
Konuko - Toumei Elegy

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just make this ar9, cs 2.5 or 3 and jumps/spacing 10% longer so ppl that like ar9 can just nomod it and ppl that like ar10 can hr it and aim wont be that much of a problem cuz of cs

thats my opinion :P

Cherry Blossom wrote:

vaporlol wrote:

i have absolutely no idea about mapping, but for me it feels like the map gets worse with each update :(

JappyBabes wrote:

Awaken, you really don't need to keep the star rating over 7 by randomly increasing the spacing every time you nerf a pattern.
Please, Awaken, stop destroying the whole map by changing some parts which were fine. Like 01:56:084 (5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - or 02:04:539 (4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,1,2) - too.
You don't need to do this, you're not reasonable.
Awaken can't just give up 7 stars cuz it looks fancy eh
Topic Starter

Please , This is NOT the final version, I didn't even reply to Lust , please CAN YOU BE PATIENT ?

Hope you can respect me
Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/

Awaken wrote:


Please , This is NOT the final version, I didn't even reply to Lust , please CAN YOU BE PATIENT ?

Hope you can respect me
So it's reason why map got unranked again, yes? :/
Oh c'mon QATs, if you rerank and unrank and rerank over and all over again, then why RANK THIS MAP IN FIRST PLACE? This just wasting players try to get #1 this map (not to mention mapper need to ask BATs to bubble and rank it again)
If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.

Kheldragar wrote:

If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.

If you really want attention that much, you could post pics of you naked

Just trying to show this person how pointless his post is. The last 20 pages of this thread are about this diff only
Cherry Blossom
Why people keep posting useless things which do not help the mapper ?
Everybody knows that people are crying because this map is disqualified, we know it, and we don't need more non-constructive comments.

Btw Awaken, don't feel harassed, and just tell us what you're doing. That will avoid future problems so there should be more communication. If you need help from an experienced modder and player. I can help you.
I think someone needs to lock this thread for a while due to a conflict like this
Rename Second Gonkanau to Second Hanairo Biyori :^)

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/
No offense but if anyone harrasses the mapper it is those who go dq a second time.

To avoid this kind of drama in the future I have a simple suggestion to make.

1. Don't qualify a map unless you are very certain it can get ranked in its current state. (Apparently it is not enough to have top players fc a 7 star map after some tries which shows it is possible with a certain level of skill.)
2. If the particular map needs minor tweaks to get ranked you can still qualify it after negotiation of terms the mapper has to meet.
3. Only if the mapper agrees to set terms but doesn't eventually meet them the map can get dqed once qualified duration is due.
4. This particular map is not allowed to get qualified ever again unless the mapper provides reasonable explanation why the terms couldn't be met.

Now, please refrain from telling me this won't help the mapper. This actually might help all future ranking processes.

-Deity- wrote:

Rename Second Gonkanau to Second Hanairo Biyori :^)
Just wanted to say that I really appreciate the fact that you keep updating the map and not giving up despite all of the "shitstorming" in this thread. I have absolutely no idea in mapping or modding and I can barely pass SG with relax, but I feel that it's very well done and original. Keep up the great work :D !
(and the other difficulties are really darn fun as well :3 )
Night XII

Kheldragar wrote:

If the mapper really wants it ranked, he can just remove second gonkaku.
Second Gonkaku is actually the best diff the mapset has... Anyway, when a mapper love a map, he only wants minimal changes, he don't want his own creation destroyed. Pushing him to do something he don't wanna do won't help.

Anyway, I love Second Gonkaku the way it is now, even thought I can't pass the map... Man, this map difficulty is different from a lot of maps out there... We should have some maps with diffs like Kanuko - Toumei Elegy [Second Gonkaku]...
我怎么没看到unrank的点 这图都能被un 那我的图还能活?
please stop your pointless posting and wait for the mapper respones
this map will get ranked someday
if you can't posting uselful things which help the mapper,
all you can do is waiting
L o L i
Second Gonkanau难度的跳只能望着笑笑
Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k

Haganenno wrote:

Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k
If you can't beat it with the hp it has now, you're not ready for it.
HP7 would be funnier

Haganenno wrote:

Nice map! However, could you slap a HP4 on it? If I am not mistaken, HP doesn't change the PP gained and easy HP drain makes this map easier for bad players. It doesn't influence the good players and helps making this map more fun for the noobies such as me. I think that low HP is what makes Airman also so popular between pretty much everybody below 30k
No. The map in my opinion is already fine as it is. Changing the HP drain takes away part of the challenging aspect.

Honestly, if you can't play it the way it is, you just aren't ready for the map like Midge said.
Topic Starter
Sorry keichi-kunchan orz, gave kd for mistake

@cb i'm working on changing some patterns to different ones, hope it wouldn't be that bad
Topic Starter
and i prefer hp5 :)
Second Gonkanau难度的某些滑条跳可否缩短距离
i seriously think the 1/4 sliders are overdone at the beginning ._.
Since there is a problem with the "Second Gonkanau", I'm gonna give a small suggestion and things to fix..

Every slider from 01:54:584 to 02:05:493 doesn't end in a correct time, they end before it supposed to, did you removed the correct SV for that part?
Well... Adding a timing point with x1 SV right on 01:54:584 will fix the problem.

02:05:493 (1) - This combo color is entirely different from the rest in the current section.

And some suggestions...

00:43:948 (2) - Hm... This slider already looks good to me, and already fine as it is but just my suggestion to change it (feel free not to since the current one is already fine as it is) like this pattern to make it consistent with 01:38:220 (3,4,5,6,7) - , and I already know that this slider is there to represent the quietness over there.

02:42:584 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Well, personally, I think it is a bit better to move it into 1-1-1-1-2-2-3-4 and what I mean by this is 4 notes stacked each other then move the location with low spacing then 2 stacked note, then another two note without stacking and still a low spacing, I feel like someone mentioned this already but I can't find it, and also 02:48:039 (3,4) - move this from 02:46:948 (1,2) - with a low spacing too.

Good luck on this map though. :D
yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm

Ihaz wrote:

yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm
le sik osuk memme br0 10/9

btw awaken hmu when ur ready for mods again

Ihaz wrote:

yo awaken can you please make this map AR10.8 it's too hard to read because i have the high-ranking DT player syndrome which mean that i can only read 10.3 and higher tyvm
nice meme
These sliders at the beginning mentioned before made the map a lot less enjoyable.
Also the changes to the stream (I don't even see why?) made this map worse.
I think the map itself suffered a lot from modding. It was a lot better a few weeks ago :(

Don't get me wrong, I still like it.
This is a very good beatmap! Should be ranked! Some tips though for the 4* map version is there shouldnt be breaks as long :(
Kelpo Flakey
I liked it more before some of the modding, but I still like this map a lot
wtf is with the constant re-pending, this map is amazing

gl with getting ranked

Infevo wrote:

LexiaLovesU wrote:

Guys seriously stop harassing the mapper He hasn't replied to any of the mods yet so please don't start questioning everything he is doing wait till he is done :/
No offense but if anyone harrasses the mapper it is those who go dq a second time.

To avoid this kind of drama in the future I have a simple suggestion to make.

1. Don't qualify a map unless you are very certain it can get ranked in its current state. (Apparently it is not enough to have top players fc a 7 star map after some tries which shows it is possible with a certain level of skill.)
2. If the particular map needs minor tweaks to get ranked you can still qualify it after negotiation of terms the mapper has to meet.
3. Only if the mapper agrees to set terms but doesn't eventually meet them the map can get dqed once qualified duration is due.
4. This particular map is not allowed to get qualified ever again unless the mapper provides reasonable explanation why the terms couldn't be met.

Now, please refrain from telling me this won't help the mapper. This actually might help all future ranking processes.
we already know thank you very much. a dq is usually the result of clashing opinions between BN and QAT.
Ganbareeee ! You can do it ^~^
The ranking process sure doesn't have compassion towards Awaken..
Hanairo Biyori and now this.
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