
Skin Thread.

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Send me a skin and I'll rate them based on some stuff and my current mood.


I'll prefer if you made the skin. If you use a mixed skin, you'll get more than 7.5/10.
The fact you edited/created the skin is in the notation. Max 3 skins per user.

Notes about the notation:
I rate your skin about 4 axis (5 pts for each):
  1. Asthetics: How the skin is beautiful and good to see? How it's well made?
  2. Gameplay: How the skin improve your skills? How your skin is good to play?
  3. Personal touch: Have you created the skin? If yes, what's your personal part in the creation of the skin? How much elements are skinned?
  4. Personal feeling: My personal feelings about the skin. (full subjective)
I'll test the STD mode but if you want I can test other modes.
If you are angry you can critic my skins (my first skin is easy to destroy lol).
All rated skins here:!AjJITYu5sealghTlaFXWNqrRq4gp
Zelzatter Zero
unfortunately it's NSFW...
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Zelzatter Zero wrote:

unfortunately it's NSFW...
1. Don't send this
2. Question your life lol
idke skin with no slider ends
A lot of borrowed assets, but it was mostly focused on gameplay.
The mascot is original, and I did make some gameplay elements myself.

DL: I'm ready for my zero, let's GOOO

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If possible give me the link, so I can test the skin
apparently my internet is dead ass slow so i can't upload it anywhere. but is literally just the idke 1.2 skin w/o slider ends. i made the slider ends transparent
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Foxi's skin: Ronin (Foxi edit)

  1. The menu selection is well made, the mascot in the back button fit well.
  2. The result screen is well made.
  3. For the HP bar... there is a white space between the left border and the jaudge. Maybe you should put your name in this space.
  4. For the gameplay, why not the black border. The problem is your circles (except the colored part) don't have a @2x file... But also it's playable, it's no bad.
I'm sure it's a mixed skin but you said you made some elements yourself. Your skin is good, maybe you could improve the gameplay by adding @2x files.

Aesthetics: 3.5/5 - Gameplay: 4/5 - Personal touch: 3/5 - Personnal feeling: 3.5/5
Skin in my signature. I know it's bad. I expect a well fleshed out critique. Do your worst.

abraker's skin: link


abraker wrote:

Skin in my signature. I know it's bad. I expect a well fleshed out critique. Do your worst.

abraker's skin: link

playing with that skin scarred me for life
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ClevelandsMyBro's skin: idke 1.2 without slider end

  1. Litterally thre idke skin but playable.
  2. The spinner isn't perfectly centered.
  3. Good gameplay.
  4. The digits of the input counter isn't readable (he's dark with a dark background).
  5. You didn't edited the scorebar to remove/put your name...
  6. I can't read the japanese of the menu selection...
Your skin is just the idke skin...

Aesthetics: 4/5 - Gameplay: 4.5/5 - Personal touch: 0.5/5 - Personal feeling: 4/5

abraker wrote:

Skin in my signature. I know it's bad. I expect a well fleshed out critique. Do your worst.

abraker's skin: link

why is it surprisingly easy to read with ez? lmao
I actually made that skin so I could read ez better
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ABraker's osu! Standard Skin v1.8:

  1. The cursor is too small.
  2. WTF THE HITCIRCLES ARE SMALLER THAN SLIDER CIRCLES!!!!! Also, the files are different if you play with @2x or not.
  3. Approach circles too dark too be visible.
  4. Input counter unreadable
  5. Menu selection and result screen needs more work.
  6. Default hitsounds >_<
  7. You didn't skinned entierely the menu selection and the background. Also the result screen is ugly with your custom numbers.
I'll be honest: it's a bad skin (garbage?). The skin is just non-playable. It's horrible. He's seems rushed, and there is too many non-skinned element. I think you need to entierely recreate your skin...

Aesthetics: 1/5 - Gameplay: 0/5 - Personal touch: 2.5/5 - Personal feeling: 0.5/5
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abraker wrote:

I actually made that skin so I could read ez better
Not for me because there isn't numbers in circles...
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nedd83's skin: seoul v9 shigetora

  1. It's just a Cookiezi skin, no edited.
  2. Too many anime girls.
  3. Slider border are too dark and hard to read. This destroy a little the gameplay
  4. Skin too huge? (112 MB)
  5. Beautiful menu selection btw
It's just a Cookiezi skin. The gameplay is good, except for the sliderborder too dark to be readable.

Aesthetics: 4.5/5 - Gameplay: 4/5 - Personal touch: 0/5 - Personal feeling: 4/5

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Slider border are too dark and hard to read. This destroy a little the gameplay
slider border would of course be too hard to read if you play anything below 95% dim lol

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Skin too huge? (112 MB)
i don't see this as a problem
I took This skin, changed the .ini a ton and added files from Yugen for mania.
The menus are very boring and at some point I plan to yoink the menu files from a different skin, but I like the gameplay personally

link lonk

1.5 means it got some potential. I'll take it!

not exactly designed for only gameplay in mind, also a mixed skin

nedd83 wrote:

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Skin too huge? (112 MB)
i don't see this as a problem
It hurts right on my mobile data
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I changed notes and the notation system (read OP)
- Marco -
i use an edited skin from -GN (👑) link
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ThePooN-Yugen -Wither's Edit by WitherMite:

  1. Full mixed skin.
  2. Song selection simple, but good.
  3. We don't see Yugen skin a lot.
  4. Long notes in Mania are buggy.
  5. Simple skin, but good to play.
This is a simple mixed skin, but good to play. But there is a too important part of ThePooN skin.

Aesthetics 3.5/5 - Gameplay 4.5/5 - Personal touch 0.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Long notes in Lania are buggy.
can you expand on that?
I don't notice anything wrong with mania LN's
i made the slider ball, the song select (found the art on reddit), and the stars. rest is from other skins. (the hp bar is from a websites that generates those)

edit: moved in a results screen made by me
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- Marco - 's skin: boom

  1. WTF these sounds of song selection...
  2. Gameplay isn't bad at low diff, but with higher difficulty, becomes hard to read, especially stacks.
  3. Mixed skin, I guess.
  4. No @2x files, so look bad on large screens...
  5. Miku?
This is not a bad skin. Menu sounds are cringy bruh. The problem is circles are hard to read with stacks and the skin don't have @2x files for large screens...

Aesthetics 3/5 - Gameplay 3.5/5 - Personal touch 1.5/5 - Personal feeling 3.5/5
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_ralsei's skin: _ralsei

  1. Where are Random and Map Options in the song selection?
  2. The border of your circles are too thin: that why they make glitches on slider heads.
  3. No custom combo and score font. Also, you made combo numbers files, but they don't work.
  4. Numbers in inputs count aren't visible...
  5. There is not ranking panel by default. I found a ranking panel, he working, but he don't have a normal version (without @2x).
  6. A lot of elements from other skins...
Good Ralsei skin, good gameplay but have some little bugs (combo numbers, slider heads, ...).

Aesthetics 3/5 - Gameplay 4/5 - Personal touch 3.5/5 - Personal feeling 3.5/5
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color5(fixed) by z0z:

  1. No skinned: menu background , ranking panel, mods icons, score and combo font...
  2. Default hitcircles >_<. Also, no hidden slider end circle
  3. Too huge miss, 50, 100, and 300(!) hits... Make the skin unreadable, especially with stacks...
  4. Mixed skin. mania-hit300g from my -Night03- skin btw
Too high score font overlap...

Some elements no skinned, and with the hitcircle and hit images (50, 100, ...) this skin look like a 2008 skin... Unreadable for high difficulties...

Aesthetics 3/5 - Gameplay 1.5/5 - Personal touch 1/5 - Personal feeling 2.5/5

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

There is not ranking panel by default. I found a ranking panel, he working, but he don't have a normal version (without @2x).

i accidentally uploaded the wrong file (only difference is the combo numbers existing and the results screen missing)
here's the results screen

i just noticed that there's another difference: i removed the rank images from the correct one
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WitherMite wrote:

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Long notes in Lania are buggy.
can you expand on that?
I don't notice anything wrong with mania LN's

What YUGEN skin do:

Whay your skin do:

heavily edited version of Mathi's skin. I pretty much removed all weeb aspects, changed colors, icons, and added a mania skin.
ohhh, ill have to figure out whats happening later then
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mathi ensalada (penguin) by penguin

  1. Full mixed skin. A big mix
  2. Simple but good menu selection and ranking panel
  3. Good gameplay
This is a big mix of skins. There is a lot of differents skins on it. The skin is simple, but good to play.

Aesthetics 3.5/5 - Gameplay 4.5/5 - Personal touch 1.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

color5(fixed) by z0z:

  1. No skinned: menu background , ranking panel, mods icons, score and combo font...
  2. Default hitcircles >_<. Also, no hidden slider end circle
  3. Too huge miss, 50, 100, and 300(!) hits... Make the skin unreadable, especially with stacks...
  4. Mixed skin. mania-hit300g from my -Night03- skin btw
Too high score font overlap...

Some elements no skinned, and with the hitcircle and hit images (50, 100, ...) this skin look like a 2008 skin... Unreadable for high difficulties...

Aesthetics 3/5 - Gameplay 1.5/5 - Personal touch 1/5 - Personal feeling 2.5/5
i more intended for my skin to be used in osu!lazer because a bunch of things are different over there, it doesn't work very well for gameplay purposes however
Isshiki Kaname
Aight I'm a lazy bastard.
Some elements are my own
Zelzatter Zero
here's my "mixed" skin

ps: i havent edited this one in a long time, and i mostly use the cpol skins
do you rate ctb skins?
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Hydreigon wrote:

do you rate ctb skins?
yes if you want
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KatouMegumi's skin: Burakku Shipu KM 2020

  1. Some elements from other skins.
  2. 221 MB !!!????? You should: reduce the size of applause song (it's too long and to high quality for a skin). You maybe should remove the psd files and put them in a other place.
  3. NSFW fail background ? (need to be verified)
  4. Circles numbers are a bit too small.
  5. Approach circle is too thin, so it's sometime hard too read.
  6. No bad gameplay.
Nice mixed skin, but the skin folder is too huge. I can see you made some elements too.

Aesthetics 4/5 - Gameplay 3.5/5 - Personal touch 3.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5
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ChargeIon's skin: - # re;owoTuna v1.0 『ChargeIon』 # -

  1. Literally the MK version of the Flying Tuna skin...
  2. Very good gameplay
Literally the MK version of the Flying Tuna skin. Nothing to add.

Aesthetics 5/5 - Gameplay 5/5 - Personal touch 0/5 - Personal feeling 4.5/5
Isshiki Kaname

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

KatouMegumi's skin: Burakku Shipu KM 2020
  1. Some elements from other skins. (Yeah, using kamui as base. Also some elements are slightly remastered.)
  2. 221 MB !!!????? You should: reduce the size of applause song (it's too long and to high quality for a skin). You maybe should remove the psd files and put them in a other place. (Eh. It's a player skin, doesn't bother me that much.)
  3. NSFW fail background ? (need to be verified) (Maybe slightly ecchi, but not outright NSFW.)
  4. Circles numbers are a bit too small. (Personally, this style of hit circles is the Chitanda one, numbers are an afterthought.)
  5. Approach circle is too thin, so it's sometime hard too read. (Intentional design choice as to not rely on it too much during gameplay. It's a HD focused skin anyway, no biggie in that regard imho)
  6. No bad gameplay.
Nice mixed skin, but the skin folder is too huge. I can see you made some elements too.

Aesthetics 4/5 - Gameplay 3.5/5 - Personal touch 3.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5
welp, some responses on critique of my skin
ok round 2


aetrna's skin but gameplay elements are completely edited.
i liked the ui so i kept most of it.
i also made some elements myself.
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Zelatter Zero skin's: FurrySkin v2 (Zel mod)
Skin too huge (171 MB). You should the size of applause song (it's too long and to high quality for a skin).
  1. Pause background NSFW brrrrr...? (need to be verified).
  2. A lot of wolf furries... It's your style, I know.
  3. The hitcircle are too opaque, it's hard to read with stacks.
  4. Correct gameplay.
I'll be honest: furries are not my style... So it's your skin, and it's original.

Aesthetics 4.5/5 - Gameplay 3.5/5 - Personal touch 4.5/5 - Personal feeling 2.5/5
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Axl's Personal Skin v1

  1. Mixed skin, except the hp bar
  2. Nice gameplay, except spinner: it's just a dot in the center, and see the spinner take too many time... And I fail short spinners...
  3. No @2x files for circles... (except for circles numbers).
This skin is simple, but nice to play, but there is a bug with spinner (I don't know why), the spinner is just a simple dot...

Aesthetics 4/5 - Gameplay 4/5 - Personal touch 1.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Axl's Personal Skin v1

  1. Mixed skin, except the hp bar
  2. Nice gameplay, except spinner: it's just a dot in the center, and see the spinner take too many time... And I fail short spinners...
  3. No @2x files for circles... (except for circles numbers).
This skin is simple, but nice to play, but there is a bug with spinner (I don't know why), the spinner is just a simple dot...

Aesthetics 4/5 - Gameplay 4/5 - Personal touch 1.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5
that spinner is blank on purpose, vaxei's old nomod skin was the basis for this skin.

idk why the spinner is like that tho, and im too lazy to replace it.
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nedd83's skin #2: jeff
Some mixed elements, but some from the creathor.Good gameplay. Nothing to say.Bug with the mode button in the song selection: when we pass our cursor on it, the rectangle who appears doesn't fit with the button...

This is a good skin. Your elements are well skinned.

Aesthetics 4/5 - Gameplay 4.5/5 - Personal touch 3.5/5 - Personal feeling 4/5
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