping style not really play fun because of uneven spacing and it also not really fun in mapping either. Since then I disliked blanket and wanted to make "maps as arts". I guess that, lol.
Good luck!

Thank you for mod both of you ^^
Hi I am back for the m4m!

  1. 00:16:779 (3,4) - improve blanket?
  2. 01:32:477 (4) - i believe 1/2 slider would be better instead of 3/4?
  3. 02:32:826 (1,7) - not stacking them? you don't stack previously
  4. 03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all anti-clockwise flow? pretty unfriendly to mouse players lol
  5. 03:37:012 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i don't agree with the ds change. it's quite unintuitive
  6. 04:21:663 (1,2,3,4) - better shape?

I couldn't really find any problem. so i will shoot stars instead.
no kds

Reunion of goodbye

  1. 00:07:710 (1) - kind of weird to put a repeat here. especially with the whistle on the tail. I think you would benefit more from just a longer slider, I also suggest starting the slider 1 red tick sooner because that's when the held out vocal exists. Even if you argue the repeat is for the guitar, then you become inconsistent with 00:06:314 (1,2,3,4,5) - where you map for vocals instead. If you wanted to map for guitar you should have sliders 00:06:314 (1,2,3,4,5) - Plus that would match 00:04:221 (3) - where you put a slider for vocals.
  2. 00:10:326 (5,1) - there is no reason for 1 to be clickable, BOTH the vocal and guitar hold a not starting 00:10:326 - and the guitar comes back at this time 00:10:675 - . Do something like
  3. 00:12:768 (5) - 00:14:163 (4) - the repeat is coverings a decently strong sound but its not clickable, might as well use a long slider since player doesn't benefit from having this repeat.
  4. 00:16:954 - you should cover this sound somehow, repeat slider seems like your thing so it wouldn't be bad here.
  5. 00:21:663 (1) - ?? maybe go to this tick?
  6. compare 00:26:547 (3,4,5) - with 00:23:756 (3) -, with the circles you are making the strong beats clickable, and with the repeat slider that is what's lacking.
  7. 00:28:640 (1) - there is no reason to stray from the rhythming you've been using,
  8. 00:29:512 (2) - the white tick should be clickable. (it is possible to have emphasis at the end of a slider, but this isn't doing it.
  9. 00:33:436 (4,5) - the play doesn't benefit from this additive rhythm
  10. 00:34:134 - through 00:56:547 - you need to re-work your rhythms. There are lots of times where 00:34:570 - this sound is being passively represented and not emphasized properly, randomly you have spots where 00:35:442 (3) - its clickable like this and this 00:38:233 - you should be picking something and following it consistently, the best thing for a section like this would be to work around the snare hits.
  11. 00:57:768 (4) - you're also inconsistent with these, sometimes the white tick after them is clickable but not always, I suggest having it always clickable because that is the accented note which is supported by snare AND guitar.
  12. 01:07:012 (2) - I suggest changing this to 2 1/4 sliders since 01:07:012 - this is snare 01:07:186 - and this is a different drum.
  13. 01:12:593 (3,4,5,6,7) - The rhythm is
  14. 01:13:814 (2) - would be better without repeat.
  15. 01:18:524 (1,1) - this is underwhelming, space these out a bit. There is TONS of emphasis in the music, and 0 emphasis in the map. something like 02:35:617 (1,2,1) - actually works. but people would complain you didn't map 01:18:524 -
  16. 01:27:942 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - no sound to back this up,
  17. 01:37:186 (2,3,4) - this is a good example of additive rhythm that benefits the player.
  18. 02:58:640 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - these are in the wrong spots. The rhythm is
  19. there are just general issues like what I pointed out throughout the map.
  20. probably would help if remapped certain sections


  1. 00:01:954 - its feels like you are leaving random spaces. try something like
  2. 00:07:710 (5,6) - DOn't stack like this, very bad. For hard players they won't be able to tell what rhythm gap this is, because it looks like 1/4
  3. 00:11:896 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - look at how you rhythm this, its beautiful. Do your rhythm like that for a the section right before it 00:09:105 (1,2,3,4,5) -
  4. 00:14:512 - this is another random break
  5. 00:31:779 (2,1) - 00:32:651 (4,1) - Another instance where you should just stack it normally.
  6. 00:56:547 - this section is better in this diff than the highest diff.
  7. 01:07:012 (5) - change it to fit the rhythm like I said in the highest diff for that one part
  8. 01:18:524 (5) - same comment as before.
  9. 01:27:942 (3) - this doesn't really work because strong beats exist here 01:28:117 - and 01:28:291 -
  10. 01:31:779 -01:34:570 (6) - this is clickable, but 01:32:477 - 01:35:965 - isn't? inconsistencies like this are throughtout
  11. general things are, don't make something look like a 1/4, and improve rhythm choice, be consistent on which sounds you can click and which sounds you can't


    1. nothing much I can say for you other than in the beginning don't spam so much 1/1, use long beats too.


      1. 00:02:128 - I wouldn't repeat this, I would have something like this to follow rhythm more closely
      2. 00:03:524 - and then have a 3/1 slider here. which would help 00:04:919 (2) - make more sense.
      3. 00:06:314 (1) - take a beat off of this to make 00:07:710 - clickable.
      4. tbh your whole intro(00:00:733 - to 00:11:896 - needs remap, its not following anything.

      All diffs are full of rhythmic inconsistencies like what I've pointed out, rework those, and if you have any questions feel free to pm me in game.
Topic Starter

Nostalgic wrote:

Hi I am back for the m4m!

  1. 00:16:779 (3,4) - improve blanket? < nah, don't mean to blanket here
  2. 01:32:477 (4) - i believe 1/2 slider would be better instead of 3/4? < it doesn't really matter imo. It kinda make a longer, unsplitted sound that I think is pretty fitting for this part
  3. 02:32:826 (1,7) - not stacking them? you don't stack previously < once in a while won't matter, lol
  4. 03:27:244 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - all anti-clockwise flow? pretty unfriendly to mouse players lol < heh, I don't know xD it just turned out like that
  5. 03:37:012 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - i don't agree with the ds change. it's quite unintuitive < what? I don't really get your point here.
  6. 04:21:663 (1,2,3,4) - better shape? < any suggestion?

I couldn't really find any problem. so i will shoot stars instead.

I fix nothing, but thank you for mod anyway ^^
And thank you for the star too~


Pyroflayer wrote:

no kds < accident kudos

Reunion of goodbye

  1. 00:07:710 (1) - kind of weird to put a repeat here. especially with the whistle on the tail. I think you would benefit more from just a longer slider, I also suggest starting the slider 1 red tick sooner because that's when the held out vocal exists. Even if you argue the repeat is for the guitar, then you become inconsistent with 00:06:314 (1,2,3,4,5) - where you map for vocals instead. If you wanted to map for guitar you should have sliders 00:06:314 (1,2,3,4,5) - Plus that would match 00:04:221 (3) - where you put a slider for vocals. < 00:04:221 (3) - and 00:06:314 (1,2,3,4,5) - follow both, vocal and guitar. Why choose one while you can follow both? ;) And the same here 00:07:710 (1) - a 1/1 reverse slider would also fit for long vocal sound imo.
  2. 00:10:326 (5,1) - there is no reason for 1 to be clickable, BOTH the vocal and guitar hold a not starting 00:10:326 - and the guitar comes back at this time 00:10:675 - . Do something like < okay, got your point here
  3. 00:12:768 (5) - 00:14:163 (4) - the repeat is coverings a decently strong sound but its not clickable, might as well use a long slider since player doesn't benefit from having this repeat. < following the vocal sound here, and yet, not ignoring the drum. I think it's a win win. And I don't really get the "player doesn't benefit from having this repeat" part. I don't think adding a repeat would make the map less fun or something.
  4. 00:16:954 - you should cover this sound somehow, repeat slider seems like your thing so it wouldn't be bad here. < well, a little sound don't really matter actually, but I do change tho. I used two 1/2 sliders instead because I think it fit better.
  5. 00:21:663 (1) - ?? maybe go to this tick? < I think someone said that the sound end there and I think I agreed. Still agreed tho
  6. compare 00:26:547 (3,4,5) - with 00:23:756 (3) -, with the circles you are making the strong beats clickable, and with the repeat slider that is what's lacking. < variation thing I guess. I still worried a lot about variation back then and well I guess it's not that bad.
  7. 00:28:640 (1) - there is no reason to stray from the rhythming you've been using, < what?
  8. 00:29:512 (2) - the white tick should be clickable. (it is possible to have emphasis at the end of a slider, but this isn't doing it. < I think on this part, the red tick and white tick is pretty much equal. I mean both have drum sound, only the red tick has the deeper one (what's that thing called, I dunno) and the white tick has the snare. I think it's won't really matter to map it this way since the sound at white tick is not that distinctly big either.
  9. 00:33:436 (4,5) - the play doesn't benefit from this additive rhythm < It's pretty fitting so it won't matter imo. It's not like you can't add extra triplets.
  10. 00:34:134 - through 00:56:547 - you need to re-work your rhythms. There are lots of times where 00:34:570 - this sound is being passively represented and not emphasized properly, randomly you have spots where 00:35:442 (3) - its clickable like this and this 00:38:233 - you should be picking something and following it consistently, the best thing for a section like this would be to work around the snare hits. < Well, I notice only a few slider that make the snare don't clickable. First is here 00:36:489 (4) - Like here 00:12:768 (5) - 00:14:163 (4) - I'm following both, vocal and drum with this slider so it pretty much win win. And here 00:49:570 (1) - well I don't really have excuse for this one so maybe I should just change it. The rest of the snares are clickable so I think it's pretty consistent.
  11. 00:57:768 (4) - you're also inconsistent with these, sometimes the white tick after them is clickable but not always, I suggest having it always clickable because that is the accented note which is supported by snare AND guitar. < nah
  12. 01:07:012 (2) - I suggest changing this to 2 1/4 sliders since 01:07:012 - this is snare 01:07:186 - and this is a different drum. < I see your point but I hate that kind of rhythm. Sorry
  13. 01:12:593 (3,4,5,6,7) - The rhythm is < I don't feel like changing it.... I see your point, but I think it still fit and make a nice lead up too so I doesn't really matter imo.
  14. 01:13:814 (2) - would be better without repeat. < there's a drum
  15. 01:18:524 (1,1) - this is underwhelming, space these out a bit. There is TONS of emphasis in the music, and 0 emphasis in the map. something like 02:35:617 (1,2,1) - actually works. but people would complain you didn't map 01:18:524 - < that's a 1/4 pattern. But okay, a bit
  16. 01:27:942 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - no sound to back this up, < there are sounds
  17. 01:37:186 (2,3,4) - this is a good example of additive rhythm that benefits the player. < okay
  18. 02:58:640 (4,5,6,7,8,9) - these are in the wrong spots. The rhythm is < right
  19. there are just general issues like what I pointed out throughout the map.
  20. probably would help if remapped certain sections


  1. 00:01:954 - its feels like you are leaving random spaces. try something like < I guess I'll keep thing simple for silent part on Hard. Don't feel like changing, dunno why lol. I'm not a big fan of your rhythm.
  2. 00:07:710 (5,6) - DOn't stack like this, very bad. For hard players they won't be able to tell what rhythm gap this is, because it looks like 1/4 < Hard players nowadays are not that inexperienced. Nowadays players are scary.
  3. 00:11:896 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - look at how you rhythm this, its beautiful. Do your rhythm like that for a the section right before it 00:09:105 (1,2,3,4,5) - < They are definitely on a different level. 00:11:896 (1,2,3,4,5) - totally should be more advanced because the new instrument like the drum and bass entered. While the rhythm before it, it still silent thus it should be much simpler. You're the one who told me to make distinctive difference between verse before...
  4. 00:14:512 - this is another random break < not really random imo, the sound is kinda stopped there and I don't like mapping vocal.
  5. 00:31:779 (2,1) - 00:32:651 (4,1) - Another instance where you should just stack it normally. < I don't really like normal stack for stops like this.... And I think it don't really make difference....
  6. 00:56:547 - this section is better in this diff than the highest diff. < okay
  7. 01:07:012 (5) - change it to fit the rhythm like I said in the highest diff for that one part < I don't feel like doing so, lol. Same reason as highest diff I think
  8. 01:18:524 (5) - same comment as before. < the emphasize thing? well what excuse should I use here..... I want to make consistent moving stack (what's that thing called) I guess and I think since it's not a 1/2 rhythm, but 1/1 rhythm I think it's similar to this 00:31:779 (2,1) - little stops.
  9. 01:27:942 (3) - this doesn't really work because strong beats exist here 01:28:117 - and 01:28:291 - < the entire thing is on par imo
  10. 01:31:779 -01:34:570 (6) - this is clickable, but 01:32:477 - 01:35:965 - isn't? inconsistencies like this are throughtout < I don't have much option on Hard. If I make all the snares clickable like I did on Insane, it might cause too much notes and thus making it too hard. Lower your expectation for consistencies on Hard. As long as the sound that should be mapped, mapped, consider it as consistent.
  11. general things are, don't make something look like a 1/4, and improve rhythm choice, be consistent on which sounds you can click and which sounds you can't


    1. nothing much I can say for you other than in the beginning don't spam so much 1/1, use long beats too. < might consider this. But I think the Normal already has perfect star diff so maybe changing this part would also disturb the star diff...


      1. 00:02:128 - I wouldn't repeat this, I would have something like this to follow rhythm more closely < I prefer to keep it simple since this is a silent part. It's not good to throw in too much stuff here.
      2. 00:03:524 - and then have a 3/1 slider here. which would help 00:04:919 (2) - make more sense. < I didn't apply above, soo
      3. 00:06:314 (1) - take a beat off of this to make 00:07:710 - clickable. < fixed this one
      4. tbh your whole intro(00:00:733 - to 00:11:896 - needs remap, its not following anything. < it's following the main beat tbh. You don't need detailed map for this.

      All diffs are full of rhythmic inconsistencies like what I've pointed out, rework those, and if you have any questions feel free to pm me in game.

Thank you for mod~~~
Hello, M4M from Queue
Per your request, the map:

Reunion of Goodbye
Just a general thing, but did the top left corner offend you? (Ctrl+A your map to see what i'm talking about)

00:10:849 (3,4) - I don't feel that 00:10:849 (3,5) get enough emphasis the way you have it, so I would recommend reworking spacing here. Ctrl+G would give an idea of what I think needs emphasis, but that would be too much spacing IMO.
00:18:175 (3,4) - I get that you're following the drums here, but I think switching to vocals would work better here:
00:25:849 (1,3) - Could you make this overlap similar to the ones you used before? Like the one at 00:25:326 (5,1).
00:26:896 (5,2,7) - Same as above. It's clearly intentional, but using too many different forms of overlaps for the same section of the music doesn't make too much sense to me.
01:25:326 (4,2) - Visual distance is a bit more cramped than it should be IMO.
02:12:593 (3) - It might be an issue with most your wave sliders, but this slider looks pointer than I think it should be. It's noticeable here because of the blanket.
02:53:756 (1) - A 1/2 repeat would probably function better to reflect the vocal here.

Sorry that I couldn't find much, but it's a pretty solid map.

00:01:431 (3) - Not a big fan of the rhythm here because you're trying to follow guitar, but a prominent guitar note ends up on a reverse. Try this rhythm, since you can then follow vocals and guitar better:
00:05:965 (6) - Why not a 1/2 slider to map the guitar note on 00:06:140?
01:37:012 (4,6) - Could be a blanket.
01:41:896 (2,3,4,5) - Not a fan of the visual distance between 2 and 5, seems a bit cramped.
02:05:268 (7) - You should really map more of the guitar sounds here. Intensity picked up but rhythm calmed down, which isn't good.
02:07:535 - Any reason why this isn't mapped? Similar to the point above this, and it honestly looks like you could stack/overlap a circle here with 02:06:838 (2).
02:41:896 (6,7,1) - This is awesome!
02:56:198 (8,4) - Why not incorporate the partial overlaps you like to use here instead of the stack?
03:34:221 (4,5) - Not a fan of this angle, try rotating this 10 degrees clockwise?
03:44:076 (1) - I think some long sliders would fit this better than a spinner.

Nice set, good luck to you (and good to see you again).
Topic Starter

Halfslashed wrote:

Hello, M4M from Queue
Per your request, the map:

Reunion of Goodbye
Just a general thing, but did the top left corner offend you? (Ctrl+A your map to see what i'm talking about)

00:10:849 (3,4) - I don't feel that 00:10:849 (3,5) get enough emphasis the way you have it, so I would recommend reworking spacing here. Ctrl+G would give an idea of what I think needs emphasis, but that would be too much spacing IMO. < Yeah, I dunno... It's a pretty silent part so I don't think giving that much jump would be good .-. And it's no really reason to add emphasis I guess since the sound is not too big either. Instead, because it's a linear flow, I guess I have to adjust the spacing a bit so the distance would be the same and thus easier to hit. Completely unrelated to your mod actually xD
00:18:175 (3,4) - I get that you're following the drums here, but I think switching to vocals would work better here: < Nah, I would reconsider if you mention the silent part. But this part, the drum is the big sound okay, so I think it would make more sense to follow the drum. It's also kinda follow the vocal tho.
00:25:849 (1,3) - Could you make this overlap similar to the ones you used before? Like the one at 00:25:326 (5,1). < Hmmh... it would be too close to previous slider that way. I'll just move (3) so it won't overlap anymore~
00:26:896 (5,2,7) - Same as above. It's clearly intentional, but using too many different forms of overlaps for the same section of the music doesn't make too much sense to me. < Same as above too. But I won't change this one because it's just at it's perfect position.
01:25:326 (4,2) - Visual distance is a bit more cramped than it should be IMO. < Hmmm.... right. I couldn't find a nice way to fix it while keeping the blankets tho... I think it's better now (?)
02:12:593 (3) - It might be an issue with most your wave sliders, but this slider looks pointer than I think it should be. It's noticeable here because of the blanket. < you mean too curvy? Some like it curvy~ And I think, yeah, it makes good blanket.
02:53:756 (1) - A 1/2 repeat would probably function better to reflect the vocal here. < Good point, I don't really have reason to deny that fact but I refuse to change. I guess it's up to taste, but for technical reason... I think the sound is very big and long 1/1 slider would emphasize it better. And I don't know... the vocal seems... weak (?) It's not really so weak, but I think just don't really worth mapping.

Sorry that I couldn't find much, but it's a pretty solid map.

00:01:431 (3) - Not a big fan of the rhythm here because you're trying to follow guitar, but a prominent guitar note ends up on a reverse. Try this rhythm, since you can then follow vocals and guitar better: < Hmmm I'm totally thinking on this one. I guess the bigger sound is here 00:01:779 but it don't make my rhythm good either because it covered with a slider tail. But I guess, your rhythm is no change either.... The only big sound here 00:01:605 is vocal and I don't think it's not that big either.... I'm confused. I guess I'll keep...
00:05:965 (6) - Why not a 1/2 slider to map the guitar note on 00:06:140? < Good point.
01:37:012 (4,6) - Could be a blanket. < Changed something. Not really blanket tho. Too lazy, lol
01:41:896 (2,3,4,5) - Not a fan of the visual distance between 2 and 5, seems a bit cramped. < Move them further a bit. I'm out of space here...
02:05:268 (7) - You should really map more of the guitar sounds here. Intensity picked up but rhythm calmed down, which isn't good. < hahaha let that one be.
02:07:535 - Any reason why this isn't mapped? Similar to the point above this, and it honestly looks like you could stack/overlap a circle here with 02:06:838 (2). < I don't like vocal. There's no drum there. And I'm trying to put the number of notes to minimum.
02:41:896 (6,7,1) - This is awesome! < Lol, what's so awesome xD
02:56:198 (8,4) - Why not incorporate the partial overlaps you like to use here instead of the stack? < Ehh, it depends on my feeling maybe. Partial overlap here won't really looks good because reason...
03:34:221 (4,5) - Not a fan of this angle, try rotating this 10 degrees clockwise? < I think it's not the angle that mattered, it's the position... I change the position a bit instead.
03:44:076 (1) - I think some long sliders would fit this better than a spinner. < Insane did that. This is the downgrade version of Insane.

Nice set, good luck to you (and good to see you again). < I totally forgot you for a while xD

Thank you for mod~~~
from mod queue ^^
firstly i wanna stay nice song tho xD

Reunion of Goodbye
00:02:128 (1,2) - first thing i saw .. blanket ^^
you did

try do it like this intead

00:01:779 - move this slider to here 00:02:303 (2) - so you could see the blanket more clearly ^^ after fixes put back where it belong
00:22:884 - how about NC here then 00:23:058 - disable this nc
00:41:198 (1,2) - blanket .... move this slider 00:41:547 - to here 00:41:111 - you can see ^^
00:42:593 - straight slider? since you already put straight slider here 00:42:244 - make it a balanced so it look not to messy
01:20:617 (3,5) - fix blanket
01:22:884 (1,2) - again blanket :)
02:10:500 (1,2) - blanket
02:34:744 (2,3) - blanket this
02:57:593 (4,1,2) - blanket this as well .. lol i just realise .. all the mod i give is about blanket xD
03:49:047 (2,1) - blanket this too
-It good already just fixing so it look more nicer :)


00:30:907 (8) - i think reverse slider here much better

00:28:465 (9,1) - blanket this
00:38:058 - feels like this missing a note
01:10:151 (8,1) - blanket can be better
01:10:151 (8,1) - this as well.. feel like it missing a note
01:31:779 (6,7) - better the blanket please ^^
01:32:651 - missing note? again
01:48:872 - flow more better this way
03:15:210 - idk why but you leave a lot of random spaces that supposed to have a note in it .. try slow the song to 25% you can heard more clearly
03:26:896 (8) - flow can be better

and dont forget to blanket this 03:26:896 (8,1) - if you do the flow that i suggest

that all i think ^^
good luck \o/
Topic Starter


YukiZura- wrote:

from mod queue ^^
firstly i wanna stay nice song tho xD < Thank you I guess... I shouldn't be the one saying ty tho xD

Reunion of Goodbye
00:02:128 (1,2) - first thing i saw .. blanket ^^ < Read the description. I'll skip all blanket mods
you did

try do it like this intead

00:01:779 - move this slider to here 00:02:303 (2) - so you could see the blanket more clearly ^^ after fixes put back where it belong
00:22:884 - how about NC here then 00:23:058 - disable this nc < Nah, I prefer NC at big white tick to emphasize it better.
00:41:198 (1,2) - blanket .... move this slider 00:41:547 - to here 00:41:111 - you can see ^^
00:42:593 - straight slider? since you already put straight slider here 00:42:244 - make it a balanced so it look not to messy < Hmm... I don't really see it as messy tho... Well, there's no real reason not to apply this but I think I'll left it be... Why? I'll just use alibi, lol. First, it's a NC so I think I'll use different shape to differentiate it. And I think it would make a nice "blanket" pattern here 00:42:593 (1,3) -
01:20:617 (3,5) - fix blanket
01:22:884 (1,2) - again blanket :)
02:10:500 (1,2) - blanket
02:34:744 (2,3) - blanket this
02:57:593 (4,1,2) - blanket this as well .. lol i just realise .. all the mod i give is about blanket xD
03:49:047 (2,1) - blanket this too
-It good already just fixing so it look more nicer :)


00:30:907 (8) - i think reverse slider here much better < Hmmh? Why tho. There's no sound that would indicate 1/4 reverse slider and I wouldn't put too much 1/4 rhythm in Hard.

00:28:465 (9,1) - blanket this < Still would ignore these
00:38:058 - feels like this missing a note < Considering that I'm following drum (read the description), the sound there is only vocal, and the drum is nicely stops here 00:37:884 I think it would be pretty appropriate to make a little pause there too.
01:10:151 (8,1) - blanket can be better
01:10:151 (8,1) - this as well.. feel like it missing a note < Where do you want me to add note? That's a tight 1/2 pattern.
01:31:779 (6,7) - better the blanket please ^^
01:32:651 - missing note? again < Same reason as 00:38:058 -
01:48:872 - flow more better this way < Nah, I disliked circular motion now. Did some change to make it somehow better tho.
03:15:210 - idk why but you leave a lot of random spaces that supposed to have a note in it .. try slow the song to 25% you can heard more clearly < Same thing as 00:38:058 - as well. I wouldn't like to stuff to much thing in Hard. I've tried to do so and the SR increased to almost Insane. So I would like to add as many 1/1 breaks as possible to put it simply. And they're not random either since I only stopped at where there's no drum since I mainly following drums.
03:26:896 (8) - flow can be better < Your suggestion don't really make it better tbh... Just let the flow break here maybe so I can make another flow break to (1) and thus emphasized it.

and dont forget to blanket this 03:26:896 (8,1) - if you do the flow that i suggest

that all i think ^^
good luck \o/

Don't change much but still, thank you for mod ^^
sup dazai

Reunion of Goodbye
00:01:954 - i think this deserves a click (vocals) more than 00:02:128 - because there really isnt any sound there.
00:13:989 (3,4) - blanket?
00:16:082 (1,2,3) - could alter the shape of 1 to get a better blanket with 2 and 3. if you make this change, update the rest of your wave sliders as well.
00:23:756 (3,1) - increase DS for cymbal crash
00:29:512 (2,1) - ^
00:39:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks kinda cluttered here, how about putting 5 in between 2 and 7?
01:31:082 - auto-clap?
01:55:151 (1,2) - fix blanket
01:58:814 (4,1) - could use more DS, has somewhat strong drum and vocals
02:34:221 (1) - 02:34:919 (3) - would look better if both of these blanketed 02:34:744 (2)
02:45:384 (1,2,3) - flow seems a bit too linear to be comfortable imo
03:45:384 (2,3) - could try getting a better blanket around the first red anchor of 3
04:00:733 (1,2) - i think this should have less DS than this 04:01:780 (5,1) - since 04:01:954 (1) has the cymbal crash+vocals, while 04:01:257 (2) only has vocals
04:29:861 (1,3,4,5) - aesthetics dont look very good here since the 3 is stacked right next to 1, you could try blanketing around 3's approach circle rather than 5
04:42:419 (1) - theres nothing really special about this note (other than being the last note) for there to be a finish here, so remove finish

i might come back for another diff cuz this song is gud XD (but i have 3 more requests to do so aaaaaa)

Good luck!
Topic Starter

Yahuri wrote:

sup dazai < sup dazai too

Reunion of Goodbye
00:01:954 - i think this deserves a click (vocals) more than 00:02:128 - because there really isnt any sound there. < Hmmm I still kinda hear the guitar sound at white tick tho...
00:13:989 (3,4) - blanket? < lol, this one wouldn't hurt I guess. fix
00:16:082 (1,2,3) - could alter the shape of 1 to get a better blanket with 2 and 3. if you make this change, update the rest of your wave sliders as well. < not a really big fan of not-curvy slider wave tbh. But this one do look too curvy... I make it less curvy but don't blanket it.
00:23:756 (3,1) - increase DS for cymbal crash < right... Why did I even do this. It's a nice pattern too T-T. Fixed tho, I hope the pattern looked fine.
00:29:512 (2,1) - ^ < fix
00:39:803 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - looks kinda cluttered here, how about putting 5 in between 2 and 7? < fixxx
01:31:082 - auto-clap? < right
01:55:151 (1,2) - fix blanket < kay
01:58:814 (4,1) - could use more DS, has somewhat strong drum and vocals < Right... I sure cared too much about pattern back then...
02:34:221 (1) - 02:34:919 (3) - would look better if both of these blanketed 02:34:744 (2) < (3)'s shape is more for flow... I decided to un-blanket both of them for consistency, lol.
02:45:384 (1,2,3) - flow seems a bit too linear to be comfortable imo < right... did something.
03:45:384 (2,3) - could try getting a better blanket around the first red anchor of 3 < Tried to do that tho... I guess it's imperfect then. Tried to perfect it.
04:00:733 (1,2) - i think this should have less DS than this 04:01:780 (5,1) - since 04:01:954 (1) has the cymbal crash+vocals, while 04:01:257 (2) only has vocals < I'm out of space here, lol. Help.
04:29:861 (1,3,4,5) - aesthetics dont look very good here since the 3 is stacked right next to 1, you could try blanketing around 3's approach circle rather than 5 < wait, what? I guess this is stacking thing huh? I don't map with stack so I don't really see the difference xD Okay, did something. Hope it looked fine.
04:42:419 (1) - theres nothing really special about this note (other than being the last note) for there to be a finish here, so remove finish < kay~

i might come back for another diff cuz this song is gud XD (but i have 3 more requests to do so aaaaaa) < take your time, lol

Good luck!

Thank you for mod~
Actually I prefer this kind of simple but "deep" mod... :D
Heyho! M4M from your queue ^^


  1. Could get a better res BG, audio is good
  2. Combo colors are good
  3. These are like the most complex set of hs I've ever seen xD It's good though ^^ Not a huge fan of some sliderticks, they are too loud and could disturb players (idk I play with hs off)

  1. Using long sliders too much overall. You're not clearly mapping to the vocals nor to the beat. 01:22:012 (2) - should be half the length and either repeat or have a 1/1 jump after, same goes for 01:24:454 (1) - . 02:34:221 (1) - shorten and have a 1/1 jump at the end imo. 03:21:663 (1) - doesn't really represent any sound.
That's really the only issue I can find in this diff. You're never clearly mapping to something. But ye, object placement and flow are really good, your slider design is solid, might wanna recheck your blankets, a few are slightly offm like 03:19:919 (2,3) - . But this is nazi modding :p


  1. 00:07:012 (3) - should be 2 ticks shorter and 00:07:535 - this sound is unmapped, plus 00:07:710 (4,5) - aren't on any sound, so you could really make 00:07:535 - a long slider. You could change that 00:02:651 - here too. You later go for a simpler 1/1 rhythm which works, but if you don't do 1/1 rhythm all the way in the intro you have to change some parts according to the vocals.
  2. 01:16:082 - spinner'd be cool
Pretty polished diff, the kiais are mapped well here, it's just the intro that bothers me :p


  1. 00:14:686 (1) - should be 1/2 earlier
  2. 01:43:117 - should be 1/4, you're not ignoring the other 1/4's
  3. 03:57:244 (5,6,7,8,9) - should reverse this, stream before repeat, might be too hard for this diff I think
Pretty solid too

[Reunion of Goodbye]

  1. 00:57:768 (4) - sure it's not 1/6? and the next 00:59:163 (6) - when listening on 25% I hear only 3 sounds, so 1/4's not 1/8's. might be wrong though. Also lower the volume specifically on these, it's a little annoying :p
I'm most likely missing some stuff here, but idk, solid set overall, I like it ^^

nm queu
  1. v
  2. ^
highest diff

00:02:128 (1) - x:423 y:18, can you fix your visual spacing aesthetics? objects are different wides spread from each other appart making it look a bit crummy

00:07:535 (7) - guitar and vocals have a hold note, emphasize with slider, it felt a bit off sync.

00:09:105 (1) - would make this 1/2, guitar keeps producing 1/2 notes and the vocal syllables are doubling

00:10:675 (2,3,4) - 3 circles in a row doesnt fit imo

00:14:163 (4) - why is this bowed differently, can you copy paste the slider from 00:13:640 (2) - here, aesthetics

00:16:779 (3) - can't you snap this sliderhead on 00:15:733 (4) - ? so it doesn't like feel overlapped badly

00:17:477 (1) - can't you snap this sliderhead on 00:15:907 (5) - ^

00:19:221 (2,1) - overlaps like that.. are really bad.. can't you rearrange your stuff so you can perfectly snap it?

00:21:663 (1) - seems a bit unusual on the blue tick, end the slider end on here 00:22:593 (2) - ? its 1/3

00:26:547 (3) - thats really bad don't make it touch the sliderend, looks crummy, just lift these two slightly a bit 00:26:547 (3,1) -

00:32:477 (5) - x:1 y:143 too close, you know players play jumps better in places where there hasn't been a jump yet, if you do

02:25:238 (5) - theres no note here, would do something like this

04:17:128 (4) - lineair flow and plays a bit lacking

04:23:058 (1,6) - overlap

04:42:942 (7) - song ends here, guitar keeps going as a small solo.
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