
BACK-ON - Flyaway

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 10:28:35 AM

Artist: BACK-ON
Title: Flyaway
Source: Tales of the World Radiant of Mythology 2
Tags: tales of the world BACK-ON fly away
BPM: 93.02
Filesize: 13340kb
Play Time: 01:23
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.61 stars, 74 notes)
  2. Fly Away!!! (5 stars, 265 notes)
  3. Hard (4.72 stars, 186 notes)
  4. Normal (2.79 stars, 91 notes)
Download: BACK-ON - Flyaway
Download: BACK-ON - Flyaway (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
This can be modded and ranked now
The scores are reset.
Skin by Daru
FlyAway!!! by Starrodkirby86 (with minor tweaks)

MAJOR Update
mp3 replaced
offset has been found as well
Plus SB thanks to shinde
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
All fine.
:!: :!: :!:

00:51:94 (1) - Soft sampleset? You know where to end it.

00:51:94 (1) - Soft sampleset? You know where to end.

As great as Tear's melons.

[Fly Away!!!]:
00:12:11 (8) - Make horizontally straight to (7). [minor, haha]
00:20:33 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You know the problem, I know you're correcting it.
00:22:75 (4) - Suggestion: Put this below the red (1).
00:25:97 (7) - Start slider at 26:139, make it repeat at 26:785 so it'll end at 27:430. (In other words, the start point gets a white tick ahead and the endpoint needs 1/2 back). I don't see where this follows originally except for the endpoint which follows a drum.
00:29:36 (3,4) - Follow the pattern of (1) and (2)?
00:31:30 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:31:62 (2) - New combo.
00:37:66 (4) - Move 1/4 ahead and readjust spacing if needed.
00:42:58 (3) - Make even with (2) horizontally? D:
00:43:55 (1) - Make even with (2) and (5) veritcally? D:
00:57:10 (3) - Straight line with (2)?
01:07:42 (3,4,5,6) - This part always sprung out at me whenever playing the map...I don't know what you should do though...
01:17:74 (2) - Long long long long repeat...

Sorry for long list. :<

Sleep Powder
I don't know if you want to use it but here ya go~

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly~].osu
Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!! v2].osu

I helped ztrot. A lot.

(To the point of...yeah...)
Fly Away:
00:21:14 (3) - might want a new combo here because it is hard to read the stack in the center
00:22:26 (1,2,3,5,6,7) - fix spacing
00:25:17 (1) - this is disorienting on placement
00:59:68 (6) - new combo
01:07:42 (5,6,7) - stack the ends and starts properly
About BPM... You sure about it? 186,04?

00:20:97 (3) - Finish on start.
00:41:62 (2) - New combo?
00:54:19 (1) - Remove new combo.
00:51:94 (1) - Hitsound on second return.
00:54:52 (3) - Hitsound on end of slider.
00:56:13 (1) - Whistle on return.
00:57:42 (1) - ^
00:58:71 (1) - ^

00:12:11 (3) - Whistle/finish.
00:51:94 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1) - See normal.

00:51:94 (1,1,2,3,4,1,1,1,1) - See normal.
01:02:26 (3) - Finish, new combo.

[Fly Away!!!]
Decrease circle size a tick?
All cool.

The Music overpowers the hitsounds, so keeping the hitsounds simple in this is good~
BPM seems fine to me

00:38:25 (2,3) - this was awkward in this difficulty only... since the map was at a slower pace, maybe just make these a slider?

00:42:58 (2) - this clap and this <00:45:16 (5)> clap almost begins a clapping flow... but it doesn't, so either remove these two claps or add some more at the same pace (actually, this was in Easy, too)
Redo break~

Same "issue" as Normal~ but otherwise... <3 good Job~

Fly Away!!! - run away...!
@_@ after listening to the first three's hitsounds... this one was disturbing >_<
Hitsounds were kinda overused, but like I said, compared to the other three... Once I got used to the massive amount, it sounds fairly nice
Please include more Newcombos on jumps such as 00:32:26 (4) ... and much more you should be able to figure out..
Very confusing and fast for such a song... could you please lower the overall diff by a tick?

The first three's hitsounds were kept nice and simple, then Fly Away blew me away :o
It does sound good though, once gotten used to.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
It is a good map. Star. :)
00:28:07 (2) - may be do this symmetric by horizontal relate to (1)?
00:11:62 (6,7) - move by 1 left.
00:17:27 (6) - move by 1 right.
00:39:04 (1) - looks ugly.
00:47:10 (4) - make it more symmetric.
00:50:00 (5) - ^
01:12:58 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - make it symmetric relate to vertical middle's line.
[Fly Away!!!]
01:13:54 (7,8) - move by 1 up.
Starrrr! :)
[Fly Away!!!]
Decrease circle size a tick?ztrot's original version had circles of this size, if I recall correctly. If not, screw it, I like it anyway~
All cool.
Fly Away!!! - run away...!Hi Shin :)
@_@ after listening to the first three's hitsounds... this one was disturbing >_< D: I HATE YOU NOW
Hitsounds were kinda overused, but like I said, compared to the other three... Once I got used to the massive amount, it sounds fairly niceOh...okay...:3
Please include more Newcombos on jumps such as 00:32:26 (4) ... and much more you should be able to figure out.. :(
Very confusing and fast for such a song... could you please lower the overall diff by a tick? Lowering the Overall Difficulty makes this look more relaxing and less action-filled. That wasn't my objective for Fly Away!!!
Fly Away
I'm guessing Fly Away is referring to what your mouse does when playing this map :P :3
01:00:68 (1) - BLARG ok, yes it makes the 2000 limit, but it's still realllllly cheap..
01:08:55 (7) - noooo hidden slider, it's very hard to tell this is a slider with the fading 5 Changed.
01:12:58 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - lol
[Fly Away!!!]
01:13:54 (7,8) - move by 1 up.Dumb Copypasta. :T Changed. <3
I'm Barack Obama, and I'm here to change~
v v v

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!!].osu
If I were to be picky and say that you used too much Kiai...I would recommend taking away all the flashy glows from the slowdown part. You can keep the fountain though.

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
*Was only requested to take a look at the skin*

i'm no expert, but visual wise, this is probably one of the best looking osu skins to me, if not the best. i like the Technologic-esque color splash :P

the only gripe i would have with it is that all the color spashes and that can make it somewhat confusing, since i sometimes confuse the color splashes with hitcircles when i see them in the corner of my eye when theres hitcircles everywhere (see "Fly Away!!!")

so yeah, i really like the skin. i'd use it for my default skin if it didn't confuse me sometimes (if you do edit it, please please please don't remove the color splashes D:)

btw, if you want me to mod this, let me know (i don't like giving stars without modding *Nudge* *Nudge*)
BPM: 93.0 flat.
Offset: 10640

Re-snap. The reason why I advanced the offset a lot further is because it sounds better with the 1-2-3-4 beat sequence.
Topic Starter

Zekira wrote:

BPM: 93.0 flat.
Offset: 10640

Re-snap. The reason why I advanced the offset a lot further is because it sounds better with the 1-2-3-4 beat sequence.
hmm i think the bmp i have is right i tryed yours
but it felt odd

01:08:55 (4) - NINJA. GTFO. =( The purple like blends in and I'm looking at the next note thinking the slider is going to double back once more. Maybe it's because he's killing a purple thing in the video right where that note is, I dunno, and I get confused lol. General lack of stacking also made me unwary of a stack here. </whine>

00:24:52 (1,2,3) - I think making these a triangular pattern would be neat. Same like 1 second later for 4,5,6.
00:32:75 (6,7) - Up one, realign following notes accordingly.
00:48:55 (5,6) - Start new combo on one of these instead of the (1) after it maybe?
01:01:61 - I love when this part of the song kicks in, lol. <3 Video kickass too.
01:06:77 (1) - Left one

00:46:61 (3,4,5,6,7,8) - I won't say what this looks like.
00:48:07 (10) - Move in middle, looks wierd on the left.

That is all. Hohoho. Star'd.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Meeeh fine

00:10:33 (2,6,7) - not completely symetric
00:32:42 (5,6) - align

[Fly away!!!]
00:20:81 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - OMG =D
01:07:41 (5,6,7) - Meh!!!!! stack these PROPERLY
01:21:12 (1) - finish 1 beat later?

Nice map. (eh? i got the game but didn't see the show o_o)

This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!!].osu
looks good

looks good

looks great

00:27:26 (4,5) - can you make these less hidden by 3
decrease hitcircle size PLEASE and decrease drain a tad

aside from the hit explosion and that i think this is bubbled so fix rl fast and call me back here pronto!

Saturos-fangirl wrote:

00:27:26 (4,5) - can you make these less hidden by 3
decrease hitcircle size PLEASE and decrease drain a tad

aside from the hit explosion and that i think this is bubbled so fix rl fast and call me back here pronto!
Very well.

(don't give kds ztrot bro)

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!!].osu
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Can I get the name of anime that is in the video! Thanks

Looks like one of the Tales series to me
Credit me on the skin, please? ._.

omgshane wrote:

Can I get the name of anime that is in the video! Thanks

Looks like one of the Tales series to me
It's not an anime. It's Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2.

There are only two Tales animes, and that's Symphonia + Abyss. Watch those if you haven't.

Daru wrote:

Credit me on the skin, please? ._.
all diffs were good except...

your [Fly Away!!!] diff is one of the most stupid maps i have seen latley.

01:12:57 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - what the hell is this. 01:13:38 (6,7) - <- the same combo its so stupid.

while it's doable i would consider this not rankable at all.
A lot of the Fly Away!!! I tried to base off ztrot's original version. That was one of the items that came through in the final package.

Also, in a lot of attempts I managed to near-full-300 (I think getting an X somewhere...), so eventually it's possible provided you can do the jumps.

Gabi wrote:

all diffs were good except...

your [Fly Away!!!] diff is one of the most stupid maps i have seen latley.

01:12:57 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - what the hell is this. 01:13:38 (6,7) - <- the same combo its so stupid.

while it's doable i would consider this not rankable at all.
this 01:12:57 (1,2,3,4,5) + 01:13:70 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - i consider rankable. the (6,7) hell no

not even a new combo anywhere. it is so stupid and confusing.

Gabi wrote:

this 01:12:57 (1,2,3,4,5) + 01:13:70 (8,9,10,11,12,13) - i consider rankable. the (6,7) hell no

not even a new combo anywhere. it is so stupid and confusing.
Yeah, I would expect a new combo when on the short step right after the large jump.
I had to look at the section in edit to figure out what the hell was going on there.

Also, I find it perfectly rankable. :|
If we just keep saying the hard/seemingly impossible stuff is unrankable, then maps will just stay at the same maximum difficulty.

I say keep it, and I like it.
I can't do it yet, but seeing as to how impossible it looks, that just fuels my drive to accomplish it.

Daru wrote:

Also, I find it perfectly rankable. :|
If we just keep saying the hard/seemingly impossible stuff is unrankable, then maps will just stay at the same maximum difficulty.

I say keep it, and I like it.
I can't do it yet, but seeing as to how impossible it looks, that just fuels my drive to accomplish it.
i fully support really difficult maps and keep making maps harder and harder however make them hard the right way. this is the wrong way. a BAT should have checked that before ranking this.

the right way would have had (7) and (8) places swapped, then i would have not complained at this. again as it is doable but it's not the right "rankable" way imho

i guess i might have come off a little harsh. the map is good however there are several jumps without new combos.
I don't know if it's a problem on my part but when I play this song, I can't see anything. I can barely make out hitcircles, when I tap the beats I get completely confused because of all the stuff that comes out of them and I can't tell how much I score because it all looks the same. I hate the skin :cry:
I agree with Gabi
that patten is really confusing
nothing wrong

like the skin
The skin is ridiculous for this sort of map. The patterns and the hit burst circles overlap making it almost impossible to read.

Unforce it.

x3ns0r wrote:

nothing wrong

like the skin
I agree you when I am watching people play or in editor, but not when I playing, I almost can't play with the skin.

I don't want to offense anyone, but as I know, the skin make many people really hard to play. I know making skin do take lot of work and the skin is pretty. But this is a game after all, the skin, kiai, whatever make map more beautiful shouldn't affect game playing. I struggle rating maps with beautiful skin but make me hard to play.

Not mean to offense or blame anyone, just my teletubby opinion.

I rated this 10 after struggling btw.
i agree that the skin is distracting, and i also agree that the skin looks very nice, but if people don't like it, they can just delete the skin, like i have.

and yeah, i do agree with Gabi with that (6, 7) thing. it'd be hard enough if the (7, 8) were swapped.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Skin is fine.

Kiai abuse galore. Come on.
01:11:93 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - what (yes this happens multiple times).

i'd personally nuke this shit.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Normal].osu
Updated with new Kiai time
Do not re-rank this without peppy's permission. Thanks~
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Just to let you know I will most likely remove Fly away!!! from this map
Just waiting for the okay to do so.

ztrot wrote:

Just to let you know I will most likely remove Fly away!!! from this map
Just waiting for the okay to do so.

ztrot wrote:

Just to let you know I will most likely remove Fly away!!! from this map
Just waiting for the okay to do so.
You suck. Go die.
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Ztrot, there is still hope for this map. Don't give up on it because everyone is counting on you. :-3

And DxS, that harsh comment wasn't really needed. I know you're pissed off about it, but please refain from using harsh context.
Remember, some of the errors posted are suggestions, not directions. Edit to what you see fit.

[Extreme] Detailed Modding go! (Insane Mod only)

Osz. File Check

Video: Yes
Custom Skin: Yes
Background: Yes
[Current] Size: 13.00 MB / 20.00 MB
Source: Yes
Tags: Yes

[Easy] (Exempt from modding)

[Normal] (Exempt from modding)

[Hard] (Exempt from modding)

[Fly Away!!!] (Done)

Timing (BPM / Offset): 186.040 / 10,010 ms (Seems okay so far.)
[Currently] with double BPM: Yes
[Currently] with altered timing sections: No
[Current] Slider Tick Rate / Velocity: 2 / 2.40
Distance Snap Average: x1.0
[Current] Objects: 265 ( 231 Circles / 28 Sliders / 6 Spinners )
[Current] Max Combo: 317
[Current] Max Score: 2,604,080
[Current] Star Rating: 5.00
[Current] HP Drain Rate: Lv.7
[Current] Circle Size: Lv.3
[Current] Overall Difficulty: Lv.9

00:22:26 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The spacing isn't the same. This can make it harder to keep up with the pace on this difficulty.
01:06:77 (1,2,3,4,5) - Some uneven spacing here.
01:12:57 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13) - Uhhhh...... wtf just happened?
01:14:83 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) - ^

Notes: Not sure what to say honestly. I know this map is trying to go for something insane, but I think its been over done a bit too much like with 01:12:57. I don't think even a tablet player can catch that either. Try to use more caution with the patterns too as over doing it would kill the playability alot.

Overall: Well, 2 things that was getting to me.... 1.) The approch circle looks kinda a bit odd. Even though you can hit it on time, it would be very confusing in the higher difficulties as it moves faster. 2.) The transparancy + almost alike background colors + faster appearance of the circles = blindness... :o Though this map has hope to be fixed. Just letting you know these to keep in mind of. I'll drop my star in then.
Fly Away:
00:34:68 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - spacing (I do see the pattern, but it is misleading in my opinion)
00:59:67 (6) - new combo to make it easier to read

That is all I can find.

Download: BACK-ON - Fly Away (ztrot) [Fly Away!!!].osu
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Due to stuff that is outta my hands I will Remove the insane diff.
And wait for a re-rank
I want this map to live, so for the sake of survival; fly, my little star, FLY!
Awww... It's a nice song... Support !

Star !
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I will not touch this map untill told to do so.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Why not put the hardest difficulty in the approved pending list as a separate map?
This way you wouldn't have to change the difficulty and still get your map ranked.
I almost fc'd it dood, wtf, and now you removed it D:
Ok fine.. it's ranked now.. :cry:
Could you please put the previous hardest difficulty as a separate map in the approval pending list?
It's your best difficulty of this map, and it would be a shame to waste it ;)
Bah the Hard difficulty is boring (i miss the Fly away one)
anyway It's still not ranked!
but i still don't get it Chocobo and Emerald sword are ranked and that's fine why can't the fly away one?
I think there will be someone who could full combo this map because it's shorter then the other insane one's
anyway Star and i still hope the Fly away gets ranked :(

gopice wrote:

Ok fine.. it's ranked now.. :cry:
Could you please put the previous hardest difficulty as a separate map in the approval pending list?
It's your best difficulty of this map, and it would be a shame to waste it ;)

I'm pretty sure StarrodKirby86 made the FLY AWAY!!! Diff so maybe you should ask him about submitting that to approval :P
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That is correct DxS
Ask Starrod
If you really want it to go for approval, I'll be welcome to submit one. Of course, I'd probably do some things here and there to make it a bit interesting. <.>

Hopefully no one kills me for it. >.>; xD

If you're a reader here, make a forum PM to me if you want me to put Fly Away!!! as approved. Thank you.
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