
National Men’s Day

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Do men deserve there own day?

Total votes: 18
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Today is National Men’s Day.
probably, but that shits kinda gae
No needed...
Because there is 1 day of women day, the rest is the men day

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

No needed...
Because there is 1 day of women day, the rest is the men day
this deserve an award. Bravo! Bravo!
ok first of all, this is political since you're pushing an anti-feminist narrative
but regardless, a lot of this information is misleading

for the suicides, men and women attempt suicide at the same rate, but men are more likely to reach for guns to do the deed because guns are perceived as more masculine, and this leads to a higher rate of successful suicides

for domestic abuse... that's less than 50% lmao

most homicide victims are men, sure. But that's 70%. At the same time, 95% of the time the murderer is a man, an even greater margin. Femicide is also a pretty big issue in a lot of 3rd world countries.

men serve longer times in prison due to the crimes they commit. there is no favoritism in prison besides parole, but perhaps women are just more successful at parole

for the prison, that's due to the "chivalry thesis," the idea that cops are more chivalrous to women who are doing illegal activities because they're seen as weaker or like it's not their fault.
Topic Starter

Jonarwhal wrote:

ok first of all, this is political since you're pushing an anti-feminist narrative
but regardless, a lot of this information is misleading

for the suicides, men and women attempt suicide at the same rate, but men are more likely to reach for guns to do the deed because guns are perceived as more masculine, and this leads to a higher rate of successful suicides

for domestic abuse... that's less than 50% lmao

most homicide victims are men, sure. But that's 70%. At the same time, 95% of the time the murderer is a man, an even greater margin. Femicide is also a pretty big issue in a lot of 3rd world countries.

men serve longer times in prison due to the crimes they commit. there is no favoritism in prison besides parole, but perhaps women are just more successful at parole

for the prison, that's due to the "chivalry thesis," the idea that cops are more chivalrous to women who are doing illegal activities because they're seen as weaker or like it's not their fault.
Woah woah woah I never said I agreed with this I was just asking for an opinion.
ok ok lol
i don't really see it as anti-feminist. it's not belittling women in anyway, it's just bringing awareness that men also have some gender-related issues of their own.

from what you're saying, even if the suicide attempt rates are the same, wouldn't it still be a bigger problem for men since they're more likely to actually go through with it?

and yes, 40% is less than half, but i don't think that's the point. 40% of all domestic abuse victims isn't a low number. it's saying that men aren't the majority of victims, but there are still a large amount of male victims and people tend to overlook that.

not lookin to argue or anything. just sharing my thoughts.
i think the image in the original post is a cringe facebook shitpost style of image
lol what is this thread man

Penguin wrote:

i think the image in the original post is a cringe facebook shitpost style of image
ye i thought the same thing. it comes off as being really overbearing and forceful.

Penguin wrote:

i think the image in the original post is a cringe facebook shitpost style of image
i hope :<
i would not be surprised to find out it was made unironically by a men's rights group
fighting for anyone's rights is not a problem, but a lot of men's rights groups specifically place themselves in opposition to feminist goals and derail the conversation into a silly argument about which gender suffers more rather than actually getting anything done for men or women :<

Jonarwhal wrote:

Penguin wrote:

i think the image in the original post is a cringe facebook shitpost style of image
i hope :<
well, even though this image is most likely a shitpost to begin with, people share these types of images with the full intention of being serious. People look at the image, think "oh yeah, thats true and I believe that!", then they share it. They don't think too deeply about what's being said and they don't fact check at all to see if any of it is correct. They just assume that everything they see online is true and continue to spread misinformation.
Also, funny that no sources are cited.
yea exactly. that's why i was trying to be careful with my wording too. i wasn't sure how accurate their data is. i've seen similar images like this one floating around for a couple years now.

eblf2013 wrote:

Also, funny that no sources are cited.
with these types of images they never are lol
men r opressed

men r 100% going to die in the future
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