
Loved is broken, and so is the development team. [COMMUNITY DISCUSSION - PLEASE WEIGH IN]

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I recently spoke with clayton, and I think almost every mapper can agree -- loved is broken. Essentially, the loved section is the ranked section with less accountability: captains are essentially BNs but dont even have to pretend to take requests. When nearly every vote passes, that's a really big issue. As a personal example, both of the maps I have in loved are GDs on sets that got votes with less favorites than either of two og my own sets that have spent about a year and a half and a year pending on the loved spreadsheet, respectively. To me, it feels like "community popularity" is a term thrown around to cleverly disguise "captain's interests". Captains pick a few first maps that get hundreds of favorites due to song choice (everything black), a few "loved staple" mappers, like arles stuff and akali maps, and other than that, cherry-pick whatever they feel like.

Essentially, we have handed leaderboard granting power to a few specific people who are not even elected by the community or a quality control board, and they mostly just give maps they like leaderboards. In this community, where leaderboards are both a spotlight and a quality assurance, that power is godlike. The worst part is, even at their mission of "giving leaderboards to the maps the community loved", they are failing. Maps in loved fall mostly into three categories -- maps that were lifted to popularity by being chosen; maps that used to be popular, but aren't really played anymore; and maps that are essentially just leaderboards for a captain who likes the map.

Judging by the playcounts and favorite counts of many loved maps, the latter is very often true. I can find plenty of examples of maps like beatmapsets/522763#osu/1110112 which end up with lower favorite counts after spending 9 months in loved than most maps need to even get a vote (hello, my two sets with 90+ favorites).

This brings me to my next point -- is what we really want true player community representation? Univocally, the most popular loved maps are either memes, trashy jump practices, or hype songs. I don't think this is a category that should exist as a valid form of getting a leaderboard at all, with the way they are coveted in this game. You can make all the arguments you want about "community driven game" and "this is what the community wants", but I don't think that catering to delibarately low quality content is a healthy strategy at all. These maps belong in the graveyard for a reason -- they are not the kind of content that is deserving of a spotlight. They gather popularity on their own -- why would we spotlight bad content?

I don't believe in loved as a category, but this post isn't about abolishing loved. Because so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community, I think the real solution is trying to at least separate this category of low quality memes, hype songs, and jump practices from the other dual role the category currently serves -- giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.

Many of these maps are not going to ranked for legitimate reasons, even though many will whine "good maps belong in ranked!!!11111 stop being lazy stupid mappers!!!!!" Despite the fact that even though many people consider it common knowledge that ranked is more about who you know than the quality of your mapping (here's osu staff admitting it on twitter) because they are unrankable on technicalities that the playerbase hasn't even heard of, like beatmapsets/914372#osu/1909836 is unrankable due to circle size. Sometimes mappers do not want to try to dumb down 200 bpm speedcore down into a normal difficulty, because it simply doesn't fit the song.

I wrote a community proposal about this a while back, and it received attention from osu staff, the (at the time) QAT, multiple BNs, and many regular members of the community. Lots of rounds of feedback went into crafting a proposal, which was posted to github, because ephemeral has said repeatedly that "toy wasn't given special treatment as a top player, he just spearheaded the project!" So I attempted the same, and have been met with absolutely deafening silence. Just like my proposal to simply display playcount on all maps, which has had virtually no opposition, has been sitting open on github for two entire years, my proposal to separate "community loved" from a "mapper loved" has been sitting open on github with no action for a year and a half.

I have been into the development discord and asked how exactly I should spearhead this further, but I've been told a confusing mix of defensive "loved wasn't favoritism toy just spearheaded it!!!" and "i don't know how you could spearhead this further". I guess this post is, in a way, me spearheading it further -- calling out the development team for treating me like a nuisance instead of the community asset I have tried to be for years. This began as a condemnation of loved, but it is so much more than that. When I spoke to a personal friend who ran the only officially licensed doujin label with western distribution rights, and tried to get him to lisence his label's songs to the featured artist program, I was reprimanded by osu staff for "impersonation of osu staff". I responded with screenshots of me telling him, in a direct quote, that "I am not osu!staff, I just know how to contact them." I was then told not to do it again -- but then they ghosted his emails so he came to me to poke them, which I did, and that is how rising sun traxx became an osu featured artist.

Instead of implementing popular ideas, like a simple playcounter for all maps instead of just ranked and loved beatmaps that has been pending for two years, the devteam finds the time to implement changes the community, especially mappers, absolutely hates. Instead of listening to mappers for ideas about keeping the game fresh (like hold notes), or officially implementing popular ideas that the community has implemented (like olibomby's sliderator), the devteam decided that it will be changing the way sliders work, completely destroying years and years of maps mapped with the current ideas of slider leniency in mind, and despite massive community backlash, condescending refusal to rollback the changes. One mapper I know said it best -- expanding content keeps a game fresh, not taking it away.

I have so many more stories, but I want to bring this post back to what it's really about -- the loved category is broken, but so is the direction the development team is taking. One of the perks of osu!supporter is that the development team is supposed to be willing to listen to your ideas, and implement community ideas. Unfortunately, as the years tick on, the development team runs further and further astray of changes that the community that produces the content for the game agrees are good, and runs a defiant opposition as if to taunt us. I love this game, and I love beatmapping. I teach beatmapping, I mod beatmapping, and I even wrote an academic paper on beatmapping and musical representation for a class on music theory and human communication (I got an A-). Unfortunately, I feel as though the development team never really listens -- they have their own ideas, everyone else be damned. I know I shouldn't lash out like this, but this really is the only way to get them to listen -- unless there is major "drama" or "community backlash", things don't even register on their radar. When I try to speak to osu!staff calmly and work through their protocols like github, I am roundly ignored. So here this is -- the development team of this game is broken. I hope someone can fix it, because I can't.

Go ahead and ban me over a disagreement, you're only proving that I'm right.
"This brings me to my next point -- is what we really want true player community representation? Univocally, the most popular loved maps are either memes, trashy jump practices, or hype songs. I don't think this is a category that should exist as a valid form of getting a leaderboard at all, with the way they are coveted in this game. You can make all the arguments you want about "community driven game" and "this is what the community wants", but I don't think that catering to delibarately low quality content is a healthy strategy at all. These maps belong in the graveyard for a reason -- they are not the kind of content that is deserving of a spotlight. They gather popularity on their own -- why would we spotlight bad content?"

Loved maps that are either memes, trashy jump practices, or hype songs are actually played and loved, like beatmapsets/723641#osu/1527747 , beatmapsets/548907#osu/1162427 or beatmapsets/385088#osu/894090. Community play them, and if "low quality content" is played or loved i don't see why that would be wrong. I like these maps because they are fun and thats (maybe) why they are loved. "Spotlight bad content" more like fun or played content. I'll agree with the playcounter for all maps if its possible and "expanding content keeps a game fresh". It's true that some maps deserve loved, but I think that the major part of loved maps are actually fun and it doesn't really matter if they are low quality since they are not ranked.
Keep in mind whatever you plan to do, it's going to affect other gamemodes. For example, I don't think the issues you point out are a thing in mania. Rather the only issue I see is maps being loved once a month is too slow, and want a steady trickle maps into loved (maybe a few every couple days?).

There are definitely things that need to be done to further the game. I do think the devs' priorities are strange, but I also know they are doing their best to get osu!lazer done given the lack of manpower.

downpour wrote:

So I attempted the same, and have been met with absolutely deafening silence. Just like my proposal to simply display playcount on all maps, which has had virtually no opposition, has been sitting open on github for two entire years
A have another issue that asks for unique playcount, and would prefer that to be implemented instead as with playcount same people can play the map ad-infinitum to inflate popularity.
Vereor Nox
let's ignore the whole "dev team pushing bad changes and ignoring popular ones" cuz that's another issue and one i am neither confident or knowledgeable enough to talk about.

what are the problems with Loved and what are the solutions?

your complaint about quality is a non-issue. Loved was never about what people consider "of quality", especially mappers. Loved has always been the territory of the players (who make the vast majority of the users) and so it must be held to their standards and their opinions. Also the captain figure is already a sort of quality check: an experienced player who selects the map eledgible for community vote.
Loved goes through, not just one, but two quality checks: the captian and the portion of the community who votes (who is the only relevant portion in this discussion because if you don't vote, you are content with either result, which makes you non-existent in this specific issue, so bringing out low playcount/favourite loved maps doesn't mean anything).

Like Wisee said, people still actually play and enjoy "bad" maps in the Loved category so i don't see why them being there is such a big problem. If you want to ditch the captain, you are gonna run in stuff that is even worse than all of what you are complaining about because that's what people play.

your idea of separating "low quality" from "high quality" is kinda ????, especially if by that you mean Community Loved and Mapper Loved. That would bring even more issues and hate from the community. "Why is this in good quality loved??? This should be in low quality loved!!!!" would be my guess of what is gonna happen based on how the community reacts to certain maps in the ranked section. Also, mappers already have their "Loved section", Ranked. The ranking criteria gets pushed constantly, BNs nominate what they think is of quality and there's something for everyone. Maps that can't be ranked right now won't really benefit from a mapper-select sub-section of Loved since their audience doesn't care about having a leaderbord. They can enjoy those maps just as much if they are in graveyard.

leave Loved to the players

P.S.: Playcount for every map is a cool idea and has my support
what's with all the prose in this post? I think people would be more willing to take you seriously without it, especially that last comment abt provoking a ban, because it won't happen.

per abraker's comment I think you should add to the OP that this post is only about osu!standard Loved to keep these ideas in the right scope. @abraker for the most part we're okay with making per-gamemode changes to Loved (each mode is already different with the way they pick maps), it's only tricky when it involves large new features or etc.

that aside:

you know my response to the first part of this post since we already talked about it in PM. summary for readers is that I personally haven't seen enough cases of what seems like unwanted bias from captains to conclude there's a real problem there, and "true player community representation" is pretty much what the Loved category is trying to answer to, aside from a few extreme outliers of maps.

downpour wrote:

Maps in loved fall mostly into three categories -- maps that were lifted to popularity by being chosen; maps that used to be popular, but aren't really played anymore; and maps that are essentially just leaderboards for a captain who likes the map.
  1. that definitely happens sometimes, but it's not like anything going into osu!standard loved was really not popular to some degree before the fact, after all that's why they end up there. to make further comments on this it might be helpful to collect some data about plays and favorites over time, I can do that if you think it'd be insightful. on the other hand, it's hard to say how valuable those statistics are. I'm of the opinion that detailed stats WOULD help manage the loved category but they need to be meaningful ones and I'm not sure just favs/playcount is the way to go
  2. seems true enough, need to double-check how often this happens. I don't think they deserve no place in loved but they probably shouldn't be picked so often or at a higher priority than currently-popular stuff
  3. well... yeah, I'd assume they choose maps they like at a higher rate than not, but the idea is that captain's picks are roughly representative of the kind of thing ppl want to see Loved because they take into account what's been popular and comments from the community and all that stuff. the name of the voting was originally called "Loved: Captain's Pick" for this reason

downpour wrote:

giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.

Many of these maps are not going to ranked for legitimate reasons, even though many will whine "good maps belong in ranked!!!11111 stop being lazy stupid mappers!!!!!" Despite the fact that even though many people consider it common knowledge that ranked is more about who you know than the quality of your mapping (here's osu staff admitting it on twitter) because they are unrankable on technicalities that the playerbase hasn't even heard of, like beatmapsets/914372#osu/1909836 is unrankable due to circle size. Sometimes mappers do not want to try to dumb down 200 bpm speedcore down into a normal difficulty, because it simply doesn't fit the song.
I'm one such person that'd say "good maps belong in ranked!!!", but that doesn't mean I think it's the mappers' fault of being lazy that it never makes it there. IMO Ranked just isn't doing a great job of showcasing high quality maps all the time due to the reasons u mention here and more, but if improved correctly, Ranked should be able to promote all the highest quality maps that aren't game breaking or w/e

disappointment around awesome unranked maps that weren't getting ranked was a huge driver in creating the original Loved category, so now we're just kinda stuck with this awkward relationship of having Loved attempt to accommodate for things that aren't perfect about Ranked. I agree these things are issues but I don't think Loved is the place to handle them right now


from here on it seems like mostly personal issues or something way beyond a context I can do anything about so. I'm not going to entertain most of it, sorry

downpour wrote:

ephemeral has said repeatedly that "toy wasn't given special treatment as a top player, he just spearheaded the project!" So I attempted the same, and have been met with absolutely deafening silence
of course a trusted and proven-knowledgeable person in the community is more likely to have one of their ideas be realised when they put some work into it. development like that is a social process. it doesn't literally mean that "top player" == "ur ideas matter more", the important part is that Toy earned that respect for giving great ideas and insight already

as for the no responses on GitHub to those things all I can rly say is that sucks, not sure what else to add. GitHub issues is sometimes a bit of a wasteland (look at how many open issues Noffy has... poor Noffy) due to lack of devs working on web. larger proposals such as your new map category are often put on a backlog because either nobody's equipped or available to work out the details, or it doesn't seem like a good idea but making a proper response to disagree takes too much time.


for the criticism of Loved that I can recognize are problems I'll see what I can do, just be aware this could take a while cuz I'm in a tight spot with time due to other things and I'm not really supposed to be "the guy who manages Loved" anyway but for some reason I got stuck with this. I'll ask the other captains to read & respond to this

edit: ok idk if more responses are gonna happen here, but in #osu-loved channel there is a long conversation about this and some tangent ideas starting at 16:42 PDT
Topic Starter

Wisee wrote:

"This brings me to my next point -- is what we really want true player community representation? Univocally, the most popular loved maps are either memes, trashy jump practices, or hype songs. I don't think this is a category that should exist as a valid form of getting a leaderboard at all, with the way they are coveted in this game. You can make all the arguments you want about "community driven game" and "this is what the community wants", but I don't think that catering to delibarately low quality content is a healthy strategy at all. These maps belong in the graveyard for a reason -- they are not the kind of content that is deserving of a spotlight. They gather popularity on their own -- why would we spotlight bad content?"

Loved maps that are either memes, trashy jump practices, or hype songs are actually played and loved, like beatmapsets/723641#osu/1527747 , beatmapsets/548907#osu/1162427 or beatmapsets/385088#osu/894090. Community play them, and if "low quality content" is played or loved i don't see why that would be wrong. I like these maps because they are fun and thats (maybe) why they are loved. "Spotlight bad content" more like fun or played content. I'll agree with the playcounter for all maps if its possible and "expanding content keeps a game fresh". It's true that some maps deserve loved, but I think that the major part of loved maps are actually fun and it doesn't really matter if they are low quality since they are not ranked.

downpour wrote:

I don't believe in loved as a category, but this post isn't about abolishing loved. Because so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community, I think the real solution is trying to at least separate this category of low quality memes, hype songs, and jump practices from the other dual role the category currently serves -- giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.

ABraker: the two ideas can coexist. they should both be implemented.

Vereor Nox wrote:

your complaint about quality is a non-issue. Loved was never about what people consider "of quality", especially mappers. Loved has always been the territory of the players (who make the vast majority of the users) and so it must be held to their standards and their opinions.

downpour wrote:

I don't believe in loved as a category, but this post isn't about abolishing loved. Because so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community, I think the real solution is trying to at least separate this category of low quality memes, hype songs, and jump practices from the other dual role the category currently serves -- giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.

Vereor Nox wrote:

Also the captain figure is already a sort of quality check: an experienced player who selects the map eledgible for community vote.

Vereor Nox wrote:

Loved goes through, not just one, but two quality checks: the captian and the portion of the community who votes (who is the only relevant portion in this discussion because if you don't vote, you are content with either result, which makes you non-existent in this specific issue, so bringing out low playcount/favourite loved maps doesn't mean anything).
Loved goes through ***ONE*** BN with even less accountability and a community vote that has a disapproval rate of like under 5%. That's not rigorous. That's easier than ranked, imagine if you only needed one BN!

Vereor Nox wrote:

Like Wisee said, people still actually play and enjoy "bad" maps in the Loved category so i don't see why them being there is such a big problem. If you want to ditch the captain, you are gonna run in stuff that is even worse than all of what you are complaining about because that's what people play.

downpour wrote:

You can make all the arguments you want about "community driven game" and "this is what the community wants", but I don't think that catering to delibarately low quality content is a healthy strategy at all. These maps belong in the graveyard for a reason -- they are not the kind of content that is deserving of a spotlight. They gather popularity on their own -- why would we spotlight bad content?

Vereor Nox wrote:

your idea of separating "low quality" from "high quality" is kinda ????, especially if by that you mean Community Loved and Mapper Loved. That would bring even more issues and hate from the community. "Why is this in good quality loved??? This should be in low quality loved!!!!" would be my guess of what is gonna happen based on how the community reacts to certain maps in the ranked section.
Ah, a classic slippery slope fallacy.

To begin, osu is very good at drawing arbitrary lines in the sand pertaining to beatmap quality. We have an entire ranking process built around it. I don't think sorting arles maps out from maps like beatmapsets/914372#osu/1909836 is exactly rocket science.

Vereor Nox wrote:

Also, mappers already have their "Loved section", Ranked.
That map I just linked is unrankable due to circle size choice. Don't give me the "something for everyone", ranked is NOT the home for all quality beatmaps. Also, the ranked section is about who you know, not quality beatmapping.

Vereor Nox wrote:

Maps that can't be ranked right now won't really benefit from a mapper-select sub-section of Loved since their audience doesn't care about having a leaderbord. They can enjoy those maps just as much if they are in graveyard.
Ah yes, I too believe that we should deliberately spotlight low quality content because muh playerbase, and "maps for mappers" should be sent to the grave. xxanimeloli58 will DIE if he cant see his #32,994 positional rank C pass on XD MEME - HYPE POGGGGGGG [1st map btw], good players like woey and -GN who grind out scores on maps like dreamsters do not deserve a place for these plays. I am very smart.

downpour wrote:

I don't believe in loved as a category, but this post isn't about abolishing loved. Because so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community, I think the real solution is trying to at least separate this category of low quality memes, hype songs, and jump practices from the other dual role the category currently serves -- giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.

Loved =/= high quality maps. Loved mean litteraly what the community like. What you call "low quality memes" are fun to play so why that would make it "low quality" (like gucci gang doki doki ect..) and why would "high quality" be spotlighed if its not loved ? I mean if no one plays a map and the map is "high quality", its not loved because of the song/mapping choice. Loved shouldn't separate them and how would it separate "low quality" and "high quality" ? why would a map be better than another one ? how would you choose them ? I agree that thing like beatmapsets/73348#osu/208967 are low quality but there're actually 350 favs on the maps. So it doesn't make it high quality content but loved, and thats why loved is here. To spotlight "loved" content not good or bad since the whole point is loved. help/wiki/Project_Loved doesn't seem to say that we need to spotlight good content, but actually loved maps. It's not that "xxanimeloli58 will DIE if he cant see his #32,994 positional rank C pass on XD MEME - HYPE POGGGGGGG" but more that everyone like/love the map. I think that your idea would more be "spotlight high quality content" than "loved".

downpour wrote:

Because so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community

So to summarize the "muh community" loves map that are "good" or "bad" quality but no one care's about that since people actually enjoy and love the maps and I don't see why that would be wrong. Loved doesn't and shouldn't mean good content but enjoyed and liked content.

downpour wrote:

That map I just linked is unrankable due to circle size choice. Don't give me the "something for everyone", ranked is NOT the home for all quality beatmaps. Also, the ranked section is about who you know, not quality beatmapping.
Loved isn't going to be the category to solve this concern unless it happens to align with Loved's goals, as it did here. if the Ranked section isn't doing it's job I think your criticism should be directed there

fwiw, the circle size thing specifically will be gone soon. pishi and I are working on changes to the relevant rules& guidelines
First, I'll start off by saying this is my opinion as a taiko player, so if my understanding doesn't align with how standard works or whatever, sorry. Also, I don't pay too much attention to project loved as a whole, so I may be misunderstanding a few things.
TL;DR at the bottom.

downpour wrote:

Captains pick a few first maps that get hundreds of favorites due to song choice (everything black), a few "loved staple" mappers, like arles stuff and akali maps, and other than that, cherry-pick whatever they feel like.
Captains will pick songs that the community likes, which makes sense. They will also pick maps from creators that create content that people tend to enjoy, which also makes sense. Finally, they may "cherry-pick" a few maps. However, I believe the reasoning for the last option is that the captains want to expose some of their favorite maps to a wider audience. Maps require attention from the community to get votes to get into loved. The people who are actually involved in loved are going to play the maps that are nominated, and they will vote yes if they like them. For example, is a map I've had for who knows how long, and I didn't bother to play it until I noticed it was up for loved. If not for jyake's praise of the map, I wouldn't have played it. The point of the last "category" of captains' picks is to give maps more attention.

downpour wrote:

Essentially, we have handed leaderboard granting power to a few specific people who are not even elected by the community or a quality control board, and they mostly just give maps they like leaderboards.
There is a community vote, is there not? It's not as if the captains can just give a map a leaderboard automatically.

downpour wrote:

Loved goes through ***ONE*** BN with even less accountability and a community vote that has a disapproval rate of like under 5%. That's not rigorous. That's easier than ranked, imagine if you only needed one BN!
Perhaps the reason the disapproval rate is so low is because the captains are nominating maps the majority of players (that actually vote for loved) enjoy? Secondly, the loved section is not the ranked section. It is "easier" than ranked because it requires community approval instead of fitting a laundry list of criteria, as well as the approval of two BNs. Ranked is a matter of "this map is of high quality and deserves a place in ranked," while loved is more weighted towards "I (as a player) enjoy this map, and so I think it should get a leaderboard."

downpour wrote:

Judging by the playcounts and favorite counts of many loved maps, the latter is very often true. I can find plenty of examples of maps like beatmapsets/522763#osu/1110112 which end up with lower favorite counts after spending 9 months in loved than most maps need to even get a vote (hello, my two sets with 90+ favorites).
Yes, it is true that some maps that are not that popular will get into loved every now and then. The same can be said for the ranked section. I imagine the captain system was slightly modeled after the BN system, so the fact that captains can choose less "favorited" maps based on personal opinion makes sense. Also, there are many maps I like that I don't favorite, and I imagine many people feel the same. Favorite count doesn't directly translate to how many people enjoy the map.

downpour wrote:

so many people seem attached to the idea of deliberately pushing low quality content to a community spotlight because muh community, I think the real solution is trying to at least separate this category of low quality memes, hype songs, and jump practices from the other dual role the category currently serves -- giving extremely cool, high quality maps a community spotlight and a leaderboard.
First, "separating" loved like this is essentially creating a completely new category of beatmap, which creates issues with discerning which category would remain "loved" and what the new category would be.
Another issue here is the overlap between those categories. There are meme maps that I would consider high quality/extremely cool. We literally have a beatmapset ( titled "PEPPY FIX TAIKO STAR RATING PLEASE for a happier," something that is very obviously a meme. However, within this meme, there are maps I legitimately enjoy.
On a similar note, where would we put gimmick maps in that divide? Extremely cool gimmick maps may also be a meme, such as Mute City
Also, about pushing low quality content to a spotlight, taken directly from the osu wiki: "Loved beatmaps may not meet the ranking criteria, but are loved by the community and thus are regularly added based on community votes in Project Loved."
Project Loved is intended to be for the community, voted on by the community. If the community wants to have leaderboards for so called "low quality," Project Loved will give them that. The only way to fix this would be to essentially abolish loved and put something else in its place, which is not this discussion.

downpour wrote:

Many of these maps are not going to ranked for legitimate reasons, even though many will whine "good maps belong in ranked!!!11111 stop being lazy stupid mappers!!!!!" Despite the fact that even though many people consider it common knowledge that ranked is more about who you know than the quality of your mapping (here's osu staff admitting it on twitter) because they are unrankable on technicalities that the playerbase hasn't even heard of, like beatmapsets/914372#osu/1909836 is unrankable due to circle size.
I do agree with you here about some mappers not wanting to change certain things about their map to comply with RC, but you're forgetting maps that use unrankable gimmicks. It's not just a matter of small things that are unrankable, it's also about the major things that mappers use to create effects that are unachievable in ranked mapsets. Some people want leaderboards for these gimmicks, which can only be achieved through loved.
At least in taiko, the "loved staple" idea you talk about is seen in people like katacheh, whose gimmicks are completely unrankable. The reason they're considered staples is because they deserve a leaderboard, but can only go in loved. Gimmicks are a skillset that cannot be ranked, and so they acquire their leaderboard through loved.

This went on a lot longer than I thought it would, so sorry about making you read this wall of text. If I'm completely mistaken about anything regarding differences in how std handles things, please by all means point it out.
TL;DR - Project Loved is about the community, so the community chooses what goes into Loved. As the majority of the captains' picks go through, they must be choosing maps the community likes. Maps go into loved and not ranked sometimes because of their gimmicks, even though they're "high quality."
If I forgot anything I'll edit this post later.
I think loved maps should be what's the community likes. And the "quality" should be ignored : only ranked maps should be in very well mapped. But ranked map doesn't mean what the community likes : a meme map or a shitmap but very fun to play can be more popular than a ranked map, and these map deserves to be highlighted. I think BN, who their job is rank maps should no have more power than a normal player to choose Loved maps because rank maps is already a lot of work and I think only BN doesn't represent the community.

2nd point, yes, the Loved system is full broken : do you know there is a Google form where every map with more than 30 favorites, abd everyone can submit a map. These map are checked by some guys (probably BN too). You can verify this with this document :
. Fun fact, there is more than 1000 maps (wtf) valided for the Loved. And after, a minority of these maps need to pass a poll to be loved. There is 2 possibilities: 1. It's too easy to be Loved and there is too many maps in this Sheet ; 2. There is not enough maps become Loved...

I know it's too hard to determine what players really like, but the actual system is just broken. I have a idea to determine what map should be loved is take in condirations the number of times the map is played the last year, and the star rating should be enabled for ALL maps : I think this system of notation is better than the number of favorites.

This is my opinion about the Loved system: a system broken with no enough (or too many) Loved maps.

Sorry for the bad English, I don't want type the full text in Google Traduction...

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

Fun fact, there is more than 1000 maps (wtf) valided for the Loved. And after, a minority of these maps need to pass a poll to be loved. There is 2 possibilities: 1. It's too easy to be Loved and there is too many maps in this Sheet ; 2. There is not enough maps become Loved...
I think it's just the sheet that's misleading there. "Verified" doesn't mean that the map will for sure be Loved in the future, it means that it could be put up for voting by captains if they think it's a good pick. I guess how I always read it was "these maps don't have any problems preventing them from entering Loved", but if that's not clear, let me know if you think there's a better way to show that

Corne2Plum3 wrote:

I have a idea to determine what map should be loved is take in condirations the number of times the map is played the last year, and the star rating should be enabled for ALL maps : I think this system of notation is better than the number of favorites.
yup, we talked a bit about alternative metrics to consider in the Discord conversation I mentioned, unfortunately it might take a bit of work to get play history and ratings added to unranked maps but I'll try to do that when I've got the time
Instead of a captain's pick, why don't we let everyone submit maps they want to see in loved and then just let everyone vote? (after the metadata check ofc) No need for all kinds of complicated schemes because rank is already complicated enough. Lastly, a captain or a similar organizer wouldn't need someone to pick maps himself. If you, as a regular player, want to spend more effort in getting a map loved, you can make a post explaining why people should vote for the map you suggested in a dedicated board.
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