TLDR: Give album recommendations and I'll listen to and share my thoughts on it. It'll probably take a while for me to get to your album though.
Albums listened to: 30
Total things listened to: 34
Music is always something I've been keen about, but I've never really gotten into listening to it outside of brief spurts. I've always wanted to really explore music, and this thread is my way of doing this.
Basically what'll happen is every day I'll pick an album to sit down and listen to. After doing so, I'll write some of my thoughts and give it a rating out of 10 based on how much I enjoyed it (not necessarily based on how good I thought it was, this is pretty much fully based on my personal taste in music). I probably won't be able to do this literally every day, so yeah I'll skip days here and there. I don't even really want to listen to music if I know I'm in a state where I don't want to listen to it because I feel like it'll lessen the experience (if that makes sense) so there'll probably be lots of days where I don't listen to an album because I just don't feel like it. Maybe an album a day is just too much for me because I am horrible with anything involving habits or duties or executive function, and this thread evolves into an album every once in a while.
This thread will serve as a record of all the albums I've listened to and also a record of my journey.
However, I hope this thread can be a thread not just for me, but for the people reading this as well, and become a place where we can share and talk about our music interests, as well as discover new music.
For the albums I will listen to, I am open to all suggestions. Any album that you list here I will add to the list below so I can listen to them in the future. I will also be listening to a lot of albums that I've discovered myself, as well as go through a bunch of albums I've listened to in the past to give them their due diligence. At this point in time, I am listening to an album recommended here every other day, moving my way down the list.
Here's the list of all the albums I've listened to so far:
Note 1: The order within each rating tier is just the order I listened to them in.
Note 2: The rating system was shifted around a lot in the past and will likely continue be shifted around, so what rating I gave an album when I listened to it might not match up with what I have it as currently. If so, the rating in the main post is the actual current rating, and the rating in the post about the album is the rating I gave it at the time. I will make a note of any significant opinion changes which change an album's rating on the post of the album though.

I'm also going to list my favourite from each category (Because I've barely started this isn't very interesting, but hopefully as I listen to more albums then this will become interesting)
Finally, a section for anything I've listened to that I'm not counting as an album.
Albums listened to: 30
Total things listened to: 34
Music is always something I've been keen about, but I've never really gotten into listening to it outside of brief spurts. I've always wanted to really explore music, and this thread is my way of doing this.
Basically what'll happen is every day I'll pick an album to sit down and listen to. After doing so, I'll write some of my thoughts and give it a rating out of 10 based on how much I enjoyed it (not necessarily based on how good I thought it was, this is pretty much fully based on my personal taste in music). I probably won't be able to do this literally every day, so yeah I'll skip days here and there. I don't even really want to listen to music if I know I'm in a state where I don't want to listen to it because I feel like it'll lessen the experience (if that makes sense) so there'll probably be lots of days where I don't listen to an album because I just don't feel like it. Maybe an album a day is just too much for me because I am horrible with anything involving habits or duties or executive function, and this thread evolves into an album every once in a while.
My personal rating scale
10 - My top 10 favourite albums.
9 - It was considered as a 10/10 but unfortunately it is not.
8 - One of my favourites, I want to listen to it again and again, but definitely not a 10/10 nor a 9/10. I'm still very interested in checking out the rest of the artist's discography.
7 - It was very epic and I liked the whole album, but not as much as a 8/10. I also don't feel like checking out the rest of the artist's discography, but I wouldn't be against it.
6 - It was kinda epic, but I didn't like it as much as an 7/10.
5 - It was cool I guess, still enjoyed it. I would be against checking out the rest of the artist's discography though.
4 - It was forgettable and left no impression but I ultimately still kinda enjoyed it.
3 - It left a slightly sour taste in my mouth.
2 - I have a straight up negative impression of this.
1 - My top 5 least favourite albums.
9 - It was considered as a 10/10 but unfortunately it is not.
8 - One of my favourites, I want to listen to it again and again, but definitely not a 10/10 nor a 9/10. I'm still very interested in checking out the rest of the artist's discography.
7 - It was very epic and I liked the whole album, but not as much as a 8/10. I also don't feel like checking out the rest of the artist's discography, but I wouldn't be against it.
6 - It was kinda epic, but I didn't like it as much as an 7/10.
5 - It was cool I guess, still enjoyed it. I would be against checking out the rest of the artist's discography though.
4 - It was forgettable and left no impression but I ultimately still kinda enjoyed it.
3 - It left a slightly sour taste in my mouth.
2 - I have a straight up negative impression of this.
1 - My top 5 least favourite albums.
This thread will serve as a record of all the albums I've listened to and also a record of my journey.
However, I hope this thread can be a thread not just for me, but for the people reading this as well, and become a place where we can share and talk about our music interests, as well as discover new music.
For the albums I will listen to, I am open to all suggestions. Any album that you list here I will add to the list below so I can listen to them in the future. I will also be listening to a lot of albums that I've discovered myself, as well as go through a bunch of albums I've listened to in the past to give them their due diligence. At this point in time, I am listening to an album recommended here every other day, moving my way down the list.
Suggestions from this thread
Gorillaz- Gorillaz
SECONDWALL - Beautiful Lie
william basinski - melancholia
xanopticon - liminal space
autechre - confield
Melt Your Eyez See Your Future by Denzel Curry
Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
hello kitty scrapbook - milk in the microwave!
“Music has the Right to Children” by Boards of Canada
the brat album
inabakumori - ANTICYCLONE
Eminiem - The Death of Slim Shady
Lupe Fiasco's Samurai
metallica's self titled album
paranore's riot! album
Synthion - Fairy Tale
kessoku band - kessoku band
celeste ost
you get what you give - zac brown band
wac - ongaku
Preacher’s Daughter - Ethel Cain
IOSYS - ワァオ! ハイパー電波チャン
xi - parousia
50 Cent - The Massacre
Stranger - Yung Lean
Magma - Kobaïa
goreshit - semantic composition on death and its meaning
Denzel Curry - King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2 (I might reject this depending on how much I liked the other Denzel Curry album)
Taylor Swift - Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
Chevy & HOYO-MiX - Inside EP
Kobaryo feat. Matatabi Sound System + Friends - HiTNEX ViRTUAL SHiFTERZ
Taylor swift first album ("Taylor swift" or something)
Linkin Park - Meteora, Minutes to Midnight
Dream and Reality by TUMENECO
hypochondriac - brakence
The Weeknd - Dawn FM
Fieh's III
Emerson Lake & Palmer - Tarkus (the song, not the album)
pearl jam - ten
Frederic Chopin "Etude op. 25"
Porter Robinson "Nurture" album
SECONDWALL - Beautiful Lie
william basinski - melancholia
xanopticon - liminal space
autechre - confield
Melt Your Eyez See Your Future by Denzel Curry
Kanye West - My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
hello kitty scrapbook - milk in the microwave!
“Music has the Right to Children” by Boards of Canada
the brat album
inabakumori - ANTICYCLONE
Eminiem - The Death of Slim Shady
Lupe Fiasco's Samurai
metallica's self titled album
paranore's riot! album
Synthion - Fairy Tale
kessoku band - kessoku band
celeste ost
you get what you give - zac brown band
wac - ongaku
Preacher’s Daughter - Ethel Cain
IOSYS - ワァオ! ハイパー電波チャン
xi - parousia
50 Cent - The Massacre
Stranger - Yung Lean
Magma - Kobaïa
goreshit - semantic composition on death and its meaning
Denzel Curry - King of the Mischievous South Vol. 2 (I might reject this depending on how much I liked the other Denzel Curry album)
Taylor Swift - Speak Now (Taylor's Version)
Chevy & HOYO-MiX - Inside EP
Kobaryo feat. Matatabi Sound System + Friends - HiTNEX ViRTUAL SHiFTERZ
Taylor swift first album ("Taylor swift" or something)
Linkin Park - Meteora, Minutes to Midnight
Dream and Reality by TUMENECO
hypochondriac - brakence
The Weeknd - Dawn FM
Fieh's III
Emerson Lake & Palmer - Tarkus (the song, not the album)
pearl jam - ten
Frederic Chopin "Etude op. 25"
Porter Robinson "Nurture" album
On what counts as an album for this thread and what things I want to avoid
First, I'm going to define an album as a piece of music or a series of pieces of music which has been published in some proper/official capacity, either physically (eg. as a disc) or on a streaming service (eg. youtube/spotify), and is titled and packaged as such. Another indicator if something is an album or not is if it has a square album cover.
For the length, I'm gonna say album has to have at least 5 tracks and be at least 15 minutes long, or be at least 30 minutes long with no track requirement. According to Wikipedia this is how The Recording Company defines album length for the Grammy Awards, but the link to the source is dead so idk. I like this arbitrary definition though, so I'm going to say anything less then this is definitively not an album.
Next, I'm going to set some soft rules for what I count as an album for the purposes of this thread.
First, I want to avoid any albums which are not recorded/published by the original composer of the music. Most notably, this would include most of classical music, because the guys that composed this stuff lived a billion years ago and died before they had access to the ability to record albums. This is because I don't want to rate 2 albums which are basically the same but different recordings, and especially with classical music where there's a billion albums with the same pieces on them, it feels wrong to just rank one of them in isolation and ignore the rest, and I'd rather give my thoughts about the piece itself, and not the specific performance of the piece.
Next, I want to avoid anything that's referred to as an EP. Even those these are technically albums according to my definitions, these usually less notable than "proper" albums, so I don't really want to listen to them for this thread. I'd rather stick to the stuff labelled and packaged as albums, because at the end of the day I can only listen to so many albums so I want to stick with the best and most notable ones.
Next, I want to avoid compilation albums and remix albums. Again, mostly because of the thing where I don't want to re-rate the same music, I'd rather just stick with the original versions of things.
If the album has a remastered version, I'm gonna count the remastered version and the original version as the same thing.
Same thing with deluxe or extended versions, I'll count them as the same thing as the original version, but the one I'll listen to will just be the one I find more accessible.
All of these soft rules can have exceptions. Especially with EPs, that's gonna be a super loose rule, it's mostly just so when I want to go through an artist's discography I don't feel the need to listen to every EP an artist has released and go over them in this thread. I'll probably just listen to them outside of this thread in a more casual manner, and maybe if I find something really noteworthy I'll talk about it here. Feel free to suggest any EPs and I'll listen to them.
Outside of that, if you want to suggest an album that falls into any of the other categories I've mentioned, feel free to do so. I'll probably still listen to it and give my thoughts and a rating, but I won't count it as an album. I'm especially interested in longform classical music, so those types of recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
One last thing, I don't really want to listen to albums from artists that I've already listened to in this thread who I didn't enjoy that much (like if their album is a 7/10 or lower for me). Again, this is because I can only listen to so many albums. If you suggest an album from an artist I didn't particularly enjoy, then you should also give a good reason alongside your recommendation for why this album is worth listening to even though I didn't enjoy their other album much, or I'll probably reject it.
One last last thing, for soundtracks, I'll count them as albums if they meet the criteria in the first paragraph of this section.
Damn this section is long lmao
For the length, I'm gonna say album has to have at least 5 tracks and be at least 15 minutes long, or be at least 30 minutes long with no track requirement. According to Wikipedia this is how The Recording Company defines album length for the Grammy Awards, but the link to the source is dead so idk. I like this arbitrary definition though, so I'm going to say anything less then this is definitively not an album.
Next, I'm going to set some soft rules for what I count as an album for the purposes of this thread.
First, I want to avoid any albums which are not recorded/published by the original composer of the music. Most notably, this would include most of classical music, because the guys that composed this stuff lived a billion years ago and died before they had access to the ability to record albums. This is because I don't want to rate 2 albums which are basically the same but different recordings, and especially with classical music where there's a billion albums with the same pieces on them, it feels wrong to just rank one of them in isolation and ignore the rest, and I'd rather give my thoughts about the piece itself, and not the specific performance of the piece.
Next, I want to avoid anything that's referred to as an EP. Even those these are technically albums according to my definitions, these usually less notable than "proper" albums, so I don't really want to listen to them for this thread. I'd rather stick to the stuff labelled and packaged as albums, because at the end of the day I can only listen to so many albums so I want to stick with the best and most notable ones.
Next, I want to avoid compilation albums and remix albums. Again, mostly because of the thing where I don't want to re-rate the same music, I'd rather just stick with the original versions of things.
If the album has a remastered version, I'm gonna count the remastered version and the original version as the same thing.
Same thing with deluxe or extended versions, I'll count them as the same thing as the original version, but the one I'll listen to will just be the one I find more accessible.
All of these soft rules can have exceptions. Especially with EPs, that's gonna be a super loose rule, it's mostly just so when I want to go through an artist's discography I don't feel the need to listen to every EP an artist has released and go over them in this thread. I'll probably just listen to them outside of this thread in a more casual manner, and maybe if I find something really noteworthy I'll talk about it here. Feel free to suggest any EPs and I'll listen to them.
Outside of that, if you want to suggest an album that falls into any of the other categories I've mentioned, feel free to do so. I'll probably still listen to it and give my thoughts and a rating, but I won't count it as an album. I'm especially interested in longform classical music, so those types of recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
One last thing, I don't really want to listen to albums from artists that I've already listened to in this thread who I didn't enjoy that much (like if their album is a 7/10 or lower for me). Again, this is because I can only listen to so many albums. If you suggest an album from an artist I didn't particularly enjoy, then you should also give a good reason alongside your recommendation for why this album is worth listening to even though I didn't enjoy their other album much, or I'll probably reject it.
One last last thing, for soundtracks, I'll count them as albums if they meet the criteria in the first paragraph of this section.
Damn this section is long lmao
Here's the list of all the albums I've listened to so far:
Note 1: The order within each rating tier is just the order I listened to them in.
Note 2: The rating system was shifted around a lot in the past and will likely continue be shifted around, so what rating I gave an album when I listened to it might not match up with what I have it as currently. If so, the rating in the main post is the actual current rating, and the rating in the post about the album is the rating I gave it at the time. I will make a note of any significant opinion changes which change an album's rating on the post of the album though.
Parannoul - After the Magic (Shoegaze, South Korean, 2023)
Radiohead - OK Computer (Alt-Rock, British, 1997)
wowaka - Unhappy Refrain (J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2011)
Lamp - ゆめ (Yume) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2014)
samlrc - A Lonely Sinner (Post-Rock, Brazilian, 2024)
Radiohead - OK Computer (Alt-Rock, British, 1997)
wowaka - Unhappy Refrain (J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2011)
Lamp - ゆめ (Yume) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2014)
samlrc - A Lonely Sinner (Post-Rock, Brazilian, 2024)
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (Rap, American, 2015)
Parannoul - To See the Next Part of the Dream (Shoegaze, South Korean, 2021)
C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Ambient, Videogame Soundtrack, German, 2011)
moff-P - High Collar Record (Shoegaze, J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2012)
Camellia - U.U.F.O. (Hardcore, Japanese, 2021)
Lamp - 恋人へ (For Lovers) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2004)
Various Artists - Mikgazer vol.1 (Shoegaze, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2012)
ZUTOMAYO - Hisohiso Banashi (J-Pop, Yakousei, Japanese, 2019)
Lamp - Genso (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2008)
C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Ambient, Videogame Soundtrack, German, 2011)
moff-P - High Collar Record (Shoegaze, J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2012)
Camellia - U.U.F.O. (Hardcore, Japanese, 2021)
Lamp - 恋人へ (For Lovers) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2004)
Various Artists - Mikgazer vol.1 (Shoegaze, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2012)
ZUTOMAYO - Hisohiso Banashi (J-Pop, Yakousei, Japanese, 2019)
Lamp - Genso (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2008)
MALIKLIYA - 誄:Condolence (Prog Metal, Japanese, 2019)
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, M.A.A.D City (Rap, American, 2012)
Braden Ross - Digilogue (Glitch Pop, American, 2023)
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (Industrial Rock, American, 2007)
Snail's House - Ordinary Songs (Future Bass, Japanese, 2016)
Kendrick Lamar - Good Kid, M.A.A.D City (Rap, American, 2012)
Braden Ross - Digilogue (Glitch Pop, American, 2023)
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (Industrial Rock, American, 2007)
Snail's House - Ordinary Songs (Future Bass, Japanese, 2016)
Massive Attack - Mezzanine (Trip-Hop, British, 1998)
Dear and the Headlights - Small Steps, Heavy Hooves (Indie Rock, American, 2007)
The Weeknd - After Hours (R&B, American, 2020)
Sweet Trip - A Tiny House, in Secret Speeches, Polar Equals (Dream Pop, American, 2021)
Dear and the Headlights - Small Steps, Heavy Hooves (Indie Rock, American, 2007)
The Weeknd - After Hours (R&B, American, 2020)
Sweet Trip - A Tiny House, in Secret Speeches, Polar Equals (Dream Pop, American, 2021)
Taylor Swift - 1989 (Deluxe) (Synth-Pop, American, 2014)
Green Day - American Idiot (Punk Rock, American, 2004)
Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Grunge, Alt-Rock, British, 1993)
Green Day - American Idiot (Punk Rock, American, 2004)
Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Grunge, Alt-Rock, British, 1993)
Three Days Grace - One-X (Alt-Metal, Canadian, 2006)
Stray Kids - 5-Star (K-Pop, South Korean, 2023)
Stephen Sondheim - Company (2018 London Cast Recording) (Musical, American, 2019)
Stray Kids - 5-Star (K-Pop, South Korean, 2023)
Stephen Sondheim - Company (2018 London Cast Recording) (Musical, American, 2019)
9mice - ASPHALT (Russian Hip-Hop, Russian, 2023)
none lol
none lol
I'm also going to list my favourite from each category (Because I've barely started this isn't very interesting, but hopefully as I listen to more albums then this will become interesting)
Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Grunge, Alt-Rock, British, 1993)
none lol
none lol
none lol
Radiohead - OK Computer (Alt-Rock, British, 1997)
Massive Attack - Mezzanine (Trip-Hop, British, 1998)
none lol
none lol
none lol
none lol
none lol
Lamp - 恋人へ (For Lovers) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2004)
none lol
Three Days Grace - One-X (Alt-Metal, Canadian, 2006)
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (Industrial Rock, American, 2007)
Lamp - Genso (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2008)
none lol
none lol
wowaka - Unhappy Refrain (J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2011)
Various Artists - Mikgazer vol.1 (Shoegaze, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2012)
none lol
Lamp - ゆめ (Yume) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2014)
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (Rap, American, 2015)
Snail's House - Ordinary Songs (Future Bass, Japanese, 2016)
none lol
none lol
ZUTOMAYO - Hisohiso Banashi (J-Pop, Yakousei, Japanese, 2019)
The Weeknd - After Hours (R&B, American, 2020)[/i
Camellia - U.U.F.O. [i](Hardcore, Japanese, 2021)
none lol
Parannoul - After the Magic (Shoegaze, South Korean, 2023)
samlrc - A Lonely Sinner (Post-Rock, Brazilian, 2024)
Radiohead - OK Computer (Alt-Rock, British, 1997)
Three Days Grace - One-X (Alt-Metal, Canadian, 2006)
C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Ambient, Videogame Soundtrack, German, 2011)
Dream Pop
Sweet Trip - A Tiny House, in Secret Speeches, Polar Equals (Dream Pop, American, 2021)
Future Bass
Snail's House - Ordinary Songs (Future Bass, Japanese, 2016)
Glitch Pop
Braden Ross - Digilogue (Glitch Pop, American, 2023)
Radiohead - Pablo Honey (Grunge, Alt-Rock, British, 1993)
Camellia - U.U.F.O. (Hardcore, Japanese, 2021)
Indie Rock
Dear and the Headlights - Small Steps, Heavy Hooves (Indie Rock, American, 2007)
Industrial Rock
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (Industrial Rock, American, 2007)
ZUTOMAYO - Hisohiso Banashi (J-Pop, Yakousei, Japanese, 2019)
wowaka - Unhappy Refrain (J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2011)
Stray Kids - 5-Star (K-Pop, South Korean, 2023)
Stephen Sondheim - Company (2018 London Cast Recording) (Musical, American, 2019)
samlrc - A Lonely Sinner (Post-Rock, Brazilian, 2024)
Prog Metal
MALIKLIYA - 誄:Condolence (Prog Metal, Japanese, 2019)
Punk Rock
Green Day - American Idiot (Punk Rock, American, 2004)
The Weeknd - After Hours (R&B, American, 2020)
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (Rap, American, 2015)
Russian Hip-Hop
9mice - ASPHALT (Russian Hip-Hop, Russian, 2023)
Lamp - ゆめ (Yume) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2014)
Parannoul - After the Magic (Shoegaze, South Korean, 2023)
Taylor Swift - 1989 (Deluxe) (Synth-Pop, American, 2014)
Massive Attack - Mezzanine (Trip-Hop, British, 1998)
Videogame Soundtrack
C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Ambient, Videogame Soundtrack, German, 2011)
wowaka - Unhappy Refrain (J-Rock, Vocaloid, Japanese, 2011)
ZUTOMAYO - Hisohiso Banashi (J-Pop, Yakousei, Japanese, 2019)
samlrc - A Lonely Sinner (Post-Rock, Brazilian, 2024)
Three Days Grace - One-X (Alt-Metal, Canadian, 2006)
C418 - Minecraft - Volume Alpha (Ambient, Videogame Soundtrack, German, 2011)
Lamp - ゆめ (Yume) (Shibuya-Kei, Japanese, 2014)
9mice - ASPHALT (Russian Hip-Hop, Russian, 2023)
South Korea
Parannoul - After the Magic (Shoegaze, South Korean, 2023)
United Kingdom
Radiohead - OK Computer (Alt-Rock, British, 1997)
United States of America
Kendrick Lamar - To Pimp a Butterfly (Rap, American, 2015)
Finally, a section for anything I've listened to that I'm not counting as an album.
Stuff I've listened to that I'm not counting as an album for whatever reason
Dvořák - Symphony No. 9 in E minor "From the New World" (Symphony, Romantic, Czech, 1893) [10/10]
Sushi Monsters - Black Pencil (single) [3/10]
porejiikt - い自分を 守- (single) [5/10]
Silva Hound - boo Hoo (Silva Hound Remix) (single) [4/10]
Sushi Monsters - Black Pencil (single) [3/10]
porejiikt - い自分を 守- (single) [5/10]
Silva Hound - boo Hoo (Silva Hound Remix) (single) [4/10]