
OT! Painting Contest 2023 (Contrast)

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Hoshimegu Mio

OT! Painting Contest 2023

  1. 1st place prize: 6 months of supporter tag
  2. 2nd place prize: 2 months of supporter tag
⚠️Prizes are subject for change if there are too few participants⚠️

  1. The submission must be in .PNG or .JPG format
  2. The submission must be of 16x9 or 9x16 dimensions
  3. The submission must be at least 1080p in quality, preferably 1440p
  4. The submission must be completed by only one participant
  5. The submission must abide to the forum rules and CoC
  6. The submission must not be a plagiarized work
  7. The submission must not be done in the past
  8. The submission must follow the theme of the contest
  9. One participant may only submit one submission
Any violation of the above requirements will cause an immediate disqualification.


June 14th ~ June 22nd: Event Signup
If you’re interested, please signup by replying below. I’m too lazy to do Google Forms.

June 23rd: Theme Reveal
You can start as soon as the theme is revealed.

June 24rd ~ July 11th: Painting
Paint according to the theme. Physical and digital are both welcome, but the effect of natural lighting should be minimized in physical paintings.

July 12th: Submission Deadline
Self-explanatory. Submission should be done by osu! DMing the file link to me. Don’t send me the actual file through Discord. Only links so I don’t accidentally see your submission before the reveal.

July 13th: Submission Reveal
You may start voting as soon as you see the submissions.

July 13th ~ July 17th: Voting
Anyone is welcome to vote. Spectator votes count as 1 and participant votes count as 2. This will be done through a form.

Voting form: Link

July 18th: Winner Announcement
Congratulations to whoever wins.

July 19th: Prize Sending
Contact beforehand if for some reason you don’t want the prize. Sponsors are welcome (I doubt I’ll get any sponsors though)
Tad Fibonacci
Seems fun, I'm down.

Although depending on how busy I am I might not able to submit.
Zelzatter Zero
oh god.
Pretty interesting. I could be down to make one.
I'm already not the winner hahaha...
[ Sebastian ]
I'll join. I want to practice my art skills.
gluck to all participants, i cant draw for shit so imma just spectate

also i'm going to like make a drawing in paint in 2 minutes max
Rezq Gokou
I join
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
ShinRun sponsor please.

Cerno wrote:

gluck to all participants, i cant draw for shit so imma just spectate
octo or duck will win first place
mark my words
That's pretty cool
interesting, i'm in.


Idk if I'd actually submit anything, I'll probably forget about it
can't wait to see how this turns out!!!

YyottaCat wrote:

ShinRun sponsor please.
I'll help sponsor some of the prizes but I want to see if there's enough participants and effort put in first
Rezq Gokou

ShinRun wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

ShinRun sponsor please.
I'll help sponsor some of the prizes but I want to see if there's enough participants and effort put in first
dementedduck waiting room
furry hater
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Please confirm if you’re in or not since I can’t tell.
Rezq Gokou
Duck o-o

-Remi wrote:

octo or duck will win first place
mark my words
bruh im not even participating 💀
too much other shit to do
Zelzatter Zero
/in ig
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Stomiks wrote:

Pretty interesting. I could be down to make one.
Are you in or no?

YyottaCat wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

Pretty interesting. I could be down to make one.
Are you in or no?
yeah on second thought I'm losing in interest in OT rn so sorry I wouldn't be interested in joining.

Stomiks wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

Stomiks wrote:

Pretty interesting. I could be down to make one.
Are you in or no?
yeah on second thought I'm losing in interest in OT rn so sorry I wouldn't be interested in joining.
Makes two of us
(also I'm not in)
[ Sebastian ]
Zelzatter Zero
bump in case OP forgot the theme reveal day
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Sorry I had to go to my Grandma’s yesterday.

The theme of the contest is:


All schedules afterward will be adjusted.
Rezq Gokou

YyottaCat wrote:

Sorry I had to go to my Grandma’s yesterday.

The theme of the contest is:


All schedules afterward will be adjusted.
sorry but, could you explain the theme please?
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Rezq wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

Sorry I had to go to my Grandma’s yesterday.

The theme of the contest is:


All schedules afterward will be adjusted.
sorry but, could you explain the theme please?

I went for an abstract theme so you have to think of something yourself :evil:
Rezq Gokou
will be out for two days so it will take me some time to do my 5 minute painting
Tad Fibonacci

YyottaCat wrote:

Sorry I had to go to my Grandma’s yesterday.

The theme of the contest is:


All schedules afterward will be adjusted.
Honestly that's quite an abstract theme, which although could give artists a lot of freedom of creation, doesn't have that much in terms of materials to work with. Would art that contain contrasting elements okay or does the art have to best represent the concept of contrast?

Honestly it's a bit too big of a theme, I think a more direct theme or genre would be better.
Zelzatter Zero
done w/ the work

imma go submit
Tad Fibonacci
That's fast
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Tad Fibonacci wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

Sorry I had to go to my Grandma’s yesterday.

The theme of the contest is:


All schedules afterward will be adjusted.
Honestly that's quite an abstract theme, which although could give artists a lot of freedom of creation, doesn't have that much in terms of materials to work with. Would art that contain contrasting elements okay or does the art have to best represent the concept of contrast?

Honestly it's a bit too big of a theme, I think a more direct theme or genre would be better.
Either would be fine. If it doesn't differ too much from the concept I'd take it.
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
A week has passed. No one else has submitted yet.
[ Sebastian ]
I forgot. No way I'll be able to finish.
oh shit forgot, sorry, been busy recently, will do it if I remember tomorrow, just been outside all day today, so dont have the energy rn
Rezq Gokou

YyottaCat wrote:

A week has passed. No one else has submitted yet.
how do I submit?
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Rezq wrote:

YyottaCat wrote:

A week has passed. No one else has submitted yet.
how do I submit?
DM me the link to the image
Rezq Gokou
okay, I will polish it first then send it
oh i nearly forgor
okay thinking more about, only really going to submit mine when there are 3 or more submissions because mine it's just a troll and I dont want to steal any prices
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
I’m considering lowering the prizes.
Rezq Gokou
no problem for me
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Rezq Gokou
What happened?
We good?
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
3 participants have submitted. Only a few days remain.
Rezq Gokou
Dear god
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
I have received 5 submissions up until now.
can't wait to see these
Rezq Gokou

Rezq wrote:

Zelzatter Zero

THETM wrote:

Rezq wrote:

Rezq Gokou
2 more days

Zelzatter Zero wrote:

THETM wrote:

Rezq wrote:

Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Removing prize for 4th and 5th.

YyottaCat wrote:

Removing prize for 4th and 5th.
Rezq Gokou
Of course, there are only 5 sumitted
Yeah but still 😥
Rezq Gokou
I will even delete the 3rd one
If you said so...
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio

Rezq wrote:

I will even delete the 3rd one
Good idea.
Zelzatter Zero
that sounds fierce

increase the prize as well while we're at it
Rezq Gokou

YyottaCat wrote:

Rezq wrote:

I will even delete the 3rd one
Good idea.
you actually did it...
plot twist: YyottaCat removes all prices before announcing results
Rezq Gokou
Don't give that idea to the man
Makes sense, only first and second should receive a real reward, considering this isn't a large event with hundreds of people or anything.
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Deadline tomorrow.
Zelzatter Zero
Closer to the deadline.
Congrats upon partaking it.

Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
Try to guess who made each image lol.

YyottaCat wrote:

Try to guess who made each image lol.
Where are the images? on disc im assuming, unless ur posting them here
Topic Starter
Hoshimegu Mio
I made the form on the wrong account so please wait.

Submission No.1

Submission No.2

Submission No.3

Submission No.4

Submission No.5

edit: is there a form for voting?
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