
[HELP] Custom hitcircle overlay without custom hitcircle ?

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I'm new to skinning, and I would like to know if there is a way for the game to display a custom hitcircle overlay without having a custom hitcircle ?
I'm trying to modify Lazer's skin, as I like it a lot, but it's not 100% good for playing without approach circles (which I do). I would like to not change the pretty glowy animated hitcircles from osu!Lazer, but add a small modification to just the hitcircle overlay to better suit my needs.

From what I understand with fiddling with files, osu doesn't display custom hitcircle overlays if there aren't custom hitcircles. Am I approaching this wrong ? Or is there a way around this ?

Thank you very much in advance
If you want only the overlay, just make a transparant 1x1 image and name it hitcircle.png
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Ah, no that is not what I meant, let me try to rephrase it.
I want to use a custom hitcircle overlay, but I do want to keep the original hitcircles.
Then use just hitcircleoverlay and dont include a hitcircle. If an element is missing the default one is used instead
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I would love it if it worked that way, but for some reason it seems like I cannot get a custom hitcircle overlay to display if there isn't a custom hitcircle too.

Typicically my skin folder has a hitcircleoverlay.png but not hitcircle.png ; in this scenario hitcircleoverlay.png won't be used at all (made the custom overlay easy to distinguish for testing purposes). If however I put a file called hitcircle.png alongside hitcircleoverlay.png, then both are used.

My question is wether or not there is a way around this, so that I can use a custom hitcircleoverlay.png without needing a custom hitcircle.png too.
My guess would be yes, but my understanding of skinning is too limited to really no, and if it's the case, then I'm doing something wrong here.

EDIT : Nevermind, that felt weird so I checked in osu! vanilla (should have done this earlier) and it works well. Apparently it's a lazer issue. In osu! I can use a custom hitcircleoverlay.png without a hitcircle.png just fine, but not in osu!lazer, so I assume this has something to do with how lazer skinning works.
Not sure what to do about this...

EDIT 2: I think I understand what is going on. I randomly did a game playing in hidden, and I could actually see my custom hitcircleoverlays.png, but I believe they're displayed below the original hitcircle overlays, because they were only visible while the circles are fading.
I think I'll rise an issue about this on github

EDIT 3 : Actually maybe not. Either way I suspect something might be off on this matter
Seems like there may be a lot of problems here with the element behaviour, may wanna report that
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Aight, so end of the story :
I opened an issue on this matter, and apparently that's kinda a feature. It might get looked into later in the development, but from what I understand it's working as intended for the moment, which means there's likely no way around it atm. And that's fine with me ~
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