
Gojou Kai & Nakamura Meiko - fragment of tears [OsuMania]

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as requested from

col: 1,2,3,4
00:32:524 (32524|3) - move to 3
00:39:895 - i think 1 slider is enought
01:00:810 (60810|0) - slider start here
01:10:581 - add note
01:32:181 (92181|2) - move to 1
00:04:752 (4752|3) - move to 3
00:26:695 - add note ( you forgot to add it)
00:28:067 - ^
00:32:181 - 00:34:924 - try make stair
00:58:410 - 00:58:067 - try re-arange like this to have a better patern ... 297c01.jpg use it for preference for another same case
01:26:352 (86352|2) - move to 2
00:00:981 - add slider , end here 00:02:009 -
00:50:352 - add slider , end here 00:50:695 -
00:50:695 - add slider , end here 00:51:038 -

good luck
Topic Starter

-LASU- wrote:


00:22:581 - add note 4 ok

00:23:095 - add note nope
00:50:010 - add note 1 ok
01:10:752 - add note ok
01:11:267 - ^ nope
01:11:610 (71610|1) - move to 3 and 01:11:781 - add note 2 ok
01:11:952 - add note 3 ok
01:30:124 - add note 1 ok
01:30:467 - add note 1 ok
01:30:810 - add double note 2,3 ok
01:31:495 - add note 1 ok
01:31:838 - ^ ok
01:32:181 - add double note 3,4 ok
01:32:352 - add note 1 ok
01:32:867 - add note 2 ok
goodluck (☝ ՞ਊ ՞)☝
Thanks for the mod :3

Frim4503 wrote:

as requested from

col: 1,2,3,4
00:32:524 (32524|3) - move to 3 ok
00:39:895 - i think 1 slider is enought nope
01:00:810 (60810|0) - slider start here doesn't it already start there @_@
01:10:581 - add note ok
01:32:181 (92181|2) - move to 1 no, repeated sound
00:04:752 (4752|3) - move to 3 no
00:26:695 - add note ( you forgot to add it) there is already a note :/
00:28:067 - ^ ^
00:32:181 - 00:34:924 - try make stair pattern now is fine imo
00:58:410 - 00:58:067 - try re-arange like this to have a better patern ... 297c01.jpg use it for preference for another same case no
01:26:352 (86352|2) - move to 2 ok
00:00:981 - add slider , end here 00:02:009 - no, don't want to emphasis start of map
00:50:352 - add slider , end here 00:50:695 - no, following vocal
00:50:695 - add slider , end here 00:51:038 - ^

good luck
Thanks for the mod c:
Hello! :)
From osu!mania PH Modding Queue
Mod as requested :)
I only focus on pitch relevancy and hand balance
4K = |1|2|3|4|
Everything modded
HD -1 ; OD -1
• 00:11:781 (11781|1) - Move to 3, semi-high pitch
• 00:12:981 (12981|1) - Move to 4, for spread note on cymbal sound
• 00:15:381 (15381|1,15724|2) - Ctrl+H, for spread note
• 00:18:467 (18467|2) - Move to 1, for spread note on cymbal sound
• 00:22:238 (22238|2,22581|1) - Move one line to the right, for spread note
• 00:34:924 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:45:895 - ^
• 00:48:467 - ^
• 00:50:010 - ^
• 01:01:667 - ^
• 01:02:010 - ^
• 01:10:581 (70581|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:11:095 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:11:781 - ^
• 01:18:810 - ^
• 01:24:295 (84295|2,84638|0) - Ctrl+G, for spread note
• 01:29:781 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:35:267 - ^
• 01:36:638 - ^
• 01:43:495 - ^
• 01:47:438 - ^
• 01:48:981 (108981|1) - Move to 4, for spread note on cymbal sound
• 01:54:467 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:59:952 - ^

HD -0.5 ; OD- 0.5
• 00:02:524 (2524|1,3038|0) - Move one line to the right
• 00:03:552 (3552|1) - Move to 1, if above is applied (pitch is from high to low)
• 00:08:010 (8010|1,8524|0) - Move one line to the right
• 00:09:038 (9038|1) - Move to 1, if above is applied (pitch is from high to low)
• 00:23:952 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:31:838 (31838|2,32181|1) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 00:33:552 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:40:410 (40410|2) - Move to 2, for spread note on cymbal sound
• 00:51:381 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:10:581 (70581|0,71095|3) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:18:467 (78467|2) - Move to 2, for hand balance
• 01:24:295 (84295|1,84467|2) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:26:867 (86867|1,87038|3) - Ctrl+G, ^
• 01:29:781 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:35:952 (95952|0) - Move to 3, for hand balance
• 01:36:638 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:57:210 (117210|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:57:724 (117724|0) - Move to 4, ^

• 00:02:009 (2009|1) - Move to 4, high pitch
• 00:03:038 (3038|3) - Move to 3, semi-high pitch
• 00:34:581 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:39:895 (39895|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 00:40:410 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:51:038 (51038|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 00:51:381 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:56:867 - ^
• 00:59:610 - ^
• 01:00:810 - ^
• 01:01:667 - ^
• 01:02:010 - ^
• 01:02:352 - ^
• 01:03:724 (63724|2,63895|1) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:06:467 (66467|0) - Move to 4, for hand balance
• 01:07:838 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:18:467 (78467|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:18:810 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:35:267 - ^ or two notes
• 01:43:495 - ^
• 01:44:867 (104867|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:46:238 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:48:981 - ^
• 01:51:724 (111724|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:54:467 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:55:667 (115667|0,115838|2) - Ctrl+G, for hand balance

• 00:23:952 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:32:181 - ^
• 00:33:552 - ^
• 00:50:010 - ^
• 01:18:810 - ^
• 01:24:295 - ^
• 01:25:667 - ^
• 01:27:038 - ^
• 01:28:410 - ^
• 01:29:781 - ^
• 01:31:152 - ^
• 01:33:895 - ^
• 01:35:267 - ^

Good luck~! :)
Topic Starter

DrawdeX wrote:

Hello! :)
From osu!mania PH Modding Queue
Mod as requested :)
I only focus on pitch relevancy and hand balance
4K = |1|2|3|4| not changing any of the ODs
Everything modded
HD -1 ; OD -1
• 00:11:781 (11781|1) - Move to 3, semi-high pitch ok
• 00:12:981 (12981|1) - Move to 4, for spread note on cymbal sound ok
• 00:15:381 (15381|1,15724|2) - Ctrl+H, for spread note ok
• 00:18:467 (18467|2) - Move to 1, for spread note on cymbal sound ok
• 00:22:238 (22238|2,22581|1) - Move one line to the right, for spread note ok
• 00:34:924 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:45:895 - ^ ok
• 00:48:467 - ^ ok
• 00:50:010 - ^ end of slider emphasises cymbal sound
• 01:01:667 - ^ ok
• 01:02:010 - ^ ok
• 01:10:581 (70581|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance more comfy to press down 3 and 4
• 01:11:095 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:11:781 - ^ ok
• 01:18:810 - ^ ok
• 01:24:295 (84295|2,84638|0) - Ctrl+G, for spread note ok
• 01:29:781 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:35:267 - ^ ok
• 01:36:638 - ^ ok
• 01:43:495 - ^ ok
• 01:47:438 - ^ ok
• 01:48:981 (108981|1) - Move to 4, for spread note on cymbal sound ok
• 01:54:467 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:59:952 - ^ no

are you trying to make my beginner diff a hyper one :c

HD -0.5 ; OD- 0.5
• 00:02:524 (2524|1,3038|0) - Move one line to the right
• 00:03:552 (3552|1) - Move to 1, if above is applied (pitch is from high to low)
• 00:08:010 (8010|1,8524|0) - Move one line to the right
• 00:09:038 (9038|1) - Move to 1, if above is applied (pitch is from high to low)
• 00:23:952 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound no
• 00:31:838 (31838|2,32181|1) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance no, i don't understand how pressing 1 and 2 together makes it difficult to play
• 00:33:552 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 00:40:410 (40410|2) - Move to 2, for spread note on cymbal sound
• 00:51:381 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:10:581 (70581|0,71095|3) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:18:467 (78467|2) - Move to 2, for hand balance
• 01:24:295 (84295|1,84467|2) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:26:867 (86867|1,87038|3) - Ctrl+G, ^
• 01:29:781 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:35:952 (95952|0) - Move to 3, for hand balance
• 01:36:638 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:57:210 (117210|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:57:724 (117724|0) - Move to 4, ^

• 00:02:009 (2009|1) - Move to 4, high pitch ok
• 00:03:038 (3038|3) - Move to 3, semi-high pitch move to 2
• 00:34:581 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 00:39:895 (39895|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 00:40:410 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:51:038 (51038|2) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 00:51:381 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:56:867 - ^
• 00:59:610 - ^
• 01:00:810 - ^
• 01:01:667 - ^
• 01:02:010 - ^ ok
• 01:02:352 - ^ ok
• 01:03:724 (63724|2,63895|1) - Ctrl+H, for hand balance
• 01:06:467 (66467|0) - Move to 4, for hand balance
• 01:07:838 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:18:467 (78467|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:18:810 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound ok
• 01:35:267 - ^ or two notes
• 01:43:495 - ^
• 01:44:867 (104867|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:46:238 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:48:981 - ^
• 01:51:724 (111724|3) - Move to 1, for hand balance
• 01:54:467 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 01:55:667 (115667|0,115838|2) - Ctrl+G, for hand balance

• 00:23:952 - Add a note, for the cymbal sound
• 00:32:181 - ^ ok
• 00:33:552 - ^ ok
• 00:50:010 - ^
• 01:18:810 - ^
• 01:24:295 - ^
• 01:25:667 - ^
• 01:27:038 - ^
• 01:28:410 - ^
• 01:29:781 - ^
• 01:31:152 - ^
• 01:33:895 - ^
• 01:35:267 - ^

Good luck~! :)
Thanks for modding, anything that I didn't reply wasn't used c:
and i still don't get how pressing [1 2] or [3 4] is considered hand bias :/
Hi! From _andreamtr & _Xenophilius_'s modding Queue.


4k: |0|1|2|3|

Sotty guy for the short mod but actually I've no time.

  1. 00:40:067 (40067|2) - I suggest to move this here 00:40:067 (40067|2) -
  2. 01:11:438 - 01:11:610 - Add notes
  3. 01:42:981 (102981|1) - Move to 2
  4. 01:43:152 (103152|2) - Move to 1

  1. 00:04:410 (4410|1,4752|2) - Ctrl + H
  2. 00:40:067 (40067|1) - I suggest to make it become a LN until 00:40:410 -
Topic Starter

_Xenophilius_ wrote:

Hi! From _andreamtr & _Xenophilius_'s modding Queue.


4k: |0|1|2|3|

Sotty guy for the short mod but actually I've no time.

  1. 00:40:067 (40067|2) - I suggest to move this here 00:40:067 (40067|2) - move to same place wat?
  2. 01:11:438 - 01:11:610 - Add notes no, following background sound
  3. 01:42:981 (102981|1) - Move to 2 why? :/
  4. 01:43:152 (103152|2) - Move to 1 ar u ok :c

  1. 00:04:410 (4410|1,4752|2) - Ctrl + H hmm okay
  2. 00:40:067 (40067|1) - I suggest to make it become a LN until 00:40:410 - no
Thanks for modding, good try even though you're busy c:
23:40 [-Seiryuu-]: erm shiki
23:40 [-Seiryuu-]: are you free to test a map :3
23:40 ShikiNoHollow: lel
23:40 ShikiNoHollow: sure
23:40 [-Seiryuu-]: ;;
23:40 *[-Seiryuu-] is listening to [ Gojou Kai & Nakamura Meiko - fragment of tears]
23:40 [-Seiryuu-]: play any diff that you like
23:41 ShikiNoHollow: dling
23:43 [-Seiryuu-]: okies
23:44 ShikiNoHollow: is it keysounded?
23:46 [-Seiryuu-]: a really small part
23:46 [-Seiryuu-]: well it used to be fully keysounded until it took up too much space
23:46 ShikiNoHollow: oo
23:47 [-Seiryuu-]: wow
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: :3
23:47 [-Seiryuu-]: did you find any part of that map awkward to play?
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: yes
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: many mistake
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: or so
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: lol
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: 00:04:581 - kick
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: kick + piano is heavy right
23:47 ShikiNoHollow: add
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: 00:04:752 - cymbal
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: add
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: 00:07:495 - cymbal add
23:48 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
23:48 [-Seiryuu-]: okay
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: im doing IRD
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: IRC*
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: lol
23:48 [-Seiryuu-]: lel
23:48 [-Seiryuu-]: you want some kudos for this xD
23:48 ShikiNoHollow: not really
23:49 ShikiNoHollow: if you want to make map in good shape density i can help
23:49 [-Seiryuu-]: well thanks in advance :D
23:49 [-Seiryuu-]: since only one part of my earpiece is functioning
23:49 ShikiNoHollow: "O
23:50 [-Seiryuu-]: need help in listening to random sounds in the mappu
23:50 ShikiNoHollow: ok
23:50 ShikiNoHollow: did you add where i ask?
23:50 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah
23:50 ShikiNoHollow: 00:10:067 - kick , add
23:50 [-Seiryuu-]: added
23:51 ShikiNoHollow: 00:12:295 - & - 00:12:638 - cymbal , add
23:51 ShikiNoHollow: i suggest a pattern
23:51 ShikiNoHollow: wait*
23:53 ShikiNoHollow:
23:53 ShikiNoHollow: 00:16:238 - heavy piano , wanna add?
23:53 [-Seiryuu-]: nope, i'm keeping that
23:54 ShikiNoHollow: no add
23:54 ShikiNoHollow: okay
23:54 ShikiNoHollow: the pattern i suggest? ,
23:54 ShikiNoHollow: 00:23:181 (23181|0,23267|1,23352|2,23438|3,23524|2) - not following the rhythm
23:54 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
23:55 ShikiNoHollow: 00:23:181 - snare
23:55 [-Seiryuu-]: i have no idea what to add there lel
23:55 ShikiNoHollow: do like this
23:55 ShikiNoHollow: 00:22:924 (22924|3,22924|1,23010|0,23010|2) -
23:55 ShikiNoHollow: this one
23:56 ShikiNoHollow: done?
23:56 ShikiNoHollow: 00:32:524 - here got kick , add
23:56 [-Seiryuu-]:
23:56 [-Seiryuu-]: this fine?
23:56 ShikiNoHollow: 00:32:867 - 00:33:210 - 00:33:381 - also got kick
23:57 [-Seiryuu-]: rip kicks
23:57 [-Seiryuu-]: added
23:57 ShikiNoHollow: 00:23:267 (23267|3,23267|1) - there nothing
23:57 ShikiNoHollow: remove
23:57 [-Seiryuu-]: okay
23:57 ShikiNoHollow: 00:23:524 - this one can add , got kick sound
23:58 ShikiNoHollow: put it on clm 1
23:58 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
23:58 [-Seiryuu-]: that's what i'm worried about
23:58 [-Seiryuu-]: jack on 175 bpm doesn't feel nice
23:58 ShikiNoHollow: no
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: its okay
23:59 [-Seiryuu-]: hmm
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: that jack can change course
23:59 [-Seiryuu-]: okay added :3
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: 00:45:210 (45210|1,45210|0,45295|2,45295|3,45381|0,45381|1,45467|2,45467|3,45552|1,45552|0,45638|2,45638|3,45724|0,45724|1,45810|2,45810|3,45895|1,45895|0) - sudden dluble
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: double*
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: 00:45:895 - cymbal
23:59 ShikiNoHollow: ill give pattern
00:00 [-Seiryuu-]: thanks c:
00:00 ShikiNoHollow: in that part got kick also
00:00 ShikiNoHollow:
00:01 ShikiNoHollow: 00:48:981 (48981|1,48981|3,49152|1,49152|3,49324|3,49324|1,49495|3,49495|1,49667|1,49667|3) - this one
00:01 ShikiNoHollow: change pattern
00:01 ShikiNoHollow: is awkward jack
00:01 ShikiNoHollow: 00:49:152 (49152|2,49152|0,49495|2,49495|0) - ctrl+h
00:02 [-Seiryuu-]: changed
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: 00:51:724 - 00:52:410 - 00:53:095 - 00:53:781 - 00:54:124 - that 3 note
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: why so sudden?
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: i see your snare and kick are always 2 notes
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: ><
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: remve 1 notes
00:03 [-Seiryuu-]: well
00:03 [-Seiryuu-]: *just seiryuu things*
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: haha
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: its okay
00:03 ShikiNoHollow: 00:55:495 - remove 1 note
00:04 ShikiNoHollow: 00:58:238 - ^
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: 01:01:152 (61152|0,61324|3,61495|1) - remove
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: nope
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: those are meant to be there :3
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: sorry :c
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: it follow?
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: piano
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: but is so sudden
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: before were not
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: hear the keysound on the triple
00:05 ShikiNoHollow: yes i see
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: my mapping pattern is using triple for new backgroud sounds :c
00:05 [-Seiryuu-]: instead of LN
00:06 ShikiNoHollow: 00:52:752 - this only 2 note
00:06 ShikiNoHollow: 00:52:410 - no keysound
00:06 [-Seiryuu-]: [ ?]
00:08 ShikiNoHollow: okay
00:08 ShikiNoHollow: 01:07:667 - kick
00:09 [-Seiryuu-]: added
00:09 ShikiNoHollow: start form here - 01:13:324 -
00:09 ShikiNoHollow: you miss many kick
00:09 [-Seiryuu-]: rip i got kicked
00:10 ShikiNoHollow: 01:13:838 - 01:19:324 - 01:21:381 - kick , add
00:10 ShikiNoHollow: 01:22:238 (82238|2,82238|3,82238|0) - theres ?
00:10 ShikiNoHollow: none
00:10 ShikiNoHollow: 1 note only remove 2
00:11 [-Seiryuu-]: vocal for that part
00:11 ShikiNoHollow: 01:21:895 - 01:22:067 - kick
00:11 [-Seiryuu-]: removing 1 only
00:11 ShikiNoHollow: suggest LN for vocal
00:12 [-Seiryuu-]: actually
00:12 ShikiNoHollow: 01:23:952 (83952|1,83952|3,84038|0,84038|2) - remove , theres nothing
00:12 [-Seiryuu-]: i'll keep the triple until someone else picks it out
00:13 [-Seiryuu-]: removed
00:13 ShikiNoHollow: 01:22:581 - clap
00:13 ShikiNoHollow: add
00:14 [-Seiryuu-]: added
00:14 ShikiNoHollow: wait
00:14 ShikiNoHollow: i give you some useful pattern
00:15 [-Seiryuu-]: oWo
00:15 ShikiNoHollow: - 01:21:895 -
00:15 ShikiNoHollow: 01:23:781 - kick add
00:15 ShikiNoHollow: i forget to remove this - 01:23:610 (83610|1) -
00:16 [-Seiryuu-]: i'll screenshot the pattern first
00:16 [-Seiryuu-]: because i'm not sure about using it :c
00:16 [-Seiryuu-]: sorry shiki
00:17 ShikiNoHollow: 01:26:010 - 01:26:352 - 01:26:695 - 01:27:381 - 01:27:724 - 01:28:067 - 01:28:752 - 01:29:095 - 01:29:438 - missing kick
00:17 ShikiNoHollow: and if you want to follow the guitar
00:17 ShikiNoHollow: i give you a pattern and note suggestion
00:17 [-Seiryuu-]: wow i missed so many kicks
00:18 ShikiNoHollow: lol
00:18 [-Seiryuu-]: please kick me
00:18 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;
00:20 ShikiNoHollow: 01:27:038 - to - 01:28:410 -
00:21 ShikiNoHollow: 01:28:410 - to - 01:29:438 -
00:22 ShikiNoHollow: 01:29:781 - cymbal * add
00:22 ShikiNoHollow: avoid jack :v
00:22 ShikiNoHollow: 01:30:467 - missing kick
00:23 [-Seiryuu-]: whoa slow down captain ;w;
00:23 ShikiNoHollow: ><
00:23 [-Seiryuu-]: still trying to understand the pattern so i'm gonna take awhile sorry :c
00:24 [-Seiryuu-]: well you should probably just name the errors that you want me to change and i'll get back to it >3<
00:25 ShikiNoHollow: lol
00:25 ShikiNoHollow: your mistake is most on missing note
00:26 [-Seiryuu-]: [ i think this can avoid the jack lel]
00:26 [-Seiryuu-]: yeah missing notes most of the time
00:26 [-Seiryuu-]: have to get new earpiece soon
00:26 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;
00:28 ShikiNoHollow: hehe cool
00:28 ShikiNoHollow: 01:31:838 - kick
00:28 ShikiNoHollow: 01:33:210 - ^
00:29 ShikiNoHollow: 01:33:895 - adjust here , dont just follow guitar , add the kick :v
00:29 [-Seiryuu-]: added
00:30 [-Seiryuu-]: damn i thought it was a good idea not to follow the kick
00:30 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;;;
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: 01:33:895 -
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: if is hard diff is okay
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: kinda awkward
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: is okay if you dont want to add
00:30 [-Seiryuu-]: okay :3
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: is my suggestion
00:30 ShikiNoHollow: ><
00:31 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
00:31 [-Seiryuu-]: i'll add it
00:31 [-Seiryuu-]: since it makes the map consistent
00:31 ShikiNoHollow: :v
00:31 ShikiNoHollow: the rest is okay
Yo~ here's my BN Check as requested :

Some note before bubble or else....

BG : ( ok )
Audio : X ( whoa, all wav now ^^b BUT some of them got a delay issue T^T )
Timing : ( ok )
Spread : ( ok )
Pattern & Snap : .....

Audio : aaargh, whatever, here i get my lazy ass and fix it for you.... asdfasdfasdfasdf ( phew , done )
i also optimize the size for you, so overwrite all of them.... and i give u 1 additional hitsound, that automatically works for you when you put it inside your song folder >w<

Some check on harsh pattern.... :


  1. 00:23:610 (23610|3) - move to 3, avoid mini jack as much as possible...
  2. 00:46:238 (46238|1,46581|3,46924|2) - move to 4 3 4
  3. 00:48:295 - end the LN on 2nd column here....
  4. 00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1) - this note... on Another, its 1/8 X_X , consider the right snap then fix for all dif...
  5. 01:01:667 - end the LN here and move 01:02:010 (62010|2) - to 1
  6. 01:35:610 (95610|1) - aaaaa remove pls....
    01:36:295 (96295|3) - same, suggested to remove this...


  1. 00:34:581 - how bout end the LN here and add 1 more note here in return of... removing this >> 00:34:752 (34752|1) - ,will give you a better rhythm to follow...
  2. 00:51:552 (51552|3) - aaaaaaaaa remove T^T
    01:13:495 (73495|2) - ^
  3. 01:18:467 (78467|2) - to 2


  1. 00:23:095 (23095|2) - move to 4 pls D: , its not same with the previous note on 3rd column
  2. 00:23:695 (23695|1,23867|3,23952|1,24124|3) - Ctrl+J ^ really easier flow , at least for me to get all 300s
  3. 00:34:152 (34152|0,34238|1,34324|0) - really suggest swap their column, 1 to 2 , 2 to 1 , 1 to 2
  4. 00:45:210 - supposed to like this :
    notice the four hl note, it supposed to be repeat again ^^, so with that pattern, the flow is easy and its clear on what sound it is...


  1. its fine.... sooo many mini trill and jack ;w; but its another... so its okay....
    just check them again , i wont comment much, it fits the difficulty, just change any pattern if you want,
    fix above mod... and call me back.....
You can call me back after that ^
Topic Starter

LordRaika wrote:

Yo~ here's my BN Check as requested :

Some note before bubble or else....

BG : ( ok )
Audio : X ( whoa, all wav now ^^b BUT some of them got a delay issue T^T )
Timing : ( ok )
Spread : ( ok )
Pattern & Snap : .....

Audio : aaargh, whatever, here i get my lazy ass and fix it for you.... asdfasdfasdfasdf ( phew , done )
i also optimize the size for you, so overwrite all of them.... and i give u 1 additional hitsound, that automatically works for you when you put it inside your song folder >w<

Some check on harsh pattern.... :


  1. 00:23:610 (23610|3) - move to 3, avoid mini jack as much as possible...
  2. 00:46:238 (46238|1,46581|3,46924|2) - move to 4 3 4
  3. 00:48:295 - end the LN on 2nd column here....
  4. 00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1) - this note... on Another, its 1/8 X_X , consider the right snap then fix for all dif...
  5. 01:01:667 - end the LN here and move 01:02:010 (62010|2) - to 1
  6. 01:35:610 (95610|1) - aaaaa remove pls....
    01:36:295 (96295|3) - same, suggested to remove this...
(all accept)


  1. 00:34:581 - how bout end the LN here and add 1 more note here in return of... removing this >> 00:34:752 (34752|1) - ,will give you a better rhythm to follow...
  2. 00:51:552 (51552|3) - aaaaaaaaa remove T^T (nope, pressing note after LN should be okay :c)
    01:13:495 (73495|2) - ^ (^)
  3. 01:18:467 (78467|2) - to 2


  1. 00:23:095 (23095|2) - move to 4 pls D: , its not same with the previous note on 3rd column
  2. 00:23:695 (23695|1,23867|3,23952|1,24124|3) - Ctrl+J ^ really easier flow , at least for me to get all 300s
  3. 00:34:152 (34152|0,34238|1,34324|0) - really suggest swap their column, 1 to 2 , 2 to 1 , 1 to 2
  4. 00:45:210 - supposed to like this :
    notice the four hl note, it supposed to be repeat again ^^, so with that pattern, the flow is easy and its clear on what sound it is... (i never noticed this ;w;;;;)


  1. its fine.... sooo many mini trill and jack ;w; but its another... so its okay....
    just check them again , i wont comment much, it fits the difficulty, just change any pattern if you want,
    fix above mod... and call me back.....
You can call me back after that ^
Raika @_@, I thought you were kidding lele

00:10:924 (10924|0) - delete
00:17:952 - add one
01:30:295 (90295|1) - changes a long note, and finish it 01:30:467 -
01:30:381 (90381|3) - delete


00:12:981 (12981|2) - move to 1
00:50:352 (50352|0) - move to 3
00:50:695 (50695|1) - move to 3
01:29:438 (89438|3) - changes a long note, and finish it 01:29:781 -


00:40:067 (40067|3) - move to 2,and change a long note and finish it 00:40:410 -
01:57:552 - add one
01:58:067 - add one
01:58:238 - add one


00:48:295 (48295|2) - changes a long note, and finish it 00:48:467 -
00:48:467 (48467|3) - finish it 00:49:895 -
01:00:867 (60867|0) - move to 01:00:810 -

It is only a my opinion. :)
This is the best beatmap!
You hope that helps. :D
Topic Starter

_FrEsH_ChICkEn_ wrote:


00:10:924 (10924|0) - delete (nope, there's a cymbal here)
00:17:952 - add one (good catch!)
01:30:295 (90295|1) - changes a long note, and finish it 01:30:467 - (ehm nope, i think it's fine now)
01:30:381 (90381|3) - delete (it's following the beat so nope c:)


00:12:981 (12981|2) - move to 1 (erm, what are your columns?, i'll take it as 1l2l3l4 then, moved to 2)
00:50:352 (50352|0) - move to 3 (moved to 2)
00:50:695 (50695|1) - move to 3 (okay)
01:29:438 (89438|3) - changes a long note, and finish it 01:29:781 - (hmm, okay c:)


00:40:067 (40067|3) - move to 2,and change a long note and finish it 00:40:410 - (moved to 2, but keeping as single note)
01:57:552 - add one (good catch!)
01:58:067 - add one (^)
01:58:238 - add one (^)


00:48:295 (48295|2) - changes a long note, and finish it 00:48:467 - (not sure if beginners can handle it, but okay c:)
00:48:467 (48467|3) - finish it 00:49:895 - (okay)
01:00:867 (60867|0) - move to 01:00:810 - (oh whoops, i forgot to make it longer :P)

It is only a my opinion. :)
This is the best beatmap!
You hope that helps. :D
Thanks for the mod :)
Hi Seiryuu~~~~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Mod as requested from Grune's modding queue

Feel free to implement or rejecti if you think this is useless ~~o(>_<)o ~~

General : ( )
Mapset : ( )
Metadata : ( )
Timing : ( )
Audio :( )
Background :( )
Hitsounding :( )

4K = |1|2|3|4|

In general, I will mod based on these considerations ♪(^∇^*)
Pitch Agreement / Relevancy : ( )
Hand Balancing : ( )
(Consistent) Patterning : ( )
Possibility of Long Notes Abuse : ( )
Suggestions / Opinion only : ( )

00:08:181 -
00:26:524 (26524|1) - to 3
00:30:638 (30638|1) - 1
00:30:981 (30981|2) - 2
00:31:581 (31581|1,31667|2) - ctrl g
00:35:781 (35781|0) - 3
00:41:610 (41610|0) - 3
00:42:295 (42295|3) - 1
00:42:210 (42210|1) - 4

Nice Beatmap!!! Nice Song!!! d(≧v≦)b~~
Good Luck for rank!! O(∩_∩)O
Topic Starter

schwarzvgrune wrote:

Hi Seiryuu~~~~ ~\(≧▽≦)/~
Mod as requested from Grune's modding queue

Feel free to implement or rejecti if you think this is useless ~~o(>_<)o ~~

General : ( )
Mapset : ( )
Metadata : ( )
Timing : ( )
Audio :( )
Background :( )
Hitsounding :( )

4K = |1|2|3|4|

In general, I will mod based on these considerations ♪(^∇^*)
Pitch Agreement / Relevancy : ( )
Hand Balancing : ( )
(Consistent) Patterning : ( )
Possibility of Long Notes Abuse : ( )
Suggestions / Opinion only : ( )

00:08:181 - (i have no idea where you started but i'll just change it then)
00:26:524 (26524|1) - to 3
00:30:638 (30638|1) - 1
00:30:981 (30981|2) - 2
00:31:581 (31581|1,31667|2) - ctrl g
00:35:781 (35781|0) - 3
00:41:610 (41610|0) - 3
00:42:295 (42295|3) - 1
00:42:210 (42210|1) - 4 (well all of the rest actually do not need to be changed imo :/, i'll think about it if someone else notices it, because they are 1 snap apart)

Nice Beatmap!!! Nice Song!!! d(≧v≦)b~~
Good Luck for rank!! O(∩_∩)O
Thanks for modding c:
don't grave it :/
I will upload a STD set in one week, we can link to each other

from ✿Nekoworks
we'll do some super re-check as requested :3 since we had mod it before.
* Firstly take my stars as reward :3
* Secondly please wait, in progress checking. It might take time :)
* Thirdly, sorry for my bad English ><"
* Lastly, all of them just suggestion
* I suggest to move The BMS Of Fighter 2011 -Intersection of conflict- on tags to source. Since it has BMS on source and tags. But well, i don't know it for sure ^^
* Uncheck the "Widescreen Support" since it doesn't have any SB :3
* Uncheck the "Use special style (N+1 style) for mania. But i also not sure for this ><"
* 00:23:952 ~ 00:32:181 - i don't know what are those LN for, i heard no guitar, fast drum beat or long sound that fit to the LN >< so i suggest to change them into notes and make it more simple for Easy difficulty.
* 00:33:552 (33552|1) - i suggest to stop this LN here 00:34:581 - so sei san could double this part 00:34:924 - because, it has same sound (chord) with 00:36:295 Example.
* 00:39:895 - i suggest this one sei san. Because i heard that 00:39:895 - still has chord sound and long piano sound start on 00:40:067 - ^^
* 00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1,50010|2) - this is important. I just playback it on 25% and it isn't 1/6 but 1/4. So i suggest to snap it on 1/4 00:49:838 - :3 desu
* 00:50:352 (50352|0) - i suggest to move on 4
* 01:00:810 (60810|0) - if this LN for vocal, i think it should stop at 01:01:324 -
* 01:11:781 (71781|0) - i suggest to stop this LN on 01:12:981 - (for vocal) and add LN again from 01:12:981 ~ 01:13:324 - for fast 1/4 drum beat.
* 01:22:238 (82238|3) - i suggest to move this note on 01:22:067 - (following pattern) :3
* 01:23:610 (83610|3) - same here^ on 01:23:438 -
* 01:23:781 - if sei san apply that, sei san could add note here^^
* 01:47:781 - maybe add a note here to make it same with 01:47:267 (107267|0,107438|3) -
* 01:54:467 (114467|0,115838|3) - i heard both vocal / piano sound it stops at 01:55:152 - and 01:56:867 - ^^
yay i think that's what i could do sei san ><" sorry for a little mod and very long delay T^T


Hi there nyan~ Sei-chan mod from ✿Nekoworks

hope it will help :3

Ma mi mu me mod , rainbow gold mooooooood desu~
Collumn 4K = 1/2/3/4
00:02:009 (2009|3,2009|1,2009|0) - Better make it 3 notes , ( you did use 2 for piano and there's one for cymbal sound )
00:09:810 (9810|3) - add one note in 4 ( or two) but making them jack is important it's the same sound tham here 00:09:895 (9895|3,9895|1) -
00:38:695 (38695|2) - should be 2 notes according to your previous patterns~
00:49:895 (49895|1) - move to 00:49:838 (49838|1) - This note hitsound isn't the good pitch for the piano you should find the good one . (try raika hitsound library there's alot of piano hitsound )
00:49:952 (49952|2) - move to 00:49:924 (49924|2) - thoose notes are 1/4
01:07:410 (67410|1) - (optional) add one more note 01:07:495 (67495|3,67495|2) - same sound with this
01:07:667 (67667|1,67667|2) - (optional) add one more note
01:54:038 (114038|3) - add to 4 ^(optional)
01:54:295 (114295|2) - add to 3 ^(optional)
00:05:781 (5781|2,6295|0) - Ctrl+J , (pitch relevancy , firs note is lower in pitch tham the second one)
00:06:810 (6810|2) - move to 2
00:49:895 (49895|1,49952|2) - same as Another this should be 1/4
01:48:295 (108295|3) - add a note for cymbal sound
01:48:638 (108638|0) - ^ same add one more note
00:40:238 (40238|1) - (optional) you could add one more note to 2 to make a pattern , and it keep well the flow imo
00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1) - Same as Another and Hyper , this should be 1/4
01:10:924 (70924|0) - (optional) add note here on 1 would be suggested
01:11:438 (71438|1) - add note ( there's a drum sound here , and it should follow pretty well the flow of the map imo)
01:11:610 (71610|2) - add here too (drum sound)
01:47:610 (107610|3) - I think this LN should start here : 01:48:295 (108295|0) - ( there is no real sound to press before , and it's not vocal either I think )
00:17:010 (17010|2) - hmm (optional) up to you to remove this note I think it's really tricky for a newcomer to play that kind of stair
^ suggestion would be also to move 00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2) - from 1 collumn to the left so the left hand play 2 notes and right hand only 1 ( feels like a mini jump )
( note that is my feel about it , it's already nice so up to you to keep it )
00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1,50010|2) - like Another hyper and standard , it should be 1/4 imo
01:22:067 (82067|0) - add one note
01:22:238 (82238|3) - remove
^ this is to follow your actual patterns~
01:35:952 (95952|0) - remove (imo this isn't needed , esp since it's easier diff :3 )
01:59:952 (119952|3) - (optional) add on more note for cymbal effect prefrerably not LN .

nyah~ , I've enjoyed seeing this map again :3 it's so nice >w<b
Good Luck , and Have a nice day GWD Sei-chan ^^/
/me shoots two star , yeap Rainbow stars /me runs~
Topic Starter

Eternalie wrote:


Hi there nyan~ Sei-chan mod from ✿Nekoworks

hope it will help :3

Ma mi mu me mod , rainbow gold mooooooood desu~
Collumn 4K = 1/2/3/4
00:02:009 (2009|3,2009|1,2009|0) - Better make it 3 notes , ( you did use 2 for piano and there's one for cymbal sound )
00:09:810 (9810|3) - add one note in 4 ( or two) but making them jack is important it's the same sound tham here 00:09:895 (9895|3,9895|1) - (nope)
00:38:695 (38695|2) - should be 2 notes according to your previous patterns~
00:49:895 (49895|1) - move to 00:49:838 (49838|1) - This note hitsound isn't the good pitch for the piano you should find the good one . (try raika hitsound library there's alot of piano hitsound ) (this was directly from the bms ver keysounds so i think they're fine)
00:49:952 (49952|2) - move to 00:49:924 (49924|2) - thoose notes are 1/4
01:07:410 (67410|1) - (optional) add one more note 01:07:495 (67495|3,67495|2) - same sound with this (nope)
01:07:667 (67667|1,67667|2) - (optional) add one more note (its actually a 3beat by 3beat but i made it a stream so that it's more fun :/)
01:54:038 (114038|3) - add to 4 ^(optional) ^
01:54:295 (114295|2) - add to 3 ^(optional) ^
00:05:781 (5781|2,6295|0) - Ctrl+J , (pitch relevancy , firs note is lower in pitch tham the second one)
00:06:810 (6810|2) - move to 2
00:49:895 (49895|1,49952|2) - same as Another this should be 1/4
01:48:295 (108295|3) - add a note for cymbal sound
01:48:638 (108638|0) - ^ same add one more note
(all accept^^)
00:40:238 (40238|1) - (optional) you could add one more note to 2 to make a pattern , and it keep well the flow imo (nope)
00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1) - Same as Another and Hyper , this should be 1/4
01:10:924 (70924|0) - (optional) add note here on 1 would be suggested
01:11:438 (71438|1) - add note ( there's a drum sound here , and it should follow pretty well the flow of the map imo)
01:11:610 (71610|2) - add here too (drum sound)
01:47:610 (107610|3) - I think this LN should start here : 01:48:295 (108295|0) - ( there is no real sound to press before , and it's not vocal either I think )
00:17:010 (17010|2) - hmm (optional) up to you to remove this note I think it's really tricky for a newcomer to play that kind of stair
^ suggestion would be also to move 00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2) - from 1 collumn to the left so the left hand play 2 notes and right hand only 1 ( feels like a mini jump )
( note that is my feel about it , it's already nice so up to you to keep it ) (i think i'm gonna keep it because i had no problems with those patterns when i started ;w;)
00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1,50010|2) - like Another hyper and standard , it should be 1/4 imo
01:22:067 (82067|0) - add one note
01:22:238 (82238|3) - remove
^ this is to follow your actual patterns~
01:35:952 (95952|0) - remove (imo this isn't needed , esp since it's easier diff :3 )
01:59:952 (119952|3) - (optional) add on more note for cymbal effect prefrerably not LN .

nyah~ , I've enjoyed seeing this map again :3 it's so nice >w<b
Good Luck , and Have a nice day GWD Sei-chan ^^/
/me shoots two star , yeap Rainbow stars /me runs~
Thanks for the mod and stars, anything i didn't reply was used ^^

Shad0w1and wrote:

don't grave it :/
I will upload a STD set in one week, we can link to each other
I'm not gonna grave it anytime soon lel, thanks for the stars though c:
Hi Just uploaded mine, can I ask for a link :D to my set?
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

Hi Just uploaded mine, can I ask for a link :D to my set?
sure, i don't mind ^^
Topic Starter

Shad0w1and wrote:

don't grave it :/
I will upload a STD set in one week, we can link to each other
rip misclick someone get bn qat here to deny kudos asdfad
yo sofa~ m4m

column |1|2|3|4|


00:05:781 (5781|0) - move to 2 since it the same sound on this part 00:03:038 (3038|1) -
00:10:752 (10752|1,11267|0) - move to 3 and 2
00:14:352 (14352|1) - remove (not too loud beat)
00:15:724 (15724|3) - ^
00:19:838 (19838|0) - ^
00:21:210 (21210|3) - ^
00:40:410 (40410|2) - ^ (too hard for the newbies)
01:00:810 (60810|0) - end this LN to 01:01:324


00:05:267 (5267|1,5781|0) - move to 3 and 2
00:48:810 - try this one

01:01:838 - add(?)
01:09:038 (69038|3,69210|2) - ctrl+j
01:18:638 - add(?)
01:55:495 - try this :3

noice diff though


00:10:238 - this one sofa~

00:22:924 - just my suggestion :3I dieded here

01:17:438 - add(?)
01:20:181 - ^
01:22:924 (82924|1,82924|0,82924|2,83610|2,83610|3,83610|1) - woah sudden 3-notes. Can you make it 2-notes :3
01:31:152 - add(?)
01:32:524 - ^
01:33:895 - ^
01:40:410 - ^


00:10:238 - just my thing

00:45:295 (45295|2,45381|1,45638|3) - why not try add another notes?
if you added it 00:45:210 (45210|3) - move this to 2
00:50:095 - add(?)
00:50:181 - ^
00:52:067 (52067|3,53438|0) - not double? like here 00:51:724 (51724|3,51724|1) - ?
00:55:238 (55238|0,55324|1) - move to 2 and 3 (following the pattern)
01:10:495 (70495|2) - add
01:12:895 - you know what to do :3
01:17:267 - ^
01:24:381 (84381|0) - am i only one who didn't heard this part
01:24:552 (84552|0) - ^

rest seems fine imo
such poor mod

Topic Starter

JamesHappy15 wrote:

yo sofa~ m4m

column |1|2|3|4|


00:05:781 (5781|0) - move to 2 since it the same sound on this part 00:03:038 (3038|1) -
00:10:752 (10752|1,11267|0) - move to 3 and 2
00:14:352 (14352|1) - remove (not too loud beat) (nope, used to emphasis the start of the piano and stuffs)
00:15:724 (15724|3) - ^ (^)
00:19:838 (19838|0) - ^ (^)
00:21:210 (21210|3) - ^ (^)
00:40:410 (40410|2) - ^ (too hard for the newbies) (i'll remove it if it's really a problem for them^^)
01:00:810 (60810|0) - end this LN to 01:01:324


00:05:267 (5267|1,5781|0) - move to 3 and 2
00:48:810 - try this one
(nope, pattern now seems fine imo :c)
01:01:838 - add(?) (nope, but good try tho)
01:09:038 (69038|3,69210|2) - ctrl+j
01:18:638 - add(?) (nope sorry hams :C)
01:55:495 - try this :3
(thx im stealing this)

noice diff though


00:10:238 - this one sofa~
(nou hams, stairs are easier to hit imo ;w;)
00:22:924 - just my suggestion :3I dieded here

01:17:438 - add(?) (nope, no drum drum beat here)
01:20:181 - ^ (^)
01:22:924 (82924|1,82924|0,82924|2,83610|2,83610|3,83610|1) - woah sudden 3-notes. Can you make it 2-notes :3 (ok ok you win)
01:31:152 - add(?) (same reason as before sorry jamesu)
01:32:524 - ^ (^)
01:33:895 - ^ (^)
01:40:410 - ^ (ok i'll accept this thx ham)


00:10:238 - just my thing
(sorry hams ;w;)
00:45:295 (45295|2,45381|1,45638|3) - why not try add another notes? (meh, i think i hear some stuff in the background for the 2 note stuff idk, might just be me)
if you added it 00:45:210 (45210|3) - move this to 2
00:50:095 - add(?)
00:50:181 - ^
00:52:067 (52067|3,53438|0) - not double? like here 00:51:724 (51724|3,51724|1) - ? (ok you win again)
00:55:238 (55238|0,55324|1) - move to 2 and 3 (following the pattern) (this was on purpose LOL ;w;)
01:10:495 (70495|2) - add (ok i didnt see this again)
01:12:895 - you know what to do :3 (nop)
01:17:267 - ^ (^)
01:24:381 (84381|0) - am i only one who didn't heard this part (i think so lol, its following the guitar thingy)
01:24:552 (84552|0) - ^ (^ since i didn't want to do it in 1/6 snap, it ends up like this hue)

rest seems fine imo
such poor mod

Thx for the mod hams, good luck on your future mods c:
Topic Starter

Muu-chan wrote:


from ✿Nekoworks
we'll do some super re-check as requested :3 since we had mod it before.
* Firstly take my stars as reward :3
* Secondly please wait, in progress checking. It might take time :)
* Thirdly, sorry for my bad English ><"
* Lastly, all of them just suggestion
* I suggest to move The BMS Of Fighter 2011 -Intersection of conflict- on tags to source. Since it has BMS on source and tags. But well, i don't know it for sure ^^
* Uncheck the "Widescreen Support" since it doesn't have any SB :3
* Uncheck the "Use special style (N+1 style) for mania. But i also not sure for this ><"
* 00:23:952 ~ 00:32:181 - i don't know what are those LN for, i heard no guitar, fast drum beat or long sound that fit to the LN >< so i suggest to change them into notes and make it more simple for Easy difficulty. (listen closely to the background lol)
* 00:33:552 (33552|1) - i suggest to stop this LN here 00:34:581 - so sei san could double this part 00:34:924 - because, it has same sound (chord) with 00:36:295 Example. (ehhh it expired, but keeping it as it is anyway c:)
* 00:39:895 - i suggest this one sei san. Because i heard that 00:39:895 - still has chord sound and long piano sound start on 00:40:067 - ^^ (nope, leaving it as it is)
* 00:49:895 (49895|0,49952|1,50010|2) - this is important. I just playback it on 25% and it isn't 1/6 but 1/4. So i suggest to snap it on 1/4 00:49:838 - :3 desu (asdfasdfasdf y u do dis to my pretty 1/6s)
* 00:50:352 (50352|0) - i suggest to move on 4
* 01:00:810 (60810|0) - if this LN for vocal, i think it should stop at 01:01:324 - (doesn't it stop there already? :0)
* 01:11:781 (71781|0) - i suggest to stop this LN on 01:12:981 - (for vocal) and add LN again from 01:12:981 ~ 01:13:324 - for fast 1/4 drum beat.
* 01:22:238 (82238|3) - i suggest to move this note on 01:22:067 - (following pattern) :3 (ehm nope. no pattern here actually lol)
* 01:23:610 (83610|3) - same here^ on 01:23:438 -
* 01:23:781 - if sei san apply that, sei san could add note here^^(nope)
* 01:47:781 - maybe add a note here to make it same with 01:47:267 (107267|0,107438|3) - (good catch)
* 01:54:467 (114467|0,115838|3) - i heard both vocal / piano sound it stops at 01:55:152 - and 01:56:867 - ^^ (to explain, the LNs aren't following vocal, for most of the map actually. They follow the sound made by the triples in Another diff c:)
yay i think that's what i could do sei san ><" sorry for a little mod and very long delay T^T

Thanks for the mod :3
from my queue 5 days ago. Sorry for delay. I have no internet connection and busy with my real life. :3
Anyways, cause many user have mod this map already, I can't detect any more thing to Mod.

Click Me :3

01:31:152 - and - 01:33:895 - Add note. the drum and bell (?) tune is like this one - 01:29:781 (89781|1,89781|2,89781|0) - and - 01:32:524 (92524|3,92524|2,92524|0) - right?
01:38:010 (98010|0,99381|2) - Consider to delete? no need three notes for a light tune. Isn't it?


Suggestion :3 (feel free to ignore)

01:00:467 (60467|3) - Move to 3
If you accept that^ - 01:00:638 - add on 4
01:11:438 (71438|0,71438|1,71610|3,71610|2,71781|0,71781|1) - I think this pattern is pretty hard in standard diff. the pattern on the hyper one is not too hard

I'm not really into timing. But I suggest you to remove this time (the highlighted one) to remove the AiMod Issues. (All diff)

The other diff seems perfect to me

GL~ on getting this ranked. Have a nice day [-Seiryuu-] :) :)
Topic Starter

Rivals_7 wrote:

from my queue 5 days ago. Sorry for delay. I have no internet connection and busy with my real life. :3
Anyways, cause many user have mod this map already, I can't detect any more thing to Mod.

Click Me :3

01:31:152 - and - 01:33:895 - Add note. the drum and bell (?) tune is like this one - 01:29:781 (89781|1,89781|2,89781|0) - and - 01:32:524 (92524|3,92524|2,92524|0) - right? (good catch)
01:38:010 (98010|0,99381|2) - Consider to delete? no need three notes for a light tune. Isn't it? (its for the keysound)


Suggestion :3 (feel free to ignore)

01:00:467 (60467|3) - Move to 3 (ok)
If you accept that^ - 01:00:638 - add on 4 (changed)
01:11:438 (71438|0,71438|1,71610|3,71610|2,71781|0,71781|1) - I think this pattern is pretty hard in standard diff. the pattern on the hyper one is not too hard

I'm not really into timing. But I suggest you to remove this time (the highlighted one) to remove the AiMod Issues. (All diff)
(nope, leaving it as it is)

The other diff seems perfect to me

GL~ on getting this ranked. Have a nice day [-Seiryuu-] :) :)
Thanks for the mod c:

00:04:581 - make it 320,192,4581,1,0,0:0:0:0:
Topic Starter

-Guest wrote:


00:04:581 - make it 320,192,4581,1,0,0:0:0:0:
hmm nope sorry :c

but good try though :3
m4m logs
21:10 puxtu: dude
21:10 puxtu: before you go
21:10 puxtu: can you check my map
21:10 puxtu: lol
21:10 [-Seiryuu-]: ehm
21:10 [-Seiryuu-]: i'm in league atm
21:11 [-Seiryuu-]: 30mins later huehue sorry pux ;w;
21:11 puxtu: kjhdhjkakjhaaasd
21:32 [-Seiryuu-]: okay hi pux did you need me for something
21:32 puxtu: hi
21:32 *puxtu is watching [ Neru - Ningen Shikkaku [Zenx's 7K Miscreation]] <osu!mania> |7K|
21:32 puxtu: lol
21:33 [-Seiryuu-]: i can't pass it
21:33 [-Seiryuu-]: lmao
21:33 puxtu: me too
21:33 puxtu: lol
21:33 *puxtu is listening to [ Neru - Abstract Nonsense]
21:33 [-Seiryuu-]: not in my current state of mind
21:33 puxtu: ;w;;
21:33 [-Seiryuu-]: r u crazy
21:33 [-Seiryuu-]: we can't have hard 4k map
21:35 puxtu: lol
21:35 puxtu: the NS is not for rank
21:35 [-Seiryuu-]: i can tell
21:35 [-Seiryuu-]: from the start
21:35 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;;;
21:36 [-Seiryuu-]: 02:20:396 (140396|3,140396|0,140468|1,140468|2,140540|3,140540|0,140613|2,140613|1,140685|1,140685|0,140685|3) - kill yourself for this u henti
21:37 puxtu: ;w;w;
21:37 puxtu: what's wrong with that ;w;
21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: double trill followed by jack
21:38 puxtu: it's nice right :D
21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: at least make it [12][34] ;w;
21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: 01:11:165 (71165|2,71165|0,71238|3,71238|1,71310|0,71310|2,71382|1,71382|3,71454|0,71454|2,71454|3) - this too henti
21:38 puxtu: lol
21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: actually that one is fine
21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: lmao
21:39 puxtu: wat
21:39 [-Seiryuu-]: the second link feels fine to play
21:40 puxtu: okoko
21:40 puxtu: next pls
21:40 [-Seiryuu-]: how am i supposed to check chart mapped to vocals
21:40 [-Seiryuu-]: i'm clueless
21:41 puxtu: lol
21:41 puxtu: what should I map then?
21:41 [-Seiryuu-]: i also have no clue
21:41 puxtu: the hi-hat?
21:42 puxtu: uyries
21:43 [-Seiryuu-]: i have no idea what im doing
21:43 [-Seiryuu-]: can i just summarise it
21:44 [-Seiryuu-]: 03:11:165 (191165|3,191165|1,191238|0,191238|2,191310|1,191310|3,191382|2,191382|0,191454|3,191454|1,191526|2,191526|0,191598|1,191598|0,191598|3) - you should kill youself for this too :c
21:44 puxtu: lmao
21:45 puxtu: ok fixed
21:45 [-Seiryuu-]: 02:48:088 (168088|0,168088|3,168161|2,168161|1,168233|0,168233|3,168305|2,168305|1,168377|1,168377|0,168377|3) - fix anything that looks like this because i'm a nazi
21:46 [-Seiryuu-]: and im so tired that i cant even move out of my chair
21:46 puxtu: ;w;w
21:46 [-Seiryuu-]: with that being said
21:46 [-Seiryuu-]: help me test a map
21:47 puxtu: what map
21:47 [-Seiryuu-]: fragment of tear
21:47 puxtu: np me
21:47 *[-Seiryuu-] is listening to [ Gojou Kai & Nakamura Meiko - fragment of tears]
21:48 [-Seiryuu-]: asking for playtests when the map is already halfway modded
21:48 [-Seiryuu-]: c:
21:48 puxtu: dline
21:48 puxtu: dling
21:52 [-Seiryuu-]: how was it
21:53 puxtu: omg why am i so noob
21:53 puxtu: lwl
21:53 [-Seiryuu-]: oWo
21:53 puxtu: 00:04:581 - dat kick
21:54 puxtu: this kind of sound that "must be mapped"
21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: wat
21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;;;
21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: b...but i wanted to make it simple
21:55 puxtu: ;w;
21:55 puxtu: ok ok
21:55 puxtu: you can keep it empty
21:56 [-Seiryuu-]: yay \:D/
21:56 puxtu: the rest is perfect
21:56 puxtu: kds pls
21:56 [-Seiryuu-]: yey
21:57 puxtu: 00:25:324 (25324|3) - too henti
21:57 [-Seiryuu-]: okok :c
21:58 [-Seiryuu-]: u no like that pattern :c
21:58 puxtu: nice hitsound
21:58 puxtu: me no like ;C
21:58 [-Seiryuu-]: thx
21:59 puxtu: what's this lol 01:10:752 (70752|0,71267|1) -
21:59 puxtu: hi-hat?
22:00 [-Seiryuu-]: i have no idea
22:01 [-Seiryuu-]: so delete?
22:01 puxtu: well what do you think? :v
22:01 puxtu: idk, your choice
22:01 puxtu: and this 01:15:210 (75210|0) -
22:02 puxtu: why it's double while the rest is only single
22:02 [-Seiryuu-]: the beat thingy
22:02 puxtu: oh
22:02 puxtu: so add here too 01:13:838 (73838|2) -
22:02 puxtu: the beat thingy
22:03 [-Seiryuu-]: added
22:03 puxtu: 01:19:324 (79324|3) - here too
22:03 [-Seiryuu-]: done
22:04 puxtu: wow why it's empty here? D: 01:21:381 -
22:04 [-Seiryuu-]: owat
22:04 [-Seiryuu-]: dafonz
22:04 puxtu: where's the note
22:04 [-Seiryuu-]: idk
22:04 [-Seiryuu-]: i forgot
22:04 [-Seiryuu-]: added
22:04 puxtu: who stole it
22:04 puxtu: ok
22:06 puxtu: 01:58:581 (118581|3) -
22:06 puxtu: explain
22:06 puxtu: owait i think it's fine
22:06 [-Seiryuu-]: o
22:06 [-Seiryuu-]: its the
22:06 [-Seiryuu-]: sound thing
22:07 puxtu: >sound thing
22:07 puxtu: ok
22:07 puxtu: acceptable reason
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: ii cant name instruments
22:07 puxtu: nice map
22:07 puxtu: that's all i got
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: ayylmao
22:07 puxtu: nothing really major
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: double mod
22:07 puxtu: XD
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: is this m4m irc
22:07 puxtu: yea i think XD
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: lmao
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: xDD
what is this thing
19:55 Shoegazer: 3-note chords are a little overdone I think
19:55 [-Seiryuu-]: o
19:56 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:54:124 (54124|1,54124|3,54124|2) - you mean the ones like this?
19:56 Shoegazer: the one to the soft piano
19:56 Shoegazer: let me find them
19:56 Shoegazer: 00:36:295 - sounds like this
19:56 Shoegazer: I don't think it's loud enough to warrant a hand
19:57 Shoegazer: or triple
19:57 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
19:57 [-Seiryuu-]: so change to double?
19:57 Shoegazer: maybe you can accentuate it
19:57 Shoegazer: by uh
19:57 [-Seiryuu-]: drowning it
19:57 Shoegazer: hm you actually can't accentuate it
19:57 [-Seiryuu-]: :c
19:58 [-Seiryuu-]: i wanted to use triples for the sound in the background
19:58 Shoegazer: I was thinking of maybe making the 3rd note of the triplet the same as one of the notes as the double
19:58 [-Seiryuu-]: but nvm
19:58 Shoegazer: as an accentuation of the piano more than anything else
19:58 [-Seiryuu-]: o
19:58 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
19:58 Shoegazer: not quite doable since some of your patterns already do that
19:59 Shoegazer: you can also use miniholds but miniholds suck
19:59 [-Seiryuu-]: rip ideas
19:59 Shoegazer: 00:45:467 (45467|2,45467|3,45552|0,45552|1,45638|3,45724|1,45724|0,45810|2,45810|3,45895|3,45895|0,45895|1) - all of these except for the last note are doubles I think?
20:00 Shoegazer: same with 00:45:210 (45210|0,45210|3,45295|2,45381|1) -
20:00 Shoegazer: \nvm
20:00 Shoegazer: I can tell the layering scheme
20:01 [-Seiryuu-]: indecisive shoemaker
20:01 [-Seiryuu-]: XD
20:01 Shoegazer: 01:23:952 (83952|1,83952|0,84038|2,84038|3,84124|1,84124|3) - lol that's rude
20:01 [-Seiryuu-]: sorry :ccc
20:01 Shoegazer: it's fine
20:01 [-Seiryuu-]: so what about that part :O
20:02 Shoegazer: minijack caught me offguard
20:02 [-Seiryuu-]: o
20:02 Shoegazer: 01:28:410 (88410|0) - LN actually goes up to 01:28:410 (88410|0) -
20:02 Shoegazer: wat
20:02 Shoegazer: 01:28:410 (88410|0) -
20:02 Shoegazer: goddammit
20:02 Shoegazer: 01:28:752 -
20:03 [-Seiryuu-]: that LN is for the first sound only D:
20:03 Shoegazer: the guitar right?
20:03 Shoegazer: oh
20:03 Shoegazer: the bell?
20:04 [-Seiryuu-]: bell
20:04 [-Seiryuu-]: the last LN is for guitar
20:04 [-Seiryuu-]: strange layering hehe
20:04 Shoegazer: yeah I was confused for a bit, kinda inconsistent
20:04 [-Seiryuu-]: ok then i'll extend it for guitar
20:04 Shoegazer: planning to go for rank with this?
20:04 [-Seiryuu-]: probably
20:05 [-Seiryuu-]: it's already star'd so i'm gonna work on it
20:05 Shoegazer: 01:41:095 - you can probably change this section since the patterns are exactly the same as another section
20:05 Shoegazer: somethig like uh
20:05 Shoegazer: 32[13]32[14] or something idk
20:05 Shoegazer: an anchor on 3 and then an anchor on 2
20:06 [-Seiryuu-]: what's a anchor
20:06 [-Seiryuu-]: ;w;
20:06 Shoegazer: stepmania term
20:06 Shoegazer: sec
20:06 [-Seiryuu-]: mind taking a screenshot c:
20:06 Shoegazer: yeah in a bit
20:07 [-Seiryuu-]: take your time~
20:07 Shoegazer: [ the anchor is on 1 here]
20:07 [-Seiryuu-]: oh
20:07 Shoegazer: also that looks like shit ignore the map
20:07 [-Seiryuu-]: lmao
20:08 Shoegazer: HP8.5 seems a bit harsh?
20:08 [-Seiryuu-]: well it's fine for now i guess
20:08 [-Seiryuu-]: i mean
20:08 [-Seiryuu-]: hp8.5 on this map in kind of easy
20:09 Shoegazer: true
20:09 Shoegazer: other than that there isn't too much wrong with the layering, maybe you can do some touches based on ptich relevancy
20:10 Shoegazer: you already did on some
20:10 [-Seiryuu-]: o
20:10 Shoegazer: 00:05:267 - move to 3
20:10 Shoegazer: actually
20:10 [-Seiryuu-]: done
20:11 Shoegazer: 00:05:781 - 2
20:11 [-Seiryuu-]: o
20:11 [-Seiryuu-]: done
20:11 Shoegazer: 00:06:810 - 3 maybe? you might have to change some patterns though
20:11 [-Seiryuu-]: hmm
20:12 [-Seiryuu-]: i'll move it to 1
20:12 Shoegazer: 00:07:495 - 3 could be a part of the triple for PR, again you have to change some patterns
20:12 Shoegazer: you're not layering the piano at that section though but you could always have some musical relevancy or something I guess
20:12 Shoegazer: ~musical relevancy~
20:13 [-Seiryuu-]: the triples are for either bells or cymbal in the chart
20:13 Shoegazer: I know
20:13 [-Seiryuu-]: so i'm not sure about changing them
20:14 Shoegazer: I'm not telling you to add an extra note to the triple, I'm just telling you to change the triple to something like say [134] or [123] or w/e
20:14 Shoegazer: but if you're not doing that that's fine
20:14 [-Seiryuu-]: oo
20:14 [-Seiryuu-]: i'm keeping it sorry shoe ;w;
20:14 Shoegazer: np
20:15 Shoegazer: 00:34:410 (34410|3,34410|0,34495|1,34581|0,34581|3,34667|2,34752|3,34752|0) - maybe you can vary up the doubles here
20:15 Shoegazer: since they're differently pitched
20:16 [-Seiryuu-]: [ does this work? :3]
20:16 Shoegazer: that triple
20:16 Shoegazer: yeah that works
20:17 [-Seiryuu-]: oop
20:17 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:34:581 - do you hear a 1/4 beat here
20:17 [-Seiryuu-]: or is it just me
20:18 Shoegazer: lol i can hear the beats from 00:34:581 (34581|0,34581|3,34667|2,34752|0,34752|3,34838|2,34924|3,34924|0,34924|1) -
20:18 Shoegazer: so yeah 1/4 beat
20:18 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
20:18 Shoegazer: your choice
20:18 [-Seiryuu-]: nvm
20:18 [-Seiryuu-]: leaving it
20:19 Shoegazer: 00:55:495 - maybe have one of the notes in the triple a 4
20:19 Shoegazer: but you'd have to rearrange some of the other triples as well to accentuate the higher pitched sound
20:19 Shoegazer: so eh
20:20 [-Seiryuu-]: hm
20:20 [-Seiryuu-]: but actually
20:21 [-Seiryuu-]: they're arranged in [123] or [432] for patterning
20:21 [-Seiryuu-]: pretty much
20:21 Shoegazer: you could maybe change which ones have [123] or [432] then
20:21 Shoegazer: depending on pitch
20:21 Shoegazer: same applies to the second chorus
20:21 [-Seiryuu-]: hmm okay
20:22 [-Seiryuu-]: thanks shoemaker
20:23 Shoegazer: np
20:23 [-Seiryuu-]: you want some kudos for this
20:23 Shoegazer: yeah I'll post the irc
20:23 [-Seiryuu-]: okies
Hai Seri heres ur mod ples gimme $10,000 irl later plox

PS. ples be gentle and apologiesie if mod is bad i first time ples no hurt me ;_;


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ ) Heard some piano here and there. I could just be hearing things. But this map certainly can have piano notes. And maybe it does. I keep doubting myself.
  6. Video : ( ✓ )

Columns! Get your columns here! 1/2/3/4

Easy Beginner

  1. 00:52:752 (52752|0,52752|1) and 00:55:495 (55495|3,55495|2); I find it a little (just a tiny bit) bland that these patterns are on alternate in this chorus. I understand that symmetry and all, but maybe have some of then move to 2/3?
  2. Besides that, everything else was perfect IMO. It was pretty nice to play, and the patterns generally were complementing the song well.


  1. 01:47:781 (107781|0), have a note at /3/ and 01:47:952 (107952|3), have a note at /2/. This part here seems to be imitating the guitar, and I found that it could probably follow the patterns in 01:01:152 (61152|3,61152|1,61324|2,61324|0) too.
  2. From 01:48:295 (108295|3,108981|2,108981|0) all the way to 01:59:781 (119781|1) - It seems as though you love the right side. Through the whole of this chorus, the only /1/2/ chord I found was 01:54:467 (114467|0,114467|1). Is this intentional?
  3. Another than that, it was nice! I loved the chords in this one.


  1. 00:14:352 (14352|0,14352|1) to 00:22:410 (22410|3) - The number of chords appearing at /1/2/ is a bit too much. Mixing them up to create a little variety should be OK.
  2. 00:25:067 (25067|3,25152|2) - Interesting pattern for this part of the song. I like it. :)
  3. 00:44:524 (44524|3,44524|2) to 00:48:467 (48467|2,48467|3) - The chords appear at /3/4/ three times in a row. I find it really uncomfortable. Well to a certain extent.
  4. This was a fun map to play. :D


  1. 00:36:038 (36038|2,36124|1) - Notes like these (separated by 2 columns) aren't found in this part of the song. I saw a couple a few seconds back; consider having some from 00:35:610 to 00:38:695?
  2. 00:52:067 (52067|3,52152|2,52238|3) - Is it me or is it these notes are extremely annoying? I hate mickey mouse. (Mickey mouse voice) "hey y'all, lemme just give you some 200s to go with that 100" This is the mouse I like more: 01:45:981 (105981|0,106067|2,106152|0)
  3. It seems like this diff has underwent massive "refurbishment", so to speak. The triple notes are aligning accordingly, and the pace (right word? Probably not) of the map is pretty well done. Good job on this one :D


  1. The song is nice, kinda built for these kinds of games (it's from BMS? I think. Yeah.)
  2. The notes were well drawn out, with them going with the song really well.
  3. This is for rank I heard? Good luck with rank, and have some stars while you're at it. 加油! ;)
Topic Starter

L0rdCthulhu wrote:

Hai Seri heres ur mod ples gimme $10,000 irl later plox

PS. ples be gentle and apologiesie if mod is bad i first time ples no hurt me ;_;


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( ✓ )
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ ) Heard some piano here and there. I could just be hearing things. But this map certainly can have piano notes. And maybe it does. I keep doubting myself.
  6. Video : ( ✓ )

Columns! Get your columns here! 1/2/3/4

Easy Beginner

  1. 00:52:752 (52752|0,52752|1) and 00:55:495 (55495|3,55495|2); I find it a little (just a tiny bit) bland that these patterns are on alternate in this chorus. I understand that symmetry and all, but maybe have some of then move to 2/3? i'm keeping it until someone asks me to change
  2. Besides that, everything else was perfect IMO. It was pretty nice to play, and the patterns generally were complementing the song well.


  1. 01:47:781 (107781|0), have a note at /3/ and 01:47:952 (107952|3), have a note at /2/. This part here seems to be imitating the guitar, and I found that it could probably follow the patterns in 01:01:152 (61152|3,61152|1,61324|2,61324|0) too. did the first part, second part rejected
  2. From 01:48:295 (108295|3,108981|2,108981|0) all the way to 01:59:781 (119781|1) - It seems as though you love the right side. Through the whole of this chorus, the only /1/2/ chord I found was 01:54:467 (114467|0,114467|1). Is this intentional? i put doubles because of consistency, having a triple note in this diff would be weird
  3. Another than that, it was nice! I loved the chords in this one.


  1. 00:14:352 (14352|0,14352|1) to 00:22:410 (22410|3) - The number of chords appearing at /1/2/ is a bit too much. Mixing them up to create a little variety should be OK. hm changed a little
  2. 00:25:067 (25067|3,25152|2) - Interesting pattern for this part of the song. I like it. :)
  3. 00:44:524 (44524|3,44524|2) to 00:48:467 (48467|2,48467|3) - The chords appear at /3/4/ three times in a row. I find it really uncomfortable. Well to a certain extent. changed a little
  4. This was a fun map to play. :D


  1. 00:36:038 (36038|2,36124|1) - Notes like these (separated by 2 columns) aren't found in this part of the song. I saw a couple a few seconds back; consider having some from 00:35:610 to 00:38:695?
  2. 00:52:067 (52067|3,52152|2,52238|3) - Is it me or is it these notes are extremely annoying? I hate mickey mouse. (Mickey mouse voice) "hey y'all, lemme just give you some 200s to go with that 100" This is the mouse I like more: 01:45:981 (105981|0,106067|2,106152|0) nop, i want to keep the anchor on the left and right in the song sorry :C. and for the first part, i think most players can hit those so nop
  3. It seems like this diff has underwent massive "refurbishment", so to speak. The triple notes are aligning accordingly, and the pace (right word? Probably not) of the map is pretty well done. Good job on this one :D


  1. The song is nice, kinda built for these kinds of games (it's from BMS? I think. Yeah.)
  2. The notes were well drawn out, with them going with the song really well.
  3. This is for rank I heard? Good luck with rank, and have some stars while you're at it. 加油! ;)
Thanks for the mod and star :D
hihi Seiryuu~

00:15:895 - Add 1
00:16:067 - Add 2
00:16:238 (16238|0) - Move to 3
00:17:952 - Add 3
00:21:381 - Add 1
00:21:552 - Add 3
00:22:067 - Add 3
00:22:410 - Add 2
00:22:752 - Add 4
00:22:924 (22924|3) - Remove
00:23:095 - Add 1
00:23:267 (23267|0) - Remove ☆ -There isn't even a drum here, drums are on 00:23:181 and 00:23:352. If you want to map the drums instead of my changes use these notes.
00:23:438 - Add 23
00:23:610 (23610|2,23610|1) - Remove
00:48:295 (48295|2) - Change to normal note

00:22:067 - Add 2
00:22:238 - Add 1
00:22:410 - Add 2
00:22:752 - Add 1
00:22:924 (22924|1) - Remove
00:23:095 - Add 4
00:23:267 (23267|3) - Remove ☆ - There isn't even a drum here, drums are on 00:23:181 and 00:23:352. If you want to map the drums instead of my changes use these notes.
00:23:438 - Add 23
00:34:581 (34581|3) - Make this LN that ends 00:34:752
00:35:267 - Add 3
00:40:752 - Add 1
00:23:952 - 00:48:467 - This section feels kind of like it should be a little harder.
00:45:210 (45210|3) - Change to LN
00:45:552 (45552|2) - Change to LN
01:01:667 (61667|3) - Change to LN
01:02:010 (62010|1) - Change to LN
01:21:895 - Add 3
01:22:238 (82238|3) - Remove
01:22:410 - Add 3
01:22:581 - Add 4
01:23:267 - Add 4
01:23:781 - Add 1
01:23:952 - Add 3
01:27:381 - Add 1
01:28:067 - Add 1
01:28:752 - Add 1
01:29:438 - Add 3

00:04:581 - Add 3
00:07:238 - Add 2
00:07:324 - Add 3
00:17:952 - Add 4
00:18:295 - Add 4
00:50:095 - Add 2
00:50:181 - Add 3
00:50:438 - Add 3
00:50:524 - Add 2
00:50:610 - Add 1
00:50:695 (50695|2) - Move to 4
00:50:781 - Add 3
00:50:867 - Add 2
00:51:124 - Add 2
00:51:210 - Add 3
This map has opposite problem of last one, of 00:50:010 to 01:59:952 being too easy compared to the start. Some things you can do to make it harder:
01:08:181 (68181|3) - Move to 01:08:267
01:10:324 - Add note
01:10:495 - Add note
01:15:295 - Add note
01:18:210 - Add note
01:18:467 (78467|2) - Change to normal note; Add trills: 01:18:552 - Add 2; 01:18:638 - Add 3; 01:18:724 - Add 2
01:20:010 - Add note
01:20:181 - Add 1
01:21:467 - Add 4
01:22:152 - Add note
01:23:181 - Add 2
01:23:695 - Add 2
01:23:952 (83952|1) - Change to normal notes
01:24:724 - Add note
01:25:410 - Add note
01:26:095 - Add note
01:26:781 - Add note
01:27:467 - Add note
01:27:810 - Add note
01:28:152 - Add note
01:31:238 - Add note
01:32:952 - Add note
01:33:981 - Add note
01:34:324 - Add note
01:34:667 - Add note
01:35:010 - Add note
01:35:095 - Add note
01:41:181 - Add note
01:42:552 - Add note
01:43:838 (103838|0) - Move to 01:43:924
01:44:267 - Add 1
01:48:124 - Add 3
01:48:895 - Add 3
01:49:752 - Add 4
01:51:124 - Add 1
01:51:810 - Add 1
01:52:067 (112067|0) - Move to 01:52:152
01:52:495 - Add 1
01:53:867 - Add note
01:54:038 - Add note
01:55:238 - Add note
01:56:267 - Add note
01:56:610 - Add note
01:56:952 - Add note ☆
01:57:124 - Add note ☆
01:59:867 (119867|2) - Remove

Seems good

Good luck [-Seiryuu-] !! :) c:
Topic Starter

Hestia- wrote:

hihi Seiryuu~

00:15:895 - Add 1 nope, i'm not layering the full piano here for certain reasons soooo, ye
00:16:067 - Add 2
00:16:238 (16238|0) - Move to 3 ok
00:17:952 - Add 3
00:21:381 - Add 1
00:21:552 - Add 3
00:22:067 - Add 3
00:22:410 - Add 2
00:22:752 - Add 4 i'm sorry for all of these, but i'm gonna reject it because it's not what i'm layering :c
00:22:924 (22924|3) - Remove supposed to be for the beats in the background, but newbies can't handle it well so it because like that
00:23:095 - Add 1 ^
00:23:267 (23267|0) - Remove ☆ -There isn't even a drum here, drums are on 00:23:181 and 00:23:352. If you want to map the drums instead of my changes use these notes. ^
00:23:438 - Add 23 ^
00:23:610 (23610|2,23610|1) - Remove
00:48:295 (48295|2) - Change to normal note for vocal

sorry for rejecting most of this :(

00:22:067 - Add 2
00:22:238 - Add 1
00:22:410 - Add 2
00:22:752 - Add 1
00:22:924 (22924|1) - Remove
00:23:095 - Add 4
00:23:267 (23267|3) - Remove ☆ - There isn't even a drum here, drums are on 00:23:181 and 00:23:352. If you want to map the drums instead of my changes use these notes. same reasoning as before, sorry :c
00:23:438 - Add 23
00:34:581 (34581|3) - Make this LN that ends 00:34:752 okay
00:35:267 - Add 3 the doubles in this map are used for the background sound, so nope
00:40:752 - Add 1
00:23:952 - 00:48:467 - This section feels kind of like it should be a little harder. this difficulty is for people who are still getting used to the keys, sorry :c
00:45:210 (45210|3) - Change to LN ok
00:45:552 (45552|2) - Change to LN ok
01:01:667 (61667|3) - Change to LN nope
01:02:010 (62010|1) - Change to LN nope
01:21:895 - Add 3
01:22:238 (82238|3) - Remove
01:22:410 - Add 3
01:22:581 - Add 4
01:23:267 - Add 4
01:23:781 - Add 1
01:23:952 - Add 3
01:27:381 - Add 1
01:28:067 - Add 1
01:28:752 - Add 1
01:29:438 - Add 3 all accept

00:04:581 - Add 3 ok
00:07:238 - Add 2 nope, layering piano only
00:07:324 - Add 3 ^
00:17:952 - Add 4 ^
00:18:295 - Add 4 ^
00:50:095 - Add 2 layering vocal only, so no
00:50:181 - Add 3 ^
00:50:438 - Add 3 ^
00:50:524 - Add 2 ^
00:50:610 - Add 1 ^
00:50:695 (50695|2) - Move to 4 ^
00:50:781 - Add 3 ^
00:50:867 - Add 2 ^
00:51:124 - Add 2 ^
00:51:210 - Add 3 ^
This map has opposite problem of last one, of 00:50:010 to 01:59:952 being too easy compared to the start. Some things you can do to make it harder:
01:08:181 (68181|3) - Move to 01:08:267 it's actually meant to be easy, the last difficulty patterns are relatively easy to hit, so making a jump from this to that is okay imo, i'll change it if someone else points it out
01:10:324 - Add note
01:10:495 - Add note
01:15:295 - Add note
01:18:210 - Add note
01:18:467 (78467|2) - Change to normal note; Add trills: 01:18:552 - Add 2; 01:18:638 - Add 3; 01:18:724 - Add 2
01:20:010 - Add note
01:20:181 - Add 1
01:21:467 - Add 4
01:22:152 - Add note
01:23:181 - Add 2
01:23:695 - Add 2
01:23:952 (83952|1) - Change to normal notes
01:24:724 - Add note
01:25:410 - Add note
01:26:095 - Add note
01:26:781 - Add note
01:27:467 - Add note
01:27:810 - Add note
01:28:152 - Add note
01:31:238 - Add note
01:32:952 - Add note
01:33:981 - Add note
01:34:324 - Add note
01:34:667 - Add note
01:35:010 - Add note
01:35:095 - Add note
01:41:181 - Add note
01:42:552 - Add note
01:43:838 (103838|0) - Move to 01:43:924
01:44:267 - Add 1
01:48:124 - Add 3
01:48:895 - Add 3
01:49:752 - Add 4
01:51:124 - Add 1
01:51:810 - Add 1
01:52:067 (112067|0) - Move to 01:52:152
01:52:495 - Add 1
01:53:867 - Add note
01:54:038 - Add note
01:55:238 - Add note
01:56:267 - Add note
01:56:610 - Add note
01:56:952 - Add note ☆
01:57:124 - Add note ☆
01:59:867 (119867|2) - Remove

Seems good

Good luck [-Seiryuu-] !! :) c:
so yeah i'm sorry about most of this mod, because it conflicts with my mapping

but i'm sure you'll get better if you mod more ^^

thanks for the mod anyway c:

Song Setup
Misc. . .
00:23:267 (23267|0) - What does this note signifies? Seems like a ghost note for me. I don't hear a particular instrument that signifies this SN. Pls check this one, as for my opinion this part only needs re-pattern maybe?

00:40:410 (40410|2) - Remove, not necessary for Beginner level. The SN with 'W' is enough to represent the Cymbal end.

00:44:524 (44524|2) - Add 'W' just like the same as your previous 2 noted such as 00:43:152 (43152|1,43152|0) - and for their consistency.

01:01:324 (61324|2) - Add 'C' it's the same as this 01:00:638 (60638|2) -

01:22:581 (82581|0) - Move to |4| for pattern consistency and better/relax-able hand coordination. And as it's for consistency it follows the rhythm/beat well.

01:47:952 (107952|3) - Add 'C'

01:57:210 (117210|1,117724|0) - and 01:58:410 (118410|1) - Add 'W'

00:13:495 (13495|1) - Move to |3| for pattern consistency, notice your pattern next to this.

00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency, notice your pattern next to this.

00:34:924 (34924|3) - Move to |1| instead for pattern consistency and better pattern and hand balance. You will notice this pattern from 00:29:438 to the next 2nd noted remember the alignment of 2 noted and get back to this one that i said to move. Notice until the 2nd noted of this too.

01:01:324 (61324|0) - Add 'C'

01:09:038 (69038|2,69210|3) - Ctrl + G as this becomes like this 01:07:838 (67838|3,67838|1) - it's better to make the one that i specified to be ctrl'd + G to make a consistent pattern.

01:07:838 (67838|3,67838|1) - Remove not necessary then 01:13:324 (73324|0) - Add 'W'

00:04:410 (4410|2) - Move to |2| it is not necessary to be stacked with 00:04:581 (4581|2) - because they don't have the same rhythm/sound/beat/pitch. . . . it's better to be in |2| since it will make a good hand coordinated pattern.

00:07:324 Add note to |3| for snare?

00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency

00:48:981 (48981|1) - You forgot the 'W' here.

00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency

01:18:810 (78810|3) - Add 'W'

01:34:238 (94238|1) - Add 'C'

[Black Another]
00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency

Nice map! I like the song! Lol Good luck! >w<)b
Topic Starter

[GraveChaos] wrote:

Song Setup
Misc. . .
00:23:267 (23267|0) - What does this note signifies? Seems like a ghost note for me. I don't hear a particular instrument that signifies this SN. Pls check this one, as for my opinion this part only needs re-pattern maybe? i layered it to the drums instead ^^

00:40:410 (40410|2) - Remove, not necessary for Beginner level. The SN with 'W' is enough to represent the Cymbal end. okay

00:44:524 (44524|2) - Add 'W' just like the same as your previous 2 noted such as 00:43:152 (43152|1,43152|0) - and for their consistency. ok

01:01:324 (61324|2) - Add 'C' it's the same as this 01:00:638 (60638|2) - ok

01:22:581 (82581|0) - Move to |4| for pattern consistency and better/relax-able hand coordination. And as it's for consistency it follows the rhythm/beat well. ok

01:47:952 (107952|3) - Add 'C' ok

01:57:210 (117210|1,117724|0) - and 01:58:410 (118410|1) - Add 'W' ok

00:13:495 (13495|1) - Move to |3| for pattern consistency, notice your pattern next to this. ok

00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency, notice your pattern next to this. ok

00:34:924 (34924|3) - Move to |1| instead for pattern consistency and better pattern and hand balance. You will notice this pattern from 00:29:438 to the next 2nd noted remember the alignment of 2 noted and get back to this one that i said to move. Notice until the 2nd noted of this too. ok

01:01:324 (61324|0) - Add 'C' ok

01:09:038 (69038|2,69210|3) - Ctrl + G as this becomes like this 01:07:838 (67838|3,67838|1) - it's better to make the one that i specified to be ctrl'd + G to make a consistent pattern. ok

01:07:838 (67838|3,67838|1) - Remove not necessary then 01:13:324 (73324|0) - Add 'W' added w but won't remove

00:04:410 (4410|2) - Move to |2| it is not necessary to be stacked with 00:04:581 (4581|2) - because they don't have the same rhythm/sound/beat/pitch. . . . it's better to be in |2| since it will make a good hand coordinated pattern.

00:07:324 Add note to |3| for snare?

00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency

00:48:981 (48981|1) - You forgot the 'W' here.
all accept
00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency ok

01:18:810 (78810|3) - Add 'W' ok

01:34:238 (94238|1) - Add 'C' ah nope

[Black Another]
00:18:981 (18981|3) - Move to |2| for pattern consistency ok

Nice map! I like the song! Lol Good luck! >w<)b
Thanks for the mod!
Ender Lain
Listen, if i didn't mod your maps it means I have a busyness IRL.Some modder have a busy RL until they couldn't check their Modding Queue. Okay
Now, if you want to accept or reject this. Is up to you now.


[Beginner]01:58:067 - Add note @ |0|
01:58:238 - Add note @ |1|

[Standard]00:04:581 - Add note @ |1|
00:06:810 (6810|1) - Move to |2|
00:06:981 - Add note @ |1|
00:22:067 - Add note @ |0|
00:22:238 - Add note
00:22:410 - ^
00:45:210 - Add note @ |0|

[Hyper]00:04:581 - Add note @ |3|
00:06:981 - Add note
00:11:610 (11610|1) - Cymbal sound, Move to |0|
00:33:552 (33552|1) - Cymbal sound again, Move to |0|
01:14:352 (74352|1) - Clap sound, Move to |3|
01:14:695 (74695|0,74695|1) - Move to |1| |2|
01:59:952 - Add two Note -> |1| |2|

Next time, Do not enforce me to mod you map via PM again

Good Luck
Topic Starter

Izect Ztenz wrote:

Listen, if i didn't mod your maps it means I have a busyness IRL.Some modder have a busy RL until they couldn't check their Modding Queue. Okay
Now, if you want to accept or reject this. Is up to you now.


[Beginner]01:58:067 - Add note @ |0|
01:58:238 - Add note @ |1|

nope sorry

[Standard]00:04:581 - Add note @ |1| ok
00:06:810 (6810|1) - Move to |2| ok
00:06:981 - Add note @ |1| nope, layering piano only here
00:22:067 - Add note @ |0| nope, layering drums only here
00:22:238 - Add note ^
00:22:410 - ^ ^
00:45:210 - Add note @ |0| ok

[Hyper]00:04:581 - Add note @ |3| ok
00:06:981 - Add note ok
00:11:610 (11610|1) - Cymbal sound, Move to |0| nop
00:33:552 (33552|1) - Cymbal sound again, Move to |0| nop
01:14:352 (74352|1) - Clap sound, Move to |3| ok
01:14:695 (74695|0,74695|1) - Move to |1| |2| nop
01:59:952 - Add two Note -> |1| |2| nop

Next time, Do not enforce me to mod you map via PM again

Good Luck
read this
When i first read that last sentence, i almost laughed.

Look carefully at where my request is, it's in the second page
and it was requested a month ago. And since you still do mods on every other page up to the 12th page, it's rather obvious that you have forgotten.

In any case, your queue may be using a star priority system. If this is the case, please learn to finish all of your mods Before Opening The Queue Again.
To be honest, if my mod was put on hold for a week or two i wouldn't mind, but putting it on hold for a entire month, pushing my request back by opening the queue and blaming it on being busy is out of the question. You're just making yourself look stupid.

Don't blame it on being busy IRL. Next time, complete all of your requests, then open your queue for more.

Thanks for the mod anyway
hi hii :D From Kuhaku Mania Mod House
Sorry For Late Reply >< Getting Busy With RL :"
Okay lets start It

everything was okay

00:02:009 (2009|3,2009|1,2009|0) - hmmm i just thinking you should start is from here 00:01:924 (if i right)
The Rest Of Them Are

i'm soo sorry for the bad mod
i'm still learning How To mod and Mapping :D
Good luck yooo :3
Topic Starter

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

hi hii :D From Kuhaku Mania Mod House
Sorry For Late Reply >< Getting Busy With RL :"
Okay lets start It

everything was okay

00:02:009 (2009|3,2009|1,2009|0) - hmmm i just thinking you should start is from here 00:01:924 (if i right)
The Rest Of Them Are (i'm layering this to the bell thing, and it starts at 00:02:009 -, so sorry :C

i'm soo sorry for the bad mod
i'm still learning How To mod and Mapping :D
Good luck yooo :3
even though this mod wasn't helpful, it was a good try though ^^

[-Seiryuu-] wrote:

-[Hotaru]- wrote:

hi hii :D From Kuhaku Mania Mod House
Sorry For Late Reply >< Getting Busy With RL :"
Okay lets start It

everything was okay

00:02:009 (2009|3,2009|1,2009|0) - hmmm i just thinking you should start is from here 00:01:924 (if i right)
The Rest Of Them Are (i'm layering this to the bell thing, and it starts at 00:02:009 -, so sorry :C

i'm soo sorry for the bad mod
i'm still learning How To mod and Mapping :D
Good luck yooo :3
even though this mod wasn't helpful, it was a good try though ^^
thanks :D i must try hard next time ><
haha fuck you no such thing as graveyard in my books
please no grave i put 10 stars 1graved star=1cri


Govind's another
  1. 00:07:152 (7152|1,7152|0) - There's the piano 00:05:267 (5267|2,5781|1,6295|3,6810|0) - and the bass thingy 00:04:581 (4581|0,4581|1,6981|2,6981|3) - so three notes here?
  2. 00:07:324 (7324|1,7324|3) - Notes here perhaps? The shifting synth beats (ie 00:07:495 (7495|3,7495|0,7581|1,7581|2,7667|0,7667|3,7838|3,7838|2,7924|1,7924|0,8010|2,8010|3) - ) is present here too
  3. 00:15:381 (15381|2,15724|2) - why same column lol
  4. 00:29:781 (29781|3,29781|2,29867|1,29867|0,29952|3,29952|2,30124|0,30124|1,30210|2,30210|3,30295|0,30295|1,30467|3,30467|1,30552|2,30552|0,30638|1,30638|3) - fuck these patterns i cant play them ;-;
  5. 00:40:067 (40067|2,40238|3) - crtl-g
  6. 01:10:924 (70924|1) - this note is stronger than 01:10:752 (70752|1) - in terms of loudness i guess so maybe have 2 notes for the second one or change column?
  7. 01:11:610 (71610|2,71610|0,71610|3) - vocals? i dunno why this is 3 notes. maybe have this so the bass beat thingy is emphasized more? the suggestion i put is crude af but whatevs u get what i mean
  8. 01:11:952 (71952|2,71952|3) - ghooooooooosssssssssssstttttt fun fact in your body theres a spoopy skeleton git spooked
  9. 01:17:610 (77610|0,77610|2,77695|3,77695|1,77781|0,77781|2,77952|2,77952|3,78124|3,78124|1,78210|0,78210|2,78295|1,78295|3,78467|0,78467|2,78552|1,78552|3,78638|2,78638|0,78724|1) - i would map out the piano notes here but after that you would have the obligation to hitsound it so up to you
  10. 01:14:524 (74524|3) - missing note
  11. 01:17:267 (77267|1) - oh wait are u purposely missing them
  12. 01:20:010 (80010|2) - probably lol
  13. 01:28:581 (88581|3) - move to 4 guitar rift goes down in pitch so shouldn't follow the repeating patterns in 01:28:067 (88067|1,88152|2,88238|1,88324|2,88410|1) -
  14. 01:33:895 (93895|1,93895|2,93895|0) - up to next ln - change to this? theres the back and forth piece of shit sound going on in the music(00:46:238 (46238|0,46238|2,46324|3,46324|1,46410|0,46410|2,46581|1,46581|3,46667|0,46667|2,46752|3,46752|1,46924|0,46924|1,47010|2,47010|3,47095|1,47095|0) - )
  15. 01:40:067 (100067|0,100238|1) - it would take a babies ear to hear the piano in the music here. also move 01:40:067 (100067|0) - to 4 and 01:40:238 (100238|1) - to 3 cuz the piano goes down in pitch

teh streams are too hard pls nerf thx

no kds, gd luck for rank finding a bn to pray to
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

haha fuck you no such thing as graveyard in my books
please no grave i put 10 stars 1graved star=1cri


Govind's another
  1. 00:07:152 (7152|1,7152|0) - There's the piano 00:05:267 (5267|2,5781|1,6295|3,6810|0) - and the bass thingy 00:04:581 (4581|0,4581|1,6981|2,6981|3) - so three notes here?
  2. 00:07:324 (7324|1,7324|3) - Notes here perhaps? The shifting synth beats (ie 00:07:495 (7495|3,7495|0,7581|1,7581|2,7667|0,7667|3,7838|3,7838|2,7924|1,7924|0,8010|2,8010|3) - ) is present here too
  3. 00:15:381 (15381|2,15724|2) - why same column lol changed
  4. 00:29:781 (29781|3,29781|2,29867|1,29867|0,29952|3,29952|2,30124|0,30124|1,30210|2,30210|3,30295|0,30295|1,30467|3,30467|1,30552|2,30552|0,30638|1,30638|3) - fuck these patterns i cant play them ;-;
  5. 00:40:067 (40067|2,40238|3) - crtl-g
  6. 01:10:924 (70924|1) - this note is stronger than 01:10:752 (70752|1) - in terms of loudness i guess so maybe have 2 notes for the second one or change column?
  7. 01:11:610 (71610|2,71610|0,71610|3) - vocals? i dunno why this is 3 notes. maybe have this so the bass beat thingy is emphasized more? the suggestion i put is crude af but whatevs u get what i mean changed to something else
  8. 01:11:952 (71952|2,71952|3) - ghooooooooosssssssssssstttttt fun fact in your body theres a spoopy skeleton git spooked
  9. 01:17:610 (77610|0,77610|2,77695|3,77695|1,77781|0,77781|2,77952|2,77952|3,78124|3,78124|1,78210|0,78210|2,78295|1,78295|3,78467|0,78467|2,78552|1,78552|3,78638|2,78638|0,78724|1) - i would map out the piano notes here but after that you would have the obligation to hitsound it so up to you
  10. 01:14:524 (74524|3) - missing note
  11. 01:17:267 (77267|1) - oh wait are u purposely missing them
  12. 01:20:010 (80010|2) - probably lol
  13. 01:28:581 (88581|3) - move to 4 guitar rift goes down in pitch so shouldn't follow the repeating patterns in 01:28:067 ok(88067|1,88152|2,88238|1,88324|2,88410|1) -
  14. 01:33:895 (93895|1,93895|2,93895|0) - up to next ln - change to this? theres the back and forth piece of shit sound going on in the music(00:46:238 (46238|0,46238|2,46324|3,46324|1,46410|0,46410|2,46581|1,46581|3,46667|0,46667|2,46752|3,46752|1,46924|0,46924|1,47010|2,47010|3,47095|1,47095|0) - )
  15. 01:40:067 (100067|0,100238|1) - it would take a babies ear to hear the piano in the music here. also move 01:40:067 (100067|0) - to 4 and 01:40:238 (100238|1) - to 3 cuz the piano goes down in pitch ok

teh streams are too hard pls nerf thx

no kds, gd luck for rank finding a bn to pray to
Thanks for the mod, but this map is going to grave anyway.
I've lost hope in any of the BNs in the past 8 months, and probably more to come.
This map is dead.
- [ S o r a ] -

[-Seiryuu-] wrote:

Thanks for the mod, but this map is going to grave anyway.
I've lost hope in any of the BNs in the past 8 months, and probably more to come.
This map is dead.
Aw please... don't let it end like this...
There must be the way to continue this ;w;
jk diohiorheiry89yr90u9U9R02U9R02U290UR90UREWIRUEWIREUWI

placeholderr for mod

also yay my 10 stars isnt gong to waste
Yonk_ My testplay / very minor mod
wow i used to use color for my mods lmao

govinds another heh


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( × ) lol the tags please dont hit me
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )


00:10:752 (10752|2,11267|1,11781|2) - you could do this for PR things
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2) - could shift to 1 because 1's pretty blank
00:17:010 (17010|2,17610|3) - could put in same column because PR
00:48:295 (48295|2) - idk mang doesnt seem legit to have LN here to follow the vocals, feel like a note is enough to convey the impact of it. aft all i didnt really find any of these LNs anywher ele except for things like 00:51:038 (51038|2) -
01:15:895 - note plis
01:24:124 - maybe? note
01:50:352 (110352|1) - to 1, pretty bare there again
yup thats it weeeee


00:04:581 (4581|1) - throughout section from start till 00:12:981 (12981|2,12981|3) - youve followed the piano except for this part
00:15:381 - piano here
00:17:095 (17095|3,17610|0) - idk these seem like theyre following the piano to me so
00:20:867 - dk why is this ignored
00:22:238 - beginner has a note here welp, guessing youre transiting into the drummy section so id recommend removing the note over in beginner
00:35:952 (35952|2,36295|1,36638|2,36981|1) - meh. move 00:36:981 (36981|1) - to 1 perhaps
00:40:410 (40410|3,40752|3) - you never really did stack them like this
00:56:524 (56524|1,56695|3,56867|1,57038|3,57210|1,57381|3,57552|1,57724|3,57895|1,58067|3,58238|1) - is this intentional w e w
01:07:495 (67495|1,67667|0,67838|1,68010|0,68181|1) - never really had this in this chorus too
01:14:524 - 01:17:267 - 01:20:010 - are these gaps intentional
01:18:810 (78810|0,78981|1,79152|0,79324|1) - feels like you can do something other than this here
01:27:038 (87038|2,87381|0,87381|1,87724|3,88067|2,88067|1,88410|2,88410|0,88752|1,88752|3) - maybe you could just continue the stream on from 01:26:010 (86010|1,86181|3,86352|1,86524|3,86695|2,86867|1) - and not have the LNs here that are pretty jarring as its kinda steps down its intensity even though the guitar solos ongoing
01:26:010 (86010|1,86181|3,86352|1,86524|3,86695|2,86867|1) - move any of these somewhere else idk
01:32:867 (92867|2,92867|1,93210|0) - arent these supposed to stack
01:34:238 (94238|3,94238|1,94581|0) - yeah stack just like 01:31:495 (91495|3,91838|3)
01:45:895 (105895|1,106067|0,106238|1,106410|0,106581|1) - same thing as above
01:52:752 (112752|2,112924|3,113095|2,113267|3,113438|2) - maybe you could keep these as [1][4] things? for hand balance

01:58:581 (118581|2) - the snarey thingy isnt too obvious until 01:58:752 - so you might wanna consider removing this

will just point out ghosties i guess, wont go too much into ahhh pls delete mode nom


00:15:381 -00:20:867 - dk why youre ignoring this tbh
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3,18124|0) - PR things again
00:25:152 (25152|2,25324|2) - maybe dont stack these
00:32:438 (32438|0,32781|2) - might be ghosties, theres that slight ssssssssssssss sound that can cover for it if you want that
00:33:810 (33810|1,33981|1,34152|1,34324|1) - welp

00:43:152 (43152|0,43324|1) - since youve been stacking them before the chord (see: 00:37:495 (37495|1,37667|1,37667|3,37752|0,38695|1,38781|2,38867|1,38867|0) - ) and then chose to invert that fact over the the front of the chord (see: 00:41:781 (41781|2,41781|3,41867|1,41952|3) - ) id rather you stack them
00:44:352 (44352|0,44524|0,44524|3,44610|1,44695|3) - welp choose one side or the other i guess
00:45:210 - double?
00:46:067 (46067|2) - to 4, 00:45:724 (45724|2,45895|2,46067|2) - maybe not a great idea to carry them stacks over
00:51:552 (51552|2,51724|1,51724|3,52238|2,52410|1,52410|3) - consistency pls with 00:52:924 (52924|2,53095|1,53095|2,53610|2,53781|2,53781|1) -
00:55:667 (55667|2,55838|3,56010|2,56181|3,56352|2,56524|3,56695|2,56867|3,57038|2,57210|3,57381|2,57552|3,57724|2,57895|3,58067|2,58238|3,58410|2,58581|3,58752|2,58924|3,59095|2,59267|3,59438|2) - -insert spy meme here-
yeah tbh fam better to use those stacking things to allow for more breathing space so to speak, since youve used the LNs and now only have 3 columns to spare

<later insert>

i think you should have the stacky chorus at the end, and have the middle section be 01:40:752 (100752|1,100924|2,101095|3,101095|0,101267|2,101438|0,101610|2,101781|3,101781|0,101952|2,102124|3) - these things. reason being intensity and whatnot, so yeah.

00:55:324 (55324|0,55495|3) - crtl-h thanks
00:59:438 (59438|2,59610|2) - pretty sure this hasnt came out before here
just a something suggestion
id say the stacks right beside the notes are --fine-- since song is 175 but it doesnt really make this diff a little un-DTable tbh (i just suck at jacks heh)

01:01:495 (61495|2,61667|2) - maybe you could have the stacks follow the twangy sound in the music
01:03:552 (63552|3,63724|3) - could be just me whining like a baby but yeah i dont really appreciate these
01:03:895 (63895|1,64067|2,64238|1,64410|2,64581|1,64752|2,64924|1) - same thing with the staks
yeah whole chorus same thing, nothing else
01:18:124 (78124|0,78295|1) - why arent these doubles, 01:17:438 (77438|0,77438|2,77610|0,77610|3,77781|2,77781|1,77952|3,77952|0) - have piano notes and are doubles
01:14:524 - 01:20:010 - 01:17:267 - idk the reason behind the choice of ignoring this tbh
01:22:752 (82752|0,82752|2) - idk if this is doubled intentionally, i get that 01:22:238 (82238|0,82238|3,83610|2,83610|3) - might be doubles because of vocals but that double doesnt have a vocal line and any drum thing for that matter
01:32:867 (92867|1,93038|0,93210|1,93381|0,93552|1,93724|0,93895|1,94067|0,94238|1,94410|3,94581|2,94752|3,94924|2) - not really balanced are they
also could you make 01:32:352 (92352|3,92524|2,92695|3,92867|2) - lead into this thrilly thing better
01:38:181 (98181|1,98352|2) - most likely ghosties
01:47:781 (107781|3,107781|2,107952|1,107952|0,108295|3,108295|0,108467|1,108638|0,108638|2) - make consistent with 01:01:152 (61152|0,61152|2,61324|1,61324|3,61495|2,61667|2,61667|0,61838|1,62010|0,62010|2) - and the suggestions i made above (if you accepted them of course haha kms)
01:59:181 - 01:59:524 - some drum thing here


00:11:867 (11867|2,12210|1) - 00:12:552 (12552|3) - same thing from hyper, couldddd be ghost notes
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3,18124|0) - PR hehe
00:33:210 (33210|3,33381|3,33552|3,33724|3,33895|3,34067|3,34238|3,34410|3,34581|3,34752|3,34924|3) - mate what

welp the chorus has a likely ghostie on the 2 blue tick of each 1/1 zzzzzzzzz
i dont really know whether or not you can find a BN willing to go with this, maybe there are a handful but yeah you know how hard it is to get any BN to check your map
personally, i think the ghosties are really fine, good even, esp. in complementing the chorus
some suggestions i guess

you could have the triple notes kinda leading towards a certain direction to at least differentiate the chorus from the other sections

could also have claps be triples and make this section a 1/2, but thats retarded

or you could just make everything as dense as possible and have the claps and the 00:52:752 (52752|0,52752|2,52752|3) - whatever this is into triples

i know these suggestions might be retar but yeah idk what other patterns other than a stream now tbh

sorry if it kinda destroys the stream thing, but yeah ranking criteria :V
ok i wont really mention anything more about the chorus from now on, maybe you could think about it or smth
01:11:781 (71781|3,71781|0,72981|1,72981|2,73067|0,73067|3,73152|1,73152|2,73238|3,73238|0,73324|2,73324|1) - idk why but i like this a lot
01:13:495 (73495|2) - maybe move this to 4
01:15:724 (75724|2,75895|3,75895|2,76067|2,76067|3,76238|3) - nom
01:17:610 (77610|3,77610|2,77695|1,77695|0,77781|2,77781|3,78124|0,78124|1,78210|3,78210|2,78295|0,78295|1,78467|3,78467|0,78552|2,78552|1,78638|3,78638|0) - sounds seem too light to warrant jumpthrills, maybe you could keep the claps as jumps but others seem kinda meh in a sense
01:14:524 - 01:17:267 - 01:20:010 - same as before, dk why you jumped over this
01:23:095 (83095|2,83095|3,83181|0,83181|1,83267|2,83267|3) - same as before, doesnt seem too impactful to be a jumpthrill tbh
01:28:152 (88152|2,88324|2,88495|2,88667|2) - gae tbh
01:34:152 (94152|3) - to 01:33:981 -
01:34:324 - 01:34:667 - note here
01:34:838 (94838|0) - move to 01:35:010 -
01:38:181 (98181|1,98352|2) - seems like ghosties, same as hyper
01:40:238 (100238|1) - to 3/4, 01:40:238 (100238|1,100410|1,100581|1,100752|1,100924|1) - nom
01:47:781 (107781|1,107781|3,107952|0,107952|2,108124|1,108295|2,108295|1,108295|0) - make consistent with 01:01:152 (61152|3,61152|2,61324|1,61324|0,61495|2,61495|3,61581|1,61667|3,61667|0,61667|2,61838|1,61838|2) -
02:00:638 (120638|1,120724|2,120810|1) - make these like alternate hands, i.e. [1][4][1] then [3][2][3] smth like that, right now it thrills kinda are weird because 02:00:295 (120295|0,120467|0,120638|1,120810|1) - nom

dk if this is kdsable, maybe it is

good luck with rank, if you need a recheck just call me again idm too much
Topic Starter

Abraxos wrote:

wow i used to use color for my mods lmao

govinds another heh


  1. BPM and Offset : ( ✓ )
  2. Aimod : ( × ) lol the tags please dont hit me
  3. Kiai : ( ✓ )
  4. Metadata : ( ✓ )
  5. Hitsound : ( ✓ )
  6. Video : ( ✓ )


00:10:752 (10752|2,11267|1,11781|2) - you could do this for PR things
[I'd rather not tbh]
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2) - could shift to 1 because 1's pretty blank [Shifted the pervious pattern]
00:17:010 (17010|2,17610|3) - could put in same column because PR [Would prefer the stair thing]
00:48:295 (48295|2) - idk mang doesnt seem legit to have LN here to follow the vocals, feel like a note is enough to convey the impact of it. aft all i didnt really find any of these LNs anywher ele except for things like 00:51:038 (51038|2) - [Changed to single note]
01:15:895 - note plis [Ok]
01:24:124 - maybe? note [Ok]
01:50:352 (110352|1) - to 1, pretty bare there again [Ok]
yup thats it weeeee


00:04:581 (4581|1) - throughout section from start till 00:12:981 (12981|2,12981|3) - youve followed the piano except for this part
00:15:381 - piano here
00:17:095 (17095|3,17610|0) - idk these seem like theyre following the piano to me so [Ye i fucked up on those parts fuc me]
[Ok I'll take this]
00:20:867 - dk why is this ignored
00:22:238 - beginner has a note here welp, guessing youre transiting into the drummy section so id recommend removing the note over in beginner [00:35:952 (35952|2,36295|1,36638|2,36981|1) - meh. move 00:36:981 (36981|1) - to 1 perhaps [Those parts were fucked up too zzz]
00:40:410 (40410|3,40752|3) - you never really did stack them like this [What are you on]
00:56:524 (56524|1,56695|3,56867|1,57038|3,57210|1,57381|3,57552|1,57724|3,57895|1,58067|3,58238|1) - is this intentional w e w [O boy fuck me]
01:07:495 (67495|1,67667|0,67838|1,68010|0,68181|1) - never really had this in this chorus too [It's 1/2 snap mango, should be fine unless you're shit]
01:14:524 - 01:17:267 - 01:20:010 - are these gaps intentional [Yes they are]
01:18:810 (78810|0,78981|1,79152|0,79324|1) - feels like you can do something other than this here [Changed]
01:27:038 (87038|2,87381|0,87381|1,87724|3,88067|2,88067|1,88410|2,88410|0,88752|1,88752|3) - maybe you could just continue the stream on from 01:26:010 (86010|1,86181|3,86352|1,86524|3,86695|2,86867|1) - and not have the LNs here that are pretty jarring as its kinda steps down its intensity even though the guitar solos ongoing [Just gonna add a few more 1/2's then]
01:26:010 (86010|1,86181|3,86352|1,86524|3,86695|2,86867|1) - move any of these somewhere else idk [Ye okae]
01:32:867 (92867|2,92867|1,93210|0) - arent these supposed to stack
01:34:238 (94238|3,94238|1,94581|0) - yeah stack just like 01:31:495 (91495|3,91838|3) [Fucked up here too lmao]
01:45:895 (105895|1,106067|0,106238|1,106410|0,106581|1) - same thing as above [Not sure what's so bad about a 1/2 trill but okay????]
01:52:752 (112752|2,112924|3,113095|2,113267|3,113438|2) - maybe you could keep these as [1][4] things? for hand balance [Meh i think they're fine]

01:58:581 (118581|2) - the snarey thingy isnt too obvious until 01:58:752 - so you might wanna consider removing this [Ye okay why not]

will just point out ghosties i guess, wont go too much into ahhh pls delete mode nom


00:15:381 -00:20:867 - dk why youre ignoring this tbh [Fuck]
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3,18124|0) - PR things again [Not gonna change this]
00:25:152 (25152|2,25324|2) - maybe dont stack these [Changed]
00:32:438 (32438|0,32781|2) - might be ghosties, theres that slight ssssssssssssss sound that can cover for it if you want that
00:33:810 (33810|1,33981|1,34152|1,34324|1) - welp [Changing part of it, keeping the end and reverse stairs]

00:43:152 (43152|0,43324|1) - since youve been stacking them before the chord (see: 00:37:495 (37495|1,37667|1,37667|3,37752|0,38695|1,38781|2,38867|1,38867|0) - ) and then chose to invert that fact over the the front of the chord (see: 00:41:781 (41781|2,41781|3,41867|1,41952|3) - ) id rather you stack them
00:44:352 (44352|0,44524|0,44524|3,44610|1,44695|3) - welp choose one side or the other i guess [You really don't have to write so many lines about the same problem, it's much better to save space]
00:45:210 - double?
00:46:067 (46067|2) - to 4, 00:45:724 (45724|2,45895|2,46067|2) - maybe not a great idea to carry them stacks over
00:51:552 (51552|2,51724|1,51724|3,52238|2,52410|1,52410|3) - consistency pls with 00:52:924 (52924|2,53095|1,53095|2,53610|2,53781|2,53781|1) -
00:55:667 (55667|2,55838|3,56010|2,56181|3,56352|2,56524|3,56695|2,56867|3,57038|2,57210|3,57381|2,57552|3,57724|2,57895|3,58067|2,58238|3,58410|2,58581|3,58752|2,58924|3,59095|2,59267|3,59438|2) - -insert spy meme here-
yeah tbh fam better to use those stacking things to allow for more breathing space so to speak, since youve used the LNs and now only have 3 columns to spare [Gonna redo this, stop making so many lines already jesus, i keep clicking on them to find the exact same thing that's wrong]

<later insert>

i think you should have the stacky chorus at the end, and have the middle section be 01:40:752 (100752|1,100924|2,101095|3,101095|0,101267|2,101438|0,101610|2,101781|3,101781|0,101952|2,102124|3) - these things. reason being intensity and whatnot, so yeah.

00:55:324 (55324|0,55495|3) - crtl-h thanks
00:59:438 (59438|2,59610|2) - pretty sure this hasnt came out before here
just a something suggestion
id say the stacks right beside the notes are --fine-- since song is 175 but it doesnt really make this diff a little un-DTable tbh (i just suck at jacks heh)
[It's fine for me, and a few other testplayers around the skill level needed to play this map (96%<)]
01:01:495 (61495|2,61667|2) - maybe you could have the stacks follow the twangy sound in the music
[Keeping it lmao]
01:03:552 (63552|3,63724|3) - could be just me whining like a baby but yeah i dont really appreciate these [Yeah you just suck, I'll change them anyway]
01:03:895 (63895|1,64067|2,64238|1,64410|2,64581|1,64752|2,64924|1) - same thing with the staks
yeah whole chorus same thing, nothing else
01:18:124 (78124|0,78295|1) - why arent these doubles, 01:17:438 (77438|0,77438|2,77610|0,77610|3,77781|2,77781|1,77952|3,77952|0) - have piano notes and are doubles [Listen to the beat in the background man, and don't give me that baby ear shit again, i can hear them while playing]
01:14:524 - 01:20:010 - 01:17:267 - idk the reason behind the choice of ignoring this tbh [It gives this sense of pausing, instead of constant chord streaming which sucks]
01:22:752 (82752|0,82752|2) - idk if this is doubled intentionally, i get that 01:22:238 (82238|0,82238|3,83610|2,83610|3) - might be doubles because of vocals but that double doesnt have a vocal line and any drum thing for that matter [SaMe ThInG aS aBoVe]
01:32:867 (92867|1,93038|0,93210|1,93381|0,93552|1,93724|0,93895|1,94067|0,94238|1,94410|3,94581|2,94752|3,94924|2) - not really balanced are they
also could you make 01:32:352 (92352|3,92524|2,92695|3,92867|2) - lead into this thrilly thing better
01:38:181 (98181|1,98352|2) - most likely ghosties
01:47:781 (107781|3,107781|2,107952|1,107952|0,108295|3,108295|0,108467|1,108638|0,108638|2) - make consistent with 01:01:152 (61152|0,61152|2,61324|1,61324|3,61495|2,61667|2,61667|0,61838|1,62010|0,62010|2) - and the suggestions i made above (if you accepted them of course haha kms) [No]
01:59:181 - 01:59:524 - some drum thing here [I'm not layering the drum at all lol]


00:11:867 (11867|2,12210|1) - 00:12:552 (12552|3) - same thing from hyper, couldddd be ghost notes
00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3,18124|0) - PR hehe
00:33:210 (33210|3,33381|3,33552|3,33724|3,33895|3,34067|3,34238|3,34410|3,34581|3,34752|3,34924|3) - mate what [Fuck.]

welp the chorus has a likely ghostie on the 2 blue tick of each 1/1 zzzzzzzzz
i dont really know whether or not you can find a BN willing to go with this, maybe there are a handful but yeah you know how hard it is to get any BN to check your map
personally, i think the ghosties are really fine, good even, esp. in complementing the chorus
some suggestions i guess

you could have the triple notes kinda leading towards a certain direction to at least differentiate the chorus from the other sections

could also have claps be triples and make this section a 1/2, but thats retarded

or you could just make everything as dense as possible and have the claps and the 00:52:752 (52752|0,52752|2,52752|3) - whatever this is into triples

i know these suggestions might be retar but yeah idk what other patterns other than a stream now tbh

sorry if it kinda destroys the stream thing, but yeah ranking criteria :V
ok i wont really mention anything more about the chorus from now on, maybe you could think about it or smth
01:11:781 (71781|3,71781|0,72981|1,72981|2,73067|0,73067|3,73152|1,73152|2,73238|3,73238|0,73324|2,73324|1) - idk why but i like this a lot
01:13:495 (73495|2) - maybe move this to 4 [Ok]
01:15:724 (75724|2,75895|3,75895|2,76067|2,76067|3,76238|3) - nom [Feels okay to play, doesn't affect playability at this level]
01:17:610 (77610|3,77610|2,77695|1,77695|0,77781|2,77781|3,78124|0,78124|1,78210|3,78210|2,78295|0,78295|1,78467|3,78467|0,78552|2,78552|1,78638|3,78638|0) - sounds seem too light to warrant jumpthrills, maybe you could keep the claps as jumps but others seem kinda meh in a sense [Keeping it because jumptrills accentuate the rhythm better]
01:14:524 - 01:17:267 - 01:20:010 - same as before, dk why you jumped over this [God damn if it has a spacing for every single difficulty, then it's fucking intended asdfadsfasdf. No one makes that kind of mistake 4 times u apple]
01:23:095 (83095|2,83095|3,83181|0,83181|1,83267|2,83267|3) - same as before, doesnt seem too impactful to be a jumpthrill tbh
01:28:152 (88152|2,88324|2,88495|2,88667|2) - gae tbh [This one is a special case, it's intended]
01:34:152 (94152|3) - to 01:33:981 -
01:34:324 - 01:34:667 - note here [Meh i'd rather keep my own notes, feels so much better to play]
01:34:838 (94838|0) - move to 01:35:010 -
01:38:181 (98181|1,98352|2) - seems like ghosties, same as hyper [Doubt so.]
01:40:238 (100238|1) - to 3/4, 01:40:238 (100238|1,100410|1,100581|1,100752|1,100924|1) - nom [Don't want to make a RH trill]
01:47:781 (107781|1,107781|3,107952|0,107952|2,108124|1,108295|2,108295|1,108295|0) - make consistent with 01:01:152 (61152|3,61152|2,61324|1,61324|0,61495|2,61495|3,61581|1,61667|3,61667|0,61667|2,61838|1,61838|2) -
02:00:638 (120638|1,120724|2,120810|1) - make these like alternate hands, i.e. [1][4][1] then [3][2][3] smth like that, right now it thrills kinda are weird because 02:00:295 (120295|0,120467|0,120638|1,120810|1) - nom [Aa fuck okay then]

dk if this is kdsable, maybe it is

good luck with rank, if you need a recheck just call me again idm too much
Thanks for the mod, and I think that the ghost notes are acceptable.
Without them, the chart itself would feel pretty fucking horrible.
Status: Active
Did someone say revive?
Only checked for patterns
Using lane 1-2-3-4
  1. 00:04:581 (4581|1) - Notes like these are inconsistent, the entire notes are focused on the piano, whilst that note is a kick. I suggest removing notes like these.
  2. 00:21:552 (21552|0) - Move to 2? (Is a bit easier to play)
  3. 00:22:238 (22238|1,22410|0) - Should be 1-2, makes more sense pitch-wise
  4. 00:22:924 (22924|1) - ? Should be on 00:22:752 (22752|1)
  5. 00:23:181 (23181|0,23352|3) - ? Should be on 00:23:095 (23095|0,23438|3), and 3 might be better than 4.
  6. 00:39:895 (39895|1) - Change to, or something similiar
  7. 01:11:781 (71781|3) - Should stop 01:12:981 (72981|2) there, since the "eeee" sounds stops there.
  8. 01:21:381 (81381|3) - You're charting the percussion, but suddently you stop and start charting vocals? I suggest you add the percussion as well, in combination with the vocals, because 01:24:295 (84295|1) here you do that as well.
  9. 01:27:038 (87038|2) - I think these are guitar? 01:29:781 (89781|3), then why stop guitar there?
  1. 00:39:895 (39895|2) - Wouldn't something like that be more fun? Double holds is also an option.
  2. 00:49:838 (49838|1,49924|2,50010|3,50010|0) - [4][3][21] would be better
  3. 01:11:781 (71781|1) - Yay, Kamui patterns. Ditch the holds and make it little bit more fun to play. Or use a single hold on 1 and have some spins, or something.
  4. 01:29:781 (89781|2) - Maybe start charting guitar here? Makes the chart a little bit more interesting, just like in Standard?
  5. 01:55:838 (115838|3) - Sounds "aaaaa" stops at 01:56:867 (116867|0)
Thanatos :D?
  1. 00:02:524 (2524|2) - Could be doubles, 00:04:581 (4581|1) and that a triple, to spice up the beginning a bit more. 00:07:495 (7495|3) - This part is rather dense, anyways, so it wouldn't be too dense for the beginning.
  2. 00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3) - Makes no sense pitch-wise. 1-2-4-3 would be better.
  3. 00:38:867 (38867|3) - StepMania holds! Not sure what the QAT's / BN's think of this, but it might be better to remove those, not sure though...
  4. 00:39:895 (39895|2,40067|2) - Repeat the holds as well, so add 00:40:067 (40067|1,40067|0)
  5. 00:40:067 (40067|2,40238|3,40410|3,40410|2) - Is all 1/4's, so add those as well.
  6. 01:01:667 (61667|2) - The Kiai here should be connected, makes no sense to have a gap there, same there 01:48:295 (108295|3)
  7. 01:11:781 (71781|1) - Kamui please, same suggestion as Hyper
  8. 01:11:781 (71781|3,73067|3) - That is also very awkward
  9. 01:33:895 (93895|2) - Why not use 1/4's here?
  10. 01:36:981 (96981|0,97324|3,97667|1) - Doubles? Since you triple crash anyways
Good luck, hope it gets ranked :)
Topic Starter

Han Solo wrote:

Status: Active
Did someone say revive?
Only checked for patterns
Using lane 1-2-3-4
  1. 00:04:581 (4581|1) - Notes like these are inconsistent, the entire notes are focused on the piano, whilst that note is a kick. I suggest removing notes like these. [i personally thing it's fine to layer the kick in lol, no change sorry]
  2. 00:21:552 (21552|0) - Move to 2? (Is a bit easier to play) [ok]
  3. 00:22:238 (22238|1,22410|0) - Should be 1-2, makes more sense pitch-wise [changed]
  4. 00:22:924 (22924|1) - ? Should be on 00:22:752 (22752|1) [ok]
  5. 00:23:181 (23181|0,23352|3) - ? Should be on 00:23:095 (23095|0,23438|3), and 3 might be better than 4. [ok]
  6. 00:39:895 (39895|1) - Change to, or something similiar [ yeah okay that looks nice]
  7. 01:11:781 (71781|3) - Should stop 01:12:981 (72981|2) there, since the "eeee" sounds stops there.[hmm okay]
  8. 01:21:381 (81381|3) - You're charting the percussion, but suddently you stop and start charting vocals? I suggest you add the percussion as well, in combination with the vocals, because 01:24:295 (84295|1) here you do that as well. [removed the vocal notes]
  9. 01:27:038 (87038|2) - I think these are guitar? 01:29:781 (89781|3), then why stop guitar there? [i actually have no idea how to chart this part so yE]
  1. 00:39:895 (39895|2) - Wouldn't something like that be more fun? Double holds is also an option. [alright then, i'll use the one in the picture]
  2. 00:49:838 (49838|1,49924|2,50010|3,50010|0) - [4][3][21] would be better [i'll just crtl F the jumptrill behind to make it easier]
  3. 01:11:781 (71781|1) - Yay, Kamui patterns. Ditch the holds and make it little bit more fun to play. Or use a single hold on 1 and have some spins, or something. [i really like the pattern personally, so no change mang]
  4. 01:29:781 (89781|2) - Maybe start charting guitar here? Makes the chart a little bit more interesting, just like in Standard? [i think i'll just leave it be, don't really like to use LNs in higher difficulties. I'll change it if someone else points it out]
  5. 01:55:838 (115838|3) - Sounds "aaaaa" stops at 01:56:867 (116867|0) [shortened the LN]
Thanatos :D?
  1. 00:02:524 (2524|2) - Could be doubles, 00:04:581 (4581|1) and that a triple, to spice up the beginning a bit more. [keeping it as it is, sorry]
    00:07:495 (7495|3) - This part is rather dense, anyways, so it wouldn't be too dense for the beginning.[i think it's fine lol, odesn't really affecrt the difficulty]
  2. 00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3,17610|3) - Makes no sense pitch-wise. 1-2-4-3 would be better.[okay]
  3. 00:38:867 (38867|3) - StepMania holds! Not sure what the QAT's / BN's think of this, but it might be better to remove those, not sure though...[ pretty sure they're acceptable]
  4. 00:39:895 (39895|2,40067|2) - Repeat the holds as well, so add 00:40:067 (40067|1,40067|0)[okay]
  5. 00:40:067 (40067|2,40238|3,40410|3,40410|2) - Is all 1/4's, so add those as well.[i prefer keeping it this way, hard to layer 1/4s in with the LN]
  6. 01:01:667 (61667|2) - The Kiai here should be connected, makes no sense to have a gap there, same there 01:48:295 (108295|3)[kiai is like that for all difficulties, i'll change it if it's a unrankable issue]
  7. 01:11:781 (71781|1) - Kamui please, same suggestion as Hyper [same reason as before]
  8. 01:11:781 (71781|3,73067|3) - That is also very awkward [it's fine mango, testplayers said it was fine]
  9. 01:33:895 (93895|2) - Why not use 1/4's here? [uhh, i think keeping it as 3 beat is fine right now, will change it if it's an issue]
  10. 01:36:981 (96981|0,97324|3,97667|1) - Doubles? Since you triple crash anyways [keeping it as singles]
Good luck, hope it gets ranked :)
Thanks for the mod!
Topic Starter
Helowalo SeiSei :)
※ Metadata
Artist :: 五条下位 & 仲村芽衣子
Romanised Artist :: Gojou Kai & Nakamura Meiko
SYNC.ART'S is not Romanised Name. You can put this in Tags.

Tags :: Remove this in tags "五条下位" "仲村芽衣子" It does not need to overlap with Artist.

Difficulties Name :: Standard → Normal.
mostly It kept the BMS difficulites name. Except "Standard"

※ Hitsounds / Background Image
Some Hitsouds are delayed. Change with this
Background Image 1366 x 768 here. Change with this

Lack of Hitsound Quality.
I could see many mistake for hitsounds.(Surely, I felt as mistake than intention)
Some difficulties are missed about some hitsounds. Also lack of consistency with each other.
I think you can improved about it. Please check them once again.
When you do that. If you want to fix something(like Pattern), You can. All Up to you.

00:23:181 (23181|0,23352|3) - This rhythm is kinda weird to Beginner. You can make better it.
00:23:095 - 00:23:438 - Follow the This rhythm. There is a vocal Sample with synth. It can feel easily than before.

00:34:238 - Remove a note here. Instead of that, Add here 00:34:924 - What do you think about?

01:00:467 (60467|0) - It's weird to me. even If there is a intention, I don't think this is necessary for the structure.
Feedback ::

00:10:238 - 00:12:981 - This part too empty than Hyper. You can add some notes in this part.
Because note density really same with Beginner.

00:23:095 (23095|0,23352|3) - Same reason with Beginner. It kinda weird. You can make better it. Consider once again.

01:11:781 (71781|3) - This vocal sample is ended here 01:12:981 - And It can feel surely.
What do you think about? I think It does not need to extend. All difficulties did like that.

00:39:895 (39895|3,39895|2,40067|3,40067|2) -
When I compared with "Standard", It needs to be re-arranged. Please consider thoes two.
Add note on Hyper or Nerf the Standard, You can anything.

01:09:981 - Add a note for bass drum. This is a option. Your decision anyway :)
01:23:181 - Same with above.

00:12:810 - 00:12:981 - Add a note. will be emphasized. You can compare with "Hyper"
or liek this

00:25:324 - 00:26:695 - 00:28:067 - 00:29:438 - 00:30:810 -
Here does not need to use as 3chords. Remove a note.
For example :: You can compare with crash line. like 00:23:952 - 00:32:181 -
or Can compare with them 00:36:295 - 00:37:667 - They are added any instrument. And I can feel about it.

00:39:895 - ~ 00:40:410 - Feedback ::

01:10:752 (70752|1) - Remove this one. It will be helped for pattern sturucture.
And 01:10:924 - 01:11:438 - Add a note here. It will be make highlight than before.

01:22:238 - Remove a note. When I saw the around of pattern, It was not emphasized at all.
If you wanted to highlight as vocal sample, you can keep then

01:34:410 - ~ 01:35:267 - You can add some notes in this part. This is a suggestion.

02:00:038 - ~ 02:02:867 - Remove them.p esonally, I think it is not good.
If consider the structure, Ending is better to here 01:59:952 - Since highlight of the song, It will be end up with a better feeling.
If you applied this, should not use the LN on Beginner, Standard, Hyper.
Sample ::
When Fixed them, Tell me ;)
Topic Starter

Kawawa wrote:

Helowalo SeiSei :)
※ Metadata
Artist :: 五条下位 & 仲村芽衣子
Romanised Artist :: Gojou Kai & Nakamura Meiko
SYNC.ART'S is not Romanised Name. You can put this in Tags.

Tags :: Remove this in tags "五条下位" "仲村芽衣子" It does not need to overlap with Artist.

Difficulties Name :: Standard → Normal.
mostly It kept the BMS difficulites name. Except "Standard"

※ Hitsounds / Background Image
Some Hitsouds are delayed. Change with this
Background Image 1366 x 768 here. Change with this

Lack of Hitsound Quality.
I could see many mistake for hitsounds.(Surely, I felt as mistake than intention)
Some difficulties are missed about some hitsounds. Also lack of consistency with each other.
I think you can improved about it. Please check them once again.
When you do that. If you want to fix something(like Pattern), You can. All Up to you.

00:23:181 (23181|0,23352|3) - This rhythm is kinda weird to Beginner. You can make better it.
00:23:095 - 00:23:438 - Follow the This rhythm. There is a vocal Sample with synth. It can feel easily than before. [I actually don't understand but even after reading the mod in Standard difficulty, I'll just chart it the same way as Standard]

00:34:238 - Remove a note here. Instead of that, Add here 00:34:924 - What do you think about? [Hmm, I'm fine with it i guess.]

01:00:467 (60467|0) - It's weird to me. even If there is a intention, I don't think this is necessary for the structure.
Feedback :: [Followed your idea of how it should be.]

00:10:238 - 00:12:981 - This part too empty than Hyper. You can add some notes in this part.
Because note density really same with Beginner. [Charted it to drum crashes now.]

00:23:095 (23095|0,23352|3) - Same reason with Beginner. It kinda weird. You can make better it. Consider once again.[^}

01:11:781 (71781|3) - This vocal sample is ended here 01:12:981 - And It can feel surely.
What do you think about? I think It does not need to extend. All difficulties did like that.[Oops, didn't see that one, good catch!]

00:39:895 (39895|3,39895|2,40067|3,40067|2) -
When I compared with "Standard", It needs to be re-arranged. Please consider thoes two.
Add note on Hyper or Nerf the Standard, You can anything. [Nerfed Standard.]

01:09:981 - Add a note for bass drum. This is a option. Your decision anyway :)
01:23:181 - Same with above. [Added both.]

00:12:810 - 00:12:981 - Add a note. will be emphasized. You can compare with "Hyper"
or liek this [Hmmm, added note.]

00:25:324 - 00:26:695 - 00:28:067 - 00:29:438 - 00:30:810 -
Here does not need to use as 3chords. Remove a note.
For example :: You can compare with crash line. like 00:23:952 - 00:32:181 -
or Can compare with them 00:36:295 - 00:37:667 - They are added any instrument. And I can feel about it.[Alright, removed.]

00:39:895 - ~ 00:40:410 - Feedback :: [I want to keep it as it is, feels more relevant to music imo.]

01:10:752 (70752|1) - Remove this one. It will be helped for pattern sturucture.
And 01:10:924 - 01:11:438 - Add a note here. It will be make highlight than before. [Alright.]

01:22:238 - Remove a note. When I saw the around of pattern, It was not emphasized at all.
If you wanted to highlight as vocal sample, you can keep then [Ye it's vocal thing lmao.]

01:34:410 - ~ 01:35:267 - You can add some notes in this part. This is a suggestion. [Not adding any notes, sorry :c.]

02:00:038 - ~ 02:02:867 - Remove them.p esonally, I think it is not good.
If consider the structure, Ending is better to here 01:59:952 - Since highlight of the song, It will be end up with a better feeling.
If you applied this, should not use the LN on Beginner, Standard, Hyper.
Sample :: [Removed LN on all difficulties at the end.]
When Fixed them, Tell me ;)
Thanks kawawa <3
Confirmed, Bubbled!
Congratz! :)
sik duode
Hey long time no see! And long time no see post mod lol
Sorry but I have to pop this first because I've found a unrankable issue and low quality of hitsounds. Don't worry I will re-bubble this after your fixing. Then you are able to take qualify icon by Kawawa. You smoothly can go qualify XD


I think hitsound is on too lacking. You can add some W on kick sections. I'm highly recommend it. I will see how you have done after this mod. Please check once again your HS.
Also you can do with this one for consistency, File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference -> Choose other difficulties that you want to refer.
but, Another is soso, how about just make same in all difficulty?

Looks like 000012345 hitsound is never used. Please delete this. Or if it's using, please tell me where you've used it.

00:16:924 - You can't use 1/4 pattern with 175 BPM in Easy difficulty. I'm sure it will be 100% get disqualify. Better to 00:17:010 (17010|2) - remove this note, could notice your intention but it's a one of disqualify issue.

00:49:838 - Also same reason, please fix this one

00:50:010 - I think it will be better to be double, for emphasis the kick and finish of first part.

01:01:324 (61324|2,61667|2) - Just thinking it will be more better balance, Ctrl + H will be better.

01:19:838 (79838|1) - Move to 3, 01:18:810 (78810|0,79838|1) - they are on one hand, if you didn't intend about this pattern, better to use 2 hands.

01:35:267 (95267|3) - It must finished on 01:35:781 - here. Also as I said, 01:35:781 (95781|2,95867|1) - you can't use it.


01:10:581 - Add one more note for consistency with 01:11:095 - 01:11:781 - these sections.


00:23:095 - In here, Another difficulty doesn't have a note, I think you used it for a piano sound but I suggest to remove it. for consistency also this section is based on snares.

Another is fine. Call me after updating!
Topic Starter

Fresh Chicken wrote:

Hey long time no see! And long time no see post mod lol
Sorry but I have to pop this first because I've found a unrankable issue and low quality of hitsounds. Don't worry I will re-bubble this after your fixing. Then you are able to take qualify icon by Kawawa. You smoothly can go qualify XD


I think hitsound is on too lacking. You can add some W on kick sections. I'm highly recommend it. I will see how you have done after this mod. Please check once again your HS.
Also you can do with this one for consistency, File -> Open Difficulty -> For Reference -> Choose other difficulties that you want to refer.
but, Another is soso, how about just make same in all difficulty? [Copied all hitsounds from Another]

Looks like 000012345 hitsound is never used. Please delete this. Or if it's using, please tell me where you've used it. [Deleted it]

00:16:924 - You can't use 1/4 pattern with 175 BPM in Easy difficulty. I'm sure it will be 100% get disqualify. Better to 00:17:010 (17010|2) - remove this note, could notice your intention but it's a one of disqualify issue. [Zenny said it was okay so yE]

00:49:838 - Also same reason, please fix this one [^]

00:50:010 - I think it will be better to be double, for emphasis the kick and finish of first part. [Added]

01:01:324 (61324|2,61667|2) - Just thinking it will be more better balance, Ctrl + H will be better [Ctrl + H'd the jumps]

01:19:838 (79838|1) - Move to 3, 01:18:810 (78810|0,79838|1) - they are on one hand, if you didn't intend about this pattern, better to use 2 hands. [Moved to 3]

01:35:267 (95267|3) - It must finished on 01:35:781 - here. Also as I said, 01:35:781 (95781|2,95867|1) - you can't use it.[Extended the LN, but kept the 1/4s due to same reasoning]


01:10:581 - Add one more note for consistency with 01:11:095 - 01:11:781 - these sections.[Removed one note instead so that it's easier than Hyper]


00:23:095 - In here, Another difficulty doesn't have a note, I think you used it for a piano sound but I suggest to remove it. for consistency also this section is based on snares. [Removed]

Another is fine. Call me after updating!
Thanks for the check FC :D
  • :ok hand:
2016-11-26 21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: fresh man
2016-11-26 21:38 [-Seiryuu-]: r u the busy
2016-11-26 21:38 Fresh Chicken: man I've been waited you
2016-11-26 21:38 Fresh Chicken: hahahaha
2016-11-26 21:39 [-Seiryuu-]: woke up early and tried to find you :c
2016-11-26 21:39 Fresh Chicken: I'm sorry for that man, I just forgot that I have plans today, just arrived at home 20~30 mins a go
2016-11-26 21:39 Fresh Chicken: ;_;
2016-11-26 21:39 [-Seiryuu-]: it's ok chicken man
2016-11-26 21:39 Fresh Chicken: let me check once again, it won't take long time and much feedback.
2016-11-26 21:39 Fresh Chicken: thanks Seiryu man
2016-11-26 21:39 [-Seiryuu-]: i was outside too xd
2016-11-26 21:39 [-Seiryuu-]: <3
2016-11-26 21:39 Fresh Chicken: xdd <3
2016-11-26 21:40 Fresh Chicken: hmm I'm still not sure for 1/4 snaps in Biginner
2016-11-26 21:40 Fresh Chicken: lBeginner
2016-11-26 21:40 Fresh Chicken: let me show you that
2016-11-26 21:40 Fresh Chicken: wait
2016-11-26 21:40 [-Seiryuu-]: zen said it's fine though
2016-11-26 21:42 Fresh Chicken: oh my miss
2016-11-26 21:42 Fresh Chicken: t/501580/start=45
2016-11-26 21:42 Fresh Chicken: just want to show you this one but current your Beginner is fine imo
2016-11-26 21:42 [-Seiryuu-]: o
2016-11-26 21:42 [-Seiryuu-]: i'll see how it goes
2016-11-26 21:42 Fresh Chicken: oo
2016-11-26 21:42 [-Seiryuu-]: if it gets dq after rank or someone else points it out then i'll change
2016-11-26 21:42 Fresh Chicken: Sure ~o~
2016-11-26 21:43 [-Seiryuu-]: ~~~
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: hmm
2016-11-26 21:46 [-Seiryuu-]: yE
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: I still can't satisfy with HS umm
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: lt's for all difficulty
2016-11-26 21:46 [-Seiryuu-]: a
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: HS mod here
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: 00:04:581 - W
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: 00:04:752 - F
2016-11-26 21:46 Fresh Chicken: 00:07:495 - F,W
2016-11-26 21:47 [-Seiryuu-]: wait you can put 2 hs on one note?
2016-11-26 21:47 Fresh Chicken: 00:07:838 - 00:08:181 - 00:08:524 - 00:08:867 - 00:09:210 - 00:09:552 - 00:09:895 - 00:10:238 - W
2016-11-26 21:47 Fresh Chicken: yap
2016-11-26 21:47 [-Seiryuu-]: oWo
2016-11-26 21:47 Fresh Chicken: 00:12:981 - W
2016-11-26 21:47 Fresh Chicken: OwO
2016-11-26 21:47 Fresh Chicken: 00:18:467 - F W
2016-11-26 21:48 Fresh Chicken: 00:23:952 - 00:24:295 - 00:24:638 - 00:24:981 - 00:25:324 - 00:25:667 - 00:26:010 - 00:26:352 - 00:26:695 - 00:27:038 - 00:27:381 - 00:27:724 - 00:28:067 - 00:28:410 - 00:28:752 - 00:29:095 - 00:29:438 - 00:29:781 -
2016-11-26 21:48 Fresh Chicken: W
2016-11-26 21:48 [-Seiryuu-]: whoa
2016-11-26 21:48 [-Seiryuu-]: hmm
2016-11-26 21:48 Fresh Chicken: 00:30:124 - 00:30:467 - 00:30:810 - 00:31:152 - 00:31:495 - 00:31:838 - 00:34:924 - 00:35:267 - 00:35:610 - W
2016-11-26 21:48 [-Seiryuu-]: can i skip some on beginner diff
2016-11-26 21:48 Fresh Chicken: if there's no notes, you can skip
2016-11-26 21:49 Fresh Chicken: 00:35:952 - 00:36:295 - 00:36:638 - 00:36:981 - W
2016-11-26 21:49 Fresh Chicken: is there any reason? owo
2016-11-26 21:49 [-Seiryuu-]: because it feels weird if there's hs on one note and no hs on another in the same section
2016-11-26 21:49 [-Seiryuu-]: like
2016-11-26 21:49 [-Seiryuu-]: 00:07:838 -
2016-11-26 21:49 Fresh Chicken: 00:37:324 - 00:37:667 - 00:38:010 - 00:38:352 - 00:38:867 - 00:39:210 - 00:39:552 - 00:39:895 - W
2016-11-26 21:49 Fresh Chicken: oh I see
2016-11-26 21:49 Fresh Chicken: sure
2016-11-26 21:50 [-Seiryuu-]: and 00:08:524 -
2016-11-26 21:50 Fresh Chicken: I agree with yours, cuz you followed piano only, you can skip ~o~
2016-11-26 21:50 [-Seiryuu-]: alright
2016-11-26 21:51 Fresh Chicken: 00:40:067 - W 00:40:410 - F W 00:40:752 - 00:41:095 - 00:41:438 - 00:41:781 - 00:42:124 - 00:42:810 - 00:43:152 - 00:43:495 - 00:43:838 - 00:44:181 - 00:44:524 - 00:44:867 - 00:45:210 - 00:45:552 - W
2016-11-26 21:51 Fresh Chicken: 00:45:895 - F W
2016-11-26 21:51 Fresh Chicken: 00:46:238 - 00:46:581 - 00:46:924 - 00:47:267 - 00:47:610 - 00:47:952 - 00:48:295 - W
2016-11-26 21:51 Fresh Chicken: 00:48:467 - F W 00:48:810 - 00:48:981 - 00:49:152 - 00:49:324 - 00:49:495 - 00:49:667 - W
2016-11-26 21:52 Fresh Chicken: okay it's all for HS
2016-11-26 21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: wow
2016-11-26 21:54 Fresh Chicken: okay it's all for qualify! tell me when you finished this one ~~o~~
2016-11-26 21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: ok give me like
2016-11-26 21:54 Fresh Chicken: *update too
2016-11-26 21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: 30mins
2016-11-26 21:54 [-Seiryuu-]: yE
2016-11-26 21:54 Fresh Chicken: Ye
2016-11-26 22:31 [-Seiryuu-]: ok fresh man
2016-11-26 22:31 Fresh Chicken: ok can u give me just 5 mins lol
2016-11-26 22:31 [-Seiryuu-]: take your time
2016-11-26 22:31 [-Seiryuu-]: i'm awake until 4am lol
2016-11-26 22:32 Fresh Chicken: owo;;
2016-11-26 22:33 Fresh Chicken: ok
2016-11-26 22:34 [-Seiryuu-]: o _ o
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: o w o!!
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: Evening - 2016
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: okay so...
2016-11-26 22:34 [-Seiryuu-]: oo
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: Kawawa also online now!
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: go take re-bub by Kawa!
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: oh
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: let me bubble
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: lol
2016-11-26 22:34 Fresh Chicken: You can take qual after 24 hours
2016-11-26 22:34 [-Seiryuu-]: lmao
Checked p/5595576#p5595576

Some Hitsounds are fixed
22:05 Kawawa: It still lacked a bit for hitsound.
22:05 Kawawa: 00:02:009 - 00:04:752 - 00:07:495 - 00:10:238 - 00:12:981 - 00:22:581 - 00:23:610 - 00:23:952 - 00:34:924 - 00:50:010 - 00:51:381 - 00:56:867 - 00:59:610 -
22:05 [-Seiryuu-]: which diff
22:05 Kawawa: 01:02:352 - 01:07:838 - 01:16:067 - 01:18:810 - 01:21:552 - 01:24:295 - 01:29:781 - 01:36:638 - 01:40:752 - 01:43:495 - 01:46:238 - 01:48:981 - 01:54:467 - 01:59:952 -
22:06 Kawawa: Add "F" on All diff section here.
22:06 Kawawa: Some diffs are missed "F"
22:07 Kawawa: when you done, tell me
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: aa
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: let me get changed first
22:07 [-Seiryuu-]: brb
22:10 [-Seiryuu-]: can i not add F during chorus?
22:10 [-Seiryuu-]: it already has keysound22:10 Kawawa: yeah. of coures.
22:10 [-Seiryuu-]: alright
22:10 Kawawa: If you already added, then don't add.
22:11 [-Seiryuu-]: okays
22:12 Kawawa: when done, poke mee
22:12 Kawawa: meow
22:20 [-Seiryuu-]: alright done
22:20 [-Seiryuu-]: so i just upload?
22:20 Kawawa: not yet
22:20 Kawawa: And
22:20 Kawawa: 01:01:152 - 01:01:324 - 01:47:781 - 01:47:952 - 01:57:552 - 01:58:067 - 01:58:238 - remove "F"
22:21 [-Seiryuu-]: ooo
22:21 Kawawa: ooo
22:21 [-Seiryuu-]: hmmm
22:21 [-Seiryuu-]: can i keep last few
22:21 [-Seiryuu-]: want to emphasise vocal
22:22 Kawawa: alright.
Topic Starter
thanks fam
oh its done

Congratz ><!
Hello Seiryuu!

Grats for qualify this beatmap but before this get's moved into the Ranked section i would like to discuss about some pattern.
It's something what Fresh Chicken did mention in his bubble pop post.

I would like to talk about the Beginner difficulty.
The difficult is overall pretty solid. Nice beginner pattern but then i saw following:

00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3) -
00:49:838 (49838|0,49924|1,50010|2,50010|3) -
01:35:781 (95781|2,95867|1,95952|0) -

These 3 1/4 Pattern.

I can't agree with them. Beginner/Easy difficulty's are for player which are not familiar with osu!mania or general VSRG games. They should stick with really beginner friendly pattern like 1/1 or rare 1/2 pattern with several breaks. I asked several friends which never/rarely touched osu!mania and 4 of 5 missed exactly these 1/4 pattern.

I know they may fit to the music but it doesn't fit to the difficulty overall.
The remaining Beatmap looks totally fine for me, it's just these 1/4 pattern.
Fresh Chicken's suggestion to remove the middle note of the 1/4 pattern is actually a good way to fix it

Okay and one more thing while i am here. I think your BG Quality is a bit.. poor. After 30 sec in google i found one which looks way more clear and in 1920x1080 (The new rankable size), you can find it here
And here you can see the difference: Left yours/ right the new one

Okay that's all from my side! Let me know what you think about it!
Confirming the issue here. 1/4th snaps should not be used in Easy difficulties at all cases.

Please address the issue along with the other suggestions accordingly!

Blocko wrote:

Confirming the issue here. 1/4th snaps should not be used in Easy difficulties at all cases.

Please address the issue along with the other suggestions accordingly!
I believe it's alright if it's a low bpm song.. It would be awkward to really ignore all 1/4 on song that have like 70 bpm or something like that..

Anyway, best of luck for seiryuu to re-icon the map, i'm astonished by the amount of efforts and time being put into the map :)
Topic Starter

Feerum wrote:

Hello Seiryuu!

Grats for qualify this beatmap but before this get's moved into the Ranked section i would like to discuss about some pattern.
It's something what Fresh Chicken did mention in his bubble pop post.

I would like to talk about the Beginner difficulty.
The difficult is overall pretty solid. Nice beginner pattern but then i saw following:

00:16:924 (16924|1,17010|2,17095|3) -
00:49:838 (49838|0,49924|1,50010|2,50010|3) -
01:35:781 (95781|2,95867|1,95952|0) -

These 3 1/4 Pattern.

I can't agree with them. Beginner/Easy difficulty's are for player which are not familiar with osu!mania or general VSRG games. They should stick with really beginner friendly pattern like 1/1 or rare 1/2 pattern with several breaks. I asked several friends which never/rarely touched osu!mania and 4 of 5 missed exactly these 1/4 pattern.

I know they may fit to the music but it doesn't fit to the difficulty overall.
The remaining Beatmap looks totally fine for me, it's just these 1/4 pattern.
Fresh Chicken's suggestion to remove the middle note of the 1/4 pattern is actually a good way to fix it

Okay and one more thing while i am here. I think your BG Quality is a bit.. poor. After 30 sec in google i found one which looks way more clear and in 1920x1080 (The new rankable size), you can find it here
And here you can see the difference: Left yours/ right the new one

Okay that's all from my side! Let me know what you think about it!
Really not sure where you're getting your players from but most of my beginner friends can hit it.

But I'll remove it because I don't want to get into a fight with the QATs for such a small matter.

It does affect the piano rhythm quite a bit but ok.

Thanks for the new BG though :D

Maxus wrote:

I believe it's alright if it's a low bpm song.. It would be awkward to really ignore all 1/4 on song that have like 70 bpm or something like that..
Yeah, you have a good point on that. I was mostly thinking of how 1/4th notes on easy diffs shouldn't be used on higher BPM songs, but I didn't consider the lower ones.
Guess I poorly worded it. My apologies.

Anyway, I'm wishing you good luck on this mapset, [-Seiryuu-]!
While the issue has been addressed, I don't get the reasoning of DQ on the 1/4s

You have to understand that 1234/4321 is the easiest densest stream pattern that anyone can do, just because it's easy to read, it's easy to execute due to it's unidirectional motion.

Thus, 123, 234, 321 and so on have the same idea, they are as easy to read just because they are linear;
The odd cases are when you have 124, 324, 142 and so on, these aren't linear.
While it is slightly easier to start streams with 1 hand handling both 1st and 2nd 1/4s:
Ex: 123, 432

Just because the other hand hits the note on 1/2 instead of an odd 1/4
I don't think it's the DQ reason.

And why do I focus on readability over anything else? Just because players who start out do not have problems with playing physically.
The pressing issue with crafting Beginner difficulties should revolve around the readability of patterns, not the physical demands just because Beginners will should never encounter a pattern that is physically draining, should they not venture into difficulties beyond their reach

Well, the question is... how fast can a beginner player stream linearly? 175 1/4s sound very reasonable to me considering the rest of the map

"I can't agree with them. Beginner/Easy difficulty's are for player which are not familiar with osu!mania or general VSRG games. They should stick with really beginner friendly pattern like 1/1 or rare 1/2 pattern with several breaks. I asked several friends which never/rarely touched osu!mania and 4 of 5 missed exactly these 1/4 pattern."

The Beginner draft hasn't been fully solidified/concluded yet, this may be named Beginner but it may not have been made with the idea of catering to newbies.

I'm not too convinced with "I asked several friends which never/rarely touched osu!mania and 4 of 5 missed exactly these 1/4 pattern." not because that I don't trust you but what about the rest of the file? Do they miss everywhere else too? If so, this pattern should be allowed as it is cohesive with the difficulty of the rest of the mapset and doesn't cause any hindrance/spikes

Take note that beginners have almost 0 hand-eye coordination in VSRG, with LNs + notes here, I forsee that they will have much more trouble in the LN section than that of 1/4s

Beginners have a really fast learning curve just because they are still getting used to it, a simple motion like 1234 can be easily learned within an hour despite them having 0 hand-eye coordination just because they memorize the pattern and the motion required to execute that particular pattern

A one time try at the beatmap doesn't really conclude anything due to a ton of variance, and I hope you didn't conclude that the pattern is way too hard for first-timers just because they tried the map only once

A 1/4 suddenly could choke up players of course, just because they are expecting 1/2s, that's why players replay with the idea that "1/4s appear in this section" in mind just to perform better.

But if you can prove me wrong with evidence then go ahead
After a quick look over those 1/4s I would say that the first one was, in my opinion, fine to use. As it was super isolated with breaks before and after (this isnt taiko, neither isnt STD which is why I believe this was kinda on the edge but still fine for me), I would imagine that most of the players that are getting used to mania would be able to combo that in just 2 or 3 trys if they are willing to give it the try. If some SVs that make something unsightreadable are rankable I would say this kind of things that requires more than one try to nail properly also are.

For the other 2 usages I would argue that they are a harder and its cool that it good fixed. Releasing a hold on 4 into a 1-2-[34] is probably a bit too much. I would also like to mention that there are different types of easy stuff. There are a lot of charts that have harder easy diffs than this (and by a lot actually, still getting qualified just because they dont have 3 notes 1/4s).

What I am trying to say is that if we are going to DQ stuff for being to hard (as for easier difficulties, some of them are tagged as normals but I find that ehhh material) I would look at most of the stuff that gets ranked lately and check the pattering it uses. Despite not using 1/4s, they are usually quite dense and it barely have breaks in the middle. Anyways, not sure if this even has a bit of sense in it since I woke up like 30 minutes ago, but well.

Good luck Seiryuu anyways!
Topic Starter

juankristal wrote:

There are a lot of charts that have harder easy diffs than this (and by a lot actually, still getting qualified just because they dont have 3 notes 1/4s).
I also agree to evening fully
But, I followed creator's decision anyway.
And confirmd now.
Good luck for qualify again!
bubbled! :)
wew 1/4 pattern problem reason, comee on seiryuu i luv this map ><


Draftnell wrote:

wew 1/4 pattern problem reason, comee on seiryuu i luv this map ><

Still have to wait for the 24 hours rule!
well our bat failed haha
I will re-qualify after 24 hours from bubbling, :^)
Done! good luck!
Topic Starter
R o u n d 2

And to all the QATs, I hope that you guys take what Zen and Juan said into account.
grats on rank
fuck i get no pp
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