Hi there! I posted 2 weeks ago in General but it did not gain much attention. I'll be posting here again since I think this subforum is much more popular. I would like to get all of your replay history in osu! standard as part of my undergraduate thesis study regarding predicting a player's skill level on a certain beatmap. It is similar a map recommender but not quite. I will be using your replay files to train a model that can forecast when a player can get decent score on a beatmap. So, it involves machine learning (and maybe AI?). I have already collected a few replays back in January but it's still not enough after getting a consultation from my professor.
I have provided description and instructions on this Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/K7SvY1zDEAmkAGxL7. Here's what it says:
Description wrote:
Hey there!
I am a 4th-year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science student in the Philippines currently working to fulfill my thesis requirement.
I would like to invite you to participate in my thesis study about predicting a player's current skill level for a given osu! map and estimates the number of attempts required to pass, score well, or achieve a full combo which involves machine learning. To accomplish this, I'll need access to all available replays from a player's entire osu! gaming history ever since they first started playing osu! until now.
I have collected about 27 replays back in January 2024 by DM'ing people on Discord and osu! chat. I would need at least a hundred replays. The purpose of this google form is for tracking how many players I have collected so far.
Kindly upload your replay files (.osr) in archive format (.zip, .rar, .7z, .gzip, .tar, etc).
Your participation would offer crucial insights into osu!Standard player performance regarding the predictive analysis of player skill proficiency based on replay files. Responses are open to everyone to be viewed.
For some reason, it requires login. It must be because of file upload. Emails are not collected. And I have kept the responses open to everyone unless it's recommended to not show it.
I'm open to questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for your time!
I have provided description and instructions on this Google Form Link: https://forms.gle/K7SvY1zDEAmkAGxL7. Here's what it says:
Description wrote:
Hey there!
I am a 4th-year Bachelor of Science in Computer Science student in the Philippines currently working to fulfill my thesis requirement.
I would like to invite you to participate in my thesis study about predicting a player's current skill level for a given osu! map and estimates the number of attempts required to pass, score well, or achieve a full combo which involves machine learning. To accomplish this, I'll need access to all available replays from a player's entire osu! gaming history ever since they first started playing osu! until now.
I have collected about 27 replays back in January 2024 by DM'ing people on Discord and osu! chat. I would need at least a hundred replays. The purpose of this google form is for tracking how many players I have collected so far.
Kindly upload your replay files (.osr) in archive format (.zip, .rar, .7z, .gzip, .tar, etc).
Your participation would offer crucial insights into osu!Standard player performance regarding the predictive analysis of player skill proficiency based on replay files. Responses are open to everyone to be viewed.
For some reason, it requires login. It must be because of file upload. Emails are not collected. And I have kept the responses open to everyone unless it's recommended to not show it.
I'm open to questions, feel free to ask. Thank you for your time!