
BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [OsuMania]

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Hai qi lai
Is that frog that famous
profit.. :^)

here we go again~
oh shit i was going to mod this

too late rofl

Fullerene- wrote:

oh shit i was going to mod this

too late rofl
orz same as oboro do...

after a recheck, some hitsound doesn't works 'as' it supposed to be
orz de-cade y u do diz

i never thought i will found many unsnaped notes.. fix them all

[Hitsound Guide]
View > Show Sample Name, it helps you too see which notes that hitsounded
View > Volume

just remove the hitsound, because i don't ask you to remove the notes.. :^)

i found some unsnapes~

00:31:741 (31741|0) - use 'Normal' sampleset, the clap sounds different (shift + W)
00:55:092 (55092|3) - wow don't use double clap, 3 loud 5 me
00:59:957 (59957|3) - missing clap
01:08:065 (68065|3) - dayum double clap, remove 1
01:38:876 (98876|1,98876|3,98957|0,98957|2,99038|1,99038|3,99119|0,99119|2) - 1/3.. damn that's why this plays not nicely.. lol
01:47:226 (107226|1,107551|1) - why clap at blue lines? rearrange the clapss
01:48:930 (108930|2) - remove clap... this double clap.. orz
01:55:092 (115092|2) - remove clap..

Several Un-Snapes
00:16:497 (16497|1) - add clap
00:51:768 (51768|2,51808|1,51849|0) - ctrl + J, optional
01:07:741 (67741|3) - add clap
01:08:714 (68714|3) - ^
01:11:592 (71592|2,71633|3) - ctrl + J
01:12:281 (72281|3) - dafonz double clap.. remove 1
01:29:146 (89146|3) - remove clap..
01:46:984 (106984|1) - remove clap
01:47:227 (107227|3,107551|3,107876|3) - why this clap exist on blue line.. orz.. remove
01:48:605 (108605|3,108768|3,108930|3) - dems double claps.. remove clap
01:55:092 (115092|3) - remove clap

no unsnapes here
01:02:876 (62876|3) - ay missing clap
01:23:957 (83957|2) - 01:24:605 (84605|0) - missing clap?
01:24:605 (84605|0) - aww double clap, remove one

several unsnapes~
00:54:768 (54768|2) - missing clap
01:07:741 (67741|1) - ^
01:23:957 (83957|2,84605|2) - i wonder whether this notes is not hitsounded, is this for purpose? well, comparing with Lv.16, there's so many missing clap hitsound.. open your diff as reference, then re-check hitsound conflict...
01:28:173 (88173|3,88281|2,88389|1,88497|2,88605|0,88714|1,88822|2) - missing ^
01:30:443 (90443|2) - 01:31:092 (91092|0) - missing
01:38:660 (98660|2,98876|2,99092|2) - ^

there's some unsnapes

00:31:741 (31741|3) - ay remove clap...
01:23:957 (83957|0,84605|1) - missing clap, same case like above
01:30:443 (90443|0,91092|3) - missing clap
01:32:065 (92065|0) - ^

lol i already snapped everything, i swear, and i saw 01:12:767 (72767|2) - isn't snapped.. lol editor y u do diz
00:57:038 (57038|3) - added clap
01:07:741 (67741|3) - ^
01:55:092 (115092|0) - removed clap my Lv.6 update

==a sorry to interrupt the bubble.. orz

Rumia- wrote:

sorry sakura, that's not funny
unsnapes dem ok tell me when u fix it then .. i dont see anything wrong with the hs tho
Topic Starter
That frogs hype \o/

Will fix it on the next 4 hours.
Busy study now
Topic Starter
Ready to go

Aimod Checked
Hitsound Checked
seems like has been fixed , rescaled od on certain diffs , no issues regarding hitsounds , rebubbled
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

seems like has been fixed , rescaled od on certain diffs , no issues regarding hitsounds , rebubbled
lol good luck you there hh
psst.. ano... sorry.. i found that the storyboard has a glitch, on the same sprites..

the default-white.png position was changed since the first time i made this storyboard, i believe there's nothing i changed, it could be caused of this cursed scroll bar, while checking the sprites list... ...

or something else that moved the default-white.png apparently.. orz

here's the storyboard update..

arght screw this transparent color..
ps: no one should touched the design editor after i made a storyboard.. ;w;
update with the next bat
Topic Starter

so diao
*breathing deeply*

Topic Starter
Problem Found and Fixed:
Missing Clap on ADV and NOV Diff
Unsnapped Rhythm on ADV diff (1/3)

hey deca before some other BAT put the bubble here some suggestion


00:19:416 - add a note??This section here is like the previous one here 00:17:795 - 00:17:146 - ecc. ecc.

01:38:984 (98984|0,98984|1,98984|3,99092|0,99092|2) - just to be sure,you followed the music in this section right??Instead of the drum here in 1/4 ,cause the previous one in 1/3 there are drums and sounds together

01:42:335 (102335|0,102389|1) - i think this snap is wrong,sound star here 01:42:362 - and here 01:42:403 - in 1/8

01:43:497 - suggest to don't ignore this snap ,there are sound music ,drum

01:44:024 - how about to add here,this section of the music is like the previous one 01:42:362 - but different audio volume ,add 2?Then move 01:43:984 (103984|1) - in 1?


01:43:578 - empty on purpose?why?

01:38:984 (98984|3,98984|2,98984|0,98984|1) - delete one??you didn't put on the Lv16 4 notes here

01:44:065 - suggest to add 2 here


rest is fine o/
Topic Starter

Harbyter wrote:

hey deca before some other BAT put the bubble here some suggestion


00:19:416 - add a note??This section here is like the previous one here 00:17:795 - 00:17:146 - ecc. ecc. ok

01:38:984 (98984|0,98984|1,98984|3,99092|0,99092|2) - just to be sure,you followed the music in this section right??Instead of the drum here in 1/4 ,cause the previous one in 1/3 there are drums and sounds together follow voltex effect

01:42:335 (102335|0,102389|1) - i think this snap is wrong,sound star here 01:42:362 - and here 01:42:403 - in 1/8 ok

01:43:497 - suggest to don't ignore this snap ,there are sound music ,drum ok

01:44:024 - how about to add here,this section of the music is like the previous one 01:42:362 - but different audio volume ,add 2?Then move 01:43:984 (103984|1) - in 1? fix some


01:43:578 - empty on purpose?why? ok :?

01:38:984 (98984|3,98984|2,98984|0,98984|1) - delete one??you didn't put on the Lv16 4 notes here

01:44:065 - suggest to add 2 here


rest is fine o/
thanks for mod o/
hope i'm not too late lol

[DECADE vs. Usagi INFINITE Lv.16]
add 's after Usagi in diff name for proper grammar pls (DECADE vs. Usagi's)

-SVs- This applies to all difficulties where they are relevant
00:08:227 - 01:12:281 - the LN lasts longer than the SVs do, so people will be caught offguard when it goes back to 1.00x. move the 1.00x to 00:08:389 - and change the first one from 0.5x to 0.8x. 0.5x for that length is quite jarring and feels a bit out of place with the high energy of this section
00:10:903 - 00:16:173 - 00:21:362 - 00:21:362 - 00:22:660 - 00:56:389 - 00:56:714 - 00:57:362 - 01:01:578 - 01:01:903 - 01:02:227 - 01:23:957 - 01:24:605 - 01:24:930 - 01:25:254 - 01:39:200 - sharp changes here, 0.25x after 0.75 length is going to look faster than normal. move the SV to the halfway point and change the value to 0.5x
00:22:741 - 01:45:687 - unnecessary SVs that don't change HS volume or scroll speed from the previous
00:23:308 - if you want to make it look perfectly 1.0x, change the 2.00x SVs to 1.9x
00:23:957 - 00:24:605 - what's with the change in SV structure? you can keep the 1.5x and 0.5x if you follow the above, it's the same sounds
00:41:470 - 01:23:470 - consider adding more points between here and 00:42:119 - to smoothen out the SV change
01:28:822 - 0.75x would be a bit smoother here
01:54:984 - move to 01:54:876 - and change to 0.5x

00:07:092 - add note here for the sound chop
00:08:470 - there's 1/4 notes here in case you want to make it a bit harder. if you don't want to add 1/4, i suggest making the doubles into 3-note chords that are 1/2 jacks, because here is a very strong beat
00:19:254 (19254|0) - no sound chop effect here so remove note
00:21:092 (21092|1,21146|2) - mapping the analog knob as 1/6 is a bit weird, just make this an LN
00:21:200 (21200|0,21200|3) - don't hear any sound associated with this
00:26:011 (26011|2,26119|1) - why are these not doubles? they're the same sound as 00:26:227 (26227|3,26227|2,26335|0,26335|1,26443|2,26443|3) - and 00:25:687 (25687|3,25687|2,25795|2,25795|1) -
00:31:903 (31903|2,32227|1,32551|1) - remove these notes, the bells/chimes/thinergu8ier don't play here. checked it with the NOFX version which i mapped
00:34:173 - add note here for bells/chimes/thinergu8ier
00:47:551 - 00:48:200 - add notes here to make them doubles, sound chop still plays here
00:51:687 (51687|2,51768|2,51970|3,52051|0,52051|3,52092|1,52133|0,52173|1) - 01:10:741 (70741|1,70822|1) - 01:49:660 (109660|1,109741|1,109781|2,109862|2) - please repattern these, 1/4 jacks inside of 1/8 streams are extremely uncomfortable, especially at this bpm
00:52:903 - 00:55:335 - 00:55:497 - 00:58:092 - 01:00:687 - 01:03:281 - missing 1/4 notes to the main melody. check the NOFX version
00:53:470 (53470|0) - remove because 00:53:795 (53795|2) - is also 3 notes but has the whoosh effect
00:58:497 (58497|2) - 01:03:687 (63687|1,64011|1) - add LN here to effect
01:00:038 (60038|0) - nothing here indicates that this should be 2 notes. 01:00:200 - also has another kick so possibly add a note there
01:04:822 - add a note here to keep the chord density consistent
01:05:470 (65470|0) - removing this note would put emphasis on the momentary pause in the song. there's also no kick drum on this note
01:08:308 - 01:08:957 - 01:09:605 - 01:10:254 - missing 1/4 notes to synth
01:12:930 (72930|3,73011|0,73092|1,73173|2) - this would work better as a right -> left pattern imo, because the song gets quieter + lower pitch
01:22:416 - missing 1/4 note
01:26:308 - 01:26:957 - 01:27:119 - 01:29:551 - 01:29:714 - 01:29:876 - 01:30:200 - 01:30:524 - 01:30:849 - missing 1/4 piano notes
01:28:389 (88389|2,88605|1,88714|1) - ctrl+h these notes. 1/3 means that each beat has 3 notes, so alternating the pattern every 2 would feel a bit odd.
01:31:416 - personally, the patterns here are a bit repetitive/generic, try variating the patterns here
01:34:984 - 01:35:227 - 01:35:795 -01:39:768 - missing percussion notes
01:35:551 - add a note here for the high melody
01:38:876 - make this a triple chord. the official SDVX chart has the whooshes on 1/3, remember that FX mp3s are taken from recorded plays of actual people playing the chart, so there's going to be imperfections in the rhythms
01:38:876 - there's 1/6 here also
01:40:416 - add a note here or move 01:40:497 (100497|3) - there
01:42:119 (102119|3) - i'd move this to 01:42:200 - to represent the kick properly
01:42:362 (102362|0) - move to 01:42:524 -
01:43:092 (103092|3) - remove this as there's no kick here
01:43:578 (103578|0) - move to 01:43:497 -
01:50:551 (110551|0,110633|0,110795|0,110876|0) - consider repatterning so the minijacks are on separate hands. there's already some left hand bias here and this adds to that
01:51:281 (111281|1) - don't hear a sound here, so remove this note
01:58:660 - consider ending an LN here to correspond with the filter being removed

wow got to call de-cade.. O.O hopefully it's not too late indeed... thanks erene!
Topic Starter

Fullerene- wrote:

hope i'm not too late lol

[DECADE vs. Usagi INFINITE Lv.16]
add 's after Usagi in diff name for proper grammar pls (DECADE vs. Usagi's)

-SVs- This applies to all difficulties where they are relevant
00:08:227 - 01:12:281 - the LN lasts longer than the SVs do, so people will be caught offguard when it goes back to 1.00x. move the 1.00x to 00:08:389 - and change the first one from 0.5x to 0.8x. 0.5x for that length is quite jarring and feels a bit out of place with the high energy of this section
00:10:903 - 00:16:173 - 00:21:362 - 00:21:362 - 00:22:660 - 00:56:389 - 00:56:714 - 00:57:362 - 01:01:578 - 01:01:903 - 01:02:227 - 01:23:957 - 01:24:605 - 01:24:930 - 01:25:254 - 01:39:200 - sharp changes here, 0.25x after 0.75 length is going to look faster than normal. move the SV to the halfway point and change the value to 0.5x
00:22:741 - 01:45:687 - unnecessary SVs that don't change HS volume or scroll speed from the previous
00:23:308 - if you want to make it look perfectly 1.0x, change the 2.00x SVs to 1.9x
00:23:957 - 00:24:605 - what's with the change in SV structure? you can keep the 1.5x and 0.5x if you follow the above, it's the same sounds
00:41:470 - 01:23:470 - consider adding more points between here and 00:42:119 - to smoothen out the SV change
01:28:822 - 0.75x would be a bit smoother here
01:54:984 - move to 01:54:876 - and change to 0.5x

00:07:092 - add note here for the sound chop
00:08:470 - there's 1/4 notes here in case you want to make it a bit harder. if you don't want to add 1/4, i suggest making the doubles into 3-note chords that are 1/2 jacks, because here is a very strong beat
00:19:254 (19254|0) - no sound chop effect here so remove note
00:21:092 (21092|1,21146|2) - mapping the analog knob as 1/6 is a bit weird, just make this an LN
00:21:200 (21200|0,21200|3) - don't hear any sound associated with this
00:26:011 (26011|2,26119|1) - why are these not doubles? they're the same sound as 00:26:227 (26227|3,26227|2,26335|0,26335|1,26443|2,26443|3) - and 00:25:687 (25687|3,25687|2,25795|2,25795|1) -
00:31:903 (31903|2,32227|1,32551|1) - remove these notes, the bells/chimes/thinergu8ier don't play here. checked it with the NOFX version which i mapped
00:34:173 - add note here for bells/chimes/thinergu8ier
00:47:551 - 00:48:200 - add notes here to make them doubles, sound chop still plays here
00:51:687 (51687|2,51768|2,51970|3,52051|0,52051|3,52092|1,52133|0,52173|1) - 01:10:741 (70741|1,70822|1) - 01:49:660 (109660|1,109741|1,109781|2,109862|2) - please repattern these, 1/4 jacks inside of 1/8 streams are extremely uncomfortable, especially at this bpm
00:52:903 - 00:55:335 - 00:55:497 - 00:58:092 - 01:00:687 - 01:03:281 - missing 1/4 notes to the main melody. check the NOFX version
00:53:470 (53470|0) - remove because 00:53:795 (53795|2) - is also 3 notes but has the whoosh effect
00:58:497 (58497|2) - 01:03:687 (63687|1,64011|1) - add LN here to effect
01:00:038 (60038|0) - nothing here indicates that this should be 2 notes. 01:00:200 - also has another kick so possibly add a note there
01:04:822 - add a note here to keep the chord density consistent
01:05:470 (65470|0) - removing this note would put emphasis on the momentary pause in the song. there's also no kick drum on this note
01:08:308 - 01:08:957 - 01:09:605 - 01:10:254 - missing 1/4 notes to synth
01:12:930 (72930|3,73011|0,73092|1,73173|2) - this would work better as a right -> left pattern imo, because the song gets quieter + lower pitch
01:22:416 - missing 1/4 note
01:26:308 - 01:26:957 - 01:27:119 - 01:29:551 - 01:29:714 - 01:29:876 - 01:30:200 - 01:30:524 - 01:30:849 - missing 1/4 piano notes
01:28:389 (88389|2,88605|1,88714|1) - ctrl+h these notes. 1/3 means that each beat has 3 notes, so alternating the pattern every 2 would feel a bit odd.
01:31:416 - personally, the patterns here are a bit repetitive/generic, try variating the patterns here
01:34:984 - 01:35:227 - 01:35:795 -01:39:768 - missing percussion notes
01:35:551 - add a note here for the high melody
01:38:876 - make this a triple chord. the official SDVX chart has the whooshes on 1/3, remember that FX mp3s are taken from recorded plays of actual people playing the chart, so there's going to be imperfections in the rhythms
01:38:876 - there's 1/6 here also
01:40:416 - add a note here or move 01:40:497 (100497|3) - there
01:42:119 (102119|3) - i'd move this to 01:42:200 - to represent the kick properly
01:42:362 (102362|0) - move to 01:42:524 -
01:43:092 (103092|3) - remove this as there's no kick here
01:43:578 (103578|0) - move to 01:43:497 -
01:50:551 (110551|0,110633|0,110795|0,110876|0) - consider repatterning so the minijacks are on separate hands. there's already some left hand bias here and this adds to that
01:51:281 (111281|1) - don't hear a sound here, so remove this note
01:58:660 - consider ending an LN here to correspond with the filter being removed

All unecessary SV, and Some SV were improved thank you for that

And Pattern mostly fixed
put in your description pls senpai :c
seems more better now , rebub
side note : if u want to pop bubble pls do it on the next bat to give heart
here we go again.. (2)
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

seems more better now , rebub
side note : if u want to pop bubble pls do it on the next bat to give heart
I love you Rumia-

sorry for last trouble
Topic Starter
So diao
==a i expect too much...

ah, what a good day~
Good luck xd
01:13:254 (73254|3) - Why not just change this green line to 01:13:254

[Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]
00:32:065 - 00:33:200 - 00:33:524 - 00:34:497 - 00:34:660 - 00:35:470 - Add a note for piano
01:29:470 - 01:30:119 - missing notes for FX sound ?

00:06:605 - Add for missing piano
01:13:254 (73254|3) - Missing piano note
01:13:903 - ^
01:15:200 - ^
01:16:497 - ^
01:17:795 - ^
01:19:092 - ^
01:20:389 - ^
01:21:687 - ^

00:33:200 - Missing piano
00:33:524 - ^
00:34:497 - ^
00:35:795 - ^
00:36:119 - ^
00:37:092 - ^
00:37:416 - ^
00:37:741 - ^
00:38:389 - ^
00:39:038 - ^
00:39:200 - ^
00:39:362 - ^
00:39:687 - ^
00:40:011 - ^
00:40:335 - ^

00:06:524 - Missing piano
00:07:335 - ^

00:06:524 - Missing piano
00:20:714 (20714|1,20714|0) - Not heavy beats
00:20:876 (20876|2,20876|3) - ^
00:34:497 - Missing piano
00:35:795 - ^
00:36:119 - ^
00:38:876 (38876|1,39200|2) - Change back to normal notes,and 00:39:038 - 00:39:362 - missing piano notes
00:51:687 (51687|2,51687|1,51727|3,51768|0,51808|1) - Repattern it,feel not ok imo
00:52:254 (52254|3,52335|2,52416|1) - Actually it is a long sound
01:11:633 (71633|0,71633|3) - It seems only one sound here ?
01:31:011 - Add ?
01:38:984 (98984|2,98984|0,98984|1,98984|3) - Notes amounts should be same as 01:38:551 (98551|2,98551|1,98551|3,98660|1,98660|2,98660|3) -
01:43:660 (103660|3,103660|2,103741|0,103741|1,103822|2,103822|3,103903|1,103903|0,103984|0,103984|3) - Not fit to the rhythm this part imo
01:49:578 (109578|3,109619|2,109660|0,109700|1,109741|3,109781|2,109822|0,109862|1) - In such BPM I recommend to use stairs patterns

[DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16]
00:51:524 - Repattern 1/8 this part
01:02:592 (62592|2) - Remove
01:02:754 (62754|2,62835|1) - What is this ? Remove

About SV,will discuss soon.

Spy wrote:

01:13:254 (73254|3) - Why not just change this green line to 01:13:254

[Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]
00:32:065 - 00:33:200 - 00:33:524 - 00:34:497 - 00:34:660 - 00:35:470 - Add a note for piano // uhh, i prefer to layer the 1/1 main beat instead.. has catchy rhythm there.. so keep
01:29:470 - 01:30:119 - missing notes for FX sound ? // fx.. ==a considering it's strong enough.. added.. kk

About SV,will discuss soon.
yuss.. update sent via chat.. thanks spy! :D
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

01:13:254 (73254|3) - Why not just change this green line to 01:13:254

00:06:605 - Add for missing piano
01:13:254 (73254|3) - Missing piano note
01:13:903 - ^
01:15:200 - ^
01:16:497 - ^
01:17:795 - ^
01:19:092 - ^
01:20:389 - ^
01:21:687 - ^

00:33:200 - Missing piano
00:33:524 - ^
00:34:497 - ^
00:35:795 - ^
00:36:119 - ^
00:37:092 - ^
00:37:416 - ^
00:37:741 - ^
00:38:389 - ^
00:39:038 - ^
00:39:200 - ^
00:39:362 - ^
00:39:687 - ^
00:40:011 - ^
00:40:335 - ^

00:06:524 - Missing piano
00:07:335 - ^

00:06:524 - Missing piano
00:20:714 (20714|1,20714|0) - Not heavy beats
00:20:876 (20876|2,20876|3) - ^
00:34:497 - Missing piano
00:35:795 - ^
00:36:119 - ^
00:38:876 (38876|1,39200|2) - Change back to normal notes,and 00:39:038 - 00:39:362 - missing piano notes
00:51:687 (51687|2,51687|1,51727|3,51768|0,51808|1) - Repattern it,feel not ok imo
00:52:254 (52254|3,52335|2,52416|1) - Actually it is a long sound Checked on SDVX, and the pattern is 1/4 stairs
01:11:633 (71633|0,71633|3) - It seems only one sound here ?
01:31:011 - Add ?
01:38:984 (98984|2,98984|0,98984|1,98984|3) - Notes amounts should be same as 01:38:551 (98551|2,98551|1,98551|3,98660|1,98660|2,98660|3) -
01:43:660 (103660|3,103660|2,103741|0,103741|1,103822|2,103822|3,103903|1,103903|0,103984|0,103984|3) - Not fit to the rhythm this part imo
01:49:578 (109578|3,109619|2,109660|0,109700|1,109741|3,109781|2,109822|0,109862|1) - In such BPM I recommend to use stairs patterns

[DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16]
00:51:524 - Repattern 1/8 this part
01:02:592 (62592|2) - Remove
01:02:754 (62754|2,62835|1) - What is this ? Remove

About SV,will discuss soon.
No reply my accepted

1. Usagi's BASIC
2. HS vol up to 70%
3. Recalculate SV, and remove all break SV and jagged SV still need to confirm if it's good enough
Don't check in SDVX..
I ever copied patterns from SDVX and I found patterns in SDVX are nonsense.
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:

Don't check in SDVX..
I ever copied patterns from SDVX and I found patterns in SDVX are nonsense.
ok py, fixed lol
ww all diff too

[Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]
00:32:065 - Add a note for piano
00:34:660 - ^
00:58:984 (58984|0,59308|1) - Change to notes same as 00:56:389 (56389|2,56714|0)
00:59:633 (59633|3,59957|2) - ^

00:21:362 (21362|0) - Remove clap and 00:21:362 (21362|3) - add clap
00:22:011 (22011|0) - Remove clap and 00:22:011 (22011|2) - add clap
00:22:660 (22660|3) - Remove clap and 00:22:660 (22660|0) - add clap
00:23:957 (23957|0) - Remove clap and 00:23:957 (23957|1) - add clap
00:24:605 (24605|0) - Remove clap and 00:24:605 (24605|2) - add clap
00:53:795 (53795|0) - Remove clap and 00:53:795 (53795|3) - add clap
00:56:389 (56389|0) - Remove clap and 00:56:389 (56389|2) - add clap
00:56:714 (56714|1) - Remove clap
00:57:362 (57362|1) - Remove clap
00:58:984 (58984|0) - Remove clap and 00:58:984 (58984|3) - add clap
00:59:633 (59633|0) - Remove clap
01:01:578 - Add a note as 00:56:389 (56389|2,58984|3) ? If apply,remove clap from 01:01:578 (61578|3) - and add clap to the note you add
01:30:768 (90768|0) - Remove clap and 01:30:768 (90768|3) - add clap

[DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16]
00:16:497 (16497|3,16497|1) - Remove one clap
00:59:957 (59957|3) - Add clap
01:10:700 (70700|2,70741|1,70781|0) - Better to remove
01:23:470 (83470|2,83551|1) - I feel no sound ?
01:32:389 (92389|0) - Add clap
01:39:200 (99200|3) - Remove clap and 01:39:200 (99200|2) - add clap

Spy wrote:

00:32:065 - Add a note for piano // i will keep this spacing, for rhythm sake
00:34:660 - ^ // keep
00:58:984 (58984|0,59308|1) - Change to notes same as 00:56:389 (56389|2,56714|0) // ==a ok, nerf'd down
00:59:633 (59633|3,59957|2) - ^ // ok
Topic Starter

Spy wrote:


[Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]
00:32:065 - Add a note for piano
00:34:660 - ^
00:58:984 (58984|0,59308|1) - Change to notes same as 00:56:389 (56389|2,56714|0)
00:59:633 (59633|3,59957|2) - ^

00:21:362 (21362|0) - Remove clap and 00:21:362 (21362|3) - add clap
00:22:011 (22011|0) - Remove clap and 00:22:011 (22011|2) - add clap
00:22:660 (22660|3) - Remove clap and 00:22:660 (22660|0) - add clap
00:23:957 (23957|0) - Remove clap and 00:23:957 (23957|1) - add clap
00:24:605 (24605|0) - Remove clap and 00:24:605 (24605|2) - add clap
00:53:795 (53795|0) - Remove clap and 00:53:795 (53795|3) - add clap
00:56:389 (56389|0) - Remove clap and 00:56:389 (56389|2) - add clap
00:56:714 (56714|1) - Remove clap
00:57:362 (57362|1) - Remove clap
00:58:984 (58984|0) - Remove clap and 00:58:984 (58984|3) - add clap
00:59:633 (59633|0) - Remove clap
01:01:578 - Add a note as 00:56:389 (56389|2,58984|3) ? If apply,remove clap from 01:01:578 (61578|3) - and add clap to the note you add
01:30:768 (90768|0) - Remove clap and 01:30:768 (90768|3) - add clap

[DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16]
00:16:497 (16497|3,16497|1) - Remove one clap
00:59:957 (59957|3) - Add clap
01:10:700 (70700|2,70741|1,70781|0) - Better to remove
01:23:470 (83470|2,83551|1) - I feel no sound ?
01:32:389 (92389|0) - Add clap
01:39:200 (99200|3) - Remove clap and 01:39:200 (99200|2) - add clap
All Fixed !
Fixed SV, unsnapped rhythm on ADV, Fixed Pattern on EXH and INF, added SV on INF (QAT suggestion)
Pretty good,rebubble !
I'll leave it to Sakura :)
here we go again! :D
Topic Starter
Thank you py

normal-hitnormal.wav has more than 5 ms delay, it is UNRANKABLE
here I fixed it =w=
Storyboard things

00:10:903 - SV move to 00:10:822 -
00:16:416 - 0.75x

00:21:605 - 0.75x move to 00:21:524 -
00:22:254 - ^ ^00:22:173 -
00:22:903 - ^ 00:22:822 -
00:24:200 - 00:24:119 - ^
00:24:849 - ^ 00:24:768 -

00:26:551 - remove green line? since no use

00:31:741 - skow down or
00:41:146 - add a 0.9x

00:56:633 - 0.75 move to 00:56:551 -
00:57:605 - ^ 00:56:876 -
00:56:957 - ^ 00:57:524 -

01:01:578 - ~ 01:02:876 - same thing

01:13:254 - do like the slow down before

01:23:146 -

01:24:200 - 0.75x or 0.5x move to 01:24:119 -
01:24:849 - same^ 01:24:768 -
01:25:173 - ^ 01:25:092 -
actually 0.75x feels better imo

01:28:822 - 0.5x
01:28:984 - 1.5x
01:29:065 - 1.25x

01:54:876 - 0.75x

wait theres different SVs in other diffs.....

00:10:903 - move to 00:10:822 -
00:16:416 - move to 00:16:335 - 0.75x
00:21:362 - ~ 00:24:930 - same as INFINITIE
00:31:741 - ^
00:41:795 - ^
00:53:795 - ~ 01:02:551 - ^
01:13:254 - ^
01:23:470 - ^
01:54:984 - move to 01:54:930 -

2 ADVANCED mindblown
same as EXHAUST
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

normal-hitnormal.wav has more than 5 ms delay, it is UNRANKABLE
here I fixed it =w= Thank you,, Thank you <3
Storyboard things

00:10:903 - SV move to 00:10:822 -
00:16:416 - 0.75x

00:21:605 - 0.75x move to 00:21:524 -
00:22:254 - ^ ^00:22:173 -
00:22:903 - ^ 00:22:822 -
00:24:200 - 00:24:119 - ^
00:24:849 - ^ 00:24:768 -
Placing slow SV on red tick cause unpredictable speed changes, so it will lead to unaccurate at playing. (tested by me)
Here's my jump SV history, start from 1.5x with 0.25, cz it's too spiky, and then changed to 1.30x with 0.20x, but then still not good for acc so QAT suggest change te SV to 1.25 with 0.5x, I'm pretty sure this one is the best, cz inb4 i cant S EXH with those SV's but now i can

00:26:551 - remove green line? since no use Deleted

00:31:741 - skow down or
00:41:146 - add a 0.9x Added

00:56:633 - 0.75 move to 00:56:551 -
00:57:605 - ^ 00:56:876 -
00:56:957 - ^ 00:57:524 -

01:01:578 - ~ 01:02:876 - same thing

01:13:254 - do like the slow down before rearrange

01:23:146 -

01:24:200 - 0.75x or 0.5x move to 01:24:119 -
01:24:849 - same^ 01:24:768 -
01:25:173 - ^ 01:25:092 -
actually 0.75x feels better imo

01:28:822 - 0.5x
01:28:984 - 1.5x
01:29:065 - 1.25x

01:54:876 - 0.75x

wait theres different SVs in other diffs..... it's SV addition on some level, others SV is same and the amount of SV multiplier is same too, dont worry
00:10:903 - move to 00:10:822 -
00:16:416 - move to 00:16:335 - 0.75x
00:21:362 - ~ 00:24:930 - same as INFINITIE
00:31:741 - ^
00:41:795 - ^
00:53:795 - ~ 01:02:551 - ^
01:13:254 - ^
01:23:470 - ^
01:54:984 - move to 01:54:930 -

2 ADVANCED mindblown /.\
same as EXHAUST
Removed unnecessary SV, added 0.9x for all diffs, fixed hitsound on each slow section.

If you disagree with some of my opinion, we can discuss it here

I'll let Usagi handle the StoryBoard.

Thank You Sakura w
asdfg email notifier being crappy again.. orz here's the update
Waiting for usagi's file being updated
Also discussing with spy and pew

00:19:092 - LN to 00:19:416 -
00:19:741 - LN to 00:20:065 -
00:27:200 - LN
00:27:524 (27524|0) - normal note
00:49:903 (49903|2,50227|1,50551|3,50876|0) - ^
00:54:119 (54119|2) - move to column 2 01:04:497 - like this

00:33:687 - add
00:37:092 (37092|3,37416|1,38065|1) - delete
00:40:335 - add
00:51:200 (51200|3) - move to 2 feels better
01:03:200 - remove a note
01:34:984 (94984|1,95146|1) - why jack
01:35:551 (95551|2,95714|2) - ^

[ADV 12]
01:40:173 - change to normal note and add at 01:40:254 -
01:41:957 - LN ends here
01:42:605 - ^
00:41:470 (41470|3) - column 3
00:41:795 (41795|2) - column 4
01:31:497 (91497|2,91578|1,91660|2) - 1/3
00:53:146 -
01:40:822 (100822|1,100984|2) - Ctrl+h

[ADV 14]
01:42:119 - LN ends here
01:42:768 - LN ends here
00:31:903 - 00:32:227 - 00:32:551 - 00:33:200 - 00:33:524 - 00:33:849 - 00:34:497 - 00:34:822 - 00:35:795 - 00:36:119 - 00:40:822 - 00:38:227 - 00:36:930 - add
00:52:011 (52011|0,52011|1) - suggest to change to normal notes
00:53:308 - why 2 notes
00:53:146 - add
00:55:903 - remove a note and add at 00:55:741 - cuz this one sounds like 00:56:065 -
00:58:497 - ^
01:01:092 - ^
01:03:687 - 01:04:011 - ^
01:19:741 - remove a note
01:26:389 - add
01:48:443 - 01:48:768 - remove a note

let us focus on these diffs first
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

00:33:687 - add
00:37:092 (37092|3,37416|1,38065|1) - delete
00:40:335 - add
00:51:200 (51200|3) - move to 2 feels better
01:03:200 - remove a note
01:34:984 (94984|1,95146|1) - why jack
01:35:551 (95551|2,95714|2) - ^ remap with 1/2

[ADV 12]
01:40:173 - change to normal note and add at 01:40:254 -
01:41:957 - LN ends here
01:42:605 - ^
00:41:470 (41470|3) - column 3
00:41:795 (41795|2) - column 4
01:31:497 (91497|2,91578|1,91660|2) - 1/3 Piano is 1/4
00:53:146 -
01:40:822 (100822|1,100984|2) - Ctrl+h

[ADV 14]
01:42:119 - LN ends here
01:42:768 - LN ends here
00:31:903 - 00:32:227 - 00:32:551 - 00:33:200 - 00:33:524 - 00:33:849 - 00:34:497 - 00:34:822 - 00:35:795 - 00:36:119 - 00:40:822 - 00:38:227 - 00:36:930 - add
00:52:011 (52011|0,52011|1) - suggest to change to normal notes
00:53:308 - why 2 notes
00:53:146 - add
00:55:903 - remove a note and add at 00:55:741 - cuz this one sounds like 00:56:065 -
00:58:497 - ^
01:01:092 - ^
01:03:687 - 01:04:011 - ^
01:19:741 - remove a note
01:26:389 - add
01:48:443 - 01:48:768 - remove a note

let us focus on these diffs first
Almost Fixed all, Waiting Usagi's Update

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:


00:19:092 - LN to 00:19:416 -
00:19:741 - LN to 00:20:065 - // different phasing, different LN.. keep
00:27:200 - LN // lel was removed a while ago.. added back
00:27:524 (27524|0) - normal note // ==a i know.. but to create a consistency between another synth, keep
00:49:903 (49903|2,50227|1,50551|3,50876|0) - ^ // ==a no reason to change? i keep it because to make the end of the phase become more climax.. keep
00:54:119 (54119|2) - move to column 2 01:04:497 - like this // lol sorry my bad.. moved.. ><
le update.. ;w; i supposed to update this on morning..

updated with enhanced storyboard flashing.. :^)
Topic Starter

ok next

ExUsagi wrote:

updated with enhanced storyboard flashing.. :^)
my eyes, it burns

DE-CADE wrote:

my eyes, it burns
00:06:524 (6524|0) - move to column 3 and 00:06:605 (6605|2,6687|1) - ctrl+h
00:19:254 - remove a note same as 00:19:903 -
00:36:768 - remove a note
00:41:146 - ^
00:43:741 - add
00:43:903 - ^ pretty much same kind of missing notes here, find it and add note
01:00:443 - add
00:57:849 - ^
01:03:038 - ^
01:08:957 - add
01:09:605 - ^
01:09:849 - add
01:09:200 - add
01:08:308 - add
01:10:497 - add for something like this
01:18:119 - LN ends here
01:32:065 - remove a note
01:39:768 - add
01:45:281 - re-arrange and add a note
01:50:633 - add
01:51:119 (111119|0,111160|1,111200|2,111200|3) - ctrl+h
01:51:078 (111078|2) - move to 1

00:20:714 (20714|1) - ends 00:21:038 -
00:21:038 - remove one LN
00:35:633 - add
00:36:768 - remove a note
00:41:146 - ^
00:47:308 (47308|3) - change to notes
01:10:254 - wait why 2 ntoes
01:08:957 - ^
something same came up before and after
01:32:065 - remove a note
01:31:741 - add and re-arrange
01:43:416 - remove a note, same as 01:43:092 -
asdf update teh osb once again.. ><
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

00:06:524 (6524|0) - move to column 3 and 00:06:605 (6605|2,6687|1) - ctrl+h
00:19:254 - remove a note same as 00:19:903 -
00:36:768 - remove a note
00:41:146 - ^
00:43:741 - add
00:43:903 - ^ pretty much same kind of missing notes here, find it and add note

Let me explain from 00:42:119 to 00:51:200

00:42:119 to 00:43:416
00:44:714 to 00:46:011
00:47:308 to 00:48:605
As you can see, I add additional note each 1/2 line, which is represent the drumpad and some SDVX effect
But the others not. It's to make this stream passable, it's like stair and then stair+chord and then back again to stair, and repeat until here 00:48:605
It's Consistent and Passable for some advanced player like me

01:00:443 - add
00:57:849 - ^
01:03:038 - ^
01:08:957 - add
01:09:605 - ^
01:09:849 - add
01:09:200 - add
01:08:308 - add
01:10:497 - add for something like this
01:18:119 - LN ends here (changed to normal note ,anyway)
01:32:065 - remove a note
01:39:768 - add
01:45:281 - re-arrange and add a note
01:50:633 - add
01:51:119 (111119|0,111160|1,111200|2,111200|3) - ctrl+h
01:51:078 (111078|2) - move to 1

00:20:714 (20714|1) - ends 00:21:038 -
00:21:038 - remove one LN
00:35:633 - add
00:36:768 - remove a note (same sound with below so it's should be 2)
00:41:146 - ^
00:47:308 (47308|3) - change to notes
01:10:254 - wait why 2 ntoes
01:08:957 - ^
something same came up before and after
01:32:065 - remove a note
01:31:741 - add and re-arrange (if you say so,
01:43:416 - remove a note, same as 01:43:092 - (I miss some tom inside, so i make it like this, if you still didn't agree, let me know)


Audio: ...
  1. In particular, the soft-hitnormal sound is really quiet, not really that great for a map like this, prefer to change to something maybe a bit more audible.
BG: ...
  • I'll explain below.
  1. It's fine. Perhaps add "KAC2013オリジナル楽曲コンテスト KAC2013 Original Song Contest" in tags, since this song was part of it and was added into SDVX II because of it.
Preview Point:
  1. I'll explain below.


Preview Point

The preview point in NOVICE Lv.9 is unsnapped, causing inconsistent preview points within the mapset.
Resnap it as usual, but be sure just resnap the preview points in each diff anyways, just to be safe.

Background and Storyboard Images

Alright, this is where my concern is. Here are a few issues or just weird inconsistencies I found:
  1. 123.jpg (The background image) is 1366x765. - To be honest, since this is also used in the storyboard, I would get a png version of this instead with appropriate resolution changes. It's usually recommended for storyboard elements to be .png anyways.
  2. Most images, such as BG2.png, default-char.png, default-INVERSE.png, default-gray.png are all 1366x769. I don't really see a reason for it, especially considering the smaller background image. If this was intended then ignore this.

Overall Spread

Not sure what's going on here... Lets see.
  1. INFINITE Lv.16 - HP8.5 seems more appropriate, since it's the hardest difficulty out of all 6, and the patterns aren't that tricky. OD is fine due to SV changes making it slightly difficult to accuracy on.
  2. EXHAUST Lv.15 - Eh, seems fine, if HP is raised on INF, spread will be better.
  3. ADVANCED Lv.14 - HP7.5 OD7.5 makes a much better spread for this.
  4. ADVANCED Lv.12 - You can raise the HP to 7.5, but keep OD7 because this map has the most LN's out of all the difficulties.
  5. NOVICE Lv.9 - No reason to not have HP7 OD7, seems a lot better since there is BASIC diff that can have HP6.
  6. BASIC Lv.6 - It's fine.
Another concern also is the gap between ADVANCED Lv.14 and EXHAUST Lv.15.
Here is the difference in star rating between all the difficulties.
0.54 -> 0.84 -> 0.48 -> 0.99 -> 0.54
Since this map has 6 difficulties, the spread shouldn't be this uneven. To be honest I'd suggest applying any suggestions or attempt to make Lv.14 a slightly bit more harder.
Although to be honest this isn't really much of an issue.


I'll post again soon about pattern suggestions and mainly the SV, best to fix the general things first~
Call back when finished. <3
I asked Demnae and the image size should not be above 1366x768 in the storyboard

I don't think the preview point is unsnapped
Last time I checked the BG and it was fine. now it is 1366x765. You must fix this because this is unrankable due to the rule of 4:3 and 16:9

01:09:362 - add
01:34:984 - 01:35:633 - 01:36:281 - remove a note
01:42:281 - add a note
01:42:930 - ^
01:44:065 - Suggest end LN here and move 01:43:984 (103984|1) - to 01:44:065 -
01:43:254 - 01:43:578 - add
01:44:876 - 01:46:173 - add

00:05:957 - add note
00:31:741 (31741|3) - sound ends 00:34:335 - there is a new one
01:01:578 (61578|2,61903|1) - ctrl+h
01:37:903 -
01:50:551 (110551|0) - remove
01:54:119 (114119|1,114227|0) - ctrl+j

[Advanced 12]
01:09:038 (69038|1) - move to 4
00:15:524 (15524|0,15605|1,15687|0,15768|3,15849|2,15930|3) - I think this should be changed to something else
the slow down is a bid odd
00:51:119 (51119|2,51200|1) - ctrl+h
01:00:524 (60524|2) - why does this pop up randomlly
00:52:741 (52741|1) - suggest to delete these because they sound almost the same as 00:52:660 - and it feels really strange playing it
01:07:741 - suggestion, try to play it. I think it fits the music
01:08:389 -
01:09:038 -
01:26:389 - add a note on 1
01:42:281 - remove a note
01:42:930 - ^

will check Advanced LV.12 to Infinite more later so you have time to check mine and starry's
Topic Starter

Starry- wrote:



Audio: ...
  1. In particular, the soft-hitnormal sound is really quiet, not really that great for a map like this, prefer to change to something maybe a bit more audible.
BG: ...
  • I'll explain below.
  1. It's fine. Perhaps add "KAC2013オリジナル楽曲コンテスト KAC2013 Original Song Contest" in tags, since this song was part of it and was added into SDVX II because of it.
// Added
Preview Point:
  1. I'll explain below.


Preview Point

The preview point in NOVICE Lv.9 is unsnapped, causing inconsistent preview points within the mapset.
Resnap it as usual, but be sure just resnap the preview points in each diff anyways, just to be safe.

Background and Storyboard Images

Alright, this is where my concern is. Here are a few issues or just weird inconsistencies I found:
  1. 123.jpg (The background image) is 1366x765. - To be honest, since this is also used in the storyboard, I would get a png version of this instead with appropriate resolution changes. It's usually recommended for storyboard elements to be .png anyways.
  2. Most images, such as BG2.png, default-char.png, default-INVERSE.png, default-gray.png are all 1366x769. I don't really see a reason for it, especially considering the smaller background image. If this was intended then ignore this.

Overall Spread

Not sure what's going on here... Lets see.
  1. INFINITE Lv.16 - HP8.5 seems more appropriate, since it's the hardest difficulty out of all 6, and the patterns aren't that tricky. OD is fine due to SV changes making it slightly difficult to accuracy on.
  2. EXHAUST Lv.15 - Eh, seems fine, if HP is raised on INF, spread will be better.
  3. ADVANCED Lv.14 - HP7.5 OD7.5 makes a much better spread for this.
  4. ADVANCED Lv.12 - You can raise the HP to 7.5, but keep OD7 because this map has the most LN's out of all the difficulties.
  5. NOVICE Lv.9 - No reason to not have HP7 OD7, seems a lot better since there is BASIC diff that can have HP6.
  6. BASIC Lv.6 - It's fine.
Another concern also is the gap between ADVANCED Lv.14 and EXHAUST Lv.15.
Here is the difference in star rating between all the difficulties.
0.54 -> 0.84 -> 0.48 -> 0.99 -> 0.54
Since this map has 6 difficulties, the spread shouldn't be this uneven. To be honest I'd suggest applying any suggestions or attempt to make Lv.14 a slightly bit more harder.
Although to be honest this isn't really much of an issue.


I'll post again soon about pattern suggestions and mainly the SV, best to fix the general things first~
Call back when finished. <3
for SB i'll let Usagi to handle it, for preview time was snapped on the last update, thank you so much starry

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

I asked Demnae and the image size should not be above 1366x768 in the storyboard

I don't think the preview point is unsnapped
Last time I checked the BG and it was fine. now it is 1366x765. You must fix this because this is unrankable due to the rule of 4:3 and 16:9

01:09:362 - add
01:34:984 - 01:35:633 - 01:36:281 - remove a note
01:42:281 - add a note
01:42:930 - ^
01:44:065 - Suggest end LN here and move 01:43:984 (103984|1) - to 01:44:065 -
01:43:254 - 01:43:578 - add
01:44:876 - 01:46:173 - add

00:05:957 - add note // Ok
00:31:741 (31741|3) - sound ends 00:34:335 - there is a new one // okay ?
01:01:578 (61578|2,61903|1) - ctrl+h // Ok
01:37:903 - // Ok
01:50:551 (110551|0) - remove // Ok
01:54:119 (114119|1,114227|0) - ctrl+j // Ok

[Advanced 12]
01:09:038 (69038|1) - move to 4 // Ok

00:15:524 (15524|0,15605|1,15687|0,15768|3,15849|2,15930|3) - I think this should be changed to something else
the slow down is a bid odd // okay ?
00:51:119 (51119|2,51200|1) - ctrl+h // Ok

01:00:524 (60524|2) - why does this pop up randomlly
00:52:741 (52741|1) - suggest to delete these because they sound almost the same as 00:52:660 - and it feels really strange playing it
^ i changed to double on every this kind pattern is okay ?

01:07:741 - suggestion, try to play it. I think it fits the music // Ok
01:08:389 - // Ok
01:09:038 - // Ok
01:26:389 - add a note on 1 // one note is suits here, since double is for the effect

01:42:281 - remove a note
01:42:930 - ^
^ okay ?

will check Advanced LV.12 to Infinite more later so you have time to check mine and starry's
Thank you for your check sakura, i'll wait for the next check

normal-hitnormal.wav file replaced with new one
Btw hitsounds still sound very quiet, and I'm on 50% Music 100% Hitsounds. :s

Col 0123
Gonna go strict on the easier diffs first, I'll come back later for the rest.

[Usagi's BASIC]
00:10:984 (10984|1) - here to 00:17:146 (17146|1) - here, there is no notes in this column inbetween. Try to:
00:11:957 (11957|0) - Move to 1
00:14:551 (14551|0,14876|2) - Shift 1 right?

00:24:605 (24605|3,25254|0) - CTRL+H, goes along to pitch better and varies chord structure.

00:27:849 (27849|2) -
Then afterwards, to avoid too much repetition, you can
00:30:768 (30768|0) - Move to 1
00:31:092 (31092|3) - Move to 2
00:31:741 (31741|2) - Move to 3. Works really well imo.

00:34:335 (34335|1) - Move to 0 for balance

00:35:633 (35633|3,35957|3) - No need to jack this here? Move the last one to 0.

01:08:065 (68065) - Add at 1
01:09:362 (69362) - Add at 2

01:36:443 (96443|2) - Delete, you never use 1/2 sliders in this diff for noises, otherwise they will be placed in other places too.


00:02:876 (2876|0) - Move to 3
00:03:200 (3200|2) - Move to 0
00:03:362 (3362|3) - Move to 1, gaps should be big change in pitch, so this works better.

00:06:281 (6281|0) - Move to 1
00:06:443 (6443|1) - Move to 0
00:06:605 (6605|0) - Move to 1 - no need for gaps here, too awkward in a nov diff.

00:14:227 (14227|3) - Move to 2, chords are different, so need to be consistent with that
00:18:119 (18119|3) - Move to 1, same reason

00:26:227 (26227|0,26335|1) - CTRL+G
00:26:443 (26443|2) - Move to 3
00:26:551 (26551|3) - Move to 2
00:26:876 (26876|2) - Move to 3, much more flowing into this from the 1/3 transition, and the LN works better with pitch.

00:30:443 (30443|0) -

00:37:578 (37578|2,37903|0) - Shift right by 1

00:42:768 (42768|3,42930|2) - CTRL+G, stream works better with pitch
00:45:362 (45362|3,45524|2) - ^, or you can 00:45:687 (45687|1,45849|0) - CTRL+G this for variance instead
00:49:416 (49416|2,49578|1) - CTRL+H? same reason

00:58:335 (58335|3,58497|0,58660|2,58822|1) - 0213 works better for pitch

00:59:633 (59633|2,59957|1) - CTRL+H? Similar to 01:01:578 (61578|3,61903|0,61903|2,62227|2,62227|3,62551|0,62551|1) -

01:20:714 (80714|2) - Move to 1

01:30:768 (90768|1) - Move to 2?
01:31:416 (91416|2,91741|1) - CTRL+H if you do, just feels a bit better idk

01:43:254 (103254|1,103416|3,103578|2) - Make this 213 to give it a bit more variance?

01:52:822 (112822|3,112984|2,113146|1,113308|0) - 2130 feels a lot better for pitch.
Topic Starter

Starry- wrote:

Btw hitsounds still sound very quiet, and I'm on 50% Music 100% Hitsounds. :s

Col 0123
Gonna go strict on the easier diffs first, I'll come back later for the rest.

[Usagi's BASIC]
00:10:984 (10984|1) - here to 00:17:146 (17146|1) - here, there is no notes in this column inbetween. Try to:
00:11:957 (11957|0) - Move to 1
00:14:551 (14551|0,14876|2) - Shift 1 right?

00:24:605 (24605|3,25254|0) - CTRL+H, goes along to pitch better and varies chord structure.

00:27:849 (27849|2) -
Then afterwards, to avoid too much repetition, you can
00:30:768 (30768|0) - Move to 1
00:31:092 (31092|3) - Move to 2
00:31:741 (31741|2) - Move to 3. Works really well imo.

00:34:335 (34335|1) - Move to 0 for balance

00:35:633 (35633|3,35957|3) - No need to jack this here? Move the last one to 0.

01:08:065 (68065) - Add at 1
01:09:362 (69362) - Add at 2

01:36:443 (96443|2) - Delete, you never use 1/2 sliders in this diff for noises, otherwise they will be placed in other places too.


00:02:876 (2876|0) - Move to 3
00:03:200 (3200|2) - Move to 0
00:03:362 (3362|3) - Move to 1, gaps should be big change in pitch, so this works better.

00:06:281 (6281|0) - Move to 1
00:06:443 (6443|1) - Move to 0
00:06:605 (6605|0) - Move to 1 - no need for gaps here, too awkward in a nov diff.

00:14:227 (14227|3) - Move to 2, chords are different, so need to be consistent with that
00:18:119 (18119|3) - Move to 1, same reason

00:26:227 (26227|0,26335|1) - CTRL+G
00:26:443 (26443|2) - Move to 3
00:26:551 (26551|3) - Move to 2
00:26:876 (26876|2) - Move to 3, much more flowing into this from the 1/3 transition, and the LN works better with pitch.

00:30:443 (30443|0) -

00:37:578 (37578|2,37903|0) - Shift right by 1

00:42:768 (42768|3,42930|2) - CTRL+G, stream works better with pitch
00:45:362 (45362|3,45524|2) - ^, or you can 00:45:687 (45687|1,45849|0) - CTRL+G this for variance instead
00:49:416 (49416|2,49578|1) - CTRL+H? same reason

00:58:335 (58335|3,58497|0,58660|2,58822|1) - 0213 works better for pitch

00:59:633 (59633|2,59957|1) - CTRL+H? Similar to 01:01:578 (61578|3,61903|0,61903|2,62227|2,62227|3,62551|0,62551|1) -

01:20:714 (80714|2) - Move to 1

01:30:768 (90768|1) - Move to 2?
01:31:416 (91416|2,91741|1) - CTRL+H if you do, just feels a bit better idk nope

01:43:254 (103254|1,103416|3,103578|2) - Make this 213 to give it a bit more variance?

01:52:822 (112822|3,112984|2,113146|1,113308|0) - 2130 feels a lot better for pitch.
No reply means fixed

Thank you for your check

waiting usagi basic and sb fix

Added normal-hitwhistle.wav
Hitsounds are clear to hear on my editor lolol even hs vol 20%
;~; more thing to fix... i will fix this soon, damn i can't even handle my own map nowadays...

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

I asked Demnae and the image size should not be above 1366x768 in the storyboard // nice to know, will fix this one

I don't think the preview point is unsnapped
Last time I checked the BG and it was fine. now it is 1366x765. You must fix this because this is unrankable due to the rule of 4:3 and 16:9 // yes, i don't know why either.. ==a i believe i set everything to 16:9, all fixed

01:09:362 - add // ok
01:34:984 - 01:35:633 - 01:36:281 - remove a note // last phase, it's correctly layer 2 notes..
01:42:281 - add a note // ok
01:42:930 - ^ // ok
01:44:065 - Suggest end LN here and move 01:43:984 (103984|1) - to 01:44:065 - // ok
01:43:254 - 01:43:578 - add
01:44:876 - 01:46:173 - add // keep
nyao thanks! :D

Starry- wrote:

[Usagi's BASIC]
00:10:984 (10984|1) - here to 00:17:146 (17146|1) - here, there is no notes in this column inbetween. Try to:
00:11:957 (11957|0) - Move to 1
00:14:551 (14551|0,14876|2) - Shift 1 right? // the main idea itself is to layer the bang bang & audible sfx while making it like 'left right left right'

00:24:605 (24605|3,25254|0) - CTRL+H, goes along to pitch better and varies chord structure.

00:27:849 (27849|2) -
Then afterwards, to avoid too much repetition, you can
00:30:768 (30768|0) - Move to 1
00:31:092 (31092|3) - Move to 2
00:31:741 (31741|2) - Move to 3. Works really well imo.

// simply for 'basic' sake.. rearranged some..

00:34:335 (34335|1) - Move to 0 for balance

00:35:633 (35633|3,35957|3) - No need to jack this here? Move the last one to 0.

01:08:065 (68065) - Add at 1
01:09:362 (69362) - Add at 2

01:36:443 (96443|2) - Delete, you never use 1/2 sliders in this diff for noises, otherwise they will be placed in other places too.
thanks for the check guys...
here's the SB elements update

remove all sprite files from the folder except the new 123.png
and here's the diff update..
i leave the audio configuration to you
Topic Starter
SB fixed
Usagi Basic added whistle hitsound

irc with ichigaki.. thanks ichi! (now waiting for your post on de-caade's diffs)

added some special effect for the storyboard.. enjoy.. :3
Topic Starter
Flash is not entire the screen ? is it right ?

Doing some IRC with Usagi, fixing some LNs

2015-03-01 20:03 Ichigaki: hiii
2015-03-01 20:04 ExUsagi: hueeee
2015-03-01 20:04 ExUsagi: ACTION curls up & cry
2015-03-01 20:04 Ichigaki: ACTION is editing [ BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]]
2015-03-01 20:04 ExUsagi: HYPE
2015-03-01 20:04 Ichigaki: 00:07:092 - 00:08:389 - umm
2015-03-01 20:05 ExUsagi: gw faham cara kerja shiren v3.0 sekarang, semua BN nimbrung di 1 map, betul gak? xP
2015-03-01 20:05 Ichigaki: kaga
2015-03-01 20:05 ExUsagi: not layered properly
2015-03-01 20:05 ExUsagi: hue
2015-03-01 20:05 ExUsagi: eh
2015-03-01 20:05 wah berarti salah tebak.. *facepalm*
2015-03-01 20:05 Ichigaki: jadi, dibagi jadi beberapa tim
2015-03-01 20:05 ExUsagi: o.o
2015-03-01 20:06 ExUsagi: starry & yumi
2015-03-01 20:06 ExUsagi: kyk gitu dan gitu?
2015-03-01 20:06 Ichigaki: yep
2015-03-01 20:06 ExUsagi: 2 2 ?
2015-03-01 20:06 ExUsagi: wah
2015-03-01 20:07 Ichigaki: 00:36:281 (36281|1,36605|2) - ini kurang enak menurutku
2015-03-01 20:07 ExUsagi: 00:36:605 (36605|2) - jadi note
2015-03-01 20:08 Ichigaki: 00:44:389 (44389|0) - move to 3?
2015-03-01 20:08 Ichigaki: 00:49:903 (49903|2,50227|1,50551|3,50876|0) - jadi satu LN atau di jadiin normal note semuanya
2015-03-01 20:09 ExUsagi: 00:43:416 (43416|2,43741|1,44065|1,44389|0) - sengaja 3 2 2 1
2015-03-01 20:09 ExUsagi: wah boleh tuh jadi 1
2015-03-01 20:09 Ichigaki: 00:51:200 (51200|3,51524|3,51849|3) - move satu kolom ke kiri, trus pindah 00:51:524 - ke 2
2015-03-01 20:09 Ichigaki: mungkin lebih enak
2015-03-01 20:10 ExUsagi: ;~;
2015-03-01 20:10 ExUsagi: jangan la, pr nya 1 nada itu
2015-03-01 20:10 ExUsagi: owait
2015-03-01 20:10 ExUsagi: ide bagus
2015-03-01 20:10 ExUsagi: jacknya jadi 3.. /-\
2015-03-01 20:12 Ichigaki: 01:11:470 (71470|0,71633|2,71795|1) - jadiin LN
2015-03-01 20:12 Ichigaki: satu LN
2015-03-01 20:12 Ichigaki: 01:11:957 (71957|3) - trus ini normal note di 2
2015-03-01 20:12 Ichigaki: mungkin enak?
2015-03-01 20:12 ExUsagi: hmm.. karena udah mau di ujung kiai
2015-03-01 20:13 ExUsagi: sengaja tensenya di bump
2015-03-01 20:13 Ichigaki: 01:39:200 - sengaja dikosongin?
2015-03-01 20:14 ExUsagi: yap
2015-03-01 20:14 ExUsagi: 2/1 spacing
2015-03-01 20:14 ExUsagi: <3
2015-03-01 20:15 Ichigaki: padahal disitu cukup banyak instrument keren
2015-03-01 20:15 Ichigaki: kah
2015-03-01 20:15 ExUsagi: ye.. ngasih kesan lompat..? make some odd thing become even
2015-03-01 20:15 ExUsagi: apa lagi setelah 01:38:551 (98551|2,98551|3,98876|3,98876|2) -
2015-03-01 20:16 Ichigaki: 01:42:119 (102119|2,102281|3,102443|1) - ctrl H, pindahin 01:42:443 (102443|2) - ke 4
2015-03-01 20:16 Ichigaki: 01:46:984 (106984|0,107308|3,107633|0,107957|3,108281|2,108605|1,108930|0,109254|1) - scarry
2015-03-01 20:16 Ichigaki: *scary
2015-03-01 20:17 ExUsagi: ^ scary tapi relevan kan? xP
2015-03-01 20:17 ExUsagi: kyk map std convert
2015-03-01 20:17 ExUsagi: ACTION runs
2015-03-01 20:17 Ichigaki: iye
2015-03-01 20:17 Ichigaki: lol
2015-03-01 20:17 ExUsagi: relevan sangaaat awkwkwkwk
2015-03-01 20:17 Ichigaki: tapi mending dibuat normal aja sih, itu sb surem juga :'
2015-03-01 20:18 ExUsagi: ;~; sesuai mod sb
2015-03-01 20:18 ExUsagi: *mood
2015-03-01 20:18 Ichigaki: basic juga bisa ngerock
2015-03-01 20:18 Ichigaki: hue
2015-03-01 20:19 ExUsagi: blame the music
2015-03-01 20:19 Ichigaki: ACTION is playing [ BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [Usagi's BASIC Lv.6]] <osu!mania> +DoubleTime +Flashlight |4K|
2015-03-01 20:19 ExUsagi: buset
2015-03-01 20:20 Ichigaki: miss 1 gegara ga fokus
2015-03-01 20:20 Ichigaki: eh ga miss
2015-03-01 20:20 Ichigaki: hue
2015-03-01 20:21 ExUsagi: buka storyboardnya
2015-03-01 20:21 Ichigaki: 00:39:524 (39524|2,40822|1,41795|0) - ini rada gimana gitu
2015-03-01 20:22 Ichigaki: sb sudah aku buka
2015-03-01 20:22 ExUsagi: jadi gini :
2015-03-01 20:23 Ichigaki: lebih appropriate
2015-03-01 20:23 Ichigaki: =w=)b
2015-03-01 20:23 ExUsagi: dipikir pikir sebelumnya emang agak ganjel.. untung ngingetin /-\
2015-03-01 20:23 Ichigaki: soalnya tadi pas main kok something
2015-03-01 20:24 Ichigaki: lol
2015-03-01 20:24 Ichigaki: trus ada apa dengan sb?
2015-03-01 20:24 ExUsagi: oh kagak
2015-03-01 20:24 ExUsagi: xP
2015-03-01 20:24 Ichigaki: gw dari awal lihat ini sb bingung...
2015-03-01 20:24 Ichigaki: keren hue
2015-03-01 20:24 Ichigaki: tapi rada surem juga
2015-03-01 20:24 ExUsagi: sengaja... ;~;
2015-03-01 20:24 ExUsagi: oiya
2015-03-01 20:24 ExUsagi: mau gw tambah suremin, pake cipratan darah
2015-03-01 20:25 ExUsagi: >:D
2015-03-01 20:25 Ichigaki: >:D
2015-03-01 20:26 ExUsagi: ez ez
2015-03-01 20:27 Ichigaki: ACTION is editing [ BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16]]
2015-03-01 20:27 Ichigaki: punya lu yang mana aja?
2015-03-01 20:28 ExUsagi: punya de-cade semua
2015-03-01 20:28 Ichigaki: woc
2015-03-01 20:28 Ichigaki: lah `-`
2015-03-01 21:09 Ichigaki: halo?
2015-03-01 21:09 ExUsagi: test
2015-03-01 21:09 ExUsagi: habis minum lemon
2015-03-01 21:09 ExUsagi: gerd gw kumat lagi
2015-03-01 21:09 Ichigaki: lol
2015-03-01 21:10 ExUsagi: gini nih kalo overdone kerjaan irl & BN
yes decade, it's on purpose... ^^;

here's the re-defined transition :
don't forget to check last post from me about update & special effect.. ;')
Topic Starter
Make sure it's the final update
will re-check & finalize everything tonight, dee.. (hue boss give me a cancer task to do.. ;~;)

UPDAATE GRRAAAARRGHHH!!!! prepare your eyes.. >:D
Topic Starter
cool SB lolol

Checking again soon~
Sorry for delay! This map should be ready soon.
Topic Starter
Take your time
I don't particularly think this difficulty is fitting of SV. Save that for ADV 14.

00:10:011 (10011|3,10173|3,10335|3,10497|3,10660|2,10984|3) - Making this a trill on 1-2 instead will feel a lot more comfortable. CTRL+H this, and move back.

00:32:551 (32551|0) - Move to 2
00:32:714 (32714|3) - Move to 0
00:32:876 (32876|2) - Move to 3
00:33:038 (33038|0) - Move to 1
00:33:200 (33200|1) - Move to 0 -- captures pitch better.

00:35:146 (35146|0) - Move to 2
00:35:308 (35308|3) - Move to 0
00:35:470 (35470|2) - Move to 1
00:35:633 (35633|0) - Move to 3
00:35:957 (35957|3) - Move to 0 -- slight adaptation of first pattern, captures pitch well.

00:42:119 (42119|0) - Suggest to do this: (I want this stream to start on 0)

00:46:254 (46254|1) - Move to 0, uncomfortable

00:52:335 (52335|1) - Delete or change to something else, serves no purpose (other 1/2 LNs do)

00:53:308 (53308|2,53633|1,53795|2) - CTRL+H, better balance.

00:54:768 (54768|2) - Add at 0

00:57:362 (57362|0,57362|3,57687|0,57687|1) - CTRL+H, because pitch descends at the end (so LN should be on left)

01:01:578 (61578|1) - Try: (better for pitch)

01:12:605 (72605|0) - More comfortable at 1

01:17:633 (77633|3) - Move to 1
01:17:795 (77795|1,77957|0) - Shift right by 2
01:18:281 (78281|2) - Move to 0 -- pitch

01:38:876 (98876|2) - Move to 1, a lot more balanced / playable.

01:42:930 (102930|2) - Move to 0, balance (no notes in 0 orz) (maybe instead, you can rearrange other parts)



16416 - 0.75 is better, slightly more smoother and better transition into notes again.
21362 to 24930 - not sure if these are necessary for this diff. They only really help the aesthetics and seem quite unnecessary (better for EXH and INF)
52497+ In these next SVs, slowdown (the 0.5x) points should be changed to something inbetween 0.65~0.8. Feels better for an easier diff like this.
83957 to 86227 - same as 21362 to 24930 -


00:07:335 (7335|2) - This note is very inaudible compared to rest, consider removing and adding 00:07:092 (7092|1,7254|1) - here.

00:10:092 (10092|2,10416|2) - CTRL+H? optional.

00:14:227 (14227|2,14227|1,14389|0,14470|1,14551|3) - For some reason this feels kinda awkward. You can do two things:
1. Something like this: (At first glance, doesn't look that great, but it's good because it alleviates bias on left hand and spread things out a lot better.)
2. Turn the LN into three 1/3 LN. Something like this (captures the synth a lot better)

00:21:362 (21362|3,21362|1,22011|1,22011|3,22660|3,22660|1) - Repeated 3 times?

00:27:524 (27524|3,27524|0) - Hear noise in the red tick, so it's best to make these LN normal note, and map normally.
Something like this might do fine:

00:33:362 (33362|2) - Move to 1
00:33:524 (33524|0) - Move to 2
00:33:687 (33687|1) - Make LN? Because 00:33:849 (33849|2) - this noise isn't that audible

00:38:065 (38065|1) - Move to 2 for balance

00:42:119 (42119|0) - Stream could be a tiny bit more balanced, try this:

01:11:633 (71633|1) - Move to 2

01:28:173 (88173|2,88173|1,88173|0) - No need for 3, major diff spike. Consider rearranging.

01:43:092 (103092|0,103254|3,103416|0) - So empty all of a sudden? This is kiai time!

Will mod last 2 diffs next!
Topic Starter
Thank you, but i'll fix 4 diffs at the same time

Updated as you wish
Count 0-1-2-3 as usual.
00:44:065 (44065|1) - Move this to 2 pls pls pls I got people to testplay and they all missed here

01:01:254 (61254|3) - Move to 2, again testplaying this seems unbalanced.


In both ADV diffs I suggest to listen to my SV suggestions.


00:00:849 (849|0) - Move to 3, pitch.
00:01:092 (1092|3) - Move to 0, pitch. (If you don't like these hand switches feel free to smooth them out. This is only really for example)
00:01:173 (1173|2,1254|1) - Shift right by 1 perhaps.
00:01:497 (1497|3) - Move to 2
00:01:578 (1578|2) - Move to 3
00:01:660 (1660|1,1741|0) - Shift right by 1
00:01:822 (1822|2) - Move to 0
Pitch relevancy is important in this stream and it'll be good if you can nail it down here. I'm sure you can rearrange it appropriately like my example.

00:11:308 (11308|3,11957|3) - Why only 1 note in these parts, but you have 2 notes 00:12:605 (12605|2,12605|3) - here?
Then in the next stream you just start using 2 notes for all.
Best to add to the points I specified.

00:16:984 (16984|1) - Move to 2
00:17:065 (17065|2) - Move to 1
00:17:146 (17146|1) - Move to 3. A 1/8 trill at 185 is probably not a good idea. ;w;

Long suggestion
00:18:930 (18930|0,19011|1,19092|2,19092|3,19173|0,19173|1,19254|3,19335|2,19416|1,19416|0,19578|0,19660|1,19741|3,19741|2,19822|0,19822|1,19903|3,19984|2,20065|0,20065|1,20173|3,20173|2,20281|1,20281|0,20389|2,20389|3,20497|1,20497|0,20605|2,20605|3) - CTRL+H
00:20:714 (20714|0) - Move to 2
00:20:876 (20876|1,20957|2) - Move left by 1.
Currently this pattern has reverse pitch relevancy which is kinda awkward. You hear those 0-1 and 3-2 parts being reversed, so it's best to CTRL+H all of this imo.

00:32:065 (32065|3) - Move to 2
00:32:389 (32389|1) - Move to 3
00:32:714 (32714|3) - Move to 1
00:32:876 (32876|1,33038|2) - Shift right by 1
00:33:200 (33200|3,33362|2,33524|1) - CTRL+G
00:33:687 (33687|3) - Move to 1
00:34:011 (34011|2) - Move to 3
00:34:335 (34335|3) - Move to 1. -- These suggestions are recommended as they help the pitch relevancy of this section. IMO pitch relevancy in slow parts are really important.

00:37:254 (37254|0) - Move to 2
00:37:416 (37416|2) - Move to 1
00:37:578 (37578|1) - Move to 3
00:37:741 (37741|2,37903|3) - Shift left by 1
00:38:065 (38065|2) - Move to 1
00:38:227 (38227|0,38389|3) - CTRL+H -- Again for pitch relevancy. If you don't follow this patterning, at least you can rearrange them to follow it yourself.

00:39:687 (39687|2) - Move to 3, necessary for balance.

00:41:470 (41470|2) - Move to 1? The next chord sounds slightly higher pitch.

00:42:443 (42443|1) - Move to 3 for pitch and slightly better balance.
00:46:335 (46335|2,46416|1) - Shift right by 1
00:46:497 (46497|3) - Move to 1, pitch
00:50:227 (50227|1) - Move to 0 for balance.

00:51:768 (51768|1,51808|0,51849|1) - Again we have this 1/8 trill on the left hand which isn't that suitable for this difficulty IMO.
Try this:
00:51:849 (51849|1) - Move to 2
00:51:970 (51970|2) - Move to 1
00:52:011 (52011|1) - Move to 0
00:52:051 (52051|0) - Move to 2
00:52:092 (52092|2) - Move to 1
00:52:133 (52133|1) - Move to 0
00:52:173 (52173|0) - Move to 2.

00:58:578 (58578|2) - Delete, to make it consistent with 01:01:092 (61092|2,61092|0) - . Also from here, make the chords the same too.

01:14:876 (74876|3) - etc. This slow section should be following pitch relevancy a lot more strictly.

01:35:633 (95633|2,95633|1) - Shift right by 1? Seems to be better for balance.

01:36:443 (96443|3) - Try this:

01:37:903 (97903|0) - Delete, doesn't play well and no reason to have a 3 note chord here.

01:38:984 (98984|3) - And here, it's probably best to delete this as it doesn't play that well and the 3 note chord doesn't signify anything in particular. It's fine if you want to keep this, although I really do suggest you sort this part out.

01:43:660 (103660|3,103660|2) - This chord kinda ruins the effect of 01:43:741 (103741|1,103741|0,103822|2,103822|3,103903|1,103903|0,103984|3,103984|2) - the cutting section here. Perhaps it may be a good idea to remove 01:43:660 (103660|3) - ?

01:54:119 (114119|0) - Hmm, perhaps a more simplified pattern may be suitable for this small 1/3 chord part.
I'm suggesting something like this:
It goes well with the feel of the music, and plays a lot better than what is currently there.

00:00:606 (606|0) - Nothing feels pitch relevant in this stream ;w;.

00:07:335 - Add at 1 for the small piano sound?

00:15:038 (15038|1,15119|2,15200|1,15362|1) - This whole part doesn't really feel that comfortable, too cluttered. Try:
00:15:200 (15200|1) - Move to 3
00:15:362 (15362|1) - Move to 2
00:15:768 (15768|3) - Move to 1
00:15:849 (15849|2) - Move to 0 -- Overall a lot smoother pattern.

00:20:065 (20065|1) - Something like this is perhaps more consistent:

00:21:687 (21687|0,21687|1,22335|1,22335|2) - These have 2 LNs? But 00:23:957 (23957|1,24605|2) - only 1? Perhaps make it more consistent.

00:25:687 (25687|3,25687|2,25795|1,25795|2) - CTRL+G works a lot better for this part. (Makes the 1/3 ascending chord pattern consistent)

00:31:335 (31335|2,31416|2) - Change this jack, definitely not fitting here.

00:32:065 (32065|0,32227|1) - Etc. I've already mentioned lots in the EXH part about making these slow section patterns a lot more pitch relevant. Try to rearrange some.
00:37:416 (37416|0) - Like eg. Why wouldn't this be on 2? o.o

00:47:551 (47551|2) - This should be a chord too, since it's a cutting section that lasts for 5 1/4 beats. So,
00:47:551 (47551|2) - Add at 3
00:47:633 (47633|3) - Move to 0

00:48:200 (48200|2) - Same concept, add at 0
00:48:281 (48281|0) - Move to 3
00:48:362 (48362|3,48443|2) - CTRL+G

00:52:051 (52051|0,52051|3) - No real need for a chord in this 1/8 and it's rough coming off of the LN too.
Try this:
00:52:011 (52011|1) - Move to 3
00:52:051 (52051|3) - Delete
00:52:092 (52092|2,52133|1) - CTRL+H -- makes the pattern generally smoother and a lot friendlier to play.

00:53:308 (53308|0,53308|1) - Just thinking a chord like this probably suits 1-2 better instead of 0-1 here.

00:56:065 (56065|1) - Move to 2, higher pitched. ( and stops this 00:55:741 (55741|1,55903|1,56065|1,56227|1) - )

00:58:822 (58822|2,58822|3) - Same concept as previous suggestions, probably fits a lot better at 1-2

01:04:173 (64173|1,64173|3,64173|0,64497|2,64497|3,64497|0) - I'm seeing these three note chords and then I see 01:04:822 (64822|1,64822|0) -

01:07:984 (67984|2) - I mean well, adding at 3 doesn't do any harm... Makes it more consistent I suppose

Next slow section pitch relevancy pls

01:28:822 (88822|3,88822|1,88822|2,88822|0) - Not quite sure 4 notes is fitting here. The noise is basically a drowned out synth. Im thinking perhaps a 2 chord w/ LN works a lot better and just makes a lot more sense.

01:39:200 (99200|0) - Move to 1? Plays a slightly bit better according to the song (the chord shouldn't be the same since it's a completely different noise)

01:48:281 (108281|0,108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108605|1,108605|0,108605|3,108605|2) - You sure you wanna keep these? ;x 01:48:768 (108768|1) - Might as well move to 2 if you do just for balance.
Topic Starter
sorry didn't update the SV at the last time

almost remapped whole diff, i follow some of your pitch suggestion.

fixed basic too


Thank you very much
Topic Starter
New Update Bugs Probably
Even some ranked map have some problem at the editor, which can't detect storyboard file on folder

confirmed, there's no missing sb.. .-. sb y u do diz

also before a BN icon :

00:36:281 (36281|2) - why LN? there's an exact sound of 1/4 distorted piano..
Topic Starter

what am i thinking.
[ADV 14]
00:19:416 (19416|3) - ends 00:19:578 -

[INF 16]
00:25:335 - should be a note here like ADV 14
00:36:281 (36281|2) - change to 1/4 notes
00:42:119 - to 00:51:200 - why is there 2 notes sometimes and 1 note sometimes when they are same sound
01:10:660 - add
01:32:633 (92633|3) - no sound
01:36:443 (96443|3) - change to 1/8?
01:41:714 - add a note since you added one at 01:41:389 -
01:42:362 - remove a note
01:46:984 - ~ 01:48:200 - change please

I still feel strange for the SVs
Topic Starter

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

[ADV 14]
00:19:416 (19416|3) - ends 00:19:578 -

[INF 16]
00:25:335 - should be a note here like ADV 14
00:36:281 (36281|2) - change to 1/4 notes
00:42:119 - to 00:51:200 - why is there 2 notes sometimes and 1 note sometimes when they are same sound it's fine, flowing the pattern, not try to make things hard
01:10:660 - add
01:32:633 (92633|3) - no sound well but there is
01:36:443 (96443|3) - change to 1/8?
01:41:714 - add a note since you added one at 01:41:389 -
01:42:362 - remove a note
01:46:984 - ~ 01:48:200 - change please it's fine and easy

I still feel strange for the SVs
You right, recheck sv and found useless 1.0x on exh and adv14
ternyata masih ada hal lain yg harus di perbaiki.. yg sabar ya dee... ==a
hue ni map kpn ke rank... ;w;

keep strong dekade!
moga" cepet ke ranknya xD
oll be online later if u need help on sv .. ( not sure ) but if u see me online , poke me
Please remove Blood splatter.png from the storyboard, it has been considered as NSFW content.

01:48:281 (108281|0,108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108605|3,108605|0,108605|1,108605|2) - I don't suggest this with 4 notes.
01:48:930 (108930|2,108930|3,108930|0,108930|1) - ^
Adding to Sakura's post, recently there's been a lot of debates about NSFW / mature content. Today a map got disqualified due to the background (having blood) being considered mature content. To be safe, it's best to replace or remove the blood splatter image from the storyboard completely.


01:46:984 (106984|2,106984|3,107065|1,107065|0) - etc. This pattern doesn't really go too well.
1. It makes 01:48:200 (108200|0,108200|1,108281|0,108281|1) - really hard to hit, it's a fast 1/4 section into a slower 1/2 section, the transition should be a lot smoother.

Also, as Sakura suggested, 01:48:281 (108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108281|0) - these quad notes aren't recommended, like I said in my previous mod.
There isn't a real reason behind them apart from simply making the map harder. There isn't a noticeable increase in impact much here.

Overall, usage of the quad chords in this map are a bit poor.
Example: 00:56:389 (56389|1,56389|2,56389|3,56389|0) - Quad here, when 00:56:714 (56714|0,56714|1,56714|3) - 3 note chord here, when 00:57:362 (57362|1,57362|3) - 2 note chord here. It just feels random.

01:23:957 (83957|1,83957|0,83957|2,83957|3) - Quads here should be revised too. 01:26:551 (86551|0,86551|3) - This is basically the same sound.

01:28:822 (88822|1,88822|0,88822|2) - Make it only 2 notes, and one of them is an LN? Just fits alot better IMO.


00:54:768 (54768|1,54768|0,54768|3,54849|2,54930|0,54930|3,55011|1,55092|0,55092|3,55092|2) - Shouldn't this be LNs too?
01:15:362 (75362|0) - The whole slow section here actually just looks so repetitive and doesn't even follow pitch well. Consider to revise all of this.
01:28:173 (88173|1,88173|2,88281|1,88281|2,88389|1,88389|2,88497|1,88497|2,88605|1,88605|2) - Uh, nerf pls
When changing the pattern in INF 01:46:984 (106984|1,106984|0) - here, best to make this pattern the same as the new one.


Just a quick notice:

INF: 88822 this SV is really abrupt, not smooth and doesn't really fit. Best to remove to make it consistent with 00:26:551 - , which has no SV
Topic Starter

Rumia- wrote:

oll be online later if u need help on sv .. ( not sure ) but if u see me online , poke me
Ok rumi

[ S a k u r a ] wrote:

Please remove Blood splatter.png from the storyboard, it has been considered as NSFW content.
01:48:281 (108281|0,108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108605|3,108605|0,108605|1,108605|2) - I don't suggest this with 4 notes.
01:48:930 (108930|2,108930|3,108930|0,108930|1) - ^
Fixed All, also wait Usagi for SB

Starry- wrote:

Adding to Sakura's post, recently there's been a lot of debates about NSFW / mature content. Today a map got disqualified due to the background (having blood) being considered mature content. To be safe, it's best to replace or remove the blood splatter image from the storyboard completely.


01:46:984 (106984|2,106984|3,107065|1,107065|0) - etc. This pattern doesn't really go too well.
1. It makes 01:48:200 (108200|0,108200|1,108281|0,108281|1) - really hard to hit, it's a fast 1/4 section into a slower 1/2 section, the transition should be a lot smoother.

Also, as Sakura suggested, 01:48:281 (108281|2,108281|1,108281|3,108281|0) - these quad notes aren't recommended, like I said in my previous mod.
There isn't a real reason behind them apart from simply making the map harder. There isn't a noticeable increase in impact much here.

Overall, usage of the quad chords in this map are a bit poor.
Example: 00:56:389 (56389|1,56389|2,56389|3,56389|0) - Quad here, when 00:56:714 (56714|0,56714|1,56714|3) - 3 note chord here, when 00:57:362 (57362|1,57362|3) - 2 note chord here. It just feels random.

01:23:957 (83957|1,83957|0,83957|2,83957|3) - Quads here should be revised too. 01:26:551 (86551|0,86551|3) - This is basically the same sound.

01:28:822 (88822|1,88822|0,88822|2) - Make it only 2 notes, and one of them is an LN? Just fits alot better IMO.


00:54:768 (54768|1,54768|0,54768|3,54849|2,54930|0,54930|3,55011|1,55092|0,55092|3,55092|2) - Shouldn't this be LNs too?
01:15:362 (75362|0) - The whole slow section here actually just looks so repetitive and doesn't even follow pitch well. Consider to revise all of this.
01:28:173 (88173|1,88173|2,88281|1,88281|2,88389|1,88389|2,88497|1,88497|2,88605|1,88605|2) - Uh, nerf pls no idea, it's suits with the song effect
When changing the pattern in INF 01:46:984 (106984|1,106984|0) - here, best to make this pattern the same as the new one.


Just a quick notice:

INF: 88822 this SV is really abrupt, not smooth and doesn't really fit. Best to remove to make it consistent with 00:26:551 - , which has no SV
Fixed some, thanks
Topic Starter
Ranked, doesnt mean anything if ppl hate this beatmap because the pattern is not good or even boring to play
I chose starry and sakura because they know how to make a good pattern. if i still got time to make this thing get better, why not ?
My apologies, I've decided to pop this mapset's bubble.

Reason for pop:

1. 123.jpg (the background image) is in the osb but it's never used.
Just delete it from the design editor. Currently it is all the way throughout the map at 0% opacity and never shown once.

2. Inconsistent SV - EXHAUST Lv.15 has more SV changes than INFINITE Lv.16, and throughout the map certain parts lack / shouldn't have SV.
This honestly shouldn't be the case considering all SV are of the same impact. If anything, Lv.15 should have less.
Although this isn't the main reason for the pop it's still a fairly decent issue that should be looked at. Take a look at the first kiai for example:
It's best to just remove these SV from Exhaust and make it overall consistent. Contact me if you want to help balancing these SVs out.

Additional Comments:

00:37:092 (37092|0,37254|2,37416|0,37578|3,37741|0,37903|3) - This slow section really shouldn't have too many jumps (like this part, for example). It should flow a lot nicer. (Using patterns like 0123 0213 01021232 or anything should be fine for this section to convey pitch relevancy, but seeing jumps like 020303 shouldn't be happening in such a slow section.)
01:17:795 (77795|0) - Again issues with the slow section, I don't particularly understand the 303 jump when this is the highest pitched note here (changing 'octaves' in a sense doesn't really fit here). These jumps feel somewhat forced.

Same applies to EXH about the 303 jumps in the slow section


Call me back when these changes are applied, I'm pretty sure the rest is fine. Contact me in IRC if you have any issues or questions~
@starry, if i delete the 123.png from storyboard script, the sb load become higher (+1.33) and some scene doesn't works as i wanted.. you can refer this to t/55177

==a but yea, pretty much for reducing SB load.. so it's for special purposes
Ah I see, my apologies for the inconvenience then.
Although my point still stands about the slow sections and SV and I'll discuss with DE-CADE shortly about them.
Topic Starter
the pattern were fixed

for SV i wont remove it cz it's really suits with the pattern and doesn't make the EXH harder than INF,
also it has no place for SV at INF Pattern. it's still consistent each diff

let's discuss, i can remove it if it's really necessary
INF: 01:49:741 (109741|1,109781|2) - Perhaps CTRL+H these two. 321012321 rolls aren't considered that playable.

EXH: 00:53:795 (53795|1,53795|0,54119|2,54119|3,54443|0,54443|1,54605|2,54605|1,54768|3,54768|0) - This part may be best if you map it like INF (without LN) to be consistent.
00:58:984 (58984|2,58984|0,59308|1,59308|3,59633|2,59633|0) - Same with this ( 01:00:119 (60119|2,60119|0,60200|1) - you even have this triple here, it kinda conflicts).
It's a consistency issue, but I guess it's okay if you don't want to change it since I understand you've worked with the LNs being like this for a long time, and it's fine to be a little inconsistent.

Apart from this call me when you've finished and I'll be ready to rebubble!
wogh hype.. go go go
Topic Starter
I fixed all, also removed the SVs on there, it should be consistent now
Thanks DE-CADE!
The SVs should be fine now. The ones in ADV are justified because mapping LNs only okay there.

You really need to catch me on IRC, I've drafted a couple of issues (to do with EXH to INF inconsistencies) I need to discuss with you before pushing this map forward!
8-) Nice map
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