
What is your opinion on the new forum design?

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Personally I dislike it a lot.
1) Because I like the current one.
2) Jizz is slang for semen.
i've been here for 6 years. i welcome any change :D
also enjoy
I don't like it.

It is way less functional and looks a lot worse.

efdu wrote:

Personally I dislike it a lot.
1) Because I like the current one.
2) Jizz is slang for semen.
You can use :3

I don't like it too, designed for 800x600 4:3 monitor

B1rd wrote:

I don't like it.

It is way less functional and looks a lot worse.
Well, you know it's still WIP... Right?

And from my side, I really like it. I love the new profile page dessign, also the forums are really nice.
It still doesn´t have the option to go directly to last read post

It makes me sad, and with new forum layout more confused, since it only has the option to go to last post (not even last page where it could make it easier to find last read post)

Anyways, if there is that option currently or in new forums, please someone enlighten me and ignore my post
I think it looks nice, but I want more things to be done for the user page. Other than that, I think it will turn out good.

Though, I prefer this layout.
I really like the design and the animations and I love loading new posts on mobile devices, instead of loading a whole new page.
Jason X
Things that i Don't Like

1. The Main page is confused, i mean, i need really 5min to find the Beatmap listening,
and a newbie... impossible

2. the userpage look like... it's to heavy to find something
and the Userpage text (supporter only) is under the Main part

3. Where can i find my own maps without using Beatmap listening?
The own maps was Missing in the userpage!!

Thing that i Like
Profile Cover, it's looks nice

Really, i hope this is Only a Joke like the 1.April last year
i think you're all forgetting that it's still work in progress. of course it's not going to be as refined as the current site we have :/
They're not done yet; yes, you can't find certain things because not all elements are linked from the forum to the main platform. That linking is presumably still being worked on.

Visually, the forms look awesome. They pop out, and the hovering over elements in the forum index/categories causing some highlighting on the given section/thread is a nice little touch.

Functionally, the forums could use some work. The biggest thing that needs to happen in my honest opinion, is forum pagination. It is really difficult to go through large threads and read back from a few pages because you have to auto-load everything, and it causes a reasonable slowdown after not too much time. Auto-loading is cool, but you need to give it more control. My suggestion is to set a maximum amount of posts to display and hide posts out of those ranges when a section is auto-loaded; for example, if you have 20 posts per page and you have an 80 post thread, when you scroll up past post 61, then only display 41-60, etc. If a person is scrolling past certain posts, it can be assumed that if they weren't in this current design, they'd be track back a few pages anyway.

Accessibility wise, things are really easy to read, and the colors contrast nicely against one another, making it great for those who might have color deficiencies.
I think opening a thread to this question is way too early. Of course it's nowhere functional compared to the current so I would rather keep the opinion till it's fully released.

Stefan wrote:

I think opening a thread to this question is way too early. Of course it's nowhere functional compared to the current so I would rather keep the opinion till it's fully released.
Is that when it's replaced this one? "You can't form an opinion about something till it's 100% done!" lol. Well WHAT IS THE POINT IN RELEASING AN EARLY VERSION IF IT'S NOT TO BE TESTED? Isn't that the point of a beta, getting feedback to help the development?

And yes I'm gonna have an opinion, there is not a single thing I like about the new forum over the old one. The aesthetics are ugly, dumbed down and oversimplified. The infinite scroll feature is annoying and makes it harder to use.
In terms of design and optical pleasure I think the new design is fairly good.
Stuff I have to critize:

The contrast between the background(triangles, dark grey) and actually used space(threadlistings, white/pink) is uncomfortable to look at. Personally I'd like some color not as bright as white more. But you might also lighten the background a bit to make the contrast not as sharp.

In terms of usability I think that the overlay that comes up when you scroll down in a thread is very small and especially the forumpaths. It took me a good while to notice that I actually could navigate back using this just because it was so small and I didnt know this concept from other forums. And even now I think that it is relatively hard to aim. Like CS6-Level which is already nontrivial.
Plus I like pages. Especially when taking long threads pages are so good.

That being said, despite being very oldfashioned, the current design is pretty good in terms of colours therefore it doesn't surprise me that people like it more than the new one in its current state when calculating in the "old is gold"-psychology.
I'll keep using the old one for now but throw a glance into the new one frequently :D
I really like the general graphic design ideas, but then I also dislike that everything has to be so (smart)phone-y. There are no pages, the posts looks somewhat smushed together and the endless scrolling is kinda annoying. Not much else to say though.

Kinda holding back my opinion until it's in some sort of "almost live but still beta give input plz" state.

Xanandra wrote:

It still doesn´t have the option to go directly to last read post
Yes it does? Clicking a thread will take you to the last read.

Halogen- wrote:

Functionally, the forums could use some work. The biggest thing that needs to happen in my honest opinion, is forum pagination. It is really difficult to go through large threads and read back from a few pages because you have to auto-load everything, and it causes a reasonable slowdown after not too much time. Auto-loading is cool, but you need to give it more control. My suggestion is to set a maximum amount of posts to display and hide posts out of those ranges when a section is auto-loaded; for example, if you have 20 posts per page and you have an 80 post thread, when you scroll up past post 61, then only display 41-60, etc. If a person is scrolling past certain posts, it can be assumed that if they weren't in this current design, they'd be track back a few pages anyway.
That's how it works. It only loads back 10 posts.

Pagination as you know it is gone forever. It makes no sense.
I'm open for changes as everything in the life. The design is awesome imo and It is still not finished

Yauxo wrote:

I really like the general graphic design ideas, but then I also dislike that everything has to be so (smart)phone-y. There are no pages, the posts looks somewhat smushed together and the endless scrolling is kinda annoying. Not much else to say though.

Kinda holding back my opinion until it's in some sort of "almost live but still beta give input plz" state.
the new function for page navigation is looks modern/cool/amazing but in my opinion people not/not yet familiar with it, I had a lot of open forum online and I saw a new page navigation in the new osu forum design is a bit "radical" and this is slightly against users experience
the overall design between new forum looks a bit different than other (example, and personally I don't like black/dark color in the background too contrast and make my eyes tired quickly
too many empty space when opened in the wide screen monitor
that's my opinion ^^, I know new forum design still improving and I know developers are already working hard and give the best to the community, I appreciate it :D

peppy wrote:

Xanandra wrote:

It still doesn´t have the option to go directly to last read post

Yes it does? Clicking a thread will take you to the last read.

Well, just now I have tried with different browsers with several threads, and all the outcome was the same, it sent me directly to the first post. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong here :(

peppy wrote:

Xanandra wrote:

It still doesn´t have the option to go directly to last read post

Yes it does? Clicking a thread will take you to the last read.

Well, just now I have tried with different browsers with several threads, and all the outcome was the same, it sent me directly to the first post. So I don't know what I'm doing wrong here :(
well i dont like it too, the forum is a bit mess, and the page too are not paged like we are using right now
What I really like about current one is a friendly contrast. The new forums have too much contrast for my taste, it's much heavier for my eyes.
Have you checked today? There have been some changes to contrast levels.
Actually, I did not. I just checked it, nice. :)

BTW, will there be mobile support for it?

lolcubes wrote:

Actually, I did not. I just checked it, nice. :)
BTW, will there be mobile support for it?

There is already support for it :P

i like it
Since there's a thread. One thing that's been kinda bothering me both on the old forums and the new ones, is that you don't really scale it with the browser window:

Is there any particular reason you don't prefer more automatic scaling? It looks kinda silly to me with that long pink bar at the top, but then only half the space is actually being used.

Also, I'm also one of those people that prefer to have pagination. Having autoscrolling is fine, but I'd like there to be both tbh, since there are cases where one or the other is more intuitive or preferable.

I thought the circle/wheel was something you could click on to scroll through posts quickly, but instead clicking on the upper or lower half of it (probably the arrows) just takes me to the top or bottom, which I didn't find that intuitive. And what's the purpose of clicking on the page number? For now it seems like it just goes down a few posts or something, but I think clicking into a textfield where you can put in a page number would be more intuitive than having the page jump thing inside the search button.

And the quote thing is nice, but I think you need a dismiss/discard button, and make it a bit clearer that the button is for quoting.

Well, you're probably aware of some of this already, so eh.
Please change the jizz thing xD
I'm mostly fine with it. I tend to like dim websites so I'm too big a fan of the super flashy white theme overall, several websites have an alternative design with dimmer colors (Tomorrow on that one imageboard for instance) would be neat to have something akin to that.

I'm one of the few people I've seen who appreciates the infinite scrolling, as well as the absence of pages.

What I don't like as much is I feel that the old designed was very compact yet clean; I work on small monitors and that's great for that, since I don't need to scroll everywhere since everything is utilizing minimal space. Here I feel like there's huge gaps that could be filled, for instance the horizontal width of threads (which I noticed has been increased but the font size as well as larger margins give the opposite impression), as well as the overall font size. I also feel like the top bar that shows when you scroll down a thread takes up too much room. I get the overall feeling that new design has trouble making good use of space and it ends up being a bit of a pain to navigate through compared to the old one.

Now, in terms of aesthetics themselves -- this is fucking pretty. Lots of details, nice color schemes, I particularly love the loading animation on clicks, the font choice, and the overall theme. It's all very, very neat and pretty to look at, and I have to commend the work that's been done here.

And that's basically it. Margins and paddings take too much space for my taste and navigating everything is a bit more annoying than with the old design, but it is much more appealing to the eye.
It looks awesome, that's for sure. Animations and everything
There are atleast 2 things bothering me though:
1. The operational zone is way too narrow. Maybe it's because the font is bigger? Maybe make post width wider instead (not smaller like now)?
2. The image on the top takes 1/3 of the screen --- I'd prefer to see more actual forum stuff, instead of an image (even a cute one)

Kert wrote:

2. The image on the top takes 1/3 of the screen --- I'd prefer to see more actual forum stuff, instead of an image (even a cute one)
I actually agree with this too. Sadly, lately the only place I can actually browse the forums is from my workplace, and I am doing it on a small resolution on a 19" screen, and that thing takes way too much space and is not really neutral enough for that particular environment.
I personally don't really care about what kind of an image it is, but someone else might. (at least it's easy to just scroll down, but still)

I would like to see more colors for the thread icons. While the icons are different, the background color of the circle isn't, and when you aren't focusing on it, it's difficult to differentiate them.
feels weird, doesnt feel like that everything in the old forum is visible in the new one

but idk, time will tell
Clicking a thread from the main forum page goes to unread, but in a subforum, clicking either the speech bubble icon or the thread name seems to bring to the first post? As far as I can see, the only button to get to last unread is the small arrow on the right. The rest of the entire bar, including clicking on "latest reply", brings you to first post on Chrome.

Contrast with the current setup where the thread icon brought you to last unread. Admittedly this is a "used-to-it" thing but it's a lot more intuitive since the different buttons are in close proximity to each other.

The circular post counter on the bottom right of a thread... Well, personally I think the jump to first and jump to last are great but could be larger and more obvious.

However, clicking on the post number to load (keyword being load, the entire page shows the loading animation instead of just shifting the page down) the next post is pointless as fuck considering I can see the next post 90% of the time unless it's a wall of text. (e.g. counter says post 4, but I can see post 5 and half of post 6 already).

Why not give a button to jump up/down by 20 posts instead? Yes, it's semi-pagination but helpful when you want to go to a certain post but you don't remember its post number and only remember what the content of the surrounding posts were. <- might also be why some people prefer to have pagination. I don't really know how to explain it, but instead of thinking to the scale of 150 (posts), I only have to think of 10 (pages) which would allow me to pinpoint where a post was more easily imo.

EDIT: Changed 10 posts to 20 posts, which is the same as how many posts are loaded in when you scroll and hit the top or bottom. Basically, a way to skip scrolling though to get to posts above or below. Easier than typing (current post no. +/- 20) into the search imo
I also thought that the wheel thing was so that you could quickly scroll through the thread. Hell, maybe even enter the post number as a jump-to type of function. Having to scroll through large threads is really time consuming, especially if you know that post x is on page 133 at the very top, while youre being thrown onto post y at page 245.

I'd really just like to see some sort of paging or easier in-thread control/movement.

Yauxo wrote:

Hell, maybe even enter the post number as a jump-to type of function
this one exists, it's the big magnifying glass button above the wheel

since when has that been there
It bugs out when trying to post to the Video Games forum.
I do prefer the current forum over this new design, HOWEVER, I must say that the new userpages look really really nice. Really liking the userpage design over there :)
I like it, however some things seem they need some adjustements or fixing to me. For example:

- I don't mind the lack of paging and continous scrolling, however I don't like the top header of the page (you know, the links of community, store, account controls) not being fixed like the navigation controls. If I wanted to access them in a very long thread, I would have to scroll the page to the very top. It's not pleasant.

- I find the forum body too narrow. Yeah, the old one was narrow too, but in my screen, it only takes half of it.

- Not a big issue, but I liked to see the post count of each user in the posts, you know, where the user name, avatar and country flag are.

Nevertheless, I think the new design is quite beautiful and rich. I have yet to try it on my tablet, though.


PS: Why is it called jizz? That's slang for, you know.
Design wise its pretty but i have my gripes with it.

First and foremost, it looks like its made for smartphones. Things are oversimplified and for the most part not inutive.
As example is this navigation bubble which doesnt actually let you navigate anything, the header that looks like it would have dropdowns for more options but doesnt. Spoilers that dont highlight nor animate on hover to signify that they're clickable.

The color sheme is fancy but unfriendly to the eyes, particulary the white background of the posts area stands out there and hurts in the eyes, please use a less bright and intense color, a light grayish blue like on the current forum is much easier on the eyes.
On the profile pages where the about me begins, the dark gray background does magnify the effect of the white background in the main area. I get what you were going for design wise, but perhaps it would be better to gradually darken the outer background as you scroll down and instead keep the dark gray bar at the width of the active area. Also, fade the bar out when the user scrolls down and only fade it in when the user hovers near the top of the page - or make it less thick.

Moving on to the index page and more to the functionality side of things, i get the feel that the space is badly and inefficently used, it does look good and all, but userexperience should go before design. As suggestion, decrease the border between the invidual boards - currently you could fit two if not three lines of text there, too much. Again, a designed for mobile feel comes up - things are bigger than they should be.
Likewise on list of threads - decrease the distance between them. This continues further in the threads themselfes, 2 posts with oneliners fit just barely on my screen, altough here its mostly due the increased font size - decreasing the font size by one would help with the longer posts but one liners and short posts, especially those from users without signature have the issue of empty space.

Whats with these 2 cm of nothing? cut that off.

Similary with posts such as this:

The supporter heart should be next to the flag and the signature under the text, next to the avatar border thingy. Dont leave it sticking out like a sore thumb unless the text pushes it out.

More empty, unused, wasted space i have to scroll past, this should be almost half as thick. Same applies to the Pippi header on the index (but its far less worse here, it just needs to be a bit thinner, nothing as severe as half as thick) - from a users side its space you have to scroll past before you can do whatever you wanted to do. A nuisance in the long run.

Then of lastly and finally, theres features outright missing i understand its WIP but... Where are the maps on the profile? changing avatar? PMs? Where do i access the user control panel for changing settings? Where do i click to see the oldest unread post in a thread? Subscribing to threads? I could go on for ages - not even half the functionality is here.
...Pages? Even semi paigation where you just jump 20 posts or so would be A START.

Have a simple ticker under/above the navigation bubble that scrolls right by one page for every 20 post count. Replace the jump to first/last post of the bubble with jump 20 posts forward/backwards and let the ticker take care of the jump to first/last post. Make the post count pop up the jump to post, rather than linking the current post (its just more inutive), add post numbers to the posts themselfes to take care of the direct linking instead. Possibly fade the ticker, the current jump-to-bubble (yes keep it, accessibly is good) and any other bubbles you want to add out unless the user hovers on the bubble. Long story short: Make the navigation bubble actually let you navigate the thread rather than being a needlessy fancy post counter. Hell, i might just swish something together on photoshop to illustrate what im talking about here.

Make infinite scrolling preload 5 or so posts into either direction (even if they're not being displayed) to smooth the infinite scrolling, rather than having the user bump to the end of either side to load more (but keep that as fallback should the user scroll too fast). Give users the option to opt out of infinite scrolling to save bandwidth (they gotta use the bubbles pseudo pages then). Remove the OP post being displayed unless the user is on the first "page", with infinite scrolling theres no feasible way to view the OP to begin with (aside from being at the beginning of the thread.

Get the functionality down first THEN polish the thing. As is, its way too early to promote it on all pages of the old design. This id call an alpha relase at best. Definitively not useable for the broad userbase right now.

On the bright side, the loading image is nice. Yes, i dont like the new design.
If white hurts your eyes, you need to TURN DOWN YOUR MONITOR BRIGHTNESS.

The "simplicity" is not because it was made for phones. It's to make it simple.

Missing features are because it's a WIP. Are you retarded? Stop posting in a feedback thread without understanding what you are looking at first, please.

It's called jizz because I chose that for the testing subdomain. It's a WIP and will eventually replace the original site (and no longer be fjizz?).

Infinite scrolling is not going anywhere, but the navigation control (bottom right) is not final.
In terms of looks, its pretty nice in my opinion, but it still needs some work so its more user friendly. More customization features such as an option to change the colour for background might be pretty neat to have as well.
So far it's quite nice on the eyes. The pagination works smoothly on browser and phone, and the color scheme makes each post pop out quite well. Too bad the content of said posts can be hit or miss, haha.

I am curious to see how you handle the menu items and the user/beatmap searches with this design as I found that I was missing those fairly quick into testing.

I wonder how it handles embedded spoiler boxes
Text before new box
Text inside new box

peppy wrote:

If white hurts your eyes, you need to TURN DOWN YOUR MONITOR BRIGHTNESS.

The "simplicity" is not because it was made for phones. It's to make it simple.

Missing features are because it's a WIP. Are you retarded? Stop posting in a feedback thread without understanding what you are looking at first, please.

It's called jizz because I chose that for the testing subdomain. It's a WIP and will eventually replace the original site (and no longer be fjizz?).

Infinite scrolling is not going anywhere, but the navigation control (bottom right) is not final.
I assure you i know what im looking at here, i even said i know its WIP; i've mentioned the missing features as it ties into how the new design is not fit for mass testing yet, at least in my oponion.

Simplicity is good, but it just feels too simple, too spacious just as if it would be for smart phones where massive and extremely simple interfaces are a neccesity due the small screens. Its something worthy of improving as such would largely be uneccesary for desktop systems - you can easily fit more information and more advanced functions on the screen here without running into issues regarding useability.

Im looking forward to the updated navigation bubble! Just to clear eventual misunderstandings, im not suggesting to remove infinite scrolling, but to support it with pseudo pages for more efficent navigation. Infinite scrolling is neat.

And regarding the brightness... sure, i could do that but then again, having the users bend to and change their brightness up and down as they visit various websites is not exactly userfriendly. 100% pure and shining white is just a harsh color for large areas, like, say neon pink, so im suggesting you to use something less harsh, giving the white a tint of blue or some other color might just work.
I like the new forum design. And it's WIP too. Looking forward to the end result.

I have to agree though, using jizz is really unprofessional and I really hope it will be changed when officially released. Otherwise i'd really have trouble introducing friends to the site and I'm sure others would too :P.
I really like it but well...
1. What are these moving triangles at the top doing? They look, in my opinion, a bit ugly and irritating.
2. I just dislike the color pink.

Other than that It is extremely AWESOME! especially because it's so minimal.

I don't have to care about what I dislike about the design anymore. Started skinning it right now.
The current forum doesn't look that bad. what I think it happens we're used to this forums template so it can come weird to us. Remeber best things take their own time.
looks a lot more eye-catchy and looks more modern.. i really like the profile page tho.. <3
can't wait until the new-fully-working forum released, and can't wait to see the big change of the homepage too!
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