
nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix) [OsuMania]

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Topic Starter

pocket-Gao wrote:

woc 这BG真的大丈夫?
so god how to mod 只能给建议和灵感 真不会摸

Column: | S | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | | 5 | 6 | 7 |

不知为啥 00:28:745 - 这白线要摆4个note 没有多的音呀 00:23:098- 这里也是
00:41:274 (41274|3) - 建议保持和后面的摆位一样在|2|
00:43:127 (43127|2,43127|4) - 为什么这里是两个note....
00:47:098 (47098|5,47451|1,47804|5,48157|1,48509|5) - 这一段推荐和前面一样 按音阶高低来摆
01:09:862 (69862|4,69951|5,70039|6) - 建议和前面 01:08:451 (68451|2,68539|3,68627|4) - 的摆列位置一样 毕竟洗脑(不要担心某些玩家嫌没变化
01:16:039 - 到 01:16:745 - 建议摆出对称的摆法,01:27:333 - 同
01:18:774 (78774|4) - 慢放来听可以听得出,但打的时候根本就没听不出来 不要好点

01:37:657 (97657|2) - 建议|3|
01:40:833 (100833|3) - 这里的音与后面|3|道的音明显不一样呀,改一下位置
01:41:539 (101539|6) - ^ 总感觉这两段交替很奇怪的感觉 你再听一听音?

01:53:451 - 开始 woc 盘抓Bass.Kick 简直打得爽飞 赞

01:57:862 - 这里故意1note吗... 这一段音和后面1/2是重复的 可以考虑摆位一样
03:25:039 (205039|6,205039|4,205039|2) - 为啥3note
03:26:715 (206715|3,206804|4,206892|5) - 和前面一样 没必要太多变化 弄成楼梯的话难度不一感觉更不好
先是 03:29:715 (209715|3) - 这音摆了一个note 那为何 03:31:127 (211127|3,211127|5) - 又多出一个,后面这类 03:32:539 (212539|3) - 电音(没错是叫电音吧) 都只选择摆1note 2个没
03:34:215 (214215|1,214304|3,214480|5) - 建议|4|→|2|→|3|

03:48:333 (228333|4,228333|2,228333|6) - 我还是不知道抓了哪3个音 :o vocal吗
03:55:833 - 这里故意空的吗
04:01:392 - 加1note 毕竟两种电音
04:07:745 - ^

04:02:627 (242627|2,242627|5,242715|4,242804|6,242804|2,242892|4,242980|7,242980|3,243068|5,243157|7,243157|2,243245|5) - 和前面一样,像这种摆位光看上去就爽爆了

04:05:186 (245186|6,245274|5) - 建议轨道换过来
04:18:598 (258598|4,258686|5) - 对应音, |7|→|5|→|6| 有转折的感觉
04:28:392 - 这前后可以考虑前面那样的摆法
04:47:804 (287804|7,287804|1,287804|4) - 为啥是3note 没听到多的音

01:35:627 -
01:39:598 -
01:46:657 -
01:49:480 -
03:42:421 -
03:43:480 -

又是论文(坏笑),不过摸得爽啊 所以全程各种洗脑到吐 耳朵疼死,整个认真摸了一把

真心赞啊 good luck
感谢摸图 莫得太认真了 我基本都做了修改

[the diff]
00:00:510 -
00:14:627 -
00:20:274 -
00:45:598 (45598|4) - delete
00:55:392 (55392|1) - delete
01:18:686 (78686|4,78774|4) - wrong note
01:45:509 (105509|1) - 5
02:31:568 (151568|7) - delete 3
03:09:686 -
03:22:039 (202039|3) - 1
03:52:039 (232039|6,232039|7,232039|4,232039|1) - add or move for S plz
03:56:274 -
05:17:098 (317098|0) - delete
05:28:039 (328039|5,328039|3) - delete

good luck
Topic Starter

shionelove wrote:


[the diff]
00:00:510 -
00:14:627 -
00:20:274 -
00:45:598 (45598|4) - delete
00:55:392 (55392|1) - delete
01:18:686 (78686|4,78774|4) - wrong note
01:45:509 (105509|1) - 5
02:31:568 (151568|7) - delete 3
03:09:686 -
03:22:039 (202039|3) - 1
03:52:039 (232039|6,232039|7,232039|4,232039|1) - add or move for S plzk
03:56:274 -
05:17:098 (317098|0) - delete
05:28:039 (328039|5,328039|3) - delete

good luck
thanks for mod
| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
[Bass Kick]
  1. 是不是应该设一个预览点啊?
  2. 00:17:009 (17009|1,17009|3) - 其他类似的音你都没跟 这个也去了吧
  3. 00:37:039 (37039|3,37039|6) - 这两个是不是可以删掉一个? 两个我觉得多了
  4. 00:38:098 (38098|3,38274|3) - 这两个感觉可以不用放一栏 移开?
  5. 00:40:392 - 为啥这里这些音不用4个note了?
  6. 00:44:804 (44804|0) - 01:07:392 (67392|0) - 这个我觉得也可以不放note的
  7. 01:09:157 - 和01:09:509 - 是不是应该放两个note啊 后面这个音都是两个也
  8. 01:18:686 (78686|4,78774|4) - 这啥jb 01:18:774 - 这没任何音啊 是不是overmap了
  9. 01:19:215 (79215|4,79392|4) - 放到6如何啊 我听这里三个音一样的
  10. 01:19:745 - 后面这个音都是一个 我觉得要么都两个要么都一个比较好
  11. 01:52:392 (112392|0) - 01:52:480 - 应该从这里开始吧
  12. 02:03:862 (123862|5) - 放8然后02:04:039 (124039|1) - 放4?感觉那几个音差不多
  13. 02:07:568 - 02:10:392 - 02:11:804 - 这里不再加个note?
  14. 02:19:745 (139745|0,139833|0,139921|0,140009|0,140098|0,140186|0,140274|0) - 会不会过于几把了 考虑移开?
  15. 03:10:392 - 这里不再加个note?
  16. 03:12:686 (192686|5,192686|3) - 和03:13:480 (193480|5,193480|7) - 我觉得一个note就可以了 后面类似的音都一个note 统一点比较好
  17. 03:26:715 (206715|3) - 这里放note干嘛 删了
  18. 03:29:539 (209539|3) - 03:32:362 (212362|3) - 03:33:068 (213068|2) - ^这种我听不到什么明显的音 感觉overmap不好
  19. 03:55:745 - 这里为啥空了 明明你03:55:039 - 这里有跟
Topic Starter

ZZHBOY wrote:

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
[Bass Kick]
  1. 是不是应该设一个预览点啊?
  2. 00:17:009 (17009|1,17009|3) - 其他类似的音你都没跟 这个也去了吧
  3. 00:37:039 (37039|3,37039|6) - 这两个是不是可以删掉一个? 两个我觉得多了
  4. 00:38:098 (38098|3,38274|3) - 这两个感觉可以不用放一栏 移开?
  5. 00:40:392 - 为啥这里这些音不用4个note了?
  6. 00:44:804 (44804|0) - 01:07:392 (67392|0) - 这个我觉得也可以不放note的
  7. 01:09:157 - 和01:09:509 - 是不是应该放两个note啊 后面这个音都是两个也
  8. 01:18:686 (78686|4,78774|4) - 这啥jb 01:18:774 - 这没任何音啊 是不是overmap了
  9. 01:19:215 (79215|4,79392|4) - 放到6如何啊 我听这里三个音一样的
  10. 01:19:745 - 后面这个音都是一个 我觉得要么都两个要么都一个比较好
  11. 01:52:392 (112392|0) - 01:52:480 - 应该从这里开始吧
  12. 02:03:862 (123862|5) - 放8然后02:04:039 (124039|1) - 放4?感觉那几个音差不多
  13. 02:07:568 - 02:10:392 - 02:11:804 - 这里不再加个note?
  14. 02:19:745 (139745|0,139833|0,139921|0,140009|0,140098|0,140186|0,140274|0) - 会不会过于几把了 考虑移开?
  15. 03:10:392 - 这里不再加个note?
  16. 03:12:686 (192686|5,192686|3) - 和03:13:480 (193480|5,193480|7) - 我觉得一个note就可以了 后面类似的音都一个note 统一点比较好
  17. 03:26:715 (206715|3) - 这里放note干嘛 删了
  18. 03:29:539 (209539|3) - 03:32:362 (212362|3) - 03:33:068 (213068|2) - ^这种我听不到什么明显的音 感觉overmap不好
  19. 03:55:745 - 这里为啥空了 明明你03:55:039 - 这里有跟
鸡巴三小 我改了3条

[Bass Kick]
01:32:804 - 红线的音。你前面有抓,这里的别忘了。
01:41:451 - 加一个note
01:51:157 - 加一个note
02:05:098 - 这里鼓点有加重,建议考虑加一个note。
02:11:009 - 加个note,感觉更好。
02:13:921 - 这边打乱排列会舒服一点。
03:35:098 - 从这里开始好像有漏VOCAL,建议复查一下。
03:46:745 - 重鼓点,加个note。
03:58:039 - 加一个note
04:22:657 - 鼓音应该是漏了。
04:37:568 - 加一个note

Good Luck
Topic Starter

k1suke wrote:


[Bass Kick]
01:32:804 - 红线的音。你前面有抓,这里的别忘了。
01:41:451 - 加一个note
01:51:157 - 加一个note
02:05:098 - 这里鼓点有加重,建议考虑加一个note。
02:11:009 - 加个note,感觉更好。
02:13:921 - 这边打乱排列会舒服一点。
03:35:098 - 从这里开始好像有漏VOCAL,建议复查一下。
03:46:745 - 重鼓点,加个note。
03:58:039 - 加一个note
04:22:657 - 鼓音应该是漏了。
04:37:568 - 加一个note

Good Luck
fix some
Column: | S | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
[Bass Kick]
00:20:627 (20627|4,21333|1) - 全部移到7
01:02:627 - 这边开始已经可以双键了
03:09:686 - 增加难度
Topic Starter

MeowPaz wrote:

Column: | S | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
[Bass Kick]
00:20:627 (20627|4,21333|1) - 全部移到7
01:02:627 - 这边开始已经可以双键了
03:09:686 - 增加难度
who will take #2 and qualify?
btw mark me in one slot too
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

who will take #2 and qualify?
btw mark me in one slot too
lol #2 is good

nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix) [OsuMania Modding]


Beatmap Nominator Modding / Iconning

Mod Requested by victorica_db

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: 505 is more fit then
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: Fine
- Hitsound: soft-hitwhistle.wav is delayed, here is your fixer:
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

“Here come of some suggest for your map, I always check fullmap, if I’m too tried I will come back soon, or only check that keys by the request! And remember to reply the mod when you’re accepcted it or not! And dont forget my kuds if my suggest is useful ~ Thanks for requested me ~
means I will come back

[Bass Kick]

  • how about change name to: BASS KICK
    cap will be more fit with the title
    Hitsound is quite hard to hearing well, increase it to 50%
    00:00:862 (862|1,1568|1,2274|1,2980|1,3686|1,4392|1,5098|1,5804|1,6157|1,6862|1,7568|1,8274|1,8980|1,9686|1,10392|1,11098|1) - how about move this to 8th column, as it's only for kick sound, no other sound than this on 1/1 here, only have hihat but it's on 1/2
    01:30:421 (90421|4,90686|4) - it's higher pitch than 01:29:715 (89715|4,89980|4) - , move this to another column to make it fit with music
    02:03:686 - making this will be more fit with music:
    02:11:362 - low kick, you also mapped two kickes on here 02:11:627 - so on there add one more note
    02:14:980 - from to 02:20:274 - are unsnapped, make it blank is the best resolution then
    04:13:921 - my suggestion is for patterns and also pitch


man, i love this song, also your map constructed so well, i'm very love it
call me back soon
Topic Starter

Kuo Kyoka wrote:

nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix) [OsuMania Modding]


Beatmap Nominator Modding / Iconning

Mod Requested by victorica_db

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: 505 is more fit then
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: Fine
- Hitsound: soft-hitwhistle.wav is delayed, here is your fixer:
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |

“Here come of some suggest for your map, I always check fullmap, if I’m too tried I will come back soon, or only check that keys by the request! And remember to reply the mod when you’re accepcted it or not! And dont forget my kuds if my suggest is useful ~ Thanks for requested me ~
means I will come back

[Bass Kick]

  • how about change name to: BASS KICK
    cap will be more fit with the title
    Hitsound is quite hard to hearing well, increase it to 50%
    00:00:862 (862|1,1568|1,2274|1,2980|1,3686|1,4392|1,5098|1,5804|1,6157|1,6862|1,7568|1,8274|1,8980|1,9686|1,10392|1,11098|1) - how about move this to 8th column, as it's only for kick sound, no other sound than this on 1/1 here, only have hihat but it's on 1/2
    01:30:421 (90421|4,90686|4) - it's higher pitch than 01:29:715 (89715|4,89980|4) - , move this to another column to make it fit with music i prefer now
    02:03:686 - making this will be more fit with music:
    02:11:362 - low kick, you also mapped two kickes on here 02:11:627 - so on there add one more note
    02:14:980 - from to 02:20:274 - are unsnapped, make it blank is the best resolution thenbut i dont want to blank it i i check the snap
    04:13:921 - my suggestion is for patterns and also pitch


man, i love this song, also your map constructed so well, i'm very love itfix all thanks
call me back soon
nora2r - B.B.K.K.B.K.K. (Extended Mix)[OsuMania Modding]

- BPM: Okay
- Offset: Okay
- AiMod: Okay
- Tags: Okay
- BG: Okay
- Kiai: Okay
- Metadata: Okay
- Folder’s problem: None
- Hitsound: Okay
- Timing: Okay
- Other: Okay

Bubbled #2

Congratulations! Good luck on the qualification
Requested Check

Column: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Red means Unrankable stuff
Big means Important stuff
Normal are Suggestions
// means comments

Hello victorica_db
Check as requested


Artist: Right
Title: Right
Source: Right
Tags: Right
AiMod: Right
Background: Right
BPM/Offset: Right
mp3/Hitsounds: Two hitsounds have some delay. I cut it for you. | click
Other: -

Bass Kick

00:38:093 (38093|3) - Move this to 3 to avoid here 00:38:093 (38093|3,38269|3) - a 1/2 beat Jack. You don't have any 1/2 jack in this part so.. this shouldn't be one too.
00:45:593 (45593|4) - You really want to have this note here? I mean sure there is a sound but it's really not audible on 100% playback, what is Normal while playing. Please Consider to remove it because it doesn't feel like a 1/4 note should be here.
00:55:387 (55387|1) - I highly recommend to remove this. The tripple is not a bad idea but you started it on the wrong place. This Triple here is fine 00:56:622 (56622|1,56799|3,56975|5) - since you emphasize the ending of a Part or rather a part where the music starts to get louder.
01:25:210 (85210|0) - Missing Finish Hitsound?
02:10:916 (130916|2,130916|7,131004|6,131004|4) - -> 02:12:328 (132328|7,132328|4,132416|6) - are same but you have different amount of notes. Add or Remove a note.
03:07:563 (187563|5,187563|7,187563|2) - Why here three notes? It's the only triple in this part.
03:30:857 (210857|1) - Why has this kick only single note? pretty sure it's same like 03:25:210 (205210|7,205210|1) - .
03:42:152 (222152|4,222328|4,222504|4,222681|4) - Please try to arrange here a bit the notes. This is just uagh.
03:51:328 (231328|3,231504|3,231681|3,231857|3) - Same thing here, recommend to CTRL + G these 03:51:857 (231857|3,231946|2) - .
03:53:269 (233269|3) - Move to 5, better playability.
03:54:681 (234681|3,234857|4,235034|3) - CTRL + H here.
04:12:681 - Missing note? You used always doubles on the red beats.
04:04:563 - Here too?
03:57:857 - Too?
04:03:504 - Here too?
04:07:740 - ?
04:14:093 (254093|7,254093|3) - Either you have here a Note too much or 04:14:446 - is a missing note, see 03:59:975 (239975|5,240328|5) - .
04:28:299 (268299|4) - -> 04:22:652 (262652|6,262652|4) - ?_? They are absolute same.
04:41:093 (281093|3,281181|2,281269|4,281357|3) - I'm pretty sure you should remove here the "finish" hitsound.
04:56:799 (296799|5) - move to 7 to avoid 04:56:269 (296269|5,296446|5,296622|5,296799|5) - .
05:03:857 (303857|0) - Uh for what this scratch here. Seems kinda random placed.
05:17:093 (317093|0) - Also this one, the previous one i understand because of the cymbal but for what this one?
05:17:004 (317004|4,318416|4,319828|4) - When you mapped all these only with single note you should keep consistency and remove 05:21:240 (321240|4) - ?

Ok that's all.
Maybe recheck the kiai 2-3 Times after apply my mod, it seems pretty inconsistent for me.
Call me back then
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Requested Check

Column: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |
Red means Unrankable stuff
Big means Important stuff
Normal are Suggestions
// means comments

Hello victorica_db
Check as requested


Artist: Right
Title: Right
Source: Right
Tags: Right
AiMod: Right
Background: Right
BPM/Offset: Right
mp3/Hitsounds: Two hitsounds have some delay. I cut it for you. | click
Other: -

Bass Kick

00:38:093 (38093|3) - Move this to 3 to avoid here 00:38:093 (38093|3,38269|3) - a 1/2 beat Jack. You don't have any 1/2 jack in this part so.. this shouldn't be one too.
00:45:593 (45593|4) - You really want to have this note here? I mean sure there is a sound but it's really not audible on 100% playback, what is Normal while playing. Please Consider to remove it because it doesn't feel like a 1/4 note should be here.
00:55:387 (55387|1) - I highly recommend to remove this. The tripple is not a bad idea but you started it on the wrong place. This Triple here is fine 00:56:622 (56622|1,56799|3,56975|5) - since you emphasize the ending of a Part or rather a part where the music starts to get louder.
01:25:210 (85210|0) - Missing Finish Hitsound?
02:10:916 (130916|2,130916|7,131004|6,131004|4) - -> 02:12:328 (132328|7,132328|4,132416|6) - are same but you have different amount of notes. Add or Remove a note.
03:07:563 (187563|5,187563|7,187563|2) - Why here three notes? It's the only triple in this part.
03:30:857 (210857|1) - Why has this kick only single note? pretty sure it's same like 03:25:210 (205210|7,205210|1) - .
03:42:152 (222152|4,222328|4,222504|4,222681|4) - Please try to arrange here a bit the notes. This is just uagh.
03:51:328 (231328|3,231504|3,231681|3,231857|3) - Same thing here, recommend to CTRL + G these 03:51:857 no(231857|3,231946|2) - .
03:53:269 (233269|3) - Move to 5, better playability.
03:54:681 (234681|3,234857|4,235034|3) - CTRL + H here.
04:12:681 - Missing note? You used always doubles on the red beats.
04:04:563 - Here too?
03:57:857 - Too?
04:03:504 - Here too?
04:07:740 - ?
04:14:093 (254093|7,254093|3) - Either you have here a Note too much or 04:14:446 - is a missing note, see 03:59:975 (239975|5,240328|5) - .
04:28:299 (268299|4) - -> 04:22:652 (262652|6,262652|4) - ?_? They are absolute same.
04:41:093 (281093|3,281181|2,281269|4,281357|3) - I'm pretty sure you should remove here the "finish" hitsound.
04:56:799 (296799|5) - move to 7 to avoid 04:56:269 (296269|5,296446|5,296622|5,296799|5) - .
05:03:857 (303857|0) - Uh for what this scratch here. Seems kinda random placed.
05:17:093 (317093|0) - Also this one, the previous one i understand because of the cymbal but for what this one?mistake xD
05:17:004 (317004|4,318416|4,319828|4) - When you mapped all these only with single note you should keep consistency and remove 05:21:240 (321240|4) - ?

Ok that's all.
Maybe recheck the kiai 2-3 Times after apply my mod, it seems pretty inconsistent for me.
Call me back then
others are fixed
Alright, recheck time. Looks like i "overlook" some minor things.

[Bass Kick]
00:23:269 (23269|4,23269|6) - You should delete one note here. See 00:24:681 - , 00:26:093 - etc.
I saw from here 01:08:269 - to 01:13:916 - you used two notes on some red beats. Like 01:08:446 - , 01:09:857 - . I mean i have no problem with that, but before you used only 1 Note. and later, from 01:13:916 - you start again using only one note?
01:19:740 (79740|6,79740|2) - Delete one note? See also 01:21:152 - , 01:22:563 - etc.
01:39:593 (99593|3,99593|6) - One note too much? See 01:36:769 - , 01:38:181 - etc.
01:42:681 (102681|5,102681|2,102769|1,102769|6) - -> 01:44:093 (104093|7,104093|5,104181|3) - inconsistency in notes. Delete a nite here. 01:42:769 -
02:59:093 (179093|7,179269|5) - Jack these Pattern to keep consistency with your Style here :P
03:05:975 - Missing note?
03:12:681 - Delete a note? See 03:15:504 - and 03:18:328 - etc.
03:30:946 - Delete a Note? See 03:25:299 - .
04:55:652 (295652|3,295652|5) - Delete a note here? See 04:58:475 - .
05:00:593 - Not sure but i think here's a note missing.

Okay, these should solve the last inconsistency errors.
Call me back
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Alright, recheck time. Looks like i "overlook" some minor things.

[Bass Kick]
00:23:269 (23269|4,23269|6) - You should delete one note here. See 00:24:681 - , 00:26:093 - etc.k
I saw from here 01:08:269 - to 01:13:916 - you used two notes on some red beats. Like 01:08:446 - , 01:09:857 - . I mean i have no problem with that, but before you used only 1 Note. and later, from 01:13:916 - you start again using only one note?one note one sound i have check it xD
01:19:740 (79740|6,79740|2) - Delete one note? See also 01:21:152 - , 01:22:563 - etc.k
01:39:593 (99593|3,99593|6) - One note too much? See 01:36:769 - , 01:38:181 - etc.change to 2 notes
01:42:681 (102681|5,102681|2,102769|1,102769|6) - -> 01:44:093 (104093|7,104093|5,104181|3) - inconsistency in notes. Delete a nite here. 01:42:769 - i think it is fine
02:59:093 (179093|7,179269|5) - Jack these Pattern to keep consistency with your Style here :Pk
03:05:975 - Missing note?k
03:12:681 - Delete a note? See 03:15:504 - and 03:18:328 - etc.kk
03:30:946 - Delete a Note? See 03:25:299 - .k
04:55:652 (295652|3,295652|5) - Delete a note here? See 04:58:475 - .
05:00:593 - Not sure but i think here's a note missing.i think nothing here xD

Okay, these should solve the last inconsistency errors.
Call me back
Hm.. i don't know why but.. i'm still not really satisfied with the Map now.
I mean yeah i will qualify it probably and sorry for such a nazi mod of me but i want to be sure everything will be fine.
So here are some last suggestions:

[Bass Kick]
03:27:857 (207857|4,207857|6,207857|2) - This should be definitely only two Notes. It's pretty same like 03:25:034 - and 03:26:446 - .
03:26:622 - should have only two notes. Has only kick here, no clap.
04:28:299 - I think here's a note missing, according to 04:22:652 (262652|4,262652|6) -
04:45:240 (285240|6,285240|4) - This one is somehow strange for me. It's literally same like 04:48:063 - and 04:50:887 - .. Please delete a note here to keep it consistent.

Ok, that's really the last thing.
Sorry not sorry for nazi mod. Hehe.

Call me back
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Hm.. i don't know why but.. i'm still not really satisfied with the Map now.
I mean yeah i will qualify it probably and sorry for such a nazi mod of me but i want to be sure everything will be fine.
So here are some last suggestions:

[Bass Kick]
03:27:857 (207857|4,207857|6,207857|2) - This should be definitely only two Notes. It's pretty same like 03:25:034 - and 03:26:446 - .there is one more sound
03:26:622 - should have only two notes. Has only kick here, no clap.
04:28:299 - I think here's a note missing, according to 04:22:652 (262652|4,262652|6) -
04:45:240 (285240|6,285240|4) - This one is somehow strange for me. It's literally same like 04:48:063 - and 04:50:887 - .. Please delete a note here to keep it consistent.
little selfchange
Ok, that's really the last thing.
Sorry not sorry for nazi mod. Hehe.

Call me back
others are fixed
Alright, after a Ton of minor fixes and consistency issues.. here we go finally

wa! dbgod
Is there any BMS ★9dan player coming to teach how to mapping
Is a ☆06dan player coming to teach how to chart properly?

Damn I wish the alternating scratch issue gets solved quickly so that I won't have too many problems playing that scratch jack section. Very solid map otherwise, good job ^^
stupud man

iJinjin wrote:

Damn I wish the alternating scratch issue gets solved quickly so that I won't have too many problems playing that scratch jack section. Very solid map otherwise, good job ^^
Fully agreed.

I really like everything about this map, except for one part. I commented on this part earlier, and I'm now going to remove that since I think that comment wasn't well thought out. However, that doesn't change my opinion on the part I commented on.

[Bass Kick]
02:16:034 (136034|0) -
02:20:269 (140269|0) -

I highly recommend that the scratches between and including these two notes be changed to a simple stair pattern, or any other pattern where the sudden change in note spacing is easier for people to read or hit.
For example:

I'm not saying you should use this set of notes in this specific order, but try to find some way to remove that one scratch section, since it seems like many people playing this map have problems playing that section.

I wouldn't mind these scratches at all if doublescratching for this game actually worked. I know you really want to keep these patterns really badly, but until a workaround is found for the doublescratching, I personally don't think this is rankable.

EDIT: One more thing, please please please respond. If you aren't going to change this I'd like to know why. Just because the scratches follow the song doesn't mean it's a good pattern. The pattern I suggested also follows the song, is easier to read, and reflects its difficulty as rated by osu.

PS: I'm going to remove my comment I left earlier, it shouldn't have been posted in the first place. I don't want to start drama as much as the next person here, since right now, this doesn't help.
Topic Starter
im really really really tired to talk with u again and again.
i wont change that part. the technical problem is not my issue.i have already say it again and again to u in other map
it is unmeaningness to disscuss with u about this.problem
i dont know why u always do this kind of thing in almost every my 8k map
i cant map achieve everyones standard
victor is truly hardwork think about this part.then became this the best.
you cant only use your finger talk about it.or thinking
stupud man

victorica_db wrote:

i wont change that part. the technical problem is not my issue.i have already say it again and again to u in other map
Yes it is, you mapped the poor pattern in the first place. Maybe you meant something else when you said this and it got lost in translation, but if you mean what this part says then, yes it's your issue.

victorica_db wrote:

it is unmeaningness to disscuss with u about this.problem
You're right in a way. There needs to be more discussion than just between me and you. Other people should be giving their input here.

victorica_db wrote:

i dont know why u always do this kind of thing in almost every my 8k map
Because the majority of your maps have the same problem with scratches. I'm just trying to get the point across. Right now we're just at a standoff. Neither one of us is going to change our minds, we can only really listen to whatever QAT has to say about it. If QAT is ok with the scratches, so be it, but seeing as how QAT denied Gekkou Ranbu for the scratches, I wouldn't be surprised if the same situation showed up here.

MeowPaz wrote:

victor is truly hardwork think about this part.then became this the best.
you cant only use your finger talk about it.or thinking
It's not just the mapper's opinion that needs to be going into a ranked map. If a mapper just wanted his map to remain the way it was without listening to any feedback on it, osumania would have much worse maps being ranked. I can't really understand this post well, so hopefully I responded to what you were trying to say.
you want it to go for ranking right? then look through why he said these patterns don't work, you guys just circlejerking like idiots won't change the fact the game is terrible at handling dual scratching, if a high ranker player says they can't enjoy/can't play it properly due to limitations, then actually listen and make changes or say why you don't want to change instead of thinking you can get away with shit.
Topic Starter
this is the last time.i talk with u.its just waste of time
in my opinion i lovethat part
if it have rc problem,it will be dqed.if it dqed by qats own opinion on my map,i also cant say anything
ok thats all

peroperoplayer wrote:

you want it to go for ranking right? then look through why he said these patterns don't work, you guys just circlejerking like idiots won't change the fact the game is terrible at handling dual scratching, if a high ranker player says they can't enjoy/can't play it properly due to limitations, then actually listen and make changes or say why you don't want to change instead of thinking you can get away with shit.
since when the map quality decide by the high rank player

SanadaYukimura wrote:

since when the map quality decide by the high rank player
map quality is decided generally by players who are able to hit patterns correctly and competently. they know what patterns are good, what patterns are bad, what patterns are fun, what patterns are not fun. I think it would make sense that a player who knows patterns, you know, knows patterns

SanadaYukimura wrote:

since when the map quality decide by the high rank player
since this game actually got a decently sized community that seems to slip by you guys.

*Looks at The Limit Does Not Exist*

Spy wrote:

Think about it like this, the game can't do shit properly, you have to cater to the game to do shit properly, and you are responsible for it, if you can't fulfill it, then don't bother with making it in the first place. Honestly, how hard is it to explain with google translate. Either make the mods, or explain properly why the fuck you even use those patterns in a game that barely supports those patterns.
So, judging from the responses this map has been getting, I'd say it's been pretty mixed. Some agree to what the mapper has put on there, some disagree but offer a compromise to the pattern, and some completely disagree.

Let me just say that the whole point of the qualification process is to get some feedback from the community before sending a map off to the ranked section. Any suggestion or feedback while a map is qualified is not to 'attack' the mapper or the map by any means, but rather to find a general agreement from the community as to how a certain section should be mapped.

I'd like to point out that the dual-scratch mechanic does work in mania, but not very well. Depending on your key bindings, you'd have to let go of the first scratch key before pressing the second one. This doesn't allow presses to overlap when it should, similar to how standard mode allows key/mouse presses to overlap. Because of this mechanic not working well, it sparked some controversy as to how the scratch lane should be used in a song.

Also, a bug in a game should not deter a map's rankability, but a push for a fix on that bug is definitely more appropriate.

That being said, I'd say the way the scratch lane is used in this section 02:16:034 - is alright. It's not really brutal as it doesn't have any patterns aside from the jackhammers at the scratch lane. A stair pattern would be more doable, but the jacks are alright as there aren't any patterns that would distract you from that whole pattern or would make you focus on getting around the buggy scratch mechanic, and it also does a neat job on putting emphasis on the vocal.

I'd really like to know why the mapper disagreed to stupud man's mod, but that's besides the point.

Anyway, thread unlocked. Any suggestions pertaining to the map are more than welcome, but any posts that are off-topic or discourteous will not be tolerated. I'll be watching over this thread for a few days, so let's do our best on being civil to the map and amongst each other.
so its a matter of time until peppy *actually* fixes the problem. but what spy said:

Spy wrote:

Is there any BMS ★9dan player coming to teach how to mapping
is brutal and baity. the map itself is pretty decent but any reason which isnt "this is my map" are welcome
Cleaned a bit the thread. Try to make useful suggestions while the beatmap is still qualified, or don't bother posting in this thread. Keep your quarrels out of here.
may you fly

Rumia- wrote:

may you fly
We can fly
surely can
Just fly, then.
yes please fly far away and never comeback again

puxtu wrote:

yes please fly far away and never comeback again
You know what it is FLY
in……in……interesting topic.

Hey db, let me laugh for an hour first.
02:16:034 (136034|0) -
02:20:269 (140269|0)
I feel like the scratch jacks don't play well here because of 8th notes on a key like shift is already weird. another reason is that the notes that are following the "bass" vocal are unpredictable
Why not make it a stair pattern or something like ( 1, 7, 2, 6, 3, 5, 4 )?
Edit: The jacks are able to be done but, another solution to the problem is to have it so the pattern is ( 8, 1, 8, 1) etc
02:16:034 (136034|0,136299|0,136607|0,136916|0,137210|0,137446|0,137681|0,137916|0) - While I understand the reasoning behind the scratch jacks, I don't think it's playable. It's all on one column so the player will most likely attempt to read this as a jack and expect consistent spacing, however the spacing is not consistent throughout the section. Sure it follows the song, but so would a stair pattern spread across all fingers or a trill or some other pattern that could be much more readable and playable.
Okay my opinion is going to be the same whether or not the dual-scratch functionality is good or not. I don't think that having a bunch of scratches at a non-consistent speed is a good idea. You don't see that on really any other maps whether it is 8k or any other keymode. It's like the same as mapping the drums all to one key and making a completely unnecessary jack. In this case it is especially bad because the scratches do not follow a consistent speed, and it makes it really hard to read. There is no reason for it here in my opinion. I would suggest using a stair pattern instead that leads into a scratch hold as the last note, as this would be much easier to read and much more justifiable.

pocket-Gao wrote:

cant play 8K = have no right to meme

plz stop
they are giving feedbacks to the mapper. however, the mapper's "friends" kinda "defends" the whole pattern. giving answer to the feedbacks as "you cant play 8k" and something similiar. you might want to take the feedback seriously and answer their question with reasonable answer.

the map is very nice actually. had some fun on it. but my (and everyone else's) is the scratch jacks. i needed to hit it with my middle finger lmao. so sad that the mapper actually doesnt behave that good at feedbacks
the scratch-jacks are unable to be played due to an inherent issue with the osu!mania engine
you need to fix them

I went to ask some highPP player .???? didnt know set this

Topic Starter

xanibabe wrote:

02:16:034 (136034|0,136299|0,136607|0,136916|0,137210|0,137446|0,137681|0,137916|0) - While I understand the reasoning behind the scratch jacks, I don't think it's playable.
It is definitely playable. It is hard but absolutely manageable.

It's all on one column so the player will most likely attempt to read this as a jack and expect consistent spacing, however the spacing is not consistent throughout the section.
It doesn't look like a consistent spacing jack at all, especially with a high scroll speed. A player with good reading skill should notice that easily.

Sure it follows the song, but so would a stair pattern spread across all fingers or a trill or some other pattern that could be much more readable and playable.
I agree and indeed maybe some players prefer a easier/more readable pattern, but it is not mandatory for vitorica to provide such a pattern. He has his own pattern in mind and he likes it, and it is totally reasonable and playable. I don't see the necessity for victorica to make any change.

Gekido- wrote:

Okay my opinion is going to be the same whether or not the dual-scratch functionality is good or not. I don't think that having a bunch of scratches at a non-consistent speed is a good idea.
It is definitely not player-friendly but whether it is a good idea or not is very subjective. Think about jack/LN walls or any other "controversial" pattern in general. There are always people out there against certain patterns that they don't like or they believe improper. In my opinion, the pattern "having a bunch of scratches at a non-consistent speed" is challenging(however, fits the overall difficulty of this chart), but pretty fun at the same time and follows the music well.

You don't see that on really any other maps whether it is 8k or any other keymode.
There are actually plenty of BMS charts that have this patterns I believe.

It's like the same as mapping the drums all to one key and making a completely unnecessary jack. In this case it is especially bad because the scratches do not follow a consistent speed, and it makes it really hard to read. There is no reason for it here in my opinion. I would suggest using a stair pattern instead that leads into a scratch hold as the last note, as this would be much easier to read and much more justifiable.
As I said above, I do believe a stair pattern would be much better, but I also would like to remind all modders/players to respect victorica's opinions. This is after all his map.

Choofers wrote:

the scratch-jacks are unable to be played due to an inherent issue with the osu!mania engine
you need to fix them
Mapper has no responsibility to fix any game issue.
So, after discussing this map with players and other staff members, I've disqualified this for now until the following issue has been addressed, mainly the scratch jack layering at 02:16:034 -.

I did say the jacks are alright and not really brutal, but judging by the replays this map has, the vast majority of players won't be able to pull this off properly without a proper fix to the dual scratch mechanic. Layering the vocal only at the scratch lane may be justifiable because it's 'technically correct', but playability should also be taken into account since that's one of the most important aspects in ranking a map. Even when the rest of the map is easily playable, if a lot of players aren't able to play through a section properly, that's enough indication that that section plays really awkwardly and the pattern should be changed to something more playable and comfortable to do.

I also did say that a bug in a game should not deter a map's rankability, but it still doesn't change the fact that the scratch jacks don't play very well to a huge majority of the playerbase with or without the buggy mechanic.

Furthermore, the issue with the dual scratch mechanic has been addressed, but there hasn't been a response to this bug since the thread was created 5 months ago: t/392668
There's also this thread that addresses the issue but it's been 2 years since this thread was made: t/210492
I don't think we're gonna be seeing a fix on this real soon considering that we haven't gotten a proper fix to the faulty mechanic, so it'd a lot better to change the pattern at 02:16:034 - to comply with osu!'s current mechanic.

Also, please address the mods given while the map was qualified:
p/5038404 p/5052301 p/5052342 p/5052349
Overall, it's a neat map, but don't just ignore these mods. A response from you is really needed so we can make a compromise to that section.

Good luck, and I hope to see this ranked in the near future.
As soon I click this map, It got dq. :(
Before anyone says anything, I'll say this: I feel bad for Blocko, he's literally between anvil and a hammer.

I'm also against this decision, but what's been done is done
03:35:093 - 03:54:857 - should remove kiai
i can't see what different with 03:12:504 - 03:33:681 - except bbkkbkk sounds.
The Drama Ended
The Map DQ-ed
poor richardfeder, just reply all the mod and then map get DQ
Call me when you then to rebubble/requalify then.
Although i really don't want this map get DQ-ed, it's the bug in the game, not created by the map themselfves
Lol disqualified
ah okay since jack scratch does not support already i'd like victorica move them to 2nd column jack(lol) :P as long the music/voice still appropriate to make it jack pattern. i know he not going easy to change it and make it graveyard
just feedback
but mapper must do it

is it really just a feedback
Topic Starter
,可以 可以

victorica_db wrote:

,可以 可以
Okay, let me suggest something that will keep the scratching part but also remove the strain from having a 1/4 jack.
You can turn 02:19:740 (139740|0,139828|0,139916|0,140004|0,140093|0,140181|0) - into either a LN that ends on 02:20:181 - to mark sounds currently mapped with a jack, or just start 02:20:269 (140269|0) - at 02:19:740 - .
I did FC the jack 2 out of 3 times that I played it, but meh, it may be for better to change it.

Let me know when you adress those posts, I'm up for requalifying this map
Then just change that pattern, ok it is your choice db, then let it sink, this is, the ridiculous game what always makes me create meme legend limited your mapping, not your map's quality problem. If it is std i can give you a better choice but it is mania so sorry my db.

Best mod will tell you how to change, not say you should change, maybe dq happened when many people say you should change but, I think you should reject all mod till an interesting suggestion appear.
Topic Starter
i only want to say nice DQ which is impossible for me to do rerank again because i wont change that part. never.although thats as your said that the osu mania itself cant do scratch well is the part to connect the early Part
2.scratch pattern is the best way to express this part in my opinion just a normal pattern for 7+1 map just follow the rc
5.if u cant play this part ok u just cant play this map it is the easy part in this map
6.i think most people cant use double scratch key. so the problem wont exist. and most u all are keyboard player.although there are some jacks here ,no other keys here .u can use all your energy to press. if u can achieve A rank on this map i think it wont be a problem.i find many testers they dont tell me "this part cant play "
i cant understand why dQ my map ? i cant understand the when one people come to said that this part is hard to play and cant play it well ,then a lot of people that i havent seen before come to here to attack me again and agian.
i cant understand the way of how u mapping . i cant understand that u all always want to find something to start drama in all my map
i think 99% of u think my map is shit. i cant deny. i still just study from day to day.
i never use style to express mapping
i just choose the best way in my mind to map a song
if i think the map itself is shit i dont want to let it rank. in fact ,i just consider my BBKKBKK is a "good map" in my mind

thats all
just go to play whatever maps that u want play.

for nowsmart . i can set kiai every place if i want to do.
Topic Starter
啊 我为啥要看英文论文 。。
Hi victorica, sad to see this get's dq'ed but i'm sure we can get it back to the qualify.
Also i would like to say something to your Map and your post because i think you did understand something completely wrong.

victorica_db wrote:

i only want to say nice DQ which is impossible for me to do rerank again because i wont change that part. never.although thats as your said that the osu mania itself cant do scratch well
Yeah it's an game issue, not an issue in your Map. But this issue exist and when too many player complain about it you should consider to change it.

victorica_db wrote:

] is the part to connect the early Part
2.scratch pattern is the best way to express this part in my opinion just a normal pattern for 7+1 map just follow the rc
Agree here with you. You did nothing wrong.

victorica_db wrote:

]6.i think most people cant use double scratch key. so the problem wont exist. and most u all are keyboard player.although there are some jacks here ,no other keys here .u can use all your energy to press. if u can achieve A rank on this map i think it wont be a problem.i find many testers they dont tell me "this part cant play "
You can find so many testers for you map as you wont. The most ppl start to play a Map when it get's qualified.

victorica_db wrote:

]i cant understand why dQ my map ? i cant understand the when one people come to said that this part is hard to play and cant play it well ,then a lot of people that i haven't seen before come to here to attack me again and agian. i cant understand the way of how u mapping . i cant understand that u all always want to find something to start drama in all my map
The DQ is because of the Scratch Part. We can really long discuss about this and i think both sides are right. A ingame Bug should not affect the rankability of a Map but you also have to understand that while this Bug exist you should avoid to Map like this. No one said these are bad Pattern (That's why i didn't mention them in my qualify check), they are just not playable while this bug exist, that's all.
Also no one did attack you here as a person or as a Mapper. No one. They just try to help you and give you feedback how you could make it better, how you could keep your style and make it still playable.

victorica_db wrote:

]i think 99% of u think my map is shit. i cant deny. i still just study from day to day.
i never use style to express mapping
i just choose the best way in my mind to map a song
I confess i didn't read the whole thread but i think no one said your map is shit. On the contrary player even like your map.
Look here:

iJinJin wrote:

Very solid map otherwise, good job ^^

stupud man wrote:

I really like everything about this map, except for one part
Where you can read here this Map is shit? No one said this! Don't imagine something that does not exist.
If this Map would be shit i wouldn't qualify it before :P
Please, everyone is only here to help you.

Like you see no one did hate you here. They just want to help, me too
Please consider about Kamikaze's suggestion, it would be really sad when this get's now into the graveyard just because you don't want to change this Part.
Even when you don't like Kamikaze's suggestion, i'm sure we can find something where everyone will be happy and we can move it back to the Qualified state.

Call me whenever you need me here, would be really happy if i can help you!
stupud man

richardfeder wrote:

Gekido- wrote:

Okay my opinion is going to be the same whether or not the dual-scratch functionality is good or not. I don't think that having a bunch of scratches at a non-consistent speed is a good idea.

You don't see that on really any other maps whether it is 8k or any other keymode.
There are actually plenty of BMS charts that have this patterns I believe.
Name one. BMS charts may have scratches in them (the game also supports doublescratching!!!), but not a long stream of inconsistently spaced ones. Thats the issue with this map. Will respond to your other comments when I get home.

Yeah, scratches are a great way to represent vocals, sure, but from a playability standpoint its much worse, at least when the scratches have odd and inconsistent spacing between them. Please understand.

victorica_db wrote: is the part to connect the early Part
this is called climax theory

2.scratch pattern is the best way to express this part in my opinion
it may be the "best way" to express what's going on musically, and just a normal pattern for 7+1 map
I know that scratch jacks are a thing in iidx/bms, but

5.if u cant play this part ok u just cant play this map it is the easy part in this map
it's actually not the easier part in the map

6.i think most people cant use double scratch key. so the problem wont exist. and most u all are keyboard player.although there are some jacks here ,no other keys here .u can use all your energy to press. if u can achieve A rank on this map i think it wont be a problem.i find many testers they dont tell me "this part cant play "
there's a difference between achieving an A on a map due to a player's lack of skill, and achieving an A on a map due to an inherent issue with the engine. I have a few maps on o!m that are probably harder than anything you'll ever make, but they are not limited by the engine itself.

i cant understand why dQ my map ?
because you fail to see why the scratch jack section is an objective issue

i cant understand the when one people come to said that this part is hard to play and cant play it well ,then a lot of people that i havent seen before come to here to attack me again and agian.
it's because you're victoria; you have a certain type of arrogance that warrants people starting drama

i cant understand the way of how u mapping . i cant understand that u all always want to find something to start drama in all my map
it's not your maps that cause drama. it's your attitude that causes drama

i think 99% of u think my map is shit. i cant deny. i still just study from day to day.
I'm almost certain that the people who have posted in this thread think that your map has a section that's stupid. we don't think your map is shit lol

i never use style to express mapping
i just choose the best way in my mind to map a song
then I think the best thing for you to do is to not ask for your maps to be ranked.
FCed scratch part by only using left pinky finger. There are no other notes during that 2:16 period except a series of scratch notes and thus I really dont understand why people complain about it.

CWRU-RYU Li wrote:

FCed scratch part by only using left pinky finger. There are no other notes during that 2:16 period except a series of scratch notes and thus I really dont understand why people complain about it.
replay pls

victorica_db wrote:

No one said the map is bad, I think the map is good outside of that one part. And just because people can hit that part, doesn't mean that the part should stay like it is (I hit the part at least half of the time that I played it).
My binding for BMS is SDF<sp>JKL plus scratch with A. with alternative binding on H however I'm finally able to FC the part from 02:14:622 - to 02:21:681 - by jacking using index finger on H-key.

Choofers wrote:

CWRU-RYU Li wrote:

FCed scratch part by only using left pinky finger. There are no other notes during that 2:16 period except a series of scratch notes and thus I really dont understand why people complain about it.
replay pls
Replay: ... You know I don't like people who don't even play 8k and come to complain about the arrangemts just because they can't play it well.

stupud man wrote:

Name one.
Charts that have "long streams of inconsistently spaced scratches". I can list more if you want.
★4 Here we go! (TM edit) (Awesomeman / obj: あーさん)
★7 HE is an Energizer (7keys sarather) (Mr.ABC) -> after about 800 combos
★14 SAMBISTA -sarambista- (DOT96 / obj.D-BLUE) -> right in the middle

some easier examples:
☆10 niKu (HYPER) (TOMA v.s. DJ Saw-Low) (8th dan #1) -> around 900~1000
☆12 Freja (SP ANOTHER) (rider) (10th dan #2)

stupud man wrote:

BMS charts may have scratches in them (the game also supports doublescratching!!!), but not a long stream of inconsistently spaced ones.
osu!mania also supports doublescratching, but not fully, and we all know that mapper shouldn't be responsible for it. As Loctav said,

Loctav wrote:

A bug in the game engine won't make the map self unrankable, since the map self is not bugged.

I don't even know why this is turned into a problem.

shionelove wrote:

If anyone has any suggestion, tell the mapper and don't be like "this is what I think is subtle so u have to change it". Mappers have the right to take advice with grain of salt. Besides, some players who don't know 8k and don't even play 8k should really shut their mouth. This is not a place to pick a quarrel.
stupud man

richardfeder wrote:

Honestly yeah you're right. Was acting a bit cocky sorry.

You bring up some really good points that I couldn't really see before (eg. BMS charts having similar if not worse scratch patterns on the insane scale). So is this going to change my opinion on the pattern? Slightly, but no. I'm still going to uphold my opinion about the pattern being underrated and hard to time (for example, when I was scratching the first section, the notes speed up just after the 5th scratch or so so I ended up hitting the majority of the next scratches late, almost missing a couple of i didn't catch myself). That being said, I'm not going to try to shove my opinion down someone's throat (I feel like I may have made an attempt at that today, sorry). I may respond to someone if I feel like what they say has something wrong with it, but that's where I'm trying to make it as far as it goes.

I understand that the mapper can take my opinion with a grain of salt. However this mapper (from what I can see and had seen in the past) has a history of refusing to take decent advice. I don't know if I (or others) seemed like trying to shove opinions down someone's throat but I know that I was only trying to get my point across in the most civil way possible without being outright ignored or given a lazily thought out response. There are people in this thread that I can definitely name that have absolutely no experience in somewhat difficult 8k games/charts/maps. However, there are others I can name that at least possess the common sense to determine whether or not some ideas/opinions hold their ground. But yeah absolutely anybody with no experience whatsoever shouldn't be here.

stupud man wrote:

richardfeder wrote:

I understand that the mapper can take my opinion with a grain of salt. However this mapper (from what I can see and had seen in the past) has a history of refusing to take decent advice. I don't know if I (or others) seemed like trying to shove opinions down someone's throat but I know that I was only trying to get my point across in the most civil way possible without being outright ignored or given a lazily thought out response. There are people in this thread that I can definitely name that have absolutely no experience in somewhat difficult 8k games/charts/maps. However, there are others I can name that at least possess the common sense to determine whether or not some ideas/opinions hold their ground. But yeah absolutely anybody with no experience whatsoever shouldn't be here.

First, there is a long "history" of prejudice towards vic's maps. What's more important, mappers are not obligated to appreciate suggestions from others since what others think "decent" might not be "decent" to mappers. Things don't work like "since I gave u what I believe is decent so you mappers should be appreciated for that".

stupud man wrote:

richardfeder wrote:

Honestly yeah you're right. Was acting a bit cocky sorry.

You bring up some really good points that I couldn't really see before (eg. BMS charts having similar if not worse scratch patterns on the insane scale). So is this going to change my opinion on the pattern? Slightly, but no. I'm still going to uphold my opinion about the pattern being underrated and hard to time (for example, when I was scratching the first section, the notes speed up just after the 5th scratch or so so I ended up hitting the majority of the next scratches late, almost missing a couple of i didn't catch myself). That being said, I'm not going to try to shove my opinion down someone's throat (I feel like I may have made an attempt at that today, sorry). I may respond to someone if I feel like what they say has something wrong with it, but that's where I'm trying to make it as far as it goes.
Thanks for your reply and I have a couple of points to say responding to not only you but all modders/QAT members.
No one is trying to change your opinion or stop you from stating your points. No. In fact we are glad to see that different people have different approaches and understandings of this song/certain patterns. That's why we have different styles of mapping and diverse patterns and we can all equally enjoy them. The point is that you shouldn't force someone else to follow your interpretation of music/understanding of patterning. As I said again and again, patterning is very subjective and you cannot simply say patterning in one way or another is a "good idea" or "bad idea". What you think as "decent" might seems to be "none sense" for mappers who harbor totally different approach of mapping from yours. In this case, victorica insists on his approach, and his approach is not only technically correct, follows the rhythm closely, but is also playable. And now numbers of people argue for a change just because they don't like it(what even more ridiculous is that they don't like it because they think they cannot hit it properly).
Also many comments show no respect to victorica_db himself. How could he write so much if he never seriously take any advice? He also listed enough reasons to support his patterns and no modder should ignore that: 1) This pattern connect smoothly with previous pattern; 2) Scratch pattern is his approach of expressing that specific part; 3) It's nothing mind-blowing or something completely out of contorl(I also listed some BMS charts utilizing this pattern) and 4) It doesn't violate any RC. This is a very formal and serious respond. If this is not the respond modders/QAT members asking for, then I don't know what should vicotica post anymore.
I would say what PC has argued should really be rule of thumb for all modders to bear in mind. Once modders or whoever else become overly egoist and force mappers to adopt their ideas, it just becomes a disaster.
Well the disqualification happened mainly because victorica did not answer the mods or posted in a way that made it look like he just shoved those posts aside, as far as I know at least. And like PC said, it's not about forcing your will on someone else, at that point this is just wrong.
But at the same time, while the scratch part is mapped correctly, I feel like if that's a major issue to most players (I can safely S this map, but I have to rush earlier notes to FC that jack to be honest), you could at least try to simplify it a tiny bit for the sake of players.
Also PC's point of there being charts with this type of scratch in BMS: Sure, there may've been times where this is used, but that doesn't make it any better, in fact if something has been done somewhere else and it's not good, we should avoid using it elsewhere.This is not in a context of this map in particular.

Honestly, I think I would be okay if victorica didn't change anything at all (though I would really like his post to be less agressive, oh well), but if you want to make that part more accessible to average 8K player, I'm going to suggest some alternatives of what you can do to make this part more accessible once more:

First of all, my opinion on the scratch part: It's bearable, but you either have to master dual scratch, or rush a bit to give yourself some time. Even then you are likely to break on the following LN if you're not careful.

First suggestion: What I suggested before - You can turn 02:19:740 (139740|0,139828|0,139916|0,140004|0,140093|0,140181|0) - into either a LN that ends on 02:20:181 - to mark sounds currently mapped with a jack. This will remove the need to vibro with your pinky to hit it, while still having to rotate the scratch on controller.

Second suggestion: The problem of this part being very hard to nail also lies in the following LN which is really close after the scratch jack which is very hard both for KB and BM players. I think that you could 02:20:269 (140269|0) - into a normal note, to simulate the mapped sound by making it play like a sample on DJ console - click the button and sample plays

Do whatever you want with those suggestions, but please, try to requalify it, I don't want to see another 8K map getting graveyarded for something as minor as this.
To PC: Please translate this post to victorica directly, I feel like you can convey what I mean better than if he would use a translator to translate this post.
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i think i answer the mod..why do u say i didnt answer?
i have seen ur suggestion
both of them is not achieve what i think and i think it is not the best thing to express that part
ill still keep it

victorica_db wrote:

i think i answer the mod..why do u say i didnt answer?
Well you did after DQ, apart from answering stupud man's post vaguely, welp.
Anyway, I'll let others decide what to do here, I'm not sure myself
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-Kamikaze- wrote:

victorica_db wrote:

i think i answer the mod..why do u say i didnt answer?
Well you did after DQ, apart from answering stupud man's post vaguely, welp.
Anyway, I'll let others decide what to do here, I'm not sure myself
i have said " i wont change that part" ...
You misunderstood me, I'm going to just wait and see what happens, I don't really want to be held responsible for any decisions, I'll be back if this gets rebubbled I guess
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