
What is your opinion on the new forum design?

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In terms of looks, its pretty nice in my opinion, but it still needs some work so its more user friendly. More customization features such as an option to change the colour for background might be pretty neat to have as well.
So far it's quite nice on the eyes. The pagination works smoothly on browser and phone, and the color scheme makes each post pop out quite well. Too bad the content of said posts can be hit or miss, haha.

I am curious to see how you handle the menu items and the user/beatmap searches with this design as I found that I was missing those fairly quick into testing.

I wonder how it handles embedded spoiler boxes
Text before new box
Text inside new box

peppy wrote:

If white hurts your eyes, you need to TURN DOWN YOUR MONITOR BRIGHTNESS.

The "simplicity" is not because it was made for phones. It's to make it simple.

Missing features are because it's a WIP. Are you retarded? Stop posting in a feedback thread without understanding what you are looking at first, please.

It's called jizz because I chose that for the testing subdomain. It's a WIP and will eventually replace the original site (and no longer be fjizz?).

Infinite scrolling is not going anywhere, but the navigation control (bottom right) is not final.
I assure you i know what im looking at here, i even said i know its WIP; i've mentioned the missing features as it ties into how the new design is not fit for mass testing yet, at least in my oponion.

Simplicity is good, but it just feels too simple, too spacious just as if it would be for smart phones where massive and extremely simple interfaces are a neccesity due the small screens. Its something worthy of improving as such would largely be uneccesary for desktop systems - you can easily fit more information and more advanced functions on the screen here without running into issues regarding useability.

Im looking forward to the updated navigation bubble! Just to clear eventual misunderstandings, im not suggesting to remove infinite scrolling, but to support it with pseudo pages for more efficent navigation. Infinite scrolling is neat.

And regarding the brightness... sure, i could do that but then again, having the users bend to and change their brightness up and down as they visit various websites is not exactly userfriendly. 100% pure and shining white is just a harsh color for large areas, like, say neon pink, so im suggesting you to use something less harsh, giving the white a tint of blue or some other color might just work.
I like the new forum design. And it's WIP too. Looking forward to the end result.

I have to agree though, using jizz is really unprofessional and I really hope it will be changed when officially released. Otherwise i'd really have trouble introducing friends to the site and I'm sure others would too :P.
I really like it but well...
1. What are these moving triangles at the top doing? They look, in my opinion, a bit ugly and irritating.
2. I just dislike the color pink.

Other than that It is extremely AWESOME! especially because it's so minimal.

I don't have to care about what I dislike about the design anymore. Started skinning it right now.
The current forum doesn't look that bad. what I think it happens we're used to this forums template so it can come weird to us. Remeber best things take their own time.
looks a lot more eye-catchy and looks more modern.. i really like the profile page tho.. <3
can't wait until the new-fully-working forum released, and can't wait to see the big change of the homepage too!
Vuelo Eluko
rip anyoner who uses firefox and/or has an old CPU, infinite scrolling is absolute hell, the farther you go the worse you lag. At least it's been that way on every other website ive ever used that had it. Maybe the overly simple design was an attempt at optimization, but i believe we've lost more than we've gained from it.

Although im sure it's better for people who are on their iphones at work and want to just swipe down over and over while they loudly chew their bubblegum, I can't see how anyone sitting in front of a computer using anything but the screen for input can find this better. Navigating is a lot harder overall, at least for someone like me who uses a PC with a mouse+kb.

I can appreciate that you put a lot of hard work into this peppy, you really do put in the time for us, but it's not about just pushing content out it's about making sure it's wanted in the first place as well.

I love you, Peppy.
I like having pages. It makes things easier for me to parse, especially for long threads. But I'm not a dev, and I don't use the forum all that much, so I can accept the new layout as inevitable.

But still, we have to agree, there is one objectively superior layout for every given forum. In this case, it would be the one Peppy chooses, since he's the leader. If he wanted someone's opinions, he would personally contact them. Disagreement over things that aren't going to change divides the community, and distracts from topics that will have an effect.

It would be nice if Peppy could make a list of things he knows to be factual, then the mods could ban people when they say something wrong instead of letting their idiocy rot the board. But I'm not a mod, so I have to assume things are better this way. Thinking anything current might be bad is only an admission of ignorance.
Overall I think there are too many wasted space.

I agree with everyone who thinks posts are too narrow. White space on the right side of each post needs to be trimmed off a bit.

A separation between the avatar area and post area would be nice. Right now everything is on a white background and it feels like they're just thrown there creating a mess. Something along the line of the current forums with different background colors would be nice.

I personally dislike the avatar box thing. The contrast with the background is way too high and it looks bulky. I suggest removing it entirely. With that box away there are more space for longer usernames and larger display space for avatars. Seriously though, why the smaller avatars?

My only complain about the profile page is how the profile details are displayed. Does everything really need to be represented as characters? I think the current design with images and tooltips are a lot better and faster to read.

Another thing, something should be done to the username on top right of the page to make it look more important because I like feeling important get user attention. Right now it feels like it's just a bunch of characters thrown randomly and it doesn't feel much different than being a guest. I think making it bold like on the current design would work just fine.

Kudos for the new editor at the bottom of the page, I really like it.

Edit: ctrl + enter still works ;)
Why does everything have to be so big?
Vuelo Eluko

piruchan wrote:

Overall I think there are too many wasted space.

I agree with everyone who thinks posts are too narrow. White space on the right side of each post needs to be trimmed off a bit.

A separation between the avatar area and post area would be nice. Right now everything is on a white background and it feels like they're just thrown there creating a mess. Something along the line of the current forums with different background colors would be nice.

I personally dislike the avatar box thing. The contrast with the background is way too high and it looks bulky. I suggest removing it entirely. With that box away there are more space for longer usernames and larger display space for avatars. Seriously though, why the smaller avatars?

My only complain about the profile page is how the profile details are displayed. Does everything really need to be represented as characters? I think the current design with images and tooltips are a lot better and faster to read.

Another thing, something should be done to the username on top right of the page to make it look more important because I like feeling important get user attention. Right now it feels like it's just a bunch of characters thrown randomly and it doesn't feel much different than being a guest. I think making it bold like on the current design would work just fine.

Kudos for the new editor at the bottom of the page, I really like it.

Edit: ctrl + enter still works ;)
what is that aberration masquerading as the american flag?

peppy wrote:

Have you checked today? There have been some changes to contrast levels.
White stings my eyes a lot less now :)

Another thing I noticed:
It looks a bit weird how pippi's sleeve laps out of the heading-box on the right but her hairs don't. Nonsensical 3d if you ask me :D
- it uses up too much space. Instead of "simple and modern", it just looks bulky to me. (look at Gumpyyy's picture). This is the only real complaint I have, actually. Next one is minor.
- Using different colors for different sections in the index makes things more confusing instead of being a step towards simplicity and user-friendliness. Unity is an important factor concerning that, and this includes the color scheme. (very minor)

- I'm not a fan of infinite scrolling, but as opposed to the other points I brought up, this might just be because I'm not used to it yet. We are creatures of habit after all, and it's easy for us to blindly oppose new things for the sake of maintaining the status quo. I think in terms of practicability, infinite scrolling might even outperform the current system with pages, so I am open for change in this area (even though I don't like it as of yet).

Gumpyyy wrote:

Why does everything have to be so big?

Simplicity i guess

Personally, I like the clean look
Here is something for everyone who hates the bright style of the new page. A (almost) complete gray skin :D (I guess many people will hate me for using multiple fonts)


erikG wrote:

Simplicity i guess

Personally, I like the clean look
having that big achieves nothing besides making it more clunky.
A Medic
It's alright but, imo I am actually a fan of the old form design.

It's simple and easy to look at.
Honestly, I'm in love with it. I always had a sweet spot in my heart for very modern looking pages. Playing osu!, the site actually seem like they can go hand in hand now. The previous site, though entirely functional -- felt like the stale, made in 2005 by someone with poor CSS skills type o' look.

I get that some have problems with how difficult navigation is, which is understandable. But please do understand, most things are a bit rough when they're still in the progress of being worked out. This version isn't mandatory yet, implying that peppy realises their are problems, and will certainly sand them away before the site becomes compulsory.

So, in the end, it only comes down to opinion -- and in mine. I really, really like it.
I miss spoilers :(

Endaris wrote:

[spoiler]I miss spoilers :([/spoiler]

Spoilers? As in the boxes you can expand? Or spoiling someone about something?
personally, I am not satisfied by the look of the new website, at least yet. the only thing I really liked is the achievement % :\

Concerning the missing features, it's not done, they just give the players the possibility to take a look at their work before it's done.

For the word "Jizz" in the address (Dudes, when I type it in google, the first link is a p**n website -_-), they're not giving an example of maturity...

Oh, and I think they shouldn't have removed this

H3X0RZ wrote:

Endaris wrote:

I miss spoilers :(
Spoilers? As in the boxes you can expand? Or spoiling someone about something?
This exact box you can't see and that doesn't get converted in the new forum.
It's "just" a sub-domain. the actual domain is just

peppy wrote:

Pagination as you know it is gone forever. It makes no sense.

Tell that to a person looking for specific information/a particular post in a massive thread that just so happens to be directly in the center of the thread. With someone who has tens of thousands of forum posts, I find it hard to believe you've never appreciated the concept of going back in chunks rather than having to load everything irrelevant in between.

But... whatever. It is your design and you can do with it what you choose. I very highly doubt that I am alone, in any case.

EDIT: and if you're very deliberately ignoring corner-cases in your development, that's hardly a good precedent.
I tend to focus more on text. A design that can handle large blocks of text and would not have its designs distract me while I read them would be appreciated. The designs look cool and very !next, but the devs might consider giving an option to make things more compact?

The following comparison is not made against the old forum.

+ design style
+ design style
+ design style
+ design style

- pagination (this is a religion)
- width (as other people have pointed out)
- permanent link to each thread (we don't have that right now)
- one-line-per-thread list of each topic (like an abstract in an article, scan tens of posts at a glance)
- option: fixed-width font when editing post (I'm a programmer)

Now, I'm patiently waiting for new functionality to come in.
wmfchris thing I noticed is that the new one failed to show the < and > character in the profile page.

Taking about the forum design I guess everything takes time to get used with, but the fonts could be smaller like the old one imo

Halogen- wrote:

peppy wrote:

Pagination as you know it is gone forever. It makes no sense.

Tell that to a person looking for specific information/a particular post in a massive thread that just so happens to be directly in the center of the thread.
EDIT: and if you're very deliberately ignoring corner-cases in your development, that's hardly a good precedent.

how is remembering a page number different from remembering a post number? you can already jump to a specific post.

peppy wrote:

how is remembering a page number different from remembering a post number? you can already jump to a specific post.
Probably he means jumping to a specific page from here

I also use this feature often and it's pretty convinient

peppy wrote:

how is remembering a page number different from remembering a post number?
fewer digits with page numbers
I Give Up
i like forum :D
It's okay but I favour the current looks, as they are cleaner and better structured (for now). The design itself is not my preference.
A Medic
Another thing that I've recently notice is that sometimes it will double post by itself.
It's been happening to me quite a bit this morning.
I think we need a small tutorial on how to use the new forum.
Infinite scrolling seems to be an unknown/unintuitive concept for most people. Can't say that I would miss pages that much either though @Halogen and I've spent a big amount of my time online in forums for the past years. I think it works just as well and it doesn't even compare to shittyness of redditstyle they used for the LoL-forums

As for the small arrows on the post number it would probably be the easiest if you removed the one pointing to the threadstart and make the one pointing to the end bigger. No clue how you can make this goodlooking while keeping the circle-shape but for usability this would be very good I think.
As for the top-bar, I think it would be best if it grew larger on hovering over it so you have an easier time clicking on the navigation links.

And smileys seem to be a bit too small/misplaced compared to the text as their lower edge is way below the baseline of text but don't get to the topline of it either. :o
The design is great but it'd be better if it was scaled to the size of the browser window
Top Bunk
I feel like half the people here are only complaining just to complain. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with the design, imo. The only valid issues I've seen so far is with the large amount of white space and how narrow the forums are.

With the former, white space is just plain ugly and that can unanimously be agreed upon. However, proper spacing is still important (which the old design lacks and causes everything to be too bunched up).
With the latter, that's mostly just a matter of opinion. There's nothing wrong with a narrow design in principle, but the thing that bothers me most with it is when posts in a thread get even more narrow after the OP. That doesn't really make much of any sense to me as a design aspect, as there are much better ways of distinguishing an OP.

As far as pagination goes, there's nothing wrong with it. If people know what page to look for, then they should also know the approximate post number to look for. Post # = Page # x Posts-per-Page.
However, I will say that having the current post number be clickable doesn't make much sense. In fact, it might be better to make it so you can use that "current post" number space to type in the number for the search, instead of having to click the search icon to type it in. One less icon to worry about then, and better convenience.

Aside from those things, I find the design itself to be beautiful overall, and I'm sure it will only continue to improve. Functionality will be added later and it's not even worth commenting on yet until it's actually implemented.
And I still don't get why people are complaining over the test domain name. Who even gives a jizz about a temporary name.

Endaris wrote:

I think we need a small tutorial on how to use the new forum.
Infinite scrolling seems to be an unknown/unintuitive concept for most people. Can't say that I would miss pages that much either though @Halogen and I've spent a big amount of my time online in forums for the past years. I think it works just as well and it doesn't even compare to shittyness of redditstyle they used for the LoL-forums

As for the small arrows on the post number it would probably be the easiest if you removed the one pointing to the threadstart and make the one pointing to the end bigger. No clue how you can make this goodlooking while keeping the circle-shape but for usability this would be very good I think.
As for the top-bar, I think it would be best if it grew larger on hovering over it so you have an easier time clicking on the navigation links.

And smileys seem to be a bit too small/misplaced compared to the text as their lower edge is way below the baseline of text but don't get to the topline of it either. :o
You kind of have a problem if you think you need a tutorial though. The design should be as intuitive as possible, meaning anyone should be able to figure it out.

It's not so much that autoscrolling is a foreign concept moreso than it just being something I don't enjoy using all the time. In some cases, I find it useful, while in other cases it's just really annoying to not have pages. Autoscrolling has been around for a while now on the internet, so I'm sure most people that don't like it have had enough time to "get used to it", and still don't enjoy using it.

@Top Bunk: Most people will "complain" or give critisism, since that's what's generally helpful and a reason to post in the first place. Saying "Omg this looks great!!!" doesn't really help getting things better. In general, if people don't mention something, you can assume they thought that was fine, and works well as it is.
Actually I never encountered infinitescrolling on a site I'm actually using before so I'm not used to it and since I consider myself to be an experienced internet user I just assumed that a lot of people would feel the same.
The first time I tried to get out of a long thread I scrolled to the top and tried to be faster in clicking the header than the page would load the next posts I scrolled to so you can see where I am coming from.
It took me 2min to figure everything out so you may or may not say that it is intuitive but the stuff I pointed out certainly hinders intuitive use.
Pages are more intuitive in the way that everyone knows how to read a book and has an immediate guess when being in a thread for the first time and seeing pages. Infinite scrolling isn't a thing you know from RL though, mainly from smartphones(and im not a smartphone user) so it is naturally harder to operate when encountering it for the first time - which is why a tutorial might not be a bad thing.
Once you got it, it is very intuitive as everything makes sense in itself but you will inevitably get undesired results if you try to use it like a conventional forum.

Why is pewdiepie not on jizz?
Top Bunk

CXu wrote:

@Top Bunk: Most people will "complain" or give critisism, since that's what's generally helpful and a reason to post in the first place. Saying "Omg this looks great!!!" doesn't really help getting things better. In general, if people don't mention something, you can assume they thought that was fine, and works well as it is.
The problem here is that it's mostly complaining with lack of proper constructive criticism. I'm not saying all the posts are like that, but a majority of them are (even the longer posts which pretend like they go into detail when it's really just pointing more directly at what they're complaining about). At the very least people should say why they dislike something and what can be done to further fix/improve it. Especially considering the new site design will be implemented regardless of the people who dislike it. So instead of those complaining without a basis, they should at least attempt to make reasonable suggestions.

Also, let's not forget important things here. 1) Peppy gets the final say in the direction everything goes in. 2) You can't please everybody, so people will be forced to settle on compromises and deal with things they're not satisfied with either way.
The design and layout looks nice but the "Scroll up for the previous 10 posts" thing is just weird and annoying tbh.

Top Bunk wrote:

CXu wrote:

@Top Bunk: Most people will "complain" or give critisism, since that's what's generally helpful and a reason to post in the first place. Saying "Omg this looks great!!!" doesn't really help getting things better. In general, if people don't mention something, you can assume they thought that was fine, and works well as it is.
The problem here is that it's mostly complaining with lack of proper constructive criticism. I'm not saying all the posts are like that, but a majority of them are (even the longer posts which pretend like they go into detail when it's really just pointing more directly at what they're complaining about). At the very least people should say why they dislike something and what can be done to further fix/improve it. Especially considering the new site design will be implemented regardless of the people who dislike it. So instead of those complaining without a basis, they should at least attempt to make reasonable suggestions.

Also, let's not forget important things here. 1) Peppy gets the final say in the direction everything goes in. 2) You can't please everybody, so people will be forced to settle on compromises and deal with things they're not satisfied with either way.
Actually we know full well that this thread is a farce that doesn't matter because Peppy will do what he wants to regardless of what anyone and everyone thinks because fuck you that's why.

Raiken- wrote:

The design and layout looks nice but the "Scroll up for the previous 10 posts" thing is just weird and annoying tbh.
Yeah, pages works way better. Also, where's "View your posts"? :c
Top Bunk

Khelly wrote:

Actually we know full well that this thread is a farce that doesn't matter because Peppy will do what he wants to regardless of what anyone and everyone thinks because fuck you that's why.
Good point :v
imo the design is beautiful but just need needs more work on the feature
anyway is the forum will be called jizz forever?

Jieshengwoo wrote:

imo the design is beautiful but just need needs more work on the feature
anyway is the forum will be called jizz forever?

peppy wrote:

It's called jizz because I chose that for the testing subdomain. It's a WIP and will eventually replace the original site (and no longer be fjizz?).
read previous post
I like this, the old design is confusing for new peoples.

JMC wrote:

Jieshengwoo wrote:

imo the design is beautiful but just need needs more work on the feature
anyway is the forum will be called jizz forever?


peppy wrote:

It's called jizz because I chose that for the testing subdomain. It's a WIP and will eventually replace the original site (and no longer be fjizz?).

read previous post

oops sorry!! my wrong, really sorry o(╥﹏╥)o
Twilight Randomizer
It looks pretty nice. I can't exactly put it up for comparison right now (502 MB RAM on a school PC, wha), but whoever did the design has done a great job.
Just as an update, we are now loading image dimensions before images are displayed. This means that scrolling upwards in a thread should feel much more natural, and overall performance should also have improved.

You'll also notice that this means we could remove the "expanding post" logic, improving the experience further.
Nakano Itsuki
Mentioning something I posted in the wrong forum a day ago...

The design is great, plus I love the color scheme of it. (And it being bigger to view ofc, especially on phones)

Only two things I don't really like is the pagination removed and the wasted space, as mentioned by other people.
For beatmappers in particular, clicking to a particular page helps to see mod posts more conveniently imo (also I doubt people can really remember that much post numbers lol... Especially for those who frequent the forum such as the requests section)

Others are really good imo. Dunno if it is feasible, maybe an option could be included in user settings to allow switching between infinite scrolling and pagination.

Just my 2 cents after being a lurker of other forum software, as 90% tend to use pagination anyway
It's way different. In a good way though. I love the design.
It will take some getting used to of course, being so different and all, but other than that I think it's great!
There is a chance that final version can be good, but now I'm really sad.

Only thing I really want is an option to choose between new/old forum style, since I'm satisfied with old one most of all. This new one is too... modern for me personally. I like old paging and old spoilerboxes way more, because it was easier to press them as a pagewide link/hovering, not like it is now.

Hope for keeping both styles to make everyone happy.
Top Bunk

Ruineko wrote:

There is a chance that final version can be good, but now I'm really sad.

Only thing I really want is an option to choose between new/old forum style, since I'm satisfied with old one most of all. This new one is too... modern for me personally. I like old paging and old spoilerboxes way more, because it was easier to press them as a pagewide link/hovering, not like it is now.

Hope for keeping both styles to make everyone happy.
Given how this current design and the new design are using different software (iirc), I highly doubt there will be an option to choose one or the other.

Change is often a necessity, so for those that can't adjust to it, then oh well. Deal with it.
Topic Starter

CXu wrote:

Since there's a thread. One thing that's been kinda bothering me both on the old forums and the new ones, is that you don't really scale it with the browser window:

Is there any particular reason you don't prefer more automatic scaling? It looks kinda silly to me with that long pink bar at the top, but then only half the space is actually being used.

Also, I'm also one of those people that prefer to have pagination. Having autoscrolling is fine, but I'd like there to be both tbh, since there are cases where one or the other is more intuitive or preferable.

I thought the circle/wheel was something you could click on to scroll through posts quickly, but instead clicking on the upper or lower half of it (probably the arrows) just takes me to the top or bottom, which I didn't find that intuitive. And what's the purpose of clicking on the page number? For now it seems like it just goes down a few posts or something, but I think clicking into a textfield where you can put in a page number would be more intuitive than having the page jump thing inside the search button.

And the quote thing is nice, but I think you need a dismiss/discard button, and make it a bit clearer that the button is for quoting.

Well, you're probably aware of some of this already, so eh.
En nordmann :D
Well, I'm quite satisfied with the design (I usually make simple typography design for my desktop wallpaper)
oh, and I really like the triangle(s) btw, it give me an energetic feeling
just one flaw, it has so many empty space in here, ex: like the header design at forum front page
maybe you can add another menubar on both sides of the empty space ;)

but overall is good :D
I really like the design but 2 things which dissappoint me:

1) You need to scroll down to the very bottom to reply to a post? Makes it kinda weird when a post has 100 replies like this one.

2) You can't click on the timestamps when you get a mod (I hope this isn't intentional)
A Medic
There is a button that allows you to scroll to the bottom of the page instantly.
The Lord has spoken
I have tried the new forum on my Android tablet. It works well on the default, stock browser, simply dubbed "Browser". However, I also have tried it in Chrome (on my Android tablet, too) and the reply box doesn't appear, only a button which says "Load more". Is anyone else experiencing the same issue as me?

Ikarugamesh wrote:

I have tried the new forum on my Android tablet. It works well on the default, stock browser, simply dubbed "Browser". However, I also have tried it in Chrome (on my Android tablet, too) and the reply box doesn't appear, only a button which says "Load more". Is anyone else experiencing the same issue as me?

Do you happen to have javascript disabled?

Pittigbaasje wrote:

I really like the design but 2 things which dissappoint me:
1) You need to scroll down to the very bottom to reply to a post? Makes it kinda weird when a post has 100 replies like this one.

You could also click the reply button on the post you are currently reading (to the right) and then delete the quoted post content if you don't need it.

Pittigbaasje wrote:

2) You can't click on the timestamps when you get a mod (I hope this isn't intentional)

This will be implemented at a later point.
In my opinion the design is better but funtions are less.
Something about user-friendliness.
It gives me a more of a chilly feeling with the bright colors on the top of the page but the sides are white (gray) and is disturbing when you read forum posts (as the topic post color is also white). I like the new layout but this is the only thing I've found annoying. It'd be nice if you could change the color of the side of the page from white (gray) to something slightly darker so the eyes can concentrate on the topic board instead.
rabu retaa
i couldn't see the other achievement that i already did

why are we neglecting the reason books were invented

peppy wrote:

Ikarugamesh wrote:

I have tried the new forum on my Android tablet. It works well on the default, stock browser, simply dubbed "Browser". However, I also have tried it in Chrome (on my Android tablet, too) and the reply box doesn't appear, only a button which says "Load more". Is anyone else experiencing the same issue as me?

Do you happen to have javascript disabled?

It was enabled all this time. Nevermind, it seems that problem is fixed now. Thanks.
We made some changes to page navigation!
I think I've forgotten or is it not available to change backgrounds on the new forum yet?
I like it. It looks pretty nice, and I think it feels close enough to pagination that I most likely won't be bothered by the lack of them (since I can fairly quickly figure out where a certain post is in a long thread by dividing it up in chunks in my head, probably).

The whole bottom bar is a bit big, especially when you're not using it and just reading a thread. Maybe make it smaller, and show the whole thing by moving the mouse downward?

And I still think

is the part where you should type to jump to a specific post, and use the magnifying glass for actually searching for words within the thread, since a magnifying glass almost always means searching.

Maybe you can add a reply button onto the navigation bar as well, since you can't post in a thread without either going to the bottom or quoting someone.

CXu wrote:

is the part where you should type to jump to a specific post, and use the magnifying glass for actually searching for words within the thread, since a magnifying glass almost always means searching.
Maybe you can add a reply button onto the navigation bar as well, since you can't post in a thread without either going to the bottom or quoting someone.

Both of these features are already in the final design, and should go live this week.
Well, for me this is a little confusing xD I feel the old one is more simple...
And why not :/ ? Like the topic starter said that jizz is the slang for sperm... I think it's not safe for underage children :3 and I feel a bit disgusted reading osu! website's address has "jizz" :'v

Edit: ouch it seems like someone has asked it already xD

peppy wrote:

Xanandra wrote:

It still doesn´t have the option to go directly to last read post

Yes it does? Clicking a thread will take you to the last read.

So according to peppy, the option to go to last read post is already available, but I don´t seem to be able to find it. Anyone care to enlighten me?

I did what peppy said on his post, but it takes me directly to the first post, so what am I doing wrong here?
ONE THING: wish that forums were more condensed view, for more clarity. Especially for mobile devices.

deadbeat wrote:

i've been here for 6 years. i welcome any change :D
also enjoy

I've been here for almost 6 years and I welcome any change.
And I just
Due to people being too immature to handle the jizz, I'm renaming the new design to Please update your links, or continue to use jizz.
ey, while you're here: your current concept of page navigation is perfect; had I known this would have been the end result, I'd never have made any posts involving forum pagination because yeah, what you have here is great. Once the ability to type in a specific post number is added, I mean... it doesn't really get much better than that, haha.
I like the change to the pagination, but it was a little weird scrolling to the bottom with the ticker register the post number at the top of the page instead of saying I was at the end (like right now while typing the post, it says I'm at 121/122). Just a minor thing though.
Its seems to be better day by day. Actually I already liked it when it was firstly available. The font is kinda hard to read at first but can get used to it. You did a great job.
It's being improved a lot, even if I don't use it that much, I have seen a lot of improvements later on which are appreciated.

One more thing I wanna add is the fact that some flags are barely comparable, in a sense that they look too similar to each other, when it should not be like that. USA flag is similar to Malaysia's, and the same goes to some others. Also coloration could be better done, as some countries have literally THE SAME flag as other one, but with darker/brighter colors.

Also, this version looks a lot better on the cellphone, so that's something really really good, but it consumes a lot more of RAM for some reason. Maybe you can work on that, as well, I am having some freezes sometimes.

Good job overall!
Instead of ease in drop shadow for hover why don't you make it the animated triangles at the top of the page?
Are stars and kudosu going to be implemented?

Pituophis wrote:

Are stars and kudosu going to be implemented?
Dunno if it's known, but here's a quick heads up:

Clicking on the "view this blahblah new design" on the top of the page leads to (picture) when youre not on the last page (ex. go to page 7 and click the thing)
Top Bunk

Yauxo wrote:

Dunno if it's known, but here's a quick heads up:

Clicking on the "view this blahblah new design" on the top of the page leads to (picture) when youre not on the last page (ex. go to page 7 and click the thing)
It also breaks if you move to another page and then head back to the last page. First page always seems to be fine though.
This is likely because the new forum design fetches pages differently from this one, but still tries to use it in redirecting the link. Like how the url will have start=105 or start=120 at the end of it (the number goes up by 15 per page), compared to the new design which goes by post number, using ?n=129 (or whatever post number you're looking at) to reach that post.

The only easy solution I can think of for that is if they remove what page/post it directs to and just redirect to the first page/post of the thread you're on. Since those will always be the same as each other with only a topic ID, not leading to any specific page or post number.

peppy wrote:

We made some changes to page navigation!

i take my previous statement back, this is pretty nice
I think page navigation is way better now. The bubble used to get in the way of the post button on my tablet. As Kurokami said:

Kurokami wrote:

Its seems to be better day by day.


peppy wrote:

Due to people being too immature to handle the jizz, I'm renaming the new design to Please update your links, or continue to use jizz.
Looks Great!
[ Scarlet Red ]
I actually love this change. It's something new and I enjoy this change. After coming into osu 2 years ago and getting into it back and forth I've seen countless changes and haven't been disappointed once! I douibt this will change that streak when it's fully finished and implemented.
Wait. Am I blind, or are these still not added yet.
things that still not implemented..
different color of posts of users that bubbles / qualify
noticeable status of someone is BN or not
badges (charts champoin , osumania champion , elite mapper , etc.)
note codes like 01:17:749 (1) - 01:20:572 (1) - still appear as unclickable text / code

well that's what i can found...
The new forum design looks even better now the body is wider and takes more screen space. I use it all the time, except when I have to check my PMs.

However, I found something which might be worth looking into. The "tiny" font size:

In the old forum, the tiny font size looked like this:

However, in the new forum it looks like this:

It's barely readable! The other font sizes look fine, but the tiny one looks decompensatedly small. Please look into that.
Just previewed my post in the new forum. After expanding any boxes, I've seen that there is an extra blank line inserted between each of the lines of code in the bbcode section for CODE /CODE.
  1. I hope the devs can remove this extra line.
  2. I hope the devs also decrease the font size within the code sections such that it does not exceed the normal font size.
I like it a lot
Hi. I'm here to report a bug. Marking a forum as read in the old forum makes it entirely unread in the new one.
I don't know whether this might be already planned or not but it would be splendid if you could manually pull one of the languagespecific subforums out of the "Other Languages"-forum and place it on top of the language-forums to improve the accessibility.
Having to scroll to the very bottom and having to precisely aim for "Deutsch" is not very appealing and discourages me from using that subforum.
If pulled up I could also see the latest post in the subforum which would be great to check for new posts.

(and I still think the subforum-navigation when scrolling in a thread is too small)
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