
BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE? [OsuMania]

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 25 March 2015 at 18:10:50

Artist: BlackYooh vs. siromaru
Title: BLACK or WHITE?
Source: SOUND VOLTEX II -infinite infection-
Tags: ExUsagi BlackY Yooh symphonic speed schranz sdvx KAC2013オリジナル楽曲コンテスト Original Song Contest
BPM: 185
Filesize: 9340kb
Play Time: 01:59
Difficulties Available:
  1. ADVANCED Lv.12 - 4Key (2.93 stars, 944 notes)
  2. ADVANCED Lv.14 - 4Key (3.36 stars, 1119 notes)
  3. DECADE vs. Usagi's INFINITE Lv.16 - 4Key (4.84 stars, 1604 notes)
  4. EXHAUST Lv.15 - 4Key (4.3 stars, 1430 notes)
  5. NOVICE Lv.9 - 4Key (2.1 stars, 627 notes)
  6. Usagi's BASIC Lv.6 - 4Key (1.54 stars, 374 notes)
Download: BlackYooh vs. siromaru - BLACK or WHITE?
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
can we hit 4M

Artists :
■ Blacky Soundcloud | Twitter
■ Yooh Soundcloud | Twitter
□ siromaru Soundcloud | Twitter

Original song from album KERBEROX by HEKATONCHEIR BEATS

Original Background Izayoi Sakuya by ふるちょこ

Special Thanks
Arzenvald for SB, BASIC GD, and Collabration on INF
Rumia- for Pattern and Quality Check
Spy for Helping most about Hitsound and some LN
Expew for Side note about SV
Ayachi- for Pattern and General Issues
Starry- for Helping most about Pattern Consistency
and every one who mod this beatmap
Thank You for Playing ♥

BASIC please?
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Sorry cant make that diff, i'm just need the easier ADV and this beatmap ready to go
Easier ADV? you mean ADV under Lv. 14 ?
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Uye. What's wrong, is there any problem :(
No no, good luck on this~ if you need help, PM me (~`3`)~
u wot m8

De-Cade wrote:

A song by Michael Jackson
what ichia trying to says is, the current diff spread is not rankable, star diffs on NOVICE is above 2.0 stars (don't take a look at Spy's Bangin' Burst... 7 months ago the ranking criteria is not updated yet)
The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars
so you need to make BASIC diff, or make the NOVICE below 2.0 star

=w= i am here to check your map.. just a quick notes and some error checking... pretty much a more "physical" aspect on modding rather than a technical one, because your map is op

00:30:453 (30453|0,30453|3,30615|1,30778|2,30940|0,31102|1,31264|2,31426|3,31588|1) - why dont you try to follow the sfx? it's gonna be more neat
01:00:129 (60129|3,60210|2) - ==a remove? do you hear things?

yea, you need to make BASIC diff, because 01:08:399 (68399|3,68480|2,68561|1,68643|0) - around this part, and some 1/3 notes.. really, not for beginner
01:42:048 (102048|2,102291|3,102453|2,102697|1,102778|3,102940|2,103102|0,103264|1,103426|3,103588|2) - need more neater pattern.. (01:41:805 (101805|0,103102|0) - same highlight for hint)

00:05:805 (5805|0) - you can hear the first sfx here?
00:10:102 (10102|2,10264|2,10426|2,10588|2,10670|1) - CTRL + H, trilling with same hand is hard
00:16:021 (16021|2,16183|1) - crrl + h, follow the sfx pitch
00:50:075 (50075|0,50237|1,50399|2) - 1/4 stream seems fine there.. x3
01:04:183 (64183|3,64183|2,64507|2,64507|3,64832|1,64832|2,65156|1,65156|0) - add LNs here, neater with sfx
01:28:724 (88724|2,88832|1,88832|0,89156|2,89156|3) - ctrl + H, then add on 1

00:19:670 (19670|1,19751|0,19832|0) - 1 2 1, avoid 1/4 jacks in the opening
<3 <3 pretty neat, and fun to play

00:51:697 (51697|2,51778|2,51980|1,52061|1,52143|1) - it's ok to use 1/8 stream, but try to avoid 1/4 jack inside them.. =w= it's rather cancer...
if only i could find an error.. orz

mind if i make infinite diff (about lv 16)? it's ok to pass my honest request... :)

good luck on ranking, and i waiting for new map like this.. :D

// edit : here's my attempt to make 4K chart for your map
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Miyamoto Usagi wrote:

u wot m8

De-Cade wrote:

A song by Michael Jackson

Nothing to Deal with it /.\l

what ichia trying to says is, the current diff spread is not rankable, star diffs on NOVICE is above 2.0 stars (don't take a look at Spy's Bangin' Burst... 7 months ago the ranking criteria is not updated yet)
The lowest difficulty must be below 2.0 stars
so you need to make BASIC diff, or make the NOVICE below 2.0 star

Well... Ok, if you guys say that but this one is okay to be ranked
But dont worry, it didn't mean that i'm not going to make the BASIC, i will make the BASIC

=w= i am here to check your map.. just a quick notes and some error checking... pretty much a more "physical" aspect on modding rather than a technical one, because your map is op

Thank you for your time to Mod this Beatmap, i always appreciate every Mod here because it will be useful for mapping in the future

Mod Reply
Yup... Tomorrow ~

00:30:453 (30453|0,30453|3,30615|1,30778|2,30940|0,31102|1,31264|2,31426|3,31588|1) - why dont you try to follow the sfx? it's gonna be more neat kok jdi lucu y pattern gw =w=
01:00:129 (60129|3,60210|2) - ==a remove? do you hear things? oh yeah idont hear things

yea, you need to make BASIC diff, because 01:08:399 (68399|3,68480|2,68561|1,68643|0) - around this part, and some 1/3 notes.. really, not for beginner
01:42:048 (102048|2,102291|3,102453|2,102697|1,102778|3,102940|2,103102|0,103264|1,103426|3,103588|2) - need more neater pattern.. (01:41:805 (101805|0,103102|0) - same highlight for hint) Some part are changed n it's getting harder /.\

00:05:805 (5805|0) - you can hear the first sfx here? Forget about that thanks
00:10:102 (10102|2,10264|2,10426|2,10588|2,10670|1) - CTRL + H, trilling with same hand is hard ayolah, tangan kanan kan gmpang =w=
00:16:021 (16021|2,16183|1) - crrl + h, follow the sfx pitch uyeah
00:50:075 (50075|0,50237|1,50399|2) - 1/4 stream seems fine there.. x3 damn right
01:04:183 (64183|3,64183|2,64507|2,64507|3,64832|1,64832|2,65156|1,65156|0) - add LNs here, neater with sfx pattern ku tambah lucu jdinya
01:28:724 (88724|2,88832|1,88832|0,89156|2,89156|3) - ctrl + H, then add on 1 ADV tambah susah nantinya

00:19:670 (19670|1,19751|0,19832|0) - 1 2 1, avoid 1/4 jacks in the opening yaw dah deh =w=
<3 <3 pretty neat, and fun to play <3 <3

00:51:697 (51697|2,51778|2,51980|1,52061|1,52143|1) - it's ok to use 1/8 stream, but try to avoid 1/4 jack inside them.. =w= it's rather cancer... changed but, first one still jack , u ok with that
if only i could find an error.. orz

mind if i make infinite diff (about lv 16/17)? it's ok to pass my honest request... :)

for GD, if you really want to do it, just do it since you are easily to contact and you're a nice guy too :oops:

good luck on ranking, and i waiting for new map like this.. :D

Yeah i got map like this but it's not uploaded just be patience and Thank You, Ajee =w=
Gak pantes bgt gw bilang bahasa inggris xD

DE-CADE wrote:

Yeah i got map like this but it's not uploaded just be patience and Thank You, Ajee =w=
Gak pantes bgt gw bilang bahasa inggris xD
==a yaa... gw juga ngerasain hal yg sama, rasanya kikuk bgt.. huehuehue... minimal kalo modding lebih enak pake english, buat latihan sekaligus biar nambah kerasan pake bahasa inggrisnya.. xD

diff paling mudah di sakura miragenya spy itu tepat 2.0 star, lolos ranking kriteria.. makanya rankable.. ==a whoa, akhir akhir ini banyak yg mencoba kesuksesan spy.. xD
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Iya jee =w=. Tpi w jujur gk pingin ngikut spy. Btw gdnya agak brutal /.\
mau gk buat yg BASIC, nanti yg lv.16 aku taruh di creator's word
ahahaha... dasar, se brutal itu kah...? well, yg lebih brutal dari itu aja rankable kok.. x3

boleh lah.. ==a (back to be an ez GDer.. y u do diz)
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Miyamoto Usagi wrote:

ahahaha... dasar, se brutal itu kah...? well, yg lebih brutal dari itu aja rankable kok.. x3

boleh lah.. ==a (back to be an ez GDer.. y u do diz)
Yah EZ ajee kan bagus =w=

DE-CADE wrote:

Miyamoto Usagi wrote:

ahahaha... dasar, se brutal itu kah...? well, yg lebih brutal dari itu aja rankable kok.. x3

boleh lah.. ==a (back to be an ez GDer.. y u do diz)
Yah EZ ajee kan bagus =w=
hidup gd-EZ ajee!
Akhirnya ada yg 4K juga /o/
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LNP- wrote:

Akhirnya ada yg 4K juga /o/
Hehehe :D
another 4k map /o/ \o/ \o\
ad 3 4k map mah ini :v

btw ini lagu gampang banget dimap :v soalnya musicnya basic hardcore. jadi ya...

dionzz99 wrote:

another 4k map /o/ \o/ \o\
ad 3 4k map mah ini :v

btw ini lagu gampang banget dimap :v soalnya musicnya basic hardcore. jadi ya...
yang baru gw tau cuman ini :v
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dionzz99 wrote:

another 4k map /o/ \o/ \o\
ad 3 4k map mah ini :v

btw ini lagu gampang banget dimap :v soalnya musicnya basic hardcore. jadi ya...
Bedanya. Laguku asli dri sdvx :D
itu storyboard gpp ga dikasih Epilepsy warning? o_o

BM nya bagus '3')b cakep SV nya :3
wow such a cooooool map! >w<
must rank this! xD
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