
Suzaki Aya - Dramatic Market Ride (TV Size)

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Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013년 1월 27일 일요일 at 오전 2:23:07

Artist: Suzaki Aya
Title: Dramatic Market Ride (TV Size)
Source: Tamako Market
Tags: opening alacat moe kyoto
BPM: 171
Filesize: 21654kb
Play Time: 01:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. alacat's Easy (2.67 stars, 96 notes)
  2. alacat's Hard (4.93 stars, 208 notes)
  3. Normal (4.31 stars, 150 notes)
  4. Rika (5 stars, 320 notes)
Download: Suzaki Aya - Dramatic Market Ride (TV Size)
Download: Suzaki Aya - Dramatic Market Ride (TV Size) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
My 38th Ranked beat map.

Tamako Market opening,enjoy your moe <3

Rika(Insane),Normal by me.

Hard,Easy by alacat.
omg omg omg Tamako Market <333.

that girl reminds me of Mio, and i'm sure everyone that watches k-on can see it :P. anyways GL Rika-chan and i'll be waiting on the rank ;)
/me run
배치 배울게 많네요 별 주고 ㅌㅌ!
awesome :)
nvm delete that ^^;

개인적으로 히트사운드 소리가 너무 작은것 같습니다.좀 키워보는게 어떨까요?
노멀,인센 한정입니다. 00:07:208 (1) - 여기는 피니시가 더 잘 어울리는것 같아요

[alacat's Easy]
00:13:524 (2) - How about changer like 00:15:805 (1)?
00:43:699 (1) - make this silder symmetry,like this

CS-1? 그냥 제안입니다
00:00:191 (1) - 노멀인데 이건 좀 어렵다고 생각합니다. 다르게 바꿔보시는걸 추천해요
00:33:699 (3) - 위로 한칸 오른쪽으로 한칸 poor modding
00:40:190 (7) - 끝부분에 클랩보다 피니시가 나을것같아요

[alacat's Hard]
00:37:559 (7) - How about like this?
00:41:506 - add note sounds good to me
00:43:875 - ^

00:28:787 (1) - 여기 슬라이더를 한번 반복되게 해보는건 어떠실련지?
01:14:752 (9) - 이 슬라이더 지우고 01:14:752 , 01:15:103 이 두부분에 노트 추가도 괜찮은것 같아요

모딩할게 없어요ㅠ
Red = Unrankable
Blue = It should be modified
Black = My suggestion
Hi Rika~m4m _(:з」∠)_


  1. 00:04:401 (1) - Not comfortable.Split it into 1/2slider+1/4circle or put closer??
  2. 00:21:243 (1,2) - Place closer?Its a little hard to read the pattern
  3. 00:29:313 (3,4,5,6,1) - I prefer closer but decide by you.
  4. 00:36:769 (5,6,7) - Too far from previous slider.And the ⑤circle nearly hidden by ④slider make it hard to read the pattern
  5. 01:07:910 (5,6,7) - +Whistle?
  6. 01:17:033 (9) - Head+Finish

alacat's Hard

  1. 00:06:506 Add a circle ? Blank feels bad


  1. 00:11:243 (2) - Not following DS
  2. 00:31:243 Add a circle ? Feel more fluent and easy to play
  3. 00:38:085 (1,2,3) - Use a 2/2 slider to replace it ?
  4. 00:38:962 Add a circle ?
  5. 00:57:734 (1) - +Finish
  6. 01:15:629 (5) - End + Finish?


  1. Nothing found~
Hi~ Kawayi Rika :3

[alacat's Easy]
残りは大丈夫 ~
01:20:190 (1) - 슬라이더 끝에 피니시 빠졌어요.
01:15:103 (3,4,5) - 이건 그냥 제안인데 이런식으로 대칭 써보시는게 어떠세요 ?
[alacat's Hard]
-> OD5は意図的に?
00:58:962 (4) - ctrl + G ?
00:19:664 (5) - 00:19:840 여기부분 강박이 비어서 비트가 약간 허전해보이는데, 1/2 박자를 써보시는게 어떠세요 ?
01:01:945 (1) - 여기 피니시 대신에 01:02:120 (2) 여기 슬라이더 시작 부분에 쓰는게 더 어울린다고 생각해요.

나머진 별로 건들데가 없어보여요. 랭크의 기운이 감도는 맵이군요.

랭크되길 빌께요 ~
as your m4m request from modding queue o.o/

Red words = Unrankable thing
Blue words = the thing I think it must be fixed
Black words = If I were you,I would do that
Green words = some of my comment,or something I want you to notice


  1. 00:01:595 (1) - 頭上不加個finish麼 ? 很明顯的鑼聲而且是段落需要
  2. 00:28:787 (1) - ctrl + g,我覺得目前這樣挺不順..
  3. 00:37:559 (1,2,3) - 我更喜歡這樣
  4. 00:58:261 (3) - ctrl + g比較有創意o.o (而且我覺得更有趣點)
  5. 01:00:892 (2,3) - (2)移到(272,40);(3)移到(240,128),原因是這2個物件靠太近不是很好看
  6. 01:06:682 (2) - 這裡這麼重的音就跳一下嘛,這樣的間距很含蓄的感覺不好,(3)也調整下,弄這樣
  7. 01:13:875 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這些串的起頭應該在01:13:875,01:13:875 (2)的1/2節奏讓我覺得很怪異所以建議改成1/4拍節奏 (就算不用25%速度聽也滿明顯的...鼓聲)

bakacat's Hard

  1. 00:37:910 (1) - it is sudden jump,delete it and add a repeat at 00:37:559 (7).
  2. 00:57:734 (1) - move the slider to (474,169) then its tail can stack with 00:56:155 (4)'s head completely.
  3. 01:21:945 (2,3,4,5) - why didn't you make some prettier pattern like this or something else ? current pattern looks not good though /.\ ...
  4. a bit disappointed at messy placement,baka ! >< ;w;


  1. circle size +1,對diff spread來說有很大改善
  2. 00:42:998 (2,3) - 這之間間距也太短:O,為了對稱而作不合理的間距縮短是不可行的(尤其是在N和E難度,這麼做容易造成玩家誤判),應該用其他方式改掉

moemoecat's Easy

  • fine o.o

加油速rank ww
hi Rika ~ :3

[alacat's Easy]
00:02:296 (2) - make straight slider?
00:37:383 (5) - x:204 y: 140
00:43:348 (4,1) - how about ?

00:00:541 (2,3) - how about change to slider? maybe like
00:01:594 (1) - finish in head slider?
00:04:401 (1,2,3) - make this like
00:11:243 (2) - use 1,00 DS please
00:50:892 - use S:C2 like 00:49:489 - ?
01:24:576 - make slider 4/4?

[alacat's Hard]
00:04:050 (6) - x:380 y: 268?
00:19:138 (2) - try to in straight line with 00:19:840 (3) - ?

00:16:155 (2) - if in this want make little jump, crtl+G maybe?
nice as usual

That's all ~
Good Luck

lead-in = 2000 at least please

00:24:752 (2) - this slider can blanket better
00:56:331 (3) - ^
01:01:945 - how about add finish here, will sound better

00:00:191 (1) - 不推荐用1/4slider在Normal难度,用1/2一样合曲
00:10:015 (1,2) - 这里spacing错了,建议改下00:10:015 (1) - 的形状,或者00:11:243 (2,3) - 之间用同样的spacing
00:28:261 (1,2,3) - 建议用折返slider代替或者缩小spacing,这里对Normal来说难了点
00:41:945 (2,3) - spacing错了。。

00:15:805 (2,3,4,5) - this finishes should be louder imo, they don't fit the song with the current volume

00:13:524 (2,3) - 建议挪到00:13:348 - ,然后slider延长至00:13:875 - ,会更合曲
00:16:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种地方spaicng可以大一点,现在感觉没有体现出歌曲的跳跃感
00:18:962 (3,4,5) - 这些slider都vocal off了,听起来很违和。。 往前或往后挪1/2好点
00:33:699 (6) - 这里也vocal off了,建议换成circle然后slider从00:33:875 - 到00:34:226 - ,之后可以delete掉00:34:226 (1) -
00:37:383 (9,1,2) - 这spacing看起来巨违和,为啥不弄对称点
00:56:857 (3,4) - 这里没叠好
00:58:261 (3) - 这里ctrl+g一下flow会更好点其实
00:59:489 (4,5) - ^
01:02:647 (3,1) - 这里anti-jump感觉不合曲,而且会影响读图,建议放到01:01:945 (1) - 的对称位置
01:06:682 (2) - 这个slider也可以ctrl+g一下然后尾叠circle,更合曲点
01:12:296 (6) - ^,这里是flow会更好点
01:24:576 (6) - 这里可以blanket更好点0.0
日卡又開坑QwQ M4M

Red: Must be fixed.
Blue: Highly recommended.
Black: Just suggestion/nazi stuff.

  1. Audio Lead-In 2000或2500 1750有點太快
[ alacat's Easy]
  1. 00:00:191 (1) - Just suggest, but 70%~80% volume here? Really can't hear that finish a bit ;_;
  2. 00:08:612 (3) - nazi a bit but put the third node to x:416, y:288 is nice to me :3
  3. 00:35:278 (1,2) - If I were you, I'll make the rhythm like this because the vocal start at downbeat, end at 1st short white tick. Try it :3!
  4. 00:49:313 (1) - I hear some clap sound at the slider tick here (00:49:489 - & 00:49:664 -). It's better if you can change them to 40% (or less) clap sound to make the pattern nicer owo!
  5. 01:06:155 (1) - I don't know why but I dislike some sound that really strong is at reserve. They should at note/slider begin! So change to this? lol Just suggestion, your pattern is good, too.
  6. 01:16:331 (3) - (reserve) Inconsistent clap, sounds really unfit to me ;w; remove please since I don't hear any clap sound here
[ Normal]
  1. 00:00:191 (1) - 覺得有點來的太突然 一開始就是1/4折返滑條orz能用1/2一個代替嗎?
  2. 00:05:103 (2,3) - 這邊比較偏向於這樣的節奏 滑條結尾在重音有點突顯不出這裡的急促感
  3. 00:14:226 (4) - 這顆note感覺可以刪掉 反正是Normal空一點比較難233 而且也聽不到這裡有啥音
  4. 00:32:120 (5) - ctrl+J這個方向比較順
[ alacat's Hard]
  1. 00:06:506 - I'll highly recommend you to add a note here, for the clap consistent, and the music! There's a sound there. Some of the player will think (7) is 1/2 earlier since your clap rules... :3
  2. 00:11:243 (3) - (end) whistle here? Well just saw you add it at begin, but there's same sound at the end. lol
  3. 00:22:647 (5) - Actually I didn't see any reason to make a jump here. It's not fit with vocal imo :V 1.0x spacing is great here
  4. 00:33:875 (5) - ^ (you can make a jump between (5,6)
  5. 00:50:717 (5) - I would add NC here to fit with that strong vocal lol up 2 you anyway just suggestion
  6. 01:09:313 (2) - well you should make jump between (1,2) not (2,3). Just ugly with that placement q.q
  7. 01:17:910 (2,4) - Add whistle at their begin, just like 01:19:138 (5) - . That's extremely fit!!!
[ Rika]
  1. 00:09:664 (4) - 如果要我來擺我就end在藍線然後note在白線 只是建議啦 不過滿帶感的 (?
  2. 00:10:190 - 然後這裡要NC 因為前面也都有!!
  3. 00:33:699 (6) - 這裡突然來1/1有點不太fit 像是前面的00:22:471 (6,1) - 這個就還滿不錯的 就改成note + 1/1 slider吧!
    好厲害的diff啊 orz
加油! 沒星星了射不了orz
Hi 日卡 Q^Q
Rika diff : 00:34:752 (6,7) -
00:39:664 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) -

Hard diff : 00:06:682 (7,1) -


[Ranger] wrote:

[alacat's Easy]
00:13:524 (2) - How about changer like 00:15:805 (1)? okey.

00:43:699 (1) - make this silder symmetry,like this nope.

[alacat's Hard]
00:37:559 (7) - How about like this? no , I want to put jump here

00:41:506 - add note sounds good to me okey :3
00:43:875 - ^ no.


qkenan wrote:

alacat's Hard

  1. 00:06:506 Add a circle ? Blank feels bad I dont think so .


B2IN wrote:

[alacat's Easy]
->Sliderが少し早いかも、、 1.0なので問題ないです。 (No problem imo)
残りは大丈夫 ~

[alacat's Hard]
-> OD5は意図的に? yes .
00:58:962 (4) - ctrl + G ? nice ♪ fix


DarknessAngel wrote:

bakacat's Hard

  1. 00:37:910 (1) - it is sudden jump,delete it and add a repeat at 00:37:559 (7). no.
  2. 00:57:734 (1) - move the slider to (474,169) then its tail can stack with 00:56:155 (4)'s head completely. fix.
  3. 01:21:945 (2,3,4,5) - why didn't you make some prettier pattern like this or something else ? current pattern looks not good though /.\ ... no.
  4. a bit disappointed at messy placement,baka ! >< ;w; ._.


Xinely wrote:

[alacat's Easy]
00:02:296 (2) - make straight slider? nope.
00:37:383 (5) - x:204 y: 140
00:43:348 (4,1) - how about ? It's look bad :o

[alacat's Hard]
00:04:050 (6) - x:380 y: 268? no ><
00:19:138 (2) - try to in straight line with 00:19:840 (3) - ? I dont like to put straight.


wcx19911123 wrote:

00:24:752 (2) - this slider can blanket better  okey.
00:56:331 (3) - ^ ^
01:01:945 - how about add finish here, will sound better It is loud imo >.<

00:15:805 (2,3,4,5) - this finishes should be louder imo, they don't fit the song with the current volume mm .. I want to put finish sound :3


Flask wrote:

[ alacat's Easy]
  1. 00:00:191 (1) - Just suggest, but 70%~80% volume here? Really can't hear that finish a bit ;_; up to 60% volume :3
  2. 00:08:612 (3) - nazi a bit but put the third node to x:416, y:288 is nice to me :3 nope
  3. 00:35:278 (1,2) - If I were you, I'll make the rhythm like this because the vocal start at downbeat, end at 1st short white tick. Try it :3! no >.<
  4. 00:49:313 (1) - I hear some clap sound at the slider tick here (00:49:489 - & 00:49:664 -). It's better if you can change them to 40% (or less) clap sound to make the pattern nicer owo! fix >w<
  5. 01:06:155 (1) - I don't know why but I dislike some sound that really strong is at reserve. They should at note/slider begin! So change to this? lol Just suggestion, your pattern is good, too. I want to put finish sound ;_; so no change.
  6. 01:16:331 (3) - (reserve) Inconsistent clap, sounds really unfit to me ;w; remove please since I don't hear any clap sound here no ><
[ alacat's Hard]
  1. 00:06:506 - I'll highly recommend you to add a note here, for the clap consistent, and the music! There's a sound there. Some of the player will think (7) is 1/2 earlier since your clap rules... :3 I dont think so .
  2. 00:11:243 (3) - (end) whistle here? Well just saw you add it at begin, but there's same sound at the end. lol okey ♪
  3. 00:22:647 (5) - Actually I didn't see any reason to make a jump here. It's not fit with vocal imo :V 1.0x spacing is great here It's stronger sound imo , so I put jump.
  4. 00:33:875 (5) - ^ (you can make a jump between (5,6) same as here.
  5. 00:50:717 (5) - I would add NC here to fit with that strong vocal lol up 2 you anyway just suggestion no , break my pattern.
  6. 01:09:313 (2) - well you should make jump between (1,2) not (2,3). Just ugly with that placement q.q mm.. I dont fit this jump.
  7. 01:17:910 (2,4) - Add whistle at their begin, just like 01:19:138 (5) - . That's extremely fit!!! okey :3


Zero__wind wrote:

Hard diff : 00:06:682 (7,1) - nope.

Thank you for modding :)

Easy :

Hard :
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

[Ranger] wrote:


개인적으로 히트사운드 소리가 너무 작은것 같습니다.좀 키워보는게 어떨까요? :arrow: 더 키우면 요란스러움 ㅠ
노멀,인센 한정입니다. 00:07:208 (1) - 여기는 피니시가 더 잘 어울리는것 같아요 :arrow: ok

CS-1? 그냥 제안입니다 :arrow: 필요없다고 생각함. :arrow: 1/2로 바꿨음.
00:00:191 (1) - 노멀인데 이건 좀 어렵다고 생각합니다. 다르게 바꿔보시는걸 추천해요
00:33:699 (3) - 위로 한칸 오른쪽으로 한칸 poor modding :arrow: ok
00:40:190 (7) - 끝부분에 클랩보다 피니시가 나을것같아요 :arrow: ^

00:28:787 (1) - 여기 슬라이더를 한번 반복되게 해보는건 어떠실련지? :arrow: 안어울리는..
01:14:752 (9) - 이 슬라이더 지우고 01:14:752 , 01:15:103 이 두부분에 노트 추가도 괜찮은것 같아요 :arrow: 체인지 노트.

모딩할게 없어요ㅠ

qkenan wrote:

Red = Unrankable
Blue = It should be modified
Black = My suggestion
Hi Rika~m4m _(:з」∠)_


  1. 00:04:401 (1) - Not comfortable.Split it into 1/2slider+1/4circle or put closer?? :arrow: tested and fine imo.
  2. 00:21:243 (1,2) - Place closer?Its a little hard to read the pattern :arrow: with ar9 it's readable.
  3. 00:29:313 (3,4,5,6,1) - I prefer closer but decide by you. :arrow: changed.
  4. 00:36:769 (5,6,7) - Too far from previous slider.And the ⑤circle nearly hidden by ④slider make it hard to read the pattern :arrow: same reason as 00:21:243 (1,2).
  5. 01:07:910 (5,6,7) - +Whistle? :arrow: no need.
  6. 01:17:033 (9) - Head+Finish :arrow: ^


  1. 00:11:243 (2) - Not following DS :arrow: not a issue.
  2. 00:31:243 Add a circle ? Feel more fluent and easy to play :arrow: i keep 1/2 to here.
  3. 00:38:085 (1,2,3) - Use a 2/2 slider to replace it ? :arrow: nope.
  4. 00:38:962 Add a circle ? :arrow: ^
  5. 00:57:734 (1) - +Finish :arrow: ^
  6. 01:15:629 (5) - End + Finish? :arrow: ^

B2IN wrote:

Hi~ Kawayi Rika :3


01:20:190 (1) - 슬라이더 끝에 피니시 빠졌어요. :arrow: 안빠졌는데요?
01:15:103 (3,4,5) - 이건 그냥 제안인데 이런식으로 대칭 써보시는게 어떠세요 ? :arrow: 많이 사용했던..

00:19:664 (5) - 00:19:840 여기부분 강박이 비어서 비트가 약간 허전해보이는데, 1/2 박자를 써보시는게 어떠세요 ? :arrow: 괜찮다고 생각함.
01:01:945 (1) - 여기 피니시 대신에 01:02:120 (2) 여기 슬라이더 시작 부분에 쓰는게 더 어울린다고 생각해요. :arrow: 거긴 드럼이에요...

나머진 별로 건들데가 없어보여요. 랭크의 기운이 감도는 맵이군요.

랭크되길 빌께요 ~

DarknessAngel wrote:

as your m4m request from modding queue o.o/

Red words = Unrankable thing
Blue words = the thing I think it must be fixed
Black words = If I were you,I would do that
Green words = some of my comment,or something I want you to notice


  1. 00:01:595 (1) - 頭上不加個finish麼 ? 很明顯的鑼聲而且是段落需要 :arrow: ok
  2. 00:28:787 (1) - ctrl + g,我覺得目前這樣挺不順.. :arrow: 从上往下我觉的好啊.
  3. 00:37:559 (1,2,3) - 我更喜歡這樣 :arrow: ok
  4. 00:58:261 (3) - ctrl + g比較有創意o.o (而且我覺得更有趣點) :arrow: ^
  5. 01:00:892 (2,3) - (2)移到(272,40);(3)移到(240,128),原因是這2個物件靠太近不是很好看 :arrow: ok
  6. 01:06:682 (2) - 這裡這麼重的音就跳一下嘛,這樣的間距很含蓄的感覺不好,(3)也調整下,弄這樣
    話說slider看能不能盡量弄得左右對稱,會好看一些 :arrow: 这个我觉的还可以.
  7. 01:13:875 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 這些串的起頭應該在01:13:875,01:13:875 (2)的1/2節奏讓我覺得很怪異所以建議改成1/4拍節奏 (就算不用25%速度聽也滿明顯的...鼓聲) :arrow: 我是从wa字开始1/4的,所以没事.


  1. circle size +1,對diff spread來說有很大改善 :arrow: 不觉的..整个图要重做.
  2. 00:42:998 (2,3) - 這之間間距也太短:O,為了對稱而作不合理的間距縮短是不可行的(尤其是在N和E難度,這麼做容易造成玩家誤判),應該用其他方式改掉 :arrow: 这个漏掉了..

加油速rank ww

Xinely wrote:

hi Rika ~ :3

00:00:541 (2,3) - how about change to slider? maybe like :arrow: i change (1) to circle.
00:01:594 (1) - finish in head slider? :arrow: ok
00:04:401 (1,2,3) - make this like :arrow: it's fine imo.
00:11:243 (2) - use 1,00 DS please :arrow: nope,1.00 is ugly touch with slider.
00:50:892 - use S:C2 like 00:49:489 - ? :arrow: no have drum to here.
01:24:576 - make slider 4/4? :arrow: nope.

00:16:155 (2) - if in this want make little jump, crtl+G maybe? :arrow: no need,that's weird.
nice as usual

That's all ~
Good Luck

wcx19911123 wrote:


lead-in = 2000 at least please :arrow: ok

00:00:191 (1) - 不推荐用1/4slider在Normal难度,用1/2一样合曲 :arrow: ok
00:10:015 (1,2) - 这里spacing错了,建议改下00:10:015 (1) - 的形状,或者00:11:243 (2,3) - 之间用同样的spacing :arrow: 故意的.
00:28:261 (1,2,3) - 建议用折返slider代替或者缩小spacing,这里对Normal来说难了点 :arrow: 不难.
00:41:945 (2,3) - spacing错了。。 :arrow: 已改.

00:13:524 (2,3) - 建议挪到00:13:348 - ,然后slider延长至00:13:875 - ,会更合曲 :arrow: 这样也不坏.
00:16:682 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - 这种地方spaicng可以大一点,现在感觉没有体现出歌曲的跳跃感 :arrow: 没必要.
00:18:962 (3,4,5) - 这些slider都vocal off了,听起来很违和。。 往前或往后挪1/2好点 :arrow: ok
00:33:699 (6) - 这里也vocal off了,建议换成circle然后slider从00:33:875 - 到00:34:226 - ,之后可以delete掉00:34:226 (1) - :arrow: k
00:37:383 (9,1,2) - 这spacing看起来巨违和,为啥不弄对称点 :arrow: 不懂.
00:56:857 (3,4) - 这里没叠好 :arrow: ok
00:58:261 (3) - 这里ctrl+g一下flow会更好点其实 :arrow: ^
00:59:489 (4,5) - ^ :arrow: ^
01:02:647 (3,1) - 这里anti-jump感觉不合曲,而且会影响读图,建议放到01:01:945 (1) - 的对称位置 :arrow: ok
01:06:682 (2) - 这个slider也可以ctrl+g一下然后尾叠circle,更合曲点 :arrow: ^
01:12:296 (6) - ^,这里是flow会更好点 :arrow: ^
01:24:576 (6) - 这里可以blanket更好点0.0 :arrow: 没看出啥问题来.

Flask wrote:

日卡又開坑QwQ M4M

Red: Must be fixed.
Blue: Highly recommended.
Black: Just suggestion/nazi stuff.

  1. Audio Lead-In 2000或2500 1750有點太快 :arrow: ok
[ Normal]
  1. 00:00:191 (1) - 覺得有點來的太突然 一開始就是1/4折返滑條orz能用1/2一個代替嗎? :arrow: 改了.
  2. 00:05:103 (2,3) - 這邊比較偏向於這樣的節奏 滑條結尾在重音有點突顯不出這裡的急促感 :arrow: 没啥区别.
  3. 00:14:226 (4) - 這顆note感覺可以刪掉 反正是Normal空一點比較難233 而且也聽不到這裡有啥音 :arrow: 不删才好.
  4. 00:32:120 (5) - ctrl+J這個方向比較順 :arrow: 只调了下方向.
[ Rika]
  1. 00:09:664 (4) - 如果要我來擺我就end在藍線然後note在白線 只是建議啦 不過滿帶感的 (? :arrow: 不想..
  2. 00:10:190 - 然後這裡要NC 因為前面也都有!! :arrow: ok
  3. 00:33:699 (6) - 這裡突然來1/1有點不太fit 像是前面的00:22:471 (6,1) - 這個就還滿不錯的 就改成note + 1/1 slider吧! :arrow: 已改成别的.
    好厲害的diff啊 orz
加油! 沒星星了射不了orz

Zero__wind wrote:

Hi 日卡 Q^Q
Rika diff : 00:34:752 (6,7) - :arrow: 差不多的样子.
00:39:664 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - :arrow: 这样不顺..


Thanks for mod guys ~

Update all diff ~ ;)
nyan~ from in-game.

[alacat's Easy]



00:39:138 (5,7) - 没叠好

[alacat's Hard]


00:11:769 (4,5) - Consider to mod this spacing if you are not make it on purpose.
00:26:857 (2) - I think you should create new combo in this slider,not the previous circle.
00:34:752 (7) - NC and remove nc in 00:35:103 (1) -
00:49:138 (1) - If this circle in here,the blank is make no sence in previous beat.


00:06:067 (2,3,4) - 节奏感觉有些不符,就算是喇叭的音效也怪怪的建议修改

00:15:278 (7) - drum clap更好听
00:15:453 (9) - drum finish

00:24:050 (1) - slider 的头上加个finish?
01:00:541 (1) - slider 的头上加个finish?

01:08:962 (1,2,3) - 建议修改成这样,这样的话flow上会更好

Rotte wrote:

[alacat's Hard]

OD+1 no , I think it is sufficient in this state

00:11:769 (4,5) - Consider to mod this spacing if you are not make it on purpose.  Is that so ? I put jump with constant rhythm.
00:26:857 (2) - I think you should create new combo in this slider,not the previous circle. break my pattern about new combo >.< so it's not fit
00:34:752 (7) - NC and remove nc in 00:35:103 (1) - ^
00:49:138 (1) - If this circle in here,the blank is make no sence in previous beat. same as above.

Thank you for modding :)
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

Rotte wrote:

nyan~ from in-game.


00:39:138 (5,7) - 没叠好 :arrow: fixed


00:06:067 (2,3,4) - 节奏感觉有些不符,就算是喇叭的音效也怪怪的建议修改 :arrow: 不怪.1/2才无聊

00:15:278 (7) - drum clap更好听 :arrow: 不好听.
00:15:453 (9) - drum finish :arrow: ^

00:24:050 (1) - slider 的头上加个finish? :arrow: 不合适.
01:00:541 (1) - slider 的头上加个finish? :arrow: ^

01:08:962 (1,2,3) - 建议修改成这样,这样的话flow上会更好 :arrow: 现在这样就好.

Thanks mod and update ~

00:36:331 (4,5,6,7,8) - This stream is kind hard to read.
00:52:647 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It feels like some notes are missing in this part.
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

Andrea wrote:


00:36:331 (4,5,6,7,8) - This stream is kind hard to read. :arrow: ok,after tested and i guess fine now.
00:52:647 (4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - It feels like some notes are missing in this part. :arrow: nope,this part is all stream,so i made thythm by my own.
Thanks for mod <3
Here we go o3o

Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Just do selfpop,don't ask me why ~

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Just do selfpop,don't ask me why ~
I don't get you, seriously.
[alacat's Easy]
Fine but read the final note about hitsounds on tick

Fine but read the final note about hitsounds on tick

[alacat's Hard]
Ok, I encountered several times something that looks like an intention of jump, but actually looks odd...
Examples : 00:05:103 (3,4,5) - | 00:15:103 (7,1,2) - | 00:29:664 (1,2,3) -
It feels that you want to put a jump, but you hesitate, so you make it smaller, and it simply looks like a spacing error.

00:00:191 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is not good. This pattern has several notes that are completely on nothing, which leads to a feeling of "On what am I playing?"
Some changes on the pattern could be seriously done, interm of timeline, you would have this :


00:04:401 (1,2) - These are okay, but I really didn't like the use of these patterns through the map, there are kind of... not necessary.
00:52:647 (4,5,6) - If you listen carefully, you will notice that there is a problem on the song, specially for (5,6). The way you hitsounded them makes obvious that both of them should be 1/4 later. Besides, it sounds really more logical.
00:53:962I don't understand either why the stream is interrupted. Is it based on the drums? or on the violin, We don't know what we play, it doesn't follow something precise on the music ...
Besides, the low volume on that section compared to the music is way too low, you don't hear anything >_<

Apart of that, nothing completely wrong. The only thing I didn't appreciate were some jumps that just feel out place, or which could have been better if they were 1/2 earlier or 1/2 later.
A good example is : 00:32:296 (5) - This one is on nothing particular on the music... here as well 01:08:612 (9) -
A very good one, though, was here : 01:01:945 (1) -

To finish, I didn't like a lot the way this diff is mapped >_> the way notes are placed feel like drum drum drum, and the rythm is then completely flat on the vocal part. The notes are placed for the hitsound, but remember it should be the reverse thing. Hitsounds are put on the present notes.

Also, (and this applies to all diffs)
Please don't use so often hitsounds on sliderticks. Just a recommandation from mine.

It's sad that the only diff that seems to follow the lyrics a little was the Hard... and just a little. Globally all the diffs are based on the drums, which generally feel like a very common rhythm, which makes the map not very fun, in my opinion. Could be better.

Sushi wrote:

[alacat's Easy]
Fine but read the final note about hitsounds on tick

I dont think so .. this is rankable :3 so keep current pattern ~

[alacat's Hard]
Ok, I encountered several times something that looks like an intention of jump, but actually looks odd...
Examples : 00:05:103 (3,4,5) - | 00:15:103 (7,1,2) - | 00:29:664 (1,2,3) -
It feels that you want to put a jump, but you hesitate, so you make it smaller, and it simply looks like a spacing error.

oh , I had made a mistake about random jump :o fix spacing .

ty ~

Hard :

Edit : Thank you for modding Garven !
alacat wanted me to voice her opinion on the slider ticks: basically since the map is more focused on the percussion rather than the vocals, the slider tick sounds were used in that manner to keep the rhythm constant.

As a personal note, I love tick sounds, so it's nice to see them used well.

I also did some modding on the Hard to add in some Drum hit sounding.
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

Sushi wrote:

00:00:191 (1,2,3,4,5) - This is not good. This pattern has several notes that are completely on nothing, which leads to a feeling of "On what am I playing?"
Some changes on the pattern could be seriously done, interm of timeline, you would have this : :arrow: yeah,good idea :3


00:04:401 (1,2) - These are okay, but I really didn't like the use of these patterns through the map, there are kind of... not necessary. :arrow: i have used this pattern many times for another ranked map.
00:52:647 (4,5,6) - If you listen carefully, you will notice that there is a problem on the song, specially for (5,6). The way you hitsounded them makes obvious that both of them should be 1/4 later. Besides, it sounds really more logical. :arrow: yeah,you are right :3 fixed
00:53:962I don't understand either why the stream is interrupted. Is it based on the drums? or on the violin, We don't know what we play, it doesn't follow something precise on the music ... :arrow: ok, changed stream to here.
Besides, the low volume on that section compared to the music is way too low, you don't hear anything >_<

Apart of that, nothing completely wrong. The only thing I didn't appreciate were some jumps that just feel out place, or which could have been better if they were 1/2 earlier or 1/2 later.
A good example is : 00:32:296 (5) - This one is on nothing particular on the music... here as well 01:08:612 (9) -
A very good one, though, was here : 01:01:945 (1) - :arrow: i really dunno about these ;_;

To finish, I didn't like a lot the way this diff is mapped >_> the way notes are placed feel like drum drum drum, and the rythm is then completely flat on the vocal part. The notes are placed for the hitsound, but remember it should be the reverse thing. Hitsounds are put on the present notes.

Also, (and this applies to all diffs)
Please don't use so often hitsounds on sliderticks. Just a recommandation from mine. :arrow: it's fine.

It's sad that the only diff that seems to follow the lyrics a little was the Hard... and just a little. Globally all the diffs are based on the drums, which generally feel like a very common rhythm, which makes the map not very fun, in my opinion. Could be better.

Thanks for mod and update ~ ;)
  1. 원래 제목이 다 영어니까 굳이 카타카나로 적을 필요가 없다고 봐요. 일본어 못 읽는 외국인은 엄청 많지만 영어 못 읽는 일본인은 거의 없을테니...

00:01:507 (11) - x:248 y:260
00:05:805 (1,2,3,4,5) - 리듬이 트럼펫이랑 섞은거 같은데 이렇게 바꾸는게 더 잘 어울릴것 같네요.
00:21:594 (2,3,4,5,6) - 별 모양이 찌그러졌어요. 아래처럼 예쁘게 다듬어 보세요.
Screenshot and codes

00:39:752 (3) - 이 구간은 스네어 드럼이 워낙 강한 파트라서 랜덤 3연타 넣으면 중간 노트 존재감이 거의 없어서 지우는 편이 더 깔끔한 리듬을 선사할거예요.
00:46:506 (1) - 3/4로 늘려도 괜찮을 거 같네요.
00:49:576 (2) - 00:39:752 (3)이랑 같은 경우이므로 역시 삭제 추천.
01:02:647 (3) - 01:02:647랑 01:02:998를 노멀샘플셋으로 바꾸고 클랩 제거한 뒤 휘슬 넣어보세요.

00:12:120 (3) - 이런건 어때요? 싫음 말구...
00:21:594 (1,2) - 겹치는걸 최소화 했으면 좋겠네요.
Screenshot and codes

00:36:682 (3,4) - S자 슬라이더 넣으면 흐름에서 이득을 볼 수 있어요.
Screenshot and codes

01:02:647 (5,6) - 클랩제거하고 노멀휘슬로. 인세인에서 설명했음.
01:05:454 (3) - 이 부분은 노래에서 강조된 박자가 없어요. 앞에 슬라이더를 수정해서 이런식으로 바꾸면 리듬이 더 나아질거예요.
01:24:576 - 쓸모없는 타이밍 포인트는 제거.

[alacat's Hard]
HP 6 / OD 6
Since Normal diff has OD 4, so OD 5 doesn't make big difference to Normal.

[alcat's Easy]
01:02:647 (2) - Don't you add finishes? Because you added it in your Hard diff.

영어번역은 좀 이따가 고치고 나면... ㅇㅅㅇ

EDIT : supa simple English ver.
00:01:507 (11) - x:248 y:260
00:05:805 (1,2,3,4,5) - Change the rhythm like this?
00:21:594 (2,3,4,5,6) - Refine star shape, it's a bit ugly now.
Screenshot and codes

00:39:752 (3) - Delete the circle, because there is nothing emphasized
00:46:506 (1) - 3/4 slider?
00:49:576 (2) - Same with 00:39:752 (3)
01:02:647 (3) - Put normal-hitwhistle at 01:02:647 and 01:02:998

00:12:120 (3) - How about this?
00:21:594 (1,2) - Avoid overlapping
Screenshot and codes

00:36:682 (3,4) - S-shape slider would give better flow.
Screenshot and codes

01:02:647 (5,6) - Add normal whistles
01:05:454 (3) - Change rhythm like this
01:24:576 - Delete this useless timing point

ykcarrot wrote:

[alacat's Hard]
HP 6 / OD 6
Since Normal diff has OD 4, so OD 5 doesn't make big difference to Normal.
ok ~ set OD 6 , But I dont want to change HP >.< Because This map is high bpm :3

[alcat's Easy]
01:02:647 (2) - Don't you add finishes? Because you added it in your Hard diff. okey , added :3
Thank you for modding :3 !!

Easy :

Hard :
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika

ykcarrot wrote:

  1. 원래 제목이 다 영어니까 굳이 카타카나로 적을 필요가 없다고 봐요. 일본어 못 읽는 외국인은 엄청 많지만 영어 못 읽는 일본인은 거의 없을테니... :arrow: 오리지날 제목이라 보류할게요 :3

00:01:507 (11) - x:248 y:260 :arrow: 직선하기 시러서 보류할게요.
00:05:805 (1,2,3,4,5) - 리듬이 트럼펫이랑 섞은거 같은데 이렇게 바꾸는게 더 잘 어울릴것 같네요. :arrow: 확실이 더 잘어울리네요.
00:21:594 (2,3,4,5,6) - 별 모양이 찌그러졌어요. 아래처럼 예쁘게 다듬어 보세요. :arrow: fixed.

00:39:752 (3) - 이 구간은 스네어 드럼이 워낙 강한 파트라서 랜덤 3연타 넣으면 중간 노트 존재감이 거의 없어서 지우는 편이 더 깔끔한 리듬을 선사할거예요. :arrow: fixed.
00:46:506 (1) - 3/4로 늘려도 괜찮을 거 같네요. :arrow: 괜찮네요 :3
00:49:576 (2) - 00:39:752 (3)이랑 같은 경우이므로 역시 삭제 추천. :arrow: fixed.
01:02:647 (3) - 01:02:647랑 01:02:998를 노멀샘플셋으로 바꾸고 클랩 제거한 뒤 휘슬 넣어보세요.

00:12:120 (3) - 이런건 어때요? 싫음 말구... :arrow: ㅋㅋ 보류.
00:21:594 (1,2) - 겹치는걸 최소화 했으면 좋겠네요. :arrow: fixed.

00:36:682 (3,4) - S자 슬라이더 넣으면 흐름에서 이득을 볼 수 있어요. :arrow: fixed.

01:02:647 (5,6) - 클랩제거하고 노멀휘슬로. 인세인에서 설명했음. :arrow: ^
01:05:454 (3) - 이 부분은 노래에서 강조된 박자가 없어요. 앞에 슬라이더를 수정해서 이런식으로 바꾸면 리듬이 더 나아질거예요. :arrow: fixed.
01:24:576 - 쓸모없는 타이밍 포인트는 제거. :arrow: ^

영어번역은 좀 이따가 고치고 나면... ㅇㅅㅇ

Thanks for nice mod ~ carrot sama ><

Update all diff.
Alright then.
Took a look at the map as you asked so I'll post it here since im lazy and its small as it can be!

lookin good (you dont say)

[alacat's Hard]
00:06:506 - this empty space feels meh....why not put a note here?

00:14:576 (5,6,7,8,9) - somehow I can't feel this pattern fitting in at all. It makes my head go @.@

Instead of this


Looks good for ranking to me, but im not an expert modder afterall

no kd thanks.
Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Lolicore Flandre

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

Took a look at the map as you asked so I'll post it here since im lazy and its small as it can be!

00:14:576 (5,6,7,8,9) - somehow I can't feel this pattern fitting in at all. It makes my head go @.@ :arrow: after tested sometimes rhythm is fine,i silenced 00:14:840 - ,they sound much better now :3

Instead of this


Looks good for ranking to me, but im not an expert modder afterall

no kd thanks.

Thanks for mod lolifan ~ ;)

Lolicore Flandre wrote:

[alacat's Hard]
00:06:506 - this empty space feels meh....why not put a note here? follow the sound of the trumpet here (5,6,7) >.<
Thank you for modding ;)
LoliFlan did a mod (again!) :o

Gogo Rika~
Since im not experienced enough to rank maps

Good Luck ;)
Ranked after minor fix o.o//
moe Rika! :)
yay this song \:D/

it's been a while since i called you this, but congratz on the rank moe Rika ;)
Congratz Rika♥
빠빠빠빠빠빰 ~ 츅츅 ~\ o /

Topic Starter
Kawayi Rika
Thanks minyeab and everyone ~ <3

alacat wrote:


grats :) !

congrats rikka~~~
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