Bass Kick
00:38:093 (38093|3) - Move this to 3 to avoid here 00:38:093 (38093|3,38269|3) - a 1/2 beat Jack. You don't have any 1/2 jack in this part so.. this shouldn't be one too.
00:45:593 (45593|4) - You really want to have this note here? I mean sure there is a sound but it's really not audible on 100% playback, what is Normal while playing. Please Consider to remove it because it doesn't feel like a 1/4 note should be here.
00:55:387 (55387|1) - I highly recommend to remove this. The tripple is not a bad idea but you started it on the wrong place. This Triple here is fine 00:56:622 (56622|1,56799|3,56975|5) - since you emphasize the ending of a Part or rather a part where the music starts to get louder.
01:25:210 (85210|0) - Missing Finish Hitsound?
02:10:916 (130916|2,130916|7,131004|6,131004|4) - -> 02:12:328 (132328|7,132328|4,132416|6) - are same but you have different amount of notes. Add or Remove a note.
03:07:563 (187563|5,187563|7,187563|2) - Why here three notes? It's the only triple in this part.
03:30:857 (210857|1) - Why has this kick only single note? pretty sure it's same like 03:25:210 (205210|7,205210|1) - .
03:42:152 (222152|4,222328|4,222504|4,222681|4) - Please try to arrange here a bit the notes. This is just uagh.
03:51:328 (231328|3,231504|3,231681|3,231857|3) - Same thing here, recommend to CTRL + G these 03:51:857 (231857|3,231946|2) - .
03:53:269 (233269|3) - Move to 5, better playability.
03:54:681 (234681|3,234857|4,235034|3) - CTRL + H here.
04:12:681 - Missing note? You used always doubles on the red beats.
04:04:563 - Here too?
03:57:857 - Too?
04:03:504 - Here too?
04:07:740 - ?
04:14:093 (254093|7,254093|3) - Either you have here a Note too much or 04:14:446 - is a missing note, see 03:59:975 (239975|5,240328|5) - .
04:28:299 (268299|4) - -> 04:22:652 (262652|6,262652|4) - ?_? They are absolute same.
04:41:093 (281093|3,281181|2,281269|4,281357|3) -
I'm pretty sure you should remove here the "finish" hitsound.04:56:799 (296799|5) - move to 7 to avoid 04:56:269 (296269|5,296446|5,296622|5,296799|5) - .
05:03:857 (303857|0) - Uh for what this scratch here. Seems kinda random placed.
05:17:093 (317093|0) - Also this one, the previous one i understand because of the cymbal but for what this one?
05:17:004 (317004|4,318416|4,319828|4) - When you mapped all these only with single note you should keep consistency and remove 05:21:240 (321240|4) - ?
Ok that's all.
Maybe recheck the kiai 2-3 Times after apply my mod, it seems pretty inconsistent for me.
Call me back then