
Your thoughts on the user above you

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McEndu wrote:

taiko main when you don't play osu!taiko

maybe playing TNT like me but just not osu!taiko
you're right actually! i just set osu!taiko as my main mode even though i literally don't play the game, but i do play taiko no tatsujin!! my friend plays it with me alot, and i really enjoy it <3

anyways, i don't exactly know you from anywhere, but you seem to be alright! :>

lostsilver wrote:

anyways, i don't exactly know you from anywhere, but you seem to be alright! :>
i just a "corpse" that recently wake up and lurking in here to looking my certain abandoned thread

btw bochi but not current bochi

Wall-ed wrote:

lostsilver wrote:

anyways, i don't exactly know you from anywhere, but you seem to be alright! :>
i just a "corpse" that recently wake up and lurking in here to looking my certain abanoned thread

btw bochi but not current bochi
ah okay

just a (seemingly) goofy guy :)

reffty_gag wrote:

really silly but kind person !! Also good at drawing SAASJFDJDJGJJXXJDJCJFFOOOSS
i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
a curious case of character... i must examine you :)

also, conveniently timed:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
°✩₊ my desktop at the moment ₊✩°

lostsilver wrote:

wonderfully curious!! lovely paragraphs to read, and is an amazing artist! <3
no recent plays
McEndu has updated the beatmap "TAG - Astral Stranger"⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 3 days ago

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
why would you say that, windows 7 is no longer supported by microsoft, its a malwarefest and all the versions for download nowadays are compromised

please dont start a new cult over old tech please please

Polyspora wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
why would you say that, windows 7 is no longer supported by microsoft, its a malwarefest and all the versions for download nowadays are compromised

please dont start a new cult over old tech please please
nah, its the frutiger aero

ot: cool guy ig

Polyspora wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
why would you say that, windows 7 is no longer supported by microsoft, its a malwarefest and all the versions for download nowadays are compromised

please dont start a new cult over old tech please please
understandable wariness, idrk what max is personally interested in win7 for but i can't imagine switching to win7 would be intuitive at all, and keeping win7 like i do is also probably questionable depending on what you're expecting to do with it at that point-- i don't particularly know anything about cybersecurity but i would trust the general intuition that not having security updates means it makes this a more vulnerable position to be in. maybe max means something like emulation? idk how that works but that seems to be what comes to mind

also, poly does not read the thread title (i'm saying this affectionately, light-heartedly)

nvm, i was too late;; the egg is in fact on my face this time....

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

nah, its the frutiger aero
understandable, but aesthetics are not quite the full picture of what to consider :O

although... i really do like that aesthetic... kind of...? idk yet
the what is in your face

opinion: brain damaged hard person but very cute and interesting

Polyspora wrote:

the what is in your face
oh right, ok so basically

"there is egg on my face" is an english expression/idiom, and it translates to "it turns out that i've embarrassed myself, whatever i've said/done has made me look foolish" (which sometimes is a result of external reasons outside of the speaker's control, usually through ironic subversion, where they make a claim before being proven wrong or realizing they were mistaken)

so in this context i was trying to say "i said you probably didn't read the thread title (since you only posted about max despite me being the user directly above your post), but i didn't realize max posted directly before me, so it turns out i also violated the thread rule and i've therefore been embarrassed (minimally) by this irony" :>

Polyspora wrote:

opinion: brain damaged hard person but very cute and interesting
possibly! and thank you (maybe)


also youre probably an ok enough person for me to continue being at least a little vulnerable with (maybe)

Achromalia wrote:

Polyspora wrote:

the what is in your face
oh right, ok so basically

"there is egg on my face" is an english expression/idiom, and it translates to "it turns out that i've embarrassed myself, whatever i've said/done has made me look foolish" (which sometimes is a result of external reasons outside of the speaker's control, usually through ironic subversion, where they make a claim before being proven wrong or realizing they were mistaken)

so in this context i was trying to say "i said you probably didn't read the thread title (since you only posted about max despite me being the user directly above your post), but i didn't realize max posted directly before me, so it turns out i also violated the thread rule and i've therefore been embarrassed (minimally) by this irony" :>

Polyspora wrote:

opinion: brain damaged hard person but very cute and interesting
possibly! and thank you (maybe)


also youre probably an ok enough person for me to continue being at least a little vulnerable with (maybe)
damn we backtracked

Polyspora wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

also youre probably an ok enough person for me to continue being at least a little vulnerable with (maybe)
damn we backtracked
i dont think so, like i still think of you the same way but im just mostly trying to keep at least a little distance

at this point it's not exactly that much fear anymore, but instead more a generalized sense of internal resistance that i dont totally understand yet... im more familiar with you and i think i like you because of some things! i dont really know how to be precise with this but like, you tend to seem kind of "neutral/temperate" and "dry but careful", and it helps keep things calm and almost cozy. its calming to listen to you too, and i basically always trust that you mean what you say. also, i appreciate your efforts with checking that ive still been eating... and you seem to want to understand how to help, so, there's a lot for me to be grateful for, kind of ^^

and then i struggle a little because of other things... some of that persistence from you can feel invasive, and i don't know if it's a matter of being "too fast" or more just being that i don't really imagine myself actively wanting to share very much of myself with you, i usually have to be asked and even when i do answer i tend to not totally know why im answering when i wasnt really enthusiastic about it

so it can feel complicated. that's probably not everything either, but it might be a general picture of some things

i keep remembering that i've been called an "open book" and i feel like i... don't want to always be that, it's just that i don't know how to close myself off without just totally ignoring everyone and going silent-- and im usually not willful enough to do that for my own sense of agency, so the best i can muster is usually just a whispered suggestion of a refusal at best before contradicting myself or trying obscure something and failing because i did not want to commit to it

a lot of this is just myself, i dont believe this should implicate you at all, i feel like you didnt even necessarily do anything but just ask questions and reach out-- or of course i could just be convincing myself of it, but who's to say? i don't really know what i think yet... i just hope that whatever happens will be something that nobody regrets
nah I'm being an ass about the mic yeah lmao

Polyspora wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

i respect windows 7 users, thank you for not switching
please dont start a new cult over old tech please please
We luv old tch


MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

? missing context


but ig "missing context" is kind of a lot of who you are to me and my thoughts for you? i wish i knew/understood more before suggesting any of the varied impressions i have of you

Achromalia wrote:

MaxIsABigKaiju wrote:

? missing context


but ig "missing context" is kind of a lot of who you are to me and my thoughts for you? i wish i knew/understood more before suggesting any of the varied impressions i have of you
INCREDIBLY pretty me! page, lovely sense of style, and some profoundness!! Perfectionist tier top plays. I think you'd be someone I'd get along with well. I quite enjoy the vibes you and your profile gives ^^

i hope i did this right? i don't post on the forums ever,,,
why am I still getting pinged in this thread


I dont know you.
i also dont know you

nephri wrote:

INCREDIBLY pretty me! page, lovely sense of style, and some profoundness!! Perfectionist tier top plays. I think you'd be someone I'd get along with well. I quite enjoy the vibes you and your profile gives ^^

i hope i did this right? i don't post on the forums ever,,,
tysm ;o; thats like my ideal impression to leave to someone at a personal level... i write my own quotes!! and hopefully will organize my original art and music enough to find what i would love to share in the artistry section...

i really love the way you type, your page is very cozy from the reassuring and nourishing reminders and kindnesses you offer people <3 and it all makes me more curious and hopeful that you might visit the forums more

and you did the game right dont worry!! ^^ its sweet that youre trying, i wish you luck and comfort in these forums but if youre not here a lot, then i wish you luck and peace in life


reffty_gag wrote:

i also dont know you
hi !! i know a little bit about you though, i hope you'll continue to find happiness :>

Achromalia wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

i also dont know you
hi !! i know a little bit about you though, i hope you'll continue to find happiness :>
Hi ! You must be new at this forum !!
i have deja vu with you idk why, like ik you before

reffty_gag wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

i also dont know you
hi !! i know a little bit about you though, i hope you'll continue to find happiness :>
Hi ! You must be new at this forum !!
i have deja vu with you idk why, like ik you before
hmm? do you mean someone else?

or did you forget how to play the chromatic scale? ;o;

Achromalia wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

i also dont know you
hi !! i know a little bit about you though, i hope you'll continue to find happiness :>
Hi ! You must be new at this forum !!
i have deja vu with you idk why, like ik you before
hmm? do you mean someone else?

or did you forget how to play the chromatic scale? ;o;
oh sheet i have to practice my chromatic scale, so i can play FlIgHt oF ThE bUmBlEbEe At 15 NoTeS/sEc So i CaN bEaT tHe GuInNeSs WorLd ReCoRd

reffty_gag wrote:

Achromalia wrote:

reffty_gag wrote:

Hi ! You must be new at this forum !!
i have deja vu with you idk why, like ik you before
hmm? do you mean someone else?

or did you forget how to play the chromatic scale? ;o;
oh sheet i have to practice my chromatic scale, so i can play FlIgHt oF ThE bUmBlEbEe At 15 NoTeS/sEc So i CaN bEaT tHe GuInNeSs WorLd ReCoRd
we luv piano guy <3 maybe if you do then you could have a "gacor kang" moment to share with people

i will await you being back as always :>
hit hard by pp changes
Did you stopped playing 2 months ago?
I have used one of your osu! skins as my main one.
This user hasn't done anything notable recently!
mostly seems to post thoughts in terms of valuing/measure/considering users for their charting/mapping and gameplay achievements...
I've met you a lot of times in OT. You also make good music and you're killing the leaderboard of "Thread Necromancy".
venting on GD will not get you pussy
...ok,, poor-taste messaging and delivery in this instance without anything particularly constructive (although i guess it can be argued that this could be trying to imply "you will be more productive in relationships by being outside doing something, or basically anything other than being here")... practice, this can easily just appear indistinguishable from simply being a random out-of-pocket comment on something personal that rhythm was being vulnerably open and unguarded with

its not as though any us of us are obligated to engage or say anything or even necessarily sympathize, but idk, i imagine the image of being followed with critique about something you shared would become why people grow resentful or guarded or unwilling to be vulnerable or worse-yet become less able to regulate themselves because there was nowhere else to be cringe :'/

your view of what you meant probably didnt appear to you that way at the time and you probably had your own reasons in mind, so my response could be read as some overreaction, but in service of your honest thoughts, these are mine, although i might be mistaken or rude to make these suggestions

ok i think i wandered a lot, here would be my point:

qualifying our statements with extra information and context for our perceptions is usually what i believe will be how we avoid being mistaken by some people as intentionally insensitive. there is more involved than that (another part of many could be how decisive conclusions can negatively affect the sensitivity of how you deliver a point), but this is probably one of the bigger parts of it :O

otherwise youre cool :> you feel like a functionally very sweet person in many ways, so i tend to wish i understood how to be the kind of person that wouldnt be as guarded and sensitive as i seem to be

...maybe any rude critique im making therefore could instead reflect that i fear becoming insensitive and as a result i impulsively project/weaponize that vigilance to monitor how other people communicate, which in itself could be quite hypocritically insensitive of me

idk, humanity and communication is complicated, but we're all still ok :p
I mean, stop oversharing would actually be quite healthy to this guy, every single time he did so he got shitted on, and then went right back to it.

uuuh achromalia very cool very cool
Wimpy Cursed
poly cool

wimpy cool but didnt finish tower
Wimpy Cursed
mate that tower had an erection

Polyspora wrote:

I mean, stop oversharing would actually be quite healthy to this guy, every single time he did so he got shitted on, and then went right back to it.
thats a much more understandable take;; at first, it mistakenly appeared like you were shitting on him yourself... although thanks to listening to you more and loosely understanding some context for how you communicate, i figured maybe it wouldnt have been meant that way

it would be troubling if rhythm developed an unhealthy relationship with shame as a result of sharing something that subjects him to people's opinions on his troubles with attractive people who treat him terribly, not just because it would be damaging for how rhythm tries to understand himself, but also because it could easily bleed into interactions with others and how he socializes or seeks relationships in the future-- we ideally don't want to enable more incel culture

i hope that's not distressing for him to read from us, it often is kind of awkward and gross to be typing about people who are right in front of you, so to speak... rhythm has the autonomy to make these decisions, but ideally if anyone does make a comment or conversation out of his experiences, then at least it might be constructive enough to inform or aid him in how he thinks about it so that he can use that autonomy to carefully and patiently and kindly grow as a person

poly once again is kinda nice :> keep being sweet and aware and sincere, or however else you like, whatever it is you think suits you <3


oh,, i was late lol

i dont really know very much abt you but,, wimpy nice too :> i wish your writing serves you well, explore and play with it how you like and observe how other people write too to inform yourself <3
I dont act in a way that suits me, I'm just... me. sometimes being me is good and other times is bad

uuuuuuuuuuuuh achromalia mega cool!!!!!!!1

Polyspora wrote:

I dont act in a way that suits me, I'm just... me. sometimes being me is good and other times is bad

uuuuuuuuuuuuh achromalia mega cool!!!!!!!1
thats fair, phrases like "i think it suits me" are weird and imprecise to refer to separate concepts entirely (the difference between "this behavior matches a role that i want to fill that describes/labels me" and "this is the behavior that simply reflects how i am and/or who i want to be"), but it was still my own inaccuracy anyway

the "you" that you are, though... this you may grow/change to be better at some things later on, and as i view it, often times thats influenced by what you prioritize/care about now-- perhaps its a matter of semantics but arguably i'm "just me" as well, being sincere even in the many ways i opt to find something that "suits me", or in how i find ways to suit other environments. i act a little differently in each occasion, but that's usually just me too, even if out-of-place and not originally sourced from who i appear to be

its because of me sincerely liking and expressing it that makes it "just me", i would think. the lack of forcing myself to like something i wouldn't, even if who i do like to represent from myself would take force to express. similarly, i imagine you being generally content to experience/respond how you already do instead of finding something artificially "suitable" to perform is still in itself "just you"-- these are products of our autonomous intent, and if you don't intend to be anyone other than you (the definition of which might vary? by this, i mean that you don't want to change yourself to emulate any characteristics of anyone else that aren't already part of your own selfhood, and in "being someone else", i mean to adopt the characteristics i genuinely want to express through mirroring how other people express them and then reshaping them how i like to)

or maybe we fundamentally perceive our own behavior differently? or if i'm mistaken about that, then i guess we simply behave fundamentally differently as i originally thought
-123 in the span of 15 minutes
partner in crime <3
gud artist <3
he reminds me of myself when i was younger despite there only being a two year age gap between us lol

so bright and happy, it's honestly really up-lifting or something to read what you post here. keep being goated reffty
train guy

sametdze wrote:

he reminds me of myself when i was younger despite there only being a two year age gap between us lol

so bright and happy, it's honestly really up-lifting or something to read what you post here. keep being goated reffty
keep being sheeped samet
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