
Konuko - Toumei Elegy

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Cartographer wrote:

Nice find.

VINXIS wrote:

02:17:766 (3,4) - ctrl+G and 02:18:039 (1,2) - Ctrl+G for second gonkakorokuu but then the sd will go to 7.07 rip but oh well flow pls

Please take a look here, I like what you did and made it better.. I hope. :D

[Second Gonkanau]

02:18:311 (1) to 02:19:402 (7) - Flow

Cartographers mod

My Mod
If you need help hit me up.

I'll mod more later, bed time now.
Yeah that's not modding that's you giving the mapper a code when the mapper doesn't even know what you changed

First suggest what you think could be improved that means use the times along with the reason why your suggestion this and how you think it should be changed. You have to allow the mapper to have the chance to see what you are suggesting not just giving them a code

Don't post anything complaining about the unrank its really not needed anymore

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Yeah that's not modding that's you giving the mapper a code when the mapper doesn't even know what you changed

First suggest what you think could be improved that means use the times along with the reason why your suggestion this and how you think it should be changed. You have to allow the mapper to have the chance to see what you are suggesting not just giving them a code

Don't post anything complaining about the unrank its really not needed anymore
I have provided images and a download to the mod.

Hopefully it isn't to hard checking things in game quickly and remove it.
The .osz file automatically opens my mod and if they like the changes they just delete and replace a few codes, no work.
Cherry Blossom
uuuh BNs who want to bubble/rank this map should at least know how to play this map or pass.
That will avoid future problems like this....

IMO, AR is not really a problem when you know how to read maps. They are many players who are shiting on maps because the AR is too slow.
I didn't really like playing this map because jumps are forced, i don't really feel anything funny when playing this map. But well it's just my opinion.

I'll mention some flaws, but that's just my opinion, don't consider them as the absolute truth.
  1. When i say that i don't feel anything funny, it's when you don't feel the real impact of the song, you have deliberately increased the difficulty, and added some extra triples which do not follow the song and make this diff even less funnier to play for example 00:23:084 (2,3,4) - or 00:26:970 (5) - etc., and some 1/4 slider jumps too 00:25:948 (5,6) - . Is it overmapping ? not really if you use them sparingly.
  2. 00:25:948 (5,6) - Here, i don't really know what you're following, you skip this note 01:20:902 - which is enough powerful, and i think a clap is supposed to be here too. Before adding more density, make sure that you follow the song first. If you don't do that, patterns can be easily confusing.
  3. 02:05:289 (2,3,4) - This map is not Mythologia's end, unsnapped things you can hear on the song don't mean "awh i'll map streams here", that's a theory which does not make sense.
  4. 02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2) - rip.

I disabled hitsounds volume and listened to everything, there are too much density for what the song can provide. There are some 1/4 sliderjumps to emphasize strong vocals, but anything audible on blue ticks where the 1/4 slider ends.
Conclusion, This is overmapped.

Edit : I didn't say that i agree with that disqualification, There are too many maps like this which are ranked (i won't mention them), and i think people have overreacted on this map because "OH MY GOD 7 STARS, FREE PPS FOR RURUCHI SAMA"...
I honestly see no problem. BATS and QATs take their jobs too seriously... but I'm not the one to judge if I just want to enjoy a game

Awaken wrote:

you should fix the intro ;w;
As a lot of people have pointed out, AR9.5 to 10 would be appropriate and fitting for this map, it should be up to the mapper's discretion. The patterns are easy and intuitive to read, even I can play this map somewhat until the spacing because too much for me to hit anything. And as for the most of the notes being on the right side of the screen, this just seem like something based on opinion; personally I like it better than perfect symmetry in a map.

Anyway there was a few things I wanted to point out about Gs Insane. My problem is that the 220 steams, especially when followed up by 1/2 notes, are way too hard compared to the rest of the map.
02:07:334 (7) - I think this circle should be deleted; if you listen carefully, there is no note on the fourth circle on the stream, so I think it should be a triple.

02:12:039 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - I think this should be changed. Other people could give better advice, maybe use use sliders/repeat sliders instead?
This map has been taken off of ranked so many times now, wtf :C
Second Gonkanau

00:10:539 (4,6) - Not perfectly stacked
00:35:220 (1) - I'd remove the whistles. It covers entirely the actual sound of this part.
00:43:948 (2) - I Believe that this is how this part should be mapped: You skip 3 beats that contribute to the rhythm of the song by adding a slider here.

00:51:039 (3,1) - These should be unstacked . The beat changes here: 00:51:311 - and it doesn't indicate a stack with : 00:51:039 - , and this also messed up the NCing. Will require a small remapping here.
00:51:039 (3,1,2,1,2,1,2,3) -as i said before. NCing here is doesn't match with the rhythm imo . Try starting the NC here: 00:51:039 - and change every 2 notes as you did.Will require some remapping.
00:53:220 (1) - also remove the NC here. unnecessary
01:28:811 - Why skip the beat here? o.O
01:51:039 (3,4,5,1) - This is too much of an . on this bpm and speed its breaking the flow too much .
02:07:334 (4) - Also agree on removing this.
02:13:130 (1) - I believe this should be changed to 1/2 slider + note , like this: Don't forget the clap on slider tail.
02:16:675 - At this point the spacing is increasing incredibly until: 02:18:311 without an obvious reason apart from the "Stars" increase. Song sound the same as before. no volume increase, nothing strong making a hard change. anything :|

02:22:402 (1,2,3,4) - This is not appealing at all. no symmetry or anything , doesn't make sense :S
02:50:220 (1) - This should be extended to 02:50:902 - and a beat should be added here: 02:51:039 - . It fits the the rhythm very much. also add Clap @ 02:51:039 -
03:03:720 (6) - I believe this should be higher to improve the flow on 03:03:857 (1) - coz of the angle it has.

These are my 2 cents.
uhg fine, expect testplays and a mod from me, selfreminder
AR: Tested all from 9.5 to 10. 9.8 felt the most natural of them all. 9.9 may as well be 10 and 10 seems unnecessary.
OD: 9. See no reason for this to be below that considering difficulty of map. Already done.
00:15:311 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Slightly awkward throughout.
00:18:039 (1,2,3,4) - What is this supposed to be? (1) > awkward triangle (2,3,4)? Can be improved.
00:53:493 (1) - Something like ?
00:57:720 (3) - Closer to (2) pls.
01:55:675 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,1) - Preferred old pattern with triplet > triplet > stream. If not, extreme spacing not required.
02:03:039 (1,2,3,1,2,3) - So awkward.
02:08:902 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4) - One of the patterns that I feel just doesn't work with this AR and is helped greatly by 9.8. Could potentially move 02:08:902 (2) - to the right, stack 02:09:039 (3) - with 02:09:448 (6,7,8) - and move 02:09:720 (9) - up?
02:22:402 (1,2,3,4) - Change again. These don't work as well as previous locations used.
End is fine.

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Yeah that's not modding that's you giving the mapper a code when the mapper doesn't even know what you changed

First suggest what you think could be improved that means use the times along with the reason why your suggestion this and how you think it should be changed. You have to allow the mapper to have the chance to see what you are suggesting not just giving them a code

Don't post anything complaining about the unrank its really not needed anymore
all i did was give 1 flow mod advice :'c im so r r y wo

i want it ranked again man

nvm i thought u were talking about me rip
Topic Starter
ok finally I decide to give this map AR9.6, there won't be much gap between which and previous version (AR9.5).
And someone who thinks 9.5 too low should be able to feel more comfortable now.
Talk with me in-game if you still feel it's not fit enough now and have any other great idea :D
I'll reply mods later and try my best to re-requalify this map soon, thank you guys for supporting!

Zantaria wrote:

rank HW maps but unrank this ....
totally agree
did the jumps get easier or is this just the effect of 9.5->9.6?
Love it~! I'll shoot a star *^*
wkyikawa's Couple Extra
00:01:130 (1,3) - Even though the sliders are correctly timed to the song's beat, the kick actually happens a 1/2 note before, and it makes the sliders feel very awkward
00:03:311 (1,3) - ^ Same
00:03:311 (4) - Same, but starts before the kick instead
00:06:584 (2) - Starts and ends in desync with the song's kick, same problem
00:08:766 (1) - This note is a tad bit late. Throw the speed down to 25% and you'll hear it crystal clear

That's all I have for now, but the map's pretty solid. I'll keep playing and see if there's anything else
Second Gonkanau

00:57:857 (1) - I believe it should be a finish N:C2 as you did here 01:52:402 (1) - and 03:04:402 (1) - here.

Oh and I agree that more you push the AR up better it will be. But it's doable anyway

No kd xD

Good luck ... >< Good luck ... ><

silmarilen wrote:

if, according to you, someone who has been in the top50 consistently for the past 3 years or so is not good enough to determine if this map plays well or not (which is laughable at it's own). how can you even have the nerves to think that you do?
I never said I had the qualifications to say whether a map plays well or not, I'm just saying that maps shouldn't get de-ranked for non-technical stuff. I know now the names of at least some of the top PP players involved in play-testing this map, and I wont go into detail but I will say that I think it's a really bad idea to have non-QAT players decide the fate of a map. I retract my previous sentence where I said rrtyui and others should be contacted instead; in reality, no one should be.

Really, only QAT members should be involved. It's possible to tell whether a map is OK for ranking without having to get 97% accuracy on it, I mean, we have had harder stuff ranked like Airman, Atama no Taisou and that one MLP song ranked and there were no long-lasting controversies that followed. The philosophy that maps should play fair for the players is one I agree with, but for god sakes, this map doesn't even have a single flow-break in it... I played this map and I couldn't find any crazy artistry in it like I find in hanzer's maps, just very wide jumps and not much else.

This is a high-profile map, so let's not make the ranking process appear like a incoherent mess towards prospective mappers please. To me, that's the whole crux of the issue.

Purple wrote:

I never said I had the qualifications to say whether a map plays well or not, I'm just saying that maps shouldn't get de-ranked for non-technical stuff. I know now the names of at least some of the top PP players involved in play-testing this map, and I wont go into detail but I will say that I think it's a really bad idea to have non-QAT players decide the fate of a map. I retract my previous sentence where I said rrtyui and others should be contacted instead; in reality, no one should be.

Really, only QAT members should be involved. It's possible to tell whether a map is OK for ranking without having to get 97% accuracy on it, I mean, we have had harder stuff ranked like Airman, Atama no Taisou and that one MLP song ranked and there were no long-lasting controversies that followed. The philosophy that maps should play fair for the players is one I agree with, but for god sakes, this map doesn't even have a single flow-break in it... I played this map and I couldn't find any crazy artistry in it like I find in hanzer's maps, just very wide jumps and not much else.

This is a high-profile map, so let's not make the ranking process appear like a incoherent mess towards prospective mappers please. To me, that's the whole crux of the issue.
I think there is a strong argument to be made which would put AR:note density as something that is considered 'technical' with there being a correct ratio. Correct me if I'm wrong, but this map had a lower AR than 9.5 (9.3, I think?) and wasn't quite 7 stars but still difficult and it played fine. Throughout all the remappings this has been through, the patterns have gotten more awkward and the AR hasn't scaled along well with it.

Assuming anyone who is not a QAT is incapable of judging a map is equally as wrong as saying you can fully comprehend how a map plays out from the editor. There is nothing wrong with getting opinions from the target demographic of the map, especially considering how small of a group it is. I wouldn't be able to trust that the QAT did the job as well as they could if not one of their members could play the map and they did not reach out to those who could. So many mods are small things like hitsounding or snapping and that's really only half of it. It doesn't matter how technically sound a map is if it plays like absolute shit. Bringing in old maps that wouldn't be able to make it through the ranking system nowadays does not make for a strong argument. Airman is not even comparable to Pony Girl or Atama, it has simpler patterns with a higher AR.

EDIT: @Awaken, you really don't need to keep the star rating over 7 by randomly increasing the spacing every time you nerf a pattern.
i am hater
I just read through this song for the first time, albeit with Relax since I'm not cool enough to play songs this hard, and as far as the patterns and AR go I didn't really see any glaring problems. I got about 98% accuracy with only a few random notes missed because, again, I'm not cool enough to do this flawlessly. What's the big argument over the map itself now? I don't really see anything wrong with it at the AR I just played it at, 9.6, and none of the patterns look -bad- so much as just difficult, but none of the rhythms seemed hard to read because of the AR or timing..
Am I missing something? Or are we all just arguing over the validity of opinions still with no real regard to the map?

tl;dr I'm not very qualified but the map seems fine to me, what's wrong with it?
Okay so I played this map and (to my surprise) fairly comfortably passed, even though I miserably failed at several points of the maps (I'll talk about it later). I don't think this should be this easy to pass, and someone like me shouldn't be able to. I'd suggest to raise the HP drain a lot, probably to at least 8. This has no incidence on star rating, but I think it would make the map less forgiving and more interesting.

This map was fun. Really really hard, but fun.

I just have a few things to point out. In general, I dislike the use of 1/4 in this, which I find unintuitive (it might be me misreading or being unable to play this BPM, but I thought I'd give you this feedback). Talking about the hardest diff:

00:53:493 (1,2) - 00:57:857 (1,2) - 01:48:039 (1,2) - 01:51:584 (2,3) - 01:52:402 (1,2) - 03:02:493 (2,3) - for every pattern like this, although I understand what you're doing with the 3/4, I think a single 1/1 slider would play better. There's barely any 3/4 in the entire diff and I find them quite surprising and fairly annoying to play
01:01:130 (1) - 03:07:675 (1) - Those slowdowns always screwed me over because I didn't expect them, I think you should give those sliders a special shape to try to make them stand out more
01:14:220 (1,3) - 02:04:948 (1,2) - really really dislike this, you do not need this kind of gimmick in this map. The whole map is quite easy to read, so this stands out in a bad way
01:48:993 (1,2,3) - 01:51:175 (4,5,1) - 02:01:266 (2,3,4) - for the sake of consistency with the rest of the map and of movement, I think you should stack them and leave the unstacked streams to longer ones, this was surprising in the middle of the jumps (01:55:811 (2,3,4) - you can leave this one unstacked, as it goes with the following stream)
02:04:948 (1,2,3,4,1) - this was really confusing, I thought the slider ended on a blue tick and the stream started on the white one which is what I read from the spacing, I think you should keep the spacing consistent on that stream to avoid that kind of misreadings
02:06:720 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - I completely failed on that stream, the movement is really weird and unintuitive, I can't think of anything off the top of my head but I think you should change this to make it play better
02:12:584 (1,2,3,4) - too big D:
02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1) - if this is what the map was unranked for I disagree, I SS'd this part and I didn't find it too difficult even though my aim is absolutely atrocious, it plays well and the patterns are intuitive enough, if anything the 1/4 sliderjumps through the map should be nerfed, but not the jump sections like this
02:22:402 (1,2,3,4) - this really really really needs to be nerfed
03:00:039 (1,2) - 03:04:402 (1,2) - make this 3/4+circle circle or 1/1+circle if you fixed my suggestion above for consistency !

My personal opinions on the map are that it's overmapped (yes) but it's not detrimental to it. The 1/4 jumps however feel overdone and I think they should be nerfed. Definitely a map I would find myself playing again, especially for the practice value.

Good luck getting this reranked, it's a decently fun map, I'm not too fond of the way it's made (inconsistencies and lack of structure but it's your choice) but it's definitely worth playing. Don't kd this, it's just an unorganize thoughts dump.
yo those 1/4 sliders at the beginning got no chill lol I'd recommend changing them imo doesn't fit the song well honestly but that is ur choice

00:12:584 (4,5,6) - and 00:22:948 (1,2,3) - and e.t.c.

ur choice i honestly dont think they fit but ya don't give me kd omfg

VINXIS wrote:

yo those 1/4 sliders at the beginning got no chill lol I'd recommend changing them imo doesn't fit the song well honestly but that is ur choice

00:12:584 (4,5,6) - and 00:22:948 (1,2,3) - and e.t.c.

ur choice i honestly dont think they fit but ya don't give me kd omfg

so thirsty smh
Mapper didn't reply to my irc chat, well then I just leave some suggestions here

2015-03-04 21:01 OniJAM: 肯啊
2015-03-04 21:01 OniJAM: 你觉得这个怎么样
2015-03-04 21:01 OniJAM:
2015-03-04 21:01 OniJAM: (其实我挺喜欢你原来那个摆法的
2015-03-04 21:03 OniJAM: 还有02:21:720 - 02:21:993 - 02:22:266 - 加上whistle听起来很不错 可以试试
2015-03-04 21:04 OniJAM: 如果把后面的蓝线也加上也挺好
01:51:857 - 01:52:130 - 01:52:266 - I guess you missed whistle here
03:11:902 (5) - 03:12:175 (2) - maybe whistles here

No kd. Good luck!
I just LOVE this song <3

Purple wrote:

I actually didn't realize you or jesus1412 constitute TOP PLAYERS that are known for doing AMAZING THINGS in this game like 7-8 stars maps such as this one. IMO, if the QATs need the input of someone else because a map is too hard for them (fair enough), they should seek people that are known to FC maps of similar difficulty, and in this case, that means rrtyui, hvick, DH, WWW, HDHR, thelewa, and a few others. If they can't find anyone who can FC this song and speak english, they have to do the translation work themselves, it's that simple.

What's interesting is that your post essentially confirms a new ranking rule that says that for a map to be ranked, it has to be easy enough for rrtyui (AKA best player) to FC it, which is just completely unnecessary TBH. There's nothing wrong with ranking a map that noone can FC at the moment, the game is for fun to be had, not for pathological perfectionism.
Strongly agree with you, OSU is losing it's fun of many challenging map being DQ, players can rarely find new hard maps instead of playing Japanese style + DT (or whatever + DT) ←decreasing passion quickly, because way too many similar jumps short streams etc. And I insists that top players have most of discourse right to hardest maps

Also I like to use AR9 in this map which makes the map more fun, eventhough I can't easily read them. But OSU has already too many High AR maps (HR and DT)
I think there gets to be a point where something can be over-modded. I don't mean too many problems are fixed, just too many small changes to patterns that don't need fixing that ruins the flow of a map.

I don't think nit-picking patterns, especially in a very very hard difficulty, is a thing to do. Most BATs/QATs aren't even good enough to play the patterns like the top ranking players will anyway so I don't get it. There are like 6 difficulties, this being the hardest one. It's FCable even before the nerfing that's been done, don't you think that's enough? This isn't even a controversial map.

Maybe I'm just stupid, I really don't look at the modding system much. Just my two cents. I don't get why the uber difficulties catch so much shit, who fucking cares if there are a couple hard but fun maps that are ranked? It's a challenge to combo on them, new players can play the lower diffs.

Horo wrote:

Maybe I'm just stupid, I really don't look at the modding system much. Just my two cents. I don't get why the uber difficulties catch so much shit, who fucking cares if there are a couple hard but fun maps that are ranked? It's a challenge to combo on them, new players can play the lower diffs.

The people that can play the hardest diffs are the ones who spend the most time on the game, so why can't we rank more hard maps for them with looser requirements .-.
i have absolutely no idea about mapping, but for me it feels like the map gets worse with each update :(
Cherry Blossom

vaporlol wrote:

i have absolutely no idea about mapping, but for me it feels like the map gets worse with each update :(

JappyBabes wrote:

Awaken, you really don't need to keep the star rating over 7 by randomly increasing the spacing every time you nerf a pattern.
Please, Awaken, stop destroying the whole map by changing some parts which were fine. Like 01:56:084 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - or 02:04:539 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2) - too.
You don't need to do this, you're not reasonable.
just make this ar9, cs 2.5 or 3 and jumps/spacing 10% longer so ppl that like ar9 can just nomod it and ppl that like ar10 can hr it and aim wont be that much of a problem cuz of cs

thats my opinion :P

Cherry Blossom wrote:

vaporlol wrote:

i have absolutely no idea about mapping, but for me it feels like the map gets worse with each update :(

JappyBabes wrote:

Awaken, you really don't need to keep the star rating over 7 by randomly increasing the spacing every time you nerf a pattern.
Please, Awaken, stop destroying the whole map by changing some parts which were fine. Like 01:56:084 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - or 02:04:539 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2) - too.
You don't need to do this, you're not reasonable.
Awaken can't just give up 7 stars cuz it looks fancy eh
Topic Starter

Please , This is NOT the final version, I didn't even reply to Lust , please CAN YOU BE PATIENT ?

Hope you can respect me
Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/

Awaken wrote:


Please , This is NOT the final version, I didn't even reply to Lust , please CAN YOU BE PATIENT ?

Hope you can respect me
So it's reason why map got unranked again, yes? :/
Oh c'mon QATs, if you rerank and unrank and rerank over and all over again, then why RANK THIS MAP IN FIRST PLACE? This just wasting players try to get #1 this map (not to mention mapper need to ask BATs to bubble and rank it again)
If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.

Kheldragar wrote:

If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.

If you really want attention that much, you could post pics of you naked

Just trying to show this person how pointless his post is. The last 20 pages of this thread are about this diff only
Cherry Blossom
Why people keep posting useless things which do not help the mapper ?
Everybody knows that people are crying because this map is disqualified, we know it, and we don't need more non-constructive comments.

Btw Awaken, don't feel harassed, and just tell us what you're doing. That will avoid future problems so there should be more communication. If you need help from an experienced modder and player. I can help you.
I think someone needs to lock this thread for a while due to a conflict like this
Rename Second Gonkanau to Second Hanairo Biyori :^)

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/
No offense but if anyone harrasses the mapper it is those who go dq a second time.

To avoid this kind of drama in the future I have a simple suggestion to make.

1. Don't qualify a map unless you are very certain it can get ranked in its current state. (Apparently it is not enough to have top players fc a 7 star map after some tries which shows it is possible with a certain level of skill.)
2. If the particular map needs minor tweaks to get ranked you can still qualify it after negotiation of terms the mapper has to meet.
3. Only if the mapper agrees to set terms but doesn't eventually meet them the map can get dqed once qualified duration is due.
4. This particular map is not allowed to get qualified ever again unless the mapper provides reasonable explanation why the terms couldn't be met.

Now, please refrain from telling me this won't help the mapper. This actually might help all future ranking processes.

-Deity- wrote:

Rename Second Gonkanau to Second Hanairo Biyori :^)
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the fact that you keep updating the map and not giving up despite all of the "shitstorming" in this thread. I have absolutely no idea in mapping or modding and I can barely pass SG with relax, but I feel that it's very well done and original. Keep up the great work :D !
(and the other difficulties are really darn fun as well :3 )
Night XII

Kheldragar wrote:

If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.
Second Gonkaku is actually the best diff the mapset has... Anyway, when a mapper love a map, he only wants minimal changes, he don't want his own creation destroyed. Pushing him to do something he don't wanna do won't help.

Anyway, I love Second Gonkaku the way it is now, even thought I can't pass the map... Man, this map difficulty is different from a lot of maps out there... We should have some maps with diffs like Kanuko - Toumei Elegy [Second Gonkaku]...
我怎么没看到unrank的点 这图都能被un 那我的图还能活?
please stop your pointless posting and wait for the mapper respones
this map will get ranked someday
if you can't posting uselful things which help the mapper,
all you can do is waiting
L o L i
Second Gonkanau难度的跳只能望着笑笑
Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k

Haganenno wrote:

Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k
If you can't beat it with the hp it has now, you're not ready for it.
HP7 would be funnier

Haganenno wrote:

Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k
No. The map in my opinion is already fine as it is. Changing the HP drain takes away part of the challenging aspect.

Honestly, if you can't play it the way it is, you just aren't ready for the map like Midge said.
Topic Starter
Sorry keichi-kunchan orz, gave kd for mistake

@cb i'm working on changing some patterns to different ones, hope it wouldn't be that bad
Topic Starter
and i prefer hp5 :)
Second Gonkanau难度的某些滑条跳可否缩短距离
i seriously think the 1/4 sliders are overdone at the beginning ._.
Since there is a problem with the "Second Gonkanau", I'm gonna give a small suggestion and things to fix..

Every slider from 01:54:584 to 02:05:493 doesn't end in a correct time, they end before it supposed to, did you removed the correct SV for that part?
Well... Adding a timing point with x1 SV right on 01:54:584 will fix the problem.

02:05:493 (1) - This combo color is entirely different from the rest in the current section.

And some suggestions...

00:43:948 (2) - Hm... This slider already looks good to me, and already fine as it is but just my suggestion to change it (feel free not to since the current one is already fine as it is) like this pattern to make it consistent with 01:38:220 (3,4,5,6,7) - , and I already know that this slider is there to represent the quietness over there.

02:42:584 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Well, personally, I think it is a bit better to move it into 1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4 and what I mean by this is 4 notes stacked each other then move the location with low spacing then 2 stacked note, then another two note without stacking and still a low spacing, I feel like someone mentioned this already but I can't find it, and also 02:48:039 (3,4) - move this from 02:46:948 (1,2) - with a low spacing too.

Good luck on this map though. :D
yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm

Ihaz wrote:

yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm
le sik osuk memme br0 10/9

btw awaken hmu when ur ready for mods again

Ihaz wrote:

yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm
nice meme
These sliders at the beginning mentioned before made the map a lot less enjoyable.
Also the changes to the stream (I don't even see why?) made this map worse.
I think the map itself suffered a lot from modding. It was a lot better a few weeks ago :(

Don't get me wrong, I still like it.
This is a very good beatmap! Should be ranked! Some tips though for the 4* map version is there shouldnt be breaks as long :(
Kelpo Flakey
I liked it more before some of the modding, but I still like this map a lot
wtf is with the constant re-pending, this map is amazing

gl with getting ranked

Infevo wrote:

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/
No offense but if anyone harrasses the mapper it is those who go dq a second time.

To avoid this kind of drama in the future I have a simple suggestion to make.

1. Don't qualify a map unless you are very certain it can get ranked in its current state. (Apparently it is not enough to have top players fc a 7 star map after some tries which shows it is possible with a certain level of skill.)
2. If the particular map needs minor tweaks to get ranked you can still qualify it after negotiation of terms the mapper has to meet.
3. Only if the mapper agrees to set terms but doesn't eventually meet them the map can get dqed once qualified duration is due.
4. This particular map is not allowed to get qualified ever again unless the mapper provides reasonable explanation why the terms couldn't be met.

Now, please refrain from telling me this won't help the mapper. This actually might help all future ranking processes.
we already know thank you very much. a dq is usually the result of clashing opinions between BN and QAT.
Ganbareeee ! You can do it ^~^
The ranking process sure doesn't have compassion towards Awaken..
Hanairo Biyori and now this.

Priti wrote:

The ranking process sure doesn't have compassion towards Awaken..
Hanairo Biyori and now this.
mind if I asked, but what happened to hanairo biyori?

Anxient wrote:

Priti wrote:

The ranking process sure doesn't have compassion towards Awaken..
Hanairo Biyori and now this.
mind if I asked, but what happened to hanairo biyori?
Qualify, Unqualify, Qualify, Unqualifty, Ranked
Why is this not ranked ffs literally everyone likes this map and wants it ranked.

IntelliTroodon wrote:

Why is this not ranked ffs literally everyone likes this map and wants it ranked.
That's not how this works.
That's not how any of this works.
a great april fools joke would be to rank this map :^)
If this ever gets ranked, i actually hope the comments on the replays gets refreshed...

Edit: Oh hey, first post \o/
Topic Starter

Lust wrote:

Howdy Awaken, after many testplays and discussion, we have reached a consensus that this map must be disqualified over the following reasons:

[Second Gonkanau]
  1. According to many, the AR is just too low for the patterns you implemented. AR9.7 or even AR10 would make the play a lot smoother and inevitably solve issues on some patterns that were awkward yep
  2. 02:14:220 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3) - After internal discussion and various testplays, we have come to the conclusion that this section has not been lowered in difficulty the way we were hoping. Lowering the spacing is still recommended. Also, we believe that the patterns can be made a lot more intuitive. 02:17:493(1,2,3,4,1,2,1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - focuses too heavily on the right side of the screen. More movement around the playfield will allow for a more enjoyable pattern. I.. I don't think difficulty is a problem, for now.
  3. 01:56:220 (7,2) - This overlap (as mentioned by jesus1412 and pointed out in various testplays) has been known to cause readability issues. Please try to avoid this. done
In addition to these points, across the testplays we have received we have gotten feedback that should be considered and addressed appropriately:
  1. 00:10:402 (3,4,5,6) - The back and forth down and up motion is a bit too fast and awkward for the play. Suggestions have said that unstacking 00:10:811 (6) - and moving it to another location would be pretty beneficial yep
  2. 00:18:039 (1,2,3,4) - Same issue as above, players have said moving 00:18:448 (4) - to another location for a more oval flow works a lot better
  3. 00:53:493 (1,2,3,1) - The slider movement is quite fast and also flows downward to 00:54:039 (1) - and back up to 00:53:902 (3) - . The confusion stems from moving to 00:53:902 (3) - and then down to 00:54:039 (1) - , which can be hard to read with the AR
  4. 01:50:766 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Another pattern that can benefit from an oval flowing triangle, the change in directions seems to cause some issues. Here is an example that works rather well:
  5. 02:04:130 (1,2,3,4,5) - You have a pattern flowing in one direction, then changes rather abruptly from 02:04:675 (5,6) - . This, followed by 02:04:948 (1) - coming downwards made the whole play either confusing or weird to handle appropriately. A more clear, smooth flowing pattern going around would be more beneficial for the play you wish to create here
  6. 02:09:857 (1,2,3,4) - The angle to the triplet plays out strangely, a less harsh angle of approach would be preferred
The BNG will handle this mapset from now on. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and good luck with requalification!
All your words has almost been remapped, hope it can be better.

Thanks to all guys and your advice! Though I'm a bit lazy to reply :?
second gonkanau deleted :(
Did you remap the 7 star difficulty or did you just rename it?
I think Awaken should upload Second Gonkanau separately, letting the rest of the difficulties get ranked while he still works on it.
O dear
If anyone wants them, here are all the versions of Second Gonkanau (ranked v1, ranked v2, final version before deletion)
why you change the name diff ? :(
I'm so happy about the changes to the hardest diff (now the Hoping Nothing diff). Those awkward streams were just ruining the map for me before
[Hello Goodbye]
I want this to be ranked again :(

Maruku wrote:

I think Awaken should upload Second Gonkanau separately, letting the rest of the difficulties get ranked while he still works on it.
Second Gonkanau is removed and is/will be replaced by Hoping Nothing
gg for this map i love it
Distant years
+1 for what Horo said

who cares if there's this one particular map that's really hard at first? I don't remember anyone FCing or even passing Freedom Dive as soon as it was ranked.

Honestly none of the QAT can't even enjoy the map because they can't play it properly and keep making it worse with mods and more mods. Map was so good when rrytui fcd it
Why Hoping Nothing??

I expecting Third Gonkanau lol
Where is Awaken!? D:
Just put back Second Gonkanau and make it like AR9.8 or something. Ranking a map has changed since the last time this map was ranked, because now BATs and QATs are more open to ranking harder maps. I mean, if Time Freeze got ranked, I don't think it's the difficulty holding this map back.
[ Asuna ]
Well i just have to say this map need 2 get fixed there is alot of unreasonable beats and streams

[ Asuna ] wrote:

Well i just have to say this map need 2 get fixed there is alot of unreasonable beats and streams
Well, if you could point out some examples of what you think are unreasonable that'll probably help.
[ Asuna ]

Valgas wrote:

[ Asuna ] wrote:

Well i just have to say this map need 2 get fixed there is alot of unreasonable beats and streams
Well, if you could point out some examples of what you think are unreasonable that'll probably help.
i dont have editing experience or any of that was just giving out opinion thats all.

i really want this 2 get rank though
I miss this map ;w;
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